Untitled (11/6/11)

Story by darkwolfe23 on SoFurry

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My poetry

By hooves and horns, By flesh and fur, Through dance and song, Through love and lust, With wine and revelry, With songs and devotion, We praise you Pan, A god of love and lust, Song and dance, Joy and laughter, Hedonism in flesh and soul, We thank you for the gifts and joy you give us,

A feast for the soul (11/10/11)

She is a feast of the senses, Her body is a feast for the eyes, Her scent more pleasant then a rose, Her song more melodic then a shyphony, Her nectar is sweeter than candy, Her skin is softer then the finest fur, Her love is more intoxicating then the...


lust (11/10/11)

What is lust, Some say its a crutch, Others say its to much, Some say its a sin, Others say its in, Some think it a vice, Others think it nice, Some lust for life, I just live for lust,

i am wyrm (first draft, 10/15/11)

My blood is balefire, My heads are many, My flesh is poison, My mind is hate, My heart is oblivion, My soul is corruption, I am the destruction of all, The end of times, The crash of the heavens, The death of the world, I am apocalypse incarnate, I am...

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