Scene - In the Garden

Story by Sajja on SoFurry

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Mixing the cultivation of exotic plants and the distractions of sex and aphrodisiacs can sometimes produce some rather unexpected results...

In the Garden by Sajja

It was a beautiful evening, the lizard thought, with no moon in the sky, just the twinkling of the stars overhead to provide only a hint of illumination. He had retreated to a secluded portion of his gardens, off in the corner of the House of Nadan's compound, and was looking forward to some quiet time there. Well, perhaps quiet wasn't quite the right word, since Jafan had a companion, the nearly six and a half foot tall lizard having a shorter female with him, a human that was perhaps five feet tall. The pair of them were completely naked already, having left their clothing behind before heading out into the gardens, his body covered in dark green hide with brown staining the ends of his arms and legs, while her skin was a more uniform dark bronze in shade. Jafan was at home here, and needed nothing to keep him covered among his creations. He knew the place intimately, every square inch of the gardens, and knew more than a few spots that were perfect for what he intended. The House of Nadan had been pestering him to spend a little more time with the females of the House, and he was going to do something about that tonight.

The lizard had already availed himself of one of the products of his gardens, drinking deeply of the nectar from the etshei plant, one of the many exotic specimens of plant life that he had collected, this one having quite potent aphrodisiac qualities. So he was already quite hard, and eager to act on his plans for the night, his long, thick cock jutting upright from the apex of his thighs, the length of that dusky purple flesh marked in green ink that glowed faintly, advertising his profession, among other things. A series of leafy vines curled around the shaft, from the very base of it to just beneath his sensitive cockhead, the lizard not displaying even a trace of modesty about having that bit of inking on display, in fact, rather the opposite, quite pleased that his companion kept glancing down at that naked flesh as it bobbed before him with every step that he took, the subtle glow of the ink on it making his shaft stand out in the darkness.

She was a bit nervous, her eyes not nearly as well adjusted to the dark as his were, and few dared to wander into the secluded portions of Jafan's gardens, so none knew them and the strange things that sometimes grew there as he did. She walked along beside the lizard, his hand resting just above the curve of her bared rear, gently guiding her through the mundane and exotic plants that grow throughout the place, leading her towards one of the many secluded clearings scattered about the place, clearings where he liked to spend time away from the hustle and bustle of life in the House and the city around the compound in general, places where the outside world never seemed to intrude. Jafan had given her a sample of the etshei's nectar, just a taste and not nearly as much as he had drank, but it was enough to ensure that she was eager to let him lead her to their destination and spend the whole of the night in one another's company.

It didn't take him long to find a suitable spot, either, wordlessly directing her with a gesture towards the mossy grass that formed a rough circle amid the bushes and trees. There was a distinct blush marking her dark skin as she stepped away from him, into the center of the clearing, and settled down on her hands and knees, that lovely rear of hers facing towards him, the human presenting herself to the lizard for him to satiate the aphrodisiac-fueled lust that was filling him. In spite of the urges of his body, he merely stood there for a moment, savoring the sight before him, drinking the view of the naked human in front of him, her tender skin fully displayed for him, and those soft, velvety folds of her eager flesh nestled between her thighs just beneath her bared rear. He couldn't wait long, though, before he approached her, the almost aching need in his balls for release into the female's flesh driving him to stop admiring the view of her and step towards her presented form.

Still, Jafan intended to make the most of the night. He settled down behind her on his hands and knees, his muzzle swiftly lowering to her naked body as she looked back over her shoulder at the larger lizard, watching him with that blush still freshly painted on her cheeks. The long tongue hidden within his muzzle flicked forth, caressing teasingly against her body. Jafan drug the tip of it slowly down the cleft of her rear, brushing it along her naked skin, a wet, gentle stroke that started at her tailbone and worked its way down her body, sliding over that tight, puckered hole nestled there. The lizard spent a moment lapping at it to leave the human's skin there damp with his warm saliva, every caress of his tongue against that sensitive spot sending shivers through her body and coaxing a quiet moan to come from her mouth, a sound that greatly pleased the lizard. It was like music to his ears, adding to the symphony coming from the tree frogs and nocturnal birds in other, more distant parts of the gardens. Another lick was made there against that puckered hole before his tongue started working its way further downwards.

A moment later and the lizard's tongue found its way to the waiting lips of the human and started to stroke along them, Jafan licking his way down and then back up them, lustfully tasting the flesh that was presented so eagerly to him for his enjoyment. With his tongue, he could detect hints of dampness already on her, traces of her arousal, which was making him all the more eager to bury his flesh inside of her, to feel the squeeze of that pussy around the girth of his cock, to mate her and fill her willing flesh with his seed. But now wasn't quite the moment for that, the lizard feeling no need to rush despite the twitching of his rigid cock urging him to satiate himself with her flesh. No, instead he pressed his muzzle closer to her, tilting it off to the side, letting his parted lips press against hers as he kissed her pussy, the subtle rub of his hide against her silky flesh sending another shudder through her smaller form. It didn't take him long before his tongue was working at those folds of flesh once more, flicking from his mouth once again to press between her lips and start sliding into her, bringing another moan from her, louder than before, but just as easily pleasing to Jafan's long, pointed ears.

The human's moans rose in pitch when he drove his tongue into her, that wet flesh slithering between her lips and sinking into her flesh, sliding about inside of her almost like a snake, the lizard getting his first taste of the dampness within her body. It was a taste he found quite pleasing, his muzzle pressing tighter to the apex of her thighs as he buried as much of that wet tongue inside of her as he could, letting its smooth flesh stroke about inside of her, rubbing within the confines of her pussy as he sought more of that nigh-intoxicating dampness to taste. She returned the gesture, pressing her hips back firmly against his muzzle while his tongue explored within her, rubbing that exposed flesh of hers against him with every shiver that he brought to her form. With his muzzle held like that, his every breath was filled with her scent, and more of it rubbed against his hide, and the lizard found that her arousal mixed wonderfully with the fragrance of the many blossoms growing in his gardens, a heady and delightful combination that made the thick length of his cock throb in anticipation of the feel of her flesh wrapped around it.

Incoherent moans of pleasure kept spilling from her mouth as he lapped about inside of her, his tongue exchanging the dampness within her for his saliva, letting her taste coat his tongue. He was keeping that increasingly slick flesh moving within her, sliding about in the heated confines of her flesh, a constant stroke inside of her as his tonguetip explored the depths of her pussy, seeking out more of her to taste. Every lap of his flesh within her only seemed to add to the wetness inside of her, and it wasn't all from his saliva, her increasing arousal plainly evident to the lizard as he tongued at her flesh, every brush of his flesh inside of her sending little shivers through her body that kept his muzzle rubbing up against her spread lips, the growing heat and dampness of her flesh telling the lizard just how much she was enjoying being the object of his lustful attention. She wasn't the only one his licking was having an effect on, either, his desire for her flesh increasing with every taste of her, every lick inside of her heightening the need of his body to breed with her.

Almost reluctantly, he gave one last, wet stroke along the inside of her pussy as he pulled his tongue back into the confines of his mouth, the slither of it between her lips coaxing one more moan from the human. Jafan's muzzle soon pulled back, though not before planting one final, parting kiss there on those soft folds of her flesh, his lips pressing against hers tenderly, one final stroke of his muzzle's hide against her exposed flesh before he withdrew completely. His body didn't stay away from hers for long, though, the lizard quickly crawling over top of the human as she was keeping herself presented to him, her cheeks darkened with a new flush as the lizard got himself into position. Larger than her, he completely covered her body as he settled in atop her, the hot flesh of his needy cockhead poking gently at her pussy's lips. He leaned down against her, pressing his chest down against her body, just enough to let her feel his bare hide all long her back without resting his weight on her. His legs had slid between hers and his hands were resting on the ground just ahead of hers. With his tail raised up and swishing through the air, he gave the first quick buck of his hips immediately after getting himself settled in, his cockhead poking against those folds of hers, spreading that damp flesh apart as he pressed it into the heat of her body.

A ragged moan came from the smaller female as his flesh invaded hers, her hips lifting up to help him slide into her easier. Shudders ran through her slim form while answering twitches ran the length of the lizard's cock, a sticky drop of his precum spilling from his cock's tip to add to the moisture inside of the human. Jafan wasted no time, his hips giving several more bucking motions, each one burying an inch or two more of his long, thick cock into the body of that smaller female, each rubbing her spread lips along his shaft, enveloping his flesh in hers. His ears were laid back as he let a pleasured groan slip from his muzzle, the heat of her flesh caressing along his shaft sending throbs along his length as he sank it into her, filling her with his rigid flesh. When he finally hilted himself, the two of them simply held their bodies together for a long moment, sharing shudders as his girth kept her spread open, her flesh wrapped tightly about the full length of his cock, squeezing all along it to the very base of it, his bare hide pressed up against her pussy for the moment.

It took several long heartbeats for the shuddering in him to subside and the trembling of his shaft to die down, Jafan just taking the time to enjoy the heat of her flesh wrapped so snugly about his shaft as she gripped so wonderfully about that hard lizard-cock buried fully inside of her. It didn't take him long to have his hips moving though, the lizard pulling back and letting several inches slip from the heat of her flesh, her body stroking along his shaft the whole time as his cock moved within her, the velvety rub of her flesh along his sending spikes of pleasure to his aphrodisiac-addled brain. Almost unconsciously, he then bucked back into her, thrusting himself back into the heat of her body, a quick drive that sank his cock back fully into her and brought incoherent sounds of pleasure from her mouth. His hips rubbed against her upturned rear as he plunged his shaft into her once more, stroking his warm, smooth body against her, his leathery hide pressed firmly to her bare skin.

This time, he didn't hold himself like that, though, the etshei nectar he had imbibed earlier making him all too eager to feel her flesh sliding along his. The lizard's hips pulled back from hers a heartbeat later, slipping half of his cock from her flesh, only to immediately drive it back into the grip of her pussy, letting her caress and squeeze along his full length once more. It was swiftly followed by another and then another thrust into her as Jafan busied himself with rutting his human female, using her flesh to satiate the lustful needs of his body, taking pleasure from the silky flesh that his shaft was moving within, every shift of their bodies sending tingles of pleasure running up his spine. From his muzzle came his own incoherent noises of pleasure, mingling with hers as he eagerly drove his cock into her over and over, drowning out the sounds that he could hear earlier from the rest of the gardens. His whole world was being reduced to the human beneath him, her nude, shuddering form rubbing against him, the scent of her arousal that had been left on his muzzle, and most of all the feel of her flesh wrapped so wonderfully around his.

He raised one hand off the ground, resting his weight on the other, and lifted it to her body, his fingers brushing against her naked skin, stroking at her body while his hips kept working at hers, driving his cock into her incessantly. Those brown pebbled fingers slid along her chest and stomach, down to the brown curls just above where his cock was plunging into her, caressing the nubile form of the human he was lustfully breeding, her body every bit as eager as his was for him to continue. Jafan let his fingers roam over her body, the sensation of her smooth skin sliding beneath those pebbled digits barely registering in his mind through the haze of electric pleasure the repeated plunges of his cock into her were filling his brain with. Still, it brought a reaction from her, her body raising up, just enough to press her slim form up against his, her naked flesh held tight to his bare hide, their bodies stroking against one another with every shudder that he brought to her smaller form with the relentless thrusting of his cock into her.

Lost in the pleasure of their lust-filled rutting, neither noticed at first when the first tendrils of vine had started slithering through the mossy grass towards them and now were beginning to wrap about them, circling about wrists and ankles as the lizard kept up his rutting. It only began to dimly dawn in Jafan's mind that something was joining them when he could feel a touch against his tail, a brush of vine there as it started to twine about it, but the aphrodisiac nectar was clouding his mind too much to let him do more than keep pounding his cock into the eager human underneath him. Her flesh felt too good to him right then to want to stop or even divert enough attention away from the female he was breeding to see just what was going on around them. The caress of her flesh along his cock was far too wonderful for him to ever want it to end, at least, not before he had experienced the blissful release of orgasm that was a burning need in his mind. And when her legs shifted beneath him, slipping one ankle and then the other over her legs, hooking her body to his, he blotted out the thoughts of those vines for the moment, reveling in the smaller female body rubbing aganst his, so eager to be bred by him and her flesh so expertly driving him a little bit closer to his needed release with every thrust of his hips against her.

Intent as he was on savoring her body beneath his and her flesh sliding along his shaft, every stroke of his cock through her pussy seeming to send shivers running through the female and twitches running along his cock's length, Jafan was doing his best to ignore the caress of the vines that were touching against him, the smooth slide of those tendrils of plant that were coolly sliding along his warm hide, just letting the feel of them add to the pleasing sensations that were driving his hips onward. Larger ones soon joined the pair, one of them starting to loosely wind its way about their joined bodies, slithering snakelike around them, coiling about their torsos while others were winding their way about his legs, keeping him well held in their grasp. It didn't take long for the vines to be entangling about the two enough to break through the haze of lust that filled their minds, the touch of them growing harder to ignore, even as his hips kept up their drive against hers, his thick cock driven into her over and over, pounded into the heat of her pussy, the stroke of that flesh through hers a constant distraction to both of them, keeping them from fully realizing just what was happening to them.

It was hard not to notice, though, when the vines tightened their grip about the two lovers, squeezing about their nude forms, lashing the two of them together with their grip about the human and lizard. That grip wasn't interfering much with the drive of his hips against hers, and the lizard was far too intent on the stroke of her flesh along his thick, long shaft to want to stop, his enjoyment of her body not in the least dampened by the grasping of vines about wrists and ankles, the squeeze of them around his chest, in fact rather the opposite, Jafan revelling in the feel of her body being kept against his, the heat of her naked form where her skin was held against his bare hide something he was quite fond of, as was the cooler press of those vines about their joined bodies, the feel of that smooth plant coiled about his limbs and tail, and the thicker vine that was doing such a wonderful job of keeping the two of them together sharing their mutual carnal pleasure. She was less thrilled about the situation, but all she could do was squirm beneath the lizard, every shift of her body just stroking her smaller form up against him, the two of them well-entangled in the vines by that point to be able to easily slip free of their increasingly tight grasp.

The pair weren't left like that for long, though, the vines lifting them up off the ground, bringing a ragged, breathless gasp from the female's mouth at the same time. Tightly bound in them, the lizard and human were being drawn towards the source of those tendrils of plantlife, and Jafan was still firmly in the grip of the drugged nectar he had taken earlier. The hold of the vines and the shifting of the position of their bodies forced the lizard to keep more of his cock sheathed in the human's flesh, able to pull less of it from her before driving it back in, but that just encouraged him to thrust his needy flesh that much harder into her to keep it stroking about inside of her. And he was quite busy keeping his hips working against her, thrusting his cock into her, keeping her too breathless to really cry out and being far too focused on the pleasure of his flesh sliding through the tight grasp of her pussy to care. In fact, the feel of the plant twining about his body only seemed to be making him more eager, his pebbled fingers still on her sliding up her form to brush against the smooth vine that they were entangled in, petting at it for a moment while the two of them were pressed tight together and held that way, a firm squeeze that was doing little to interfere with his physical pleasure but was doing a wonderful job of making sure they weren't going to be going anywhere other than to the plant the vines came from.

His fingers didn't linger on the vine for long though before his hand slid further upwards to cup one of her breasts, gently squeezing at that tender flesh and giving her another distraction to focus on as he savored the twin sensations of her flesh gripping tightly about his cock and the vines holding his body securely in their grasp. They were well-entangled at that point, vines securely wrapped about their arms and legs, with one of them starting to lash his legs together, a tight grip that was wrapping about them which did nothing to dampen his mood in the least. The tightness of those tendrils of plant coiling about him, squeezing around him and keeping the human he was rutting held tight against him, left her able to do little more than squirm against his bare hide. The constant rub of her nude form against his only seemed to make him pound that thick shaft of his into her harder, his girth slick with her fluids and stained with the scent of her arousal as he kept her pussy spread about it, hammering it up into her over and over and keeping a steady stream of involuntary little moans of pleasure spilling from her mouth.

With the hand he still had free, he kept his fingers stroking along her bare skin, petting reassuringly down her nude form to grip and squeeze at her inner thigh as he drove his shaft into her harder and harder, his hips bucking more of their own accord than from any conscious thought he was having. Between the relentless pounding of lizard-cock into her spread pussy and the hold of those vines that were twined about the pair, their grip firm enough to squeeze at the two of them and keep them from going anywhere but not enough to actually hurt, it was keeping her body constantly squirming against his, as if she were torn between the urge to free herself from the plant and a desire to keep herself as close to him and the constant stream of pleasure he was bringing her as she could. He could tell that she was pressing herself back up against his chest as he kept breeding her, with every thrust into her sending shudders running up her spine, and he was able to feel every one of them, her nude form held so wonderfully against his, her skin tight to his hide, stroking the two together while they were held captive by the vines.

On the arm held fully by the plant, he could feel the human's fingers grip at his wrist as she tried to steady herself under the relentless assault of his cock, the neverending drive of it into her pussy, the stroke of its thick flesh between her spread lips, burying it fully in her over and over. The vines were quick to take advantage of that hold she had about him there, the lizard quickly finding that her arm was lashed tightly to his, the vines holding far more securely there than they were about his torso. It brought a pleased groan from his muzzle as he found her bound so tightly to him and sent a strong throb running up the length of the cock lodged fully inside the smaller human, that pulse of heat bringing a quieter moan from her mouth in answer to his own. The whole time, the vines were continuing to work their way up his body, and soon were slithering around his neck, circling around it as he kept up his lust-filled thrusts into his female. Jafan's muzzle soon followed, the vine wrapping about it, and he found that he just couldn't bring himself to slow his breeding of the human lashed snugly against his body in the least. And it wasn't just the aphrodisiac-induced animal-lust that was making him so eager to keep mating her, either, the feel of those vines holding him up, wrapped so securely about his body and keeping her smaller form rubbing all along his chest and stomach was just too perfect to him.

It was hard for him to really concentrate on it, but he could begin to see where the vines had taken the two, pulling them back behind a screen of bushes that had surrounded the clearing. There was something large there, some kind of gargantuan red flower that the vines were coming out of which had been hidden from the pair by the rest of the plants in the gardens. There was a brief moment of dim realization in his mind, but it was quickly driven away when the end of that vine coiled about his muzzle brushed against his lips. Almost without thinking, he parted them and let his tongue flick out to lap at the vine that was holding him and his human lover captive. Jafan wasn't allowed much of a chance to lick at the plant, though, the vine quickly following the length of his tongue back into his mouth. Eagerly, he sealed his lips about that tendril of the large plant, sucking on the vine that had grabbed the pair from the clearing and were wound so tightly about them, his tongue teasing along it as he held it there within his mouth, licking all along it and savoring the taste of it and its smooth feel against his wet flesh. That kept him distracted for a few blissful moments from everything save for the pound of his cock into the human held tightly to his body, his hips moving completely on instinct now, driven to rut with her by the overwhelming need to spill his seed in her.

That vine in his mouth couldn't keep him distracted for too long, though, not with the large plant looming ever closer underneath the pair as they were lifted up by the tentacle-like vines wrapped tight about their bodies into the air directly over that mammoth flower. Still, his hips wouldn't stop, pulling back as far as the bindings of the vines would allow, enough to let an inch or so of thick lizard-cock slide from within the human and then immediately be plunged back fully into her, every quick, hard thrust keeping her from being able to catch her breath enough to make coherent sounds and each stroke of her pussy along his shaft drawing the pair of them ever closer to being flooded with the sensations of their mutual orgasms. She was squeezing at his wrist the whole time as the plant started lowering them into that flower, gripping tightly to his body there, tighter than even the firm squeeze of the vines about that limb, unwilling to have her body pull away from his, not that she would have much choice in the matter, not with those vines keeping them lashed together in their firm grip.

The relentless thrusting of the lizard's hips was having an effect on her, he could tell. There was a ragged, incoherent series of breathless moans coming from her mouth, sounds he would be matching if he didn't have a vine lodged in his. The end of it toyed with his tongue, the two stroking against one another within his muzzle as he sucked greedily on that tendril of the plant, Jafan eagerly taking the opportunity to express some of his appreciation for the heightening of his enjoyment the plant was bringing him as it held him so tight in its grasp. And even though the haze of his pleasure and his focus on breeding the human, he could tell where they were headed. One of his more recently acquired exotic plants had grabbed them, one that he didn't think could reach the area they had been indulging in their carnal pleasures at. It was his teffiwan, something he had a great amount of trouble procuring from the realm of an obscure, debauched demon lord, and thankfully, they took a long time to grow, so this one was still quite immature. The fleshy, ruby-red blossom-maw of the plant opened beneath the pair, a sight that was making the human squirm all the more against him. Though he didn't pause the thrusts of his hips against her, he gave another gentle squeeze about her thigh, trying to reassure her.

With little that either of them could do at the moment about their predicament since they were well entangled in the tight grasp of the plant's vines, he saw little reason to stop hammering his hips against her. The lizard just kept driving his cock into the human, pounding it into the female's tight body, every thrust of his seeming to come faster than the previous. He could feel that he was nearing his release, and with the way her body was trembling against his, she wouldn't be able to hold out for much longer, no matter how much she was trying to let the looming blossom-maw of the plant distract her from his cock. The sounds coming from her mouth were tinged with fear as the two of them were being drawn down into that fleshy flower, the petals already starting to lift up off the ground to close in about them. Where his feet touched against the mammoth blossom, he could feel pleasant tingling, the sticky nectar of the plant brushed there against his bare hide. He was close, in desperate need of his release into her body, desperate for the feel of her flesh wrapped exquisitely about him as she milked his cock of his seed, and the nectar of that plant brushing against hide and the squeeze of those vines about him was only heightening that need.

They were being steadily lowered into the maw-blossom, and those petals were quickly rising up to help trap them within it. Before long, the pair could feel the brush of those thick, fleshy petals brushing against their thighs while the vines shifted their grip about the two, tightening their hold about the human and lizard. He could feel the squeeze about his neck, torso, and limbs, and the tingling of the nectar where it was smeared along his legs, that sticky, slick fluid bringing a surprised gasp to the female's mouth, adding to the moans that were increasingly filled with nothing but pleasure as he kept up his steady thrusting into her. The blossom-maw was soon pressing more firmly up against the two as they were drug down into it, those fleshy, slick petals sliding smooth along their naked bodies, smearing them with the nectar that coated them with every inch of the pair that sank further into the plant, sending electric jolts of pleasure to their brains that mixed with the stronger sensations coming from the apex of their thighs, the silky slide of lizard-cock through the increasingly tight grasp of the human's slick pussy, driving the two of them towards their orgasms.

They sank deeper, the petals sliding across her stomach and rising towards her breasts while they stroked their way up his back and were adding a constant tingle to the shivers running up his spine as the plant touched against him there. The petals were pressing more firmly against them the deeper they went, almost as if they were actively rubbing up against the pair of lovers, intently caressing their nude flesh, leaving the pair of them slick with its nectar. The pull of the vines twined tighter about them kept them sinking deeper into the thing, giving them little choice in the matter, not that he was feeling inclined to try and break free from the teffiwan's grasp, not with the bliss that he was feeling, the intense pleasure of her pussy stroking his pistoning cock and the soothing pleasure of the nectar that was coating more and more of his body. His fingers released their grip on the human's thigh for a brief moment, reaching out to touch against the petals closed about them, gathering some of the nectar on his fingertips as they were disappearing into the flower, the human up to her neck and the lizard almost to his shoulders. Those fingers quickly returned to the female's flesh, smearing the sticky fluid along her inner thigh and then brushing up against the apex of her thighs, stroking his fingertips along those spread folds of her pussy and bringing a loud breathless moan of pleasure from her. Through it all, he was keeping his cock moving inside of her, unwilling and unable to let it slide far from the wet heat of her pussy before driving it back fully into her, every inch of his flesh that slide inside of her driving the smaller female closer to release.

She couldn't hold out much longer under that relentless pounding of his shaft within her, the constant stroke of his flesh through her pussy, that thick, long lizard-cock filling her with every thrust of his hips, his cockhead stroking about deep within her. Especially not with that nectar now smeared all over her body and sending electric tingles of pleasure through her spread pussy. The lizard could feel her flesh squeezing tight about his shaft as they were pulled into the plant, drawn in by the squeezing vines wrapped about them into the tight confines of the blossom-maw. The petals quickly closed about her head, muffling the loud, breathless cry that came from her, ragged and filled with her pleasure and fear, as her pussy clamped down about the thrusting lizard-cock, squeezing at it in a desperate attempt to hold him still within her for just a moment, her heat flooding over his naked flesh lodged inside of her. She squeezed hard at his wrist as he drove her over the edge, the heat within her pussy becoming intense as she leaned back fully against him, her trembling form rubbing firmly against his body, smearing nectar across his chest as she orgasmed from the unending stream of sensations his bucking hips and the plant had been giving her.

Jafan kept hammering his cock into the almost vise-like grip of her flesh, the slickness that completely soaked his shaft letting him easily keep driving it into her spasming flesh. He was soon joining her fully in the blossom-maw, his head pulled down through the petals into the tight confines of the plant, those petals snugly wrapped about their bodies and keeping them pressed tight together even better than the squeeze of the vines that were holding the pair were doing. He kept rutting her orgasming body as he at last was pulled fully in, his cock finally succumbing to the clench of her pussy about his shaft and finally driving him to fully thrust into her one last time, that thick lizard-shaft lodged completely inside of her as he ground his hips up hard against her. His cock throbbed hotly within her for a pair of heartbeats before the first thick spurts of lizard-cum jetted from it, the sticky fluid spilling from his cocktip to stain the inside of her with his musky seed. They were soon followed by more spurts as his body shuddered along with hers in the tight grip of the plant, vines and petals pressing up against them on all sides, keeping the pair of them doing little more than rubbing their nude forms together as they both went through their orgasms. He was lost in the haze of blessed release as he filled her pussy with his spunk, lost in the sensations of her heat snugly holding his twitching cock, her slim, nubile form shuddering against his naked hide and the plant holding the two so snugly and completely in its grip.

Adding to the haze of pleasure was the slide of those vines about their bodies, and he was soon able to let out a ragged moan of his own, one that sounded far louder than it really was in the tight confines of the plant, with the pair of them having so little room to move. The vines were releasing their grip about the pair of shuddering lovers, but that fact only registered in his mind as the slither of those cool vines along his body, smearing more of the nectar along his naked hide as they released him from their grasp and pulled further down into the plant. The two of them were soon left there alone to experience the fading pleasure of their orgasms, the lizard revelling in the tight grasp her pussy still held about his cock and the snugness of the teffiwan wrapped about them, only able to feel those slick petals and her still shuddering body on all sides of him, the sensations keeping his cock twitching weakly within her for a few moments longer. With their orgasms starting to fade and his arms now free of the grip of the vines, the lizard shifted his position, letting him wrap them around his human, every subtle shift of his body and hers sending tingles running along his cock's length as it was still held within the wet confines of her body and bringing a quiet moan from her mouth.

Jafan hugged her tightly to his body, his hands caressing at her slick skin as he worked his muzzle down to nibble and kiss along the side of her neck, his tongue soon joining in to taste the nectar of the plant that had wrapped its petals so tightly about the two of them. It brought a breathless little weak groan from her, which he followed up with a gentle nuzzling along her neck and cheek. There were only a few moments before the etshei nectar still drugging his system would start awakening the need to breed her once more, and he was taking the time to enjoy the feel of her body against his, as well as consider their situation. The plant was immature, so it wasn't able to completely seal the two of them in, not being big enough for that yet, though it was doing a good job of trying, with as tight as those petals were pressing about them on all sides. It would take him a while to manage to work an escape from the blossom-maw, especially since he refused to damage such a wonderfully rare plant. It would try to hold them there in the folded up blossom to eventually absorb their bodies for nutrients, but they were still far too alive for it to begin doing that.

Of course, he couldn't really formulate much of a plan beyond waiting until the etshei nectar wore off, not with her body held pressed up so tightly to his by the snug grip of the petals enveloping them, with every subtle shift of her form as she caught her breath and came down off her orgasm reminding him that his cock was still fully hard and would be for quite some time, and that it was still buried inside the tight, slick confines of the heat of her pussy. With a growing haze of lust starting to take over his mind once more, he started gently bucking his hips against his human female as best as he could within the squeeze of the plant, his cock starting to slide through the wet confines of her pussy and coaxing another moan from her mouth as his flesh moved within hers. Since they weren't going to be going anywhere for a while, he might as well take advantage of the situation and make sure they both fully enjoyed being wrapped up so tightly by those petals and slick nectar smeared along their nude forms as much as they possibly could.