The Wolf and His Prey Chapter 4

Story by Zack_Wolfe on SoFurry

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#7 of The Wolf and His Prey

    Chapter 4 : The truth hurts sometimes.

    Amy awoke. She...

Chapter 4 : The truth hurts sometimes.

Amy awoke. She smiled, so many things have happenend to her lately. She and Zack have been dating for three weeks. Nothing too big has happenend, only kissing. She woke up and got dressed. Today was saturday and Zack was going to take her to the movies. It was her choice between an action movie or a romantic comedy. She thought about it and her mind was made up. She pulled out her phone and sent Zack a message.

_ -Hey wolfie ^-^ are you ready to go? I want to see the Impossible mission_.

-Yeah im ready. Just going to be a couple more minutes though.

-Ok I'll be waiting ^-^ see you soon.

She waited about five more minutes and she heard the familiar engine of Zack's mustang. She walked outside and got in the car. "Hey sexy." said Zack. "Hey Wolfie" Said Amy with a blush. They drove to the theater. After about 10 min of trying to find a parking space they walked inside. "Two to see Impossible mission" said Zack. They got some tickets and a large coke, then walked to their seats. Zack looked around and seen that there was only three other people.

They chose to sit in the back. "With all the parking trouble I thought it would be packed" said Zack. "Everyone else went to see that new comedy, besides I like it better with just the two of us." said Amy. Zack started to cuddle with her. Amy purred as she was being held. Amy started to daze off. Looking at Zack had cause another suprise. Amy was getting an erection and she didn't want Zack to find out and freak out. "Damn why did I choose a short skirt!" Amy reprimanded herself in her head. It was like an elephant poking its head out of a circus tent. She put her purse on her lap. Luckily Zack was too into the movie to notice.

After the movie was over Zack dropped off Amy at her dorm. "I'll swing by in a little while, alright?" Zack said. "Ok then" Amy said with a smile on her face. Zack drove off and Amy went inside. Ten minutes later Amy's stomach growled very loud. She looked around for something to eat. Finding nothing she decided to go to the store quickly before Zack came back.

About two minutes after Amy left Zack came back to spend time with her. Zack pulled up to the small dorm and walked inside. "Hey babe." Zack called out. "Hey are you here?" He said, but no answer came. "Well she knew I'd be coming back." Zack said. He laid down on her pink bed. He checked his phone. Nothing from Amy. He rolled over on his side. He saw Amy's computer, it was still on. "I turn it off for her" He said. Zack got back up sat down in the chair and turned off the screen saver. What he saw shocked him.

She left a porn video on. "Crossdressin kitties 3" . There was a cat who was wearing make up, a skirt, bra, and high heels. Three more furs came in. A wolf, a german shepperd, and a husky. Each of them taking turns fucking the cat and making him do things for them, humiliating things. Zack felt nauseous and guilty after watching. He turned off the computer and saw a black book next to the computer it was left open.

...Things have been going good for me lately. I am very happy being with Zack. He treats me so nice, I can tell that he is serious and wants to be more intimate. I do too, but I don't know if he will still love me. I still haven't told him that I'm a boy, I should have told him to begin with and I feelso guilty. Honestly I don't know how to tell him. I will tell him, but I haven't found the right time. I have decided that if he doesn't love me afterwards I will kill myself. I can't stand to continue life without anyone to show or have affection towards me. I know he cares about me now, but just like everyone else once he knows he leave me.

"What the fuck?" "What the fuck is going on?" is all that Zack could think about. Amy walked through the door. She knew something was wrong, she looked at his face. "You..." was all that Zack said. "Ww..what's wrong!?" Amy said begging to cry. "You lied to me, you made a fool out of me." Zack continued. That moment Amy put everything together. She remembered her diary was open, she forgot to turn off her computer. "I was going to tell you, I really was" Amy began to say, crying as hard as she could her voice still very shaky. "I'm sorry" she said. Zack looked at her no words came out of his mouth. It just laid there open, empty. "Say something!" Amy began to yell visibly shaking and upset. Zack looked at her eyes. "I..I..Listen, I just really need some time to think" Zack said very calmly but still visibly shocked about what had happend. He started to walk to his car. Amy just collapsed into the fetal position on her bed, wepping madly. Both of them thought the same thing. "I hope I wake up from this nightmare soon".

Zack pushed his foot as hard as he could on the gas. He drove out on to the freeway. His mind was racing as fast as his car was. He drove to the one place he could be alone to think. He arrived at the beach. It was getting close to sunset. He began to ask himself questions.

Why did _ HE _ lie to me? Why was HE dressed like a girl? Does that make me gay? Did He like me? Was he ever going to tell me? Did he even care? Does this even change my feelings towards her?

Zack was so confused. what had happened to him? He met someone who he thought was amazing, he loved this person. She had loved him too. He had gotten to know her. Does the fact that she was a boy change anything? Deep down he knew that he still loved her no matter what happenend. He drove back to her dorm. 3 hours had passed.

He knocked on the door. after about a minute Amy came to the door. She was still crying her eyes very red and her fur was messy. He walked inside. Amy didn't want to look at him. Her ears perked up as he finally spoke. "Look." Zack said. Amy didn't move. Zack moved close to Amy. "Look at me please" he said as calm and soothing as he could. He cupped her face and brought her eyes to his. " Listen to me please, you may not be a girl, but you're still My girl...and I'll love you no matter what happens." Amy began to cry again. "I Love you too". Zack held her and they sat on her bed. Eventually they drifted off to sleep. They were in each others' arms where they belonged.

"What other suprises will fate give me?" Zack pondered to himself as he drifted away.