Fav Teacher Chapter 5: The truth is out

Story by CitanOsumi on SoFurry

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#5 of "Fav Teacher"

*waves* Hi everyone!! Welcome back..mainly to me. I was gone for a wile so sorry it took a long time again to get chap 5 out. Now I bet a lot of you are thinking, "well now that kraden knows the stories almost over." Well, that's not true at all. I have a brain full of ideas so I see my story going for a wile still so dun worry. ^_^. Well, here we go.

Hey all, well...ah just sum it up. WARNING! gay furs, yiff, 18+.....There ya go, have fun and feel free to paw if needed ^_~

*clears throat*

How will Kraden react to what Citan said?

How will Issac think about this?

How will Ryuu...well will we learn more about him?

To find these some of these things out read chap 5 which is coming up.

oh ... and there's yiff this time *smiles wide*


"Fav Teacher" The truth is out

"He....he loves me...?" Kraden said over and over as he drove to Citan's house. "So it was what I thought that night at my house..." Kraden quickly shut up when he heard Citan start to wake. After a long stretch Citan shifted himself back up and looked out the window. "Still not home yet? Oh well." He turned and looked at kraden and chuckled. "Heh, I fell asleep again didn't I?"

"Er...yeah you did, almost the second we left my house" Citan shrugged his shoulders and looked out the window again. "Yeah, I fall asleep really fast when I am tired" They just small talked the rest of the way to Citan's house, Kraden doing his best not to say anything about what Citan had said. They got to his house and the three of them helped carry Kradens stuff up into a room right next to Citan's. After they finished the three of them went down into the main room and sat down, Citan went into the kitchen to make them a late supper. Kraden and Ryuu sat down and began to talk.

"So tell me more of how you and Citan know each other Ryuu". "Sure. Well, lets see...it was about four years ago when I first met him. I had a job to work at an orphanage for a wile and I met Citan there when he was 14. I was there for two years before I got transferred, hence why he said its been almost two years since we have seen eachother last. I noticed that he didn't get along with the other orphans very well and decided to "hang out" so to speak with him. We talked and he told me he doesn't like being alone, he was just never good at making friends. We instently got along and did almost everything together, and since then we have been best of friends." "I see, er what exactly is your job Ryuu?" "It's well.... kinda like mercenary work, I get assigned to watch over places that involve things that I am good with, in that case other furs. I get along well with others and am really good at helping out others with there problems. My newest job brought me into town because of some recent events that have happened that I am not to talk about." "Well, I won't ask then, thats another thing, how old are you Ryuu?" With a smile, "I'm only 21, everyone thinks I'm alot older." "I was gonna say, for a dragon you actualy look younger then that, I can't see why they think your older." Ryuu just chuckled a little bit, "How old are you Kraden? Your a teacher correct? You must be at least 27 I would say. "I really look that old? I'm only 22 but..." Just then Citan called into the room that food was done and they went in and sat down and ate.

Citan had made some steaks and rice he had. "I hope you like it, it's been a wile since I cooked rice before." "Well, if it's anything like before I am sure it will be good." Kraden said as he sat down. Citan blushed slightly as he sat down and began to eat. Kraden did his best not to act weird around Citan so he acted like his neck was sore and looked the other way. "What's wrong Kraden?" "Huh? Oh, I just twisted it a little today when we were hauling my stuff." Ryuu shrugged his shoulders and finished his food. Kraden took one bite and quickly inhaled it all. Citan and Ryuu just watched in amazement. "MAN! This is sooo good! I swear kid, you really should consider becoming a cook." "Nah, I just cook when I need to, I'm more interested in art." Ryuu turned and looked at Citan. "Really? What kinda things do you draw?" "Mostly random furs I see doing things, I just sketch them, never getting the time to do a full drawing." Kraden lifted his muzzle, half full of food. "If you want I could pose for you some day." Citan just blushed a little and chuckled at the lion, rice all over his muzzle. "I'd like that alot" They contniued to talk about just silly things untill they all eventually finished and cleaned up. Citan let out a loud yawn. "I need to get to sleep, I'm exhausted." "Kraden nodded in agreement and they all headed off to there rooms. Ryuu slept in the room Issac had the night he was over. They all said there goodnights as shut there doors.

Citan stood at the window and stared out at the moon and let out a loud sigh. "I just wish I could tell him how I felt in real life, and not just in my dreams." He opened the window and looked over the yard. Everything was lit by the moon and had a very soothing feel about it, he then walked to the door and opened it slightly to air out the room, it was a stuffy night out. He stared across the moonlit hallway at Kradens door which was also open. He just stared at the door and thought to himself. "I should just tell him, it's so hard to keep it underwraps like this, even more now that he is living with me." He let out a sigh and continued to stare at the door, Kraden must have still been awake cause he herd the TV change channels now and then. "I just don't know... What if he were to hate me, he'd probably never want to see me again. I guess there is only one way to find out." He moved as if he was going to walk to it but stopped and let out another sigh and turned to his bed. "Darn it....I just wish I could come out and tell you that I love you Kraden." He was so upset and wrapped up in his thoughts he didn't notice the TV turn off in the room behind him and something move close to him and stop. "I love you so much kraden...."

"I know you do kid."

Citan's heart almost jumped out of his chest as he felt a paw land on his shoulder. He quickly turned and his face went pail as the tall lion stood in front of him. "Kra... but... I..." He began to breath heavily as he looked into his teachers face. It was very stern and pale looking in the dark. Citan began to cry, his fears that Kraden now hated him taking over. "I'm sorry, please don't hate me." He looked down shaking. He herd a soft sigh and felt the strong paw lift his muzzle. As his eyes met Kradens he saw a soft and caring look staring back at him. Kraden leaned his muzzle down slightly. "I can't hate the one I love" He leaned in the rest of the way and kissed Citan deeply. Citan's heart jumped again, this time out of joy. He murred softly and moved close and hugged Kraden close, closing his eyes as he kissed the one he loved back. Kraden moved closer and wrapped his arms around Citan's waist and broke the kiss as he stared deep into his eyes. "I love you as well Citan." This made him tear more and he burried his muzzled into the lions mane, holding him close. "I was so afraid you would hate me, that if you found out you would never want to see me again" "Of course not, your so sweet and caring Citan, I could never hate you, even if I didn't feel the same way about you. But I do, ever since the first day I met you I liked you, and soon grew to love you, you showed so much care and and kindness to me, and to Issac. Your such a wonderfull fur Citan, I'm surprised you didn't have someone already...but enough talk for tonight, lets just get to bed." "I love you so much Kraden." "And I you kid." He closed the door then led the wolf to the bed and they both laid down. Citan nuzzled close to kraden, so happy that the truth was out and then his secret love felt the same way about him. He closed his eyes and eventually fell asleep. Kraden purred softly, gently stroking Citan's head and eventually fell asleep as well.

Kraden opened his eyes to see it was still dark out. He wondered what had woke him. Then he turned and looked over at Citan who was moving around and mumbling in his sleep. He leaned in to see if he could understand what he was saying. A strong familiar scent was coming from the wolf. He smiled softly and shook him a little. "Hey kid, wake up." Citan awoke and looked up at Kraden. "What is it?" Kraden grinned. "You were dreaming about me again." Citan blushed as he realized his bulge growing. "Er...sorry" He turned and faced the other way. Kraden scooted closer and wrapped his arms around him and slowly moved his paws across Citans chest and stomach causing him to murr. "I know what you were dreaming of, I can smell your scent, if you want I could make your dreams come true." He nuzzled close and purred as he began to lick Citans ear. Citan blushed and slowly turned and faced him. "You mean...I....you...you would do that for me?" Kraden nodded softly "Only if you want to, I have dreamt of you before as well." Citan looked away and said nothing, still beat red from blushing. He couldn't believe this was all real. Kraden moved his paw down and ran a finger across his stomach and smiled before he leaned in and kissed Citan deeply. He murred softly into the kiss and began to rub his paws across the lions well built chest and across the scar he left of him. Feeling that it was ok, Kraden moved his paw down and began to rub the wolfs bulge causing him to gasp a little into the kiss. He took his other paw and began to remove the jeans wile Citan undid the clasp above Kradens tail. After a wile the two furs lay close in there boxers. They looked into each others eyes and with a slight nod from both of them they took eachothers off.

Kraden then moved himself on top of Citan, using his arms to hold him off of him and slid his way down do the wolfs fully erect member. Citan closed his eyes as he felt the warm breath from kraden's nose blowing onto his member and gasped loudly as he felt the rough feline tongue run across the length of it before taking it into his muzzle. Citan murred loud as he began to moan, the feeling like nothing he ever felt before. Kraden began to slowly bob his head, running his rough tongue across it each time licking the pre off of it. Kraden's purring only increasing the sensation. Citan did his best to hold back, the extreme new pleasure almost to much for him to handle, but after a wile it suddenly stopped. Kraden slid his way back up so there muzzles were almost touching. "Now, would you like me to make your latest dream come true my love?" Citan only nodded after remembering his last dream he just had, one he had had many times before. He felt the lion's paw slowly spread his legs and he murred louder feeling the warm tip of Kraden's member press against his tail hole. "If it hurts just tell me, I don't want to hurt you." "Ok, but do go slow at first, this is my first time." With a slight smile kraden responded, "Mine too" He moved his waist down slowly as his member began to penetrate the wolf. Citan bit his lip and closed his eyes tight, the feeling of the huge member stretching him almost too much to handle. Kraden noticed this and stopped to allow him time to adjust. After about a minute the wolf nodded and he continued to push but then stopped again. "The barbs...should I go in more?" Eyes still closed Citan nodded and took his paws and set them on the firm rear of the lion and pulled into him, causing Kraden to moan softly until he was hilting the wolf, all the time causing Citan to bite harder on his bottom lip. The feeling was extremely painful, but yet at the same time started to feel good. He felt Citans pull stop and close's his eyes after resting his head on his shoulders as he began to pull out. He felt the throbbing member rub against his stomach and reached down and began to slowly stroke it, causing Citan to release his bite on his lip and begin to moan softly. Kraden then began to slowly move in and out in unison with his pawing.

As the slow pace continued kraden began to lick Citans ear again, doing his best to comfort the wolf, knowing he must be hurting from being stretched so fast by something so big and he was right. The pain still strong causing Citan to slowly loose his senses, but the pleasure that slowly grew and that from being pawed off by someone other then himself kept him focused. He reached down and laid a paw on Kradens side and moved it faster, edging him to go faster. And with no argument he complied. He slowly began to pick up his pace, beginning to pant through his teeth, matching his paws speed with his thrusts. Citan took his free paw and placed it on the side of Kradens muzzle and held him close. His animal instincts taking over Kraden began to thrust even faster and harder, shaking the bed each time. The extreme combination of pain and pleasure was too much for him to handle, Citan began to moan out load, not caring anymore if anyone should hear. Kraden lifted himself with his arm allowing him to thrust even faster, still stroking Citan's member just as fast, pre dripping down over his paw. He leaned his head back and closed his eyes, hilting the wolf with each fast and hard thrust, pawing the wolfs memeber just as fast. Citan's moans of pleasure and pain grew louder as he felt the huge member throbing inside him, moving in and out. The barbs pulling at him evertime the lion pulled out made the pain even worse, but he wanted nothing more then to continue. Kraden moved as fast as he could now with his thrusts and pawwing, his climax coming any second. After the extreme pase continued for awile he felt it coming. With one last hard thrust, pushing all his member into the wolf, he quickly leaned down and burried his muzzle in a pillow to muffle his loud roar as he began to shoot wave after wave of his thick lion seed into him. The somewhat burning sensation threw Citan over the edge as he shot all over in between the two. After what seemed like forever both furs climaxes finally subsided, Kraden's seed having filled him up and leaking out, his own seed mixed in there stomach fur. The extreme mix of pain, pleasure and exhaustion to much for him, Citan slowly blacked out. Kraden lifted his muzzle to see that Citan was out, he leaned down and kissed him. "I love you so much kid." He kissed him again and rested his head down again and eventually fell asleep having exasusted himself as well, still inside his true love

Well, there you go.

Wow, a mainly yiff chapter... I did my best to make it a romantic feeling yiff, but still yiffy so I hope you liked it.

*tears and smiles*

awww true love.. its so beautiful....and so yiffy

Well... There ya go, sorry this chapter is kinda short, I really didn't know how to go into this yiff scene very well and so I did my best. And I stopped after the scene because I have big plans for the follwing day that I want it to have a chapter of its own.

*clears throat*

Well folks, what's going to happen next?

and YAY no cliffhangers this time ^_^ aren't I nice

To see what happens next please come back for the next

exciting chapter of "Fav Teacher"

Got any comments, dislikes or just feel like saying hi, please e-mail me at my NEW e-mail address [email protected] I got a new one now so if you recently e-mailed me at my old one about previous chapters please re-e-mail me at my new address. I love to hear from fans..or just hear from people in general ^_^. Having fans is a wonderfull thing and makes me happy to know that people like my work so please lemme know what ya think.Shout out to my friends and hope to hear from you fans out there.

p.s. If there's any Reno fans, guess what!? He's gonna be in chapter 6 ^_^