Tony and Liz: The Night They Met

Story by Zorvis on SoFurry

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This is my first foray into the world of writing any kind of story, much less a yiffy one. Go easy on me; it's my first time. ;-)

One night, my mate and I were chatting online and we came up with a wonderful little sex chat session and I decided to turn it into a postable story. I would like to dedicate this first story exclusively to my mate, my muse, my one true love forever and ever.

Elizabeth is copyright Nekitza, Anthony and other characters are copyright myself. Ask before touching, please.

Tony and Liz: The Night They Met

"Are you sure, man? I'm tellin' you, it's pretty good stuff."

"No, I think I'll just stick to my drink."

"Suit yourself." The stocky raccoon turned back to the little ring of furs that were surrounded by acrid-smelling smoke. The fox looked down at his Vanilla McGillicutty's and Root Beer, sighed, and took a swig. It was cold outside, and this group was not going to come inside any time soon, so he decided he might as well head back to the party. 'Being the rational one,' he thought to himself with a slight smile. 'When did that start?'

As red foxes' appearances go, Anthony was pretty standard. Not outstandingly bulky, but nor was he a twig. Tall as he was, he had a solid musculature that was not too showy, yet still spoke of a very practical strength, the type that could be used at a moment's notice should the need arise. His face was almost constantly creased in a smile that made his bright blue eyes twinkle when they caught the light. His body fur was the basic reddish brown of his species, darkening along the forearms and legs, with a swath of white starting at his lower jaw, running down his torso and ending at his inner thighs. The most distinguishing feature on his body was his hair. Tightly curled brown ringlets sat on top of his head and dangled just above his eyebrows. So dense was his hair that the tips of his foxy ears were just barely detectable over the sea of curls. His attire was nothing special, Great Big Sea t-shirt, khaki shorts, and black tennis shoes. Overall, he was actually quite pleased with how he looked tonight.

He was attending a reunion, of sorts. A couple of extremely close friends were visiting the campus where they had all attended high school together and Anthony, glad for the opportunity to see his friends again, dropped everything, called in sick, and drove an hour to meet them at the campus. After catching up a little on what was going on in everyone's lives, they were a little unsure of what to do with their weekend. The only one of them who lived in the area was the mouse, Daniel. He suggested they go to a party at his friend Ryan's house, whose parents happened to be away for a couple weeks in Europe. Having no better place to smoke, drink, and party, they decided to ride over to the calico's house together.

So here he was, wandering the various rooms in search of a comfortable place to seat himself for a bit (the alcohol was finally taking hold). He had met Ryan on one or two other occasions while hanging out with Daniel, but this was the first time he had been to his house. It was a nice little party he had going, and Anthony decided he would tell him that. Ryan and Daniel were both sitting in the living room, watching a movie with some of their other friends. Anthony took a seat on the couch to the right of Ryan, commenting off-handedly how much fun he was having. Surprisingly, it appeared the movie was going unwatched for the most part. Everyone in the room was talking and generally having a great time in each other's company.

As Anthony scanned the room from left to right, the voices became strangely muffled in his ears. His focus was now on one fur in particular. In the armchair to his right sat an absolutely gorgeous black-furred feline, deep in conversation with Ryan's girlfriend. Anthony's eyes slowly worked their way down from the white tips of her ears to her pony tailed chestnut brown locks, along her slender neck, and finally came to rest on her full bosom, which was stretching tight the pink blouse she was wearing with the top two buttons undone, showing off the beginnings of a creamy white patch of chest fur starting at the base of her throat. She turned to face him just as he was subconsciously licking his chops. In a rush, the sounds of the party came rushing back to him, yet not loudly enough to cover the sound of his pulse as his ears became painfully hot. The feline goddess in front of him brought her white furred paw to her mouth as the corners of her mouth turned upwards in a cute grin. Anthony, ears lying flat, mumbled something about getting another drink and awkwardly got up to fix himself something to lessen his embarrassment.

Moving through the swinging door into the empty kitchen area, Anthony took a deep breath and focused on making his drink. He added a few ice cubes and about two shots of the vanilla liquor. Returning to the refrigerator to look for root beer, the sound of the kitchen door met his ears.

"You hungry?"

A clear, gentle voice caused Anthony to snap to attention. Slowly turning, his suspicions were confirmed as he came eye-to-eye with twin brown pools of soft light that sparkled with internal laughter not two feet away from his face. Shaking his head slowly, he stopped himself short of subconsciously licking his chops a second time.

"You sure?"

Anthony felt his face begin to burn under his fur as he averted his eyes to the ground and shuffled his feet a little.

"Not really...just...making another drink...would you like one?"

"That would be delightful." She spoke with the hint of laughter, and Anthony couldn't help but wonder if it was at him or with him. The female was just less than a head shorter than him, and as he turned back to the fridge, she inquired, "You must be Anthony. Daniel has told me so much about you."

Anthony cursed inwardly as he realized he forgot introductions. He turned back to face her, "...Yeah. But you can call me Tony. Everyone else does."

"I'm Elizabeth. Most of my friends call me Liz."

"Elizabeth. That's a very beautiful name. Very well matched to your beauty, if I may say so."

This time it was Elizabeth's ears that adopted a rosy hue as she focused on the ground, the corners of her mouth rose a little higher on her gorgeous face. Not wanting to take his gaze from her, Tony quickly finished making the drinks. Then, he thought of a better idea. Emptying both drinks into a larger glass, he plucked two straws from the box in the cupboard. Turning, he handed the glass to Liz.

"Where's yours?"

Raising his eyebrows and grinning innocently, Anthony held up the twin straws, causing Elizabeth to break suddenly into a fit of giggles. Lynn, Ryan's lapin girlfriend, burst into the kitchen.

"Liz is giggling, everyone," she shouted into the other room. Looking at Anthony, she said informatively, "Liz never giggles." Moving to the refrigerator, she asked, "So what is the occasion for said giggle fit?"

"Nothing much," said Elizabeth, not taking her eyes from Anthony's, which were staring back with like intensity. Taking both straws, she plunked them into the drink, side by side. She turned on the spot and, with a swish of her white-tipped tail and a seductive glance over her shoulder, she disappeared back through the kitchen door. Anthony was about to follow when he found his path blocked by a long slender ear. It gently caught him under the chin and coaxed his focus to where Lynn was standing with a slightly serene look on her face.

"She really likes you, you know. That is the most she has opened up around anyone since her last boyfriend dumped her. You must be quite the charmer."

Anthony blushed slightly and raised a paw to scratch the scruff of neck. "I guess..."

"Do NOT hurt her." The bunny's face momentarily became a mask of anger. "She has been hurt too many times and she does not deserve that from you." As she spoke, she had been advancing on Anthony until now he was up against the wall, looking down at the stern bunny.


Just as quickly as it had hardened, Lynn's expressions softened again and she gave him a quick peck right on the tip of his muzzle. "Well, have fun." And she bounced off with her drink in paw.

Shaking his head slowly, Anthony decided that this might be more trouble than it was worth, and he pushed open the door to the living room. The sight that greeted him immediately forced all doubts from his mind, however. Here was a room packed with furs trying to find a comfortable seat before Ryan put in a new movie. Every seat was taken. Every one. As he watched, Anthony could see the reason the seat was still open. One by one, party attendees were attempting to sit, and one by one they were all terrified away by a dangerous-sound hiss. Anthony drew close to the source of the commotion and saw pretty little Elizabeth fending off fur after fur. Upon seeing Anthony, however, the gorgeous feline's eyes lit up with excitement.

"I saved you a seat," she said as he seated himself beside her on the shorter loveseat. The space between her and the equine on his left was not roomy, but it was made comfortable by the presence of her shapely side pressed against his.

"I see that. Thank you." He looked deep into her eyes as he spoke, realizing for the first time that he was totally smitten. Even if he was a little scared of screwing up, he would have to risk it and try his hardest to make her the happiest kitty in the world. Slowly, he let his face creep towards hers, still staring intently into her eyes. Their faces were only three inches apart...two inch...a centimeter...

"Okay, everyone, listen up." Ryan was standing in front of the crowd of furs. Elizabeth turned her head to hear what was going on, leaving Anthony about a millimeter away from her face. Refusing to let the moment be completely ruined, he placed a small light kiss on her soft cheek fur and then focused his attention on Ryan, who was explaining the rules of the drinking game they were about to play.

"While we watch Star Furs: Episode 2, we will be playing a little game. Everyone here has seen this movie at least once and now we are going to test how well you remember it. First, we'll divide into partners. At random points in the movie, we will be pausing the action. Then, you and your partner will take turns in guessing what the next line of the movie is. Whoever guesses less correctly has to drink. If you tie, both drink. So...Pair up!"

Anthony pretended to look around the room for a partner, causing Elizabeth's jaw to drop in a look of mock astonishment. "You ass," she laughingly said, hitting him with a pillow that cuffed him right across his smirking muzzle. They were still chuckling as the lights were dimmed and the movie began to play.

Anthony suddenly became quite nervous. Star Furs was one of his favorite series and he wasn't sure if he wanted her to know about such a nerdy pastime. He didn't have much time to dwell on this, though, as the movie was paused for the first time and Liz stared at him expectantly. Despite knowing the exact wording that came next, Tony pretended to fumble with the sentence, deliberately inputting a few wrong words for good measure. With a smug little grin, Liz rattled off the lines with exact wording, timing, and facial expression. The movie started up again, proving her the victor of the first bout.

Taking a quick sip from his straw, Tony let his jaw return to its slackened position as he continued to stare at her. Noting his amazement, Liz whispered, "I love Star Furs," into his ear (sending shivers down his spine). Tony took that as a sign. 'Be true to yourself,' he thought. 'It's where you are most comfortable.' He shook himself visibly. "You are going down, beautiful."

As it turned out they were very evenly matched, tying more often than beating the other. When it came to the final match, they were both very rosy cheeked and leaning heavily on each other, not because it was necessary, but because it was exactly where they wanted to be. At the end of the wedding scene, the movie came to an abrupt halt. It was Anthony's turn to answer first.

"They kiss, then say 'I love you.'"

The smug grin returned to the feline's beautiful features. "The most accurate wins, sweetie."

Liz grabbed the front of Tony's t-shirt, drawing him toward her. Head cocked slightly to the right, she lightly kissed his lips. Wrapping his own arms around her slender waist he pressed back into the kiss, feeling her rough feline tongue part his lips slightly. Slowly she ended the kiss and leaned back slightly. "I love you," she said in a whisper that was barely audible, yet held more emotion than any other voice he had heard before then.

Looking deep into her eyes, knowing he had found the feeling he desired for so long, he summoned his entire being and said in return, "I love you, too." They sat there, his arms around her midriff, her paws laid flat on his chest, staring into each other's eyes, for what seemed like hours, but in reality was only a few seconds. Finally, the movie started playing again and the sight of the same kiss and same embrace they had just shared greeted them. Looking from one another to the television screen and back again, their eyes met again just in time to mouth their proclamations of love again along with the movie.

"So I guess I have to drink..." started Anthony, but Elizabeth snatched the glass away from him. "We'll split it," she said, and swiftly drained the glass of the rest of it's fluid.

Anthony just gazed at her questioningly, wondering aloud, "I thought you said we were..." Realization dawned on him as he noticed the cat's cheeks were still bulging with liquid. "Oh..." he said as a smile slowly spread across his muzzle. Pressing his lips to hers he formed a tight seal through which he sucked half her mouthful of the drink. After swallowing simultaneously, he admitted, "Never has that drink tasted so good."

As the rest of the party filtered into the kitchen for some drunken board games, the couple sat together, oblivious to their surroundings, focusing only on the other. Finally, with a slightly mischievous smile, Elizabeth grabbed Anthony's paw in her own and dragged him off of the comfortable loveseat and in the opposite direction from the kitchen. Down the hallway and up the stairs the cat led a slightly bemused fox.

"Second one on the right," she muttered to herself. "This is it."

"What is...?" The words were hardly out of Anthony's mouth when the lights came on in what appeared to be the master bedroom. He turned to stare at his companion who had her paw on the switch and a smile on her face.

"Anthony, there is no way to describe the way you make me feel. Your extraordinary sense of humor and caring attitude have touched me deeply, far deeper than I have ever been touched before. Something within me desires to be with you, so much that it is intoxicating just to be with you. I know this all seems very forward, but I feel that telling you the truth about this is the only way to let you know just how much you have affected my life tonight. I truly believe I have fallen deeply in love with you." As she finished, the final words seemed to echo in the empty room. Silently, Elizabeth stared up at the sparkling blue eyes of her vulpine love. She grew visibly more attentive as Anthony opened his snout to speak.

"Elizabeth, when I decided to come to this reunion with my classmates, I wasn't looking for love. I figured it would be a weekend of drinking, carousing, and general good-hearted mischief." The smile faded slightly from Liz's face and her eyes began to moisten. Anthony took a deep breath and continued. "However, you have given me joy. Pure unadulterated joy in the knowledge that, by some lucky means, I was able to find someone who reaches into the depths of my soul and brings forth a happiness that knows no limits. I would love nothing more than to share that happiness and joy with you. I love you with my whole being."

Tears burst forth in earnest from Liz's dark eyes, but these were definitely tears of sheer bliss. Sobbing, she flings herself into Anthony's waiting arms. This time when they kiss, their tongues dance wildly into each other's mouths. Once again wrapping his paws around Liz's waist, Tony gently guides her back until her body is pressed against the doorway. Nibbling momentarily on her bottom lip, he moves his attentions up her cheek, eventually ending up at her ears. Lowering her head, Liz exhales huffs of hot breath punctuated with soft moans as Tony nibbled so delicately at her pointed ears. She drags the back of his t-shirt up his midsection until she can slip her paws into his soft russet backfur.

Tony switches positions, hunching over so he can more easily reach the feline's neck, gently placing light kisses and licks that mat her fur near the beginning of the patch of white. Throwing her head back to allow easier access to her slender neck, Liz pulls the t-shirt completely off her lover and throws it carelessly on the hallway floor. Tony's ministrations are sending lightning bolts of pleasure coursing through her veins, evoking very loud moans with every touch.

Since he is already hunched over, Tony reaches out into the hall and pulls the door shut, locking it in one swift motion. Then, stooping down a little more, he wraps his left arm around the back of Liz's thighs. Swiftly bringing his body to attention, Tony sweeps up the beautiful black cat and cradles her lithe form in his arms, causing her to squeal a little at the sudden rush of movement. As they make their way to the king-sized bed, Tony flips the light switch off with a small flick of his bushy tail. The newly risen full moon is witness to the fox gently laying the smaller feline on the mattress, providing enough light to see quite clearly in the darkened bedroom.

Looking down into the dark windows into his love's soul, Anthony hesitates for just a moment.

"What?" comes the inquiry from the prone form of the beautiful feline on the bed.

"I love you."

Again Elizabeth's eyes begin to water with emotion, but before they overflow, she pulls him forcibly on top of her. "I love you, too." Once again their lips lock in a passionate kiss that seems to dissolve the world around them until only the two of them remain.

Reaching up to the top of Liz's round breasts, Tony gives the left one a gentle squeeze, eliciting a gasp in the midst of their kiss. As she inhales sharply, Tony exhales lightly into her mouth and inhales again when she exhales. This exchange of used air causes a slight tingly feeling throughout his body, which was expecting an oxygen rich breath of fresh air.

Slowly, Tony's right paw works loose the rest of the buttons on Liz's blouse, until her braless furry breasts spill forth, nipples perking slightly in the cooler air. Meanwhile, Liz has been fumbling with the front of Tony's shorts. Finally the button and then the zipper come undone, and she hooks a toe claw on the bottom hem so she can drag the shorts completely off her lover's body.

Not to be outdone, Tony wraps his paw around the hems of both her red skirt and pure white panties. Breaking the kiss long enough to flash a roguish grin, he shifts his weight slightly and whips both garments down her soft furred legs and off of her body. Pausing a moment to soak in every beautiful feature of her naked fur, he traces a single claw from each paw along the twin lines that separate Black fur from white. He watches Liz shiver in anticipation as his claws glide over her stomach and come to rest on her spread thighs. Slowly, he lowers his long muzzle to her crotch and exhales a small puff of air onto her nether lips, causing her to squeal out, bucking her hips slightly. Holding her legs down, he repeats this action thrice more times, each time increasing the length and volume of the squeal. Nuzzling his nose deep into the soft fur surrounding her dripping slit, he inhales her scent deeply, smelling her obvious arousal and causing his own arousal to grow.

"Please...just...PLEASE." She screams out for him. Deciding he has toyed with her for long enough, Tony gives her one last loving look before burying his snout in between her legs. Using his forepaws to gently spread her outer labia, he dragged his long vulpine tongue across her slit, immediately changing her screams into deep moans. Repeating his long, slow licks he slowly shifts his paws around to her backside, caressing the furry pillows carefully. Moving his left paw to her tailbase, he gently massages it while sliding his other paw down the length of her long slender tail.

Liz was in heaven, having never gone this far with a male before. She bucked her hips in the air as Tony increases the frequency and speed of his slippery tongue. Without warning, he pressed his nose into her hardened clit and slides his tongue deep within her folds. The feeling of him lapping at her inner walls is like nothing Liz has ever felt before. A pressure builds deep within her, growing until she feels it cannot be contained. Shaking violently, she cries out as her climax washes over her body like a wave of pure bliss. Her love juices gush into Tony's waiting muzzle and over his face. The fox between her legs began lapping up the sweet nectar flowing from her cunny, which only caused her to continue shuddering in pleasure. Finally, Tony's tongue ceased its movements and the shuddering stopped.

As Tony lifted his head, Liz could see it was literally dripping with her juices. Chuckling silently to herself, she sits up and says, "Let me help you clean up a little." Wrapping her arms around Tony's waist, she gently maneuvers his body down to the soft mattress. Straddling his waist, she paused just long enough to stare lovingly at her sopping wet foxy as she brushed a strand of hair back behind her ear, then she leaned down and let her rough tongue slide over Tony's muzzle and cheeks.

Tony watched Liz's white-tipped tail sway hypnotically in time with her licks and he closed his eyes, truly happy for the first time in his life. He often played the fool for others' enjoyment, but he knew it was just a façade that covered a slightly depressed individual within. But here he was, a beautiful creature who he loved dearly showing him how happy he could be. None of his previous girlfriends had even come close to eliciting the types of feelings he was experiencing at this moment. His eyes fluttered open again as Liz was finishing the last few cleansing strokes of her tongue.

Tony raised his head slightly off the pillows to kiss those sweet lips as his paws trailed lazily over her rump. Bringing her paws to his chest Liz gently kneaded the soft white fur with her claw tips. After exploring every inch of Tony's mouth, Liz decided she had a favor to repay. Dragging her fangs along his bottom lip, she inched down his neck, nibbling as she went. Feeling his clawtips massage the back of her head, Liz paused at his toned chest, kissing and playing with one nipple, then the other. After lingering but a moment to listen to Tony's heavy breathing, she moved her body lower, dragging her sharp claws lightly down Tony's front, leaving furrows in the creamy white fur.

Pulling his black boxer shorts down and off his legs, Liz revealed Tony's bulging sheath. The strong musk emanating from his loins makes Liz a little lightheaded, but she remembers what she was doing. Her sandpapery tongue dragging twice across the tip was all that was needed to cause his pink member to spill out into the open air. She caressed it in one soft paw while silently admiring it. Tony's foxhood was seven inches long from base to tapered tip and about two inches in diameter. Wrapping her paw around the shaft, Liz nuzzled the furry sac and licked at the orbs inside, causing a strong grunt of pleasure to escape the muzzle of the fox.

Opening her mouth as wide as she could, Liz placed the tip of Tony's penis on her tongue, letting it slide slowly into her mouth before closing her lips around it. The response was immediate. Tony's whole body jerked as she gently suckled on his member, letting her raspy tongue slide over the tip. Slowly Liz moved down the shaft until the head was quite nearly touching her throat, engulfing about half the length in her mouth. As she pulled back, her feline tongue rubbed along the bottom of the fox cock. Liz then began to slowly bob up and down.

Tony's eyes rolled back in pure bliss as his hips bucked involuntarily. "Oh, gods," he cried as each second brought him closer and closer to climax. Then Liz did something totally unexpected. Taking a deep breath and forcing his shaft as far it could go in her mouth, she swallowed the tip right down her throat and continued sliding his meat into her maw until her lips kissed his knot. The feeling of her tight throat muscles convulsing around his member was more than enough to push Tony over the edge. Arching his back farther than he ever had, he jerkily shot the first ropes of sticky fox cum straight down Liz's throat. Liz pulled her mouth off of his penis long enough to gasp a couple breaths of fresh air while Tony continued to shoot his seed at her face. Greedily she stuffed his meat back into her mouth and drank down as much of the salty sweet liquid as she could, before he finally came to a shuddering halt. Looking up at Tony, Liz licked her whiskers clean of the gooey mess. After quickly helping her clean the rest of her face, Tony wrapped her in his arms and shifted his weight until she was lying on her back once again with her foxy lover hovering over her.

Positioning his pointed tip directly at her little flower, Tony looked deeply in her eyes, "Is this your first time?"

A slight nod.

"You know this is going to hurt at first?"

A smaller nod.

"I want you to stop me if it becomes too much for you."

Hesitantly, Liz nodded a third time.

Slowly increasing the pressure, Liz's nether lips spread wide to accommodate his girth, causing her to wince slightly, but she doesn't stop him. Tony marvels at the tightness of her passage, even as well lubricated as it is. He continues forging ahead into her until he meets a very expected resistance. He puts some pressure on Liz's maidenhead, causing her to gasp in pain with tears forming in the corners of her eyes. Looking into the shining blue eyes above her face, Liz bites her bottom lip and nods very slowly.

In one sudden thrust, Tony breaks through her hymen and hilts himself up to his knot. He pauses in his movements once hilted, due to the fact that Liz has dug her claws deep into his shoulder blades. Whimpering as tears flowed freely from the pain, Liz toyed with the idea of telling him to stop, but realized the pain was ever so slowly fading away. Once it had faded to a bearable amount, she opened her tightly shut eyes and nodded again to her lover.

Ever so slowly, Tony moved his hips backwards until only the head of his cock remained buried. Then he slowly plunged back into her velvety depths. This time, through the pain, Liz felt the smallest spark of pleasure. As each thrust caressed her inner walls at the same slow tempo, the balance tipped more and more towards pleasure, until the fact that it had hurt enough to bring tears seemed long in the past. Soon she was crying out for Tony to go faster. He willingly obliged and picked up the pace, causing Liz's perfect breasts to roll up and down on her chest. It wasn't long before the sensations caused Liz to feel that familiar pressure building to a peak.

Writhing under the frame of her fox, she came hard around his shaft, insides clutching at the member and slathering it with juices at the same time. Stars appeared behind her tightly shut eyes as she rode out the blissful sensations of that orgasm and immediately went into another, more powerful orgasm. Literally bouncing off the mattress because of her tensing muscles, she struggled to remain conscious as her vulpine playmate continued his regular thrusting.

As the last shocks of that orgasm faded away, she felt Tony slowly draw his member completely out of her slippery sheath. Positioning her on her paws and knees, Tony placed his paws on either of her hips and slid back into her vaginal opening. This new angle brought a new wave of completely different sensations to the depths of her pussy. The pressure built much faster than it had the first time, and judging from Tony's erratic thrusting, he wasn't far off either. Knowing full well the pain she was about to inflict upon herself, she wraps her prehensile tail around the small of his back. Timing it perfectly with one of Tony's thrusts, she pulls his full length inside her, knot and all. The squeezing passage causes Tony's knot to swell even larger, effectively tying them together. Stretched to her limit, Liz is amazed at the amount of pain and also pleasure coursing through her senses. It is enough to send her into yet another orgasm, inner walls clenching on her lover's knot.

With a few abbreviated thrusts, Tony joins Liz in climax as he shoots his warm spooge directly into her waiting womb. Both lovers' bodies shudder as spurt after spurt of Tony's cum fills Liz's waiting canal. Finally, the torrent subsides and the exhausted furs collapse against each other and wait for the swollen knot to diminish so they may end their tie.

"I love you," says Elizabeth as her eyes threaten to close.

"I love you, too," comes the response from Anthony, who punctuates the statement by brushing a paw through her auburn hair as they drift into a blissful sleep.

A half hour later, Tony was the first to wake. Gently kissing her forehead, he wakes Liz. The first thing she notices is the intense soreness between her legs. The second thing she notices is her fox removing his now softened penis from her snatch. A stream of semen, blood and her juices trickle out, pooling on the comforter. Tony lowers his head so he can gently but thoroughly probe his lover's well-used vagina.

He gingerly laps up as much of the mess as he can causing a few more shivers from Liz.

"Well, you'll be sore as hell for the next week at least because of your crazy desire to have me tie with you, but other than that, it looks alright."

Wincing, she sits up in bed and stares into the beautiful blue of her lover's eyes. "Then it was worth it. I wanted be your mate, and what better way to show it than by tying?" She tilted her head and threw him a wink.

After kissing, they decided they should go down and get something to eat and drink from the party. Slowly they fumbled about in the dark bedroom until they found their clothes and dressed. It was then that Tony noticed the absence of his shirt. Turning on the light they searched together until Liz remembered throwing it into the hall. Unlocking the door, they both peered into the hall, but the black shirt was nowhere to be seen.

Thinking they might have left it on the couch and then forgot in true drunken fashion, they crept silently down the stairs and into the living room.

Liz and Tony both jumped as the entire living room erupted in applause and cheering from every fur at the party. Standing bewildered at the crowd, they were approached by Ryan and Lynn. "How was it, Sweetie?" Lynn asked Liz at the same time Ryan noticed the claw marks on Tony's back. "Apparently, it was that good," said Ryan, showing everyone the deep gashes surrounded by dried blood.


"Guess which room is right above this one," said Ryan.

Tony and Liz turned to look at each other, their faces turning bright scarlet.

"They knew?" asked Liz.

"They were bound to find out somehow. You okay?"

Liz looked at the sea of faces, and then smiled. "As long as I have you, I'll be just fine."

To be continued...

I hope you enjoyed my first story ever. Please keep that fact in mind if you decide to leave me some constructive criticism, which is always welcome.