The Fruit Tree [M/M Lizard & Human]

Story by dragonwithnoteeth on SoFurry

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An erotic short story, with a lizard and a human [M/M]

**NOTE: Excuse the random intro story, as this is a longer story I'm working on but I didn't want to bore you guys with the full introduction. Anyways, enjoy and let me know your thoughts! :)

The Black Wings were a small group of people with one simple goal: to overthrow the government. This assignment was meant to be a quick and dirty data-theft operation. Of course, the data was more valuable if you stole it without being detected. Unfortunately, Karsev's military had improved its alarm systems and had shiny new weapons to boot - both of which they were completely unprepared for.

This government's powers had gone far beyond what should have been allowed, at least in the Black Wings's eyes. It continuously scanned all channels for keywords, words that implied conspiracy. Parliament could use any excuse it wanted to throw you in jail. Something as simple as forgetting a line in a tax form could earn you years in prison.

The idea was simple, which was to work all people as hard as they could. There was no vacation, no breaks. People were forced to work long, hard weeks. When they came home, they were too tired to organize a political uprising. Instead, they decided to slump on their couches and enjoy what little time they had with their families. The amount of labor made the country strong, and if you were too tired to work, then you were a traitor. Any whiff of revolt, and they were quick to come crashing down on you. Even if you organized a strong group, the police force would quickly shut you down.

Ben thought about all of this as he walked around the jungle. He was careful to set his sensors to maximum sensitivity in case of an enemy, despite his distance from the target base. Nat had stayed behind in the cave, saying that she would try to scan for enemy communication to get a leg-up. Ben was supposed to go look for food.

He walked around until he spotted a tree with bright yellow fruit hanging low. As he approached it, his enemy detection module rang quietly in his head. He looked up at the tree, since that's where it seemed to be coming from. He could see an odd shape in between the leaves, but it didn't give any specific form. He looked harder, until he saw a black eye with a yellow iris slowly opening.

He froze, unsure of what to do. Whatever it was, it wasn't the enemy he had been told to look out for. On the other hand, it was big and probably dangerous. He now understood the form, and it appeared to be humanoid in shape. It had a large reptilian head, with big jowls on each side of the neck. Green scales covered its entire body, with bright orange spines along its head, back, and tail. It was casually laying on a big branch, staring at him.

"Well, as long as I'm careful," he sighed. He walked slowly to the tree, keeping both eyes on the monster. After a few steps, the creature let out a low, threatening growl. "Look, I don't want any trouble," Ben said. "Just give me a few fruits, and I'll leave you alone." The creature opened its mouth slightly, revealing a set of serrated teeth dripping thick saliva. As much as ben would like to leave the creature alone, he was afraid of not returning with any food. If he was quick, he could grab a couple of fruits and return to the cave. No sweat.

He stepped forward and plucked a fruit, as the Beast jumped toward him with an impossible speed. He landed directly on top of him, pushing him to the ground. Ben kneed him in the stomach, and barely managed to shove his massive body off. He stood up just in time as the beast charged him. Ben automatically drew his gun, but it was too late- the beast grabbed both his arms, and he dropped his gun. They fell to the ground again, and the beast's weight prevented him from using his legs. He was stuck.

Ben quickly realized that he was completely exposed to the monster's gaping mouth. He tried as hard as he could to break free, but he couldn't. He felt a sudden panic as he saw that the beast's jaw was inching toward his neck. Time seemed to slow down. This was it, this was how he was going to die.

He felt the wet, warm tongue close in around his neck. Strangely, he didn't bite down on him immediately. He moved his tongue around, licking the top of Ben's chest. His breathing slowed down, and Ben was horrified at the thought - he was enjoying the taste before he chowed down on his meal.

"You know, I'm mostly made of synthetic materials - I'm of no real nutritiona-" He stopped, as the beast stuck his tongue in Ben's mouth. Ben felt the thick warm tongue deep inside of his throat, making him gag slightly. The beast reacted, and pulled the tongue back an inch. As he felt the creature's hot breath inside of him, he understood. He relaxed a little, and felt an urge to suck. As he did so, his muscles quivered and gave way.

The beast let go of Ben's arms, and used a claw to rip his shirt open, from top to bottom. He gave one lick with his massive tongue, and then tore open Ben's pants with his teeth. Ben's hard cock was exposed, and he felt his heart jump in his throat as it was licked by the beast. The warm, fuzzy tongue felt euphoric as it stroked his entire length.

The beast went back to offer another kiss, this time embracing him fully. He used his legs to part Ben's legs, and started to make swaying motions. Ben felt the smooth scales rub against his belly. Enamored, he grabbed the back of the lizard's head with both arms and returned the kiss.

Suddenly, Ben felt the beast's rock hard cock throbbing in between them. The lizard went up to adjust himself, when Ben saw the enormous member - a large, gray dick with huge hanging balls and precum generously oozing onto his belly. The beast positioned himself, and slowly entered Ben.

He felt both an intense pain and pleasure as the thick head entered him. Slowly, the beast pushed more of his gigantic dick into Ben. He went deeper, until Ben could feel that he had reached the limit - and then he went in some more. Ben growled in agony, as the lizard pushed until he could no longer.

The beast made a satisfied whirring sound, and laid his entire weight back onto Ben. The beast put his head next to Ben's, his arms behind the shoulders, and started slowly fucking him. Every stroke gave Ben an intense pleasure. Ben rubbed the back of the beast's head with his hands, knowing that this would please him.

The lizard fucked him harder and harder, his breathing getting heavy and fast. Ben couldn't take it much longer - he was going to explode soon. Suddenly, the beast let out a growl with clenched teeth, and pushed as hard as he could. Ben felt the warm, thick cum rush inside of him as the beast's enormous cock pulsed hard, over and over. The intensity of the moment drove Ben over the edge, causing him to blow his load in between their stomachs and enter pure ecstasy.

They laid there for a moment breathing heavily until the beast slowly pulled his large, half-limp dick out. He then laid back on top of Ben and gave him another sloppy kiss. They fell asleep quickly, embraced in each other's arms.