To Have and to Hold
Typical Disclaimer
This story is a work of erotic fiction, featuring anthropomorphic (furry) characters. If that disturbs you, don't read it. Any resemblance between characters portrayed here and people or characters elsewhere is both unintentional and coincidental - unless that resemblance happens to be to other characters of my own.
The observant may notice that the main characters in this story bear a distinct, though not exact, resemblance to other characters in another story I am writing. Please note that no link in either direction should be implied, and events here do not necessarily result from events in the originating story. They just seemed like they would be a really good couple, hence they got extracted and modified a little :3
The naturally curious may find illustrations of characters and events herein at, along with other stories and unrelated artwork.
If you have comments, or suggestions, by all means email me. I don't bite unless provoked.
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To Have and to Hold
Taking his first conscious breath of the day, Thordin smiled.
He'd been doing that a lot upon waking recently, and as he opened his eyes to see the beautiful lioness beside him, he reaffirmed why. With her face turned towards him, and the white pillow shining in a ray of sunlight that crept through the curtains, she looked nothing short of angelic.
Like she often did, Cassendra had one arm on top of the covers. Well toned, and quite capable of giving him a run for his money in any test of strength, it was a limb that nonetheless conspired to have an overall softness to its appearance - which was fitting, since the rest of her succeeded in doing exactly the same, and Thordin loved every single inch of her.
What time was it? Probably near the end of morning watch, judging by the sunlight, which meant that it was high time both of them were out of bed. Smile widening a little, Thordin slid his hand forward under the covers, fingertips brushing over the lioness' short night dress, seeking out places he knew would make her purr.
"Mmm..." Sighing softly, she shifted a little, eyelids flickering for a moment before revealing large amber-gold eyes that blinked sleepily at the wolf beside her. She breathed quietly for a few moments before smiling back at him.
"Good morning, mister Hunt," she murmured softly, purring, exactly as he had planned.
"Good morning, mistress Hunt," Thordin murmured back, grinning. It was something of a ritual, first thing in the morning, but that made it no less heartfelt and meaningful than on the first day they had said it.
Thordin leaned his head forward to kiss her nose. She giggled and tilted her head back so that his lips brushed hers even as her hands brushed his flanks.
"I love you, Cassy."
"Mmm, and I love you, Thor," the lioness returned, snuggling closer against him, the warmth of her body pressing tight to his. "Well now," her eyes opened wider in mock surprise. "Isn't that interesting?"
The wolf felt blood rise to his cheeks, and knew that there would be visible pink behind his fur... much as there seemed to be visible pink further down, although that particular pinkness was entirely fur free - unless you counted the way it was trapped between his stomach and his shorts. Instinctively and quite unintentionally, he hunched his hips forwards, pressing his erection against her, gasping as her hand found it's way down between their bodies.
"For me?" Cassendra smiled, and Thordin nodded.
"Only ever for you, Cassy. You know that."
"I know that," she echoed before kissing him again, more firmly this time. As they broke, she tilted her head back, bringing her chin down against the top of his muzzle, pressing firmly until he shuffled down the bed a few inches as she tugged the front of her night dress up a little. Smiling, she shifted her hips away for a moment, pulling his shorts down, tugging on his shaft, angling him just right before closing the gap once more, tucking him tight between her thighs, his tip resting at the base of her tail.
"Good?" she asked softly.
Wonderful, Thordin wanted to say, but the warmth of her body, the feel of her fur around him, the softness of the naked skin between her legs proved quite enough to steal his breath, leaving him panting, head pressed against her collar bone, her breasts soft against his chest.
Stroking behind his ears in the way she knew he loved, the lioness purred as she gripped her husband's arousal between her thighs. He felt so comfortable there, so hot and hard, so very close to that marvellous space inside her - the space that they had opened their first night together, the space that of all the people in the world, only the two of them had ever explored. After waiting so long to find their perfect partners, neither of them had ever felt regret for the years when they had been only friends, neither ever lamenting not discovering their love sooner.
Although that didn't mean she wasn't going to take full advantage of her husband now that she had him as such, Cassendra though with a grin, pressing her muzzle against the wolf's forehead as he hunched his hips up against her.
"Cassy..." he murmured as she hugged him. "I love you so much."
"Not as much as I love you," she whispered into his ear, rocking her hips gently, feeling the wolf's hard length slipping between her furry thighs.
"Oh, much more than that," he returned, one hand finding and caressing her right breast, fingers lightly tugging at her pink little nipple.
"No way, I love you more."
"Nope, I love you more, and you know it."
"Nu-uh," the lioness giggled.
"Uh-oh-uh-Cassy? I think maybe we should stop..."
"Why, you afraid I love you more?" Cassendra smiled, kissing him between his eyes as she felt his erection brushing up against the base of her tail.
"No," the wolf bit his lip, looking up into those sparkling amber-gold eyes. "But I think I may make a mess soon," he admitted.
"My, you are excitable this morning aren't you?" she smiled, putting her lips close to his ear, her lips brushing the soft fur there as she spoke. "You go ahead and make a mess, puppy love," she whispered, arching her body against him.
"I hate it when you call me that, you know," he whispered back.
"I know, puppy love," she giggled. "That's why I do it. C'mon now, let's have what you've got for me."
"Are-are you sure?" Thordin tried to hesitate, but it wasn't easy with the lioness determinedly pressing her hips against him, her softly furred thighs stroking his shaft with every motion.
"I can shower afterwards. C'mon now, let's have it. Make me messy."
Thordin didn't have much of a choice. The head start of his morning erection, the warm softness of Cassendra's body against him, the feel of her fur surrounding his length, the smoothness of her soft folds right above...
"I love you, Cassy," the wolf murmured, wrapping his arms tightly around her, feeling her purr as he pressed his cheek to her collar bone, hips jammed against hers. Panting, he surrendered to the intense feeling, squeezing his eyes tight shut as the growing tide of pleasure surged forward.
Cassendra smiled and stroked the wolf's back as he tensed in her arms. She pressed her chin to the top of his head as she felt him climax, wet little surges of warmth jetting against the base of her tail. "I love you too, Thor."
Slowly, pleasure receding, Thordin felt himself relax, his beautiful wife's arms tight about him. Suddenly he found himself very conscious of the wetness he had just created under her tail, and blushed as she tilted his head down to look at him, her lips brushing his nose.
"Sorry," he whispered, and meant it.
"I'm not," she wrinkled her nose and smiled as the sound of the village clock chiming the hour made its way in through the window.
"Oh no," the wolf groaned.
"Whoops!" the lioness concurred. "Go on, you better go! Quick!" Pushing at him, she separated them, and he sat up, looking down at her.
"But... we... you..."
"Doesn't matter," Cassendra shook her head. "Go on, get dressed you silly pup, you're already late!"
"Sorry," Thordin said again, regarding her with an expression of deep apology as he stood, finding a towel and making sure he was clean before locating his pants.
Cassendra watched him dress hurriedly, smiled as he stopped with his hand on the door before running back to kiss her, and waved as he finally left. A few seconds later, she heard him descend the stairs, followed by the thud of the front door.
"Late again," she smiled to herself. It was funny, really. History had left both of them with the status of national hero - they had the medals to prove it - and she had no doubt at all that Thordin could turn up late every day of the week and never get into trouble. In fact, she knew they could call on those at the palace for financial aid whenever they wanted, never actually having to work for a living... but it wouldn't have suited either of them. Rich food, fine clothes, a dozen servants on call at all hours of the day, none of it would have meant anything to either of them. Waking up to look into each others' eyes... that was the important part.
She became aware again of her wet tail, and that some of that wetness seemed to be making its way onto her night dress. Swinging her legs off the side of the bed, she carefully slipped out of it, standing naked on the rug as she examined the damp patch at the back. Oh well, no point in brooding on it. Balling the garment, she padded it gently between her legs, under her tail, drying herself as best she could. Without really meaning to, she lifted it close to her nose, inhaling.
Thordin, said the scent. Friend and partner. Husband and lover. Unique, and at once unpleasant and wonderful, it was a scent that brought back memories of every moment of intimacy they had shared, and it made her knees go weak.
"No, none of that," the lioness told herself sharply, pulling back the hand that had somehow managed to cup itself between her legs, resting against the bare skin there. "None of that..." stroking against her softness as her breath trembled past her lips. Oh goddess she wished that stupid clock hadn't chimed! If only Thordin could have stayed ten more minutes! Maybe she would...
No. No, she wouldn't, Cassendra decided firmly, forcing her hand away despite the desires of her body.
"Shower," she stated calmly, setting her night dress aside and very intentionally ignoring it. Walking to the door, the lioness padded nude down the stairs and into the bathroom. Putting a hand on the wall, she nodded in satisfaction as she felt the warmth of the fire beneath the water tank coming through the brickwork.
"Good," she sighed, opening the valve that would send water cascading in through the pipe over the bath tub. Suddenly she giggled, wondering if, maybe, she shouldn't have been hoping for a cold shower after all.
"Mistress Hunt?"
Cassendra looked up. Around her, the staff room basked in the midday sun that shone in through the large windows. It was a small school, and thus the room contained only five teachers. One of them, Maria, a petite squirrel who simply could not be taught to speak to the lioness on a first name basis, was standing near by, holding a large bunch of flowers and a small package.
"A courier just left these for you," the squirrel said.
"Thanks, sweetie," the lioness accepted the large bouquet and smiled at Maria, who blushed and scampered away, looking every bit as young as the children she taught. Quite how her classes never ate her alive, Cassendra wasn't sure, but the squirrel seemed to keep them in order somehow.
There was a note attached, written in wobbly, almost childlike handwriting that was immediately identifiable.
I owe you something. Don't be late home.
Secret Admirer.
Cassendra smiled, opening the package, discovering... a banana. Laughing, she thought that for a man who claimed to be but a poor uneducated yokel, he had a wicked sense of humour at times. Nonetheless, the fruit was a welcome dessert, even if she did have to focus on the biting and chewing, rather than just holding it in her mouth as a small part of her suggested she should.
Definitely wicked.
As Cassendra pushed open the door that evening, the first thing that greeted her was the smell. Warm and fragrant, bringing with it a wash of herbs, spices, and perfectly cooked poultry, it was so wonderful that the lioness paused in the doorway for a moment, just savouring the aroma.
"Good evening, mistress Hunt, you're right on time," Thordin smiled as she entered the kitchen, looking up from stirring a mixing bowl full of what appeared to be pudding mix. He was wearing the apron which Cassendra had bought for his birthday, the one with 'kiss the cook' embroidered on the front. Deciding to take the apron's advice, Cassendra did so, her hands finding his furry shoulders - Thordin often removed his shirt while cooking due to the warmth of the room - her eyes gazing fondly into his as she leaned down a few inches to close the gap in their heights.
"Good evening, mister Hunt," she smiled. "Been tasting the potatoes have we?"
"Well I have to be sure the spices are right," Thordin told her, winking.
"Naturally. And are they?"
"I'll let you be the judge," the wolf grinned, opening the oven and letting out a wash of hot, fragrant air. "Pass me two plates, please?"
The potatoes were, as ever, perfect. In fact, Cassendra decided, so was the entire meal. For years, they had joked that Thordin's knack for cooking good food, even when travelling, was impressive, but now that he had a proper kitchen to work with, and some appropriate seasoning... well, if there was a lioness with a way to heart that wasn't her stomach, Cassendra suspected that that might well change after a few portions of apple sponge.
"I love you," she told him with feeling as she sat back in her chair, gazing at him fondly.
"I love you too," he returned, kissing the top of her head as he stood to collect her plate. "Why don't you go relax for a bit? I'll wash up."
And so she did, settling herself by the fire with a book on local history that a friend had leant to her, the light outside slowly fading as evening wore on. She looked up as Thordin entered the room, still bare chested but without the apron, carrying a candle. Walking to the window, he drew the curtains, touched the candle to two others in holders on the wall, then finally settled himself behind her on the rug, his hands finding her shoulders.
"Mmm," Cassendra sighed softly as the wolf's strong fingers gently massaged her, but continued reading. It was a regular little game, and one they both enjoyed. To win, all he had to do was get her attention off the book, and all she had to do was ignore him. They were both getting quite good at playing their part.
First he'd start at the back of her neck, thumbs rubbing gently across her fur, ruffling and then smoothing. Allowing the massage to spread out along her shoulders, fingers reaching over as far as her collar bones and back to her spine. Down to her shoulder blades, sliding his hands almost casually around her flanks to her front, fingers brushing...
"Ah! No, no, no, no!" the lioness giggled as he nipped her ear gently between his teeth, tugging on it playfully. "Auch! You rat!" Admitting defeat, Cassendra set the book aside, leaning back against the wolf as he knelt behind her. Strong arms slipped around her, hugging her tightly against his chest. "And what can I do for you this evening?" she asked.
"You don't have to do anything, Cassy," he responded quietly, nuzzling at her cheek. Almost unnoticed, one hand slid up her body, brushing the underside of her left breast. Purring, the lioness hooked her arms behind her, hugging him as best she could, letting him know that it was all right to continue. "Though I think I kind of owe you a favour from this morning," he added, his muzzle wandering down to her neck, licking at her fur.
"Mmm? You don't owe me anything, Thor. You know I love making you feel good."
"I know," the wolf admitted. "But that doesn't mean I'm not allowed to feel the same way," he was cupping her chest with both hands now, fingers splayed, thumbs gently stroking over her soft cotton top. "Lie back with me?" Shuffling around, he turned them both so that he sat with his back against the armchair beside the fire, the lioness settling into place with her head on his chest as his hands found her breasts once more.
"I love it when you do that," she murmured dreamily, the warmth of the fire and the heat of his touch combining to feel deeply relaxing.
"This?" Thordin asked, running his thumbs across her nipples again, rubbing her through her cotton blouse. "Now why ever," and again. "Would you like," again, "this I wonder?" he chuckled as she panted lightly.
"Because it's you doing it," Cassendra's eyes sparkled in the firelight as she arched her neck to look back at him.
Smiling, Thordin repeated the contact half a dozen times before finally spreading his hands out over the lioness' chest once again, simply holding her for a few moments.
"Please don't stop..."
"All right," he nodded, smile widening as he resumed the intimate massage, circling around the centre of each breast this time, making light little pattering motions with his fingers that very quickly had the lioness squirming in place.
"Mmm..." changing to a firmer stroke, long and slow, all the way from her collar bones to the edge of her ribs and back.
Cassendra purred and panted, pressing her head back against her husband's chest as his fingers worked her so deftly, finding all the little pleasure points that only the two of them knew about. Her chest was tingling all over now, and there was a growing warmth between her legs, her underwear beginning to feel wet, clinging to her, rubbing against her with every little movement. Gasping, she rolled her head as the wolf pinched her nipples gently through her blouse.
"F-fine! Don't stop!"
"I won't," the wolf smiled, kissing the top of her head.
It was getting increasingly hard for the lioness to keep still, the powerful sensations that her lover seemed able to induce so easily thrumming through her, setting her head buzzing like a good bottle of wine... except that the wine didn't make the rest of her tingle too. She was digging her fingers into the sheepskin rug now, because she knew that if she didn't her hands would be tugging up her skirt. It was another part of their game - how long could he persist in teasing her before one of them gave in and permitted her a more intense contact. Dear goddess how she wanted to be touched down there, wanted more than just the tugs that her underwear was providing!
Thordin watched contentedly as Cassendra's pleasure built, loving the way her breath would catch every time he pinched a little more firmly. He often delighted in how sensitive she could be, but today seemed quite exceptional, and he intended to see just where such a situation might lead.
"Thor..." panting, eyes tight shut, hands clenched in the rug, Cassendra squeezed her thighs tight together, feeling the warmth of her underwear pull tight against her heated skin. Oh goodness, oh goddess, it felt so good! So good that she was... was... was she really going to? Right here on the floor?
Apparently, yes, she was.
"Ahh!" Back arching, the lioness' pleasure peaked and exploded inside her, cresting over her in wave after wave of tingling warmth as her hips hunched into empty air.
Thordin hugged her tight as best he could, surprised but pleased at producing such an intense reaction, nuzzling her ears as she moaned her climax to the room.
"Cassy?" he called softly as she settled back against him, muscles relaxing, her death grip on the rug loosening. "Love you, Cassy."
It took several long, slow breaths before the lioness seemed fit to reply, her eyes flickering open. With the wolf's strong arms about her, she blushed.
"You ok?"
Biting her lip, she nodded, avoiding looking back over her shoulder. "Yeah..."
"Are you sure?" Thordin pressed, sensing something amiss.
The lioness hesitated for a moment before replying. "Kinda embarrassed..."
"Embarrassed? Why, Cassy?"
"I... without anything... I mean, you never touched me!"
"I did!"
"Yes, but not down there..." she trailed off.
"I know," Thordin kissed the top of her head. "Isn't it great?"
"It is?"
"It's amazing! I never knew you could be so sensitive," he smiled and nibbled her ear.
"Nor did I," Cassendra admitted. "I know they say that lions are easy, but I didn't know we could be that easy!"
"I like you being easy," Thordin grinned. "Means I don't have to work so hard."
"Hey..." reaching up, she slapped his shoulder lightly. "That's no excuse for slacking."
"As if I would ever abuse it like that," the wolf amended, kissing her fur. "How did it feel?" he asked, curious.
"Kinda weird. Good... but weird."
"Weird meaning you'd rather not do it again...?"
"I'm not sure... I guess I must've been a bit wound up today. Don't know that I could do it again if I tried."
"Well, we'll find out one day," the wolf told her gently. "If you want to."
Cassendra nodded and hugged his arms tighter about her for a few moments, watching the flickering dance of the fire.
"I think I need to change my underwear..."
Thordin chuckled. "Better than that, I lit the water boiler. Why don't you take a nice long bath?"
"Oh goddess I love you..." the lioness murmured happily. "But I've got an even better idea."
"Oh? Do tell, pretty kitty."
"Why don't we take a nice long bath?"
The wolf chuckled. "I can't think of anything I'd rather do more."
Standing in hot water up to her ankles, the heat of the shower drumming gently against the back of her head, Cassendra purred. Smiling, Thordin hugged her tighter, his fingers gently massaging the lioness' soft bottom as her breasts pressed against his chest. Her hips twitched as he investigated the base of her tail, grasping tightly and sweeping his hand upwards and out, pulling it away from her body until he held the very tip in his hand. He kissed it, and she burst into giggles, pushing her muzzle into his neck, nuzzling him firmly as her hands roved over his back.
"I love you," she reminded him unnecessarily, and he hugged her again.
"Not as much as I love you."
"Don't start that again," the lioness chided gently. "You know what happened last time."
"Aye," the wolf nodded. "That's why it's your turn to lose." Pulling back until his nose touched hers, he half turned her, taking a step sideways along the length of their gigantic bathtub, urging her to sit down on the edge as he knelt in the still-shallow water.
Cassendra purred again as the wolf dipped his head forward to nuzzle at her breasts, tongue lapping over her left nipple, then right, then left again, until they stood up firm under the attention.
"I love it when you purr," he told her with a lopsided smile, his hands on her waist as he looked up into her face.
"Mmm, and I love it when you make me," she returned, twitching one eyebrow as she chewed her lower lip, looking suddenly very shy and embarrassed, as she always did when he took their activities in this direction. It wasn't, Thordin knew, that she didn't like such attention, more that she seemed to be slightly nervous about having his gaze directed where it was about to be.
As if he didn't consider every single inch of her to be perfect, the wolf thought with a smile. He dipped his head again to nuzzle at the underside of her breasts, lapping at the damp fur, slowly making his way downwards. As his nose passed her navel, she spread her knees a little further, and he let his eyes track up her firm body to meet her gaze across the twin mounds of her breasts.
Catching him looking up at her, Cassendra flushed, closing her eyes and turning her head for several seconds. When she opened them, it was to find he was still watching her, and she felt her blush deepen.
"You're beautiful, Cassy," Thordin told her gently, holding her gaze until she gave the tiniest of nods.
Settling himself cross legged in the warm water, Thordin lowered his head until his muzzle was level with her toned thighs, leaning to rest his cheek against soft, white fur. Cassendra giggled and stroked his ear as he nibbled gently at her leg, canine teeth lightly scraping her skin.
"Ready?" he asked, and she nodded again, a little more firmly this time. The wolf leaned forwards and Cassendra's toes clenched.
"Sensitive?" Thordin enquired softly, his nose resting against the top of her pink entrance.
"A little," the lioness admitted, slowly relaxing as he kept up the pressure on that certain spot, although she could feel that little sensation inside that said he was well on track to engaging her passion.
"Then I'll go slow."
"Oh!" Cassendra's toes curled again as that soft lupine tongue darted across her skin for a moment before his nose pressed against her once more, waiting for the space of several breaths.
A little further this time, the contact lasting just a moment longer.
She was panting already, the lioness realised, looking down just as the wolf looked up to wink at her before lowering his gaze again.
Blowing gently over her pink folds, Thordin pressed his cheek against her inner thigh again, feeling her tremble as he gazed between her legs. This was another thing that embarrassed her - how that tight little pinch would blush and blossom, flowering in invitation as her arousal grew. She thought it looked untidy.
Thordin loved it, this announcement that her body was ready, that the lioness wanted more, and wanted it now.
And Thordin was never a one to deny his wife anything.
"Ahh!" Cassendra moaned softly as the wolf's muzzle moved between her legs again, lapping at her more insistently now, his tongue darting here and there, slipping inside her one moment, lashing over the outer edges of her entrance the next, never lingering in one place for more than a heartbeat, keeping her guessing. Unable to find any rhythm in his actions, she panted raggedly, unable to time her breathing around the little gasps he forced out of her, feeling light headed.
Thordin felt her hand on his ear again, lifting his own to caress her thighs, working his fingers into her damp fur. Her hips rocked up towards him as she moved her free arm behind her for support.
She climaxed easily on his tongue, as she often did, the wolf pressing his nose against the top of her entrance as he lapped across her pink folds, the lioness moaning his name softly, her head tilted back, her eyes narrowed to slits.
The hand on his ear relaxed as her hips settled back onto the side of the bath, her breath panting down her chest as she hung her head forwards.
"Love you, easy kitty," he said softly. Her eyelids flickered, then opened as she looked at him, her mouth open breathlessly.
For a moment she favoured him with a look of faux-petulance, but couldn't hold it, swiftly relenting to a smile. "Not as much... as I love you."
Thordin laughed, pushing himself up, hands on her thighs until he could lock his muzzle against hers, their tongues battling as they kissed, the lioness still panting audibly through her nose.
"Want me to clean you up a little?" he asked as they broke apart, smiling.
"Why?" the lioness twitched an eyebrow. "This easy kitty is not nearly done with you yet!" With that declaration she pushed him upright as she leaned forwards, nuzzling his lower tummy, filling her nose with the scent of his fur.
Caught rather unawares, Thordin wasn't quite sure how to react, but quickly settled for bracing his hands on her shoulders so he didn't fall over as her fingers roamed over his soft, furry sheath, one hand cupping his testicles. She wasted no time at all, wrapping her muzzle around him the moment his arousal showed enough to allow her to do so, holding him in her mouth, her nose pressed against his stomach.
Cassendra could sense him looking down at her, his expression curious, but she didn't look up from her task. She'd never quite been able to explain just how good it felt to take him into her muzzle, how it was physically satisfying, beyond the gratification of pleasing him. There was no less love and attention to care when he took his tongue to her, she knew, but it always seemed that his focus and goal was entirely her pleasure, whereas to have him in her mouth... there were times when she felt she could almost climax just kneeling between his legs, her nose pressed to his fur, his warmth in her mouth, his familiar scent filling her every breath.
Maybe she really was as easy as they said all lions were.
Or maybe she just loved pleasing him.
Cassendra suspected she would never be able to communicate the feeling satisfactorily to her husband, but it didn't matter. He loved her, he took pleasure in her pleasure, and she in his. There were much better things to occupy her thoughts right now than deciding who got most out of what. Moving her hand from cupping him, she moved it back between his legs to press against his bottom, holding him as deep in her mouth as possible, taking full advantage of her leonine muzzle as he grew fully erect in her mouth.
Thordin's breath caught in his throat as she ran her tongue around him, pulling back for a moment before taking him all the way in again, bobbing her head along his warm shaft, moving from nuzzling his stomach to lapping gently at the very tip of his length.
"Steady, pretty kitty... take it steady..." Thordin's fingers squeezed the lioness' shoulders, and she understood.
For a moment, she paid no heed, instead taking him as deep into her muzzle as possible, stretching out her tongue until it brushed his fur, waiting for a shiver to run through him before she backed off.
"Mmm." Licking her lips she looked up at her lover, grinning.
"I love it when you do that," he sighed.
"Of course, that's why I do it," she fluttered her eyelids at him. "I'll keep going if you like?"
But the wolf shook his head, his hands on her shoulders pulling her to her feet, kissing her firmly as the heat of the shower beat upon them, the water now up to their shins. It was however, a deep bath, and had plenty of time left to fill completely.
"Turn around," he smiled. "I'll do your back."
"All right." Compliantly, the lioness did as he told her, the stream of water from the shower now sluicing down her chest, spreading it's warmth across her breasts. Moments later, she felt the wolf's strong fingers at her shoulders, massaging soap into her fur as she purred. Across the top of her shoulders, brushing over the nape of her neck, rubbing firmly along her spine, the touch soothing, relaxing... and exciting.
"Mmm, am I clean already?" she smiled, turning her head as he stepped up tight behind her, his arms around her middle.
"Clean enough for now," the wolf grinned, his chin on her shoulder as his strong hands slipped slowly up her body to cup her breasts, the water dripping from his fingers. She spread her legs, leaning forward to close the gap in their heights. He licked her cheek affectionately, making her laugh as her hands braced against the wall.
"Whatcha thinking?" she asked.
"That it's been far too long since I pushed you up against a wall," he chuckled.
"Wasn't that two weeks ago?" she smiled, whisking her tail from side to side, not incidentally swatting his erection in the process.
"Far. Too. Long," he murmured, nuzzling at her ear as he pressed his hips up tight against her bottom, squashing her tail down between her thighs, the tip of his arousal pressed tight against the base.
One hand slid slowly down her stomach, investigating the soaking wet fur, scritching lightly over her well toned muscles. She trembled as his fingertips found naked skin.
Humming softly, she felt one leg trembling a little as he curled his fingers up inside her. Hard, and hot, she could feel him still pressed against the base of her tail as his loving fingers located all those little places that would make her gasp and squirm. Goddess, she wanted him. The lioness felt him draw back a little, surely he was going to... no? Mildly confused, she kept still as the wolf's muzzle nuzzled its way down her back.
Laughing, she wiggled as he twisted his head, tugging at her tail with his teeth, raising his eyebrows at her as she turned to look over her shoulder.
"I love you," she told him, grinning, and he winked.
As he knelt behind her, she moved her tail to one side, exposing herself to him without a second's thought. For a moment, he paused, just looking, savouring the sight of her body, the clean, white fur between her legs, the soft pink folds of her entrance as the warm water ran in rivulets down her body.
"You're so beautiful," he murmured, and fancied he could hear her blushing. Smiling, he reached out to gently brush her tail, nudging it upwards until that tight little pucker came into view. One more thing on the lioness' list of things she thought embarrassing, Thordin could never understand why. To him, it was just another part of her beautiful body, and it seemed appropriate that the situation found him on his knees, ready to worship her.
Well that was hardly a ladylike noise, Cassendra decided - although it did rather seem appropriate having had the wolf's tongue lick all the way up between her legs without warning. Fighting the urge to lash her tail, she leaned closer to the wall, trying to give him easy access while not blinding him by letting the shower spray into his face.
"Mmm..." Purring, the lioness panted softly as her lover lapped at her again, a long, slow, steady lick that went all the way from the top of her entrance to the back. And again, each lick causing her to unconsciously lift her tail until the wolf, smiling, draped it over the top of his head that he might work unhindered.
Finding the soap by his hand, he carefully lathered his fingers as the lioness purred above him.
"Easy, Cassy," the wolf smiled. "Just cleaning."
Trembling, the lioness nodded, leaning forwards even further, some of the warm water running down her back as the wolf's soapy fingers gently caressed under her tail. He kept his touch light, knowing that she would be nervous, his teeth gently scraping against her left buttock as he washed her so very intimately.
"There now," he smiled, guiding the water in where his fingers had been, washing away the soapy bubbles he had created and sending a shiver right up the lioness' legs, passing from her elegant ankles all the way to her wrists. "All clean, Cassy, all clean."
She nodded, panted, and looked over her shoulder to find him gazing fondly up at her.
"Thanks, Thor," she smiled, and sat down in his lap.
The wolf let out a small uffing noise as his feline lover descended upon him, settling into a deep squat on his thighs, keeping her weight off him, but making it quite a challenge to move. He gasped as her hand found his erection, covering it, pulling it tight up between her legs, pressing into her fur as the warm water cascaded over them both.
"Something on your mind, Cassy?" Thordin chuckled, putting his arms around her, resting his cheek against the back of her neck.
"I think we should get out of the water for a while," she told him, tugging gently at his arousal as she spoke.
"All right, where to?"
"Here," the lioness declared, smoothly dismounting and crawling out of the bath in what could only be considered a very seductive way, her hips swaying far more than was necessary. Not for the first time, Thordin appreciated the wonder of a bath tub that was set below floor level, the lioness' elegant bottom ending near level with his head as she looked back over her shoulder. It was a view to stir the hearts - not to mention loins - of kings.
"Coming?" she asked, batting her eyelashes.
"Not just yet," the wolf winked, climbing out after her, resting his hands lightly on her buttocks, rubbing softly.
"Maybe. Depends how good a girl you are, pretty kitty."
Cassendra nodded, turning her head forward, taking her weight on her elbows as she arched her back to present her hips to him.
If there was a clearer indication of what she wanted, Thordin had yet to see her make it, but he couldn't help holding out on her just a little longer, two fingers slipping gently inside her, making her gasp and twist her hips back against his hand. Goodness, she was wet. Not that she was normally short of lubrication, but right now... she was almost dripping!
Lupine ears pricked up as they detected a change in her tone, not longer the playful banter of a moment ago, and clearly about to ask for something.
"Lift my tail," she whispered, her shoulders lowering until her forehead almost scraped the floor.
Thordin's left eyebrow twitched. Although not totally new to what she was asking, it was a rare occasion that the request would be made. Then too, he thought on reflection, it was quite a rarity that she were this wet inside. Whatever he had done tonight had aroused her to the point where a trail of dampness was making its way visibly down her inner thigh as her body gripped his fingers.
"Are you sure?" he asked softly, allowing his fingers to withdraw, tracing them up the fur at the back of her entrance, allowing them to rest gently, ever so gently under her tail.
"Yes," she spoke through gritted teeth as his fingers circled her tailhole, spreading slipperiness around. "Please... Thor... show me..."
Show me.
It was a simple phrase, but one that Thordin understood the meaning of all too well.
Show me that I am yours.
Show me that you can do anything to me.
And let me show you that I will do anything for you.
It was a strange thing, Thordin thought. To most, Cassendra was a strong, solid presence, one who others looked to for guidance and protection, and yet... yet as he well knew, there was a submissive streak buried somewhere within this wonderful lioness. Somewhere, some part of her wanted nothing more than to belong to someone, to be seen as belonging to them.
And that person, as Thordin knew even better, was himself, and the thought made him glow with pride.
"All right," he murmured, hand reaching out to cover the base of her tail, thumb hooking under, lifting gently even as the fingers of his other hand pressed up underneath. The lioness hissed out a breath through her teeth as he reached the first knuckle, but he knew her well enough to know pleasure from pain.
"Relax, Cassy. It's only me. You can trust me. Just relax for me."
She did so immediately, obeying his words without question. Feeling her loosen, Thordin added another finger to the intrusion, stretching that tight pucker, feeling the lioness tremble.
"Relax, Cassy. That's right, good girl. Good girl."
He could go no deeper now, his knuckles tight under her tail. Releasing that fluffy appendage, he let his free hand move down between her legs once more, slipping easily inside her, gathering the wetness there, spreading it along his shaft. Again, and once more his fingers dipped into her, the lioness groaning softly each time, her tailhole tensing around his invading digits.
"Good girl, Cassy, good girl," the wolf kept up his gentle encouragements, reminding her that she was doing well, that she was safe and secure. "Are you ready?" he asked softly, reminding her once again that he never took her for granted, that he would always be sure of her permission.
"Yes..." the lioness' eyes remained closed, her head bowed to the floor. "Please show me..."
Thordin withdrew his fingers from under her tail slowly, moving so that he knelt behind her, that warm and flexible appendage up over his shoulder. Grinning, he lined up, slipping easily into the wetness between her legs as she moaned.
"Show me..."
"I will, Cassy, I will," the wolf reassured her. "Just making sure it's nice and easy," he went on, withdrawing, positioning himself a little higher this time. "Nice and easy now. Only me, Cassy, only me. All safe now, all comfortable. Just relax..."
Once again, the lioness obeyed, the tension leaving her visibly everywhere from her fingers to her bottom - the latter being the most important right now.
"Easy, now." Thordin pushed forward gently, feeling her tight flower part for him, submitting totally to his desires. She was so hot here, so tight... Thordin bit his lip, resisting the urge to bury himself all the way in her with a rush, maintaining the slow pace of his entrance.
"Oh... Thor..."
"It's all right, Cassy. Doing fine. Almost there. Almost there..." and then he was. Hips firm against her bottom, he held onto her tightly as they both panted. "Good girl, Cassy. Good girl." Leaning over her back, his hands either side of her body, he nuzzled the back of her neck and she lifted her head until he could nip one of her ears between his lips.
Head pulled back, her husband deep inside her body, Cassendra trembled, feeling him lean some of his weight onto her as one hand lifted, delving under them to cup between her legs. She panted, her eyes flickering to the ceiling as his fingers lay against her, her ear between his teeth, his hot, hard shaft firm in her bottom, his body pinning her, rendering her quite unable to move.
Total lack of responsibility. Complete freedom in complete submission.
Cassendra climaxed.
Mouth open, eyes rolling back in her head, she felt herself tense all the way from her toes to her ears, pleasure surging inside her, under her husband's fingertips. Moments later, her breath rushed out of her, her body trembling, tensing, squeezing down upon the wolf under her tail. She could feel how wet she was against his fingers, how easily they slid and danced across her skin, and all because she loved him, loved him so much...
Cassendra blinked, realising her forehead was resting on the floor. Thordin had taken his weight off her back, his arms now on either side of her, and she was panting as if she'd just run across the county.
"Thor... I love you," she smiled, lifting her head and looking at him over her shoulder.
"I love you too, Cassy," he told her sincerely. "And you'll always be mine," he murmured, nuzzling her cheek.
"Always," she echoed, closing her eyes as his nose brushed through her fur. "Thor... let me turn over?"
"If you like," the wolf nodded, and a moment later he was gently pulling from her.
"Wait! Let me try..." It wasn't easy, but working together, they managed to turn her over without losing that marvellous feeling under her tail, the sensations thrilling through her as he twisted inside.
"Yours," she whispered, lifting her legs high around his body as he leaned down to kiss her, his soft fur brushing over her entrance, tickling and tingly.
"Mine," he affirmed, smiling as he moved his arms to the outside of her legs, her knees over his shoulders. Kissing her, he pressed his hips up tight to her bottom, as she purred under him.
"Stay with me?"
"Forever," he pushed his nose up under her chin, tilting her head back.
"Look after me?"
"Take me..."
The wolf did so, bumping his hips against her, rocking her body under him, feeling her tail rub against his testicles as he moved, she wrapping it tight up between his legs and along his back. She was so hot inside. So tight.
"Cassy... I need..."
"I know," she whispered, putting her arms around his neck, pulling him down until their cheeks pressed together. "Let me have it."
Nodding, the wolf smiled, kissing her between her beautiful amber eyes. Feeling the pressure mount between his legs, he let his hips surge forwards, filling her as deeply as their bodies would allow as his pleasure crested and flooded through him.
Trembling, panting, muzzle buried in her fur, Thordin screwed his eyes so tight shut that sparks burst across the back of his eyelids as the lioness embraced him with the most intimate reaches of her body.
The word was a whisper, a breath as his weight sank upon her, and Cassendra hugged him tightly, loving him as he spilled himself inside her.
"Thor?" she murmured, nuzzling the top of his head.
"Mmm." The sigh was as content a sound as she had ever heard him make, and she tightened her embrace on him.
"I love you, Cassy."
"Not as much as I love you," she giggled, and he chuckled.
"Way more," he informed her, lifting his head until he could kiss her, long, and slow, tongues lashing against each other, leaving them both panting and light headed.
"We should clean you up," he told her softly, gently manoeuvring her legs down until she could wrap them around his waist, his softening length still under her tail.
"Do we have to? I kinda like you here..." the lioness bit her lip.
"Well, maybe a minute won't hurt," Thordin smiled, pushing his nose against the side of her neck, and she nodded happily, hugging him, exulting in the feel of him above her, sheltering her, shielding her, showing her that there wasn't an inch of her body denied to him. He always made it so easy, such a simple thing to please him, to take pleasure in him, to hold and to love him.
Thordin leaned forward to plant a gentle kiss on his wife's nose, and she giggled. Lying back with the warm water supporting her weight, her modest breasts just barely broke the surface as he sat behind her, hands on her flanks. She pressed her toes against the far end of the tub, bumping her head against his chest, pinning him against the varnished wood behind.
Not that the wolf felt particularly trapped - on the contrary, he'd have chosen to be where he was anyway, and he simply smiled, running his fingertips through the lioness' soft fur, floating free and fluffy in the water.
"You ok?" he asked softly, and she smiled up at him.
"Of course. You'll never hurt me, don't worry," Cassendra told him, reaching her arms up over her head to his shoulders.
Nodding, he squeezed her gently, feeling the motion of her muscles as her arms returned to her sides, loose and relaxed. One hand moved down into the water, found his knee behind her back, and rubbed him. He shivered a little, and she arched her head back to grin at him. With a splash, the lioness flipped over, bringing her knees under her so that she sat astride his legs, hands on his thighs.
"You know what, mister Hunt?"
Thordin shook his head, smiling and curious.
"You're a very handsome man, and I love you," she stated, grinning almost smugly, and he laughed.
"Handsome I don't know about, but I do love you too, mistress Hunt, my beautiful lady," Lifting his hands to her cheeks, he drew her forwards, brushing his lips over hers, their breath mingling for several long seconds, teasing her with anticipation before he closed the gap.
"Mmm," she sighed through her nose, eyes closed as his tongue met hers. Putting a hand on his chest, she nudged him back gently. "You, my dear," she declared. "Are still in the mood to play."
Thordin grinned sheepishly, and her smile widened. A moment later, she had pulled in a deep breath, and disappeared below the surface of the water, her tail the only thing still visible as her hips arched upwards.
Thordin wasn't quite sure how to react as he felt her tongue lap over the pink tip of his arousal, only just showing above his sheath. There didn't seem a lot of point in saying anything since Cassendra's ears were full of water, and it wouldn't be smart to put his hands on her for risk of obstructing her when she came back up for air... In the end, he settled for stretching his arms out along the edge of the bath behind him, luxuriating in the feeling of heat rushing between his legs as the lioness brought him to a full erection.
She spluttered a little as she emerged, blowing water playfully at him, and he leaned forward to kiss her - too late, as she vanished again, her nose pushing his shaft up against his stomach. A very unusual sensation, he decided, to be surrounded by warm water, the air above steamy, and his shaft... all the way inside Cassendra's muzzle. Thordin's fingertips dug hard into his palms as her nose pressed to his stomach, his head falling back onto the rim of the bath.
Cassendra smiled inwardly. She figured she had about forty seconds before she would have to breathe again, and she was going to use them in the most delightful way she knew how - by not moving an inch.
Panting a little, Thordin watched the ceiling as the lioness kept herself quite motionless between his legs, her muzzle surrounding him, holding him tenderly, but nothing more.
Ah yes, there it was, Cassendra thought. That cute little twitch of his hips that always came about when he wasn't sure how he should react to her actions, his body betraying his desires all on its own. Holding onto his thighs, she tightened her mouth around him and felt him shiver. Goddess she'd like to keep going, but just as nature had equipped her with lungs, it seemed that nature demanded they be filled with air on a reasonably regular basis.
Thordin jumped as the lioness suddenly surged forwards. Having her head in his lap one moment, she was nuzzling his cheek the next, her breath loud in his ear as she gulped air. He hugged her tightly.
"That was new," he grinned, nuzzling her back.
"I thought you'd like it," she returned, leaning forwards so that her breasts rolled against his chest. "Would you like me to go back down?"
"Nah, that's ok. I think we should dry off, really."
"You sure?" she leaned back to look into his eyes. "You seemed, um... a little twitchy," she winked.
"E-heh, yeah, well, that's why I want a little drying time," the wolf admitted, and she kissed him.
"If you're ready to go, just say the word," she told him as they broke apart. "I don't mind."
"I mind, mistress Hunt," Thordin looked back at her with mock seriousness. "I have no intention of risking not being able to make love to you properly tonight."
"Aww, but I like how you taste," Cassendra said, blushing a little at the truth of the words.
"Then I'll see if I can't give you a nightcap to send you to sleep," the wolf said softly, touching his nose to hers. "But humour me this time? Please?"
Cassendra had never been able to say no to that expression, and this time was no exception, though she laughed and pressed down on his nose with her chin.
"All right, puppy love," she conceded with grace. "You win this time. Stay there, I'll fetch a towel or two."
Purring, the lioness followed Thordin's guiding hands as he lead her up the stairs. Two steps ahead of her, and walking backwards put him on an interesting level, and one which made it quite impossible not to watch the movement of his sheath and testicles as he did so. He was still erect, and it was really quite a fascinating motion, she decided, then blushed pink as she realised he was looking at her.
"Oh, don't let me interrupt," he smiled. "But we are at the top now."
They were indeed standing on the landing, Cassendra discovered. And then she was kissing him.
It wasn't really obvious who had initiated it, but that wasn't important - it felt right, and that was all that mattered. His broad chest pressed against her breasts as she leaned her head down just those few inches to lock her muzzle against his. Her hands were on his back as his were on hers, sliding down, gripping her buttocks gently, massaging her warmly until she purred, turning and stepping back until she pressed against the wall. Quite instinctively, she was on tiptoes, the tip of his arousal at her entrance, and with a soft murmur of breath they closed the gap between them, his hips pressing tight against hers.
They stood for a few moments, panting into each others' fur.
"Not quite the plan," Thordin admitted, gently bumping their hips together all the same, finding himself looking at a painting of the nearby castle over her shoulder.
"No," the lioness bit her lip, trying not to cry out at the marvellous sensations radiating between her legs, her arms hanging over his shoulders as he pinned her to the wall.
"We should... get to the bedroom?" he suggested.
"We should," she agreed, her hands pulling at his bottom, bringing him deeper inside her. He huffed a breath over her shoulder. "It's that or stay right here until we both fall over."
"That would be bad," he admitted, one hand finding her left breast, rubbing, pinching lightly at the pink little nipple, slowly dragging his hips back and forth until the lioness was gritting her teeth.
"Thor?" she asked, her hand finding the base of his tail as he pressed hard into her once more, wedging her against the creamy wallpaper.
"Yeah?" his other hand slipped around her bottom to return the caress.
"We'll manage, won't we?"
"I think so. Right here?"
"Right here."
"Fast or slow?"
"Mmm, slow... then fast."
With the lioness' breasts against his chest, Thordin followed her desires, moving his hips against her steadily, carefully, feeling her insides part around him, closing as he withdrew, only to be opened up again seconds later. She was still very wet, leaving him in no doubt that she wanted this just as much as he did.
Lifting his head, he pressed his nose to hers, not kissing her, just threatening to, watching how her eyes closed in anticipation, how trembles of pleasure crossed her expression each time he reached her deepest places, his tip tight against her cervix. She lifted her right leg, her foot coming to rest on the corner of the blanket chest next to them. Her beautiful amber eyes opened as he grasped it, pulling it upwards, granting him easier access to her body as her gaze met his.
Tension snapped.
Gone was the plan for patience, the desire to wait, in its stead nothing but raw instinct.
Time blurred, sensations washing over them as they threw themselves together with reckless urgency, her arms around his back, his hands braced against the wall behind her. Situation and words fell away, replaced by base need, the need for pleasure, the need to give pleasure, the need to know the other was taking pleasure. Nothing, nothing was important except each other as they panted in unison.
Cassendra called his name first, his arms tight around her, his body bracing her against the wall, sparks of pleasure radiating from where they joined, her tail lashing between her ankles. Panting, chest heaving, she could tell he was close even as the rush of climax receded from her senses.
"Mine," she whispered, pulling him close.
"Yours," Thordin whispered, resting his cheek on her shoulder as he surrendered to the surge of pleasure welling up inside him. Feet braced on the floor, driving himself up into her welcoming body, feeling the love and affection in her embrace, he let himself relax into her.
Purring, the lioness held him, kissing his ear as she felt each warm surge inside. Six, seven... if she didn't know better she'd have thought he'd been pent up for days!
They stood there, panting, clinging to each other for perhaps half a minute, before Thordin let out a breathless laugh.
"Yeah," Cassendra giggled. "Oops."
"Sorry about that..."
"I'm not," she nuzzled his cheek. "You, mister Hunt," she informed him. "Have just made love to me very properly indeed. Goddess you do that so well. Thank you."
"I love you, Cassendra Hunt. I have never, ever felt as good as I do when I'm with you."
"And I love you, Thordin Hunt. You are the most wonderful thing in my life, even if you are a messy puppy."
"I think we're both a bit messy," the wolf said, standing back a little to look down between them where four thighs showed conspicuous dampness.
"You better find us a towel," the lioness suggested, and he nodded, withdrawing reluctantly and heading into the bedroom.
When he returned to her a moment later, it was to find her with her knees tight together, and her hand cupped between her legs.
"Something more I can do for you?" he enquired, smiling and raising an eyebrow.
"I'm trying to keep the carpet clean," she confessed, blushing.
"Like the carpet matters," Thordin told her, nuzzling her muzzle as he pulled her hand away. Nevertheless, he replaced it with the towel quickly, and she relaxed her hold on the results of their shared pleasure.
"At least one of us was very excited," he confided conspiratorially into her ear, feeling the moisture even through the material, and she giggled.
"Well you certainly were."
"As were you."
"True," the lioness admitted. "I guess we're both to blame."
He kissed her, firmly, as he held the towel between her legs, withdrawing it only when she seemed content for him to do so. Kneeling, drying everywhere that seemed damp, he looked up along the length of her body.
"You are beautiful," he told her, and she smiled.
Taking her hands once again, the wolf lead his wife through the doorway to their bedroom, guiding her, turning her until she sat on the edge of the mattress, practically glowing. Dear gods but she was sexy when she was still breathless after making love, the wolf thought. He put his hands on her shoulders, kneeling on the bed behind her, rubbing his hands gently across her fur as she purred.
"Are you tired, Cassy?" he asked softly, nuzzling the back of her ear.
"Mmm, is that your way of asking me not to go to sleep just yet?" she asked, turning her head enough to look at him from the corner of her eye.
"Mmmaybe," he smiled back.
"I see," she drawled, smiling. "I think I know what you're after."
"You do?"
"I do," the lioness nodded, reaching out and lifting a leather bound book from atop the chest of drawers beside the bed.
"Am I really that easy to predict?" Thordin grinning, moving aside as Cassendra shuffled backwards, putting his arm about her as they both leaned back against the headboard.
"Only in some things. Now, where were we? Chapter seventeen, was it?"
"It was," Thordin nodded, taking the book from her as she located the page. He scanned the text for a few moments, assessing some of the longer words ahead of time.
"You ok?" Cassendra asked, sensing his hesitation.
"Yeah," he nodded. "Just wish I didn't have to ask you to do this."
The lioness made a dismissive gesture with one hand. "I teach the kids all day, don't see why I can't teach my poor uneducated husband a thing or two at night."
"Well that you certainly have," Thordin chuckled, and she slapped him lightly.
"You know what I mean!"
"'Chapter seventeen,'" the wolf began. "'The dawn light was visible first upon the peaks of the mountains to the west, setting the white snow a blazing scarlet. The light ran like liquid fire down the flanks of the mountains, paling as it did so, as if transferring its pigmentation to the red clouds in the eastern sky...'"
"'"And I'll be quite surprised if you don't become one of them," she said, looking at him earnestly.'"
"Very good," Cassendra declared, kissing Thordin firmly on the cheek. "You, my uneducated yokel of a husband, are rapidly outgrowing having me as a teacher."
"That I will never do," he smiled, turning his head so that his nose hovered an inch from hers. She held his gaze as she took the book from him, placing it gently back upon the chest of drawers behind her before leaning forward enough to brush her nose against his.
"Are you tired, Thor?" she asked, grinning.
"Mmm, is that your way of asking me not to go to sleep just yet?" he raised an eyebrow.
"Mmmaybe," she purred, swinging herself around until she straddled his thighs, somehow keeping their noses in contact all the way. Without even glancing down, her hands made their way between his legs, caressing his soft sheath.
Thordin sighed appreciatively, then sputtered as she licked the end of his muzzle.
"Can I lick you?" she asked, looking disarmingly eager, her ears alert. Although it was a question, Thordin knew better than to imagine he really had a choice, and sure enough within seconds she had shuffled backwards and dipped her head, taking a long, slow lick all the way from his testicles to his stomach until his knees shook.
Cassendra purred happily as his body responded to her, tugging his sheath a little so as to take another long lick over the maximum amount of skin. Goddess she loved to do this to him, to watch him tense and wriggle, his hands gripping the sheets beneath him as his stomach muscles tightened. Nuzzling in a little closer, she pushed at his leg, moving it until she could get her nose right into the crease between his body and testicles. Breathing deep, she exulted quietly in his scent, clean and fresh from their bath, yet so male, and totally, utterly, Thordin. She trembled silently for the space of several breaths, feeling muscles deep inside herself tense. Goddess, if she was any more worked up she really would be able to climax like this!
Thordin rumbled quietly in the nearest approximation to a purr he had ever been able to produce. It wasn't a very good approximation, but that, and his hand gently stroking the lioness' ears told her all she needed to know. She had to have him, and from the look on his face as she looked up, he felt exactly the same. No sooner had she raised herself up than he had slid down the bed beneath her, gazing up into her face, hands behind her head drawing her into a deep, long kiss.
Slowly, the wolf traced one hand down from his lover's head, tucking his arm between them, fingers reaching down her chest and stomach. She moaned softly as soft pads found their way between her legs, curling up inside her, feeling that she was still very ready indeed.
"Thor..." Motionless, the lioness revelled in the feeling of his digits invading her body, pulling out to rub slickly over that little bump at the front of her entrance. She mewled softly as he kissed her again, her back arching to press herself more firmly against those strong fingers. Balancing carefully on one arm as she crouched over him, Cassendra reached one hand underneath her, finding his shaft, hot, and achingly hard.
The wolf didn't even have to ask if she was ready - indeed he didn't get a chance. One moment the lioness was kissing him fervently, the next she had sat back on her heels, her hand guiding his tip towards her. She hovered for a moment, fractions of an inch from completing the contact between them, the heat of her body radiating outward as he put his hands on her waist, holding her gently.
It was a sight Thordin never tired of, how his tip would press between her soft folds, parting her, making her shiver as his length disappeared behind her soft, white fur. Moving one hand, he stroked her lower tummy as the lioness fell onto him. Somehow it always seemed that he should be able to feel some outward change in her body as she accepted him inside, but of course there never was. Well, except for the way she was panting, her hands making their way to his chest, pressing him down into the mattress. She was so warm it was an effort not to thrust his hips up against her, but he kept still, letting her settle in her own time.
Hands on her sides, he encouraged her to lean forwards, lowering herself until her breasts rolled against his chest. She sighed happily, letting him bear her weight as their connection became as deep as physiology would allow.
"I love you," she murmured, her lips between his eyes as she craned her neck.
"I love you too," he told her, nuzzling her neck as she rolled her hips, stretching that contact before renewing it as firmly as before, until he could feel his tip pressed to that tight ring inside her.
He moved with her, their bodies rocking in breathless counterpoint, his arms tight around her, her breasts against his chest, her nipples rubbing through his fur with every motion.
"So how was work?" she asked suddenly, and he blinked.
"You want to talk about that now?"
"Mmm, I don't really care," she murmured, letting her head drop to the side, nuzzling his cheek. "I just like to hear your voice sometimes."
"Auw," Thordin chuckled, hugging her so tightly for a few moments that all she could do was lie still atop him.
"Well, since I can't really read to you like this," he said, relenting his embrace, one hand sliding down her back to caress her bottom. "I guess work chat it is. You remember Gillen?"
"The new apprentice?"
"That's the one," the wolf confirmed, gently rubbing his finger against the underside of Cassendra's tail, causing her to arch her back. "Well, she's back in the shop. Got a bandage as big as a melon on her hand still. I guess Tirrel just feels sorry for her, got her fetching and carrying the light stuff, sorting things out, just an excuse for him to pay her I think."
"Mmm," Cassendra purred, hunching her hips downwards with slowly increasing pace. "That's kind of him."
"Yeah, he's a softie at heart. Probably for the best, he could be a mean son of a wench if he tried. Damn bear's got arms thicker than my legs!"
The lioness giggled. "You're just jealous," she told him, lifting her head until she could nuzzle his nose.
"Well, yeah," Thordin admitted. "Wish I could swing a hammer like that."
"Mister Hunt, of all the things I care about you swinging, your hammer is pretty low on the list."
"Oh really, mistress Hunt?" he feigned mild annoyance as his fingers dipped to tease the back of her entrance. "And what exactly is it you do care about my swinging?"
"Hmm, let me think now," the lioness squirmed a little as his fingers tugged at her soft folds, doing nothing to help her concentrate on an appropriate answer as she pushed back onto his shaft. It felt soooo good to have him there. "You ah - haah - swing a pretty good ladle!"
"A ladle...?" Thordin almost burst out laughing, but the feeling of his lioness squeezing down around him turned it into more of a rushed breath across her shoulder.
"Yes, and, um - ooo - that thing you use for mixing puddings."
"And, and - mmm - I guess the spice rack?"
Thordin did manage to laugh this time. "Lionesses," he chuckled. "Feed 'em good, and they're yours for life."
"Is that a complaint?"
"Never," he grinned, nuzzling firmly into the side of her neck, nipping at her fur until she giggled. "So just cooking equipment?" He massaged her bottom with both hands as he spoke, feeling the play of her toned muscles as she rocked against him, slick sensations thrilling between them.
"Well - ooo - maybe one other piece of equipment..." the lioness relented, panting, feeling the pleasure building inside, ripples of tension running through her.
"You swing your rolling pin pretty well... mmm... oh goddess, Thor, I can't hold it much longer, I really really need to...!" she bit her lip as she looked at him, sensing he wasn't ready to finish with her, but he just smiled, pulling her head down until her nose brushed the pillow, her cheek pressed to his temple.
"Let go, Cassy," he murmured, hugging her.
Cassendra didn't feel she had much choice. He felt too good within her, too warm under her, too deep inside the secret places of her body. Every motion of his hips seemed to push more pleasure into her, and she just couldn't keep it all in any longer - she had to let it out!
She called his name as her climax blossomed inside her, soft tunnel tightening around the wolf's shaft with desperate strength even as his arms closed firmly about her back, holding her, silently telling her that she was totally safe, that nothing would ever take her from him.
She was panting into the pillow, his voice in her ear, whispering that he loved her, and she fought for breath to respond.
"Ok, Cassy?"
"Oh," she gave voice to a word that he never heard her say before, "Yes!"
Thordin smiled, stroking his hands over her back, ruffling, and then smoothing her soft, short fur. He held on to her for several minutes as she regained her breath, nuzzling her nose as she lifted her head, kissing her as she pressed her lips to his.
"Goddess I love you so much," she told him, and he returned the feeling.
"Thor?" she asked, after a pause.
"Are you tired?"
Thordin chuckled. "Not quite yet. Nearly."
"I didn't think so," she told him. Leaning back, gathering her legs under her, she sat back on her heels, carefully disengaging herself from him before standing to locate a towel, cleaning herself. Goodness, they had managed to be messy tonight. He squirmed a little as she dried between his legs, watching curiously as she moved around the room, extinguishing the candles.
"Come on, under the covers," she told him, and he complied, baffled, but trusting as she settled down beside him.
"G'night, Thor," she said, licking his nose - and then vanished beneath the blanket.
Thordin had several seconds to consider what this surprising turn of events might mean before he felt her nuzzling between his legs. Oh, but she knew how to use her muzzle when she chose to! Purring happily, the lioness curled up beside her lover's legs, taking that hard shaft into her muzzle for a few moments before withdrawing to lick around his sheath. His head fell back against the pillow as he panted up at the ceiling.
She grinned, even though he couldn't see her. She knew what he wanted, she was just going to take her time about giving it to him.
Nosing at him gently, nudging his shaft around from all directions, planting long, slow licks all the way up his length followed by short little laps across his tip, and every little action apparently planned to keep him guessing as to what was next, leaving him no chance to become used to the feelings she produced.
It wasn't long before every little contact she made produced a twitch of his hips, a catch in his breathing, a tightening of the hand that had found its way to her ear. Deciding that she had played with her husband long enough, Cassendra concluded that it was time to let him have what he needed.
Thordin's free hand clenched into the sheets as she wrapped her entire muzzle around him. Her hand moved, cupping his testicles gently, rubbing him ever so softly, just the tiniest motion as her tongue washed around him with infinite slowness.
But it was quite enough, as she well knew it would be. She felt it coming, with her cheek against his stomach, the tensing of muscles, the tremble of his hips.
The wolf gasped, screwing his eyes tight shut as his climax crept over him, it's onset as slow as the lioness' motions, the build of pressure almost painfully drawn out, teasing him until...
Cassendra purred contentedly as the wolf's climax washed across her tongue, her nose pressed to his fur, breathing his scent as his hips pressed up to her muzzle. And there it was! She moaned softly around her mouthful, feeling her insides tense, relax, tense again. Not an earthmoving climax, not one that left her shaking and breathless, but a climax that gently caressed her body, rewarding her for the pleasure given to her husband, slowly slipping away and leaving a feeling of deep warmth and contentment.
"Cassy..." the word was a soft sigh as relaxation crept through Thordin's body. And people wondered why he was in love with a lioness...
He stroked her ear softly, feeling her purring, and apparently content to stay right where she was, his shaft in her mouth.
"You ok down there?"
"Mmmhmm," she mumbled around her mouthful, her hand moving to stroke his thigh gently.
"Coming back?"
"Nnn." Cassendra suspected he didn't know everything that had happened, but didn't feel like telling him just yet. Maybe another day. For now, she just wanted to stay here, curled around him, holding him in her mouth.
Thordin chuckled, baffled, but hardly objecting. Well, he supposed, if she was happy... he yawned sleepily, the darkness of the room surrounding him warmly - much as Cassendra's muzzle was still doing.
He wondered, as he sensed sleep approaching, whether she would still be there in the morning...