Evolution of the Xenomorphs Ch 11

Story by XenoElite on SoFurry

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#11 of Xenomorphs

Author(s) Note:................................... Here it is? I don't know, I took way to long on this and what do I have to show for it? Not much. But that's okay, this is just a fun project of mine.

Disclaimer: I do not own Alien(s) & Predator(s). I'm a simple guy writing a story for your pleasure and entertainment, don't like it? Don't read.

_Italic words; _will indicate thoughts/ideas/memories.

Bold/Dark words: Are important things and foreshadow things to come..... Possibly.

Story and Character are copyrighted by me.

Without further ado let's begin

Time: 2:30 a.m. Location: the Hive.

"So Mark, Nathan, how'd your day go?" Aaron asked. The 3 humans having finally managed to get away from the rest of the herd and finally relax in the relatively small room they had found still intact. To make things better it happened to have 4 beds, 1 working bathroom and shower much to their delight, 1 working steel door with a small lookout window, and some miscellaneous items within the place.

"Oh since you asked, it went splendid!" Replied Nathan, the sarcasm in his voice at an all time high along with the fake smile on his face. "Mark and I got chased, beaten, threatened at, and kicked. It was SO awesome."

"Glad you had such a nice time." Aaron contered in his own sarcastic manner, "I got tricked, threated, hit, almosted killed, and will now be having nightmares for the rest of my life. But you obviously had it worse." He failed to mention that he had sex with 2 female Xeno's part but again he was trying his hardest to forget that. He could trust Mark to keep a secret till he got too drunk and telling Nathan that story would seal the event in stone. A stone that would soon be found and brought into the light by others bring unwanted questioning, demands, attention, and deduct to pay. All things Aaron didn't want to change any time soon.

"Would the 2 of you shut-up and focus on the game here? Important thing is that we are all still alive and together." Spoke Mark giving Aaron and Nathan an annoyed look a farther would give to his kids.

"Don't you start with me." Answered Nathan, "You ditched me at one of those junctions that just happened to be filled with "friendly male Xeno's"."

"Wow wow, what's the story behind this?" (Aaron)

"Nathan took a wrong turn and made some new friends." Chuckled Mark.

"I almost got killed!" Shouted Nathan, throwing the cards in his hand down on the rig set up of a table they had made, which consisted of a 2 file-cabinet doors and 4 metal pipes they pulled from the wall all rigged together in a not so fancy looking table.

"Almost" spoke Mark, "Almost, but you made it out more or less unscathed."

"Fucking jerk." Retrieving his cards Nathan laid down a few and signaled his turn was done.

"All we need now are some cigars and a beer or two." Mumbled Mark as he too placed a few cards down on his side of table.

"Fuck beer, I in the mood for something stronger, I think my buddy Jack should do." Aaron smiled as he pulled out a full case of Jack Daniels from within a more or less intact bag he had found earlier decorated in dirt, coolant to who knows what, and "red paint".

"O hell yeah! Where did you get that? And a full intact bottle? Talk about a find." Exclaimed Nathan.

Chuckling himself Aaron retrieved a few glass and filled each to the brim before passing it to their new happy owners. "Well I managed to find what used to be the mess hall area in this place and low and behold I found my best friend here." Aaron raised his cup and in one go emptied the glass. Mark and Nathan quickly followed suit and refilled their own cups with more of the "magical liquid".

"You know you shouldn't be drinking" warned Mark, "remember you're pregnant, in a way" he laughed at Aarons annoyed expression.

"Yeah what of it?" huffed Aaron in an uncaring tone, "The little shit is slowly killing me its only fair I do so as well." Aaron continued, taking another shot and slamming the cup down on the table. "And besides, no child of mine is going to grow up without trying some good quality courage enhancers."

"What if it comes out premature due to your bad choice in habits? How will you raise it when you're gone?" Mark continued to tease.

"That's the thing, I won't nor do I care and this isn't a habit, it's a life choice."

"You're an awful farther."

"Hey this is the only time I've got to spend with it before its bitch of a mother, who I never met, ruins it. I am teaching my son some very important farther and son things and I only have at least 3 or days till its due."

"How do you know it's male? What if it's a female?" Asked Nathan.

"Because it's drinking this" Aaron pointed at the bottle of Jack, "and it's coming from this awesome stud" he indicated himself. "Besides, doesn't the baby take on more characteristics of the farther than the mother?"

"That poor thing is going to look like a skinny 10 year old "it" for the rest of its life." sighed Nathan.

"Only if its mother is a complete feminist."

"Pfff. You talk about her like you know her real well. Are you not telling me something?" asked Mark while leaning in closer to Aaron.

"Well.... I have woken up from a few parties of whose details I can't recall to well." Replied Aaron in an uneasy tone. O dear god, what if Venotrix and the Queen get...... he trailed off.

"Uhuh, you're such a player. Got sick of your own kind and went on to the next best thing huh?"

_Oh Mark if only you knew. _ "You caught me" Aaron laughed nervously.

"Hehe. Yeah right. We both know you're not capable of having kids due that one "mishap" a year back."

"Yeah..... Thanks for bringing that up again. And so we are all clear, it missed my balls and hit my tail bone, how many times do I have to tell you that?"

"Meh, that doesn't sound nearly as interesting and you really expect me to believe that entire steel bar didn't land even the slightest hit on your genitals? Yeah, I don't believe you."

"You saying he's got gaint balls or something Mark? Coming from you that's creepy, but I have to agree with you, there is no way that thing didn't land a nut check on you Aaron." (Nathan)

"Whatever" Aaron grumbled before taking another shot of liquid pain killer, "Ahh! That the stuff, wish I had some Coke to mix with it." Sighed Aaron as he laid down his hand. "Full house."

"Hehe. Royal flush." (Nathan)

"Straight" grumbled Mark.

"Sorry boys the man gets to use the shower first." Nathan proudly exclaimed.

"Whatever, I still have my buddy Jack to "consult" with." Replied Aaron raising his glass and gulping its contents down. If I'm going to forget my woes I'm going to need to get drunk first.....

*Knock Knock*

All heads turned to the steel door.

"Did you invite anyone?" asked Aaron looking at Nathan and Mark.

"No." The two replied.

"Go away!" Shouted Mark, "We don't want whatever it is your selling."

"You know if you don't open this door I'll just tear it down." Replied a smooth voice Aaron Immediately recognized.

"Sorry, humans only!"Yelled Nathan from within the bathroom before closing its door.

A deep growling noise answered from beyond the door.

Making his way towards the door and against his better will, Aaron opened it to meet an all too familiar face, Venotrix. "What do you want." He hissed through his teeth.

"Just wanted to say hi." Smiled the Xeno runner, "Also came to pick you up for our "sleep over" I promised you today."

"And I told you it wasn't happening." Replied Aaron crossing his arms.

"Well you're just awful, here I am trying to spend some nice time with you and you just shoot me down like that." Venotrix playfully pouted while lowering her head down a little. "And after all the fun we had today I would have thought you'd be all over the chance to get some more of this prime Xeno ass--"

Slamming his fist on the close button and sealing the door Aaron swore underneath his breath. "If it's not one thing it's always a fucking another." Collapsing on his bed and burring his head into a pillow. "Hey Mark?"


"No matter what she says, she's lying."

"Uh, sure, mind telling me what that was about?"

"I think its best we let it stay in past." Aaron mumbled into the pillow.

*Knock Knock*

"Errrr!" fumed Aaron.

"Let me try." Getting up Mark reopened the door to see the still present Xeno.



"What's the deal between you and Aaron?"

"That is none of your concern, now are you going to let me in our not?"

"Not in till you answer the question."

"Let me rephrase that, Get Out Of My Way Now." Growled Venotrix bringing her lips back and showing her sharp teeth in a snarl.

"Alright alirght." Marked replied raising his hands in defeat and stepping off to the side letting the large Xeno by.

Good going Mark, you sure showed her. Slowly Aaron slipped off the side of his bed and crawled his way underneath the small space below it. If I can barely fit underneath here she has no hope, good thing the beds are embedded into the ground, but then again I have witnessed her smashing through steel doors with little effort.

"Alight, what did you do with him?" Hissed Venotrix after looking around the room a few times. She could pick up his scent but it was too scattered and constricted in the room for her to pick out its main source.

"He went to take a shower" answered Mark as he made way over to reclaim his seat, fixing himself another glass for what was to come.

"Ooo" purred Venotrix, "This is just too perfect." Making her way towards the bathroom, she silently entered and closed the door behind her and just as quietly snuck up to the shower itself. She was still unaware that the person inside the shower was not who she believed it to be nor did the person in the shower ever in their life ever consider the event that was to happen next.

As if on cue, Aaron crept out from underneath the bed and quietly tip toed towards the exit. "Thanks Mark" he whispered. Mark only raised his glass towards Aaron and gave him a nod. With that Aaron made his way down the empty hall in search of another hiding place to survive the night but not without taking another shot of encouragement before he left.

Not long after Aaron had rounded the first corner did a loud a shriek emit from within the bathroom followed by the sound of something crashing into the ground. The door flew open with Nathan bolting out and diving behind the nearest bed in the buff. "W-what the hell was t-that about!" he shrieked.

"What happened?" asked Mark, trying his best not to laugh or smile.

"It, she" Nathan pointed at Venotrix who was now standing in the doorway, "fucking grabbed me like we knew each other!"

"You mean she "held" your stuff? That's pretty straight forward of you." Said Mark, the last bit directed at the female runner who only gave him a "blank" stare. (XD it's funny because they always have a blank stare....... Nothing? Screw it I quit with the Sight jokes)

"She didn't hold, she fucking groped and squeezed like I'm supposed to know what she's suggesting!"

"You don't know what that means? I thought you said you were a player, how do not know that settle hint?" Asked Mark.

"Hate to ruin your "victim" moment but there wasn't much to hold, *Sigh*, you are such a disappointment." Said Venotrix, shaking her head. "And you let him escape." She hissed while looking at Mark, "Where is he."

"Gone now, went flying out door as if he was about to be killed."

"He's going to be killed now" replied Venotrix before she too went flying out the door and down the hall in pursuit.

Reclining back in his chair with a grin on his face, "So Nathan, heard you got groped by a Xeno while taking a shower. How was it?" laughed Mark.

"Y-you, you set me up for that!" Nathan yelled back, "What did I ever do to you!?"

"Nothing" replied Mark shrugging his shoulders, "She thought you were Aaron so it's not like it was initially for you."

"That doesn't-Wait...... she thought I was Aaron?"

"That's what I told her, why?"

"Then, that whole thing about picking him up for the......." Nathan trialed off as a horrified look came across his face. "You don't think...."

Mark's face had also adopted the look of shock, "That she was going to...... oh dear god......"

"He's dead" spoke both humans simultaneously.


There is no way I can survive another session with her Aaron thought as he found himself at another dead end within yet another random corridor. Gotta find a place to lay low at, somewhere secure and overlooked that will also mask my scent from "unwanted guests", but where..... Wait! What was that? Coming to a halt and backtracking a few doors down, Aaron found the sector he was looking for. The Info panel over it read, "Pressure & Cooling" along with several caution and warning signs pasted on the door.

"Perfect, this should have plenty of places to hide in as well as possible escape routes." Slipping inside and closing the door behind him, he made his way deeper inside his new temporary safe haven.

Time: 2:40 a.m. Location: the Hive, outer layers.

"Perimeter secure, move up."

The sounds of movement could scarcely be heard within the area, let alone actually be seen. What looked like a multiple shimmering patches of light hitting water moved within and out of shadows of the room. Some were on the ground while others climbed and swung on the steel beams and over pass's, all and all the "group" of shimmering light carefully made its way deeper and deeper into the webbed system of fabric material that decorated the place. Each respected member of the group would constantly switch views within their metal visors to get a different look of their environment in order to spot out what they were looking for. Some were calm and collective throughout the whole thing; others were a little more..... anxious for the upcoming fight that was promised to come.

"Wait...." Signaled one of the cloaked figures ahead of the group. Sneaking up for a closer look alone, he could make out several figures lurking within the shadows of the walls and ceilings of the group's current path. "Confirmed bugs ahead, prepare to engage" spoke the Predators voice over the com sets within the other helmets of the group, "Happy hunting."

The younger, less experienced Pred's, didn't need to be told twice. The cocky ones charged forward giving off roars of intimidation which immediately altered the Xeno's ahead of their presence, thus eliminating the element of surprise on their part. The more seasoned and calmer ones stayed back and stuck with using ranged attacks with their shoulder mounted plasma shooters at the distracted Xeno's who were fixed on the roaring barbaric lunatics charging at them with spears, single to dual wrist blades, and the occasional throwing/cutting disk ma-bopper thing. (Don't know what they're called nor do I feel like looking it up, if you've seen movies you should know)

The Xeno's acted in kind by roaring back and charging at the attacking group quickly leading to multiple one on one fights in the place while a few of the strategic ones used their wall climbing abilities and speed to their advantage and dispatched several Predators by using their long bladed tails and catching them off guard. However hanging from the ceiling didn't provide much cover; many of the Predators attacking from a distance realized that and acted upon it blowing Xeno after Xeno apart. This proved to be a fatal mistake on their part; the exploding Xeno's rained their highly corrosive acid blood on everything underneath them..... the Predators themselves. While their fellow Xeno's where unharmed the same couldn't be said for the Predators for those unlucky enough to be caught in bath of acid didn't suffer for too long before they were left as melted lifeless corpses on the ground.

"Of all the stupid things I would have expected to happen this was not one of them." Growled one of the annoyed leaders of the Predator group.

Another fellow leader of the Predator group responded in kind, also sharing his annoyance. "Well, that's what those fools get for charging ahead so recklessly. In all honesty I don't feel any remorse for them; they weren't fit to be hunters."

"Indeed" answered the first as he continued to over look the battle before them that was beginning to die down. A good majority of the reckless group that had charged ahead were injured in some form of a way, acid burns, bite and claw marks, a few had puncture wounds from being struck by Xeno tails and chunks of flesh missing from being bitten by Xenomorphs deadly second set of jaws. Then there were the ones that died of course, their corpses lying amongst the many others on the floor, at least what was left of them and the floor.

"No sense in hauling them back to the ship" the first continued, "And with the shape the bodies are in now.... It wouldn't exactly be honorable either."

The second spoke, "Nor do we have the time or luxury to do so. We are on a tight schedule here and I for one don't want to be caught by a retaliation group while sitting here any longer than necessary." Turning to the rest of the Predator group he made his way over to inspect those still intact and issue everyone's new orders, the first Predator was about to join him before his helmet alerted him to an incoming message from mother ship.

Most of it wasn't too important but the last bit was of some interest to the Predator. According to resonantly obtained info from the heist group they had sent out earlier, their objective, the egg , condition had changed for the worse. It was now mobile and worse yet the heist group could not find any trace as to what was now carrying their package or how long ago the egg may have hatched. This of course wasn't taken lightly by those back on the ship that were overlooking this entire ordeal and quite frankly nor was it by the rest of the grunts for now they had to chase down a mobile source that only the Xenomorphs would know where at and would rather die than share that precious information with the Predators, even if the two sides were on good terms.

"Oh great, this should be fun" The Predator fumed to himself as he made his way to the rest of the group deep in thought as to how to go about with his squad the way it was. Upon reaching the others he quickly got everyone's attention and relayed the message he was given to the others getting annoyed growls from about everyone there. "So now we get to do some proper hunting boys, the Elders have placed a high reward on who ever can catch AND bring our prize to them. Winner takes all, with that being said we will all work independently in order to cover as much ground as possible. I shouldn't have to tell you all that killing the host would be a very bad idea so nets only, if necessary you can knock it out or immobile it but that's it."

At the mention of a grand reward from the Elders and the chance to prove oneself to the rest of Elder members was more than enough to get everyone eager for the hunt and even better was that they would be doing this alone, all the glory theirs.

Without another word, each able body took off in multiple directions in hopes that their chosen path would lead them to their awaiting new glory and fame.


None of them would find their glory this day, no, another was destined for that chance. One that was not only overall more skilled but was already committed said task and would greatly benefit from achieving said task immensely; both in social standing and personal interest/satisfaction. But that's skipping ahead a bit; regardless it will still come to pass sooner than any of those strung to this thread would ever guess.

Time: 2:50 a.m. Location: The Hive, Engineering Wing.

(Back to our victim)

"Pipe, pipe, pipe, large pipe, larger pipe, steaming hot pipe, broken pipe, misleading pipe, .... Pointy sharp bloody pipe with dead body impaled on it, check. Yep I'm in the right place, I'm lost..... But does that mean I can't be found? I can only hope, falsely hope. Then again dying alone is rather depressing I mean look where it got that guy. But it's more peaceful..... Once you stop struggling that is......Tough choice."

Having wondered around a bit and taken some random stairwells here and there Aaron had successfully lost track as to where exactly he was. He still knew he was in the Cooling sector as made evident by all the pipes lining the walls and ceiling but then again this entire place was mainly like that and the fabric walls of the Hive itself wasn't helping his navigating either.

"Am I really so bored that I have become so mentally unstable enough to talk to myself for humor and fun? Dear god that sex took more of a toll on me than I thought or maybe it wasn't the sex. Maybe it was all that Xeno cum I chugged down..... Oh dear god I've been poisoned."

*Cough Cough Cough*

"Or maybe, it's the abomination inside me that is making my life a living hell right now!" Aaron shouted bit to load, the echo of his deranged voice yelling back at him. "You know what.... I'm tired and possible slightly buzzed..... I'm calling it a night. If by chance Venotrix finds me then I hope I'm still buzzed enough not to really care."

On that note Aaron made his way over to an indent lining the far wall in an identical room as the last before hauling himself up on webbed patch of pipe on the ceiling and passing out without a care in the world, temporary.


(Our first pursuer: Venotrix)

Having run around a bit Venotrix had successfully found a fresh scent to follow of her chosen victim of the night. As of right now she was sitting in front of a heavily reinforced door that read all sorts of crap she didn't have a clue about any of its meaning.

"He would find the thickest door to hide behind" growled Venotrix eyeing the sturdy looking door up and down. She really didn't want to waist the energy ripping the thing down but it was that or trying to find another way around since she had no clue how to work the panel next to the door. "There's got to be an air duct that cuts through somewhere nearby. If there is one thing I have learned about this place it's the simple fact that there are air ducts EVERYWHERE that lead to about ANYWHERE."

Running down the hall a ways and true to her theory, She found the tell tell signs of an air duct with metal panels protecting it that Venotrix made quick work of. It always astonished her how much space these air ducts the humans made had. Really, how much space does an air duct really need? This is exactly why and how most horror scenes start and finish.

Following the shaft a ways she broke through another set of metal sheets blocking her exit into a rather small room filled with all sorts' weird tubes and bottles, the Janitors Room, unbeknownst Venotrix of course. What she did know was that the door standing in her way was about to get a few dents in it. After that had been dealt with the gruesome task of picking up her trial again, or would have been, but thanks to species natural acute sense of smell and her still lingering heat, finding the scent of her male proved to be not much of a challenge for her in the slightest.

As she continued to follow the trail, Venotrix began to notice that its path would constantly overlap itself from time to time and would often lead to a dead end or room before seemingly reappearing down a few rooms or so. Next was the obvious (at least to a Xenomorph) hint of another scent that closely followed Aarons, a female scent at that which of course didn't sit too well with Venotrix's clouded mind of arousal.

Like hell I'm going to let some other whore have him! He's mine, I claimed him first! Applying some extra speed to her already fast pace, Venotrix quickly made it down to the lower levels where the scent became stronger and stronger. Once on the last floor a surprised yell echoed within the complex followed by a sound Venotrix knew all too well; the whistling noise of a plasma canon.

(Stocker 2)

Quick jump back of 10 minutes, Time: 2:40 a.m. ish

Deep within the Hive's second layer the dual sound of combined weaponry slicing through previously silent air could be heard usually being followed by a chorus cry of pain and death. 2 large bipedal, humanoid figures were franticly running away from equally large other but, less humanoid, creatures in what used to be break room for staff.

The 2 more humanoid creatures bore similar running and weapon styles as that of a human, yet of coarse shall we say, more elaborate and advanced in stature. Each individual wore a metalloid mask of some sort protecting its entire face and providing said beings with multiple features such as heat vision, tracking and recording audio, along with other things to complex to say in simple words. Their armor closely resembled that of a Samurais but was not a full suit. Instead only a breast plate followed with attaching shoulder pads and a lower pelvis piece with thigh and need pads were worn with weapon attachment holders and pouches were a few trophies were present.

The slightly larger of the 2 creatures was a female as made evident by her slightly sleeker figure and proportionally sized breasts restrained under its breast plate. This Female had a dark tannish color with darker brown patches of spots covering the center of its forehead, shoulders and collarbone, and thighs and with ring like family jewelry on its tentacle like appendages that functioned like hair.

((I guess? Here is a good example if you're lost: http://rule34.paheal.net/post/view/708180#search=Predator

With that said I'm done explaining appeal, also not my art work which should be obvious.))

((P.S. F*** you SOPA!))

Each shoulder held a plasma caster (slightly more powerful and stable than that of a Plasma cannon) fused into the armor following its aim sight emitting from the mask on the creatures head providing great accuracy and movement in close to mid range encounters. On each wrist was a set of wrist blades (Duh...) extending several feet out following a jagged like shape for inflicting deep wounds along with a second function allowing them to be shout out of its place holders like a ballistic knife, a very large ballistic knife. The right wrist application was held a built in, shall we say "Smart Computer & Plasma Bomb" built into for obvious reasons while the left held a small weapon/health kit for treating wounds and small fixes to weaponry and armor.

The other counterpart of the two, which by the way was male, had similar weaponry applications but were a little less advanced and its tone color was of a lighter shade closely followed its leader; constantly looking over its shoulder at the snarling forms closing in on them from behind at an alarming rate.

"I told you we should have gone around another way!" The male Predator shouted to its partner.

"And I told YOU to shut your fucking mouth and keep quite but you didn't DID you!?" The Female shouted back in anger. In truth she wanted to stop, turn around, and beat both him and the Xeno's chasing them but she was at the moment trying to reframe from following her natural way of settling things. Kill kill kill, mane mane mane.

The 2 Predators were now running across a catwalk overhanging across multiple others in the large circular funnel. Unbeknownst to everyone, this particular catwalk had suffered some extensive damage from a prior conflict leaving its support beams near none existent. When the combined weight of the Predators reached its center, it gave, sending it and its victims tumbling down the shaft.

The male Predator happened to have a stroke of luck during this moment since he was a bit further back from center of the collapse he was able to push off the catwalk and grab a hold of one of other passing paths on the way down and pull himself to sturdy ground again.

The female however wasn't as lucky, she was unable to perform any sort of action to stop her decent due to a heavy piece from the catwalk looming over her. If she dared try to grab hold or stop with something, the thick steel/iron piece above her head would be brought down on her with full force inevitably making her lose her grasp on what she may have been able to grab a hold of forcing the entire cycle to repeat itself. But she still had means of an escape planned.

Turning her body so that she was facing the looming chunk of death chasing her, she began to fire round after round into spot positioned right above her. The first few shot didn't do much but darken and melt the chunks surface but the after the 4th shot, it began to rip through to the other side. Sensing that her free fall period was close to ending the female Predator positioned herself to meet the oncoming ground below.

Now for a human, landing a decent of this height would surely snap if not outright shatter one's legs and spine quickly followed by certain death. However this wasn't a human, all thou built similar, a Predators overall bone density and structure was much sturdier allowing it to deliver and withstand immense pressures exerted upon it. With elegance only a female of any species could pull of the Predator gracefully landed on one knee placing her adjacent hand on the ground for support before being slammed into by her over hanger stocker. (Wait, don't laugh)

Now for an on looker this would look very bad and one would surly assume one's death had just been met but like an unwanted fly on butter (....shutup) a still crouching figure could be made out in the center of the impact unmoving as if nothing had happened. Rising back to a standing position and dusting off the stray pieces of ruble and dust off her, the now lone Predator surveyed its new location with an annoyed look.

(Back to Present Time)

"Well that just fucking great." Glancing up she could barely see where it was her decent had began and could just as scarcely see Berserk's figure leaning over one of the rails looking down at her. Using her built in helmet com, she quickly sent him massage. "Nice to see you managed to get out of that without TOO much trouble."

Berserk answered in kind. "Glad you didn't decide to show off to much during that stunt. You know it you wanted some excitement I would have serviced in letting you go on about this endeavor alone."

"You'd like that wouldn't you? A chance to see me perform in front of you with the slightest chance of you coming to my rescue and being a big shot. You're sniffing up the wrong crotch."

"Nothing gets by you does it? And I thought showing a little kindness would go a long way..." Berserk trialed off.

Giving off a snort of amusement Isis began making her way to the nearest exit before speaking. "Try not to fall behind smartass; I'm not coming back for you if you get lost." With that she ended the connection and focused on navigating her way in the poorly lit and spaced lower levels of the Hive alone.

(Skip ahead 10 minutes, Time: 3:00 a.m.)

Ahh the beach. Such a warm relaxing spot of paradise for forgetting one's woes in the busy world of harsh reality to ones state of mind and body. The Sun, the clean air, the cool sea mist on ones skin, truly a getaway place for just about anyone for any occasion. Casually stretched out on a chair underneath a propped umbrella, Aaron was enjoying the cool taste of the beverage in his hand as well as the rhythmic sound of the ocean waves hitting ashore in the background.

It's great to be home..... Aaron thought as he stared off into the calm blue flat horizon laid out in front of him. Way out in sea of blue he could make out the faint form of white flat board with a surfer perched on top waiting for a decent wave to come by. As expected, a decent wave did arrive and the surfer was all over it in a heartbeat and was soon flying towards shore at a very brisk pace.

Everything was going well as it should be, but a second later everything began to quickly speed up and at the same time deteriorate just as quickly followed by the atmosphere overhead darkening to mach a shade of crimson red. The water took on an eerie dark grayish color and the once white sand had taken a orange hue, the sun was nowhere to be seen amongst the red cast above strangely. Aaron now found himself standing near the shore of the waves amongst the scattered remains of nearby buildings and sticking out of both the sand and debris skeletal remains could be seen.

_W-What, What is this!? _ Aaron exclaimedlooking around for anything that could shed some light on where and what was happening, the sound of what sounded like an engine of some sort began to rumble in the still air. Glancing up he could just make out the form of some ship Aaron had never seen before pass through the red haze parallel to the shore line. Several scorch marks and holes lined its side where smoke and fire stretched out behind ship; an obvious sign the ship had just recently taken fire upon from something not very long ago.

Aaron continued to watch the large space ship slowly cruse on by and watched as it began to open fire on what remained of the city's building lining the shore. Explosions lit up streets bringing up more smoke and fires to fill the sky with more signs of death to the area. Here and there the streak trail of a missile could be seen shooting out from within the buildings and explode alongside the mysterious ship side adding more holes to decorate it's already damaged haul.

Soon the ship was almost out of site along with the sound of its engine dimming to a faint hum. Aaron was about to take off after it but was stopped at the sight before him on the beach. A large figure now stood on the beach with him with its back turned towards him also looking out at the disappearing ship. Its figure was dark and whether that was naturally its tone color or perhaps the smoke and dirt blowing by in the air that caused it to look like such, Aaron didn't know. But he could make out the sign of a long bladed tail slowly swinging back and forth behind the creature as well as some sort of crown emerging out behind the head with a set of spikes running down its back, as it continued to stare off in the distance not acknowledging his presence.

Aaron was contemplating on what to do when a feminine voice that seemed to speak both outside, and inside his head, shaking his senses broke the silence.

"It would seem our enemies are approaching a certain victory here on this would. They must have finally decided to make themselves known to the home species of this planet and bend them to their will and might, putting them off and out of the way for their goals."

Aaron was at this point beyond lost and confused at what this... thing, was talking about and what was happening around them. Enemies, home species, goals? For whom and what?

"What do you mean? Whose goals?" He asked aloud.

The creature was silent for moment before answering, although not in the way Aaron had hoped.

"One of them is near; you mustn't stay here any longer. Go; awake in your world before you are found by them. They will kill you and imprison me for what I am and what I shall become in time."

"I still don't understand what you are saying, WHO is near and WHO are you?" Aaron asked again in hopes of getting at least one of his questions answered from the creature.

_".... I am part of you, if you die; I die as well as the rest of my race. You don't have any more time left too waste, AWAKEN AND LEAVE NOW!" _ The thing roared back at him, the sound seemed to echo all around him, yet the creature kept its back facing him and its posture still unchanging through the entire act.

Aaron was about to again question the creature yet he could scarcely hear his own thoughts from that deafening yell but before he could make an attempt another load banging noise shook his world and shattered his view/concentration of the destruction around him and the creature in front of him. Everything went dark briefly before a bright light broke ahead of him....


Aaron's eye's snapped upon and his entire body jerked roughly from the series of recent events that had just flashed before him. He didn't get much of a chance to recover from the shock before he felt his body moving without his authority of approval....

_Shit.... _ *Thud!*

".... I knew it was a bad idea to fall asleep up there." Aaron mumbled into the floor. Propping up on an elbow and glancing around didn't reveal any immediate danger or interest to him which he took as a good sign that he was still alone at the moment. What kind of screwy dream was that? I didn't drink that much did I? I still remember how it is I got here and everything!

"One of them is near" A small voice whispered inside his head cutting off the rest of his inner argument.

_What the? You again!? GET LOST! _ He shouted back in his head. No response was given to his outburst, just silence. Brushing himself down and checking that he still had everything with him (What little he had) Aaron set off down the path he had currently been taking earlier before his nap.

All the while throughout the trip his mind would linger back at the dream/vision he'd saw. What did it mean? And why was he getting all paranoid over it all of a sudden? This wasn't like him at all; maybe it was time to take a leave of absence when he got back in touch with command for a much needed brake from all of this shit. A crunching sound followed by a faint clicking sound made Aaron stop dead in his tracks and carefully look back behind him. Only the corners of the hall and rows of pipe met his gaze but something else was warning him he was not alone. Deciding to act like it was nothing he continued to move on but kept an ear open for the sound of footsteps or anything else behind him as he went. After a few feet he heard it again, a clicking noise but this time it was followed by some sort of growl. There was now no certainty of a doubt something was following him now, but what? It wasn't a Xenomorph for he wouldn't be able to hear it coming till it was right on top of him and the sound was being made by 2 legs, not 4. It was far too heavy to be human and the time between steps was far greater than that of his own, so the thing was most defiantly bigger than him.

_No, it couldn't possibly be..... Could it? _

As he turned the corner Aaron stole a quick glance down the hall he had just come from and just before it disappeared from his view he thought he saw some sort of "ripple" in the air.

Ah crude.

Panic and fear started to build within Aaron but he quickly pushed it back out of his mind. He did have a guess as to what was following him but before he did anything rash he had to make sure it was who he believed it to be. Taking a quick turn into a nearby room and sealing the door and running out the opposite end, he got his answer. The door behind him burst open followed by a bright blue streak sailing across the room and nearly hitting him as he passed out of the second door where it continued on before exploding into the wall.

"Son of Bitch!" Aaron yelled. Just as he was turning the next corner another shot came his way aimed for his chest. Gana be close....

Time slowed briefly as adrenalin hit his circulatory system as he watched the blue bolt seer through the side of his vest and the intense heat from the shot on his skin as it continued to fly and explode into another wall.

Where can I get one of those plasma things? There so fucking sweet, although not so much when you're getting shot at by one. And while we're on the subject I want one of those cloak things too, a bit cheap in fights but still cool. Another shot went over his head, singeing the top of his hair a little as it went. WOW! FOCUS Aaron FOCUS!

Taking another turn with yet another plasma shot flying after him as he went, Aaron ran through another door way and sealed it shut behind him. Looking out ahead of him, the previous corridor turned into a quite a long overpass/catwalk across what appeared to be multiple cooling tanks and furnaces way down below on the ground floor. The catwalk was supported by multiple steel beams coming out of the ceiling and connecting to the sides of the walk every 20 yards or so and had a few bars running underneath the walk for weight support. Sadly most of the support beams were either missing or severely damaged along with chunks of the walk missing leaving steep drops in various locations. All in all, the entire picture didn't sit well with Aaron at all; he could picture the sections of the walk giving way as soon as he stepped on it. Yet an idea struck him, one that could possibly earn him some breather room from his pursuer.

Having no other idea or option to go compare with, he went for it. Taking off across the walk and jumping over missing patches along the way. He got about ¼ of the way across till an explosion sounded off behind him shaking the catwalk. A large mysterious clear patch parted the smoke emerging slowly as the smoke wisped around it. Then streaks of electricity rippled through the air outlining a very large, bust figure and soon revealed the identity of what had been following all this time.

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