Kimoni's Journey

Story by leo15 on SoFurry

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#2 of The Lion King; Kimoni's story.

The next part. Thanks to all who have commented.

WARNING: This collection of stories contains band language, sex and adult themes.

If you are under 18 do not read on.

I don't own Disney, The Lion King, or any of its characters.

The Lion King: Kimoni's story.



The sun rose to a new day in the forest. Adetoun (Ad-e-toun) opened her eyes and yawned. Throwing back her muzzle to revel her canines. She then stretched her legs, flexing her paws and extending her claws. She then sat on her hunches as she rubbed her eyes and looked around. Every one else was out of the cave. That was odd. Usually she was one of the lionesses that woke up before the majority. She walked out to the mouth of the cave, the sun blinding her vision as she winced. As she got to the mouth of the cave a massive uproar made her jump as all the lionesses roared

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY ADE!" in union. She blinked in the morning light and then smiled as she saw them all crowd round her. Her mum stepped forward to give her a head rub as she said,

"Happy birthday angle."

"Thanks mum." She said beaming, she then saw her big sister walking up to her. She smiled and said,

"Since it's your birthday, it's my obligation as a big sister to do what you want for the day." She then stepped up to her and held up her paw with one pawtoe up and said with a warning voice

"ONLY one day, so don't let this go to your head."

"Urr...Ok, yeah...whatever." Ade said, not entirely sure why she was being so defensive. As all the lionesses said their praise they moved off to get to their favourite spots for resting and chatting. Ade's mum then moved forward and cleared her throat

"Ade, I need to have a word with you." She said smiling sweetly.

"Ok, sure." She said. They went for a walk around the boarders of the forest away from the rest of the pride.

"Adetoun, you're now getting to be a young adolescence, witch means that one day you will rule the forest pride like I have." She said as they walked.

"But mum, what about meeka?" Ade questioned.

"Dear, she is in love with a prince from the water pride to the east; she'll be wed soon, meaning she'll be the queen of the water pride. You are my only other child so you'll rule the forest pride. But that's not what I wanted to talk to you about."

"So, what did you want to talk about apart from that?" Ade cautioned as she had a rough idea of what her mum might say.

"Ade, you need find yourself a male. You need to know...making cubs." She stammered. Ade just stared as her mum went on.

"Look, you need to find a good male. And that isn't going to happen just by chance. You need to socialize, get out there. Why haven't you taken any trips to the water pride with you sister? There are a lot of males there, most of them wanting to meet you. You could find a male who you want to marry, and have cubs with."

"Mum, if males are so good, what about dad? All the things you told me about him have...well; little." She said looking at the ground.

"Your father was one basterd in hundreds; don't let your judgment be clouded by him. Ok?" her mum looked like she was going to cry.

"Mum, I'm...I'm sorry. I'll go with my sister the next time she visits the water pride." Ade said gulping down what she had just committed herself too.

"OK, dear. But remember; don't go to fast, do this at your own pace." She gave her a little nuzzle and that motherly smile she always did. She turned around and headed back towards the pride, leaving her to stand there with her thoughts.

Her friend lina walked out from behind the bushed and over to Ade.

" got some pressure on you now."

"Tell me about it." Ade said as they started walking.

" gonna find a nice hunk of meat boyfriend for us to shear?" lina droned to her in a mocking way as they walked.

"In your dreams. I want to find a male who suites me. And when I've had my way with him, maybe you can have a little." They both laughed as they looked around. They were at the south edge of the forest. Ahead of them was the baking savannah.

"Well, maybe you could make a birthday wish for a guy." Lina suggested, shrugging.

"Hmm...maybe." Ade said as she walked over to the small river that was on the edge of forest. She looked at her reflection. The water rippled as she looked at herself, wondering weather the right male was out there. The lina started poking her repeatedly. Finally getting annoyed she looked up and said

"What?" but then she saw what lina was looking at. Standing about a hundred yards away was a male lion. His mane was incomplete, yet to come round to the front of his chest. He seemed to look at the forest before collapsing. They both ran over to him and stood over him.

"Do you think he's dead?" lina whispered. Ade stepped over to look him in the face. When she blocked the sun from his face he opened his eyes.

"Are you alright?" she asked.

" it?" he said before passing out.

"Get my mum and the other lionesses." Ade said to lina. She just stood there, looking at the male.

"LINA!" Ade shouted. She looked up.

"Get my mum and the lionesses now!" lina nodded and turn around and ran back towards the pride. Ade looked at the male. He was pretty beat up. He had a massive gash along his side, and a dark bruise under his chest fur witch she suspected was broken ribs. He looked to be bleeding internally too as blood trickled from his mouth onto the ground. Apart from that he had minor injuries that looked to have been inflicted by smaller predators like coyotes or jackals. He was wheezing as he breathed. She heard running foot steps and looked round. Her mum, sister, lina and the lionesses were running towards her.

"Goddamn! Where did he come from?" Her sister asked.

"We just...saw him coming out of the savannah. And then he just...collapsed." Lina said as Ade stared at him.

"Get him up, we need to tend to those wounds." Queen Malkia said as the lionesses crowed round to get him up.

"Ade, did he say anything?" she asked, looking at her daughter.

"I asked him weather he was ok and he said 'dose it bloody well look like it?' and then he blacked out." She said looking up.

"Did he say where he came from? Or where he got the injuries?" her mum inquired.

"No, like I said he blacked out before I could ask anything else." Ade said.

"Right get him back to the cave." The queen said. They all moved to get him up and to the cave. After an effort they managed to get him there and laid him down.

"Iruwa, go find Busara and get here now." The queen said to the lioness next to her. She nodded and turned to walk out of the cave. They all turned to the male on the floor. The queen walked over to him and lent to talk to him.

"Hello. My name is queen Malkia. Can you hear me?" she waited for his response. After a few minuets he nodded.

"Good. Now we're going to take care of you, make sure your wounds heal. Ok?" again he nodded.

"Can you tell me where you came from?" she said, her voice caring and patent.

After a few moments he managed to mumble "Pridelands..."

"The pridelands? You came from the pridelands? Jesus! That's miles away! How did you manage with your wounds?" the queen asked.

He remained silent for a while but then mumbled "Nala..."

"What? What was that?" the queen asked. He remained silent and still. There was the sound of foot steps and a moment later the pride elder, Busara, walked into the cave and straight over to the male. She examined him, lifting his legs, examining his cuts and bruises.

After five minuets she said "What has he said?"

"He told us he was from the pridelands." The queen replied.

"Anything else?" busara asked

"Yes, he said the name 'Nala' but that was all." The queen replied again.

"Ok, it will take some time to heal these wounds." She said. She removed an herb from the lose bag she had made from a dried zebra stomach. She ground it on the floor with one of her paws and then put a bit in her mouth. After letting it absorb some of her saliva she then sprinkled it to the wound down his side. The wound then closed instantly like a zipper and then at the end steam rose from the last open bit before the whole wound closed. The all starred with their muzzles open. Even busara stared at the wound with her muzzle slight open before instantly ducking down to examine it.

" is that possible?" the queen asked, sounding as shocked as they all looked.

"It can't be..." murmured busara as she examined it.

"Busara!" the queen shouted. She looked up at her.

"How is that possible?" she said a little slower than before. She took a deep breath and then said

"I've only heard accounts of this, a race of lions whose wounds healed instantly, if they ever sustained them. They were the Nyamekye. A race of lion gods that walked among us. But, his wound healed when assisted. This means he could be a nyamekye, or a half blood one."

"A lion god? He's a lion god?" the queen asked.

"Yes, or a half god." Busara said turning back to his wounds. The lionesses looked at one another. A lion god in their pride. This was certainly turning out to be an eventful day, and it was only midday. Busara looked up and said

"His wounds should be easy to heal, but I'll need more of these herbs. I only had a chance to grab a few when iruwa told me to hurry. But he'll need to rest for longer. The pridelands are weeks away to walk under the burning sun. I surprised he didn't collapse soon." She turned back to his wounds and started to but more of the herbs on them.

"Well, iruwa, kinah, good find more of the herbs busara needs. The rest of you I think they need some room." The lionesses responded and started to move away. Ade, lina and meeka moved away to find a spot by the forest's edge. They sat down and watched iruwa and kinah penetrate it to find the herbs.

"Good God, a god! Here in our pride! He must be a god, to survive a trip like that. You heard busara she's surprised he made it too. That proves it. What do you think meeka?" lina said.

"I don't know. I think your right, but what are we going to do? There hasn't been a male in the pride since dad. And he still got to answer a whole bunch of questions before he is even considered to be aloud in the pride. Ade?" Ade, who had been looking at the cave but listening looked round and said

"Well I know one thing; we'll need to wait 'till he gets better before he can answer any questions.


After two days of careful healing by busara the lion was starting to stir. He lifted his head and looked around groggily. His whole body ached but he could tell it was healed. His wounds always had healed faster than the others in the pride had. It was dark and he looked around. He remembered a lioness's voice in the darkness asking him questions he could barely remember the answer too. He also barely remembered the lioness he had seen when he collapsed. He remembered he had been rude to her. The closed his eye, feeling bad for the way he had been to her. She was most likely an influential member of this pride. He could tell they had healed his wounds and cleaned them. He wanted to thank them but they were all asleep. He put his had down and tried to get some more rest. He'll try to get some answers in the morning. He knew he'd have to give some answers too.

He could hear voices, indistinct, as he slowly came to conscious again. He tried to make the voices out. He recognised one of the as the first lioness he met. He was going to open his eyes when he realised they were talking about him so he kept his eyes to listen.

"...well, I think it wouldn't hurt to look." Said another lioness that he didn't recognise.

"Lina, it's immoral. I mean he isn't even awake. What if he woke up?"

"Then maybe he'll let you suck him off." Said the second lioness. He felt a lump in his throat. He had had thoughts like this back in his pride. Feelings he couldn't explain. His mum had told him it was a part of growing up. While he thought about this the lionesses continued.

"Come on, he must have a big one, being a god." That's when he suddenly stopped thinking and listened. How did they know?

"Lina shut up ok? We're just meant to watch to see if he wakes up."

"Oh, come on Ade, live a little." Said the lioness called lina. Silence followed until she said

"Oh find! Be a frady cat. I'm gonna have a look." Lina said. He heard he get to her feet and walk over. He dared not open his eyes but he longed too. He felt her stop in front of him. He then felt her gentle nuzzle in-between his hind legs

"Whoa...Ade, you don't know what you're missing." Lina said gleefully.

"Urr...fine." Ade growled getting to her feet. He heard he walk over to stand next to lina. He couldn't help but think he had two lionesses admiring his package, feeling his ego soar.

"Dare you to lick it!" lina said in a fiery voice.

"No. C'mon." Ade said as he could tell she dragged lina away to sit back down.

"What's gotten into you? You've been acting wired every time we're in here." Lina said.

"Maybe it's because I can't be bothered to cover your ass if he wakes up with you in-between his hind legs." Ade retorted.

"Hey, maybe if you lot invited me to the water pride to meet more males I wouldn't try to jump on any I see!" she said. Kim could hear the anger in her voice.

"This is why we DON'T take you to the water pride! Because you'd act like a whore and embarrass our pride!" Ade said, barely able to hide her anger too. Kim felt a bit of pride at having two lioness fight over him. On the other paw he knew what would happen if he didn't step in to stop it. He knew now was a good time to make it look like he had just woken up. He groaned and shifted his head, like he did almost every morning and opened his eyes. He winced as he felt the sun hit his eyes. The lioness suddenly went quite and looked in his direction. He lifted his head and looked around. Seeing the two lionesses for the first time he said

"Where am I?" as groggily as he could. They both leaped to their feet and stepped over.

"You're in the sleeping cave of our pride. Lina go get the others." The lioness on the right looked at her and nodded. She then looked at Kim and smiled before turning and running out of the cave.

"How did I get here?" he asked, he didn't remember being brought to a cave.

"Our pride carried you here." She said in the same voice she had on the day they met, full of caring, shock and interest all at the same time.

"Who's your pride?" he asked, looking around to the entrance of the cave. he could see the rich forest he had seen on the day they met. So it hadn't been a mirage.

"We're the forest pride. That's the forest of Diara. It stretches for many miles. It gives us our shelter and our way of life." Before he could ask any more question how ever the lioness called lina returned with more than two dozen lionesses. The biggest and oldest looking stepped forward to sit next to Ade. Kim tried to sit up but she put a paw on his back saying

"You need to rest. You had a rough journey." She looked like a motherly figure. He also recognised her voice from the one who had questioned him. She had said she was the queen, but that's all he could remember. He bowed his head to show respect before raising it again to see her smiling face.

"I'm queen Malkia of the forest pride. You've met my daughter Adetoun or Ade, and her friend lina." So he was right, she was an influential figure in the pride.

"This is my other daughter Meeka." Another beautiful lioness stepped forward to join her family.

"Now stranger you know who we are, but who are you? You told us you are from the pridelands?"

"Urr...yes, your majesty. I'm Kimoni or Kim from the pridelands."

"You're very far from the pridelands, why?" he could tell the whole pride was listing. He would have to start from the top.

"How long have I been here? I just need to know because it's relevant to tell you why I left the pridelands."

"You've been here two days." Said the queen. 'Two days?' he thought. God knows what scar's done to nala and the others in the time he's been gone.

"Well, about six mouths, two weeks and two days ago our king, king mufasa and his son simba were killed in a stampede. His brother scar took over. That's when things started to go wrong the lionesses were force to over hunt to feed the hyenas he allowed to live with him. After the mangy dogs finished there was little meat for the lionesses to eat. Worse of all he started raping my little sister, nala, and held me down so I couldn't save her. Six mouths after that and the rains were late bring a scarce making the heards move on. The lionesses were then forced to hunt further and further to find prey. The hyenas then attacked me and my sister. I killed two and injured one. Scar banished me for this. He had been looking for a reason to do it for six mouths so I was surprised at the way the hyenas started the fight. I was hiding in a small out crop when some of the hyenas that had chased me out of the pridelands started arguing. I overheard them say simba was still alive. I also believe mufasa was murdered by scar. I tried to travel by night but I grew weaker making me an easy prey for scavengers. So I had to travel in the day. Two weeks and I ended up here." He finished. Not one lioness moved. The queen had a look of pure horror on her face.

"Good lord!" she exclaimed.

"Sounds like you've had it tough kid." Said the first daughter meeka.

"Your stay here while we decide weather you should be let into the pride." The queen said.

"Mum!" said both the daughters.

"What?" she warmly asked.

"I think he's been through enough to be turned away." Said meeka.

"We'll see." she said. She walked out of the cave and most of the lioness followed. One walked forward. She looked older that the queen and wiser too.

"Kimoni, I'm busara. The prides elder." She explained as she sat down opposite him. Ade, meeka, and lina lingered to listen.

"Nice to meet you." Kim said bowing his head.

"You shouldn't have to bow your head to me my lord. That is my honour." She said bowing her head back. Kim blinked. He had never been called 'my lord' before.

"Please tell me my lord, am I correct? Are you one of the Nyamekye?" he blinked his eyes. His mum had told him he was one of these, but only a half-blood one.

"Yes, but only in half blood. And don't call me 'lord'. It's Kim." He said.

"I'm sorry, Kim. On whose side are you descended?" she bustled.

"Come again?" Kim said.

"Sorry. On witch side of you're family do you descend from the Nyamakye?

Your mother or father?" she asked a bit slower this time.

"On...on my fathers. I never met him but my mum's not a god so it must be him." Kim stated.

"Oh. Well, do you now much about your race? About its history?" she asked, still look polite and humble.

"None. My mum or anyone in the pride didn't know much about the race."

He answered.

"If you permit me I can help you. Tell you the history." She said looking a bit excited. Kim couldn't help but get interested.

"Err...Ok yeah." He said sitting up slightly.

"Well, your race is descended from the great lion god called jabari. He lived years ago in a land to the west called Kagiso. He lived for years and years, never aging or get hurt. He eventually decided to leave this place, but his mate was pregnant with cubs. Those cubs were left to be raised by different prides all over the savannah. The gods were amazing lions; never aging, never getting wounds, never dieing. But there was not enough lion gods to keep the line going. That is why you are half blood. Your are bread from a lion of no descendant and a lion who was of pure descant." She finished. Kim couldn't believe his ears. He had always longed to learn about his race but everyone in the pride had no clue about them, even rafiki, didn't know more than a rough idea. Now he knew.

"Do you know where this land is? The land of Kagiso?" Kim asked.

"It's quite far away, in the west. I think it's at least a two week journey." She answered. Kim knew what he was going to do once he was better. He had always wanted to find out his past, about his father. Maybe there was lion gods there that could help him.

"Do you know how to get there? The route you must take?" but before she could answer the queen and the other lionesses emerged by the entrance of the cave. The queen walked forward and busara got up and moved back to where Ade and the other two were. This time Kim got up to look her in the eye ready to thank her for what ever she was going to say. She looked at him for a moment and then said

"Kimoni of the pridelands..." his heart was racing now.

"...You are welcome to stay and live in this pride." She finished. The lionesses erupted in cheerers and Kim's heart did a summersault.

"Thank you so much, for everything." He said to the queen bowing his head. The lionesses came round to congratulate him and introduce themselves. After ten minuets of having to hear twenty eight names and congratulations did the crowd finally leave him in peace. He lay down again and rested. He had had a lot to take in from the past mouths activities. Ade, lina and meeka walked over. They also offered their congratulations. Then meeka said bye and walked out of the cave. Lina started to the entrance. But stopped when she noticed Ade and Kim were just staring at each other.

"A 'Thank you' and 'sorry' will do." Ade said.

"Thank you." Kim said.

"And?" Ade said sounding annoyed.

"And what?" Kim said.

"Where's the sorry?" Ade said her ears going slightly red.

"What did I do princess?" Kim said laying his head down.

"Excuse me? I found you, saved you and you were rude to me when I asked you if you were ok. I think I need and apology."

"Fine. When I hear mine." Kim said, his head still down and eyes closed.

"Pardon?" Ade said in actual surprise.

"Well..." Kim said getting to his legs and looking her in the eyes. He was already bigger than her.

"...what about you looking in-between my hind legs this morning?" he said in one. Ade now blushed; she thought he was unconscious when she did that.

"That wasn't me. That was her." She said gesturing to lina.

"I know. But you looked too. So I derive an apology." Kim said. They were both stubborn as each other. Just standing there and looking at one another waiting for one to give in. lina couldn't help but smirk as she looked from one another.

"Fine!" bellowed Ade. "I'm sorry for looking."

"I'm sorry for being rude." Kim said keeping his cool.

"Not much to look at any way." Ade retorted.

"Only 'cause you weren't hot enough to get it going." Kim said lying down again with his eyes closed. Ade walked over to lina. But stopped when she got next to her, looked back, and said

"See you round." In a grudging voice.

"Look forward to it." Kim said smiling.

"Urr." Ade said as she stormed out angrily.

"It's her birthday, you know." Lina said.

"Tell her best wishes." Kim said not opening his eyes. Lina laughed

"Don't worry, I will." She said before walking out.

Kim sighed. His body still ached from everything that had happened. He decided tomorrow he would explore the pride. Maybe it would be so bad. But then his thoughts turned to nala and his family. He growled. Scar was going to pay. He knew one day he would go back and deal with scar him self. Then maybe find simba if he was still alive. He had a positive feeling that he was. He rolled over onto his side. Tomorrow would be a better day. He hoped.


"Kim..." something poked him. He groaned and rolled over. He was having a good dream.

"Kim. Kim!" he felt a claw poke through his fur and pierce his skin. He jumped and lifted his head. He looked around; it was still dark and everyone was asleep. He looked at who had woken him. He was annoyed to see it was Ade.

"What's...what time is it?" he said rubbing his eyes with the back of his paw.

"It's just before dawn. Come on. Busara wants to see you." He looked at her groggily. Even in the dark she still looked stunning.

"Why...*yawn* Why not later?" he whipped to avoid waking the others.

"Ask her yourself. Now c'mon." she said nuzzling him to his feet.

And don't take it out on me, she woke me up too." They walked out of the cave. It was the first time Kim had seen the land. The sun was just starting to creep over the horizon. The forest looked mystical with the low morning fog and dew hanging over it. The cave was at the top of a large outcrop of rocks that looked like they had been a cliff. They made their way down and Kim looked around. Near one part of the forest was a water hole that looked quite a bit bigger than the one in the pridelands. They made their way to a small mound. When he got closer he saw the mound opened up and a small cave was present. There came light from the cave. As they went in they saw bursary sitting at a small fire. She was lying down but her head was up with her eyes closed. She looked dead but then she opened her eyes as they got closer.

"Please sit down. I was just meditating." She gestured for them to sit by the fire.

"What do you want and this early?" Kim asked, rubbing his eyes again as he sat down.

"Hmph, even gods need their sleep, huh?" she said smiling.

"Sorry, I didn't..." Kim be gain but busara just waved a paw and said

"It's nothing. No, I need you here because what I need you to see is easier in the low light."

"What am I doing here?" Ade asked looking confused.

"Well dear, you said you were interested in the gods, but if you want to leave..." Busara said kindly.

"No, I'll stay." Ade said firmly.

"Ok then. Kim, you wanted to know about the gods and the scared land

They come from." Busara said her voice going serious.

"Yes I do." Said Kim.

"Right then. Let's get started." She picked some herbs out of pots near her. The pots looked to be made out of half of coconuts. He looked around the cave, noticing the pictures and the objects.

"How did you learn all of this?" Kim asked looking at the bag made of zebra stomach.

"I learnt it from creatures called humans. They walk on two legs and have no fur except on their head. I was captured and put in what they called a 'cage'. I watch them do these things, how they started fire, drying out the zebra stomach, using the different herbs for different things. When I was Ade's age I ran away, meeting Ade's grandmother Ohenewaa. She let me stay in the pride. I grew up practicing the human practises." She finished not taking her eyes from the fire she was now throwing a smelly water onto.

"How come they had to decide weather to let me in?" Kim asked looking at busara then Ade. They both looked up.

"Well, we haven't had a male officially in our pride since Ade's father. He was loving towards Malkia and her cubs but to the rest of us he was cruel. A rapist who never got tired of hearing our screams. One day queen Malkia found him raping one of the lionesses on top of the cliff above the cave. She was so angry she hit him off the lioness; he lost his footing and fell to his death. Ade was only ten days old when this happened." Busara said looking at them both.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean..." He didn't know what to say as he looked at them both.

"No need to feel sorry, I don't." Ade said looking at him.

"You'd have found out one way or another." Busara said throwing some kind mushroom onto the fire.

"Right, now we'll find out where you need to go." She said looking into the fire. Kim did the same staring into the fire. The smell was over powering as was the smoke. He started slipping in and out of conscious. He started seeing things, hearing things. He found himself walking through the savannah. Ahead was a massive rock. When he got to the rock he found it covered in runes. He then sped ahead to find himself at the boarder of the land. He could tell it was a board because the grass turned from yellow to green. The line was the most perfect he had ever seen. He looked to his left; the line continued onto the horizon. He looked to his right and found that the line stretched to the horizon too. Then he heard voices. He turned around. Nothing. He turned back and jumped as he came face to face with the oldest lion he had ever seen. The lion had the biggest mane of white hair and the bluest eyes like his own.

"We wait." He said. His voice seemed distant. Kim blinked. He found himself staring into the fire. He looked at the other two. Ade seemed to be asleep with her head up and eyes open. Busara however was looking at him quietly.

"What did you see Kim?" she whispered.

"A...a big rock...with runes on it and...and a land with green grass...and an old lion...who said 'we wait.'" He finished. Busara looked at him.

"Looks like they know your going to them." She said smiling.

"When are you going?" she asked. Kim had to think for a second.

"I'll give it a year to learn what I need to get there." Kim decided.

"Ok then. I guess you'll want to learn some new skills." She said smiling.

"When should I be here for my first class?" he asked smiling also.

"What do you want to learn?" she asked.

"How to light fires, read runes, herbal treatments, and stuff like that." He said.

"Not much then. Be here when you ready to learn." She said.

"Right, see you around." Kim said smiling. He nudged Ade and she


"What...what..." she mumbled.

"C'mon." Kim grunted angrily as he got her to her feet. They walked out of

Busara's cave. The morning light shone through the valley.

"What did you...*yawn*...see?" Ade asked as they walked to the water hole. Kim dipped his head to drink from the water.

"Kim?!" Ade said in a raised voice. He looked up with water dripping off his muzzle. His licked it off and said

"I saw what I needed to see." He ducked down to resume drinking.

"Wow. You are an asshole." Ade said looking at him. Kim looked up and retorted.

"What the hell do you care what I saw? It's not like you're going..." he trailed off when her saw her face.

"Oh no. Hell no. you are not going. Why would YOU want to go?" he said looking at her.

"I've got my reasons." She said.

"Well you sure as hell not going with me. I'll tell you what I saw and you can go for whatever reason by yourself." He said. She just looked at him and laughed.

"Now what's so funny?" Kim asked.

"Do I look like a god? I won't be able to get there alone. We need to go together." She said firmly staring at him.

"I'll give you three things that are wrong with that sentence. One; no we don't need to go together. Two; you don't need to go, period. Three; if I were to take you, for what ever reason, I would want to know why you want to go." Kim said looking strait back at her with the same face.

"Busara didn't tell you the legend did she? Anyone who makes it to the scared land gets what ever they want in this life." She said simply.

"Anything?" he said.

"Anything." She replied.

"So what are you going to ask for?" he said.

"Don't see how it's you business." Ade said her temper rising again.

"If your coming WITH me it's all my business." He said his anger rising too.

"FINE! I want to ask them about my dad! Are you happy?" she shouted. She then instantly put her ears back and looked at the cave realising that she had just shouted.

"Yes, now you can come." Kim said

"What?" she whispered.

"You can come." Kim said again but slower.

"Alright, when are we going?" she asked looking a bit happier.

"In about one year's time." Kim said simply.

"A year?! Ok then." She said. She walked off toward the cave again. Kim sighed. He now had to take and extra person he hoped no one else would want to go.

"Ade!" he called. She turned around to look.

"Tell no one." He said. She nodded and continued on. He looked around. The sun was rising fast as it always did on the savannah. He saw a large flat bolder by the water hole. He walked over to it and jumped up onto it. Today he was going to explore his new home and socialise a bit. Maybe it was worth coming back for.


The day had been long. Kim had explored the forest a bit and done a lot of socialising. He had just managed to find a patch of long grass to hide in to get away from the gossipy lionesses. They sat in groups around the water hole. If he sat with one group the other groups would get jealous and start whispering and shouting taunts at them. So he'd go and sit with another group. The same thing would happen. Eventually a cat fight had broken out and the queen came down to stop it ordering them to leave Kim alone. As soon as she was out of ear shoot they moved on him and he ran, finding this nice bit of long grass. He sat there thinking about things. The land of Kagiso, his pride, nala, his mum, scar. All these things made him fall asleep. His dreams were always tided to scar doing something horrible to the pride but this time it was different. He was standing in the forest alone with a lioness. He didn't know who the lioness was but she was the sexist he had ever seen. Her coat was golden brown and her under belly was creamy coloured. She moved up beside him. Kim could feel his sheath tighten and his heart race as she got closer. She didn't talk. When she got to him she rubbed her body under his chin raising her tail as her back end went under it. Kim could smell the lusty scent that always drove him mad. He hadn't noticed his cock had erected and was now pumping pre. The lioness then repeated the motion this time ducking her head down to look at his hard on. She stuck her tongue out and licked the length of it. He shivered as she did this, especially when her tongue reached the barbs at the tip. His spin contracted as she did this. She then took the tip into her muzzle and gently started sucking. Kim moaned out in pleasure. She sucked it gently before releasing it. Kim looked down. But as soon as she had released she took the whole thing in her muzzle right until her nose touched his chest. Kim moaned out loader than before as she started to bob her head slowly. She was expert with her tongue, moving it around his cock and rubbing it over the most sensitive places. Kim moaned and started to make little thrusting movements with his hips. She in response starting going faster. They both sped up until Kim could feel his balls contract under his tail. She looked up at him and winked. She deep throated him in one go. This was too much for Kim and he went over the top. He could feel his cock start to jolt sending his seed down the gullet of the lioness.

He awoke when he felt his seed hit his chest. Her looked down and saw his cock pumping out more and more with every jolt. There was so much it dripped off to one side and started to pool on the hard earth. He looked around. He was still in his hiding place in the long grass. He looked down at his chest. The cum glistened in the sun. He got up to then sit on his hunches. He looked at his cock. It was still rock hard. He ducked down to take a little lick of his cum. It wasn't that bad. He then started licking it off his chest. When he got to his cum-covered cock he found it still sensitive. He started liking it clean. This sent the same jolt up his spine. Before he knew what he was doing he had taken it into his mouth. He had never had a chance to do anything like this with the pride. He had just started to get these emotions and thoughts when scar had taken over. After that protecting nala and the others came first. But now was a different story. He continued to suck himself, enjoying it immensely. He used his tongue to caress it as he started to make bobbing movements with his head. He started to feel his balls contract and his spine started to spasm. The rest of his muscles followed his spine as he felt his cock twitch, sending a powerful gush of his cum down his throat. Out of instinct he started to swallow. He finished up. He heard a twig snap and his head shot up. Out of the long grass stepped the one person he had never wanted to see him do this. She looked at him for a second and then burst out laughing and started rolling around on the floor.

"Yeah, yeah. What the hell is so funny?" Kim shouted over her laughing. She looked at him again a came over in a fresh laughing fit.

"Hey!" he shouted and she looked up, still smiling. Her eyes had watered. "I asked what the hell is so funny?!" she wiped away the tears that had formed and then said

"You got a little something on your chin." She said barley able to hide the laughter. Kim blushed under his fur and wiped away the dribble of cum that had escaped his mouth. She stared at him and he stared back. He was still on his hunches so was now exposed

"Let me guess..." she said, looking at his member then at the puddle next to him. "Either having fun and spilled it or having a good dream. No wait, both." He said happily. She was good, Kim gave her that.

"Fine you got me. How did you know, oh great lioness of mystery?" he said with sarcasm.

"Oh, nothing to it, sucker boy. I saw you playing with yourself. And the dream part, I've seen you in the cave in the same state when you asleep, rolling around and moaning softly, with what you got hanging out." At this she chanced a look at his erect pride, swaying gently in the breeze.

"Up here is where I'm at." He said angrily. "What do you want, Ade?" he asked with anger that he was experiencing.

"Nothing I just...came" she couldn't continue as she broke down laughing. He was getting annoyed now.

"What is so funny? It's not like you don't do this kind of thing." Kim retorted to her laughing.

"Yeah. But I do it in private." She said still smiling.

"Yeah, well it was private until...hang on how long were you there?" Kim asked.

"Since you started giving yourself pleasure." She answered.

"Grr...what do you want?" Kim growled whilst try to calm down. He was still very erect and it was become embarrassing every time Ade chanced a quick look at it.

"Are we going to be at the land of Kagiso long? Only mums getting worried I might not be back for meeka's wedding." She asked bluntly.

"You know, I haven't been here long but I already know something about you." He said. He had had to lie down now due to his member and the looks he was getting from Ade.

"Yeah, what's that?" Ade asked still sitting on her hunches.

"You're not a good liar. I told you tell no-one, and I'm sure you're not too keen on your mum finding out anyway." Kim said bluntly staring at her with anger. "What DO you want?" he said putting emphasis on the word 'do'.

"Fine. I came to find out where you had run too and I saw what you were doing and got curious." She said simply. Although the words had not meant to arouse him they had done the trick. Thinking of her sitting there watching Kim got him turned on more than he wanted to admit or show.

"Like you haven't seen a male do this before. You've probably had all the males crawling over you." He said.

"Do you any other males around?" she said angrily.

"Why you getting so angry? I just said you've probably mated before, being the princess." He said plainly. He was startled to see her blush. "Oh my god! You're a virgin?! Ha!" now it was Kim's turn to laugh.

"I got angry because you implied I was a slut. And yes I am a virgin, and you say one more thing I'll string you up by your guts!" Ade shouted but Kim just kept on laughing. The threat had just made Kim laugh even more. He wiped away the tears and then said

"Sorry. (Clears throat.) So, you now owe me something." Kim said with his face expressionless.

"Pardon? I don't get what you mean." Ade said with the same face.

"Well, you've seen what I do. Don't you think it's only polite to return the favour?" Kim said with his face still expressionless.

"Hmm...let's think about that. Y-y-y-e-e-a-a-h...No. no, I don't think that'll be happening." Ade said. "And what even made that thought cross your tiny little male brain?" she said.

"We're going to be travailing together, aren't we? So I think we need to learn to trust each other." Kim said with truth behind what he said.

"Yeah but there's other ways of building trust, so..." she shrugged her shoulders.

"Yes, but if you can't trust me to see you in a embarrassing and venerable position like you have me what's the point of going? Anyway it'll prove you can trust me." Kim said with definite truth.

"How does that add up then?" she asked.

"If I can watch you pleasure yourself without getting turned on then you can trust me not to do anything to you." He said with no expression in his voice. She had to stop and think for a minuet. That did make sense in a way. She had to now make a chose. She looked at Kim for a minuet or two and then cam to a conclusion.

"Ok then. But I need to see that you don't get turned on." Ade said with warning. At than Kim got up and sat on hunches but with his front legs on either side of his back legs so he was now exposed again. His cock had retreated into his sheath again. He sat there waiting to prove himself. She sighed and then took a quick look around to make sure no-one was around, she even sniffed the air to make double sure. She then moved into position. It was one she did often. It was the same one she did when cleaning herself. She spread her hind legs out and threw her left one over her head. Now they were both exposed to each other. Her pink nether lips glistened in the sun much like the pool of cum a foot from Kim did. She blushed a little; she was moist from watching Kim. She started out as she did for both cleaning and pleasure. She made long, wet licks over the length of her pussy. After she had gotten it wet enough she stuck her tongue in and wriggled it around. She looked up at Kim. He had a face of determination on. She looked further down, he was not aroused. She carried on, putting in more and more of her muzzle as she went. Eventually she pulled her muzzle out and started to use her tongue. She would every now and again look up to see if Kim was aroused. His cock never popped out. She started to make slurping noises as she got close. Tasting her own juices reminded her of the times she would spend hidden in the forest doing this. She even remembered her sister coming to find her and catching her, that was embarrassing. She could feel her spine start to contract and her muscles starting to spasm as her body was thrown into orgasm. She felt her juices run all over her muzzle and then down her body. When she had calmed down she fell on her side, panting. She felt a shadow over her. She looked up and found that she was looking into Kim's blue eyes. He was smiling as he looked at her. She looked down his belly and at the spot in-between his hind legs. He was not aroused even a bit. She looked up at him in her after glow and smiled. He returned it and licked her muzzle of her juices. He then said

"Let me guess, having fun with yourself or a good dream." He smiled.

"Both." She said before falling asleep.


"Right, let's review. A diagonal line with two dots above and one below with a curved line is?" busara asked.

"To give or to receive." Kim answered smiling. They sat in the forest in a clearing that busara had shown him. They had been coming here for nearly a year now. Kim's mane was now almost full, starching all around his head and down his body but it was still growing down his chest. Kim himself was now bigger that most of the full grown males in the water pride. He stood over half a foot taller than her at the shoulder and was a littler longer, by about five inches. When they first came to the clearing they would start at the beginning but now it was about revising every thing he had been taught. He now knew how to create fire from two stones, rune translation, how to use parts of a kill to make bags or containers. Busara became just as involved as he had in preparing to go to land of the gods. She was even more pleased when Ade turned up to the sessions. But she would often get in over her head and have to sit down after she had a mental block. Ade was now full grown and had the beauty of her mother. Kim was not just taking lessons with busara but with the lionesses too, learning how to hunt and how to work with them. He had had a little practice with his pride but now he was an expert. Ade's family was doing well too, Meeka had married the oldest son of the old king of the water pride, who was incidentally the queen's uncle and Ade's great uncle. The males name was Runako (Ru-na-ko) or nako. They were now the sovereign king and queen of the water pride and were also expecting. Queen Malkia was now old but still in power. She had found out about the trip about half a year ago. She was angry with both of them at first but then came to realise that her daughter wanted to do this so had approved of it. She watched the two of them grow up and was now happy to let them go. She was unaware of the meetings that Kim and Ade had been having for a year now. It was all about getting to know each other and learning to trust and respect each other. Only twice since the first time had they had a session where they would get physical, most of the time they would just talk. Now they were leaving the next morning. Kim had walked ahead for two days to get his bearings and to plan the route. Kim had asked Ade to meet him after he had finished meeting with busara.

"Right, you're done, you are now the most knowledgeable lion in this pride." She said beaming.

"'lion'. Well then I suppose you still want to keep the title of 'most knowledgeable lioness in the pride.'" Kim said back smiling softly. They bowed their heads to each other and went their separate ways. Kim met Ade in the long grass patch where she had first caught him playing with himself. She smiled as he walked into the patch.

"Your last chance Ade. If you want to stay, now's the time." Kim said to her in a serious voice.

"Not a chance after what you've put me through." She said firmly.

"Ok, say your good byes now, we leave at dawn." Kim said as he turned away. There were only a few he wanted to say goodbye to but he knew Ade would have to say goodbye to every single lioness. He started on the path to busara's cave to say his good byes to her.

An hour later and it was dusk. He made his way to the cave and saw Ade rubbing muzzles with her mum as goodbyes. Meeka sat close with nako. She was heavily pregnant but had come to say goodbye to them both. Meeka had been close to Kim and nako said he though of Kim as an older brother. Kim was bigger than both of them. They all turned their heads as he entered. He bowed his head to the two queens and the king and they did the same. Queen Malkia walked over and started rubbing muzzles with him as she had done with Ade, who was now talking to meeka and nako.

"Kim..." Malkia whispered in his ear. "Please look after her and if anything happens I hold you responsible." She said. Her tone was not threating but full of caring and worry.

"I made that same vow to my mother about my sister and I make it to you now. I will watch over her like I did to my sister and protect her." He said and they broke away from each other and just stared. "God, feels like I just got married!" he whispered.

"She should be so lucky." The queen whispered back and they both had to hold down laughs. They walked over to where the others were to find Ade's head pressed against meeka's chest, listing.

"So what do you think it'll be?" she whispered.

"Girl. Now question. She has been kicking non-stop and only a girl can be that restless or moody." Meeka said smiling.

"Honey, come on. Mum said I kicked up a storm before I came out. So don't go assuming anything." Nako laughed and leaned in to muzzle her lovingly. As the two approached they broke apart. Meeka got to her feet and went to hug Kim.

"See you, kid." She said from a strong voice. "You will be back, won't you?" she asked breaking away and looking at him. Kim sighed and looked out at the sun soaked horizon.

"Maybe. After I've done what I need to." He said. He looked back at meeka smiling. He could tell she wanted to ask what he was going to do but she fought it back. Then she moved back and nako moved forward.

"See you Kim. I'm...gonna miss you." He said. Looking at him with respect.

"Thanks for letting stay in your pride those times, your majesty." he said bowing his head.

"Not at all, the pleasure was ours." He said returning the bow. Kim then turned to Ade.

"Better get some rest. We have got a long journey ahead of us."



The land was glowing with gold and the sky was bathed in red. Three figures emerged from the sleeping cave of the forest pride. Kim looked over the land. He turned to look at Ade and malkia nuzzling last goodbyes.

"Ade, I want to tell you something." Malkia said and Ade looked at her mum. "When you return, you retune not as Ade, but as Queen Ade." Both Kim and Ade looked at her.

"Mum? What are you saying?" she asked.

"Every queen must do something to prove her worth; you are taking a great journey to self discovery. I am old, I will die soon. You will come back and I step down and look to you as the new queen." She said. Ade sighed.

"I knew this would happen. Mum, I go on this journey to prove my worth and I will come back a queen worth to rule the pride of the forest." Ade said and her mum burst into tears. She nuzzled Ade and then walked over to Kim.

"You are a great lion Kimoni. You are taking a great journey but what will you come back as?" she asked.

"If you think I am a great lion then I will come back already whole." He said as she muzzled him.

"Goodbye. May the gods go with you." She said smiling. Kim laughed; that was a good one. They departed towards the path Kim had walked when planning the route. Ade stopped and looked back at her home for one last time before continuing on. They made good progress for the day and eventually they decided to rest for the night, but first they needed to eat. They found a small heard of gazelle and they took positions signalling to each other when they were in position. They managed to bring down two gazelles. After they had finished them off they found a comfortable spot and settled down. They slept with their backs to each other. They made the same progress over the next few days. The also decided to travel during the night, for it made it easier because it was cooler. After eight days of travelling they came to a rock that from a distance looked to be scratch all over. But when you closer you could see it was covered in runes. Kim stopped and examined the rock. Ade was at his side when he reached up and touched it. She looked at it and then said in a whisper

"How is this possible? It would take hundreds of years to carve these." She looked at Kim who was running his paw over the massive rune in the middle. The one in the middle seemed to be the first one done because all around it there was smaller runes.

"Just a bit further." He said putting his paw down and moving on. She stared at him and then at the rock before catching up.

"What did it say?" he didn't answer but moved on with speed.

"Kim!" she said grabbing his shoulder. He stopped and turned his head.

"I told you, it said 'just a bit further.'" He said smiling. She blinked and made a confused face.

"Oh, okay, sorry." She said and they continued on. After two more hours of journeying the sun stared to creep over the horizon. They both stopped dead. In the low light they could see ahead a place where the grass changed from yellow to green. The both ran forward to examine it. The line seemed to go on forever, stretching from one horizon to another. Kim looked down and just stared at the border.

"Urr...what...what now?" Ade asked sounding uncertain. Kim just kept staring at the border and then said

"We go through together other wise we could get separated." He said

"How? We're just going over a border." She said.

"If you think that you can try it out." He offered. She opened her mouth but closed it again.

"Okay on three." He said. She got ready to walk over the border.

"One." He said. She could feel an odd sort of power coming from the border, telling her to cross now.

"Two." She felt her body start to move, her mind was losing control. She barley heard Kim say three as she stepped over the border.

She breathed in heavily and looked around. She was on her side lying down in the grass. The border was nowhere in sight. Neither was Kim. She started to panic. Looking around all she saw was a few trees and the green grass. She got up and started turning around really fast. She looked in all directions trying to find Kim or the border.

"KIM!!" she shouted. No response.

"KIM!!" she shouted again. She ran as fast as she could towards the distance. Before too long her legs stopped her from going her any further. She collapsed into a pile panting and looking off into the distance. She finally realised why Kim had told her to go together. She put her head down to think. After a while she heard approaching steps. She looked up and saw Kim approaching with a strange smile on his face.

"Kim! Oh god, I'm sorry. It something pulled me in and took control. I think that *Mrmph*." She never got to say what she thought as Kim had just pressed his muzzle to hers in a kiss. She jumped away instantly and stared at him with her face full of surprise and anger.

"What the HELL is wrong with you?" she shouted at him. He just stared at her with the same smile. He never said anything or changed his expression. He started walking back over to her but she started to back up. She kept backing up until she eventually hit a tree. He stepped over too her and kissed her. She resisted for a moment but then she started to kiss him back. She never knew why but she enjoyed it. She then came to terms why she was doing it. Deep down she had always thought about him in this way. She kept kissing him back as he moved his paw behind her head to pull her in closer. She started making moaning noises. His paw started moving down her back. She open her eyes to look at him but screamed and ducked. Kim turned round and was hit in the face. His neck made a crack noise and he fell to the floor dead. She got up and looked at the loin standing before her. Kim was panting much the same way she was. He was looking down at the body of the fake Kim. She looked down then up at the two Kim's.

"You two huh?" he said.

"What the hell?" Ade said out of confusion.

"Don't worry it's me." He said still looking down at the body.

"Prove it." She said.

"Because I'm not trying to kiss you and because you're not my type." He said not looking up.

"Oi!" she said back.

"But you know it's true." He said finally looking up. She did shrug and agree. She knew this was the real Kim.

"Back then, what did you mean by 'you too'?" she asked.

"Well, after you went over you just disappeared so I went in after you. I found myself lying on the floor when you, or a fake you, came up and tried to kiss me." He finished sitting down and breathing heavily.

"What do you mean 'tried'?" she asked, knowing full well what it meant.

"I broke her neck before she could get too close." He said smiling slightly. Ade felt angry that Kim did that.

"What if that had been me?" she asked angry.

"You wouldn't have tried to kiss me." He said looking around at where they were.

"True. But what if it had been me?" she asked now trying too cover up what she had been doing with the fake Kim. The real Kim was still looking around. She looked back down at the body of the fake Kim.

"Who are they?" she asked. Kim looked at her then at the body.

"Their nothing. Just creations of our minds." Kim said looking at the body of himself.

"What?" she said.

"The defence of this place. To mess with our minds and drive us crazy. They would try to seduce us then kill us." He said still looking at the body. She just stared at him.

"I expected this." He said in response to her look.

"How?" she asked.

"The rock with runes on. It tells of this. You need to get what you need and go, Ade." He said looking at her.

"What? We just got here. I'm staying for longer." She said with a determined.

"Look I'm okay because I'm part god, so this land will let me stay. It will try and get rid of you. Please, for your own safety." His voice was full of caring.

"Fine. But uh...we're nowhere near the border so how am I going to get out of here." She asked. Kim smiled and said

"Look behind you." She just looked at him for a few seconds before turning her head to look around. It took just about all the strength she had to stop screaming. The border was just there. She was sitting on the border. She looked at Kim. He was still smiling as he said.

"Like I said, this land will welcome me but you it will try to get rid of." She kept looking to and fro. From the border to Kim.

"Did you make that happen?" she asked.

"Yep. Now I'm here I'll think I'll learn a lot more then just that." He said nuzzling her to go over the border. She threw her self onto him.

"When will you be back?" she asked whilst rubbing her head in his mane.

"I don't think I'll be here longer than a year. So I'll see you soon." He said. He then grabbed her and then said

"What ever you do don't come back. See you, milady." He said before pushing her over the border. She landed in the ground with a thump. She got back up and looked at the border. Kim wasn't on the other side or anywhere in sight along it.

"Basterd." She said smiling as she turned to make her way home. The land was now golden as the sun rose higher and higher. As she made her way back she kept thinking about how the fake Kim had kissed her and how much she had enjoyed it. Every time she though about it it made her smile. She made her way back to the forest pride in record time. When she got back all of the lioness bowed as she went past. She had forgotten she was now queen. She made her way to the entrance of the cave to where meeka, nako and her mum sat waiting. Malkia went over too hug her daughter. When they broke apart she said

"Kim?" Ade smiled and looked off to the distance.

"He's coming back soon enough. He said not to worry though." She looked back and then went into the cave to sleep. This was going to be an interesting year.