Summon This! Continued

Story by Kells on SoFurry

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#2 of Summon This!

Doing a quick upload here during lunch break. Almost done uploading all my stuff here, and then there will be a bit of a gap as I have to continue writing newer stuff. Anyhow, another story with Johnathan Wright and his lady-friend Lily, doing naughty stuff on the beach.

"So you live alone in this whole place?" John asked curiously, resting on marble edge of a pond-sized bathtub while fruity smelling steam rose around him. He had convinced Lily to let him at least get cleaned up for a few minutes while he recuperated. She lay on her stomach at the poolside next to him, splashing her tail tip in the water and watching his activities intently.

"Of course not. A great number of people live and work here in my castle. They just don't usually come into my personal chambers." She had shown him around the complex of rooms that made up those chambers. The entryway where they had spent the first few passionate minutes had been the smallest of them, and even that was larger than some homes. A long hallway branched off to the other areas. Her bedroom was downright intimidating. Massive cushions were stacked up in one corner of the room, making a sprawling bed taller than he was.

The pool he was currently treading water in occupied a room all to itself. Pleasantly warm water bubbled constantly through several grates in the bottom of the pool and flowed out through a drainage system in the back wall. A small lever in the wall next to the entrance and a large block of shelving running the length of the room were the only other denizens. The former was the only control of the flow of water; the latter was filled with jars of scented oils, soaps, and massive fluffy towels. All of the rooms were made up of huge marble slabs and ceilings that curved up into arches that weren't quite reached by the flickering lamplight of the place.

"I was just curious, because I notice that this whole place seems designed for someone a lot bigger than you are."

Lily rolled her eyes at him. "This isn't your court back home dear, and you don't have to probe for information. If you want to know something just ask me."

"Are you using magic to make yourself smaller?"

"Yes. I take this little hybrid shape to make it possible interact with a human partner. I'm afraid otherwise I would harm you."

"Oh. How big are you?"

"It's not really important." She said, seeming slightly uncomfortable with the subject.

"All the same, I would like to see you as you really are some day." He said earnestly.

"Why is that?"

John frowned, not quite able to put an explanation to his desire. "I really don't know. I just feel like I need to know more about you."

Lily gave him a queer look and he suddenly felt self-conscious. "Never mind, forget I asked."

"Maybe someday you will see me, but not tonight. We still have unfinished business to attend to." John realized too late that her tail slipped further into the water when it went probing up his thigh and perilously close to his ass.

"Ah-hah! Oh!" He yelped, swatting at the tail and quickly climbing out of the pool. "I was actually hoping to see a little more of this place before we got to that."

Lily smirked and stood, creeping forward in a predatory maneuver. "I think you're trying to avoid the deed, love."

"Er, no I'm not. Actually I enjoyed our sex a lot more than I expected. I just feel a bit awkward being so intimate with someone I know so little about. Even the most crass of my previous encounters were precursored by at least some conversation and introduction." By the time he finished his sentence she had backed him up against a wall, her chest pressed to his and her dazzling eyes searching his face.

"So you say, but you are the one who decided to pleasure me so nicely tonight without even telling me your name."

It was with some horror that he realized he never had gotten to giving his name. His mouth dropped open in a stammering apology, "Oh, no. I'm sorry, this has all happened so fast-" His apology was silenced when she darted forward and engaged him in a passionate kiss, her mirth obvious in her eyes.

"Relax," she murmured into his cheek, "I know you didn't mean any offense."

"Johnathan. My name is Johnathan Wright."

"Well, Johnathan, I suppose it wouldn't do any harm in showing you my home."

He smiled and leaned his forehead against the tip of her nose. "Thanks. To be honest I am a little nervous about actually having sex."

"Dear one, I have swallowed your cum. The time for shyness and nervousness is a bit passed."

He swallowed his mortification at her bluntness. Oh how the ladies back home would react to such language. "I'm just worried that I'll disappoint you."

"John, no couple is ever perfect for each other on their first night together. I'm not expecting you to be a god in bed. I'm honestly happily surprised that you've done as well as you have." She kissed him again, much more lightly. "But, the key to good lovemaking is for both partners to be having fun in the act. If you are really upset, I will wait and help you calm down."

He wrapped his arms around her neck and basked in her warm breath on his face, his fingers stroking lovingly along her spine in gratitude with her patience. Suddenly Lily pulled away, turning quickly towards the entrance.

"Come on then, let's get that tour started."

John struggled to keep up with her unusually swift pace

"Lily, can you slow-Wow!" His train of thought was thrown off when she threw open the main doors to the chambers, revealing the incredible vista outside.

The doors opened up out onto a plaza that could have held a small village. The far edge of the plaza dropped off out of sight, and beyond that was a brilliantly white beach. The sea rippled like a sapphire blanket off into the horizon, the white-caps of waves crashing ashore only barely visible from this distance.

John ran down the steps onto the plaza, heedless of his nakedness or his bare feet. He stood at the railing and gazed off into the distance, his mouth slack in wonder. They must have been far away from his homeland. It had been nearing midnight there, but here the sun was just beginning its fall into the sea. Lily eventually appeared behind him, her head hovering just over his shoulder.

"I've never seen the ocean before", John admitted, his voice muted. "All of my travels have been in the mainland. I've always wanted to go."

"Would you like to go down to the beach?"

"Yes, I think I would like that."

"Follow me then." Lily padded away from the edge, and John reluctantly tore his gaze away to follow her. Looking around, he could begin to make out more of the castle. It seemed grown right out of the side of the rocky cliffs, with masoned stone buildings around the plaza blending down into the reddish rock at their bases. She led him through an archway into one of the other buildings.

Lily hadn't been exaggerating that there were lots of people here. The bustling outbuildings made a strong contrast with the serene calm of the plaza. The presence of dozens of people also made him remember his nudity with a vengeance. Of course, many of the residents here seemed to be far less concerned about clothing themselves. The standard attire for the men seemed to be a simple pair of knee length pants and a strap of braided leather for a belt. The women wore the same, with some opting to also include a loosely fitting vest.

Fortunately he was so flustered by the casual displays of nudity and trying to find some way to cover himself that he didn't make it more painful by becoming aroused. He attempted to dodge behind Lily and put himself between her and the wall, but she seemed to take some sort of perverse pleasure in his discomfort and purposely pushed him on ahead of her like some sort of prize. She even went so far as to give him a nip in the bum when he tried again to use her for cover.

"You are a cruel and heartless fiend." He muttered to her over the clamor of the activities around them.

"I do enjoy seeing you squirm."

She stopped briefly to snag a couple sheets off of a laundry line. No one seemed to object to her claiming them. John tried to wrap them around himself, but was halted by a humored rebuke.

"Don't you dare!"

He sighed resigned himself to exhibitionism

Finally they came out at the base of the cliffs, onto the beach. Some of the locals were out as well, their sun-bronzed skin standing in great contrast to the white sand of the beach. He followed the dragoness to a small cove, secluded from the rest of the area by two small spurs that jutted out from the cliff face.

"This will do nicely. Lay the sheet out here John."

"Of course, your majesty." He quipped. Lily took a moment to shake the sand from her feet daintily before laying down on her side, looking out at the sunset. John sat next to her to take in the spectacle. As the sun dipped lower out of sight, it cast fiery light along the crests of the waves, making the crystal blue waters light up with traceries of gold and orange. It was so beautiful that John felt obliged not to detract from it by speaking. Finally the orb sank out of sight, leaving only a muted orange glow lighting up the evening.

"It's funny; I used to have fantasies of spending romantic evenings on a beach with an attractive woman, back when I was a more randy and ignorant youth."

"Do you find me attractive?"

She was looking at him now, her face carefully passive.

He searched for a moment, wanting to answer honestly. "Yes, I do."

She still looked unconvinced. "I see. What exactly do you find attractive about me?"

John knew the conversation had entered perilous territory with these questions, and thought hard about his answer. He had only had a couple turbulent hours to form any feelings or opinions about her, and some of those feelings were still difficult for him to fully accept.

"It's your attitude, your personality. I don't think I've ever spoken with someone who is so straightforward before. I'm sure you keep secrets, but you aren't dancing around them like a game. And you enjoy sex for its own pleasure, rather than treating it like some bargaining chip. Not that I just like you for sex." He added hastily.

"I don't know. I feel foolish trying to analyses who you are after so short a time. I've just never met anyone who behaves quite like you."

"Calm down John. This isn't an interrogation. It's not like I'm going to set you aflame for saying something wrong." She looked thoughtful for a moment. "Do you want to know one of my secrets?"

"Um sure, I guess."

"Do you know what my primary intention is for intercepting summons for the imp?"

"Well, no. I don't see any benefit to you that you couldn't get through easier means."

She nodded. "It's not for my benefit. Not entirely anyhow. I do it so that I can snare young and naive magicians and persuade them away from the dangers of summoning. I enrapture them with that phantasm you witnessed and get them to confess their motives. Those with harmless intentions I frighten out of future attempts."

"And those with darker intentions?"

"Let's not spoil the mood too much." She said elusively.

He accepted the hint at face value and digested the words. "Then why did you bring me back here?"

"You stood out. You resisted my compulsions, and then admitted why you were summoning the imp anyhow. A less principled man might have fled and left someone else to get caught by my illusions, but you didn't."

John didn't remember there being much of a choice, but he was willing to accept her kind words.

"You were polite during our conversation, and most importantly you were open-minded."

"What do you mean by that?"

"When I offered you a night with me, you actually said yes, knowing full well that I wasn't human. My own kind are few and far between on this side of the world, most have left the lands of men, so I turn to humans for company, and sometimes for pleasure."

John felt a pang of sympathy for her.

"Anyhow, I don't really feel like you need a lecture about the dangers of summoning at this point. I think you've gotten the idea. I just didn't want you thinking that you're only here as just another conquest."

"No, not at all."

The conversation trailed off, leaving the two of them gazing together at the sky first dimming, then beginning to brighten again with stars.

John had almost dozen off in the comfortable silence when he was startled by Lily's hand on his shoulder, pulling him down to lay with his back against her stomach. Neither of them seemed to feel the need to speak yet. Lily's touch wandered progressively lower, as she leaned in the tickle his ear with her tongue. Finally she rested her scaled palm directly upon his groin, lightly stroking his maleness.

He felt compelled to watch as her hand deftly encircled his shaft, stroking slowly up and down the length of it palming his sack with her other hand. Lily's smooth scales slid nicely along his skin, coaxing him quickly into a more amorous frame of mind. He let her continue for a minute, but before things got too far John reached down and carefully pulled her hands away, then turned around to face her. Still holding her hands he crawled forward over straddling her tail and leaning down to plant little kisses upward along her neck. Each time his lips touched her flesh he came away with the tiniest remnant of that same sweet flavor.

"Hmm, I don't know," he nibbled, "whether that's soap," and again, "or you just taste like that," one more time, "but I like it."

Her throat trembled under the treatment. "The world may never know." She purred smugly, her claws tracing little circles on his back. Finally he reached her mouth. John still felt a little strange smooching a dragon on the mouth. Lily didn't use her lips so much as her tongue, which made for a very deep kiss indeed. He tickled her ears as the kept at it, making her eyes flutter closed in bliss.

"Foreplay is nice love," She eventually said, after separating their twisted tongues, "but the night is short here, and I'm in the mood for something more."

"Ah!" John sucked in a breath as he felt her tail snaked between them, curling tightly around his cock. He didn't resist as she guided him right into position, with the warmth of her vent pressing on his tip. He eased forward, with her tail still wrapped around him. Both her appendage and his organ slipped into the furious heat of her body.

Lily seemed to have warmed up much more readily this time, and gave only the most ardent of noises at the penetration. When his loins were pressed flush against hers John paused and reveled in the sensations. It felt amazing. She clenched and throbbed and moved around him in return for every little twitch he made. As if that wasn't enough, her wings came up, wrapping around him in an all-encompassing embrace.

Having gotten his bearings, John slid back out a little. His breath hitched as her tail coiled tighter, its length rubbing back between his thighs. He struggled to keep calm as he started a slow rhythm. It was hard not to be overwhelmed by the intensity of the pleasure, but he forced himself first to focus on breathing. Deep, slow breaths in and out. He put his hands to work, massaging and rubbing those sensitive zones he'd found on her neck.

Lily seemed to be doing everything she could to break his concentration, grinding her tail against his balls and tightening it around his length, trying to pull him deeper inside of her with each thrust. When she began rolling her hips up to meet his he momentarily lost it, groaning loudly and clutching desperately against her with each collision. Then the head of his penis brushed against that little bump.

Lily gave a most uncharacteristic squeak, and thrust forward with her tail, pushing another couple inches in and pulling him along with it. He fought to regain his composure as her hands slid down to just above his hips, pushing down harder with each thrust. She twisted and writhed wildly under him, lost in the moment. He kept going, humping just a little faster, trying to time his breathing with the rhythm of their hips

John could feel her strong heart beating where his chest pressed to hers, her glittering scales heaving along her sides from the effort of breathing. She was getting close; he could feel her sex spasming almost constantly. Her feet kicked up off the ground to grip his rump and thighs tightly, her claws digging in just enough to sting. She forced him down with her powerful legs, no longer thrusting so much as gyrating erratically against him. It was inevitable for her, right there on the edge. Lily was not content to hit that plateau alone though.

In that last moment she yanked her tail back out of herself and pointed it at a new target. There was no warning for John. In an instant she had plunged the smooth tapered tip past his cheeks and into him, her own fluids making the penetration frictionless. He yelled out, burying his face against her throat and clinging to her tightly. There was no holding back after that; he cascaded right behind her right into orgasm. His whole body tensed up in ecstasy, his loins tightening massively to force his seed out into her. That caused him to clench down on the intruding appendage in his ass, driving the pleasure even higher in a wicked cycle.

That peak seemed to last an eternity to John. It seemed she was touching him everywhere at once, his whole body wrapped in the warmth of wings, and all four of her limbs cradling him to herself. Combined with the wonderful massage her insides were delivering, and the completely unfamiliar thrill of her tail slowly twisting farther up into him, he was in sensory overload.

"I think you have ruined sex for me." John mumbled when he had finally gathered his wits enough to speak.

Lily's chest thrummed in near silent laughter. "I'm glad you liked it."

"Err, yes. It was unexpectedly pleasant." The revelation was slightly uncomfortable to John. "I don't suppose you could, um, pull it out of me?" Words he had never imagined himself uttering.

She moved one hand off his hips, reaching up to comb back his hair, her eyes searching his face. "Does it bother you John?"

"Well, yes. A little."

"Why? You said it felt good."

He shrugged awkwardly, "I just feel like, as a man, I'm not supposed to enjoy that sort of thing."

Her fingers danced carefully along his face, cupping his cheek. "John, not to be rude, but that's rubbish. Not all men enjoy it, it's true, but a great many of my partners have. Men, women, even other dragons. It's just another way for me to try and please you, and it certainly doesn't make you less of a man."

Somehow the image of a powerful dragon snared up in the same situation he was in was somehow mollifying, even amusing. "I suppose." He relented.

"Good. I happen to like my tail right where it is." She underscored the sentence by curling the tip of her tail ever so slightly, tugging his insides with it.

"Ah!" John moaned, toes curling in reaction.

"It has kept you so wonderfully hard too." As her inner-walls began to clench upon him again he had to note that he had indeed stayed rather erect. As Lily started to roll her hips against him once more, he wondered how long that would last.


The rest of the night was filled with a combination of conversation and unquenchable ardor. By the time the sun rose in the morning the two of them were exhausted, sore, and a little sticky, all in the most satisfying of ways. During the night John had learned more about Lily between bouts of sex, and sometime over the course of that education his feelings has transcended anything purely physical. He was actually reluctant to leave, and drug his feet on the way back through the citadel. It was almost deserted this early in the day, which made it easier for him to say what he wanted to say.

"You know Lily, I don't really have to go home today."

She faltered mid-step for a moment, "Last night wasn't enough for you?" She said with faux cheer.

"Actually I was thinking maybe you could show me around the city more. I'm sure there are forms of recreation around here that don't involve the transfer of bodily fluids."

"I don't think that is a good idea." She responded, still with that fake tone of voice

"Why?" He pressed. "You said you were lonely, and I would be more than happy to keep you company."

"It's complicated Johnathan."

"How is it complicated? You're an intelligent, kind, and beautiful woman that happens to be a fantastic lover. I know I don't have a lot to offer in comparison, but you must have seen something in me that attracted you."

"Yes, I do find myself attracted to you; much more than I had anticipated," she snapped, finally dropping her façade. Her tail lashed in agitation. "The problem is that there is one thing that you can't offer that I want very much."

"What is it?" He asked stopping in place, trying to keep his own voice neutral.

She stopped a few steps ahead of him, then turned to face him.


The softly spoken word took the wind right out of John's hopes.

"I don't want to hurt you John, and I don't want to be hurt myself. If a male of my own kind comes along, I can't put us in a situation when I have to choose between you and a family."

"You wouldn't have to choose, I could stay until then, and leave if someone ever comes along." He said wretchedly, knowing that his argument was already lost.

"Even if you were willing to do that, I can't do that to you. I couldn't be so cruel to keep you around like some toy to be discarded when the real thing comes along." She hung her head. "I have made that mistake before John. I put my need for comfort above another's feelings. In the end it broke down into pain and resentment."

He felt a numbness spread through him then. "I understand."

"I'm sorry John. I don't want to send you home, believe me, but if you stay any longer I don't know if I'll be able to make myself do it."

The rest of the trip went in silence. John retreated into the bath for a minute to collect himself and wash off the evening's efforts. When he emerged Lily was holding his clothes in one hand, and a small silver flask in the other. "Kahilbrai's bane. I suppose I could use a good drink of whiskey now." He mused, accepting the flask from her.

"It's not just whiskey anymore. As per my end of the bargain, I put an enchantment on the flask that should help you fulfill your goals at home. Just be sure to word your wish very carefully before drinking it; the spell is volatile and powerful."

It seemed like so long ago that he had been so focused on something so petty. Now more than anything else, he just wished he could stay here. Instead he got dressed and put the would-be bane back into his trousers.

"Are you ready to go home?" Lily asked after moment of him standing there mute.

John couldn't help himself. He threw his arms around her neck to feel her warmth one last time. "I love you." He uttered softly into her ear. He was surprised to feel her return the embrace, wrapping him in both arms and sitting back on her haunches to hold him against her.

"I will miss you Johnathan Wright." He felt the building pressure that signaled her using magic, and the room started swimming. Everything seemed to blur together in his head for a minute before he felt the same lurch. The next thing he knew he was sitting alone in a pitch black room that smelled of mold and dampness. For a long time he just sat on the floor, unwilling to move and verify where he was. Eventually he sighed and started fumbling around in the darkness, finding the stubs of candles now burned to piles of wax.

Still feeling curiously numb he muttered one of the few cantrips he knew, conjuring a small bead of glowing light. Just about the time he finished that he began to hear a commotion growing louder somewhere in the cellar. Someone was shouting and running, the sounds getting closer. He was just about to open the door when the handle was ripped from his grasp, two watchmen standing in the entryway with truncheons in one hand and lanterns in the other, drowning out the feeble light of his spell.

"Goefrey! We found him!" The larger of the two shouted loudly, before they prodded him back into the room with the truncheons. "Don't you move demon!"

John retreated to the center of the room as the guards blocked off the door. John knew the name Geofrey; he was the crown executioner, who was responsible for handling those who dealt with demons. He felt a surge of conflicting emotions storming within him. First he started laughing at the ridiculous nature of it all. He had started the night not really believing in love, with hardly the faintest of concern for the existence of dragons, entirely focused on bettering his life here. Finishing the night, he had managed to be afflicted by the first in regards to the second, and cared not at all about the third.

Now he would be executed for the failed summoning that had started the whole damned mess. The laughing was quickly joined by burning streaks of tears, at which point he just sat down in the useless lines of chalk and waited for the next punch line.

"Son, can you talk?"

The gravelly voice and firm hand on his shoulder snapped him out of the daze somewhat. He hiccupped on a couple straggling chuckles and nodded, wiping his eyes. Geofrey was kneeling in front of him, watching him carefully. The old man looked like someone's kindly grandfather, with snow white hair and a somewhat unkempt beard framing a heavily weathered face.

"Did anything respond to the summon?"

"Yeah." John confessed. It was pointless pretending he didn't draw the design on the floor.

"Is it still here?"

"No, nothing stayed behind. There shouldn't be any danger to the city."

Geofrey looked over his shoulder at two court Magisters that John hadn't even noticed.

"He seems to be telling the truth. Aside from the lingering transport spell that we felt, there's nothing else down here."

The blue eyes softened, "Son, you know what the punishment for attempting to summon demons is, don't you?"

"Yes sir." John replied, sobering up rapidly now to the reality of what lay ahead. "Can you do it discreetly sir? I'd just as soon not have my family know anything about this."

The man looked grave, "We'll see." He said without much hope

"What's this?" The old man said, holding up the flask.

"Whiskey, sir."

Carefully uncapping it, Geofrey wafted a small bit of the smell towards himself. After a moment's consideration he recapped it and handed it back to John. "You might want to have that for this evening. Come on now, time to get you out of here."

The Magisters and guards made something of a living cage around John, who was guided along by Geofrey. "How old are you son?"

"I just turned twenty-three years old sir."

"Why did you get mixed up in this? You should be getting married right now, starting a family. Not going off trying to make deals with monsters."

John smiled ruefully. "Tell me about it."

Shame and embarrassment burned John's face while he was being led through the castle. Open stares and whispers marked their passing.

They took a servant's exit out of the palace, where a short, squat, prison carriage waited. It was built out of heavy lumber, with iron bars over the one small window. "Get in boy." Geofrey ordered solemnly.

John climbed inside and watched as the door closed with a solid thump, the guards closing a heavy lock on the outside. The carriage was bare inside, leaving John to sit on the floor. He still held the flask in his palm, and slowly began turning it over when the carriage started bouncing away from the palace. He might be able to wish his way out of this, but somehow it didn't really seem to matter anymore. Even if Lily's spell could help him escape, he would still be a criminal in his homeland, certainly disowned by his family.

Lily wouldn't have him, his family wouldn't have him, and the sudden bleakness of rejection left him little motivation to try and learn to live life as a fugitive. He might as well face the axe now, rather than starving the death in a month on the run.

No, he knew what he wanted now. He uncapped the flask, and held it to his lips. "I hope Lily finds someone who can make her happy." He said aloud, before tipping his head back. The whiskey had been cheap, and burned on its way down, settling in his stomach with warmth that he would expect from the drink. He didn't expect that warmth to continue to build up inside him, seeming to burn his insides. "Ah!" He gasped, doubling over and clutching at his gut as he felt the painful heat radiate outward to the rest of him, developing into a searing pins and needles feeling. Then the changes started.

A ripple of scarlet scales had erupted all over him, and he felt his whole body twist and expand. His pants ruptured as a long tail sprouted from the base of his spine, and his shirt practically exploded from him with the sudden appearance of his wings. As he continued to swell in size he feared he would be crushed by the confines of the carriage, but the construct shattered like so much kindling behind the force of the magic powering his changes. The drivers had scarcely enough time to abandon their vehicle and dash to safety.

John continued to swell in size as his legs twisted under him, and the last scraps of his clothing were destroyed in the transformation. His vision blurred as his face stretched and distorted into a muzzle, his jaws sprouting an array of teeth that would have left a shark jealous. Despite his best attempts to remain on two legs, the weight of his wings and the stretching of his spine caused John to drop to all fours. His arms almost gave out under the weight, but they too quickly enlarged with muscle and bone, now matching the length of his legs, leaving no doubt as to his quadrapedal nature.

Finally the deafening pressure of magic sputtered and faded, leaving John stripped entirely of his humanity. John reeled, his head swimming in a shocked stupor. He looked down once more at the flask still clutched dumbly in one gigantic hand. "Huh."

The daze was interrupted by a shrill screech of a terrified woman. John looked up at the source of the sound, finding himself staring through a third floor at the nude form of a lady in her bedroom. She was watching him with abject horror, as though she expected him to lurch forward and devour her. "Sorry." He mumbled. Well, he tried to mumble. The words came out loud enough to rattle the window panes.

His attention was rapidly drawn away by a sudden flash of light and heat and a dull impact on his flank. He looked back curiously to see one of the magisters trying to work up another ball of flame. "Get the lancers!" The hoarse voice of Geofry echoed through the streets.

"Oh hell." Royal lancers were ran regular patrols through the main thoroughfares of the city, it wouldn't be more than a minute before they'd reach him. "I think I'd better be going now, excuse me please." John took a step back away from the mages, only to be rewarded by the sound of crumbling masonry. He swallowed and looked back at corner of the building he had just kicked in, even as an absent swipe of his tail took the thatch from the roof of another house. He tried to reposition and take one more step back, and almost tottered over. Backing up would require more practice than he had time for at the moment. He looked ahead to the mages. "You really want to move."

They must have realized his intent, because both men's eyes went wide and they dived out of his path as John began a clumsy trot in that direction. Cries of fear and damaged buildings gave a clear trail of his path through the city, but his massive strides outpaced the cavalry, even taking into account the occasional trip and fall. Years of working with contractors and merchants helped him keep a rough tally of the damage done; it was enough to make him glad he wouldn't be paying for it. At least no one had been hurt. He made sure to make enough noise to alert people to get out of his way as he made it to the city wall.

The wall was just over head height for him now, so John reared up and gripped it tightly, intending on climbing over it. Instead, as he put his bulk into the wall, a section of it collapsed under him, blocks of stone the size of wagons rolling into the moat beyond. "Sorry!" John shouted back over his shoulder as he got back to his feet. A few arrows clattered from his hide as he stepped carefully over the watery pit; apparently the guard didn't take kindly to him tearing down their fortifications. It didn't matter though, he was out of the city, and as long as he could keep up his current pace, there wasn't any chance of him being caught.

With the immediate issue of escape taken care of, he was forced to focus on the fact that he was no longer human. He wasn't sure how exactly it had happened, but Lililethan's spell had apparently turned him into a dragon. "Now how the hell is turning me into a dragon supposed to make her happy?" He muttered to himself. Connecting the dots took a moment in his adrenalin charged haze, but a huge toothy grin slowly spread across his face. Shortly after that he was laughing, taking short hops and trying to flap his wings to speed his journey. He wasn't sure how far it was to the blazing coast from here, but Lily wanted a dragon, and he planned on delivering.