Date Night

Story by coke on SoFurry

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Well here's another story/dream/fantasy, whatever you want to call it. Yes, these are the same two characters from my last story but this is not the same "timeline." Absolutely no connection between the two stories other than the characters. I don't know that I'll ever take any of my stories any farther than what you see here. (meaning I probably won't add part two to any of them) Basically once I write them, usually only taking an hour or two, I do a once over and abandon them. Maybe one day I might revisit this one or Rough Day but I doubt it.

Also, yes I do actually make the dish that I name in this story, and yes I've been working on it for about a year. I love to cook and I am writing my first cookbook which I need to finish.

And Finally yes I am single these stories are just what I would love for my boyfriend to do for/to me, if I ever find one. If you know of any cute guys in the Tulsa Area you should totally get them in contact with me since I don't really know anyone here.

It was that first at home date night. You know that one you leave early from work to go home and make sure the house is spotless, regardless of the fact you've cleaned every night that week, and you're all cleaned up and trying to stay that way while cooking the most amazing dinner you know how. Yeah it was that date night.

5:40pm...He's supposed to be here at 6. My nerves are starting to ramp up. What if he doesn't like my cooking? What if he's allergic? What if I get something on my new shirt right as he rings the doorbell? I wanted this date to go smoothly, not just because I haven't had one in a long time, but because I actually like the guy - erm dog. No not just your run of the mill four legged friend that you take out to the park for a walk. He's a bipedal human like dog that's the most amazing person I've ever met. At just over 6 foot tall he's taller than me, not by much but just enough. He's lean and muscular, nothing like me, I'm kind of chubby but can hold my own in a fight. Solid black, or at least everything I've seen is black.

5:55pm... Knock, Knock. Crap he's early. Oh well most everything is ready just have to put the finishing touches on the main course before serving it. I go to the door and look out the peep hole. There he is, absolutely gorgeous in what looks to be a new suit. Damn I now feel underdressed in my button down shirt and slacks. You can tell he's a little nervous by the way he's continually shifting his weight back and forth. He has both hands behind his back but I can see a glimpse of some flowers hanging out of his right side. I have half a mind to leave him on the doorstep for a few minutes just to see how nervous he'll get but I can't be that mean to a guy I like. I do one last glance over in the mirror next to the door.

"You're early." I say as I open the door

"And you're gorgeous, so what?" he says with a big toothy grin.

"I'm gorgeous, who's the one wearing the new suit?"

"You like it?"

"I think you look ravishing."

"Good because I bought it just for this."

"Oh you didn't have to do something like that."

"Why not? Why shouldn't I look my best for you?"

"I guess if you look like this then I should probably bring you in off the doorstep." I say blushing as I step aside and back in from the doorway. He steps inside stooping down slightly to place a kiss on my lips. Nothing super passionate; just the run of the mill 'Hi, nice to see you.' As he kisses me he pulls the flowers and the two bottles of wine from behind his back.

Handing me the flowers he said, "I wasn't sure what you were fixing so I brought both red and white."

"Great, Red with dinner, maybe white later with dessert. Make yourself at home."

"Thanks." He unbuttoned his jacket but left it on. He put the bottles of wine in the fridge, placing the white in the very back to keep it ice cold.

Wondering around into the dining room he leans on the counter and stares at me while I'm putting the finishing touches on dinner. "That smells amazing."

"Thanks, it's my famous Braised Beef and Tortellini."

I motion towards the table as I fill two bowls of salad and plate the main dish. He's still standing by the counter as I place the plates at both ends of the candle lit table. "Allow me," he says as he pulls out my chair.

I sit down and he takes his Jacket off and lays it across the back of his chair before sitting down. I'm staring across the table into a pair beautiful brown eyes. He takes a few bites of salad before moving on to the main course.

After taking his first bite of the main course he moans slightly saying, "This is absolutely amazing!"

"Thanks, I've been working on the recipe for the better part of a year."

"Well, you've definitely outdone yourself." I notice as he says this that a small dribbling of sauce made its way down to his shirt.

"You've got a little bit on your shirt."

"Crap," he says wiping it up, "probably wouldn't hurt to take this off before I get any more on it." Standing up he begins to unbutton his shirt, all the while I'm just sitting there trying to eat and not look like I'm completely staring at him. As his tie and shirt come off I see the most amazing set of abs and firm muscular chest. I also see the first inkling that he's not a solid color. A small white diamond sits between his pecs running just shy of his neck where his shirt would cover it all.

"Oh wow, you have an amazing body."

"Thank you," he says taking his seat, "Why don't you let me treat you a little bit. Come over here and let me feed you."

I get up and make my way across the table to him, he lightly pats his thigh. I set down sideways on his lap. He spears a piece of meat with his fork and lifts it to my lips, not bothering to make sure it's not dripping before doing so.

"Watch it or you're going to get it all over me as well."

"Maybe we should prevent that right now," he says as he begins to unbutton my shirt with his free hand.

After taking my shirt off, he placed the bite of meat to my lips. As I take the fork into my mouth I feel a small drop of sauce hit my chest.

"Let me get that," as he leans his head in and that large tongue snakes its way out of his mouth and slides across my nipple, picking up the drip of sauce and keeping it on his tongue he kisses me.

"Somehow I think you're starting to get full." I said shifting my body around to where I was straddling him facing his body. I grabbed his glass of wine and took a mouthful, then leaned in and kissed him half of it. After that kiss all ideas of dinner and dessert were lost as we began making out right there at the dinner table. The feeling of his long tongue working its way inside my mouth or along my neck and jawline was absolutely amazing. I buried my face in his neck enjoying his sent with my hands wrapped around his chest. His hands were working their way up and down my back slowly but surely making their way further down until one of them slid its way down into the back of my pants. Quickly the other one joins it, each one grabbing and kneading one half of my ass.

We continue to make out like this for a while until my cock is so hard it's beginning to hurt being stuck in my pants. I stand up and lean my crotch against his chest as he kisses my stomach. I reach down and undo my pants letting them slide down my thighs a little bit. He leans down and licks the head of my cock. I moan and try working my pants off the rest of the way even though I'm still straddling him. After finally managing to get my pants off, his hands find their way back to my ass as he starts to work my cock over. I start to rub his ears as I slowly, gently thrust into his mouth. I'm getting close, I don't want these feelings to end but I don't know if I can hold back the floodgates much longer.

"I'm going to cum," I moan as I stroke his ears a little harder. He doesn't pull off of me, just keeps kneading my ass and pulling my cock deeper into his mouth. "Ugh, I'm cumming," I hiss as I grab his ears and pull his nose into my pubes. Seven or eight streams of hot man juice work their way out of my body and into his, him happily lapping it all up. As I begin to come down from my orgasm I sink slowly back into his lap.

Sitting there face to face with the most amazing specimen I hoarsely say, "That was amazing."

"You deserve it after a meal like that." He says as his hands are doing something with the dishes behind me. I'm not quite sure what he plans to do next but before I can think too much about it he lifts me up and sets me down on the now partially cleared table. He passionately kisses me as I hear the zipper on his pants slide down and then a rustling of fabric as he works them to the floor. He stands up and his chest is in my face, I slowly work my nose into it kissing what I can as he reaches behind him and pull out what looks to be a bottle of lube out of the pocket of his jacket. Sly dog had this planned from the beginning I bet.

"I'm not sure I'm ready for what you have in mind." I say as I look up into his face.

"You'll be fine and I'll go slow, if it hurts too much I'll stop." He says reassuringly as he looks down at me.

Slowly he eases me back onto the table. With me still looking up to his face he raises my legs up and bends down behind me. I feel the hot breath from his muzzle on my backside. As he gets closer I feel his sandpaper like tongue slide out of his mouth and down the crack of my ass starting at the small of my back and going all the way up to my balls. My head lulls back onto the table as I enter pure heaven. He continues to eat me out for a little bit slowly working his tongue into me to try and loosen me up. When he thinks I'm ready he pulls back and I hear the pop top on the bottle of lube being opened. He lubes up one of his fingers and rubs it across my hole. I slowly feel him enter me. Slowly he works the one finger into me and then another, working his way up to 3 and then reaching in and finding my prostate. He massages my love nut for a few minutes loosening me and as he's doing so I see his other hand begin to work on his own sheath. Slowly I see the red tip of his cock poke out of his sheath and grow. It keeps growing for a long time, each time I take a glance at it; it seems bigger.

"How big are you?" I ask genuinely concerned, mainly about the fit.

"Not much bigger than an above average human," he says smiling.

"I see, well I'm not sure about you tying with me, but if you take it slow we'll see."

With that he slowly works the tip of his cock to my hole. Ever so slowly he eases his monster into me. After letting me relax and get used to it a little bit he begins to thrust into me. Each time getting a little bit more into me. I feel his knot as it pushes against my man pussy but he never tries to force it in. After a good 5 minutes of thrusting he stops; leans down for a kiss and just stays there kissing me. I can feel his cock pulse as it fills me with his seed. I reach down and feel the softball size knot that's still outside of me. If we're going to make this relationship work I know I'm going to have to take that thing eventually but it's not happening tonight. I squeeze and massage his knot feeling him begin to squirt anew inside me. After a while he's still squirting but not as much I pull him out of me and let his cock rest against mine. Jerking and twitching his cock begins to spray my body and his as he rubs it against mine. It's not long before I feel my second climax of the night beginning to build as I wrap my legs around his waist. I grind into him more feeling his hot juice all over me as I begin to squirt my own seed to mix with his.

As we're both coming down from our orgasm I feel his cock slowly retreat back into his sheath. He kisses me a few more times before separating us to look at what has transpired between us. There I am laying on my dining room table covered in both of our spunk. There's even some matted in the hair of his abs and chest.

"Maybe we should get in the shower before dessert." I suggest.

"Yeah, Ok."

I get up, grab him by the hand, and lead him into the bathroom. I turn on the shower and step inside, pulling him in with me. I slowly feel all of the cum that he deposited in me slide down my legs but not the torrent I was expecting. He slowly begins to soap up my back and ass as I let the hot water splash over my face. As he finishes with my back he turns me around and kisses me as he washes my front. I begin to lather him up with shampoo as he continues to kiss me.

After our shower we dry each other off and head back into the dining room. Not worried about dishes at the moment I grab a large piece of key lime pie and a fork. I motion for him to join me in the living room. He sits down and I sit down next to him cuddling up close as we share our dessert.

"This was an amazing date." He says taking the empty plate from my hand and placing it on the end table.

"Thank you." I reply as I lean up and kiss him. "How about we watch a movie now?"

"That sounds great to me," he says as he reaches for the remote and pulling me closer into him until we're both comfortable. While watching our movie we both drift slowly to sleep.