Unicorn Island

Story by TheNovelist on SoFurry

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#2 of Tora

The three had set sail.

According to Meredith's journal, his boat took a full week to get to the first island, Unicorn Island. Seraphim reckoned that their own, more powerful, boat, would take half the length of time to get there.That still meant three days on the sea, doing nothing, and waiting.

If you believe that, there's something very wrong.

After two days of highly enjoyable sexual activities, Larissa was at the helm, and the master and slave were sitting down beside her.

After a while, Electride asked Seraphim.

"What did your ancestor have to say about Unicorn Island?"

Seraphim realised it would be a good idea to check out the island, and rushed down to her cabin to get the old tome.She spent a few minutes searching for it, then located it underneath her bed.As she was rushing up to the deck, there was a call from Larissa.

"There it is!" she said.

Seraphim joined them at the prow of the ship. Only a kilometre away now, there was a hilly, tree covered island. The trees were large, they could tell from this distance.Seraphim started talking.

"Right, Electride, get some food, and put in a bag. Put Meredith's journal in there as well. I'll ready the rowboat."

They had a small rowing boat, to save beaching the large craft every time. Electride did as Seraphim ordered, and the two of them got into the rowboat. Larissa, by the use of some pulleys, lowered the small boat into the water, and weighed then weighed anchor.

"How long will you be?"Larissa asked.

"If we're gone a week, come ashore yourself."

"By myself?"

"Of course." Seraphim grinned. Larissa rolled her eyes.

The two in the dinghy took to the oars, and paddled towards the island. After an hour of fighting tides and currents, they pulled the dinghy onto the shore. They took a ten minute rest after hauling the boat up, because it was so heavy. Seraphim spoke after she had got her breath back.

"OK, I think the best bet is to head directly inland. Don't make a lot of noise, but no silence. Let's see if we can't find ourselves a unicorn.

They disappeared into the reasonably thick undergrowth, and walked up the slight rise. They walked without speaking to one another, but occasionally stopped to look at tracks. Once or twice they saw hoof prints leading in the same direction they were heading in, so they followed them.The walk took a good two hours, and they stopped for lunch, sitting on a fallen tree.

After chewing on a sandwich, Electride asked Seraphim again.

"What about your journal?Maybe he can explain what we will find."

Seraphim nodded slowly, cursing herself for forgetting. She brought out the old book, turning it to the relevant page, and then started reading aloud.

" After a weeke of sailing, I found myself at the Island of Unicornes, so I name it, for this creature abounds there freely.I arrived there in late Aprile, and left in Julie. Over this period, I gotte to knowe these creatures fairly well. They are quiet subdued and friendly for a good ten months of the year. However, these silverine creatures, during the month of Maie, undergoe a terrible metamorphosise. Their thirty centimetre hornes, so sharp and awesome, become blunted and dulle, and seeme to cause great pain to the creatures, to the extent where they run around the island in a madness, bashing their hornes against anything in their way, to try and break them off. One of them struck one of my companions, and he is still in bed with broken ribs. Once off, however, they leap arounde in joy, and look more like warhorses. The new horne grow ten centimetres in two weeks, and by the time I had left the hornes were their olde thirty centimetre length. The Olde hornes are veri strong and versatile in various ways."

Electride looked at Seraphim.

"This is the month of May."

Seraphim tried to look calm.

"We will see what they are up to, and if they are doing as Meredith says, we will leave. Is that fine with you?"

"Of course. I'm just not keen to be knocked over or impaled by one of those horns."

They sneaked up the hill. There seemed to be a noise emanating from the top, and they hid behind a bush and looked into a small clearing.

There were the unicorns. They were as Meredith described, like large war horses, but atop their forehead was a great horn that spiralled to a blunt end. Meredith would have seen it when it was a point, but the months had dulled the point until it was a half sphere. They were still thirty centimetres long, and the unicorns were trying to do everything they could to break them off. Quite a lot of them were in one corner, bashing the horns against one another, a few were hitting rocks,and some more were using trees. Seraphim looked aghast at the pain the unicorns were in, but neither of the two dared move in case they were spotted.

They watched for ten minutes. Then Electride nodded at Seraphim.

"We need to go."

Seraphim nodded, her heart breaking in pain that she couldn't do anything for the unicorns. But as they turned to go, there was a noise from behind them.

Another unicorn had appeared, crashing through a bush behind them. It looked blearily at the two, gave a whinny of annoyance, and charged at the two.

Seraphim gasped. They tried to move, but the unicorn was deceptively fast, and brought it's horn around, smashing it into Seraphim's side. The horn tore off Seraphim's shirt, and sent her to the ground.

Electride then was spotted, and the unicorn whacked her. She discharged in pain. The elctricity bolt seared up through the horn, and destroyed the nerve endings and the fibres of body that held it in place. The unicorn reared, and hit her again. The horn broke off. The unicorn gave a whinny of surprise.Electride, having also lost her shirt, ran to see how Seraphim was. She was unconscious, but perfectly fine. She had no idea what made the unicorn leave her.

The unicorn guessed.It gave a noise of joy and went prancing towards the others.

Electride didn't look up until see heard the sound of hooves.

The entire herd was stampedeing towards her. She gasped in fright. They clustered around the electro creature and her fallen master, and started hitting her with their horns. All their clothes were torn off, and Electride was left naked with all these horns hitting her. She discharged time and time again, and more horns fell off.Then one unicorn thrust it's horn up her anal hole, and she sent out a wave of electricity searing all the unicorn's horns. All horns fell to the ground, and there was expectant pause.Then all the unicorns went back into the centre of the clearing, and lay down for a rest.Electride felt this was an opportune moment to pass out, and did so.

After a few hours she awoke.The unicorns had not moved, and Seraphim was coming around.