Jake Clawson and Chance Furlong's After Hours Reprieve...

Story by kaleemmcintyre on SoFurry

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Story request featuring the SwatKats!

Jake and Chance, or rather Razor and T-Bone respectfully, had had another rough one protecting Mega Kat City and now were flying in on home back to the hanger. Though today had not been as rough as it could have been, thankfully only two bank robberies and one attempted case of arson had to be foiled, yet it still left the two cats mentally and physically exhausted. Jake in particular was looking forward to doing nothing more than stripping out of his watch gear and taking a long catnap once they got back home.

The smaller of the two cats by nature, Jake was the thinker and more prone to getting slight cases of headaches whenever missions ran on for longer than they shoulder, or whenever he was particularly anxious out on a watch run. Today had been enough to give the cat a mild head pounding and looking in back of his co-pilot and best friend Chance, Jake was more than ready to call it a day and spend some quality time with the other bigger feline.

Or rather underneath him.

One of the things about Mega Cat city's most valiant vigilance duo was that they had been together long enough to boundary between 'friends' and 'lovers'. While the two of them had been in the academy and then the police forces, back before their colossal fuck up/heroic effort that had saved the entire city from Dark Kat, the two had been able to keep their respectful distance from one another to maintain professionalism. However, after their 'fall from grace' and subsequent banishment from the force, both Jake and Chance had quickly found themselves in each other's arms when weeks spent together in the junk yard meant no one was around to judge the little touches and looks that they unconsciously passed between one another.

It started simply, as most things had a way of starting, with both Jake and Chance finding themselves awake at odds hours of the nights as their bodies were still on the time schedule of the Enforces duty roster. That often left the two cats grumbling and staring into the TV while their bodies twitched some in expectancy for a call to come in and send them out into the field. It took weeks for that habit to deaden enough in the two felines just so that they could have a peaceful night's rest and also one of the reasons that the Swat Katz had come into existence.

However, it was also one of the events that brought the two closer together. Spending nights up and looking at boring black and white reruns of old classics often left the two sitting side-by-side on their worn out sofa, both Jake and Chance found themselves lying on top of one another while in half awake zone outs that left them unaware of the closeness of the two of them.

It was only after waking up with one of the two of them lying on top of the other that made Jake and Chance realize just how familiar they were with each other. And from there it went to buying each other's favorite cat treat at the store to bumping into each other while sharing the single bathroom/shower between them to one day finding out about their 'shared' fetish.

That part had come a little bit uneasily as every cat in the world loved to be clean and hated the idea of being messy and ill kept. So what was the reason that both Jake and Chance both loved to get dirty and filthy by sharing a bath full of mud between one another, if not that the two of them were mates-in-the-making? And the oddest way for the two of them to have found out was when they both had walked in on each other in the back portion of the junk yard, well away from prying eyes, only to find one another half naked and readying to jump in a large pool of brown watery earth between each other.

Jake/Razor shuddered as he thought about how both he and Chance/T-Bone had gotten close to one another while swimming around together in the brown muck that was both clean and dirty at the same time. The much slimmer cat had to hiss and bite at his lower lip when he felt his cup grow uncomfortable as his sheath filled up. Riding around aroused in the skies all day and thinking about his mate in front of him, probably equally as physically excited as he was, usually left Jake on the edge and eagerly waiting for the time when the both of them could call it quits for the day.

Having a day job with the garage made it so that the two cats were forced patrol in the afternoon and evenings so as not to be caught 'off duty' since the two of them were supposed to be paying their debt to the Enforces from that bombing incident, way back when. Thankfully, nobody really came around to check up on them and the only real customers they had were that old lady with the broken down car they had to repair every other month, Mrs. Briggs, who Chance had come to realize that he was attracted to only on a biological level after she had tried to hit on Jake one time to many, much to Jake's chagrin, and a few other loyal patrons.

And yet, there was nothing like getting back home, flying the Turbo Kat back into the hanger, piloting down their bird and then hopping out and onto the ground and hugging up into each other to end the day just purrrfectly. And this day was no different.

"I love you," Jake rumbled once he got down onto the ground and then watched his mate jumped down next to him.

The bigger cat lifted his arms and took his smaller 'buddy' into his embrace before replying to the other, "Love you the same little buddy."

Jake could only roll his eyes behind his mask as he fought off a chuckle that always came up into his throat as he listened to the other cat call him by that abhorrent nickname. Having gotten it back when the two first knew each in the police force Jake had sadly be unable to shake chance from calling him 'little buddy' ever since. Even after finding out how much they really cared about one another and unifying their bodies together under the sheets hadn't kept the bigger cat from calling him this.

"Aww, Chance." Jake sighed before purring mirthfully and then laughing up at the other.

"You know you love it." Chance puffed up proudly and curled his tail around to brush it against his lover's legs.

"I do, but one day I will get you to call me something else."

"I call you kitten all the time."

"Yeah, but that's usually when we're doing 'other things'. And speaking of other things," The lithe cat left the statement open and ground the side of his hip into Chance's groin.

The larger cat grumbled affectionately before he knelt and scooped his mate up into both of his arms. Weight much more than the other cat and making sure that Jake would never forget it, Chance loved to show off his strength by carrying the other feline around and nuzzling him incessantly.

"Yeah, I think today would be a good day to get some much needed stress relief as well." Chance already knew what Jake was hinting at and the thought sent shivers down the bigger cat's spine.

"Maybe this time I'll get you to bend over and show off that nice looking tail for me?" Jake asked while cuddling up and rubbing his head into Chance's uniform, right directly over the other's thrumming heart.

"Sure." Chance quipped and Jake hid his laugh as he realized that the bigger feline was still not used to being on the 'bottom' between them.

Since they were both males, both equally wanted to share the dominant role, or rather Jake wanted to while Chance only ever wanted to be between the other cat's legs so that he could drive the thickness between his legs into Jake over and over again. And though Jake had no problem with this, his tailhole ached at the moment in eagerness to feel his mate above and inside of him, sometimes the smaller cat needed to be the 'dominant' one.

Chance made his way down the hall way, letting the automatic sensors in the hanger switch off the lights for him since he had his hands full, and then made his way to where both he and Jake had installed a specialized room just for the two of them. Getting to the door to their little sanctuary and nudging it open with his foot, both cats purred as the scent of earth and water rushed along their noses. Two pair of hidden eyes watched the slowly bubbling mass of mud churn in the oversized mini pool that they had made.

The mud bath always stayed and got cleaned out once a week and was always preheated and ready for them at anytime the two needed a moment to relax between them. While it was sometimes a bitch to get the watery earth out of their fur afterwards, a shower was always necessary to keep their fur from clumping together, both Jake and Chance loved to spend hour and after just soaking while listening to the rumble of the heating system that they used to keep everything nice and regulated for them. There was nothing like the feeling of the solidity of the earth and water mixed together as it ran all along their bodies while it tugged and drained the tension out of their backs and relieving them of the toxins that everyday life seemed to be full of from the stress that the two of them faced because of their day and night jobs, the junk that the manufactures put into the foods and some of their internal bodily fluids that got stored and backed up inside of them in the wrong places.

Today was not going to be any different as Chance set Razor/Jake down onto the floor and leisurely helped the smaller cat out of his flight armor. Jake groaned as large fingers lifted his helmet up from off of his head and then helped him to unfasten, unbuckle, unzip and finally shuffle out of his uniform. And for every inch of brownish-russet fur that was revealed to him Chance meowed into the back of his throat. Purrs and meows seeped free from the larger cat's throat as he leaned down to lick his tongue out over Jake's nipples and nibble at the other man's chest.

For his part, Jake just stood there and let it happen as his mate laved over him with the kind of tenderness and affection that Chance had trouble dealing with sometimes. Growing up as he had and dealing with life in his own particular manner, Chance was not the most expressive about thoughts and feelings and that often meant that Jake had to take whatever he could get from the other when he was comfortable enough. Knowing that when Chance got him his preferred brand of milk from the corner store in town the bigger feline was trying to express himself without words, Jake had quickly learned to read the other man's gestures and actions instead of his mouth noises.

And when Chance nuzzled his nose into his cup Jake knew that his mate wanted him and...wanted him bad. The quick little flicks of Chance's tongue against the underside of his jock made Jake hiss and arch his tail as he lowered a hand down so he could stroke his lover's head. Right between his ears Jake let his claws scratch out across Chance's scalp as he began to swing his hip back and forth while bucking into the lager feline's teasing nips.

"C-Chance...don't...not until..." Jake gasped and rolled his tongue out between his lips.

Hidden eyes looked up at him and then Chance pulled himself up so that he could smirk down at the other cat. "I know," Fingers reached underneath his helmet and soon T-Bone revealed the handsome face of the rugged looking Chance Furlong to the world.

The bigger Tom cat rolled his shoulders around and tried to remove some of the kinks that had built up from sitting so long in the Turbo Kat, and once that was done he looked down at his lover and smiled adoringly to him. "Someone wanted my tail, right?" Jake nodded passionately while slowing down his ragged breathing. "Then come on little buddy, let's get into the pool."

Jake turned on his heel and moved to get both of the sandals that they kept in a locker over on the other side of the room and then rushed back to Chance just in time to see the other man strip out of his jock and cup. The sight of the much more muscular lines underneath Chance's fur made Jake hard and eager to run his fingers along every contour of the bigger feline's form. His dark eyes greedily drank in the sight of Chance as the other cat moved over to him and then rubbed over his sweat soaked chest to make dew drops spring forth from off his pectorals. Jake felt his mouth go dry from the display and his tongue become thickened as lust, need and want all circled inside of his body and then down to his groin.

"Uh-uh, bath first," Chance teased, running one of his hands down over Jake's rear globes to curl his fingers into the other cat's buttock.

"C-Chance...you..." The bigger feline just laughed and swatted Jake playfully before going to step one foot into the warm, bubbling mud bath.

Jake hissed and then growled as he turned on his heel and then tackled the other man at his back. Now because of their relevant sizes it should have been impossible for Jake to do what he did, however being the master martial artist he was, and knowing just where Chance was most unsteady at, the smaller cat was able to bow guard the other man with his shoulder at just the right angle which caught Chance off balance and then sent the two of them plummeting into the waist high muck.

Chance, being who he was, instantly let his body grow taunt after getting slashed, and having Jake bounce off of his back, then rose up and pounced on the other cat. A tidal wave of brown mud rose up and then crashed back into the pool as Jake was forced down by the larger mass of his lover. The two disappeared underneath the mudline and then popped back up tangled together while covered from head to toe in goopy water and earth.

Chance growled and shook his head while touching all over his smaller mate and letting Jake know without words how glad he was to be with him. And to how much he could dominate the smaller man without having to try.

Jake equally returned his love and care for the bigger feline while also using his smaller body to throw his lover down and onto his back to pin him.

It was strange to see how the two men writhed and rolled around like kittens in a sand box as they fought against each other's strength. Jake's knowledge of martial arts against Chance's vigorous zeal made for an interesting match between the two of them as they kicked out and flailed around, sending mud flying around the room every which away. Tails flicked behind them while muscles strained to withstand the cunning and unrelenting of the two males who cared for one another more than life itself.

Ten minutes slipped in thirty and then an hour before Jake and Chance called a halt to their mutual game. Hard pants left out from between both of their muck covered lips as the two cats swept their hands over their faces to clean off some. When they could finally blink and see one another both felines looked down to find that every inch of each other was covered in beautiful brown mud.

"You're beautiful, Jake." Chance admitted, a blush quickly forming onto his face.

"You do as well. I especially think the ways the lines of your chest stick out are a real turn on." Jake reached a hand up and then traced patterns throughout Chance's torso and all along his pectorals.

The bigger cat purred and leaned back with his arms spread out over the rim of the edge of the pool while watching his lover make strange figures along his body.

Silence spread out between the two of them, save for the occasional bubbling that went on inside of the pool sized bath, yet neither cat had anything to complain over. This was the time and moment when the two of them had to release their inhibitions from everyday's trials and tribulations. These were the moments that the two cats loved the most and took every second to glorify in as they basked in the unadulterated presence of one another. Dark eyes looked both up and down as Chance and Jake fell in love with each other all over again while there next to the other.

Being that close and sharing in the affections of his lover Chance lowered himself at the same time that Jake raised himself up so that he could lock his lips with the smaller cat. Tongue swap with each other and the two grunted from the grainy taste of warm earth between them before letting their saliva coat inside of their maws to wash the taste away so that there was nothing but the other between them. Chance's larger hands moved down and around to cup at Jake's rump and brought the other man up closer to him until his scent was left with nothing save runny earth and Jake Clawson's heavy musk.

Jake, to his credit, let his body grow slack as his mate sucked the breath out of him without protest. His entire soul seemed to yearn to have Chance as close to him as feasibly possibly, and then a little closer still. All the smaller cat could have hoped for more was to be able to share himself completely with his lover to make the moment perfect and by the blessings of the Creator he got his wish when his felinecock throbbed inside of his ruined jock in desperation for Chance. A large tent rose up to run along the plains of the bigger feline's chest and at feeling the mess on Chance Jake pulled his head back from the other growl in need into his mate's face.

"You want me, little buddy?" Jake nodded and Chance purred. "Alright then,"

Chance slowly lowered his mate down back into the pool, turned around to show Jake his impressively defined backside and then lowered himself down so as to be able to stick his rump up in the air. Turning his head to regard the other cat Chance winked hotly at the smaller feline which then sent Jake's temperature skyrocketing. Deft hands flexed and curled as Jake reached down to rub the mass of caked on mud over and along Chance's behind before moving to wipe the muck away from off of the underside of the other's tail end.

While the two of them did enjoy the feel of warm mud all along their bodies, the substance between them often made things 'grainy' while mating together. Thankfully, a little rough love was welcomed and Jake wasted little time, once he could see between his mate's glutes, running a hand over and along his cock, jock having been removed when Jake turned over, to pump himself to full hardness. Leaning up over the bigger Tom cat and hugging himself into Chance, Jake ground the tip of his felinecock into his mate and then pressed forward once he found himself on target.

The pair hissed together as Jake's thin, but full hard on spread Chance's tight rump open.

"Chance...you're so..." Jake groaned the rest of what he tried to say as he pressed deeper and harder into his lover.

"I-I know...little buddy..." Chance felt his own cock slip in through some of the mud beneath as and then run up against the wall leading to the rim of the pool.

The two hissed and panted into each other's ears as furry hips pressed up into one another. Jake's cock, while not the most dangerous weapons a cat could have, had enough length on it that it sliced through Chance with the kind of skill that a piercing sword could achieve. It took the smaller male several minutes before he could completely stand back-to-chest with his mate, yet once he did Jake rubbed his face into the back of Chance's neck and then purred heavily as he down at his lover.

"I'm all in Chance." Jake said more to himself than to his mate.

"I know..." Chance let out a throaty groan before pushing his hips back some and forcing Jake to hump unconsciously.

"Chance? Are you ready?" The concern in the other cat's voice was so thick that it made Jake's throat lock up.

"I need you. Jake please," Chance whimpered and then purred as he bucked back up into his lover.

Jake was surprised somewhat at this, usually it took Chance a minute to grow use to the girth of his weapon. And from the way the tight walls were clenching around his with almost bruising force there should have been no way that the other man was ready for him. However, Chance always said what he meant and to hear him ask made Jake's heart beat just a little more forcefully inside of his chest.

"Alright." Jake pulled himself back, his cock getting drops of mud on it in the process, and then pushed himself back in with a slow, easy thrust.

Chance growled in appreciation and then sighed as he felt his body seize up around the smaller cat's felinecock. It was always a blessing to him to be able to have a mate that was as well endowed as Jake was and now as his lover began to ease himself into fucking him, Chance was even more glad that his had the tolerance to deal with both the pain and pleasure that came with having another man inside of him.

Jake felt every twitch and flex of Chance's body and monitored them so that he could time his thrust at just the right angle to strike the other feline's prostate. The right angle would always make the bigger cat hiss and clench down on him pleasurably, not to mention make Chance purr even louder, while being just a little ways off had the bigger feline simply grunting in response down below him. It took him a few seconds to settle into a polite rhythm but once Jake was in position the two of them began to purr and moan and hiss together as they shared their love between each other.

Jake was a pro at topping, if the way he slammed up into Chance was any proof of his virility. The smaller cat grunted and closed his eyes, letting the feelings of being buried so deep inside of his lover take him over into the threshold of euphoria. Between his thighs Jake's balls swung back and forth and knocked into Chance's own slightly larger orbs as his motions grew more and more excited.

Not to be left behind, Chance was in pretty heaven from where he stood himself. His eyes threatened to roll up into his head as his mate gave to him the best that he had. The long pole of Jake's cock searched deep inside of Chance to try and rub against all the right spots that made the bigger cat's tail slap at the pool they were in and upon finding them Chance arched his and meowed loudly to the word in praise of the other.

Claws dug deep inside of the concrete that made up the outside of the mud bath, both from Chance's clenching fingers and one of Jake's own. The other arm that the smaller cat had around the bigger cat gripped Chance tightly and kept Jake at a good balance so that he could drive himself further into his lover. The bodies of the two cats writhed and moved around each other at such a slow pace that it looked almost as if Chance and Jake were going to coil around one another at any moment. Hips slapped together and then bounced off of each other making up the music to the symphony that was the two felines.

Jake growled in time with Chance as he felt his thrust start to reach maximum velocity and soon the smaller cat was all but bucking up over his mate's back like a champion rider on a bull as he gave more and more of himself over to his lust. Chance bore it all with relish, bumping his own thighs into Jake's at an offbeat and groaning in rapture when his erection got thrust harder into the edge of the pool.

If they had been able to see it the two felines would have noted that their pre-cum was being soaked into the mud around them and that the muck along their backs was starting to dry and cake. However, all of this was meaningless as Jake purred louder and swung his thighs back and forth while hammering inside of Jake's ass.

The two panted in time together as the pressure between them grew greater and greater in force. Both cat's faces were flush with arousal and their two tails swung around restlessly behind them as the oncoming tidal wave surged higher and higher inside of their loins.

Not being canines the two men didn't have the bulbous knots that would have made them swell up at their ends and lock them together so Jake didn't have the ability to stop or slow himself down as he humped once, twice and then thrice before yowling and spilling himself inside of Chance. The hot syrupy cum from his testicles shot out and deep inside of the bigger cat as Jake wrapped himself around Chance's back and spent his load inside of his lover.

The feeling of Jake's hot, bubbling need filling him up inside made Chance almost roar like his primeval ancestor as he came and fired his load out into the jock still wrapped over his felinecock. Gout after gout of white spilled out from the mud soaked piece of under cloth as Chance let loose his love for his mate in creamy bursts.

The two men came down from their mutual orgasm at about the same pace. Breathing hard and chuckling up at one another, Jake and Chance groaned when Jake pumped his hips into Chance some to test himself.

"Yeah...good and empty." Jake muttered in relief, very thankful that his head was now no longer aching. "Maybe about another ten minutes before I'm ready again."

"And this time I get to have you," Chance left little room from arguing as he turned his head and then smirked at his mate.


True to his word, Jake was ready again in five minutes and truer to his word Chance did take his lover on their second round. However, instead of being on taking his mate like Jake had taken him, the bigger cat grunted and tossed the other cat off of him and then pile drove Jake into the pool so as to grab the other man's legs and wrap them around him before shoving himself into him. Jake yowled wildly at this but did not protest as he let both the mud and Chance have complete dominance over his body.

The two ended up sinking down into the warm ooze, Chance going a mile a minute with his thrusting, and filled another round of lovemaking grunting and groaning and sloshing around together.

Another climax and then another position was taken by the two men as Jake claimed Chance's gushing tailhole once again, though this time with Chance facing him while leaning back onto the edge of the pool.

The two went at it for almost two hours, changing positions and kissing each other both tenderly and aggressively between altercations, before their stamina finally called it quits. When they were both physically exhausted and ready, both Chance and Jake stood up and walked out of the pool so as to step into their sandals. Like the felines they were of course, Jake and Chance shook their feet off to drive some of the slopping mud up off of them before walking into the back where they had made a specialized bathing room for the two of them.

There was no way their little full bathroom would have been able to handle their dried and matted fur, the thought of having to fix the plumbing afterwards if they tried made both cats shudder in revulsion. So that in turn left the two of them with only one choice, and that was to make an open aired bathing facility right outside of their little playroom.

Opening the door and walking outside, where else could a more perfect place for privacy be than outside in the middle of a junk yard that was in the middle of the outskirts of town, both Jake and Chance walked out into the darkened area, the sun just now setting over a large section of dilapidated automobiles, and then over to where two large showerheads were. The showerheads were attached to extensions that ran down into the ground making the whole thing look like something soldiers out in the fields over in other countries might use to clean themselves off with after a long day.

Chance grabbed the handle on his side and turned it while Jake did the same for himself and soon the two were purring as steamy water washed down their fur.

"Too bad we have to get 'clean'." Chance muttered.

"Yeah, but the last thing we want is a scramble call in the middle of the night and have to worry about doing it then." Jake commented sagely.

Having had that happened once before both men swore off staying muddy after their bath.

Chance growled and then huffed before letting the sounds of the water wash away his senses. The two went on automatic as they cleaned themselves off, making sure to get between their ears so as not to have gunk clumping inside of them. The two felines then turned, without looking to each other, and then spread their rears so that the hot water could clean them out in the back. And though they couldn't see it, both Jake and Chance felt the cum inside of their asses slowly leak out and get washed away as their tender insides were massaged by the stream raining on them.

It took some time before the two felt clean enough to shut the showers off, but once they did both Chance and Jake walked around to one another and then held each other closer as the instinct to cuddle over came them.

"I love you Chance Furlong; more now than I did yesterday and yet less today than I will tomorrow." Jake said as he murmured that special vow he had made to himself for Chance upon the day after he realized he loved the bigger cat.

"I'll always be with you and by you, Jake Clawson, because you are everything to me and all that I could and will ever ask for." Chance said in return, his eyes shimmering like the stars overhead as he said what was in his heart for his mate.

The two cats embraced each other again and then kissed vehemently just as the last big of light faded from the sky and the wind blew warm across their fur.

Tomorrow held no promises for their safety tomorrow and knowing this both cats spent the next few moments together in that shared lock of lips and fur as they poured their hearts into one another. No matter what would happened, whether luck would find their fortunes unfavorable or one of their nemesis would finally take them out of the world, both Jake and Chance loved each other and shared that love together...both unabashed and equally as their souls came together between in the unending form of their love for each other.