When Dreams Become Reality: In a Perfect Alternate Universe (BONUS CHAPTER) Part 1

Story by wolfy22 on SoFurry

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#22 of When dreams become reality

This is the first part of the bonus chapter of the first arc of my story.

DISCLAIMER: After looking back at the first few chapters and listening to some critique from people about my plotline, I kinda wanted to re-write a bit of the story, making the relationship between Mike and Tony build up more slowly instead of rushing the plotline, but also basing everything as if it was a perfect alternate universe setting.

I also wanted to fill some gaps in and also base a bunch of the pictures I had commissioned of Tony and myself in this story too.

And I had to split up this bonus chapter into 3 parts, since I ended up writing 58 pages....LOL.

Here's some of the pictures referenced in this bonus chapter, though they might not be in this part that you're reading:






Here's part 1 of 3. Remember, 18 and under please leave, as there is Adult content in all three of these chapters. Oh yeah, and I want to thank firedracon on FA for helping me create one of the scenes in this chapter. ^_^ *hugs* :D


"Thanks Mom, I love you guys." I said to my family, as they were about to leave the apartment building I had just moved a bunch of my belongings into.

"I hope you do well here Mike. We'll just wait and see how long you can really survive on your own though haha!" My mom laughed back, hugging me along with my dad doing the same.

"Well I had to start somewhere, I'm just glad it's a job that I have experience in, though I hope I don't fall victim to what happened to my other friend Paul with layoffs and stuff like that. Then again, since they literally called me asking me to transfer here a couple weeks early, I think I'll be fine." I replied.

"Just remember Mike, if you need anything, call us. We're not too far away." My dad said to me, then adding "Will, you going to say goodbye to your brother?"

"Oh, bye mike, have fun here in New York City." Will then said, listening to his Ipod outside of my apartment door.

"I think I'll like it, though I hope I don't have to stay here too long....seems kinda old and run down....anyway, thanks again guys." I exclaimed, hugging my parents one final time and eventually closing the door with them leaving the building.

"So now I'm all by myself....." I thought, taking in a deep breath and just letting it all out. I eventually started to unpack some of my clothes and belongings, putting them away inside my dresser in my small bedroom along with unpacking my goods too.

"I wonder if there's wi-fi around..." I asked myself, opening up my laptop, logging in and also plugging in my Ipod and my G2 phone as well.

"Shit....nothing but password protected bullshit..." I exclaimed, as my laptop couldn't pick up any free networks.

"Guess I'll have to tether my phone then.....thank god for 4G...."

With that said, I finally settled in and crashed for the night, since it was around 9 P.M. and my parents and I had been on a pretty long trip, coming from Massachusetts and eventually going into New York City. Even though we were in one of the biggest cities in the world, my family and I only went out to a fancy restaurant to eat before unloading all the things into my apartment, since they still had to work the next day. I was your typical human being living in the city itself, being 6 ft. tall, weighing roughly 175, Brown hair and eyes, 22 years old, and a pretty good athlete when it came to certain sports like Bowling, Basketball and Golf.

After watching a few youtube videos on my laptop with the internet being somewhat fast through my 4G tethering, I decided to check out my Furaffinity page. Looking at everyone's new adult rated submissions started to make my member feel somewhat stiff, but I also noticed a lot of people had recently posted photos of themselves with their anthro/human girlfriends/boyfriends. It did make me hurt a little bit inside, since I had been through a few rocky relationships myself, most of which were either long distance, or open relationships in general.

"I wish I had a mate...." I said to myself, looking through the site a little more as well as posting a journal about it, though my page barely had any views since I wasn't really an artist, and the only photos I had put on there had to do with scenery, which very few people commented on. I decided to finally take my mind off of thinking about relationship issues by hitting up some Bejeweled 3 as well as Stepmania on my PC, playing each game for a good 45 minutes before finally emitting a big yawn after finishing my 4th song on Stepmania.

"Guess I better get to sleep since I start tomorrow..." I quietly thought, closing my laptop and putting it on the floor next to my bed, with my ipod and phone on top of it, still charging through the USB ports on the side. It was definitely going to be the start of a brand new journey for myself.-


"Whew.....what a long day....." Tony said to himself, throwing his stuff onto his couch and putting his car keys away and immediately heading upstairs to his bedroom to get changed.

"Oh shit....I need to check my email......I wonder if Janice sent that info about the next commercial shoot....." The tiger exclaimed, taking off his shirt, and putting a new dark green one over his muscular body, eventually walking back into his office.


"Good thing I remembered....I should probably get a smart phone...." The Tiger said to himself, checking out a few more websites after hitting up his email.

"Hmmmmmm....let's see what's going on the bodybuilding forums....." Tony then thought, checking out the message board that he was accustomed to for quite some time, learning ways to build more muscle and also how to stay in shape as well as show off to others.

"Wow....these guys are....hot...." Tony then said softly, with his bulge in his pants noticeably sticking up while he sat in his chair.

"I just can't help it....." The Tiger then remarked, pulling down his pants and starting to stroke himself off while looking at the pictures of every hot anthro and human that was showing their muscles and figures on the picture topic of the forum he was on.

As the Tiger clicked the next page icon on his computer screen though, his computer's web browser suddenly showed the message "This page cannot be displayed."

"What the hell? Shit....internet must be down..." Tony exclaimed, still jerking himself off at his computer desk but also noticing that the internet modem was not lit up, as it was trying to still find a signal.

"Looks like I'll pull these out...." Tony thought, still stroking his member as he pulled out his bara manga books that he had on his bookshelf, each consisting of steamy sex scenes between humans and muscular anthros.

Page by page, the Tiger looked at each hot scene, stroking his member faster and faster while looking at the sex scenes occurring between a couple different human and anthro couples in the same book.

"UNNNNNNNNFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" Tony finally exclaimed, beating his member after seeing the climax scene in the book to the point where his own member let it all out, shooting several large bursts of seed onto the Tiger's shirt, covering it in several layers of hot seed.

Tony kept jerking himself off as he finished looking through one of the books, but eventually took his own shirt off and folded it up, leaving all the messy seed inside the folded part of the shirt as he walked to his bathroom back in his bedroom, throwing his shirt into the laundry chute that went directly down to his washer/dryer in his basement.

"Guess I should get cleaned up here...." Tony then said, taking the rest of his clothes off and hopping into the large tub of his, and turning on the hot water.

As the tiger started washing himself, he couldn't help but think about the pictures he saw on the website he was on earlier, as well as the book he was also reading. Slowly but surely, his Tiger cock emerged once again and became erect right then and there in the shower.

The tiger smiled as he washed himself and thought about all the sexy images processing through his head, but also felt a sense of something else besides that. Tony truly wanted someone to be with, but since so many people liked him as a TV figure, it was hard for him to like anyone back, mainly because he felt that they were attached to the Tiger they see on advertisements, and not the Tiger outside the cereal box.

After cleaning himself up and stroking his member a little more (to no extent though in terms of climaxing), Tony got out of the shower, changed into his night clothes, and hopped onto his VERY large bed to watch some television.

"And as we prepare to kick off the new MLB season, who do you guys think will be the overall favorite team to watch for this year?" A voice emitted, as ESPN came on while Tony's TV screen lit up.

"Oh I definitely think the Yankees are the big favorite, C.C. Sabathia has surely proven that he wants it all, and he will definitely give it his all on the home opener in a couple of weeks." One of the MLB analysts exclaimed on the program.

"Heh....not on your life C.C., especially against my Tigers and Justin Verlander." Tony spoke out, eventually emitting a HUGE yawn, and only watching roughly 10 more minutes of TV before finally turning it off to go to sleep.


*HHHHHHNNNNNGGGGGHHHHH* I emitted, getting up from a good night sleep and having my eyes twitch from the sunlight emitting through my window. It was a clear and sunny day in the middle of March, and I had just woken up from the first good night sleep I had in my new apartment.

I quickly got up and opened my laptop to check for anything new emails, though I didn't have any. "Might as well upload this video I took...." I then thought to myself, as I quickly accessed the video of myself bowling from several days earlier on my PC, and started uploading it to Youtube since I forgot to do so beforehand.

I quickly went into the bathroom, brushed my teeth, and then hopped in the shower to wake myself up completely, especially knowing that this would be the first time I'd be on my own schedule without anyone else with me to get me out of bed, besides my phone's alarm clock.

I took a semi-cold shower to officially widen my eyes as much as possible and to get my blood flowing, got my clothes on (luckily I didn't have to wear a fancy suit to my job, I didn't like wearing suits), equipped my phone & wallet after letting the bowling video upload, put my shoes on and my Boston Red Sox sweatshirt hoping that I wouldn't get jumped by a Yankees fan, grabbed my Wolf's Rain shoulder bag, and finally headed out the door down to the street.

"They wanted me by 10.....it's 9:40 and I doubt I'll make it by foot..." I said to myself, quickly pulling out my G2 phone and noticing that the Daily News headquarters was about a good 15 blocks away from my apartment.

"TAXI!!!!" I yelled on the sidewalk. Not many people were passing by me since the apartment I lived in wasn't in the nicest area of the city, since there were many other apartment buildings near the one I was staying at.

I was finally able to flag down a cab after a few passed by me carelessly. Unfortunately, when I got inside the old taxi, the seats were somewhat ripped and the entire car had bits and pieces of trash inside it. Not to mention that it reeked BADLY as well. The guy driving the run down piece of shit cab was some old fat hog that looked like he blew every single dollar he made on booze and fast food. I figured that this would be the last time I take a cab to work, let alone after my first day at the office.

As I got to the daily news headquarters after a 10 minute drive (which was about 1.5 miles away in traffic) , I quickly got out of the cab, paid the $3.10 fare and quickly saw the Hog leave the populated area I was at.

"Thank god I'm out of that piece of shit car.... *Pant pant*" I exclaimed to myself, taking a few deep breaths as I tried to get over from the terrible stench that filled my nostrils inside that vehicle.

"At least I'm here...." I then happily mentioned, looking up and seeing the large "DAILY NEWS HEADQUARTERS" sign half-way up the tall building in front of me.

I quickly walked up the stairs and into the building, checked in with the receptionist with a few minutes left to spare before 10:00 A.M. officially showed on the clock, and met up with my boss Judy in her room as she asked me to do so when I talked to her on the phone the day beforehand. She was a very nice Red Fox, and her office was just like every other office in the building, with a computer and desk in front of her along with personal belongings around the rest of the small room.

"So how are you doing Mike?" Judy asked me as I sat down next to her.

"I'm pretty good! Feels weird though since this is the first actual day I'm on my own out here haha!" I laughed back, as did she.

"Yeah, we mainly called you to come down earlier than expected since one of our writers suddenly had to go on medical leave. I just figured that I'd go over a few quick things with you, since I had to physically point out a few things instead of just telling you on the phone." She then added, pulling out the newspaper that had just come out today.

"For now, we're just going to need you to help out with reading and editing articles that will be published until we can actually get your column here on the newspaper. Now I just wanted to show you where your column is going to be.....hmmmm...da da da da da da....here we go! Page 8.....ok, see these ads here?" Judy asked, pointing her pen to the giant block of advertisements that were on the 8th page of the newspaper.

"Yep, so that's the amount of space I have to write?" I asked, looking over the newspaper myself and noticing that I had a pretty large amount of space to work with on that page.

"Yes, and in case you don't cover the full page, we'll just fill the rest in with more advertisements. So just make sure you don't write TOO much material, sound good?" The red fox pointed out.

"No problem! Now, in terms of what you actually want me to write.....is there anything specific that you guys are looking for? I mean I know I wrote for the newspaper company back at my town and got transferred here, but I basically wrote an opinion based column. Is there anything I should change?" I asked curiously.

"Try to write things that will draw out an audience. Since this column is only going to be published on Fridays, see if you can appeal to anyone that picks up the newspaper and just randomly scrolls through it. Try to make your articles stand out, cause then you can REALLY go a long way in this company. But in terms of the subjects that you want to write on, you can pretty much write anything you want. Like I said though, try to draw in readers more than anything. Your first article will be published two weeks from Friday, so hopefully you can get the hang of everything and go from there. For now though, we'll be sending you articles to your email address, and all you have to do is proofread them and point out if any changes should be made." Judy pointed out, with me agreeing right back and still looking at the area of the paper that I would be writing on, thinking more about having my own column instead of proofreading other people's material.

"Alrighty then! Thanks a lot for this great opportunity!" I happily exclaimed. "And you guys have my main email address, right?" I then added.

"I'm almost positive we do. This is it, right?" Judy asked, quickly pulling it up on her contact sheet on her computer.

"Yep that's it!" I replied, seeing my main Yahoo email address on there. "Thanks again Judy for everything!" I exclaimed, shaking the fox's hand and heading out of the building with a wide smile on my face.


"Hey there Tony!" "Hey Tony!" "Hey!!!" "Wassup big guy?" Several voices shouted as the big Tiger made his way over to the Kellogg's employees in the Supermarket, taking off his sunglasses and greeting them all back.

"Hey everyone! So I'm guessing that we're doing the same thing we all did yesterday?" The big tiger asked.

"Yep, we're gonna hand out samples of cereal around the store. We're all gonna take turns again in terms of taking breaks and also eating." The female associate pointed out while the rest of the workers were still setting up a couple of tables with all kinds of new cereal products on them, including their most famous product, Frosted Flakes.

"Sounds good Janice! I guess I'll walk around the store a bit then, I might need to actually get some groceries myself heh." Tony said back to the others, with everyone nodding and with Tony eventually walking away from the cereal aisle to get a few things himself.



"Damn.....I should've had breakfast.....guess I better get something to eat..." I said to myself as I walked down the stairs of the Daily News building and eventually onto the sidewalk.

It wasn't long before I noticed that A LOT of people were walking in and out of a building less than a block away from the Daily News Headquarters. When I eventually noticed the type of building that everyone was entering and leaving, I sarcastically shook my head.

"Wow.....a supermarket here right next to my workplace.....talk about convenient!" I happily remarked, walking towards the front entrance of the building that was named "The BIG Apple Mart".

After quickly crossing a road that lead to the GIGANTIC parking lot behind the building, I slowly entered the supermarket, only to be absolutely STUNNED at how big the place was.

"HOLY SHIT!" I thought to myself, noticing how high the roof was over my head, as well as all the food aisles of the store in general.

"Wow! This place makes our Supermarkets look like fuckin gas station convenient stores!" I said to myself, quickly grabbing a cart and still looking around the ENORMOUS area of the supermarket, with tons of food items staring at me left and right INCLUDING imported goods. After putting my shoulder bag inside the carriage, I started walking around the different areas of the store, putting small items in my cart left and right, from Eggs, to Soda, and to Tuna Fish.

I eventually made it to the meat area of the supermarket, which once again stunned me at how large it was. HUNDREDS of different kinds of products were lying in front of me, everything with a different price tag with how much it weighed. When I looked to my right, I noticed that there was a simple packaged piece of steak that I wanted to buy, sort of to treat myself for once since I was out in the city. (especially since it had a hefty price tag on the label)

As I backed up my cart to reach my hand over, I tried grabbing the packaged meat, only to have a large, furry hand grab the other side of the package.

"Oh I'm sorry....did you want to get this?" a low voice then emitted as I slowly turned around, noticing a pretty tall figure hover over me. When I looked up to see what was standing behind me though, my eyes widened larger that I could ever remember.



"Heh yes, that's me hehe..." The orange striped Tiger casually replied, scratching the back of his head and smiling down at me.

My mouth pretty much remained open for a good several moments right there, as a million thoughts were going through my brain as I was standing right in front of the famous Kellogg's mascot. He was unbelievably muscular, and just looking at muscles was enough to make me blush a bit while I just kept looking on with disbelief at the big guy.

"You ok there bud?" The Tiger said as he was looking down at me with almost a worried look, though I broke my train of thought quickly as I slowly replied "Y-y-yeah I'm fine! But....wow! I just can't believe....I'm meeting one of my icons!"

"Awwwww....thanks. I think you had your hands on this first though, so here you go." The Tiger explained, handing over the packaged meat for me to have.

"T-t-thanks Tony......do you know.... if I could perhaps get your autograph?" I then slurred. However, before I could even think straight, a certain part of my body was starting to slowly rise, especially with my heart beating faster and faster as I kept standing in front of the big tiger. I tried my best cover it up by putting the shopping cart in front of me.

"No problem! What's your name?" The Tiger asked back, throwing a few different meat products as well as some other frozen food into his cart.

"M-mike. I actually j-just moved here to the city l-last night." I replied, as my body kept shaking a bit while standing next to the tiger.

"Ah nice! I live down in the Queens area, but I've been traveling around all over the state and to other states for job related matters." Tony pointed out. Before I knew it, the two of us were actually walking side by side with our shopping carts next to each other, grabbing a couple of small items left and right, though I was still nervous as hell and felt my chest beating rapidly while walking next to the big guy.

"Y-yeah I j-just moved here since I got t-transferred down here from Massachusetts to work for the New York Daily News. I'm going to have my own column in the paper once a week, but for now I'm just going to be editing o-other articles. I just actually came from t-there since the building is like only a block from this place." I replied, as the two of us came near the cereal aisle.

"Nice! I hope you enjoy your job there Mike, especially since it's one of the biggest newspaper companies in the country." Tony replied, then adding "Alright, I'm back guys." As he looked towards a group of people (both human and anthro) that looked to be standing around a couple of tables covered with cereal boxes on top of them, along with a bunch of samples to go along with each product. I then noticed that all the people standing near the tables had a small "KELLOGGS" logo on their shirt, so I figured that's why Tony was there in the first place.

"Hey Tony!" "You attract any crowds around the store?" A couple of voices asked.

"Heh...sorry Ben, there's not too many people here today, and most of the people shopping around are pretty old it seems. I've had a few people look at me, but only Mike here has actually said anything to me. And quite frankly, he's been one of the nicest people I've met in awhile." Tony said to the group as he looked as me, which made me heavily blush as the group of people all eyed me, though the group and myself greeted each other after a few moments.

"Oh yeah I forgot, can you grab me a box of Frosted Flakes? I wanna autograph one for Mike here." Tony then added. One of the fellow male humans quickly nodded, and reached down behind one of the tables, pulling out a small box of the cereal, along with a marker to go with it as well.

"Here's a GRRRRRREAT autograph for you Mike." Tony then exclaimed, which made my heart skip a beat as soon as he exclaimed his famous quote. Eventually, he handed me the box of cereal, which read "Best wishes to you Mike and good luck with your GRRRRREAT job! - Tony"

"Thank you so much Tony.....I'm so glad I was able to meet you..." I replied, hugging the box of cereal tightly in my arms as if it was now my most prized possession in the world.

"No problem Mike! I hope everything goes well for you out here!" Tony replied, before he started talking to his co-workers standing next to him. I wanted to stay there to keep talking to the big Tiger, but I also didn't want to act like an overly obsessed fan or a stalker towards one of my icons. I did however say "Thanks once again Tony!"

"Alrighty mike, take care!" Tony replied, waving to me as I walked towards the other end of the supermarket. My member was still bulging pretty noticeably right there, but the shopping cart along with my Wolf's Rain bag and groceries in it blocked anyone from seeing anything out of the ordinary. My heart was still racing as well, as each beat in my chest told my brain that I was not dreaming, and that I did just meet Tony the Tiger for the first time.

Before I knew it, I found myself simply pacing around the supermarket with my carriage, just thinking about what had happened. I finally snapped out of my daydreaming though and started putting a few more items in my cart, before I finally headed to the checkout.

After paying nearly $60 for my groceries, along with me having to explain that the box of cereal I got from Tony was a promotional item and how I wasn't stealing it, I finally headed out of the store, with several grocery bags in my hands along with my Wolf's Rain bag around my shoulder.

"Shit.....I might need to take a Taxi back....fuck...." I then said to myself, looking down and knowing that I was carrying A LOT of items including eggs, which I didn't want to risk breaking. I didn't want to take a Taxi back to my place, especially knowing how bad the last one was that I took to get to this area of the city in the first place, but I figured I really had no choice.

I carefully set down my grocery bags to try to flag down a taxi on the road, but there were no Taxi's coming at all, and the only ones that did pass by me already had people inside them. After 10 minutes of just waiting outside the supermarket with no luck in flagging down any open cabs, I figured I'd just try to make my way home on foot. Before I picked up my bags though, I heard a voice emit near me.

"Oh hey Mike!"

Once again, I turned around and noticed that Tony was standing in front of me, with his sunglasses and Detroit Tigers hat on as well as having several grocery bags of his own in his hands after exiting the front part of the store.

"Oh H-hey there Tony!" I exclaimed, though I was a bit confused though. "Wait, is your car out this way?" I then added, since the parking lot was on the other side of the building. People started walking by us and gave us short glimpses, but I think Tony's sunglasses and hat prevented anyone from blatantly realizing who he was.

"Heh....no, it's actually behind here, but I saw that you were trying to flag down cabs and then I noticed you had all your grocery bags with ya......so I figured I'd come and see if you needed any help!" Tony exclaimed.

I was simply stunned. Was Tony actually offering help to me, someone he had just met only 20 minutes earlier and simply save an autograph to?

"Really? You came to see if I needed help? W-wow! Thanks! Yeah I was t-trying to flag down a taxi, since I don't want to crush any of my groceries walking back, and these bags are pretty damn heavy too." I pointed out, though I was still stuttering as the Tiger stood in front of me.

"Well, why don't you come with me and I'll give you a ride back to your place? How does that sound?" The tiger asked with a smile on his face.


"Y-y-you'd....really....give me a ride back?!" I asked with a VERY surprised look on my face.

"Sure! You're a really nice guy anyway that seems to have a lot of determination. I like that." The Tiger said back.

"T-thank you so much....I really don't know what to say!" I exclaimed. With that said, the two of us walked together with our bags in our hands towards the parking lot on the other side of the supermarket.

"So where do you live anyway?" Tony asked as the two of us started walking past a few cars here and there in the GIANT parking lot.

"It's....roughly a mile in a half from here on Primrose street. I believe the exact address is 127 Primrose." I replied as we started walking near the corner of the lot.

"Ah ok, I don't think I've been that way but we'll just use my GPS to get there."

"Yeah, it's kinda like a back alley type of street with lots of apartment buildings around that area, and I think it's somewhat run down...." I said back, eventually noticing Tony pressing the unlock button on his car key, which then made me notice a Chevy Impala lighting up about 50 feet from us.

"Well I guess everyone has to start somewhere. I think you'll find a nicer place soon though, especially since you have a really good job." Tony replied, opening up his trunk and putting his groceries inside. He then went on and added "Here mike, just throw your groceries in the back seat." I nodded and put my groceries in the car very gently, not wanting to damage the food at all.

I slowly got into the front seat of the car, with my heart beating fast once again as Tony got in right next to me, turning on his car and eventually leaving the parking lot area.

"I'm on my lunch break anyway, so I don't have to be back at the supermarket for a little while-." Tony told me as we started driving on the main street, with the GPS on as it was programed for 127 Primrose Street.

I simply agreed and let the big Tiger drive, but my member quickly started perking up inside my pants again. I was able to slowly cover it while Tony focused on the road, but I still couldn't believe that I was sitting right next to Tony himself, let alone be in his car.

As we kept driving and got near the stop light that eventually lead to Primrose street, I quickly realized that my time with Tony would be up really quickly, and I then thought that I might not get another chance to see the big guy again. I was trying to think of something quickly to ask Tony so that I could perhaps see him again without coming off as someone who may sound like an obsessed fan. Right then and there though, I quickly realized what Judy had told me earlier at the Daily News, and it was like a light bulb instantly turned on inside my brain.

"Hey Tony.....I wanted to ask you something....." I kinda slurred, though I still was glad I was able to just talk right there instead of remaining completely overwhelmed by the Tiger's appearance in the car with me.

"Yeah Mike? You don't have to be nervous, you can ask me anything heh." Tony said back with a grin, looking right at me before making a right turn onto Primrose street.

"Well, since I'm going to be writing my own column for the daily news in a couple of weeks....do you know if I could perhaps..... interview... you.... for my first column?" I asked with a bit of hesitation, since the last thing I wanted to do was say something stupid in front of Tony.

"Of course you can! I think that would be GRRRRREAT for your first article!" Tony replied back laughing, as did I. I also kinda blushed right there, but then I noticed that the GPS inside the car mentioned "YOU HAVE ARRIVED AT....127 PRIMROSE STREET."

"Wow that was quick heh. Thank you so much though Tony for driving me back, I REALLY appreciate it." I said with a big smile as Tony temporarily parked the car in the 10 minute spot on the side of the street.

"It's nothing Mike! I'll be at the supermarket over the next couple of weeks anyway, so you'll most likely find me there anytime you wanna drop by and talk! Tony replied back as I got out of the car and grabbed my groceries out of the back seat.

"Alrighty, I'll be sure to stop by then over the next couple of days. Thanks again!" I finally exclaimed with a smile, closing the car door to see Tony giving me a thumbs up, while I took my grocery bags along with my Wolf's Rain bag and headed into my apartment. I looked back one final time near the entrance of the building to see Tony's car drive off, and I blushed again, knowing that I think I just became friends with my idol.

The rest of the day passed by normally, as I continued to unpack my belongings and finally cooked myself up a decent meal, though I still definitely needed to work on my cooking skills since I didn't have much experience when it came to preparing my own food. As each minute of the day kept passing by though, I just couldn't get the thoughts of Tony out of my mind. His physique, his voice, and his overall figure kept my member alive nearly the whole time when I was thinking about him in my apartment.

"If only I could have him as a mate...." I thought to myself as I started browsing the internet on my laptop, quickly posting on my Furaffinity account that I met the big Tiger. Unfortunately, I didn't get any responses the whole night on my account, but then again, I didn't have many watchers in the first place.

After I had posted everything about the Tiger on the sites I was a part of, I quickly hit up on my email to see that a few new messages were awaiting for me to read, and they all happened to be from the Daily News. I quickly opened the messages to see that there were several articles that needed to be reviewed already, so it did throw me off knowing that I already had to get working on a few things right then and there in my apartment. However, when I opened up the emails that had the articles included, I carefully read through each one and only found a couple of very small mistakes, and the job ended up being really easy. I was able to breeze through each article one by one after a short while, though my work did end up occupying the rest of the day for me, ESPECIALLY because as I kept sending back each article, I seemed to get a new email right after with another article for me to look at.


"Finally home....man that traffic sucked" Tony said to himself, throwing his stuff down on the couch and putting his stuff away once again.

"I think I better go work out....it's been a couple days since I lifted anything...." Tony then thought, taking off his coat and sunglasses, quickly heading upstairs to get changed into his gym clothes.

As the tiger started to get changed, he put his cell phone down on his burrow, only to then hear a loud vibrating noise emit from it along with his "Eye of the Tiger" ringtone. Tony quickly looked at the phone display, noticing that the contact info on the phone displayed the name "JAMES".

"Hey James!" Tony exclaimed into the phone, still taking his clothes off, exposing his muscles inside his bedroom while holding his cell phone to his ear.

"Hey there Tony! How's it going?" James replied happily into the phone.

"Good! Good! I've been working in the city a lot lately, how bout you and Ord?"

"Well, Ord's sleeping right now, but we've been traveling a lot lately. We're actually in Chicago right now. OH by the way tony, I forgot to tell you, I got called back to be part of the next Monsters Inc. Movie!"

"REALLY?! They're making another one?! That's GRRRRREAT!"

"Hehehehe, thanks Ton. So..... anything else happening lately?"

Tony then immediately though about what he did today....and quickly realized that he was nearly dazing off while holding the phone and finishing changing into his gym clothes.

"Tony? TONY?"

"Oh sorry Sull.....I was just thinking a bit about this really nice guy I met today....I gave him a ride back to his place but other than that, nothing else happened.

"Oh? Tony meeting someone? What was he like? Hehehe...."

"Well....he was a nice looking human....brown hair, probably 6 feet tall, looked to be in his early 20's. He seemed to be average weight too, but not really muscular. Either way, we talked for quite awhile today and became really good friends. By the way.....Sull...."

"Yeah Tony?" The voice emitted from the cell phone.

"Don't tell this to anyone....but I....I like him....I mean I know that we just met today, but he was really cute and I think he felt the same way back. Then again, I'm not sure if he's into that type of thing."

"Your secret is safe with me big guy. You should get to know him more, maybe you two will perhaps become more than just friends, you never know! Hehe."

"Heh, thanks James. Tell Ord I said hi by the way, and I hope you guys enjoy Chi-town."

"Thanks! We'll both come visit ya in a couple of weeks Ton, and I hope you enjoy your new "friend." Hehe."

"Alrighty, catch ya later!" Tony exclaimed smiling, finally hanging up his cell phone. After changing into only his gym shorts along with a jockstrap, Tony walked downstairs and headed into his basement, where he started to work out heavily throughout the remainder of the night in his mini-gym.

*Pant...Pant* Damn....it's getting fucking hot in here!" The Tiger thought after benching 400 pounds all by himself, being covered in sweat from head to toe after doing many sit-ups, pull-ups, free lifts, and finishing out on the bench press.

"These are drenched....might as well take them off...." Tony mentioned, pulling down his shorts and only leaving his jockstrap on, though his member ended up protruding from it.

"There.....much better." Tony muttered with a bit of a sigh of relief, grabbing one of his weight bars that had 50 pound weights on each side, and started free lifting the bar without any problems.

"Unf......mmnnff...." Tony mumbled, lifting up the bar for the 30th time up to his chin. However, when he was done, he was about to put the bar down when he noticed that his member was sticking out full force, as each lift seemed to make every single muscle of the Tiger go to work.

"Man! That.... was productive....." *Pant....Pant* Tony murmured as he was catching his breath and putting his shorts back on, eventually turning off the basement lights to head back upstairs. Tony quickly headed into his office to hit up on his email and check a couple other websites before taking yet another shower, and eventually heading off to bed for the night.


"DONE....." I nearly shouted in my bed as I sent back my final email to the Daily News, finishing giving small edits to each article that I had to read upon, which made my brain feel pretty tired after all the typing on my laptop.

As it was getting late into the night, my work was done, but my mind started shifting its thoughts as to what went on today while I was downtown. The thoughts of literally being friends with Mr. Tony himself made me just want tomorrow to come unbelievably badly, so that I could go see the big guy again. As I started thinking about the Tiger stud though, my penis quickly started to tell me that I wasn't the only thing that wanted Tony. I figured I'd let out everything, quickly pulling down my pants, but also putting away my laptop and my tethering G2 phone so that I could lay down under my bed covers to keep myself warm and also productive.

With each little stroke of my hard cock, the thoughts of Tony kept going through my mind as to how badly I wanted him, though unfortunately I could only see it as a fantasy, since the last thing I expected was to actually be more than just a friend to the Tiger.

The thoughts of me perhaps making out with the big guy just made my cock twitch even more, as my body heat started to rise while I continued to think about all the unbelievably hot images processing through my brain as to what I wanted to have happen. However, as I kept on doing this, I realized that my eyes were twitching too, as if they were going to close any second to let my brain actually rest. I kept stroking myself little by little, but before I knew it, I felt nothing as I finally dozed off in my bed and passed out for the night.

Two days had now passed, and it was now a rainy day on a typical Friday. I woke up, though I started shaking a little since it was a pretty cold day, and the heater wasn't exactly working to its fullest extent. I was also shaking though because of my thoughts of Tony, mainly because over the course of the last two days, I was able to talk to him but only very briefly, as he seemed to be pretty occupied with his work especially since he had to face people interviewing him left and right from what it seemed. I also didn't want to make myself look like I was obsessed over him either, mainly because of all the people that had been around him over the last couple of days.

My work was also preventing me from having a flexible time schedule to myself, since my phone and computer were getting hit up by emails left and right of articles that needed to be reviewed & edited. It was literally making my head hurt, and just thinking about it made me wonder if I really wanted to continue doing this. I did also figure though that the editing job would only last for a couple more weeks, since Judy told me that the person that went on medical leave would be coming back near the end of the month, in which I would finally be able to start writing my own column and have much more freedom with my work.

I quickly got out of my bed and took a typical shower, but my member kept telling my brain each day that passed that it wanted to be stroked with every thought of Tony processing in my head. Whether it was in my bed, in my shower, or even in front of Tony himself, my penis was more lively than it ever had been before, and the same thing could be said in terms of how much I wanted to have a relationship too.

After a nice hot shower, I brushed my teeth, got dressed, and checked my phone and computer to see if there was anything I needed to edit or review.

"Sweet! No new emails......guess I can go out for a little bit...." I said to myself, as my phone showed "10:45 A.M." on the clock.

I grabbed my things and decided to head out to explore the city a bit, taking my laptop and my phone with me, along with my keys and wallet. I also grabbed an umbrella since it was still raining pretty hard as I looked out the window. I finally headed down to the street though with my Wolf's Rain bag around my shoulder again, and started walking towards the Daily news building and also the Big Apple Mart.


"I.....wonder if he's doing ok....." Tony thought to himself, parking his car again at the supermarket, though the lot this time was pretty empty compared to the past couple of days.

"Shit....where's my umbrella...." Tony asked himself, rummaging through the back seat and finding nothing. He eventually opened his trunk though and got out of his car, with the rain hitting his body pretty intensely.

"Come on.....there we go...." *FOOF*

The Tiger's clothes got pretty damp but he was able to head into the Big Apple Mart without any more problems. When he walked inside, he noticed that there were only a handful of people actually shopping around the area.

"Oh hey Tony! Glad to see ya cause Janice wanted to talk to everyone as a group." One of the male Kellogg's workers exclaimed to Tony as the Tiger walked into the Supermarket.

"Oh yeah? What's up?"

"Let's go find out, cause she hasn't told me anything." The male human said back, and the two went to the cereal aisle, only to notice that there was only one table set up and it looked like several people were actually already packing their belongings.

"Hey guys, Tony's here!" The human exclaimed as both himself and Tony walked down the long aisle, eventually meeting up with the other workers.

"Hey Tony!" Several voices replied, though Janice was looking through some paperwork and talking on her cell phone.

"Hey everyone.....wow it's pretty dead here today heh."

"Yeah....about that....I think we're going to be cutting back today...." One of the human associates said to the Tiger.

"Really? Wow..... I wasn't expecting that." Tony replied.

"Alright guys, it's official, the company only wants 3 of us to be here today. Also, just to let you know Tony, you can stay if you want, but you don't have to." The human female explained to everyone. Out of the 8 people around the table though, only a couple actually wanted to take the day off.

"Hey you know what....Janice, do you think everyone that wants to stay could just work today if I leave instead?" Tony asked curiously, since he knew how much everyone else wanted their paychecks.

"Hmmmm....well Ben and Sarah here said they'd take the day off, so if you leave that would make 5 of us....I'll see what I can do I guess." Janice said back, which brought a smile to everyone's face.

"Wow....thanks Tony!" "Thanks big guy!" "Thank you so much Tony...." It seemed like the big tiger was bombarded with the word "Thank you" left and right, but he was happy to bring a smile to everyone else's faces.

"I gotta do some shopping around here, I'll talk to you all later!" Tony then told everyone else.

"Alrighty, see you tomorrow Tony!" Janice replied, and nearly everyone else exclaimed the same thing.

With that said, Tony had to grab some more groceries, so he proceeded to head back to the front of the supermarket to grab a cart and proceed to shop around the store.

As the Tiger grabbed most of the groceries that he needed, he stopped by the healthcare aisle, looking for a specific type of shampoo to grab as well as a couple of other specific products.

"Damn.....guess they don't have it here..." The Tiger thought to himself, noticing that each product down the aisle seemed to have a lower amount of stock than usual. "Guess I have to check somewhere else for it."


I guess I had failed to realize that my priorities were caught WAY off guard when it came to walking to the Daily News building and the Big Apple Mart, mainly because I found a bowling alley on the main street right around the corner from the street I lived on, and it was only about a 4 block walk from my place altogether. I guess all the work I had done over the last few days, combined with meeting Tony made me lose my sense of surroundings.

"YES!" I exclaimed, watching all ten pins go down on the lane I was on, even though I was using a house ball and house shoes as well. The bowling alley I was at was called "Kings" and it was REALLY nice, as it literally had an electronic menu right on the scoreboard of each lane, letting you order what you wanted right there. The place was also PRICEY though, as each game cost $5.50 to bowl, though I figured I'd treat myself being in New York City and also since I hadn't bowled in about a month in a half.

I found myself eating a REALLY good cheeseburger while I bowled, combined with me finishing up my game where I had 5 strikes in a row to finish. I watched the scoreboard light up with the final number being 216 for my final game of the day there, which happened to be my highest.

"I should come here more often!" I said to myself, as I loved the environment of the place in general despite the prices of the place. After paying for my games and my food, I headed out of the center feeling really good, though my muscles felt somewhat tired after all the bowling I just did.

Unfortunately, when a gust of cold air hit me as I walked outside, it actually made me nearly lose my balance. The wind had picked up HEAVILY in the city, although the rain wasn't as bad.

As I tried walking towards the Daily News which was still a good mile away from me, each step felt like it was trying to walk almost through a hurricane. The sheer force of the wind made me literally stop into small stores/buildings every couple of minutes to either catch my breath or to just warm myself up. I wanted to just get over there to the headquarters, mainly because I wouldn't have to worry as much when heading out since the wind would be almost carrying me while I'd be heading back.

"I can't get over that wind out there!" A store worker exclaimed as I happened to stop in a CVS.

"Yeah I know! It's ridiculous!" I replied, shaking off my clothes that were pretty wet. I figured I did need a couple of things at CVS for my bathroom, and I knew that I'd rather get a few of the things I needed here instead of waiting for the wind to calm down.

"Ah sweet! It's on sale!" I said to myself, grabbing a bottle of shampoo and body wash that cost only $3 altogether after walking down the healthcare aisle of the pharmacy. I then noticed several other items were on sale though in that same aisle that also had some candy products, and I found myself looking through everything on sale before I knew it.


"Jesus! That wind sure is something out there!" Tony said to himself, walking into the CVS after parking his car in the 15 minute lot right outside. "Excuse me ma'am, where is the shampoo at?" The Tiger then asked one of the cashiers there.

"I believe it's down aisle 6. Hey wait....are you....Tony the Tiger...?" The female worker asked.

"Guilty as charged heh." Tony replied back smiling.


My heart immediately received a jolt of adrenaline after I heard the words emitting from the front counter.

"Wait....did I just hear....Tony?" I asked myself, picking up a package of Tic-tac mints along with my other bathroom products, and walking towards the front area of the store. Each step made my heart race more and more, and when I finally made it to the front, I felt like my heart was about to jump out of my body. The big Tiger sure enough was having a small conversation with the cashier behind the counter, though there was no one else around the store it seemed.

"This is my big chance.....oh god...what do I say to him...." I thought to myself, with my face turning red and my body shaking a big while approaching the cashier with my goods that I was about to buy.


"Yeah my children absolutely love watching you on TV, They'll be floored when I tell them I met you in person."

"Haha! Let me sign something for them!" Tony replied. The cashier nodded and looked around for something to grab, but she couldn't seem to find anything.

"Hmmmm...I don't think I have anything....." she replied.

"How bout I do a favor for you....hang on I'll be right back....Oh! Hey Mike!" The tiger said, looking at me after finishing talking to the cashier and noticing that I was standing near him with a few products in my hand. My face was still red, and I almost couldn't muster up any words right there.

"H-h-hey To-ny! I'm surprised..... to see you here!" I slurred out kinda badly.

"Haha well I was just at the supermarket and there's barely anyone there, so they cut back the staff for our table today. I was just shopping there but they didn't have what I was looking for so I came here. How's things going with you?" Tony asked me as he started walking down one of the aisles, with me following behind him.

"Pretty...good.....I've been working a lot over the last couple of days editing articles.....but it's been pretty tiring." I explained. Tony nodded, and ended up actually grabbing a box of Frosted Flakes as we both walked through the cereal aisle of the Pharmacy.

"Well don't overwork yourself bud. Everyone needs to take a break once in awhile."

Tony quickly went back to the cashier, pulling out his wallet and paying for the cereal right then and there.

"Now do you have a marker?" Tony then asked the woman behind the counter.

"Y-yeah! Here you go Mr. Tony." The woman replied, still seeming a bit overwhelmed that Tony was standing in front of her.

"Please, just call me Tony. It just sounds weird being called "Mr." hehe." Tony replied, signing the box of cereal for the woman and happily giving the box to the Woman with a big smile on his face.

"Thank you so much Tony. My children will love it" The woman said back. I smiled as I watched on a few feet away from the two. After Tony finished exchanging his best wishes to the woman, he started walking back down another aisle to continue shopping. I quickly followed the Tiger, though I didn't follow too closely. I did want to pop the question of whether or not I could interview the big guy though, and since we were practically the only two shoppers in the entire store, this was a chance that I pretty much couldn't afford to miss.

We both walked down the hair care products aisle, and Tony eventually started looking through the brands of shampoo.

"Hey Mike....did you get some shampoo yourself there?" Tony asked, pointing at the bottle I was holding in my hand.

"Y-yeah, I just grabbed a couple that were on sale though, here's the kind that I grabbed...." I replied, showing Tony the bottle of Suave that I was holding.

"Hey! I use the same brand! What a coincidence!" Tony pointed out. It kinda took me off guard, though I smiled back and said "Ah nice! It's on sale so you should grab some."

"Yeah I'll grab a few bottles. I was kinda stunned they barely had any at the Big Apple Mart, and the only kinds they had were ones that I'm not too fond of."

I nodded back at the Tiger, but then realized that he was heading for the checkout after grabbing a couple of other items from the aisle we were in.

"S-say Tony....could I ask you a question?" I murmured, which caused Tony to stop walking and turn towards me with a curious expression on his face.

"Yeah Mike?" Tony replied.

"Well.... I know you said I could interview you.... for my article.... even though I have a couple of weeks before I officially get my own column, but do you mind....if I could interview you today?" I asked with my head down, not really giving direct eye contact to Tony at all the whole time.

"Don't be so shy Mike, of course you can!" The big Tiger said to me, giving a wide smile and a thumbs up, then adding "Hey, since I have the rest of the day off, wanna go out to eat and do the interview there? I'll treat ya."

My eyes widened, but I quickly smiled back and nodded, which ultimately took a huge weight off my chest even though I didn't know why I was being so nervous around the Tiger. It was almost the same feeling I had when I first met him a few days ago, but knowing that he wanted to have lunch with me made my mind produce a thousand different thoughts right then and there.

"A-alrighty then! Where do you wanna go?" I asked back, as the two of us walked up to the female cashier again, who was still a bit speechless over the fact that Tony was standing in front of her.

"Anywhere you want to Mike, I'm treating. Matter of fact, you helped me with that shampoo too so lemme pay for your things as well."

"Wait....r-really?" I asked, not expecting Tony to offer to pay for my things even though I was only holding some shower products and Tic-Tac mints.

"Yeah it's nothing. Besides, that's what friends are for, right?" The Tiger said to me, giving a wink while the cashier rang up all the items. My heart jumped again as I nodded back, and it even made me blush again after he said everything. The two of us proceeded to the exit of the Pharmacy, and noticed that the trees were still moving pretty rapidly by the wind outside of the store.

"T-thanks Tony....I guess I'm still a bit overwhelmed by the fact that I'm standing next to you, but then again, I'm guessing most people feel the same way and don't really get to know who you really are." I pointed out.

"Yeah....most people seem to like me for who they see on TV....but you're not like that. And I'm kinda glad too, cause we're friends now because of it heh." *WHISH*

"Y-yep! Oh man....this wind is not letting up....." I nearly shouted.

"Here Mike, get into my car!" Tony pretty much shouted back, quickly running to the driver's seat of his Impala, with me agreeing and getting into the passenger's seat just as fast.

"Whew! That's crazy out there!" I exclaimed, nearly catching my breath from the sheer force of the wind outside.

"Yeah it is! Anyway.....*VROOM* Where do you wanna go?" Tony asked as he started up his car.

"Hmmmm...any café's or sub shops around here?" I asked the Tiger. The tension that was building inside me finally seemed to be releasing from my body, and I felt a bit more relaxed as I was in the car with the big Tiger.

"Yeah, there's a couple around here, I think I passed by one on my way down here. Wanna go check it out?"

"Sure!" I happily responded. With that, the two of us drove off and headed down the main street, noticing very few cars on the road and people struggling to just stay on their feet from the sheer wind gusts on the sidewalks.

"I feel sorry for anyone walking out here....This is crazy." I said softly.

"Yeah it is. Oh look, I think I see it! Yep there it is!" Tony pointed out. I noticed that there was a sign hanging on the side of the long line of buildings saying "JILLIANS PIZZA & SUBS".

"Wanna eat here?" Tony asked, parallel parking his car almost right next to the restaurant.

"Yeah sure!" I happily replied, waiting for Tony to finish parking. He eventually turned off his car, and the two of us got out of the vehicle.


"Hot damn!" I yelled, nearly sprinting for the door of the restaurant, quickly opening it for Tony and myself to get in. The restaurant was pretty nice as it had several booth seats and even a couple arcade games as well. As we both went up to the front counter to order some food, the few people there couldn't help but stare at the big Tiger that was standing next to me.

"H-hi there! What can I get you guys?" The male horse asked the two of us with a bit of a stutter.

"What do you want Mike? Pick whatever you'd like" Tony insisted to me with a smile.

"Hmmmmm...wow there's a lot here. I guess I'll just get a cold cut sub with mayo and lettuce, and I guess I'll get some French fries with it too." I told the horse, who wrote down my order as I grabbed a bottled drink.

"I guess I'll have the chicken parmesan sub" Tony then said after me, still looking at the choices from the menu above.

"If I may ask, are you Tony the Tiger?" The horse quietly mentioned to the Tiger.

"Yes that's me heh. I guess I can't hide myself even in normal clothing it looks like hehe."

"Oh wow! It's an honor Tony. I'm a big fan of yours. Anyway, that will be $14.75."

Tony handed a $20 bill to the cashier, then adding "Just keep it" with another wide grin. The horse thanked the big Tiger and wrote down the order, giving the slip to the other workers there to start preparing the food.

"Wanna sit over here?" I asked Tony, pointing to a booth that was next to the window, which was also near the arcade games. There were couple of games I wanted to play right then and there when I noticed they had Pac-man, Galaga, and even my favorite game, Virtua Fighter. At the same time though, I had a job to do, and that was to interview the big tiger while we were eating out. The two of us settled in, and I took my bag off my shoulders, pulling out my laptop to boot everything up to interview the big guy as he sat across from me.

"Alrighty here.....ok, lemme just start up word here.....done! Alright, so.....I guess I'll start off with a few basic questions." I said to Tony. He simply nodded and just looked at me almost like he seemed excited to be a part of the interview.

"Ok....for starters, how long have you been with Kellogg's?" I asked, typing in my own question into my laptop.

"Well I've been with them for awhile, I think since 1989 but I was pretty young then. I mean I'm almost 30 now so I guess the years have just flown right by heh."

I nodded and typed everything into my laptop, quickly thinking about what to ask him next.

"So....have you ever been able to make it through a single day without anyone....you know, asking for autographs, pictures, or whatnot? And do you like the attention you receive?"

"Hahaha....that hasn't happened in awhile, but then again, I don't mind giving out autographs and pictures. Sometimes it does take its toll, but most of the time I've been able to bring smiles to people's faces, which makes me happy in the end."

I smiled, nodding again and typing everything in. "Alrighty...let's see....oh wait, I think our food is ready Tony." I then pointed out, as it looked like our two subs were on the counter of the restaurant where we ordered. I quickly got up and went to the counter, noticing that it was indeed our food.

"Thanks guys!" I told everyone working behind the counter, and brought the tray of food back to our table.

"Wow that looks good!" Tony then exclaimed as I put the tray down, moving my laptop so we could both eat.

About roughly 15 minutes passed, and we ended up finishing our plates, eating our subs as well as the French fries.

"How good was it?" Tony asked, taking one final bite out of his sub.

"It was.....well.....GRRRREAT!" I replied with a bit of emphasis on the last word, though I felt a bit embarrassed after. Tony's face lit up though, and he was laughing along with me.

"Haha! Maybe one day you could be my substitute!" Tony replied with a big smile again.

"Heh I wish, I'm nowhere as good as you are Tony. Thank you very much for lunch though, it really was good."

"It's nothing Mike. We're friends now, remember? You don't have to treat me like I'm your boss or something heh."

"Heh, alright. Do you wanna finish the interview I guess?" I asked, pulling my laptop back towards me, and also feeling a bit excited after hearing what Tony had just said to me. I still couldn't help but be a tad nervous around the big guy though, since I obviously didn't want to do something stupid and have him look at me the wrong way.

"Ok....lemme think here.....oh I got a good question, what do you do when you're not promoting Frosted Flakes?" I curiously asked.

"Well I love to work out, that's my biggest hobby. But I also like sporting activities like Basketball, Baseball, Racquetball, Bowling, and Football too. "

"Oh? You like Bowling?? I'm a huge bowling person heh" I said to Tony while typing in everything he just told me. I was also not surprised when he mentioned how he loved working out, as his muscles stood out more than anything from his arms, shoulders, and legs too. What I would've given just to feel them right then and there after looking at them.

"Yeah, but I haven't bowled in awhile. Been too busy with other things." He said back to me, scratching his head.

"Maybe we should go bowling sometime?" I then curiously asked.

"Yeah definitely!"

"Alrighty then! Lemme think...alright, here's a couple more questions and I think this should cover most of my article. Do you think.... that the cereal business is going to be affected at all with this debt crisis? Do you also think that the cereal business would be different without you?"

Tony thought for a minute and then replied "I doubt the cereal business would be affected, after all, breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and I do think that I have certainly helped Kellogg's become a name that everyone knows no matter where they go now."

"Good point, I doubt that it will be affected myself." I mentioned, typing in the rest of the question along with Tony's response into my laptop. "And that's a wrap!" I then happily mentioned, putting away my laptop into my bag.

"That's GRRRREAT Mike! When did you say it would be published again?" Tony asked as the two of us got out of our seat, throwing away the food plates and returning the food tray.

"I think it's gonna be 2 weeks from now exactly. Then again, I just hope that nothing else comes up that will get me involved in a side job, cause that has worn the shit out of me." I told the Tiger. Tony nodded and the two of us headed for the door, opening it and feeling the door swing open swiftly due to the wind gusts.

"Get in quickly again!" Tony exclaimed, unlocking his car and quickly running to his side again, with me doing the same for the passenger seat.

"Man! When will this wind stop?!" I complained.

"Not sure, but I don't think anyone was expecting it to be this bad today."

"Well my article is pretty much good to go.....what do you wanna do now?" I asked as the two of us sat in the car.

Tony thought for a moment, but then asked "Well....are you doing anything else today?"

My heart started pumping more and more, with my mouth eventually muttering out "N-not that I know of.....what did you wanna do?"

"Well, I know you mentioned you wanted to go bowling, wanna do that now?"


"Whoa.....you hear that? Oh damn, look!"

A huge gust of wind hit the stop light roughly a half block ahead of us so hard, that it caused it to literally come off its hinge, and ultimately fall on the street.

"Wow! Maybe we shouldn't hang around here heh." Tony mentioned, turning on his car and quickly turning onto the opposite side of the street easily, since there were still barely any cars on the road.

"Well if you wanna go bowling, we could do that, though I did go bowling earlier. But I'm down for whatever you wanna do Tony" I told the tiger with a smile on my face.

"Then let's go bowling then! Heh."

It was now 1:45 P.M. as we both arrived at the Kings bowling alley. Unfortunately, we then noticed there were no lights on in the building after we quickly got out of the car and ran to the door. It didn't take long for the two of us to realize what happened around the area in general.

"WHAT HAPPENED?" I pretty much had to yell to Tony even though he was standing next to me, though the wind was stronger than ever at this point, feeling like it was gusting over 60 MPH.

"I DON'T KNOW! I THINK THE POWER WENT OUT!" Tony replied. The two of us quickly ran back to Tony's Impala parked on the side of the main street, though trying to get the car doors open was like trying to push a door open with 100 pounds of weight added to it with the force of the wind.

*pant...pant* Ok.....*pant...pant* I guess I'll just head back to my apartment." I told Tony, who nodded and started his car again, though having to turn on his GPS again. After telling him my address once more, we were off in his car heading back to my place.

It only took roughly a couple of minutes to get back to my apartment, and as Tony parked his car in the apartment lot, I noticed that the wind didn't sound to be as intense outside the car. I then realized....that Tony didn't have anything else to do today, and that it would sound a bit rude if I just said goodbye to him right there.

"Tony....wanna.... come check out my place inside?" I asked with a bit of a slur.

"Yeah sure! I have nothing else to do today like I said before heh."

I nodded back and slowly opened the car door and felt the cold air hitting my body, though it wasn't as bad as before.

"Alright let's hurry in before this wind picks up again!" I exclaimed to the Tiger. He agreed and quickly got out after me, following me quickly to the front door of the staircase of the apartment building.

"Like I said before Tony, this place is a bit run down unfortunately heh."

"Well you'll find a better place soon, I'm sure of it." Tony replied and gave me a wink. I didn't really know if he was trying to tell me something right then and there or if he was just being nice to me.

"Here we go, room 305." I pointed out, unlocking the front door and opening the door to let the big tiger inside.

After a bit of looking around, Tony quickly mentioned "This place ain't so bad! I mean you have several things in here that most people would be jealous of!"

"Heh, well, I love my electronic devices. I haven't really watched my TV too much though over the last few days I've been here. I guess I'm still settling in." I told Tony, taking off my sweatshirt and shoes, throwing my things on the kitchen table.

I then realized that my place actually still had power.

"Wow, I guess we got lucky that nothing blacked out here." I said with a bit of a sigh of relief.

"Yeah that's good. Well it's now 2:15, what do you wanna do? Heh." Tony asked curiously.

Once again, my mind was filling up with thought after thought of what I wanted to do, but I was also somewhat tired from the bowling and the sheer force of the wind that just took my breath away. Not to mention that I didn't really get much sleep the night before, and the side effects were starting to kick in from that.

"Wanna just watch a movie or something? I think I have On Demand but I haven't really tested it out yet." I asked, stretching a bit.

"Yeah sure! Tony told me, sitting down on my couch. I couldn't believe that I was able to control my member from popping up in front of him or around him the whole time I had been around the big guy today, but then again, I guess the cold weather and my tiredness made it somewhat hard to do so.

I slowly walked over to the Tiger as he sat on the end of my decent sized blue couch that came with the apartment when I rented it. I sat down near him, but not too close to the tiger stud as I turned on my decently sized HDTV that also came with the rented apartment.

"Hmmmm...lemme see..." I softly whispered to myself, using the remote to guide through the digital channels, before I finally came to what I was looking for. "There we go, on demand. Let's see what they have...."

Both of us looked through the huge selection of free movies to watch, but we couldn't find anything that really excited us both. As I kept scrolling down though, something caught my eye that I just couldn't turn down.

"Oh look! Happy Gilmore!" I pointed out, highlighting the movie.

"Haha yes! I love that movie!" Tony replied. And with that said, I quickly hit the button to play the movie on my cable box.

Roughly an hour passed as we watched the movie, coming up to the final tournament in the film where Happy Gilmore had to face Shooter McGavin. At this point though, my eyes were struggling to stay open as Tony and I kept watching the movie. I had made some popcorn for the both of us beforehand, though we had almost finished eating the whole bowl.

*YAWN* "Hhhnnngg......" I softly emitted. I kinda wanted to lie down, so I laid my head towards Tony's body, although I was still a couple feet from him.

"Grandma wants me to be happy.....she wants me to be happy...." Were the words that then came from the speakers of my TV from the movie. When it started to show Happy Gilmore's "Happy Place", I pretty much couldn't stay awake any longer after watching that fantasy part.

"Happy....place....." I thought to myself wishing I could be in my own happy place......with the guy sitting next to me. Before I knew it, I had fallen asleep next to Tony.


Tony kept watching the movie, laughing at the best parts but also not really looking to see how Mike reacted to it.

"This is my favorite part....especially when the camera tower comes down..." Tony softly mentioned. "What was your favorite part Mike?


Tony looked over to see the human asleep on the couch, lying down right near him. Tony looked on and smiled. "Awww....."

There was a folded blanket on top on the couch that Tony noticed. He carefully grabbed it and unfolded it, covering it over Mike while he rested.

"You're so cute Mike......hope you sleep well." Tony whispered with a smile, stroking the human's face softly with his large fingers. "Guess I should get going."

Tony got up, though he quickly figured that there was something else Mike needed. He looked over again and noticed that Mike's head was lying flat on the couch, so Tony decided to go into the bedroom to grab a pillow from Mike's bed.

"Sleep well bud." Tony whispered again, softly lifting Mike's head up and putting a pillow under it after coming back to the couch from the bedroom.

Tony stood above the human's body, looking on as to how cute he thought Mike looked.

The tiger kept smiling as he looked on, though he eventually went over to the kitchen table, grabbed a piece of paper, and wrote down a few things on it.

After Tony was done writing, he headed for the door.

The tiger finally softly said "Goodnight Mike, see ya tomorrow." And left Mi=====ke's apartment.


My eyes opened really quickly, though I really had no clue what just happened. I apparently fell asleep on the couch, but I also had a blanket on me as well as a pillow to rest on.

"UNNNGGGGG.....Man what time is it?? Wait....Tony?"

I looked around and noticed that the Tiger was nowhere to be found in my apartment, which slowly made me feel bad. "He....left?" I asked myself, feeling as if I did something that I shouldn't have while I had another guest inside my house, especially someone like Tony. Quickly, my heart started feeling jolts of sudden pain.

"Why....did I do that? Oh shit....I probably have new emails....fuck..." *sighs* I started to feel a bit stressed at that moment, getting up off the couch and heading back to my bedroom.

"Wait...hmmm?" I asked myself as I saw some piece of paper on the Kitchen table that I hadn't noticed before. I went over and picked it up, and noticed that it was a note. I started slowly reading the whole thing.

*Hey Mike, It's Tony. You fell asleep during the last part of the movie it looked like, so I covered you in a blanket and gave you a pillow. You looked like you were happily dreaming away, just like Happy Gilmore in his happy place heh. Anyway, I figured I'd let you sleep for the rest of the night, but if you wanna hang out again, I'll be at the supermarket or if you want to just talk, here's my phone number: 676-***-****.

*o_O* My face really didn't know what to say right then and there after reading that note. Tony gave me his actual phone number, and also covered me up when I was sleeping. My heart was racing from a feeling of stress to a feeling of nervousness, since I was wondering if the big guy actually was trying to send a message to me.

"Does Tony....like me?" I asked myself, reading the note again slowly, but eventually smiling near the end.

I put down the note and then noticed that my clock said "8:45 P.M."

"Damn....I slept a bit too long...." I thought to myself, pulling out some bread and making myself a quick Tuna sandwich to hold me over for a late dinner.

After I was done eating, I went back into my room and quickly popped open my laptop after taking it out of my bag. It took me a few minutes to plug everything into the laptop, but all the devices were eventually up and running again.

"E-mails.....let's see...oh wow! Only 3 new ones!" I said with a bit of a relief. However, one of the emails caught my eye, and made my heart race when I saw it.

"Hi Mike! It's Judy from the Daily News. Could you stop by over the next couple of days here? I wanted to quickly talk to you."

I didn't know how to treat that message, but I quickly got working on the other 2 emails that had articles that needed editing, and I didn't have much time to do so since it was already pretty late at night. Before I knew it, I was working past midnight, typing away and editing everything last minute, which luckily got finished in time.

"Done......" I said to myself, closing out my browser, opening a new one to go on youtube and a few other sites before crashing for the night. The whole time I was on Youtube though, I just couldn't help myself from typing "Tony the Tiger" into the video search bar. Watching the clips of the muscular tiger again simply made me blush, and before I knew it, I found myself stroking off my member to the videos of him.

Faster and faster, each stroke of my penis made it feel like it was getting closer to my climax, and I kept looking at videos of Tony to help my member do so.

"A little more......ohhh!!!! Fuck!!!" I exclaimed, shooting my load onto my body, and even onto my face a bit. I found myself breathing heavily afterward, though I knew that I really wanted to be together with Tony in my mind, and ultimately, in my heart. I quickly got up, cleaned myself off of all the seed on my body, and headed back to my bed to crash for the night.