C-Tech Product Meeting #536: Sim-skin

Story by Glek on SoFurry

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The first demonstration of Product #536, code named Sim-skin.

Author's Note: This story is written in a "you're the character" style. Other then that, enjoy the show.

C-Tech Product Meeting #536: Sim-skin

Written By: G'lek

The meeting room is full of whispers and muttered comments as the last of the company's Board of Directors filter in. You shift in your seat. Most of the directors are middle-aged or older, making you the youngest in the room. The last of the directors take their seats and the one next to you leans over to ask, "Is this you're first product meeting?"

"Yes," you reply. "It is."

The older man chuckles before replying, "Better brace yourself. These meetings can get strange when 'G'lek' is the one giving them."

"G'lek?" You ask.

"His real name is Michael, but he earned the nickname G'lek from his user login. He's head of the Advanced R&D section. Where all the really experimental stuff is made. He's a genius, but it's said genius and insanity are two sides of the same coin."

"He's insane?"

"If he is, he's good at hiding it. No, it's the tech he develops that's earned him his reputation, and his methods of demonstrating it. Whatever you do, don't let him pick you as a demo subject. We lose a lot of young people that way."

Your conversation is silenced as a young man, no older then 22, walks in. He has brown hair kept at medium length and sharp blue eyes, barely visible through his seemingly unconscious squint. He wears a brown leather jacket with a t-shirt underneath. The t-shirt is white with a blue diagram on it and blue letters declaring, "The Friendship Algorithm". He has on a pair of blue jeans.

"He looks a bit out of place among all these suits," you comment to the old man from before.

"That's his 'formal' dress. You should see him in the labs. We don't comment on it, given the results he produces."

"Thank you all for coming on such short notice," the man says, silencing the rest of the hushed conversations in the room. "I see a new face, so let me introduce myself. My name is Michael, though everyone downstairs calls me G'lek. I'm head of Advanced R&D. With that out of the way, let me start this meeting for C-Tech Product #536, code named Sim-skin."

The young man reached into his pocket and pulled out a dull black sphere roughly the size of a baseball. He placed it on the table.

"Sim-skin combines the latest developments in nano-technology and Adaptive Virtual Intelligence, or AVI. This little sphere is composed entirely of nanites. The nanites, when activated, spread out to cover the entire skin of a living creature and have a wide variety of uses."

The mutters had restarted again. You lean to the old man and ask, "Is the for real?"

"G'lek never makes claims he can't backup."

"You," G'lek says, pointing at you. "You seem bored if you're chatting with your neighbour. Why don't you come up here and help me out."

"Umm, I'm not sure thats a-" You start to say.

"Nonsense," G'lek interrupts. "Come here."

Reluctantly, you get up and walk to the head of the table. You hear several mutters along the lines of "there goes another one" and "not again." You reach the head of the table and stand facing G'lek.

"Go ahead, pick it up."

You lean down and pick the sphere up in your hands. It's smooth and slightly warm.

"On for G'lek," he says.

Suddenly, the sphere comes alive. It bulges and shifts before practically dissolving in your hands, becoming like a putty or slime. The slime begins crawling up your hands and arms, going under your cloths. You scramble to get it off.

"Sim-skin uses AVI to determine what is flesh and what is not, allowing it to ignore cloths. This means the user does not need to undress to apply the product."

You watch in horror as the slime continues crawling up your body, covering it bit at bit. The slime is warm and smooth. Suddenly, the slime on your hands changes color, matching the skin underneath it.

"Sim-skin, when not given a directive, adapts to the user's body, replicating it's coloration and texture perfectly and making the product completely undetectable."

The slime began creeping up your face, flowing into your mouth, coating it and reaching into your throat, stopping just as it made you gag slightly. You're blind for moments before your vision returns, somehow clearer and sharper then ever.

"Using advances in human-machine interfacing, the Sim-skin connects to the user's nervous system, allowing them to make use of the products on-board senory suite. It also allows the user to give mental commands and get full sensory feedback from the product. How are you feeling?"

"Okay... I think," you reply.

"Good. Combat mode for G'lek."

The skin covering you comes back to life, shifting and forming a hard shell over anything that didn't need to move and forming flexible joints where movement was needed. The skin around your head flexed into a full-face helmet. The inside of the helmet lit up with a HUD.

"The product has dynamically interpretted my command. If placed in a different environment, the AVI would have constructed a different armor layout. Feeling okay?"

"Yeah," you reply, less nervous now that the skin wasn't seemingly directly bonded to your real skin.

"Form dragon for G'lek."

"What?!" You ask, caught off guard. The skin shifts dramatically.

"I hope you have a replacement for that suit."

The skin begins to form scales across your entire body. You gasp as you can feel each scale as if it was real. The skin continues to morph, growing a tail and wings. You're mind is becoming overloaded with the new senses flowing from the recently grown apendages.

"Color scheme, primary black, highlight red for G'lek."

The skin colored itself, making your new scales black and giving you a red belly and wing membranes. With the transformation over, you pause to examine your new body.

"The product's AVI can adapt to practically any shape, so long as it is the same size, or larger then, the current user. The product uses the surrounding evironment to gather needed materials for smaller changes or must be fed matter for larger changes. Feeling?"

"Wow," is all you can say. Your new body feels powerful and incredibly real.

"Good. Call function g underscore flip flop with argument false for G'lek."

The skin begins shifting again. Without warning, your chest swells into a pair of breasts and you can feel the skin performing the needed changes lower on your body. Your head shifts, forming softer, more femine features.

"Like I said, the skin can form any shape. Now, this is the bare surface of Sim-skin's abilities. Feeling okay?"

All you do is growl, somewhat annoyed by G'lek's actions.

"Ah ah, freeze for G'lek."

Suddenly, the skin locks up, preventing any movement.

"The product can be locked up, useful in law enforcement or in a prison. Blunt for G'lek."

The skin changed again, blunting all the sharp features on your body and encasing your hands in soft gel.

"Now she can't use her hands for any purposes."

"She?" one of the directors asked.

"Well, that's the thing. Physically, anyone would say that he is a she. We know that's not true because we know the it's really a he. This has applications in a wide variety of fields, including entertainment. In fact, the entire system is great for the entertainment industry. Think about it. No more expensive CG. Instead, get an actor in one of these.

"ALL of the entertainment industry?" Another director asked, a certain amount of hinting in his voice.

"Call function g underscore flip flop with argument true for G'lek."

The skin once more shifted back to being male.

"Now, call function force underscore arouse with argument true for G'lek."

You gasp as you feel pressure building between your legs. You can only watch in horror as a fleshy rod begins to protrude from your groin. You try to let out a moan as your pleasure starts to rise, but it's muffled by the frozen skin. Your mind clouds as the skin continues to provide stimulation.

"Sim-skin is as close to anatomically correct as we can get without actual genetic modification."

"And fully functional?" The same director asked.

"Unlock head and arms for G'lek."

Suddenly, your arms and head are freed from their locked state. You give a pleasure filled moan as your arms reach down to towards your groin.

"Unblunt hands for G'lek."

With your figures back, you quickly grip your dragonhood and begin to stroke.

"Sim-skin can either make use of the user's fluids or, if those are insufficient in quantity, it can generate them on demand. Set semen output volume magnitude to three point zero eff. I've now tripled his output."

You can feel yourself growing close. Your stroking becomes furious as you strive to get release. Suddenly, you're violently thrown over the edge. When you come back to your senses, you're lying in a sizable puddle of white. You don't even try to sit up, given how tired you are.

"Off for G'lek."

The skin disengages itself from you, slowly returning to its baseball sized sphere. You continue to lie in puddle, exhausted.

"Well, do we have a green light to put the finishing touches on Sim-skin?"

The Board of Directors gave their agreement with great enthusiasm. G'lek turned to look at you lying on the ground.

"And you? Do you approve?"

"Yes, I most certainly do," you say, still half out of it.

"Very well. Thank you all for your time. I'll be having another meeting with you when Sim-skin is ready for release. Good day."