Wrong Bride, Right Groom - Two Sides of the Same Coin

Story by Cyan Spirt on SoFurry

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#14 of Wrong Bride, Right Groom

Well...as previously promiced, I have delivered unto you the next chapter into the continueing legacy that is my series. Sorry it took a while, though now I plan to write two difference stories simultaniously, that way if I get tired of one, i can swtich over to the other without loss of productivitiy and what not. It's to keep me writing rather then brooding over what to do. Anyways...onto my condition. I hope none of you mind that I use this space as a sort of mini-blog; I don't have a blog myself, I'd never update it that reguraly, so this is about the best compromice. Not to mention all of you people get a good story out of it as well...win-win. Nonetheless, unlike the last story I posted, I'm not currently drinking anything stonger then orange juice....plain orange juice too. I suspose this week has been no different then anything else....I had a giant fight with a friend of mine over my...err...condition, and yet the next day, I ended up making a new friend. Both of whom are authors on this site, though the first one shall not be named since its personal, But the second one, he's an amazing artist/writer who goes by WhiteArcticFox, and has this HUGE story series going on at the moment. If you haven't already gotten into it, I suggest you do...great stuff. As for me, since i'm assuming that's atleast partially why your reading this. [sighs] Nothing too extrodinary...still depressed over at all, found a couple new songs to keep me going that I listen to while I write. Got really wasted this past Friday with a bunch of friends....it was nice...but none of them knew I had an alterior motive for doing so...maybe it's better that way. I'd rather not have to play "20 Questions" with them over it...and if anyone doesn't know what that game is....then I suddenly know how my father must have felt when I asked him if I can put a record into my CD player (I was a niave kid). I guess I should post the story already huh?.....yeah...I figured. You know all teh legal mumbo jumbo...and I'm not even gonna post a warning since if you already got this deep into the site, how you missed seeing one is beyond me. As for when the next chapter will be out, hopefully one next month...but it all depends on my inner demons and how much they are going to bitch at me. Till next time all. Sincerly your writing wolf, Cyan Spirt * * * "Get your furry asses out of bed this second because if you two are not in the dinning hall in five minutes for taco night, I'm coming back down here, blowing the door off its hinges, and dragging you both out by your ears!" Rebecca's southern voice said from the other side of the canines' dorm door. The two, now awake, occupants listened for her retreating footsteps. "Five minutes...And your time starts now!" she shouted again, the noise then silenced by the ding of the closing elevator door. Connor let out a very dissatisfied groan, turning over to stare into Jason's closed eyes, still trying to pretend that he was sleeping. "Do you really think she'll do what she says if we go back to sleep?" the husky asked, not looking forward to rising just yet, especially since he was basically buck-naked save for a pair of thin red silk pajamas and next to the dog of his dreams. A heavy laughed rocked the dane's body as opened his eyes, "You're kidding me, right?" he retorted, resting his head on his upturned paw as he stared back into the icy blue eyes of his roommate. "Don't you recall the last time we disregarded her warning, back when she wanted us at her new invention's unveiling?" the brown canine asked. The husky thoughtfully recalled a few months prior; he could vividly remember a high pitched sizzle followed by a billowing cloud of smoke, the angry fox having melted the door's locks and hinges just as she had threatened. The dainty little vulpine then pushed it over, stormed in, and took the sleeping dogs by their tails, hauling them from a sound slumber. "Dear god, what are we waiting for?" he shouted, jutting upright in Jason's bed, though his roommate was already ahead of him. His eyes caught the sight of that glorious curly brown rear for a few brief seconds before it was covered by a pair of yellow and black checkered boxers. "My thoughts exactly!" Jason retorted, now slipping his bandaged legs into a pair of tight fitting blue jeans before topping off his ensemble with a white polo shirt, silver chain, and his favorite pair of green converse with the electric blue laces. "Want me to wait for you?" he asked as he stared into the mirror, trying desperately to slick back his headfur and clean up the scabbed cuts on his face. "I'll meet you at the elevator as soon as I can..." Connor said, stepping out of his pajamas, his thick husky sheath swinging free for a moment before he stuffed it into a pair of green briefs and then some khaki pants, pulling his curly tail through the loop in the back. He heard the door close just as he slipped on a black t-shirt which complemented his pelt; finishing it off with a pair of black leather wristbands, red sandals, and a dash of cologne to cover the scent of Jason's musk that still clung to him like a wet blanket. Moments later, both boys were waiting for their elevator car to arrive and whisk them off to the upper floor where they'd join everyone for late night dining as they did every Tuesday. As they climbed into the small leather upholstered car once it arrived, Jason turned to his roommate, gently laying a paw on the husky's shoulder; "You gotta promise me that you won't say anything about my condition...okay?" the dane asked, his piercing umber eyes betraying his upbeat tone. The husky didn't bother asking why, it was simply common practice for agents not to talk about their injuries for fear of retaliation from to previous actions. "Got it...." he said with a smile, gently pressing his lips to the brown cheek, "Mum's the word." "Thanks..." he replied as they arrived at their destination, both dogs walking side by side as they made their way to the back of the compound where the dining hall was stationed. Taking a deep breath, Jason pushed open the large swinging metal doors, instantly greeted by the smells of burnt cheese, oily taco meat, and the resulting sound of silence that resonated from his mere appearance. He was just about to drop his head and humbly shuffle towards the food line as he always did, never really appreciating all the vacant stares from the other agents, before a voice caught him off guard. "Glad you could make it Agent HeartBreaker, Agent I.V...." the fox said, her red rimmed glasses barely hanging on the tip of her nose as she spoke. Her long amber locks were tied back in a pony tail in preparation for tonight's feast, and she had changed since he had last seen her about an hour and a half ago. No longer donning her white lab coat, she was now fixed up in a revealing black lace top that contoured her shapely curves almost perfectly while still revealing her white midriff, skin tight jeans held up by a studded belt, and those same black high heels as before. "Guess the gang's all here now," she said, leaning over to give each a pack on the cheek before turning around, her bushy vulpine tail transfixing him with its subtle movements, and heading to the food line. "RB always manages to make me smile..." I.V. said, his eyes watching her swaying rear as it floated across the busy room and took its spot on line. "I just don't know how that girl does it..." he commented as both boys strolled towards their usual corner table in the back of the room, "Keep happy and all, especially in troubled times like these." "Maybe you should ask her..." the dane replied, snickering as he gave his roommate's shoulder and gentle shove, "And while you're at it, ask her out on a date." Horrified at the thought, Connor blushed a bright red, "You know as well as I do that she has the hots for that wo-" the husky cutting himself off as they rounded the bend to take their seats at the usual table, the rest of their rebel pack of outcasts already munching away. The crew consisted of five core members, each one from a different department inside the P.O.O.D.L.E. organization. First there was himself, Jason Weiss, otherwise known as Agent HeartBreaker or simply HB, and was the leader of the group and from the Intelligence sector. Secondly was his roommate, Connor Croft, his official name being Agent I.V., but everyone called him Ivy, hailed form the Medical division. Next came one, Rebecca Waters, known infamously as Agent RB, and woe to the one who crossed her, the fox came from the Research and Development area. Then came a pure white wolf named Gino Snowe, also called Agent Winter, who had transferred from a military academy school in the northern territories, he was the group's weapon and combat specialist. And lastly there was Ryan Swiss, a young yellow lab made noticeable by his long thin tail, large ears, and impressive set of buck teeth who hailed from the incoming division of trainees. "Glad you finally made it comrade..." the wolf said, looking up from his enchilada as he motioned to the seat across him; his accent was thick with northern dialect, but he was understood well enough, and while some were offset by his rather frigid demeanor, the lupine easily warmed up to others. He was dressed in formal military attire; white tapered jacket laying perfectly across his broad shoulders as the numerous medals and rankings shone brightly, while his strong legs were hidden with a pair of white pants streaked with light blue lines. Meanwhile, his stiff hat was placed on the seat beside him, "RB was just about to take out her chemicals," Gino teased, eying the return of the fox through his peripheral vision. "You telling tales about me Wolfie?" she teased, placing her tray down next to his before leaning over and pressing her cold nose against the side of his face. "You know..."she said just loud enough so everyone at the table could hear, "Your dorm door is made from the same material that Jason's is." Sitting back, Rebecca watched the information sink in to her fellow agent's mind, his paws already busy mixing up her nachos supreme into a big cheesy mess. "Big Brother!" Ryan squeaked, the small canine looking up from his portable gaming station, the bright colors vanishing as he turned it off and stuffed it into his back pocket. "Sorry...just had to save," he said before lunging over to tackle Jason almost to the ground, his quick canine reflexes being the only thing that saved him. The youngest member of the crew was still in his trainee outfit, a pair of black cloth pants draped by a red button-down jacket and black athletic undershirt. The larger canine smiled as he pulled the other dog closer to him, ruffling his bright blond locks and pushing the bangs from in front of his eyes. "I was wondering where you were..." he said with a grin. "More like why you didn't tackle him as soon as he stepped into the dinning hall," Connor added, taking his seat next to Jason and giving a friendly nod to the wolf and fox across from him. "I was going to..." Ryan said, scooting next to his hero before taking a bite of his fully loaded taco, "But Granny Rebecca told me not to...And then she gave me this evil eye." "Granny Rebecca?" the vulpine shouted, "I'm only a few years older then you little pup!" she said, spitting nachos halfway across the table, much to the laughter and entertainment of the other four. "Geez...say it, not spray it RB," Gino said, smirking as he conveniently coughed to cover the sound of his chuckles, "At least...that's how I think you say it in this country." "Yep, you got it right..." the husky chimed in, a broad smile flashing across his muzzle. "What was that Connie?" Rebecca said with a partial sneer, her large brown eyes glaring first at the medical technician before transferring their focus to the male next to her. "Anything you want to add there Snowe?" she asked, giving him a firm jab in the side of his ribs. "That's the evil eye, right there!" Ryan shouted, his lanky arm pointing vibrantly at the rather sinister glare the fox was dishing out to the two canines sitting on opposite sides of her. "Besides..." he added as things slowly settled down, "Gino promised me five whole dollars if I called you that," he said out of the side of his mouth, eyes focusing back on the empty plate in front of him. A hushed silence dawned across the table, all other eyes focusing on white wolf whose face was beginning to turn a deep shade of red. "I thought we agreed that'd be our little secret..." he said in a forced whisper, bright yellow eyes shooting over to stare into the puffed up face of the vulpine vixen. The yellow lab could only offer a simple shrug of the shoulders along with a soft "Oops..." before turning to face his older brother, "I didn't do anything wrong did I?" he asked silently, huddling behind the dog's large brown arm. "You didn't do anything wrong sweety..." Rebecca cooed at the boy before turning to face the lupine. Everyone at the table watched the visible shiver travel along his spine as her icy stare dug into him, "Why you-" "Hey Ryan!" Jason interrupted, a big smile plastered like a poster over his face, "Come on buddy, how about we go up to the food line? I'm starving." The Dane hastily rose from his seat, paw outstretched to help Ryan up, once again ruffling the pup's hair once he was next to him. The youngest furr hastily nodded, sensing something was going down at the table that he possibly had a paw in. "Besides, I ran out of cheese again," he added once they had started edging away from the table. "That amount of cheese for someone so young really isn't that good," Connor quipped, not wanting to be left at the table by himself and the feuding future couple. Jason turned around, halting Ryan as they waited for the husky to catch up to them. "So he likes cheese...What's the big harm in it?" he asked as they started moving again. "I'm just saying," his roommate said, the three of them taking their spots in line, "An obsession like that isn't healthy, maybe you should get him looked at by a doctor, Jason." "I'm not getting a shot, am I?" the lab asked, using Jason's body as a protective shield. "No...no, no..." his older brother cooed, pulling the smaller dog's body against his own before turning to face Connor. "Stop scaring him, will ya Ivy!" the Great Dane rumbled, using the pup's fear as a worthy excuse for quickly ending this line of conversation, something he'd rather not get into now. The husky offered a bow of his head, "Sorry..." he whimpered, quietly falling into step behind the larger dog. The rest of the time spent on line was in silence, even as the trio ordered their food; the two older canines got extensive taco platters with all the fixings, while the younger trainee received a bowl of mixed verities of melted cheese and a bowl of dipping chips. With trays in paw, they slowly navigated around the crowded cafeteria, taking great care to avoid collision with obstacles and other agents. The three were about to make it back to their table without incident when the sound of Connor's high-pitched squeal caught Jason's attention, the noise followed by the clatters of dishes against the floor. "You really should watch where you're going Agent I.V. isn't that right Guys?" a deep male voice said to which a chorus of several gruff laughs followed. Turning around, the pair of brothers stood looking at a heavy set Rottweiler and his two lackeys, while sprawled out below them on the floor lay the husky, his tray of nachos hidden by his body, though melted cheese could be seen seeping out from under his shirt. "What did you do now Logan?" the dane demanded, his paws turning white knuckled as he clenched his lunch tray tightly. His eyes narrowed at the impressive male before him, the canine's fur a solid black with patches of brown and tan across his face and arms. He was dressed in a pair of black jeans, white sneakers, red t-shirt with some obscure band Jason had never heard of, and a backwards baseball hat that covered his ears. Though his demand for information fell of deaf ears, seeing the large rottie's foot slowly slink back to his side, it didn't take a scientist to figure out what had happened. "Can you act civil even for one night?" he retorted, not expecting an answer as he carefully balanced his tray before extending a paw down to help Connor up. Logan Chirosi was as arrogant as they came, his body a mass of sculpted muscle to which he took much pride in, having won several body building medals. Officially on the record he was Agent LoneWolf, his name attributed to the fact that he was candidate 'numero uno' for any and all solo missions that required a more forceful approach. The furr was a sharpshooter good up to 500 meters with anything less then a sniper rifle, more then triple that if he was equipped for assassination...never letting anyone forget about it. And with him, as was customary, were his two tag-along sidekicks. One the left was Richard Sessot a.k.a. Agent WhiteLightning, one of the technohounds by trade, and was as slick with his programs as he was witty with his words. He was a golden retriever by genes, though contrary to his breed and his name, his fur was a deep navy blue that made his brown eyes pop against the radically different hue. As always, he was dressed to kill, at least, it looked like he was off to war in his full set of green and beige army fatigues, complete with steel toed boots and beret. While the fur on Logan's right was Jason's counterpart in the intelligence sector, because if he was the Casanova of the organization, then she was definitely the Femme Fatal. She was a dainty little thing if going only by looks, but with an agent name like BlackWidow, she made sure not to disappoint the arachnid's legacy. Her real name was Victoria Ellsworth, and this black and silver arctic fox was known far and wide as a seductress of both men and women. Her skills as a cunning intelligence officer and exotic dancer made as desirable as she was both dangerous and deadly. At the moment, she wore a rather revealing V-necked dress with a lace collar and slitted sides that showed off her perfect legs; her breasts nearly spilling out of her dress as she moved, the revealing cut of the fabric allowing even a casual glance entry into her silver pelted cleavage. "It's not our fault the mutt is such a klutz," Victoria said, puckering her lips as she flipped her long black tresses over her shoulder. Not even bothering to help the floored canine as she leaned over, draping her arms around Logan's broad neck as she planted a tender kiss against his cheek. "Come on darling..." the vixen teased, everyone within hearing distance picking up the lustful click of her tongue against her teeth, "Let's leave this riff-raff. Besides, I've ate my fill already, have to keep my figure you know." "My comatose grandmother has better motor skills then butterfingers here," the blue dog said, to which he got a decent sized chuckle from the rest of the agents that had stopped their previous actions and now watched the scene unfolding before them. "Hell, I have more talent in my little finger then that rascal has in his entire body..." this time the comment getting roars of laughter from the peanut gallery. Smirking himself, he gave a small bow as if he were putting on a comedy act, "Come on boss..." the dog said, giving his leader a gentle nudge in the side, "You had your fun, I got my laughs...time to blow this popsicle stand." "Don't touch me!" Logan growled, watching the discolored golden retriever back off, "But I think both of you have a point." Covertly slipping free from the vulpine's seductive hold around his neck, "Till next time Jason," the Rottweiler said with a sneer, giving a loud bark that made the Great Dane take a sudden step back out of instinct. "Made ya flinch..." he retorted, bearing his large white fangs before walking past the remaining two standing canines, purposefully swatting little Ryan with his arm as the three made their exit. After watching them go, Jason turned back and reached out again to help lift Connor from the floor; "Don't listen to them..." he said as he pulled the canine to his feet. His former black t-shirt now covered in yellow cheese, pieces of taco shell and lettuce clung to the fabric like desperate mountain climbers hanging on for dear life. "Come on, let's go to the restroom and get you cleaned up," the umber colored male offered, fully aware of the dozens of eyes that watched the trio, each waiting for new developments. "Leave me alone!" Connor screamed, pushing Jason's paw away once he was standing. He was breathing heavily; his normal bright blue eyes had been replaced by sunken dark counterfeits as he stood there, aware of all the laugher at his expense. He tried his best...he really did, but seconds later he burst into tears, forgetting about his dinner and his friends as he bolted from his spot. Charging through the double swinging doors like a mad animal, the husky ran as fast as his legs could carry him; a trail of his tears leading back to his dorm room. After their friend fled the room, the crowd slowly dispersed. "How come you didn't go after him Bro?" Ryan asked, gently brushing the dust from his sleeve as the two siblings headed back towards their table in the rear of the room, away from the prying eyes of the public. "He wanted to be alone," Jason replied simply, sliding into the empty seat across from Gino who, after having been left alone with Rebecca for a considerable amount of time, now look thoroughly emasculated. "I wasn't about to argue with him..." he said, stuffing the first of many nachos into his muzzle. "Argue with who?" the fox asked, not taking her eyes off of the lupine next to her. She carefully watched his every move, noticed each subtle gesture, and couldn't help but melt each time she caught his wayward glance nervously looking her way; though she'd put on her act, flashing her teeth warningly, but inside she wished he'd call her bluff. "Connor..." he said dully, mentally replaying the previous couple of moments as he sat back in his silence. "Speaking of which, where is the little devil?" the wolf asked, wanting to become part of this new conversation. He had finished his meal sometime ago and now sipped on a half empty glass of soda as he remained seated and waited for his fellow agents to complete their meal. Gino's bright yellow eyes glanced over to the empty spot where the husky had previously occupied, the vulpine's gaze soon following his own. "Didn't he go up with you to get some food?" Jason swallowed the bit of food that was in his mouth before talking, "Yeah he did...And on the way back, he had the misfortune to meet up with the lone wolf of the academy." "Logan..." Rebecca growled under her breath, clenching her fork tight enough that her knuckles began turning white, "What did that little maggot do to Ivy now?" she asked, her question bordering at a forceful demand. "Oooh...the big meanie-head tripped poor Connor in the center of the cafeteria, making him fall face first onto the ground, and right on top of his plate of nachos" Ryan shouted, adding in a loud 'KERSPLAT' for effect. "Everyone started laughing," his tone mellow as he looked down, "Then Logan called him a klutz and walked out...Poor Conner got so upset he burst into tears and ran really fast out of the room." "That bastard..." the wolf said, biting his lip as his face flushed with repressed anger. The husky had been one of his first friends after he had transferred, and to hear that he had been mistreated really got his blood boiling. The other two full fledged agents at the table easily noticed the signs, his clenched paws, ears folded back, fur bristled, and his heavy breathing didn't help either. "I'll rip his throat out for doing that," he threatened, promising retribution from the gods. "You will do no such thing!" Rebecca shouted, reaching out to turn Gino's face towards her, their eyes meeting in a staring contest. "Look..." the vulpine said softly, a few long seconds having passed with their eyes locked together, "He's my friend too, and as much as I want to beat the tar out of Mr. Chirosi, violence won't do anything but inspire more violence...Not to mention they might take it back out on poor Connor. He's been through enough don't you think?" Agent Winter broke the stare, glancing down at the table before him as he ran his claws through the bushy white headfur, "Yeah, you're right as always..." he said softly, his breathing returned to normal as he calmed down. Jason reached over and gently rubbed the lupine's white paw, "Maybe you should go get a drink at the open bar...it'll settle your nerves and everything." He watched and Gino slowly looked up at him, their eyes meeting as the dane offered him a slight smile, once with the other male softly returned. "And you can take Ryan here with you..." he offered, glancing down at the small boy next to him, "You can watch and make sure neither of you get into trouble." "Oh really can I Brother?" Ryan asked, his thin wire like tail slapping repeatedly against the bench as he looked up at him with his large puppy-dog eyes. "If Gino doesn't mind you tagging along, I got no problem with it," he replied as he ruffled the boy's blond hair. "So what do you say Agent Winter?" as he reached out with his free paw, "Do we have a deal?" "You are one shrewd negotiator, Agent HeartBreaker..." the wolf said with a chuckle. Slowly standing up, he gave the trainee a smile, "Well, come on...How about I give you a piggy-back ride, would you like that?" he offered, getting a vigorous nod from Ryan in return. He slowly crouched down, waiting until he felt the yellow lab crawl onto his back before standing up again; reaching up to gently adjust the boy clinging to his neck, legs wrapped around his waist as they hooked in front at the ankles. "We ready to go?" he asked, his peripheral vision catching sight of the boy's wide grin. Ryan gently bucked his legs as though he were riding a pony at the county fair, "Giddyup!" he shouted as he clutched the body underneath him a tad tighter. "Jesus...this kid's heavy," he said under his breath as the pair headed off to the officer's bar in the opposite corner of the room, neither minding the odd looks some of the other agents shot their way. Having stayed quiet once the wolf had calmed down, Rebecca watched Jason's eyes follow the other members of their crew till they vanished among the crowd of furrs. "So what's bugging you?" she asked blatantly, not being one to beat around the bush, her paws pushing her now empty tray out from in front of her. "What gave you the idea that something was bothering me?" Jason asked, turning his head back around to stare at her while his paws stuck another fully loaded nacho into his waiting maw. "Well I have to admit, it was a rather crafty way of getting just the two of us alone, offering Snowe to take your brother along with him and all..." she said, her large tail gently binding around her waist in a way that pushed her breasts upwards, enhancing her already substantial cleavage. The canine sighed slowly, letting his shoulders droop as he scanned her face for a hint of what gave him away. "Am I that obvious?" he asked softly, not wanting to truly fess up a confession. "Shuga..." she said softly, her southern drawl kicking in, "I can read you as well as I can read a highschool chemistry book." And with that, the fox leaned over and patted his shoulder, "Now tell Mama here what's eating you up." "I'm not really sure where to even start..." he mumbled under his breath. Jason could feel the fox's eyes burrowing into his forehead, as through trying to peel back the layers of smoke and mirrors he had wrapped around himself. Rebecca sighed, seeing that she'd have to play '20 Questions' if she wanted to get anywhere. "Does it have to do with this mission you just came back from?" she asked, gently nudging his arm, "The one with seducing Maximillion Cordero." "How did you kn-" his voice stopping short as his mind caught up with his mouth, "Must be all over the academy by know, huh?" He got only a solemn nod in response. Taking a minute to collect his thoughts, he drew in a deep breath before speaking again, "Yeah, it has to do with him." "You know you're not supposed to get emotionally involved with your targets," the fox berated him, "If I got sentimental about every piece of material I blew up, I'd never get anything done." "I know, I know," he replied, not having the courage to look her in the eyes as he spoke, "It's just...I know this can be resolved if I can just get to him again...That we can work it out...That I can make him understand." His friend just nodded, fingers winding through her long brown looks as she listened. "Do you have...feelings for him?" the fox asked hesitantly, her voice lowering to a whisper, afraid a fellow agent might overhear their conversation. "That's what I'm hoping that our conversation will sort out..." he replied. He was anxious, and his actions made it obvious to her as he nervously ran his fingers through his headfur, wincing as he pulled at several knots he found. "Then why don't you just go and talk him? I mean...that's as simple a solution if there ever was one." Her warm fuzzy face offered a kind smile, a girlish laugh as her bushy tail swayed hypnotically and her buxom breasts bounced along with the giggle. Jason gave a sarcastic laugh, "I would go see him, but I'd have to know where he is first!" he said, eyes narrowing at the female sitting in front of him who sat in stunned silence. His shoulders then buckled as he buried his head into his paws, "I didn't mean to snap Rb..." he whimpered apologetically; "My father won't tell me where in the prison ward he is," he said with his face covered, "and I'd be suspicious if I went wandering around down there." "No apologies needed," Rebecca said, taking his paw in hers, a small squeeze passed between the friends. "I'll do whatever I can to help...I do hate to see you so upset," reaching up, she gently pressed her warm fingers against his chin, lifting his face till he was looking back at her. "Thanks..." the dane managed to muster, the beginnings of a grin showing through, "I do have an idea...But it involves you revealing that you've completed your current research." "You want me to voluntarily give up two weeks of billable hours where I do nothing but play M.O.M.," she said in disbelief. Just about every Agent had an account on M.O.M., or otherwise known as 'Monsters of Mordinia'; it was an online RPG with massive quests and hours worth of leveling up. "I could get up to level ninety in that time and finally be able to get my burrowing mount!" she hollered not looking forewords to loosing valuable time. "You said you'd do anything to help me out...remember?" he said, gently nudging her arm as he flaunted his big brown puppy eyes, adding in some sniffling just for effect. Rebecca sighed deeply, "That I did...Alright, you got it," she said, the two agreeing in a customary pawshake. "But you are SO going to owe me for this..." she warned, "I'm thinking one of your famous massages should do it." "Deal," Jason announced, "We'll discuss things later, meet me back at my room in two hours. Till then, try to get some sleep, I know that's what I'll be doing before my throw down with the lion." "Lions are scary!" Ryan said as both Jason and Rebecca turned around to see that the two remaining members of their crew had returned. "They got claws, and fangs, and big bushy manes that make them always looking angry, and they roar, and hiss, and rend me limb from limb!" he hollered, getting more and more frightened the longer he continued his list. The wolf whose shoulders the lab was still riding upon gave a hefty chuckle as he set the smaller male down. "Come now Ryan...you aren't really scared of a big pussycat are you?" he teased, ruffling his blond hair. "Of course he isn't," the umber colored canine said, "The kid's just a comedian is all." As he stood to get up, a deep yawn escaped his muzzle, glancing over at the wall clock he saw that a good forty minutes had passed since he had come down for food. "Guess I should be getting to bed. Come on Ryan, I'll walk you to your room," as he extended a paw towards the smaller dog. "Sure thing bro," as he took a firm hold of the brown paw, "Night everyone, sweet dreams!" The lab wiped the sleep from his eyes, trying to ward off his slumber before he waved goodbye to the wolf and fox. A halfhearted yawn left his lips as he could barely keep his head aloft, having to lean against Jason's leg for support while they moved. The other two members of their group waved goodnight in return, wishing him sweet dreams and lack of bed-bugs before the small canine was whisked from from the dinning hall. Following his brother's lead, they walked down several passages till he was escorted into a small storage room and seated on a small wooden box. "You really need to be more careful out there," the dane said, wagging his finger sternly. Instantly snapping out of his sleepiness, Ryan sighed softly and leaned back against the wall. "I don't see what I did so wrong..." he said sourly, not looking forwards to this discussion once again. "You don't see what you did?" Jason asked in disbelief, "You overindulged in cheese once again, the cat comments," he listed, counting on his fingers as he went. Throwing his paws in the air, he started pacing back and forth in front of the trainee, mumbling angrily to himself. "If you aren't careful," he said, stopping long enough to make eye contact before he resumed his walking, "There going to find out that you're a...a..." his voice failing to find the words. "That I'm a what!" Ryan said angrily, pushing himself to his feet as he stood before the larger male. "Look at you, you can't even say it..." his voice stern, his breathing in heavy gushes of air; After standing there for a second or two, he slowly sunk to the floor, sitting cross legged on the cold laminated tile. "You're disappointed in me aren't you?" he asked to a silent audience, his face now buried in his paws as his large ears fell down to shield his eyes from view, "Maybe I should just tell everyone so that they'll kick me out, and I won't be a bother to you any more..." Sinking to his knees in front of the white canine, Jason opened his arms and quickly pulled the younger furr tightly against his chest. "I'm not disappointed at all Ryan. I'm just...worried is all," he said, nuzzling the lab's forehead with his cold nose. "Promise me you won't get yourself kicked out on purpose just to get away from me," he said after a few minutes of silence, the smaller dog's body still entwined within his arms. The small white male murred loudly as he felt the warmth of the larger male's body embrace him; "I promise Jason..." he said softly, leaning up to push his cold nose against the brown curly neck. Ryan's thin tail swatted the floor below as the two held each other like that for a few more minutes. "You can call me your brother again..." the dane said softly, pushing aside the blond locks as he kissed the silky smooth forehead, "That is unless it bothers you since we aren't actually related," he continued. A warm white paw gently caressed his face, brushing over the few scabs that remained, "Even if we aren't blood relatives, you'll always be family to me...especially after you took me in an-" a yawn interrupted his speech, "-d everything." Jason chuckled as he stood up, slowly helping Ryan up afterwards as they exited the small maintenance room. "Seems maybe not all of that performance back there was acting..." the dane said with a chuckle as the pair headed towards the elevator which would take them down to the dorms. Once they got down to Ryan's level, they parted ways with a silent hug and wishes of restful slumber before he continued on down another floor before reaching his own room. Quietly turning his key in the lock, he listened as the tumblers turned and granted him entrance into his domain. The lights were off, the smell of nacho cheese hung like a wet blanket on the air, and the husky was no where to be seen. Jason figured that Connor had gone to sleep once getting cleaned up, and using his astute memory of the room's layout, he managed to make his way over the bottom bunk. Finding empty, it meant that his roommate was sleeping in his own bed tonight; so with small yawn, he slipped under the covers, covertly setting his alarm clock for two hours hence and placing next to his head so as to not wake Ivy. His nap slipped by quicker then expected, and with no dreams to occupy his mind, the alarm clock woke him on the first ring. Groaning, Jason quickly reached over and shut it off so as to not awake his roommate who was sleeping above him. After wiping the sleep from his eyes, he sat up in his bed and planned what he was going to wear, having only minutes before Rebecca was due to arrive. He decided on a pair khaki slacks, black belt, and keeping his white polo shirt from before; he was lacing up his black rain boots when he heard a soft knock at his door. Not bothering to respond, he finished strapping on his boots before he opened the door and was greeted by the vulpine's smiling face. "You're on time," he said, smiling as he stepped outside to join her. "And you're awake," she countered, leaning over to kiss him on the cheek. She was dressed once again in her white lab coat as directed, most her hair was back in a long ponytail except her bangs which hung just over the corners of her eyes. "Touché!" the canine responded, his voice hinting at the blush in his face he repressed. "I suppose that the sooner we start...the sooner I get my massage, right?" she asked, reaching behind the dog to close his dorm door. The two took the elevator back up to the ground floor, exiting in front of the main lobby as they started heading east towards both the research division and the executive offices. As they walked, Jason explained the finer points of his plan, Rebecca interjecting her own comments when needed, and from their conversation, the final set of actions were agreed upon. When the pair hit the dividing pathway, Jason bid a soft farewell before heading off in his own direction. He said a silent prayer that things worked out as he had planned once he saw the gold plated elevator that signaled he had arrived at his father's office. Once the car arrived, he entered and did his best to fix himself up, smoothing out the wrinkles in his slacks and shirt, buffing his boots as best he could, and slicking back his hair till he felt it was acceptable. The doors opened into a large waiting area, the bright neon orange color of the walls assaulted his eyes, seeing spots even after he closed them. It took a few seconds for him to adjust, taking the time to reacquaint himself with the space. Around the four walls were placed a single row of uncomfortably padded plastic chairs and tiny wooden end tables. The walls had artwork from various canine artists, as well as thick double doors in the rear of the room. A huge bronze sculpture of the Director stood in the middle of the room, the small plaque as its feet talking about how he was given this from the canine government for his efforts to gain equality for all canine kind. Moving around the statue, Jason approached the deck in the far left corner of the room, the cocker spaniel too busy working on something to notice his approach. Walking around the wooden structure and peering over the woman's shoulder, he noticed that she was playing a game of solitaire rather then doing her work. "Move the black eight onto the red nine," he said with a grin, watching her stop dead in her tracks. "Holy shit!" she screamed out, turning around at light speed to see the dane standing there, a large smile plastered on his face as he did his best to control his giggling. "Agent HeartBreaker! You almost gave me a heart attack you little bastard," the spaniel said, paw pressed firmly against her chest, waiting to feel her heart beating again. "It's nice to see you too Agent DogWhisperer," he replied before dropping his voice, "Tiffany..." he said barely above a whisper. She looked basically the same as she always did these late nights. She stared at him over her half rimmed secretary glasses, the red and black beaded straps that attached to the arms and kept them from falling swung back across her face and hooked around the back of her neck. His father's secretary was dressed more to go to a slumber party then she was to go to work; her light pink flannel pajamas hung loosely over her petite form, the bare pads of her paws hanging out of the sleeves and cuffs as her tail swept limply back and forth out of the back of the swivel chair. The only thing that had changed, much like the paint color of the room, was her hair. No longer the baby blue domed shape of the sixties, to match her new surroundings, it had been transformed into a combination of neon orange dreads around the sides of her head, while atop sat a glorious bright yellow Mohawk. The entire style reminded him of pictures of the sun he had drawn as a pup. "So what can I do for you tonight?" she asked, a yawn following as she minimized her card game and got started on the actual work she was supposed to be doing. From the screen, Jason could tell that it was letter of some kind, addressed to an agent he had never heard of, one Agent TripWire. Walking around to the front of the desk, he sighed and motioned to the large double doors of to his right. "The Director in tonight?" he asked, looking as nonchalant as he could, sticking his paws into his pockets to complete the rebellious son look. "It's Wednesday morning, of course he's in," she said with a heavy sigh, "As always he's waiting for the weekly updates to start pouring in from all the heads of the departments...And of course making me stay up with him." Glancing back down, her fingers started moving at lightning speeds, not even looking at the keyboard as she typed. "I'm meeting Brock tonight, and here I am stuck at 2:30 in the morning in this cramped empty office," the spaniel muttered. Brock was her fiancée, a large body building bull-dog with a heart of gold. When they first started going out, Jason was worried about her safety with such a massive canine at her side, rumors of his breed preceding him. But as the days turned into weeks, which then went on to become months and years, he had never once laid a paw on her in anger, and Jason was relived that Tiffany had found someone to be with. "How is he these days?" he asked, trying to make conversation, "Still competing in competitions?" "As always..." she replied, not even looking up at him, eyes fixated on the screen before her; "He actually has one this upcoming weekend. We were going to go over his routine today once I got out of work." "You mean after you two did the nasty right?" he pried, smirking as he watched her stop working and look up at him with a scowl. One night while he and Tiff were drunk, she had confessed their sexual exploits in excruciating detail, and besides finding out their favorite position, Brock's size, which was quite substantial at ten and a half thick inches, and some other kinks, he learned that before they did any training, they always had sex to loosen up. And he never let her live it down, even to this day. A deep hiss escaped her muzzle, her ears laying flat against her head as she went back to her typing, avoiding eye contact as she spoke; "What do you want Jason?" she asked, her eyes scanning what she had written so far and if it was in accordance with what her boss wanted. "Can I go in to see my father?" he said sweetly, offering his biggest puppy-eyes expression, tail happily wagging behind him. "As I said, he's busy waiting for all of his updates," she explained, "You know how he gets when he's disturbed." "Then just tell him that I was in the neighborhood, and decided to give my report in person," he explained, paws leaning on her desk, "Or would you rather get back to your game of solitaire?" Seeing she was getting no where with Jason's stubbornness, Tiffany regrettably picked up the nearby phone and called her boss in the next room. After a bit of hushed conversation, slowly the spaniel looked up, her glasses sliding partway down her muzzle, and nodded towards the entrance. Understanding the signal, he shot her a smile and headed towards the doubles doors, "Thanks, and wish Brock best of luck for me," he said quickly before vanishing inside the office. Whenever he stepped into his father's office, the sheer amount of books and documents that lined his walls and filled his cabinets always managed to overwhelm his senses. Unlike the waiting room outside, the Director's office was painted a soft golden hue the relaxed the eye and drove focus to the wide bay windows behind the mahogany desk at which his father sat in a plush burgundy armchair. "What can I do for you Agent HearBreaker?" his gruff voice asked, not even looking up from the computer setting on his desk. "What makes you think I want something?" Jason retorted, taking a seat in one of the straight backed wooden chairs placed in front of the desk. The illusion of power that his father's chair gave him in compared to what he sat on was immense, and never stood to humble anyone coming in to discuss business with P.O.O.D.L.E.'s leader. "Can't a son just come in to pay his father a friendly visit?" his paws resting atop his knees as he tried to detract his mind from their plan for fear his father could sense something was up. "I would remind you to use formalities Agent," the large dane said sternly, finally looking up from his work, glancing quickly at the clock on his desk, and then to the canine sitting before him. "Because when you come barging into my office at 2:36 in the morning on a very important night in my operation with only the excuse that you want to 'talk', I start to think that there's something else on your mind." His words were as sharp as his mind, and they left the dane in silence; he did admit that his plan was a little last second, but even after all these years, his father was still as sharp as a tack. Seeing that his first line of defense had been easily breached, he began to mount a counter attack. "Well, I figured that since I couldn't get any sleep, I might as well give you my update in person," he said softly, eyes watching the face of the furr before him. One might not guess it by the way he was dressed at the moment, his suit jacket hanging on the coat rack to the left, red tie left open, and this night's left-over Chinese food still on his desk, but this canine was subject to no one's authority, and worked under no one's jurisdiction. "And it just couldn't wait for tomorrow huh?" he said, sighing shortly afterwards, "It can never wait..." He finished up what he was working, and then turned over his full attention to the Agent before him, the one whose composed of his own genetic material. "Alright, you got me to put my work on hold, so spill this all important information already Agent HeartBreaker," his voice was stern and straight forewords. Jason visibly gulped, it had been more then ten minutes since he and Rebecca parted ways, and with his father at the end of his rope, he had nothing left to stall him with. Nervousness settled into the pit of his stomach like an explorer setting foot on virgin ground, and he knew that if something didn't happen soon, things were going to go from bad to worse. "Well, you see..." he began, hoping to throw as many words into his speech as possible to draw out his time; but his luck finally came threw for him, as the phone rang shortly there after, distracting the Director from his son. "What you're saying is absolutely riveting, but I believe I have to take this call," he said, sarcasm rolling off his tongue as he picked up the receiver. "What is it Agent DogWhisperer?" he asked, pen flicking against the edge of the table as he waited, unknowingly, for Jason's plan to finally start to kick in. "She what?.......Already?......The girl's got a gift, that's for sure," he said aloud, in-between the spaniel's words, Jason only hearing one side of the conversation, though he didn't need to be told what was being discussed. "Tell her to wait right there, I'm leaving right now.....What about him? He can wait!" he said angrily into the phone before hanging up abruptly. "What's going on?" the younger canine asked, watching his father quickly throw off his tie and toss on the tan suit jacket that he had had on earlier. "Seems something has come up in one of the Research & Development labs and they need me for the unveiling." The Director spoke as he buttoned up his jacket and stuffed some notebooks and papers into the brown leather briefcase before he closed it, grabbing his hat from the seat next to his son before dashing out the door without another word. Jason sat there in silence, waiting to make sure that his father wasn't coming back for something he might have forgotten, but once he heard the elevator doors close, he shot to his feet and hopped over the desk to land on the other side. And just his luck his father had left his computer on, so with a few clicks of the mouse, and some detective work about where the Director might have hidden the files, he finally located an email that talked about preparations for an incoming prisoner. "This must be it," he reassured himself as he opened and read it out loud to himself; "Cell number 23-A has been outfitted exactly as you requested, and only my most loyal guards were specifically chosen to patrol the area. Should other agents want to descend into the prison, they will informed that there was a gas leak from due to hairline cracks in the foundation, that repairs are currently being done, and that all prisoners have been transfered to a secure undisclosed location." Smiling to himself, Jason made sure to close down the open programs, leaving the computer exactly as he found it, before hurrying outside. "Where're you going in such a hurry? The Director just busted out of here a couple of minutes ago," Tiffany asked, looking up from her current game of minesweeper. "Something just came up is all," he replied, rushing to hit the elevator button, "If the Director asks, just tell him that I'll email my report to him in the morning as usual." And with that, he slipped into the open elevator car and pressed the button to go back to the main floor. He knew that taking the main elevator down to the prison ward at this time of night would leave suspicions, so instead he opted for an option he had prepared for months in advance for just such a case. Taking a few uncommon passages around the perimeter of the building, he eventually made his way to a small alcove that held a restricted room. Having gotten the key months before by trading several blowjobs for it with a few of the janitors; he was relived when he stuck it in, and discovered that they hadn't changed the locks since then. The cramped brick passageway was no wider then the length of his outstretched arm, and the limited height had him bending over to avoid smacking his head on the low ceilings. The walls and ceiling had large metal pipes stretching the entire length which contained either steam, water, or sewage. Along the ground were massive grates, under which, Jason could see the electrical conduits that moved power around the building. The entire place was illuminated by bare bulbs encased in metal cages to prevent careless fingers from touching the hot glass; the bright auras of light created jagged shadows off of the outcroppings, leaving slivers of darkness along the red brick walls. The agent was careful to watch where he stepped, making sure not to twist his ankle on the shovels, mops, and other tools of the janitorial trade that littered the small floor. At the far end of the hallway was a service elevator that would take him where he needed to go. As he pressed the button, the dog hid himself in the shadows should someone be in the elevator, but luckily that wasn't the case as no one was inside. Jason stepped inside the dark cage, wincing as the rusty gears and smell of detergent brought him down to the prison level. Leaving the car once it arrived on his floor, he moved through one vacant hallway after another till he arrived in a small, barely furnished, office. The walls and floors were painted solid black, a lone light hung from bare wires above his head; to his left was an oak desk behind which sat a huge German Shepard. Through the open doorway across from him, he could see what looked like single cell doors, the large metal rectangles lining the wall till they vanished from his view. The scruffy black and brown male behind the desk was dressed in full jail guard uniform; a white undershirt over which lay a buttoned up blue shirt and matching creased slacks, a key ring could be seen peaking up from the shirt's breast pocket. "What do you want Agent?" he asked, not bothering to look up, his muzzle to busy buried in what appeared to be a comic book. The canine's tan ears flicked back, a soft murr escaping as his pink tongue seductively licked along his lips, which Jason found a little odd for a comic. "It's just me, Agent Lockdown," Jason said softly, crossing his arms over his chest as he waited for recognition. He could see the dog peer over the top of his reading material at him, the large brown orbs flashing showed some recognition of the voice and face."I was hoping that I could get access to the prison..." he said, paws in his pockets as he waited. The answer came swiftly, "No..." the other agent replied, his voice cold, and to any ordinary agent, would be a clear signal that this was nonnegotiable; but Jason was no ordinary agent. Not being deterred, the dane took a seat on top of the jailer's desk, legs crossed with his tail waving in the Shepard's face. "There's nothing I can do," he replied, not waiting for the dane's all to common begging tactics, "There's leaking gas down there. I'm not allowed to let anyone in past this room, safety hazard you understand." "Not even for a friend?" Jason pushed, a broad smile covering his face as he tapped his fingers against the wooden desk. "Not even for a friend..." the Shepard said grimly, flipping another page in his comic, eyes intensely scanning the pictures, pupils dilating as each new page revealed itself. Turning around, the Great Dane now laid sprawled out on his stomach on the prison guard's desk, legs innocently kicking behind him as his right paw traced the muscular arm of Agent Lockdown. "Not even for a friend who can help you out?" he asked coyly before his left paw ripped the comic from the canine's paws, revealing what he had suspected was behind false reading material, a porno. "Come on..." Jason pleaded, tossing the comic aside, "It's for this mission I have." An annoyed growl left the larger canine's muzzle, angry at his horny secret having been exposed so effortlessly. "Just what sort of mission is this Jason?" he asked gruffly, having no shame as his eyes went back to scanning the pictures of females of all species, even some cats, revealing themselves to him on the printed page. Wagging his finger, the brown dog smiled softly as he slid along the desk till his head was mere inches away from the other dog's. "Can't tell you that till you agree to the arrangement Samson," he replied, curling his claw along the underside of the tan muzzle. The bulkier male stifled a small groan as those trained paws began to push his buttons; "You've got yourself a deal..." he grumbled, not liking to give in, but those warm pads were already starting to work their magic upon him. "Glad to hear it," Jason said, sliding closer on his stomach till he was able to plant a small peck on Samson's cheek. "It's just that I have this thing..." he said with a heavy sigh as his paws worked at undoing the canine's blue slacks, "This mission really. You see, for a while I've been going undercover as a sex-slave along with this cat who happens to be a canine-sympathizer, and would help me get back here to report in exchange for immunity. But one of the other cats got caught by us and is coming here for questioning, so I have to pretend you guys caught me too in order to get more information." By the time he finished his explanation, the Shepard's pants were pooled around his ankles along with his white boxer-briefs, and his doghood was already half out of his beige sheath. Just as the Great Dane was about to start on his part of the bargain, two paws stopped him just inches from his goal. "Not like this, someone might come and see us" Agent Lockdown said, eying the hallway, ears swiveling to pick up sounds that echoed down the stone passage; admittedly, that sound could be anything from a rolling pebble to dripping water, but it could also be, as the canine pointed out, someone's footsteps who, if they saw them in such a compromising situation, might go make trouble for both dogs. "Point taken..." Jason said, slipping from the deck and still fully clothed, he walked around and scooted under the desk into the alcove meant to contain the occupant's legs. Staring up at the thick sheath and inches of red cock that already jutted forth, he felt how Connor must have a few hours prior, the angle giving him a new perspective on things. Sitting up, he placed his paws on either side of Samson's furry thighs for balance and hesitantly gave the bright red head and long lick with the tip of his tongue. He felt the shiver that shot up the canine's spine, his bare assed rear leaving the seat if only for a moment as he moaned loudly. "Dude..." the dane said, rubbing his nose where the Shepard's cock had smacked him, leaving a bead of pre on his whiskers. "Sorry..." Samson apologized once he regained control of himself, "It's just been a while since the last time you went down on me. And I'll admit, there isn't anyone as good at pleasing a furr as tiy around these parts...Well, maybe save for that Victoria Ellsworth, what a hot peace of tail she is-sssssssss!" His words ending with a hiss as Jason took the first few inches of the male's member strait into his throat with no warning. Not only did Jason hate to mix his business and pleasure with office politics, but he was in a rush here, and the sooner the guard shot his load, the sooner he could see Maxi. "It's been a few months at least," he exclaimed, answering the statement as he used his fingers to push the rest of the sheath down and reveal the remainder of the canine's member before sucking it into his muzzle. His advanced training in the arts of pleasure and seduction were always an asset to Jason, having taken several courses on famous red-light walkers like Geisha, Brothels, and Call services; even calling a few himself, so that as they pleasured him, he'd learn their secret arts to getting in, getting the customer off, and getting out. Eventually, the German Shepard understood that it was a rush job, and retreated to doing nothing more then sitting there and moaning, allowing his fellow Agent to conduct as he pleased. Slurping loudly along the crimson shaft, the dane made use of all the tactics he had picked up over the years of improving his craft: gently biting down with his sharp canines, swiveling his head side to side, pushing the sensitive glands at the cocktip against the roof of his mouth where his rippled soft palate would massage it; all were used to push the jailer closer towards the edge. His paws weren't left out of the equation, having long ago established his balance, they were softly massaging the Shepard's inner thighs, cupping his sac, and scritching at the sensitive sheath which still held the bulbous knot inside. "I'm getting closer..." Samson heaved, tongue lolling out of the side of his muzzle as he reclined in his chair. "About time, you've been training or something?," Jason retorted, licking off the pre that had accumulated on his lips. Then starting slower, he began to retake the dog's hefty cock back into his muzzle, beginning at the tip, he pressed it firmly against his furry lips before grating it entrance into hist wet maw. After that, inch after thick red inch crammed its way inside and down his gullet, his throat's muscles massaging the tender flesh as he began bobbing up and down on Shepard's dripping doghood. He could feel the beige hips doing their best not to thrust into his muzzle, though he could see the furry sac beginning to pull up towards the shaft, a clear signal this was almost over. "Something like that..." he replied, taking a sense of pride in his accomplishment, though he knew nothing he could ever do would make him immune to the other canine's tactics, but the fact that Jason noticed was enough for him. Feeling that his release was immanent, he placed his paws atop the dane's head, trying to pull him off so as to give him a nice facial with his cum. Having anticipated his maneuver, Jason had his paws tightly gripping the rear of the chair, holding himself like a vacuum onto the other's throbbing rod. It wasn't because he had anything against having the other's seed splashed over his fur, but he had a mission to get to and simply didn't have the time to clean himself up. Covertly, he sneaked a finger into his muzzle along with the thick cock, coating it liberally with saliva before moving back around to the dog's raised tail. Making sure that he was lined up, knowing he wouldn't get another shot this easily, he waited until just the head of the member was in his muzzle, tongue lapping at the dripping slit, before he pushed his slicked finger up to the first knuckle inside the guard's tailhole. A long series of barks echoed down the maze of intertwining hallways as Samson closed his eyes, bucked forwards, and filled Jason's mouth with his creamy cum. Rope after rope of his juice splashed along the inside of his muzzle, the tangy taste quickly being swallowed as he suctioned the rest out of the pulsating member before him. Finally sensing that he has finished, he gave the Shepard's obs a quick squeeze, catching one last dribble of cum with his tongue, along with another howl from its owner. "Did I drain the reservoir?" Jason asked, licking his muzzle clean of any remaining seed before crawling his way from beneath the desk and taking a seat on the edge of the oak structure. "Drained it bone dry..." the other agent replied, his breath coming in heavy pants as he sat there, naked below the waist with his pants still around his boots. The red tip of his cock was still visible against the tan fur, the only other red on his body begin the long tongue that lolled out of the side of his muzzle that licked up his dripping saliva. "You aren't going to get to the cells dressed like that" Samson said, rotating the chair to face the umber colored canine now slowly walking towards the exit which would lead him to the prison cells. "And just why's that?" he inquired, the guard's comment striking his curiosity as he strolled closer and took a seat on the business end of the desk. "Because there are two bodyguards down there to make sure this place is secure," he replied, slowly pulling up and refastening his pants now that he saw he had the male's attention. Sighing heavily, Jason rubbed his temple as he tried to contemplate what to do next. "What's with all this extra security around here?" he asked, "I mean usually it's just you down here most of the time." "Don't know myself," Samson admitted, "It all started late tonight when those two guards brought in someone wrapped up completely in a black cloak, so I have no idea who or what it is...All I could see where yellow fur peaking out over the furr's sneakers. I tried to stop and tell them about the gas leak, but they just showed me this note from the Director and moved on past...Wasn't about to disobey a direct order from the top, you understand." That must have been Maxi, Jason thought to himself as he tried to figure out a better plane to get close to the lion without alerting the guards. "You hear anything else odd?" he asked, the dog now pacing back and forth in the cramped office. "Nothing much..." Samson said, though then as if begin struck by lighting, something popped into his head. "Though there is this one thing," he said, taking a moment to collect the scattered words in his head before he spoke, "They said something about a member of TARP....or TRIP....or something like that coming in to talk to the new prisoner tomorrow." Jason's eyes went wide, his heart missing a beat as he stood there with mouth agape. "You mean TRAP?" he got a nod; "Are you absolutely sure that's what they said?" another nod; "Shit..." his pacing picking up speed. "What got your panties in a bunch?" the German Shepard asked, kicking back and crossing his legs on top of his desk, "Just who are these TRAP guys?" He yawned slightly as he relaxed, now that his heightened awareness due to his pent up sexual frustrations was gone, he felt like taking a small nap. "Who is TRAP?" Jason asked in surprise, "Well, to be honest I'm not a hundred percent sure...I've only heard rumors." He stopped walking in circles, turning to face his fellow agent, "But from what I've gathered, they are a highly secret, highly ruthless, and highly efficient group of P.O.O.D.L.E who gets dispatched to only the most dire or important events in the canine community. They have agents specializing in stealth, combat, medicine and interoga-....." With that, the Great Dane's mouth snapped shut as the pieces fell perfectly into place. Jason slapped himself across the face at how blind he was, him not allowing to see Maxi's interrogation, his father being even more close-lipped then usual, the email to the unknown agent; suddenly, the lion was in a lot more trouble then he first realized. Panic started seeping in "You said that they're coming in one day, right?" he asked, Samson nodded silently, then to himself, "That means I have to get him out tonight." "Did you say something?" Agent Lockdown asked, having closed his eyes during the middle of Jason's speech. "It's nothing..." he snapped back, his mind going at full steam, "Quick, I need a way past those guards, and I need it now!" He didn't mean to shout so loud, but this threw quite the wrench into his plans; he thought he had at least three to four days to convince Maximillion Cordero to leave with him, but now he had only one day...no...only one night, there was no way he could get back to the prison ward again. Tapping his fingers against his chin, the Shepard thought on the question, "Well..." he started, "There were several maintenance workers on shift down where the gas leak was when I got on shaft, I think they left their gear in the service room down the hall. If you think it will help, I guess I can let you borrow it." "That's perfect!" Jason shouted, springing to attention as he bolted out of the room, "Thanks a bunch Samson, you more then earned my little service." And with that he turned the corner and hurried down the dimly lit hallway, its nondescript pale yellow walls made him think of a horror movie setting as he brushed past. Finding the door easy enough, it being the only noticeable difference against the plain background save for some chips of missing paint, he turned the brass handle and entered. Inside was the quintessential break room, a ratty old couch across from an old television set, table, and chairs made up most of the furniture, while a refrigerator, coffee machine, several cabinets, and rusted stove top formed the kitchen, and along the side wall were a couple of lockers and cubbies stuffed with clothes. Sprinting over, he opened a few lockers till locating a neon yellow maintenance outfit complete with vest, tool belt, work gloves, and several breathing masks met to keep dust and other airborne inhalants from getting into the lungs. Wasting no time, he slipped the vest on and zipped it up, adjusted the tool belt to fit his narrow waist, and took all of the breathing masks. Contemplating his plan and tweaking his words carefully, Jason finished suiting up and then briskly walked out of the room and towards 'A' block. He removed a small electronic device of unknown origin and turned in on, with any luck the guards wouldn't know what it was either, and mistake him for a furr of authority. Turning the final corner, he saw two bodies standing on either side of one of the metal doors, their faces were hidden behind large popped collars, black fedoras hiding the rest from view as they remained motionless. The rest of their outfits were solid black except for blue sashes around their wastes, and from his experience around dangerous furrs, he could tell even at a distance that they were packing heat in a side holster. Jason advanced towards them with the electronic device in his outstretched arm; he refrained from eye contact, instead focusing his attention on the digital screen. "This place is off limits to all Agents," one of them announced, his voice cold and distant, giving no indication of purpose or meaning beyond what was said. Looking up at the guard who spoke to him, he could only offer a shrug of his shoulders. "Terribly sorry sir," he said, faking an accent not his own, "Seems that darn gas leak is still spreading. I was sent here to contain it.." As he talked, eyes seeming to stare back at the faceless guards whose complexion were hidden behind blank cloth masks, he was trying to peer into the blackened cell. "And just who sent you here to contain this 'leak'?" the other mystery agent said. His paw reaching back to his waist, fingers itching to take hold of the pistol he kept at his waistband. Gulping loudly, Jason knew the stance of an expert gunman when he saw it, and these two were certainly no pushovers....and with most likely having orders to kill, it didn't help his chances. "Why I got my orders from the higher up you understand...The Director ya know," he exclaimed slowly taking a few steps around, his eyes fixated on the meter in his paws. The two guards turned to look at each other for a silent second before both returning their faceless glares in his direction. "You have any proof of this request, like a letter or something?" one asked, which one he wasn't sure, even their voices were beginning to sound alike, though his lack of sleep certainly wasn't helping him. "Can't say that I do..." Jason replied, his free paw rooting through his pockets in search for something he knew wasn't there, "But a piece of paper isn't going to stop me from doing what I was trained for, saving lives...you two included." "What do you mean by 'saving lives'?" One asked, their paw slowly lowering from going to its holster. It appeared that he had caught their attention, and maybe this was his way in if he could keep it open. "Well..." Jason said, moving closer with the device now facing their direction, "See this number here," he pointed to the top right of the screen, "Normal levels of oxygen should be about double this amount." In truth, he had no idea what he was talking about, but if he looked convincing enough, maybe the others would buy it hook, line, and sinker. Suddenly a panicked look came over their forms, the pair loosing composure for a brief moment while they whispered to each other. "What do you need to do?" one asked, eying him carefully. "First of all..." Jason said, slowly pulling out the other surgical masks like the one he was wearing at the moment, letting them see his every move in case they thought he was armed, "I need everyone here to wear one of these to keep out gas and other particles." With that, he handed one to each mysterious agent, and as predicted, they slipped it over top their faceless cloth masks. "If that's all you need to do, you can leave us in peace now," they said briskly, obviously wanting him out of here. Though one thing he did notice was that he had handed them three masks, one of them meant for Maxi, but neither seemed to recognize the gesture, the extra mask held tightly in one paw. "Actually, I need you two to vacate the area while I conduct some tests on the air quality around here," he said slowly, walking to the center of the hallway and began setting up some of the unknown tools from his belt. The two agents made their way around him, standing before him as he started setting up his equipment. "We can't let you do this here," they said in unison. "Well if I don't do this now, then Agents could die on the upper floors once the gas permeates the ground under them and soaks into the building materials." He wasn't sure any of that was actually true to begin with, all he cared about was if they thought it was. The two seemed to weigh this evidence with a little bit more weight as they eyed him and his setup carefully. "Why can't we say here while you do it?" they asked, still pressing him for information he had to create on the spot. "Because..." Jason started, then waiting a few seconds for his mouth to catch up with his mind, "These instruments are very sensitive. The more furrs around here while the machines are working, the longer it will take and the more inaccurate it will be." Once again the two bodyguards were at an impasse, weighing their orders against the wellbeing of their fellow agents. Finally they buckled, "How much time do you need to complete these tests?" one of them asked, turning slightly towards his parter and offering a shrug before facing Jason again. Almost jumping at of his pelt, the Great Dane could barely keep his tail under control as it wagged behind him. "At this stage of the game...I like to give this about a half hour to forty minutes to do its thing. Can you work with that?" he asked, standing up to meet the expressionless blank slates greeting him. "Deal..." the other said as the pair began moving down the hallway from which Jason had just come, "We shall wait in the break room for you to finish. We'll return in exactly forty minutes." And with that they turned their backs and walked off down the dead halls, the passages showing no additional life from those moving through. Once the two faceless furs left him to his work, Jason sprung to his feet, tail going at miles at minute as he realized that he had managed to pull off his plan, while not exactly as planned, it was good enough. He took the tool belt off from around his waist, fearful the heavy sounds might echo through the vacant walls, before rushing over to the door that the pair had been guarding, and sure enough, it was cell 23-A just as the email predicted. The door was a solid gray steal, much like the one's he saw back in the Cordero's hunting cabin, except that they had small with two vertical bars to prevent escape, and a horizontal rectangle cut out on the bottom so that food dishes could be slipped in. "Maxi..." he cried, propelling his whispered voice forward, "Maximillion Cordero, are you in there?" Peering into the darkness, the only light coming from the lights in the hallways, he couldn't see anything that resembled a fellow furr. What he could see was a cot braced against the right wall, a small hand sink, and a toilet, other then that, it appeared the walls were bare concrete. Eventually he could see a form moving on the bed, as though the lion had been contemplating to see him or not. Slowly the figure moved closer to the open window till Jason could make out the golden orbs of Maxi's eyes, the twitching whiskers, and the large mane, other then that, he hardly recognized him even with less then a days separation. The cat appeared to be wearing the same clothes he had left him in, though his formally radiant golden fur had been reduced to a smudged, dusty shadow of its former self. Once the lion saw who it was that had roused him from his hard earned sleep, it was like someone had flipped a switch as his whiskers curled, claws and fangs extended, and in a deep growl he spoke only one word, "Jason!" * * * "Jason..." Connor whimpered, the Great Down having just left minutes earlier accompanied by who he assumed had been Rebecca, the last thing mentioned before the door had closed was something about massages. Sitting upright in bed, the husky stared longingly at the closed door, soft whines trailing off as he violently laid back down, head smacking against the pillow as he collected his thoughts. After the catastrophe in the cafeteria, he had rushed back here, stripped off all his clothes into the wastebasket, and climbed into bed, naked and crying as he tried to will himself to fall asleep. He had been awakened by his roommate's exit, not even hearing when he had first arrived, and here he lay in silence, his face still damp with old tears. He knew that the other canine was, while not a whore, another word to describe the dog's actions were unknown to him. He was as much legend and myth as he was blood and bone, the two becoming almost inseparable when confronted by the furr himself. Jason had slept with almost everyone here at the academy, and while that in itself was no small task over the years that he's worked here, the fact that he got favors from every single one is quite the feat. And just as he himself has used his medical knowledgeable to garner favors from agents who wanted their injuries to remain a secret, the dane so too used his talents to build up quite the reputable empire. However, even with the massive number of playthings at his disposal, the husky knew that the canine actually had few friends among them; heck, most of the agents did, each one knowing that any possible friend, might at any second, turn on them to gain a leg up on the social ladder or work their ways up the business-like hierarchy. But despite all that was stacked against his roommate, he still held a part of Connor's heart wherever he went; for whether he knew it or not, the husky was deeply in love with him. He had vowed to himself one day after coming to grips with his feelings, that he'd do whatever it took to be by Jason's side in some form or another, and right now this is all he could get. He knew that the chances were slim of him ever seeing even a fraction of his feelings returned to him, but even in the face of such daunting odds, something made him keep going in search of his 'holy grail' of sorts. So with a heavy sigh, and another lonely night ahead of him to look forwards to, he lay awake in his bed as he went over and over in his head, various situations where he and his idol could be together forever in each other's arms. "I wish you were here right now..." he said, his blue eyes getting misty already, "I mean...what does that fox have that I don't?...Breasts, granted she does...but that's it. I mean it's not like your in the mood for a baby or anything." Like usual, the more he dwelt on such things, the farther he sank into a depression that wasn't going to help him to do anything; and like always, the more he sank in to a depression, the more his fantasies began to take on a more erotic nature as he laid there in darkness. "Guess tonight's festivities did get me pretty horny..." he said to himself, feeling his red tapered member begin to slide out from his black and white sheath and up against his groomed fur. Figuring that Jason would be gone for a couple hours at least, the standard amount of time when he'd sneak out like he did, the canine kicked off his covers and lay bare atop his mattress, the cool night air caressing his sculpted form. Still dwelling on his previous thoughts, Connor pushed himself up on his elbows to get a better look at himself, a better look at what he was willing to give to Jason. His chest was a pure snow white, it's flawless color making his toned abs and pecks stand out by the contours of their shadows. Even in the darkness, he could make out the size of his thick sheath, the furry white tube already sporting an erection; his red doghood lay flat against his chest, already about two inches long, his knot was still not in sight as he watched the crimson serpent rise and fall with each breath like a ship upon a rocky sea. The white continued down between his legs to his hefty sac, tailhole, and along the underside of his curly tail; other then that, the rest of his body looked like someone had carved his features from solid obsidian or black marble. The husky's gaze finished at his twitching toes, a saddened sigh leaving his lips as he stared on longingly, "This is all I am...All I'll ever be," he muttered to himself, "Why would he stay with just me when he has an entire world of furrs, all different sizes and species, which he can get into bed with him?" Once again feeling worthless, the canine sought refuge inside his mind as he lay there in silence, his fingers gently scritching his chest as a soft moan escaped his lips. "Jason, is that you?" he asked himself as he began to softly caress his chest; warm pads gliding over his soft white fur as he lay in his bed, arching back as began to get into the fantasies of having his idol next to him. Then playing divide and concur, his right paw headed upwards and began pressing tenderly against his neck, pads brushing across his cheek and forehead before finally massaging his tender lips. As this was taking place, his left paw began to venture lower, tracing curvy pattern in his pelt as he drifted it towards his ever growing sheath, fingers gently curling around his member, brushing the tip with his own pre helped lubricate the pads against his bare flesh. "Oh god!" he moaned aloud as he squeezed his hard shaft, arching his back into the thrust before letting go and continuing the journey down his body, eventually coming to a stop at the base of his tail. Pretending to open his muzzle to moan, he slipped his fingers in, suckling on them like small ice-pops, wishing it was Jason's musk he was tasting rather then his own. Teasingly pulling his fingers from his maw, manging one last lick before he swapped the positions of his paws so that the wet one was now gliding down his chest towards his vulnerable tailhole, leaving trails of saliva in its wake. Slipping between his legs, those probing fingers came in contact with his puckered rosebud, the warm pads gently prodding the entrance into Connor's sanctuary; moaning just as he felt himself come in contact with his tailhole, his other paw took firm hold of his cock as he arched his back, "Touch me again!" * * * "Touch me again..." The lion snarled, smacking away the dane's outstretched paws that he had slipped through the bars, "And I'll make you wish you had never met me. That's a promise!" Spitting at his feet, Maxi's golden eyes started with the fire of a newborn star into the canine's own deep umber orbs. Trembling at his anger, the feline watched the brown furry arm slowly retract, his own arms feeling limp, as though weights tied at his wrists forced them to his side. "But Maxi..." Jason whimpered, face pressing against the bars, his muzzle protruding into the cell. He had figured that the cat would be angry at him, he couldn't blame him, but the raging emotions that he saw in the feline's eyes shook even his veteran heart. "That's Maximillion Cordero to you!" the lion growled, flashing his large fangs as he stood stiffly in his cell, arms crossed over his chest as the light cast his long shadow along the floor. His wiry tail stood at attention, barely moving as he started pacing back and forth in his cramped quarters. Eyes darting up at every pass to glare disapprovingly at the canine whose face followed him as he moved. "Fine, Maximillion!" the dog snapped back, instantly regretting the move as he saw hatred begin to seep into the cat's complexion. "I'm sorry..." he whispered, hanging his head low, "But we have to leave tonight...We have to get-" "What's this 'we' stuff?" Maxi asked, interrupting the dog, "What the hell makes you think I'm going to listen to anything you have to say?" The lion's pacing increased, his paws balled tightly into fists as several times he punched into the air just to release some frustration. Bewildered, Jason stuttered his way through his words, "Wh-what do you mean, 'what's this we stuff'?" He was crushed inside, seeing the lion's muzzle flare back, he was shaken as those large gleaming white teeth making themselves overly apparent. "What do I mean?" Maxi echoed, doing his best not to punch the steel wall that was sure to break his paw; "You lied to me, kidnapped me from my family on two separate occasions, ruined my wedding, an-" "You hated the idea of getting married just to advance your father's position!" Jason countered, "That morning to basically begged me to rescue you!" "You also betrayed me to your organization, got me locked up as a prisoner, made a fool of me in front of everyone, and to top it all off you...you..." his voice cracking as the dog could see the beginning of tears in the corners of his eyes, "You broke my heart." Wiping his eyes dry with the sleeve of his shirt, the feline refused to let the other male see him cry, he had done enough of that in his first hours stuck in this hell. The dog fell quiet, for the first time in his life, he was feeling guilty for doing his job; as he watched the feline turn away, he could see just how truly innocent he was in all the things his father and their leonine brethren had done, and how much he had believed in Jason. "Are...they treating you well?" he asked slowly, wanting to get off the distressing topic for a moment. "I'm a fucking prisoner Jason...Or would you rather I lie through my teeth like you did," Maxi said, taking a stab at the canine's actions the night before, and he could see he had struck true by the dog's soft whine. "They're feeding me I guess..." he said motioning to the metal bowl that sat on the floor, still full of what looked like stale bread, wilted lettuce, and burnt meat, none of which appeared to have been eaten. "You haven't touched it at all..." the dog noted, trying to work towards a neutral conversation. Scuffling his feet along the floor, his paws were back in his pockets as he peered through the bars at the lion, offering a small smile. Sighing, Maxi turned back to face him, "I don't know what they put in that swill. For all I know, it could be poison or some powerful truth serum." He had gotten himself into enough trouble as it was, he wasn't going to risk more just because he was a little famished. "We wouldn't do that..." Jason said, referring to the entire canine community as a whole as he tried to persuade the feline to at least take something, not eating was going to hurt no one but himself. "Why not?" the cat retorted as he resumed pacing, his paws burying themselves in his pockets during the small trips from door to wall and back again. "I already know I'm going to be interrogated tomorrow...It doesn't take a genius to figure that out," he said aloud, "It'd be a sinch to loosen my resolve through drugs." "Oh come on..." the canine said with a roll of his eyes as he leaned against the cell's steel door, "You just have to tru-" The lion whirled around, eyes like molten fire as he stomped up to the door, reaching through to hoist Jason up by the collar of his shirt using just one paw, roaring in his face. "Just trust me!" he screamed, "That's what you were going to say, wasn't it?" He didn't give the canine anytime to rebut as he punched the wall of his cell with his free paw, the echo vibrating inside the small chamber till it resembled a car backfiring. "Don't you fucking dare use that line with me again! I trusted you once and look where it got me..." Maxi then flung the dog as far back as he could from his position, "Why the hell should I ever trust you again?" Stumbling backwards till he caught his balance, brushing himself off as he walked back to the cell door, "But Maxi..." Jason whined. "That's Maximillion!" the Lion screamed back. "Maximillion then! You have to listen to me...Please..." the dog begged, paws clutching the bars as he tried to get the lion to look at him again. He couldn't take this arguing, "I know I've done you wrong..." he said softly, ears back against his head. "You don't know jack!" was the feline's response, "I don't have to listen to you, see you, or do anything you say...these four walls of steel make sure of it." Slowly his pacing stopped, the male just standing silently in the middle of his cell with balled up fists of rage; looking up at the brown face that peered though the window of light at him, he gave a moaning sigh, "Stop forcing it." * * * "Stop forcing it..." Connor half groaned half cried as he felt his sickened fingertips probe his vulnerable tailhole. He knew well enough he could take them no problem, but while he was pretending that they were Jason's fingers rather then his own, he might as well imagine he was still a virgin. Lifting his legs against his chest, tail already curled under his rear, he hesitantly began pushing against his rosebud, moaning as his paw started its trek into the confines of his tight passage. The husky closed his eyes, imagining that his brown furry god was standing in front of him, whispering words of comfort as he took his young worshiper in a test of faith and devotion. His curly tail wiggled against his spine as he slipped his fingers inside of himself, the small probing claws tracing up and down his silky walls; bucking up and down, he howled to the moon outside as up to the second knuckle sunk in to him. "Just go slow Jason..." he breathed heavily, his other paw gently rubbing his face and neck, caressing his muzzle as a satisfied murr escaped his lips. "Of course my puppy..." he said, deepening his voice as he tried to simulate the Great Dane's speech to further his fantasy. Now having his entire two fingers pushing against his anal walls, the canine bucked his hips again and moaned aloud. "You look like you're enjoying this..." he said, pretending to be Jason again, his other paw taking a firm grasp of his sheath and giving a hefty squeezing. Looking down, he could see his entire length had made its way out of his furry sheath, the thick red member covering his stomach in lines of pre as he pushed his finger farther into his tailhole. "I...I guess I am..." he told himself, moaning as he took a hold of his cock and began pawing off to his own crude fantasies. Making a scissor motion with his fingers, he started stretching his hole as his other paw began milking his shaft; his fingers just barely brushing across the sensitive glands as he pushed against the warm pads. He opened his mouth to talk again, but chocked back his words as a decisive moan erupted from his throats, his red cock coating his paw in a clear coat of pre. "Seems you were hornier then you thought," he told himself again in Jason's voice, his back arching as his fingers dug deeper into his entrance. As the pads pushed and prodded his constricting walls, he felt closer and closer to shooting his load right then and there. Closing his eyes, he tried to summon up mental pictures of the dane in all his naked glory, those firm washboard abs, tight thighs, and hefty sized endowment all came together in an icon so perfect even the canine deities would stand in awe of their own creation. "You're just so sexy Jase..." the husky said to himself, reaching out with his leg as though trying to bump into the brown body he imagined was there next to him. "Maybe so..." he said, pretending to be his roommate as his paws continued to pleasure his body, "But I think you're the hottest thing on two legs." Now even though he said it to himself, the husky could still feel his cheeks brighten and blush at the compliment. "You really mean that Jase?" he asked, arching his back to meet the thrusting tips of his fingers into his tailhole. His breathing was starting to turn into heavy pants as he laid atop his bed, sweat starting to form on his brow from all the exhilarating self-pleasuring. "Of course I do Connor," he added, lifting his paw to his muzzle as he licked his pre covered pads clean, "And so sweet too." The husky squealed, curly tail wagging as his claws dug deeper into his entrance and his words dug deeper into his heart. "Is it time yet?" he asked himself, wanton moans escaping his muzzle as he repeatedly fucked himself on his fingers, his digits worming their way into the inner confines of his anal walls. Connor could feel himself constrict his paw as he kept his legs spread open to allow himself easier access to his neither regions. "Only if you're ready to receive me, my worthy husky..." the canine told himself, his free paw gently stroking his face and neck affectionately; the warmth spread through him as his breathing rate increased, his cock rising and falling along with his chest as he breathed his musk deep into his lungs. "I've been waiting my entire life for this..." Connor said, smiling up at the face he pictured staring back at him as he lay prone on the bed. Slowly, teasing himself as he did so, he removed his sickened fingers from under his tail, gently patting his thigh as he slowly lowered his legs for the moment. "I'm glad you were so patient with me Ivy," he told himself, "It just took me a while to realize that the best thing I had was right under my nose." His white cheeks flushed again, fueled by the imaginary roommate he envisioned looking down on him, those deep umber eyes like pools of liquid amber, making him feel safe and loved. "I would have waited a lifetime for you HB," the husky claimed, arms wrapped around his chest as he hugged the fictitious figure of the Great Dane. Turning his head to the side, he pretended that those brown lips were gently kissing their way down his neck, making him giggle as he immersed himself in the fantasy. Connor pulled his legs back against his chest, his red cock pressed tightly to his soft belly fur, as he ran his fingertips around the edge of his pucker. "Guess it'd be wrong of me to make you wait any longer, huh?" he said aloud, his free paw reaching to the upper right corner of his mattress as it fumbled around for something. Seconds later his paw returned clutching a rather specifically shaped rubber dildo, it's slippery surface glossed a bright crimson color as it wobbled in his grip. Connor glanced up at the toy in his grasp, smiling as the final piece of his fantasy came into place, fingers running along the contoured rubber in the shape of a canine's cock. But it wasn't just anyone's member that it was carefully crafted after, it was an exact duplicate of the Jason's virile tower of flesh he had tasted not more then three hours ago. Every proportion, down the last detail, was an precise reproduction of possibly the most perfect thing as seen through his sky blue eyes. "You remember how I got this?" he asked, dropping the fantasy for a moment as he slipped into his memory of one very special night that would lead to a lifetime of idolization. It had been only two weeks since he and Jason had moved into their room together as roommates, and everything was going as was to be expected; their relationship was merely platonic, friends and roomies, nothing more. The dane had gone out partying that night while he had stayed in the room brushing up on his medical procedures for his lab practical on dental impressions the following day. It must have been around two in the morning when the canine came stumbling back into the room, his glazed over slightly and pants ajar, it was obvious he had been drinking by the scent of booze on his breath. "The damn bastard kicked me out after he got off..." the mumbled, slurring his words as he slid his book bag off his shoulders to the floor and slumped down into his chair, gazing absently at the husky. "And who did that?" Connor had asked, rolling his eyes slightly at the sight of his roommate looking positively wasted. Getting up to close the door, the last thing he needed was public safety barging in and hauling Jason off to spend the night in the detox facility, not a friendly place to work at let alone be a patient in. "The lone wolf..." the dane replied, rolling his eyes as he nearly lost balance and fell off his chair, steadying himself only by flailing arms wildly. The husky instantly knew the Rottweiler whom he was talking about, but stayed quiet seeing as how the dog was about to speak again. "We're all at his apartment getting trashed because he's going out on a mission tomorrow, and you know me, never one to turn down free booze," he said licking his lips, "You don't have to like a man to drink his wine." Starting to doze off, he shook himself awake, seeming even more dazed then before, trying to discern where he was before beginning up again. "Anyways where was I? Oh yeah...so we're there, and me and him are trying to drink each other under the table till eventually he grabs me and kisses me hard. After that, all I can remember is being carried into his room, us fumbling around for a while before he mounts me, and the next thing I know he kicks me out and tells me to go home. Ungrateful little bastard...leaving me like this..." as he motions to his crotch, his erection the only thing keeping his pants from falling to his ankles. Gulping a bit as he saw the rather large bulge in the canine's jeans, a small wet spot marking itself noticeable right below the fly, Connor was about to say something, but at that point the dane closed his eyes and passed out cold. Rushing to his side, the husky managed to catch him before he hit his head on the desk, pulling him over his shoulder as he gently laid him down on his back along the bottom bunk. He knew from his medical training that someone in his state shouldn't sleep like this since they could throw-up in their muzzles and potentially drown, but the canine's large maleness made it close to impossible to get him to roll over on his stomach. So with a hesitant paw, Connor slowly freed Jason's cock from the tight confines of his pants, watching the red member spring up to full attention once it had room, a small bead of pre bubbling from the tip. Suddenly he was taken by an idea and sprung to his feet as he dug through the lab supplies he had in his closet. Returning with a long PVC pipe and some dental plaster, he set about mixing the dry power with some water till it was the correct consistency, and then started funneling it into the tube. Moments later, and with some careful maneuvering not to hurt his friend, he had a perfect replica mold of his member ready to be filled at his nearest convince. The husky then proceeded to give his roommate the best blowjob of his unconscious life before tucking him into bed, the tube stashed safely in his closet till he was able to secure some red rubber from the manufacturing department and make himself his own personal Jason. And that toy was now going to, like on so many other nights, help him fulfill his fantasy of finally having the Great Dane all to himself like it should be. Connor slowly brought the blunt tip to his lips, licking the synthetic material till he felt that it was lubed up enough for it to continue. "You ready? Cause here I come puppy..." he cooed to himself, his voice deepening to resemble Jason's again as he put the tip to his tailhole, pretending to wince at what the future held for him. With one push he buried just the tapered head of the dildo under his tail, a loud moan leaving his lips as he arched his back, cock dribbling pre all over his belly. Sprawled out on the bed, eyes gazing lovingly up at the emptiness where his roommate would be, he gasped in pleasure as he spoke, "You belong in here." * * * "You belong in here..." Maxi snarled, running his fingers along the cold walls of his cell, "You belong in prison, not me." He stared back at the canine quickly, his piercing yellow eyes making their mark on his forehead before he resumed his pacing, getting out his frustration through the soles of his shoes. "I've done nothing illegal to warrant such treatment, you on the other hand, have no such defense. You're the crook here," the lion accused his warden. Having walked a few steps away form the cell door, Jason quickly rushed back with paws tightly gripping the window's small bars. "And just what did I do that was so heinous to warrant imprisonment?" he asked, though in all honesty he didn't think the feline deserved it either, but to admit that, would be to admit that everything his organization represented was false. The feline scoffed, paw angrily slicking his headfur back as he continued to walk in small concentric circles. "Well, last I checked Jason, kidnapping was still a criminal offense punishable by jail time. That is unless things have changed since you stole me away from my family." The small room wasn't doing his mind any good, it wasn't that he was claustrophobic or anything, but the tight confines had him going out of his mind with isolation. "Oh please..." the canine said, rolling his eyes, "No one forced you to do anything. You just about jumped into my arms and begged me to take you away from your family." He too started pacing outside the prisoner's cell door, trying to work off some steam so he wouldn't explode the next time the lion caught him off guard with one of his piercing statements. "Well maybe if you had been truthful with me from the start, none of this would have ever happened!" the cat spat at his former lover, the person with whom, only twentyfour hours earlier, he had seen as his knight in shinning armor. "You know something?" he said softly once a moment of silence had passed. Pretending not to be as affected as he was inside, Jason glared hesitantly at the cat till his curiosity got the better of him. "What's that?" he asked, not sure where the conversation was about to go, but getting a sinking feeling that they weren't coming up for air anytime soon. Taking a deep breath as he readied himself to commit to the words, Maxi brushed the hair from his face so the dog could get a perfect view on his eyes when he spoke. "After everything I was told about your species from my kind, and from everyone else about my lineage, I have to say...I think my father was one hundred percent correct," paws slipping into his pockets as he rocked back and forth on the pads of his feet. He's gone...I lost him, was the only thoughts shooting through the canine's mind as he stood there silently, trying to form a response, a counter argument, something to set the feline's logic off balance. "So...you're saying that if I wasn't there, you would have gone through with that wedding to some lioness you didn't love?" he asked. The dane was running on fumes, the complete lack of anything good that the lion felt towards him zapped him of his will to argue. "I may not have liked it, but I would have learned to live with it...It was what was expected of me," he said bluntly, showing no tell-tale signs that he was lying. If this had been a game poker, Maxi just bluffed his way to the win with nothing but a 2/7 off-suit, a hooter's business card, half a cheese sandwich, and a paper clip, while he was holding the entire deck. "I see now that I was wrong in leaving, and it only took me until you proved that he had been right about canine-kind all along, so maybe he was right about me being happy in my marriage as well." Seeing his defeat before him, the canine had to appeal to something in the lion that would make him reject his father's notion of the world. "I don't believe for a second that you'd throw your heart away for a creature like your father," he said firmly, still trying to establish dominance over the lion who know easily held the upper hand in the discussion. "They are just going to toss you aside like before, your father's just a piece of scu-" words interrupted by a heated growl from the lion that caused his muzzle to shut instinctively. "My father is a great lion who will lead out species to victory," Maxi said with complete confidence; "For you see..." he continued on, "When I get out of here, and mark my words I will, I'm going straight back to my father in feline country to set things right with my pride." "They'll never take you back!" the dog shouted in anger, partially fearful that he'd never see the feline again, "They'll kill you on the spot where you stand." "See, that's where you're wrong Jason," the lion said, no longer pacing in his small cell as he moved closer to the door, their faces only inches apart. A cruel knowing smile etched itself into his muzzle as he could see the canine shiver slightly, "For you see, all I have to do is get him to listen to me for one second, and then just spin a tale for him about your lies, deception, and how I was suckered in by the hateful canines that he had warned me about as a child. The next thing I know, I'll be sitting pretty, all ready to get married again to my future loneness, then comes the wedding night where I will give my father the grandson he so desperately deserves. Once that's done, I'll ascend to my rightful place as the leader of my leonine brethren. He won't turn me away after a performance like that, not with what I can give him as his last son, though I should thank you for the lessons in betrayal." The words struck true like a javelin through his heart; the lion's logic was flawless, his hypothesis perfect, and worst of all was that the feline knew it, he wasn't baiting the wolf with a bluff, he had become the master. Jason suddenly had a semi-quick flashback to the previous night and the conversation that he had had with the cat's father, the way he laid out their plans, how powerful he had felt, and how weak and vulnerable the lion had seemed walking straight into his trap, now it was he who had been trapped. "What about me, Maximillion?" he asked slowly, "I'm on the outside, I can go spoil everything by telling my father." It was a weak threat he knew, but the only card he still had left to play. "And just what about you Jason?" he retorted question for question, "That fact is, I'm in a better position then you, want to know why?" The lion didn't wait for an answer as a confident smirk eased his teeth into a nice big toothy grin, "The fact is Jason, my dad will take me back into his arms no problem. But I saw how your father looked at you in the entranceway, and I assure you, it wasn't love in his eyes." The dog was about to correct him, but he suddenly found himself unable to talk, the truth like a muzzle keeping his quiet. "He sees you as nothing more then an expendable agent, not as his son. So if you tell him what I told you, I have a strong feeling you won't be working here anymore, that is if you are still alive after all the dust settles." Once again Maxi was right on all fronts, he had certainly become perceptive in their hours apart. "Just forget all that right now!" he exclaimed, if he couldn't beat the logic, his next best shot was to simply move around it, "Listen, I have to get you out of here tonight or else bad shit's gonna go down around here." "Let me out of here?" the feline said in disbelief, "You're even dumber then you look, and right now a paint-by-numbers is out of your league." The comment took the dog by surprise as the feline pressed his face through the bars as much as he could without getting stuck, the canine back a few steps form the approach. "That'd suicide for both you and your organization, especially since I believe this to be your main headquarters," he said scowling, "You brought your enemy right into the midsts of your camp." It took a moment for Jason to understand what was being said to him, but when the saw Maxi motion to his eyes, it suddenly dawned on him. "You memorized the route to this place from watching me drive here..." he said flabbergasted, mentally slapping himself across the face several times. He didn't even think about having the lion cover his eyes, or trying to get him to go to sleep, he just had been in such a hurry to get home that he had risked everyone's safety. Maxi nodded slowly, "I had done it originally because if we ever got separated, I want to know where we were going so I could find my way back to you...But now it serves another purpose." Pulling his head back through the bars, he leaned his elbows on the door, propping up his head upon his paws as he watched Jason slowly walk back towards him, the defeat obvious in his stance and face. "I put you in the same situation as you put me in before, to choose between your family and friends...or your supposed love for me by not telling anyone." His ultimatum was finished, he had done exactly what had been done to him. Karma was a bitch; that thought among others running through the Great Dane's head as he stood there in silence, trying to analyze anyway out of this situation that would both save his skin, and his reputation. "I...I-I don't know what I'm gonna do..." Jason admitted slowly. His face and tone suddenly turned, realizing that he had wasted too much time and the guards were going to be back soon, "But...but that doesn't matter right now because I have to get you out of here right now!" he screamed. Reaching through the bars, he firmly grabbed the lion's shoulder, holding him back from moving to the rear of his cell. The feline stopped dead in his tracks. Not bothering to turn around, one paw tightly took hold of the brown fingers, squeezing them as his other paw balled itself tightly into a fist. "I thought I told you never to touch me again..." he said, the growls building up in his throat as he stood there. Maxi's tail wavered stiffly behind him, his aura suddenly becoming hot and heavy with his rage as Jason weakly struggled to pull his paw back, but the cat refused to let him go so easily. "Didn't I tell you that?..." he asked again, still not getting an answer as his voice deepened, "You should know not to play with me anymore." * * * "You know not to...play with me anymore..." Connor moaned loudly, talking to his imaginary partner as he felt close to blowing his load all over his chest already. At this point, the toy had only been inserted about halfway under his tail, the rest hanging out of his rear, a paw keeping it from slipping out completely, but his previous encounter with his idol had left him seriously sexually pent up. His other paw was constantly stroking along his length as he bucked against the toy, gently squeezing his quick forming knot as he yipped at each soft touch. "But I wanna see what you're offering your god..." he said with a lustful sneer, still playing the part of both top and bottom as he felt the dildo bury another inch inside him. The motion was met with a loud bark form the husky's mouth as he writhed over his sheets in ecstasy, sweat forming on his brow the more he fought to keep his wits about him. "My entire being is yours..." Ivy answered, his voice broken by a sudden howl as the toy in his backside twisted to hit a new spot inside of him. He was barely even aware of his own actions, his paw seeming to go purely on instinct as it rotated and pistoned the fake Jason in and out of him on its own accord. "I know that...I just wanted to hear you say it to me," the imitation replied back, a firm squeeze on his sac ripped another moan out from the canine's throat. His paw then released his throbbing member, pads sliding teasingly along the pre sickened flesh before running small trails up his torso before finally taking a sensual grip of his neck. "Your teeth hurt..." Connor whimpered, pretending his claws and fingers were Jason's muzzle that had taken him in a loving matting bite as another two inches of rubber plowed new ground in his ass. Bringing his legs against his chest, he imagined being pressed in half as the larger dog above him took his fake virginity with reckless abandon; those furry brown thighs thumping against his upturned rump, streams of saliva seeping out from around his throat, and the rhythmic moist breaths cascading his face in the other's finely tuned musk. The entire situation had his senses off the charts, his own mind deluding his body into believing that there was another fur in the same throws of passion and lust as he was, right behind him thrusting under his tail. With another quick push, he could feel the already fully formed rubber knot at the front door into his already pierced entrance, a soft whine leaving his lips as the realization that he had gone faster then he had originally intended. But he couldn't help himself, with the activity of the past few hours driving him into a sexual frenzy, he was impressed he hadn't cummed already. "Not tonight..." he whispered into the imaginary brown ears as his fleshy bulge pressed against his breached rosebud. Slowly he released his neck, the smell of his pre along the curls of his white fur was intoxicating, his fingers going back to gently pawing him off. Though he more then wanted to tie with the toy, he had probably overstayed his isolation, and Jason would come through their door at any moment and see him in this compromising situation; luckily he didn't have to explain himself to his own mental conjuration. "I understand...It is your body after all," he told himself as the rubber cock slowly started to retreat. "I didn't mean for you to leave..." he said, playing along with his own body, whimpering as only the tapered tip remained still inside of him. "Who said anything about leaving your hot confines Connor?" he told himself horsely before roughly shoving the entire toy inside of him in one smooth push. His white belly arched high as he moaned aloud, the husky's cries carrying a few doors down as his toes curled at the powerful maneuver. That soft tip was hitting every conceivable button that he had, his senses being thrown for a loop as he pumped the toy in and out of his rosebud. A small river of pre had forged its way down the length of his cock, his paw easily spreading it over his soft fur before reaching down to cup his orbs gently. "I should have known..." he cautioned himself, giggling as he twisted the toy around, murring as its sleek edges rubbed against his inner walls. Pressing it further into himself, he stifled a gasp as it came in contact with his prostate; suddenly a wave of pure energy washed over him, his cock throbbing in his pads as a glob of pre shot out to land in the center of his torso. "Seems I found your pleasure center..." he hissed, teeth mashed together as he moaned again as the dildo brushed past his button again. Now that he had once again found his source of white fire, he knew this fantasy wasn't going to last much longer, but he still wanted to milk it for all it was worth. The canine chuckled a bit at how poorly he was playing at being the other, "It isn't that hard to miss Jase..." he said in his own tone. His paws were working marvelously at keeping him just on the verge of exploding; the gentle pricks of his claws against his sensitive shaft as he slid his warm pads up and down the lubed length, while his other paw seemed to know just the exact angle that would push the fully embedded toy into rarely used crevices inside of him. "You're just so unique, it took me a while to locate it," he said aloud, that last comment more to just stroke his ego rather then along the truth of Jason's personality, but none the less he blushed softly at his words. Connor laughed softly before it was interrupted by a loud moan as the rubber cock prodded his prostate again, flooding his system with lust as the boy bucked on his bed to the sexual rhythm. "You're about to get your offering..." he warned himself as he pumped another load of pre from the tip of his member, the clear fluid saturating the fur on his paw as a pool began developing in his bellybutton. The husky felt a tremor pass through his curly tail as the toy bumped inside of him, his anal walls squeezing the slick dildo as it passed in and out of his puckered hole. "I can't wai-IAAAAAAA!" he exclaimed, pretending once again to be his roommate before the surge of hos seed fly free from the confines of his sac rudely interrupted him. Arching his back, his bright crimson flesh let line after line of canine cum spray along his torso and bedding as his hips jerked reflexively into his paw. Streams of white fluid appeared along his body as he howled repeatedly at the toy still plugging away at his insides, fingers coaxing more of his seed from his body as it worked his tailhole for another minute. His spasms finally slowing down, Connor was able to lower his rear back against the bed, sighing contently as he felt the damp seed cling to his curly pelt as he laid there in the darkness of his room. "That was...divine," he said softly, the afterglow making him absolutely radiant, his breaths consisting of deep lungful of air as his paw slowly slipped from his already softening cock. His other paw gently let go of the dildo, the rubber device still lodged in his sphincter as he stayed silent for a bit. "When you have yiff a god...it always is," he replied, 'pun'-ing his words as Jason always did. Another minute or so passed as the husky laid there staring at the ceiling in silence, his tail twitching as he realized he had left the toy still inside of him. Slowly he took hold of it and began working it out from under his tail, soft moans escaping his lips as the tapered point brushed back over his sensitive areas. "Going already?" he whined to himself, letting the fantasy completely play out before him. "Yeah..." he told himself, "Gotta get some sleep for tomorrow..." and though the scenario was fake, he still sniffled a bit, the words so close to his heart. Connor finally fully removed Jason's replica from his anal walls, a sudden feeling of emptiness overcame him as he took a long hard look at the red rubber creation before stuffing it under the corner of his mattress as always. "You won't leave me...will you?" he asked softly, choking back real sobs as he spoke to the imaginary Great Dane he pictured kneeling above him. Closing his eyes, he pretended that he felt a soft touch against his cheek as he pulled the blankets over himself and turned to drift in troubled slumber; the last words he spoke, he didn't even try to fake his roommate's voice, was a simple, "Never..." * * * "Never!" Maxi screamed, still clutching the dog's paw in his as he slowly started walking towards the male now trapped on the other side of the bars; "Not once have you ever listened to me!" his voice roared through the small confines of the prison ward, echoing off the vacant walls as he strode ever closer to the now panicking canine. The lion felt his body tense, gripping down on Jason's fingers painfully as he reared his free arm back, and with a growl that would shake trees from their roots, he let fly a punch that connected solidly with the furr's muzzle. Having let go at the same time he threw his blow, he watched Jason spiral across the hallways like a doomed plane in a deathspin, slamming his back into the wall before slowly sliding down into a mess on the floor. The Great Dane felt the wind knocked out of his lungs as his hit the wall with a clattering thud before slumping to the floor, head still in a daze. The room span around him as he tried to gather himself, his entire head throbbing as he reached up to his muzzle where he had been hit. Looking down at his fingers, he could see the crimson red of blood, instantly convinced the lion had broken his nose, though a quick wiggle of his whiskers confirmed otherwise. "Ma-Maxi..." he gasped as he struggled to stand, but his legs buckled underneath him and fell back onto his paws and knees. So with the last of his energy he began a slow crawl to the feline's cell, when his ears picked up the sound of approaching footsteps. "What the hell happened down there?" a voice said, Jason instantly recognizing it as one of the creatures that had been previously been guarding the lion's cell. Trying to will his body to move faster, he had to get to Maxi before they did and warn him of what was to come. But it was not to be, for at that moment the pair came around the corner of the hall to view the proceedings. "Shit! He's attacked one of the staff," the other said as they rushed to the canine's side. Quickly looking over and seeing nothing worse then a bloody nose, "He's fine," the guard said again as they looked up at each other, nodding silently to their next course of action. "Please don't..." Jason begged the masked furrs, "He didn't mean to...it was an accident." Though his pleas fell of deaf ears as the pair simultaneously whipped out small foot-long silver colored rods, and after pressing a hidden button, the tops spread out to reveal an inner blue filament that started crackling like a live wire. He knew instantly that it was some form of stun baton, possibly military issue, but Maxi had no idea what he was up again. "No need to protect him," the other one said as he eyed the figure still standing in the window of the cell, his golden body tensed tight as he stared vacantly at them through the bars. "This one has committed various crimes against the canine nation and shall be treated as such," the said sternly as the pair moved to either side of the door, wands ready to strike at first opportunity. Reaching out figuratively, grasping only at air, he whined pitifully as he saw them enter the lion's cell. "No wait! Please!" he shouted, but to no avail as the sounds of the struggle filled the hall. The sounds of Maxi growling and hissing at the newcomers were soon followed by whimpers, whines, and cries for mercy as the electrical stinging began to bash into whatever they could touch. Jason could see bright flashes of light from inside the dark room as the stun rods made contact with the feline, the horrifying sounds of his painful punishment caused him to wince, ears falling to the side of his head as he covered his face in his paws. Trying to block out the sights and sounds of what was going on, he only looked up once he heard footsteps retreated and the cell door slamming closed. From his vantage point, he watched the two guards stash their weapons inside their vasts before they turned to look at each other laughing, "That should teach the little vagrant." His stomach suddenly sinking down to his knees, Jason managed to scramble to his feet, looking through the bars at a very different Maximillion Cordero then the one that had been there seconds before. The cat's body was curled up in the far left corner facing away from him, his shirt was covered in black marks as the smell of burnt hair reached his nostrils. He whimpered softly, but the cat made no indication that he had heard him, so with tears starting to form at the corner of his eyes, Jason rushed away as fast as he could. Running through the twisting passages at breakneck speeds, he didn't even bother waving good-bye to Samson who slept soundly at his desk before moving back through the small storage passageway. The darkened corridor, heated by hot steam that escaped through the pipes, reminding the dog like a path through the fires of hell, the image of fire and brimstone not lost on him. He took his first breather as he stumbled his way into the elevator, tears making their way over his furry cheeks as he realized he had blown it. His once perfect plan had been left in shambles, he knew that Maxi would be angry at him, but with a few days of convincing, he had hoped to change his mind and get them to escape together, taking little Ryan with them of course. But he hadn't expected such animosity to harbor in the usually peaceful lion, the rage was like nothing he had ever seen before, and hopefully never would again. "Dear god, what have I done?" he asked himself as the car opened up into the first room he had gotten into. Keeping his head low, he walked slowly out of the room and into the main hall that would take him to his final destination for the night. All Jason could dwell on is his failure at getting the lion out tonight, maybe once they released him after they had squeezed all the information from him, he'd have his chance again. As soon as he thought it, he stopped, realizing something even more horrid....they weren't going to release him. His father had been there when he brought Maxi in, so he knew that the feline had been awake for at least that part, but would he really...he would...he'd do the unthinkable, that Jason knew. Suddenly a new fear gripped him like a cold clammy paw around his heart, the fact that tonight's failure had just doomed the poor lion to a certain death at the paws of his organization. A fresh batch of tears started the long trek down his face as he broke into a run, sprinting a full speed through the empty corridors, trying in vain to escape the thoughts that have taken root in his mind. "No...he wouldn't..." he told himself again and again as he pumped his body onwards, regardless at the fatigue or the stress. But his subconscious kept telling him different, and the more he forced the ideas out, the more vivid the mental pictures become until he could see the lion dieing right before him. Jumping into the second elevator of the trip, he had to grab the railing just to keep to standing, his legs feeling like limp noodles. "Dear lord...what have I done?" he asked himself, tears trailing down his face as he tried in vain to wipe them away, "I've doomed the only person to truly care about me...I played right into my father's paws." Fingers ran through his hair franticly trying to calm himself down, but the more he did to control his emotions, the more he found them getting away from him. So that by the time the light dinged to signal that it was his floor, the canine was practically slamming his head into the walls as he tried to gather a sense of inner peace and stability that he had known before this entire thing started. For fear that someone might spot him, he rushed down the few long hallways till finally he came to his dorm door; reaching into his pocket, he fumbled with his keys in the lock, shaking violently till he finally unlocked it and let himself inside. His room was pitch black save for the spare illumination that came from their computer speakers, but Jason needed no help navigating around the cluttered mess on the floors. He could smell Connor's scent still lingering in the room, so he remained quiet as he moved over to his bunk, drying his eyes on his sleeve as he walked. Looking down at the vacant mattress below him, the scattered sheets, crumpled pillows where two heads had laid together hours before, he broke down again as soft whimpers escaped his lips. He didn't want to sleep there...in his loneliness, he hated the idea of crawling under those cold sheets with only the thought of Maxi to keep him warm. A soft stirring caught his attention as he saw sheets shift on the bed above his own; "Ivy?" he called out softly, not wanting to wake the husky if he didn't have to. Rolling around under his sheets, the husky had still picked up the sound of his roommate's whimpers. "That you HB?" he asked softly, knowing full well who it was simply by the dog's scent, but asking none the less. Suddenly he heard footsteps on the rungs of the ladder that led up to his bed, and moments later the outline of the dane's face appeared before him. Squinting his blue eyes, he could barely make out the scrunched up lines along the canine's face, his eyes closed shut as he stood there sniffling. "You...alright Jason?" he finally asked, the sudden appearance of him in such a state worrying him immensely. "I......I...." his voice choking up as he tried to come up with something, anything, to tell his roommate other then the truth. His frustration drove him further into tears, and before he could stop himself, he had jumped the hurdle and launched himself into the husky's waiting arms. Wrapping his arms tightly around his bare waist, he balled like a pup into the canine's shoulder, his entire body trembling as he felt, for the first time, his heart truly breaking. Bracing himself for impact, Connor managed to catch his roommate in a tight hug, pulling his convulsing body close to him as he tried desperately to calm him down. "Shhhh...it's alright Jason, I'm here..." he whispered into his ears, gently licking them as he slowly rocked back and forth like a mother comforting her offspring. Finally he got the dog to slowly sit up, and for the first time getting a better look at him as he sat on his lap, arms still tugging at his chest. Brushing his fingers over the brown fur, he felt a familiar stickiness along his nose and muzzle, "Are...are you bleeding?" "It's nothing..." Jason replied, shying away from further touching till he felt a cold nose press against his forehead. Closing his eyes, he wept silent tears as he tried not to pretend that he was back in that tent with Maxi, their first time really being together alone, the last time he had remembered being so happy. "Really Connor...you don't-" his words interrupted as he felt a finger press against his lips to shush him. In the darkness, hesitantly the husky leaned over and gently kissed his still tender nose, before pulling him back against his chest. "Tell me what happened...please...I wanna know so that I can be there for you when you need me to be," he explained sternly, making his intentions known as they held each other. Slowly, Connor felt the dane's paws grip his black pelt tighter, as though fearful that if he let go, they'd drift apart forever. Leaning back, he moved his head so that they were staring into each other's faces as he tried to discern just what was on his roommate's mind. Jason looked up to meet his roommate's eyes, staring into those blue pools he suddenly got the same emotion from the husky as he did from the lion back when things were still working. He knew that Connor had always had a crush on him, but till this moment, he never knew just how deep those feeling ran. The dane couldn't break his heart, not like he had broken Maxi's, the canine was so innocent that he simply couldn't go through it. "I'm sorry...I...can't..." he mumbled, tearing up again as he turned to leave, unable to bear seeing his friend cry. Reaching out, the husky caught Jason by the arm and pulled him back towards him, pressing his muzzle into the side of his neck as he rasped his tongue along the soft curls. "I don't care..." he said softly, hugging him tightly, "I just want you to know that I'm always here for you when you need it." He offered the largest smile he could, seeing the dane's face brighten just a tad as he leaned over and kissed Connor on the cheek. "Thanks..." he replied in a near whisper as he buried his head in the crook of the husky's shoulder, letting loose the final streams of tears as his friend rocked him back and forth. Long tail tucked between his legs as he sobbed for everything he had completely fucked up all in the name of this organization, and yet he was, even after knowing what he had done, powerless to stop any of it. After a few minutes of crying, he sat back on his haunches, drying his face with the hem of his shirt, much to the seeming dismay of his roommate. "You're not gonna sleep in that wet filthy thing are you?" he asked, referring to the male's tear soaked shirt. Jason looked down at himself, blushing a bit as he returned his face to the other fur and softly shook his head no. "Well good then..." Connor replied, reaching over to slip his shirt up to reveal his still slightly pink chest, "You'd get sick that way." The Great Dane offered no objection to being bare chested once the canine had tossed his shirt into where he thought the hamper was done below. Figuring that the next step was to remove his pants, he was surprised when the black and white male scooted back, making room under the covers for both of them to lay semi-comfortably. Saying nothing about it, he shifted under, only the taking a mental note that his friend had been naked this entire time, the smell of musk and seed easily noticeable on his sheets. "You don't mind sharing your bed?" he asked, still not wanting to impose his emotional baggage on the other. "Not at all..." he said softly as they both laid down to rest for the remainder of the night. Almost hesitantly, he felt Jason slip closer to him, arms reaching out to hug him close like a stuffed bear as he rested his still tearful eyes against his chest, seemingly comforted by the sound of his heart beating. The positions now reversed then what they were the last time they had napped together, Connor took great care to remember everything about this moment before wrapping his own paws around his roommate as they slept, smiling a grin only a truly happy furr could manage. As he fell asleep, he tried hard not to think about what was bothering Jason, simply saying, "It doesn't matter..." * * * "It doesn't matter..." a soft squeak said, "That's what he told me...it doesn't matter...what a load of shit," the lion said bluntly to himself. He didn't know how much time had passed since his guards had shocked the anger from his system, leaving him with only an overwhelming sense of despair and depression as he sat alone in his cell. He had stopped crying long ago, the act only rousing laughter in the otherwise stern furrs that watched over him like vultures looking at their next meal. With bruised arms wrapped tightly around his torso, the feline rocked carefully back and forth, trying to calm his shattered nerves so he could find a way out of his hell hole. His shirt had been reduced to burnt rags, giant black splotches of ash dotted his clothing as the smell of singed fur and burnt cloth filled his nostrils. Maxi's entire body ached from the electrical pulses that had surged through him, his muscles still having temporary after-spasms where they'd just lock up and refuse to move. Whipping the grime from out under his eyes, he stared blankly at the point where the two walls met the floor, as though he could just shrink down and crawl into the dark corner. "I don't need his help to get out of here...I only want to see my own kind," he said softly, keeping his voice only to himself for fear that the two ever present guardians might over hear and report him. Covertly slipping his paw into his back pocket, he removed a small bone shaped object, saying a small prayer that it still remained intact. "I've got my own connections..." he told himself again as he slowly opened the hidden flap, twisting the top around like he had been showed till it eventually turned into the small device that had been given him as a precaution back in the hunting cabin. With deep breaths, he managed to unfold the ten digit number, taking a second to turn the device on before slowly hitting each number carefully, remembering that he'd only have one shot at this. "Please work..." he willed the machine as he typed in the last number, watching the antenna blink green several times before seeming to shut off, the only indication that it was running as the nearly silent hum of its mechanics. Sighing heavily, his future now in the paws of someone else, still grasping the phone, he slipped into the cot they offered him, tucking the device under his pillow for safekeeping. "Please find me Locke...I need you," he said aloud before turning over and trying to catch some dreams that didn't include that blasted mutt. Fin'

  • * * And...it's done...atleast this chapter by the way. Now i'm not really sure what your thoughts are going to be on it, since I myself am a bit on the fence about how I feel towards my characters. So feel free to tell me what you think, who knows, it may even affect the future plot of the series. As always, I can be reached at [email protected] on either email or MSN live for questions, comments, fanmail, what have you.....till we meet again!