The Line (Roger and Julie part 7)

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#7 of The Line (Roger and Julie)

After working on it I realized that I had made a mistake. Part 6 should have included this part as well.

I apologize in advance for it's length (or lack thereof).EDIT Ta hell with it. This is part 7. *EDIT


This is a story about an older male and a much younger female (cub) who happen to be related.

There are a great deal of sexual elements.

Consider yourself warned.


"I knew your breath smelled funny." Julie said. She was standing in the doorway of the kitchen looking pleased with herself. She had unraveled the mystery of her uncle's funny breath. Roger's first inclination was to try and hide the bottle for some reason.

You're an adult, Roger, you're allowed to drink.

"You found me out." he said forcing a smile. The glass was sitting next to the box the good doctor had given him, he couldn't resist a little more liquid courage. "It helps me to relax sometimes."

"Are you nervous?" she asked walking into the kitchen and leaning onto the counter next to him.


"No, no. Not really." Roger took a sip from the glass. It had been sitting on the counter for a while with ice in it. Condensation had gathered on the outside of it. Water dripped down the front of his shirt. He tried to brush it off futilely and Julie giggled at him.

"You think that's funny, huh?" he said wiping the glass off with his paw and flicking the sweat onto the front of her blouse.

"Hey! That's not nice!" She also brushed at it uselessly.

Roger chuckled, "It's just water."

Julie harrumphed in that particularly adorable fashion that only young girls can manage. She watched her uncle take a drink of the scotch. "Can I try some?" She asked.

"Honey, you won't like it."

"I just want to try it."

"You won't like it." Roger repeated with more conviction.

"Pleeeeeease?" she begged as she bounced up and down and tugged at his arm. Another one of those adorable things that young girls excel at. Roger was having trouble resisting her.

"Your--" Roger bit his tongue. He almost said "your mother would kill me" but managed to catch himself in time. He felt a stab of guilt that he had put the death of his sister far enough into the back of his mind that he almost made the slip-up. He glanced at Julie. She had picked up on his sudden change of expression. Before she could put two and two together he said: "Alright, you can have a little bit."

Let's get this parenting thing off on the right foot. Don't forget to get her a pack of cigarettes too. Whatever it takes to avoid talking about the vibrator in the box.

Roger pulled a shot glass down from the cupboard. It was an old shot glass he happened to get when he was younger. Back when he thought bar-hopping was a fun pastime. It had a whimsical saying: "Find Em. Fuck Em. Forget Em.". He decided it wasn't so much whimsical as it was vulgar and picked out another glass. One with a tiny captain on it. Wasn't the same drink the little panda was advertizing, but Roger didn't think the captain would care.

Julie looked disappointed, "How come I get such a small glass? It's like a baby glass."

"That's what you drink this with." Roger told her.

"Yours is bigger."

"That's because I'm drinking it with ice."

"Then I want ice too."

Roger sighed, walked across the room and opened the freezer. He plunked one ice cube into the shot glass. It barely fit. "Better?"

She shot him a feigned mean look. "That's not what I meant."

"I'll tell you what," He said as he poured the shot, "If you can drink this I'll give you a bigger glass. Deal?" He handed her the drink.

"Deal." Julie said taking it from him. Roger watched her gingerly test it with her nose. She giggled at him.


"I'm just watching." He told her.

After some trepidation she took a sip. Her reaction was comical. She grunted in surprise with a mouthful of scotch, waving her free paw in front of her face. Unwilling to swallow the swill but not sure what to do with it.

"Spit it in the sink." Roger said.

Julie ran over and spit out the scotch. "Yuck!" She turned on the water, cupped her paw under the faucet and splashed some into her maw to rinse it out. She spit that in the sink too. "I'm never drinking that stuff again."

Roger chuckled and took the shot glass from her. "My life would be so much easier if I could believe that." He dumped the remainder into his own glass. "The juice boxes we got at the drug store are in the fridge, they probably aren't cold yet but they'll get the taste out of your mouth."

As Julie retrieved the drink Roger looked at the box. He picked it up and held it for a moment, as if judging its weight. "Baby, there's something I need to show you. Why don't we sit down on the couch so we can talk?"

"Sure, Uncle Roger." She said poking the straw into the box and taking a sip. "Ugh! Now everything taste bad!"

"Yeah, it does that." Roger agreed as walked into the living room with his niece lagging behind. He sat down at the end of the couch and set the white, nondescript box on the end table. Contrary to his fears, snakes did not jump out of it.

"Is that for me?" Julie asked as she brushed her tail aside and sat down next to her uncle.

Roger nodded, "Yes."

"Can I open it?"

"Not yet." He said. He reached for her and brushed a paw across her forehead, pushing the long fur on the top of her head out of her face. His black fur was in sharp contrast to her blond fur. He felt a slight disconnect between his paw and his body, a sure sign the alcohol was starting to work it's magic. Julie looked a bit confused but she tolerated the affection.

"Your great-grandmother was blond too. Although, I don't remember her like that. Her fur had gone white, but she still had those piercing blue eyes. So full of wisdom." Roger told her. "It's a recessive gene in our family. Most of us are black-footed ferrets, black and gray fur, maybe a little bit of brown, but every once in a while a special one is born. One like you, with blond fur and blue eyes. An innocent, little miracle."

Innocence to be taken away by a fucking machine.

"You're acting kinda weird, Uncle Roger." Julie said and took another drink from the juice box.

"It's probably this stuff." He said jingling the little remaining ice in his tumbler. He set the glass on a coaster next to the box. "I'm pretty tired too, let's blame that."

The kit giggled, "You need a nap."

"Yeah, I sure do, but we have to talk first."

"Okay." Julie said looking at him expectantly.

Dive right in, Roger.

"Honey, what did they teach you at school about sex?" He asked.

Julie looked flustered almost immediately. "Oh, um, well." She nervously took a sip of juice. "Just that, you know, the, uh male's penis goes into the female's vagina."

Roger sat without saying anything and Julie realized that she would have to expand on that.

"And, well the male squirts this stuff into her and then she can have a baby." She said.

"Is that it?" Roger asked her.

"They said you can get diseases and stuff from it too. And they showed a video where this lady put a condom on a banana." Julie offered.

Roger nodded as he listened to her. Sex-ed is no more educational then when I was in school. Here's the basics, figure the rest out in the back seat of a Ford.

"Did they teach you about masturbation?"

Julie looked at him blankly. She shook her head.

Roger hesitated for a moment, "Remember what you caught me doing in the bathroom?"

Julie squirmed a little. "Yes."

"Sometimes when a male feels the urge to have sex, but can't, for whatever reason, they will do that. It's called masturbation." He explained.

"It looked like it hurt." She said.

"No, no. It's actually quite pleasant," he said, "but it can be a bit intense with the proper, uh, motivation. Which would explain the strange expressions you probably saw me make."

"You looked like you were mad." Julie told him.

"I was kinda lost in the moment and, um, I didn't know that you were..." Roger trailed off. Julie might have found this whole conversation uncomfortable, but he was feeling completely humiliated. His heartbeat was up and his fur felt far too warm. He wanted to take his shirt off and cool down but that would only make everything even more awkward.

"Was it because of me?" Julie asked.

Roger raised his eyebrows. "What?"

Julie was looking at the juice box on her lap, fiddling with it as if it had suddenly become very interesting. "Was it because of me that you wanted to have sex?"

Roger could feel the chorus of pores open up on the back of his head and down his abdomen. If he loosened his collar he thought for sure a comical puff of steam would come out like in a Saturday morning cartoon. "Well... I..."

Julie looked up at him. Her eyes held a strangely hopeful expression.

I should lie to her, but I don't think I can.

"Yes." He told her. It came out easier than he expected.

Julie bit her lower lip and returned her attention to the juice box. This wasn't the direction that Roger had intended the conversation to go, but since he stepped in it.

"Does that upset you?" He asked her.

"No." Julie replied quickly. "It's just... I don't know... I just..." She furrowed her brow. "It's wrong, isn't it? To feel this way?"

"Honey, feelings aren't wrong or right, they just are. It's what you do with them that can be wrong."

She thought about that for a moment, still concentrating on the juice box. In a low voice she asked: "It would be wrong if we had sex, wouldn't it?"

Holy crap!

"Wh- Yeah, um, you're my niece, that's a line that shouldn't be crossed." Roger told her. There was a part of him that felt a twinge of pain as he said it. Words can be spoken, but physical desire still exists no matter what is said. The only small consolation was that he wasn't sporting the expected raging boner, even though he could feel the arousal in his body. That little white pill really did the trick.

Julie squeezed a box a little, some of the red liquid spurted up the straw and onto her lap. A small stain appeared on her skirt. She didn't notice, or maybe she didn't care. She wanted it just as much as he did, he could read that much in her, even if she wasn't entirely sure what it was. Roger felt guilty having to reject her, but it was better this way. If they gave into desires, if they cast aside their discretion, they would come to regret it.

Wouldn't we?

Roger took the juice box from his niece and set it next to his own drink. He was already behind on the laundry and that red stuff was almost impossible to get out of clothing. Julie pulled her legs up onto the couch and snuggled in closer to him. He put an arm around her to allow it. She gave out a little sigh. Maybe he imagined it, but it sounded like a disappointed sigh.

"So what's in the box?" Julie asked.

"Well, uh." Her uncle picked up the plain white box. "Doctor Ellis gave this to me for you."

Julie took the box and flipped the top open. She looked at the contents for a moment and picked out the white motor. After turning it over in her hand a few times she found the on/off switch. She turned it on and nearly dropped it as it hummed to life at full power.

"What is this?" She asked with some measure of revulsion.

Roger took the motor from her an switched it off. "This is a device used for girls with your issue, so you can fix it yourself. What's happening is that your body is demanding that you have... intercourse, this will trick it into thinking that you actually have. It will stimulate ovulation and your body will go back to normal."

"I don't understand." Julie said. "How does it work?"

Roger picked out the "wand" from the box, unwrapped it, and attached it to the motor as the doctor had shown him. "This goes on here and you... um... you turn it on and, uh, you insert it into your pu- I mean vagina and--"

"NO!" Julie cried out in horror and recoiled from the device. "I'm not going to... that's just... NO!" She threw off her uncle's arm and fled the couch. The box in her paw tumbled to the floor. The wrappers for the motor and a bunch of what looked similar to small ketchup packets fell out. "Sterile Lubricant Jelly" was printed on the foil packets.

"Baby, please don't--"

"NO!" She screamed and stomped down the hallway. Roger got up and followed her.

"Honey, there's no other--"

"I WON'T DO IT!" She was heading for the master bathroom again.

Chasing my niece through the house with a mechanical penis. Not what I was expecting to do today.

"Honey, can we just--" He was cut off as the bathroom door slammed.

For fuck's sake.

Roger sat back down in the same place outside the door he had in the morning. There was a strong sense of déjà vu except he wasn't in his underwear this time.

I'm so fucking tired.

The Line (Roger and Julie part 8)

\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* This is a story about an older male and a much younger female (cub) who happen to be related. There are a great deal of sexual elements. Consider yourself...

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The Doe and the Wolf Pack

A young doe was being chased though the forest by a pack of wolves. Suddenly the deer stopped, turned around and said: "Shame on you!" Startled, the wolves stopped the chase. "Shame on you!" The doe repeated. The wolves looked at each other...

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The Line (Roger and Julie part 6)

\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* Not entirely happy with this part. I can't put my finger on it but something isn't right. After looking at it for quite a while and re-writing parts it just seemed to keep getting worse. So I'm giving up and...

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