More then just friends... lThe Alcoholicl

Story by Slagar The Cruel on SoFurry

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Notes:I'm sure you know what this story is about because you clicked the thumbnail to get here, so obviously you simply MUST be fully aware what this story contains,if you lack the required attention then im still not to the take the blame xD

If you are not 18 and are viewing this then im afraid you probably will pay no attention to this therefore,for the love of god don't blame me if you get in trouble.

i love plots,good plots, im not sure if the plot is good though in this novel,book,etc but if it is don't expect any yiff till 4 or 5

P.S Either i began a pwnage series or created a trainwreck before the series started, My first story!


Friends can be gained and friends can be lost....which one do you think this story is about?

It would appear hours Lexiharin stared blankly at that same screen which now began to irritate him.

"Aren't we actually going to play this game?"Lexiharin then shifted his gaze to Sekhai.

''mean to tell me that you don't love MGS?'' Sekhai Stated and he to shifted his Gaze towards Lexiharin.

''Actually i love MGS but i am a bit curious on why all the cut scenes we look at aren't in order and all of them feature Revolver Ocelot''

''Because he is the number one bad ass! it's that simple, no one else could ever think this up!!'' Sekhai exclaimed grinning eyes faced towards the screen.

''seems more like it's because he has ''Ocelot'' in his name and i suppose he is bad ass i guess...''

Sekhai placed his paw on his cheek then started to think.

''well Sekhai?'' as Lexiharin continued to wait for a reply he repetitively tapped his fingers against his knee.

''I suppose thats a factor'' Sekhai smirked.

''where is your other friend anyway? or is he even showing up?'' Lexiharin asked.

''Well.....he is an alcoholic so chances are he's drunk and forgot fully of us'' Sekhai rolled his eyes.

''He's an alcoholic?'' Lexiharin asked not taking his eyes from the screen.

''Yes and i see nothing wrong in that, everyone has there faults'' Sekhai stated suddenly laying down on the couch.

''How come i never knew of him or even seen him?''Lexiharin asked while eying Sekhai.

''Well.... you know Amber?'' Sekai shifted his position in the couch once more.

''uh....'' Lexiharin stated obliviously.

''the Cougar,was in your history class?'' Sekhai suddenly got up.

''that amber? and where are you going?'' Lexiharin stood up as well.

''i am getting something to drink'' Sekhai opened the fridge as he finished his sentence.

''hopefully nothing the alcoholic would find amusing'' Lexiharin witted.

''nah! he doesnt drink Ale'' Sekhai replied as he got out an apple.

''what?'' Lexiharin instantly began shifting his sight on Sekhai.

''just kidding'' Sekhai stated taking a bite out of the apple.

That was an average day for Lexiharin and Sekhai, often just them playing video games for perhaps a large portion of the day.

Sekhai often tried to get Lexiharin into sports but Lexiharin never fitted in with them...or contributed much either.

Sekhai was just like any ocelot including the black rings on his tail and emerald green eyes with a well toned body.

often times Lexiharin would question Sekhai's sexual preference, of course so far nothing was proven.

often times Sekhai was known for doing sudden things to change the topic...him getting off the couch to suddenly get an apple was perhaps a perfect example.

Lexiharin himself was a red fox and he didn't do well in sports because he really wasn't that strong but his intelligence and philosophic views on a specific situation did make up for what he lacked.

Lexiharin had all the ordinary fox trademarks like a black muzzle,forepaws and tipped tail, he did have one trade mark though that made him stand out,his left eye was green and his right eye was blue.

Often it would intrigue the opposite sex but some reason why he never tried to be in a relationship with a female...then again he never questioned on why either and would continue to say in his opinion that he was straight regardless of this.

Now about the alcoholic that didn't show up... Indeed he drank to much and indeed he always preferred the seductive taste of the tainted liquor other then the warm embrace of a fellow friend.

No one questions the way he lives and instead just believe its peer pressure, he often lived as a recluse from everyone even from his only friend.

Sekhai who personally didn't realize or cared much on the alcoholic wolf because his intentions were on Lexiharin.

The wolf had long dark hair and often considered hazelnut eyes, all his features were that of a standard wolf except he was weak thus explained him being an outcast.

Sekhai fell to the couch and with a following thud it was of course his close friend Lexiharin as well sitting on the couch.

''I think we should check on this friend of yours Sekhai...'' Lexiharin grumbled putting his paw to his cheek once more as he encountered another cut scene with Sekhai's favorite character revolver ocelot.

''I don't think we have to worry about my friend,i am sure he's alright'' Sekhai dully replied.

''i am implying I should actually meet him in person, he might not be that bad with his drinking problem as you say he is'' Lexiharin eyed Sekhai surveying him.

''Well he's not one to make friends but if you wish heres his address'' Sekhai stood up then walked to the counter to get a pen and soon wrote down the address and passed it to Lexiharin.

''If I change the game will you stay a little longer?'' Sekhai requested.

''well...i suppose sense your my best friend...the alcoholic might not be that kind either'' Lexiharin waited for a response from Sekhai.

''I don't see why your so intrigued to see him really'' Sekhai stated as he swapped games.

''I am sure it would be good if we all knew each other thats all'' claimed Lexiharin.

but what he really wished was to befriend the alcoholic because Lexiharin as well lacked in friends and perhaps another wouldn't be bad regardless of his faults?



Within a seedy looking apartment named 684 a wolf lies on the floor drinking to his hearts content.

This was Oklain the alcoholic that did not appear in Sekhai's house.

He had perhaps only one friend,that being Sekhai...and sadly Sekhai didn't appear to greet Oklain much if at all.

The phone rings.

''dammit all'' Oklain stood up then slightly stumbled thus after some irritating ringing *apperently 3 times* he reached the phone.


''You aren't drunk are you?'' a familiar voice questioned Oklain.

''no i am not Sekhai'' mumbled Oklain.

''Figuring you know its me thats calling you must be telling the truth'' Sekhai replied.

''is there something specific you wish then? there must be if your calling''

''One of my friends wishes to meet you, you wouldn't mind would you?'' Sekhai began to wait silently for an answer...

''I suppose...its not one of those annoying ass jocks i hope'' Oklain snarled.

''Technically i am considered a jock you know that right?'' Sekhai responded.

''I mean your jock friends not you of course'' Oklain spoke.

''well either way he should be seeing you in an hour''

''Aren't you coming as well?''

''Actually I'm a bit busy...'' Sekhai then hung up almost instantly.

''heh no good bye?''Oklain then sighed.

''now I wonder who his friend is..''


BACK TO METAL GEAR...or not figuring they changed the game

Sekhai hanged up the phone instantly beginning to walk back to his couch to soon be sat on

''Apparently he wouldn't mind you as a visitor Lexiharin''

''I suppose thats good'' Lexiharin replied then

Sekhai shifted his position on the couch once again.

''do you consider me a jock?''

''well.....I'm not sure actually,definitely not a good one if you mean in games''

''not funny'' Sekhai Stated shifting his position on the couch more.

''I my self think labeling people is wrong, thats why i never call you a nerd like most the athletes do...and im your friend''

Sekhai Then shifted his position once more but this time his head fell atop of Lexiharins groin.

''Sekhai can you move?'' Lexiharin blushed hoping he would succeed in masking his feelings to this sudden movement by Sekhai.

''?...oh!'' Sekhai shifted his position on the couch again.


After massacring Sekhai

Lexiharin stood off the couch and prepared to head to the doorway ''bye Sekhai, at least your still better at sports then i am'' Sekhai nodded and waved Lexiharin a good bye.

as Lexiharin walked outside the doorway towards his motorcycle he was deep in thought of the current events that took place.

Thus he began to argue with himself as he began to mount his motorcycle.

''it was probably just an accident,he usually shifts his position in couches all the time, it was bound to happen..''

''Ocelots are clumsy? Nah i doubt that Sekhai's gay, he wouldn't last to long towards his athletic friends before they found out..''

And as he would continue to drive towards Oklains apartment he would be deep in thought furthermore...

END OF PartlChapter One!!!