Confusion, how Confusing: Chapter 3: Blinded by Pain

Story by Seers on SoFurry

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#3 of Confusion, how Confusing

Vex took a hard gulp, his mind racing with thoughts. "How would Uncle Danny react? Would he be fine with it? Would he get angry? I don't think he will, he's gay after all. He should be fine with it."

"Well... uh.." Vex started to stammer.

"Well, what? I don't have all day!" Danny said with a forceful tone.

" gosh.. I don't know how to say this..."

"Then don't, your wasting my time." Danny looked away from the troubled wolf and stared back at his television screen, losing interest in the conversation.

"I.. I'm..." Vex said in a low whisper.

Danny's ears perked up at the statement, a little surprised to hear this from the wolf, but, sadly, not enough for him to care.

"Okay." Danny said in a monotonous voice. "Anything else you want?"

Vex stared strangely at the older wolf, "Is that it? That's all you're going to say is, "Okay"?

"Yeah, basically." His uncle said very irritated tone, "Now get would ya? I'm watchin' my show.

"Your so... heartless.." Vex said clearly as he left the room. His uncle just seeming to ignore to comment. The young wolf took a few steps out of the living room and to the left. He slid down and sat against the wall crouched up next to a china cabinet filled with plates.

Vex had realized that his uncle didn't care about him; he didn't care what he did, who he was, or how he lived. He took him in under Josh's request because he for one actually had a heart and felt bad for Vex in his situation. The pup was young, age 3, had no home, his only remaining family was the nasty uncle himself, and seemed to be starving. Vex started to sob into his forearms as the horrible thoughts went through his head. Slowly the canine stood up, eyes red with tears. He stumbled over to his basement door and descended the staircases.

The act of climbing down the stairs took him almost a literal five minutes, trembling from the emotional stress put upon him from the lack of attention. He lived in a basement, it wasn't bad of an environment itself but the fact that he had was mentally forced to stay down here was the problem. This place allowed him to avoid his uncle, therefore keeping his privileges in tact so he never really got a chance to get grounded.

Vex reached the door of the bedroom. "Why am I so bummed at this? He didn't get mad or upset. I should be happy...." The canine said in an upset tone. He sat down in a lounge chair that was in the corner of his room, he pulled it away from the wall so he could recline it. Laying back in the chair Vex gave a sigh, but it was more of a sigh of relief, letting the moment pass as he put it behind him. Closing his eyes, Vex slowly drifted off to sleep in the chair.

A high pitch tune startled Vex, waking him up abruptly. "God damn, stupid cell phone." Vex took a big yawn and stretched feeling the slight pain sleeping in the chair had brought to his back. He looked around the room, still hearing the ringing, only to find out it was still in his pocket. The canine pulled the phone out and stared at it. It had stopped ringing. With a skillful flick of his wrist the lid popped open. One miss call, it read. He went further into the phone searching where the call had come from. It was from Al. Noting this, the wolf looked at the time on the phone, it was 6:58. School started at 7:40, he didn't have much time. He quickly got up and went over to his dresser, throwing off his pajamas and putting on a new set of clothes. Vex didn't have time to shower, instead he just brushed his teeth thoroughly, grabbed his backpack and ran up the stairs. Opening his phone he added Al's number to his number one speed dial button. He pressed it and jogged down the hall to the front door, opening the front door and closing it behind him as it was wringing.

"Hey, Vex." Al said answering the phone.

"Sorry I missed your call, I just woke up."

"No problem, need a ride?"

"Yeah, that'd be a big help."

"Okay, I'm already pretty close to your house, was about to pull into the school parking lot. I'll be right there."

"Mmmk, great." Vex said in a happy tone.

"So what did you call about?" The wolf said curiously.

"Just wanting to say good morning."

"Oh, I see."

"K, I'll be there soon."

"Can't wait." Vex said as he closed the phone.

Al took a left onto Danbarry and made his way through turns in the road getting lost a bit but finally finding the right street. He cruised down the street slowly, trying to remember where his boyfriend's house was. The cat saw the house, it was obviously the one with Vex sitting on the front porch. Al rolled down the window as he started pulling into the driveway.

"Heya, hottie."

Vex gave him a broad smile. "Hey!" He jumped up and ran to the passenger side of the car, pulling the handle but it didn't open. A moment later he heard a click as the door unlocked and he pulled the handle again, this time it opened. He jumped in and strapped is seatbelt on, then looked over and gazed into his lover's eyes. "You have the prettiest eyes, Al....", Al blushed at the comment and replied in a friendly smile.

Al threw the car into reverse, and skillfully jetted out of the driveway driving quickly down the road. Vex glanced over at the clock on the car, it read 7:24. It didn't take long for Al to pull into the school parking lot due to Vex guiding him through the streets. Vex took another glance at the car clock, it was 7:32 now, plenty of time to make it to class. Al reached over and hugged the canine kissing him oh so tenderly. At about 7:34 the obsessed lover's slid apart and opened their doors, stepping out of the car. They locked paws and walked towards the building.



"I don't care if people know about us." He said confidently.

"I don't either." The cat said smiling back at the wolf, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.

The couple reached the bridge that led to the front door of the school. They held their paws tightly as they walked through the crowd. They received many stares and heard a lot of people whispering as they walked by. But surprisingly the two kept their cool, knowing that they didn't care of what everyone else thought. This was surprising since he had just admitted to himself that he was gay, and was already ready for everyone to know it. He was proud. They reached the front door and Al took a sigh of relief as he knew he could now handle the pressure of others looking strangely at him.

They heard the two minute warning bell for school to start, they quickly walked down to civics class, still holding their paws tightly while walking past friends of theirs and complete strangers, all gawking at the pair. "Thank god it's a Wednesday, huh Al?" Al nodded as they entered the civics room door and took their seats.

For Wednesdays in their school they got what was called a "short day". This basically cut every class time in half and they got out of school a few hours earlier. Instead of classes lasting fifty minutes they last thirty-five minutes. This was always good cause after today they didn't have school for an entire week and a half, due to something the teachers called "Special Spring Break" basically taking over what used to be Easter Break.

Civics passed with a flash due to Vex's temptation of always starting at the cat's rump, which seemed to flutter around a bit more than usual today. Before he knew it he was walking out of the class room and had his arm around Al's waist. Al's tail cupped around Vex's hip as the two walked together and went off to their next class, which sadly they didn't have together.

After numerous amounts of boring, uninteresting, and unmentioned minutes the two were out in the parking lot getting into Al's car for off campus lunch.

"Having a good day so far?" Vex asked as he got in the car.

"Pretty good, you?" Al replied.

"Boring, but knowing I get to spend lunch with you makes it all worth it."

"Aww, you're so sweet", Al said while rubbing the wolf's muzzle. "If we hurry we can still make breakfast times."

"Okay, let's go."

Al drove off with yet another swift performance of backing up nimbly and speeding down the street as they made their way to a fast food restaurant.

"What do you want?" Al asked.

"Um... I'll just have a biscuit, plain."

"Okay", he said rolling down his window and pulling up to the fast food intercom.

A voice came on. "What can I get for you today?"

"Um... I'll take two plain biscuits please."

"That all?"


"Okay, second window. Your cost is two dollars."

The car rolled forward and rounded the building, passing by the first window and stopped behind a car that was already at the second window. About seven seconds later the car moved on and they took its place. The window opened and a man wearing a headset with a microphone attached to it reached out his hand, waiting for the two dollars. Al opened a compartment between him and Vex and took out two dollars and handed it to the man. He stepped away for a moment and came back with a bag, handed it to the cat, and closed the window.

The cat drove on and took a spot in the parking lot. He opened the back and handed one of them to Vex.

"Thanks." Vex said.

"Heh, no problem."

"Want me to pay you back?"

"No, it's fine."

Vex unbuckled his seatbelt and climbed over to sit in the cat's lap. The cat was taken aback at first but then took a piece of his biscuit and fed it to the wolf, rubbing it around his lips before sliding it in. Vex smiled as he chewed the bit and fed some of his to Al. Al gave him a devilish smirk and laid the wolf's body across his, leaning his head against the car window. He caressed the wolf's tummy as he fed his biscuit to the wolf slowly, who was panting at the rubbing. Vex wrapped his arms around cat hugging him as his treatment pursued until he had consumed all of Al's biscuit. Vex handed Al his biscuit as he sat up, back to the original position he was in when he crawled over to the cat. Al ate the biscuit rather quickly and then stared at the clock, it was 10:46, they had about twenty four minutes before class started, so they had some time to spare, and Al wanted to use it wisely.

Vex however, was one step ahead of him, he grabbed the back of the cat's head with one paw and the other was up his shirt rubbing the fur in the middle of his chest. Al leaned forward into Vex's muzzle and started to kiss him passionately. He teased Vex's lips with his tongue and refused to make contact with the wolf's tongue, making him desire it more and more. Finally Vex caught the nimble tongue with his and wrapped around it fiercely. The tongues danced around as they felt one another's mouth.

Vex broke the kiss and straddled the cat, getting into a better position to continue kissing. He could feel a slight bulge under his cheeks as he sat down tenderly on the cat's lap. Vex smiled anxiously and pursued into the cat's muzzle. Vex gazed into the cat's sky blue eyes, feeling his own twinkle in admiration. Vex's other paw slid down further, touching the tip of the cat's "stiffy".

"Let us save the rough stuff for later..." Al said with a wink.

Vex got the message and the two made out for another good ten minutes.

Al finally broke the kiss, the both were panting hard due to only being able to get air through their nostrils for the past ten minutes, and barely breathing anyways because the beat of their hearts were pumping so quickly. "Well, we better get back to school..." Vex said as he broke the kiss, looking a bit disappointed while doing so.

"Yeah, you're probably right."


Al chuckled a bit, and he started the car and drove quite slowly this time. Vex could tell he was in the cat's mind, but not knowing what he was in his mind about, however.

The car stopped, and they pulled into their usual parking spot and stepped out of the Lexus. The two furs clasped hands and made yet another trip across the bridge of crowded furs. They made it again, finding this time it was a lot easier, thought it might have been the fact that there were a lot less people. The canine and feline reached the front door, they opened it together and they hugged, each turning a different direction. "Cya after school!" Al called as he walked off. Vex waved as he had forgotten that Al was coming over after school, this made the day get even better.

Vex rounded the corner and a familiar red blur appeared in front of him.

"Hey, Jeremy."

"Hey, Vex, so did you come up with an answer?" The fox asked with curious eyes.

"Well, yeah, I did. I'm seeing someone right now... If we weren't going together, trust me I'd say yes in a heartbeat, but...for right now... we'll just have to put it on hold."

The fox's mood dropped quickly and he hung his head in shame, "You found someone already...? Probably a muscle stud, am I right?"

"Actually... It's Al."

"Oh... I see, I guess I'll see you later" Jeremy said as he rushed quickly off eyes full of tears.

Vex hung his head, as he slowly walked down the hall stopping in front of his classroom, his muzzle pointing straight towards the ground. A certain snow leopard seemed to appear out of nowhere.

"Hey Vex!" He said quite loudly, startling Vex.

"H...Hey Brad" Vex said, catching his breath. "Don't scare me like that."

"Eh, sorry." The leopard said, rubbing the back of his head while he had a goofy grin on his face.

"Why you so down, Vex?"

"Well, Jeremy asked me out, but I had to tell him no, cause I'm going out with Al." Vex said this unwittingly, forgetting that Brad was a jock, and that he hadn't told him that he was gay yet.

However, Brad seemed to not be bothered back, and gave him a few words of encouragement before walking off. Vex sighed, and opened the door to his classroom and stepped in silently. After another series of long unmentioned classes the school day had finally started to come to an end.

Vex ran off to the parking lot as soon as he heard the bell ring, arriving before Al did. He saw Al and waved happily as the cat walked over to him, giving him a tight hug before leading him to the car. They did their normal routine of a little kissing, and then the drive back home where Vex had to lead the cat to his house. Vex gave the cat another kiss and a hug and stepped out of the car, walking to the front door, only to feel the grasp of the kitty around his stomach. He smiled as he opened the door, dragging his lover along with him.

"Well, this is the door towards my room, as he said opening it and leading him down the stairwell."

"It's nice" Al said as he looked at the carpeting of the stairs and a few pictures on the walls.

They reached the door to Vex's room.

"Well, this is my room." He pushed the door open and they both stepped in.

"Wow, you have such a big room, and you have your own bathroom too." Al said while looking around, taking special note of the private bathroom.

"Thanks, I should have cleaned up a bit though" Vex commented as he started throwing stuff in drawers.

Al smiled, watching the wolf bend down to pick up objects, watching his tail wag happily as he did so. Al felt his sheath stir as he watched the rump of the wolf. Al walked over slowly, stopping the wolf from picking up any more and pushed him over to the bed, leaning him down and straddling he kissed him with force.

Vex lifted the cat's shirt off, admiring the strength and shape of his chest, having time to pay attention for the first time. Al purred lightly, but stopped when he felt Vex start to slide out of his grip and stand up. Vex walked over to the bathroom door and flipped a switch next to it. The lights went out and Al could hear the sounds of pants unzipping and a shirt sliding off. Al's eyes were slowly adjusting and he crawled and stretched across Vex's bed. He slid off his pants and boxers, kicking them across the room, landing somewhere in the floor. Vex walked over to the bed and sat down by the cat, who was lying down. He leaned over and locked muzzles with Al, slowly caressing his lips with his tongue.

"Do it." Al stated, knowing he was thinking the same thing as the wolf.

Vex laid on top of Al his member at his full nine inches. He straddled Al and touched the tip of his cock against the feline's tailhole.


"Yeah, I think so."

With that Vex poked his head into the virgin hole. Al moaned loudly. Vex slowly pushed in a little further, hearing the cries of Al and hesitated. The wolf pushed another two inches in. "Oooh... that feels so amazing..." Al cried. Al started to pant and moan heavily, feeling the cock intrude slowly into his tailhole. As Vex pushed in a tad more he clinched his cheeks hard against the cock, causing him to take a lot of pain. Vex hearing the yelps stopped and stared at the cat with a sympathetic look; the cat gave him a slight nod to proceed as his grip on the member loosened. As the canine pushed the remaining inches slowly into the cat he could feel the tightness of the virgin ass.

He started to make his way out, pulling on the innards of the cat, causing him to moan and purr uncontrollably. Vex pulled out until he had about two inches still remaining in the feline and then pushed back in. Slowly pushing in and out, quickening the pace as he could tell Al was getting more comfortable with the intruding member. Vex started to quicken his pace rapidly, getting to the point where he was ramming into the feline's tailhole. Vex could feel his knot starting to grow, since he was a canine. Al clinched the bed sheets, claws extended, poking small holes into them where he grasped. Panting loudly started to moan as he was now starting to feel the knot of the wolf tap against his ass.

"Here goes." Vex said and rammed the now full size knot into the cat, causing many moans of pain and pleasure shoot through the cat's now aching tailhole. Al could feel Vex's heartbeat pound as the knot slowly stretched the lower part of his hole, easing the pain of the cock slowly massaging his insides. Vex was now trembling flinching with each thrust, feeling his climax about to hit him. Vex tried to warn the feline, but all that came out was a moan as the seed filled the cat's innards. Al moaned and squirmed a bit as he could feel the cum oozing down his insides. Vex collapsed as he lost the ability to hold himself up after his load released, making him exhausted. He slid his cock out of the cat's tailhole and kissed the feline tenderly.

Al broke the kiss, "Th...Tha...That was... incredible." he slowly moaned out.

"I... I love you, Al..."

Al was taken aback by the statement, and kissed Vex back as a reply.

Vex slid his mouth from the kittens and came down to the cock. He licked it slowly, rubbing his rough tongue across the bottom portion of the shaft, running it slowly up to the tip, sticking the tip of his tongue inside of the hole. Al moaned and purred, already knowing that his climax was close to the sheer smell of the wolf's scent. Al placed both of his paws on Vex's head, forcing Vex to part his maw and take in a few inches of the cat's cock. Vex's tongue circled around the middle part of the feline's member, making Al starting to buck, and letting out loud moans of pleasure. Vex pushed all the way down on the dick, and started to bob his head slowly. The canine took in a giant sniff of the feline's scent, the aroma was mesmerizing, the smell of it made Vex lust more and he bobbed his head uncontrollably.

Al came a few moments later, causing Vex to gag but he was too blinded by the scent to stop, he continued to bob his head, cum gushing out between his lips running down Al's shaft dripping onto his orbs. Vex sucked hard on the cock, pulling back up any cum that was still remaining in reach of his tongue or still inside of his muzzle.

Al pulled the wolf off of his member slowly, and pulled the canine into a long embrace. Al laughed at the sight of the wolf's face. It was covered in cum, running down his chin and smeared all over his lips. The feline licked the cum off of the wolf's face, it tasted more bland than, most likely because of the fact that it was his own, but it was nothing compared to the wolf's, which he had tasted the day before, still remembering the sweet taste of every drop.

The two spooned together, laying there for seem like hours. Vex rubbed the cat's chest, causing wild purrs to release from the cat's muzzle. The two of them purred in comfort of the other's embrace, as Al slowly fell asleep. Vex petted him, lying his head right next to his lover's. Minutes later the two were fast asleep, being embraced by one another.

Al had awakened first. Slowly stretching and feeling the ongoing embrace of his lover. He slid out of the hold, hearing the loud snores of Vex as he decided to let his lover sleep. He could feel some of the cum still sliding around his tailhole as he sat up, some of it dripping onto the bed spread. He walked over and turned on a lamp next to the bed, and rummaged around for his clothes. The feline slipped on his boxers and pants, then got his shirt from the foot of the bed and walked over to the bed. He started to climb the staircase, opening the door at the top.

As he exited out of the door he felt a gaze drop upon him, he looked to the right to see a head poking out of the kitchen, it was that of a certain gray wolf, followed by another head looking around which was that of a white cat. Al smiled and started to walk towards the two, talking as he was walking.

"Oh, hi, I'm Al."

His only response was a low growl, coming from the gray wolf.

"Why are you here?"

"I was just hanging out with Ve-"

"I don't care why you're here or who you are, but you need to get the fuck out of my house little boy."

"But you just said-"

"And I also said get the fuck out of my house" the uncle yelled raising his voice.

The cat was puzzled, he didn't know how to respond to this, and he started to see why Vex hated his uncle. The wolf ran towards Al in an enraged charge. He grasped the cat by the back of his neck with his open-clawed paw. The feline whelped in pain as the paw dragged him towards the door.

"Josh, door!" Danny yelled. Josh obediently followed his orders and opened the door wide.

Danny literally threw Al out of the house, causing his shoulder to scrape against the concrete of the front porch. Al heard his flesh rip and something crack. He scrambled up and ran towards his car, pulling his keys out of his pocket, unlocking his car and leaving all in about fifteen seconds.

Danny was furious, for no notable reason at all. He ran towards the garage and came back with a power drill, a piece of metal with a hole in each corner, and four screws. He ran over to the basement door and started to hold the metal piece up to the opening of the door and the wall, where the two left holes covered the door and the two right holes were on the wall. He took a screw out and placed it in the upper right corner, using the power drill to drive it into the wall. He continued this until all four screws were in tight. He stormed off to the garage, slamming the tool back in its place and returned to admire what he had just done.

After all the commotion Vex had still not woken until about an hour later. He opened his eyes, only to find his bed empty, and no sign of Al. Al's clothes were gone, and there was nothing but a few hairs on his bed that even showed he had been there. His mind started to think the worst, had Al only done this just to stand him up on the first night? Did Al just want to get in his pants and want nothing more to do with him? Vex felt betrayed, as he got up and searched around for his phone. It was in his jean pocket. With yet another skillful flick the lid popped open and he pressed the On button, his phone was dead. He closed it with a sigh and sat down on the edge of his bed. He cupped his paws over his eyes, and wept.