Volume 1 Hoist the sails

Story by Stallon_Becket on SoFurry

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#1 of A Pirate's Life

A Pirates Life

Volume 1: Hoist the sails!

The waves gently lapped up against the hull of the Scarlet Squall, it had been three days of pure hell for Laura. Yet she had not screamed once, cried yes, but she would not give her torturer the satisfaction of breaking her. However, now was her chance to escape!

It was difficult for the wolfess to move quickly, yet silently. Her naked body ached all over, but sure enough she found the package that had been placed for her behind the fish barrel on the deck of the ship. So it was true, there was a traitor aboard a new democracy state ship.

Trusting what she had been told she found the lifeboat with meager supplies stashed aboard it, she would have to be quick once the small craft was in the water. Pain shot through her body as she climbed in, and then pulling out her two identical pistols from the package she loaded them.

Her hands trembling fiercely she took a deep breath and forced herself to take careful aim, even through her torture she was still glad to have all her limbs in tact, aiming with precision, she fired simultaneously at the pullies holding the craft up.

The sounds of the gunshots as well as the loud splash of the boat colliding into the water awoke the crew, but by the time the crew realized what was happening and got up onto the deck of the ship, Laura was already rowing, with all the might she had left. The lifeboat was now well out of the range of any rifle.

"Man the damn cannon! We can't let her get away!" Henningsway yelled, growling in anger. The Timber wolf was still in his undergarments, which embarrassed him to be seen so by his crew, but he would not let his captive get away.

"Blow the bitch out of the water!"

The crew, also still in night ware, frantically loaded the cannons on the deck, aimed them and opened fire upon the small lantern lit boat off in the distance. The cannon balls splashed just short of their intended target. The small craft rocked with churning of the water.

"Adjust four degrees to pitch and fire!" commanded Henningsway.

The crew adjusted the cannons again and fired. This time the lantern lit boat was hit dead on by one of the cannon balls. It splintered into a million pieces and the light was instantly snuffed out. Captain Henningsway growled. It had been a pain to capture that bitch, and she didn't reveal anything on the where about of the Siren's Song was, and now she was dead.

"Captain now what?" inquired one of his wolfen crew members. Henningsway responded with a backhand across the crewman's muzzle. The officer yelped and staggered back, holding his arm up to defend himself from another strike that never came.

"To hell with the wench, we still have our backup plan." Henningsway glared at his crew who all backed away a bit and then retreated back to their quarters; then the Captain stomped off to his quarters furiously and slammed the door.

Laura heard the cannons fire twice, sure enough as informed, the traitor had sent out a decoy first, with a lantern, in a different lifeboat. He was also correct that the crew would be too disoriented to notice the second boat gone. She watched as the Scarlet Squall sailed away in the darkness.

Once the ship was out of sight Laura let out a sigh of relief. She then clutched her stomach, curled up into a fetal position on the bottom of the lifeboat and let out the longest and loudest blood curdling scream she could muster. She then collapsed limply and wept with uncontrollable grief, she was at least glad that nobody was around to hear her wails and sobbing. Just the sound of the waves, as it gently rocked the craft.


Laughter erupted from the crew of the Siren's Song as they watched the kidnapped female scurry around in the center of the circle. The mouse-girl had just been dumped out of a sack they had her in, and now the all female crew formed a circle around her.

The majority of them wore what any normal pirates would have on, boot, pants, and a long sleeves shirt with sleeveless jacket wore over. A few of them had their hair tied back in bandannas, but one thing was for sure, all of them were menacing.

Every time the mouse would try to run one way she would be met by one of the grinning crew members who would have a dagger, blade, or some kind of weapon pointed at her. She would then be harmlessly prodded back to the center where the crew would hoot and holler at her.

"Make 'er walk th' plank!" Yelled out the bobcat; who brandishing a wicked looking curved dagger in her right hand, while thumbing the edge gently with her left.

"Naw Leanne... I says we hang her upside-down from the mast!" said the scared cheek ferret woman, her tail twitching as the whip in her hand seemed to snake from side to side. She gave a crack of that lash making the mouse jump, then slowly licked her own lips.

"Tumble her in ze barrelez!" shouted a lapin with a thick French accent. The mouse cringed as she listened to the crew make horrible, horrible suggestions on what to do. Then suddenly there was the sound of a gunshot.

The crew froze at first, then all of them looked in the direction of the shot to see Pauline "Polly" the macaw parrot holding up her smoking pistol in the air. In particular she stood out, her garments nothing more than shorts, a belt of sorts and a sleeveless shirt, but her head cocked from side to side, shifting as she looked at her crewmates.

Polly gave what could have been called a grin though that beak of hers, however it was hard to tell. "Throw her to the Captain... rawk! Throw her to the Captain!"

A roar of agreement went up among the crew, suddenly the mouse found herself grabbed, one crew member to each limb and carried towards the door of the main cabin where surely the pirate Captain Erik the White resided.

The mouse kicked and screamed, to little effect, as the female crew gave a one, two, three, and tossed her through the opened doors of the cabin.

The mouse was expecting to hit the hard wooden floor, but instead found herself caught by a pair of strong and capable arms. At first she didn't look but then she slowly gazed up to see a row of pointed teeth grinning to her, that grin of course belonging to the infamous pirate Captain who smiling down at her.

"Welcome aboard..." he seemed to hiss, in a very dashing but yet sly way. He wore clothes as simple as his crew did, a sleeveless grey shirt, black trousers, a red sash for a belt, and boots, all on a strong capable body; the white tiger seemed to chuckle to himself in an almost evil way. She flailed and scrambled out of his arms; he let her escape his grasp, as the doors to his cabin were already shut and barred form the outside. She pounded on the doors in vane.

"Now what is your name sweet?" Erik crossed his arms and leaned up against the wall next to her smirking; watching her futile attempts to try and escape. She hastily backed up into a corner, her eyes glancing around.

Erik advanced towards her with a casual swagger. The mouse's eyes fell upon Erik's sword laying upon the stand next to his bed. She dashed for it and Erik of course didn't try to stop her.

The cutlass was not made for a small female like her and she had trouble getting it out of the sheath, and even with both hands she had a hard time hefting it. Still she shakily leveled it at the male white tiger. Accompanying his smirk Erik arched an eyebrow in interest.

"Now, now behave..." he started, yet she attempted to lunge at him, and swung the heavy blade in wild desperation. It wasn't even close as Erik just calmly stepped back out of the way of each swing, chuckling lightly. "So feisty..."

Suddenly he grabbed her wrists with his left hand, and effortlessly yanked the cutlass from her grasp with his right. The rodent girl squeaked as Erik tossed the blade over his shoulder and it embedded itself into one of the floorboard.

"Lets get acquainted shall we?" Erik continued on in a soft yet civil tone.

"Your Erik the White! Pirate of the seven seas!" she quickly blurt out.

"Ah! How my reputation proceeds me..." suddenly the mouse found herself released from his grasp.

"And you are?..." He leered close, his eyes looking into hers. For a moment the mouse glanced at the cutlass still slightly flexing, stuck in the floor. Then looked back up to him and stepped back a bit.

"C-Clara..." she said meekly deciding to cooperate, less the pirate Captain got rough with her.

"A pleasure..." he said taking her left and kissing it in a very gentlemanly fashion. She was quick to retract her hand from his grasp after he kissed it.

"I... I thought you were..." Clara began.

"A monstrous, pillaging, plundering, pirate?" Erik paused and then let out a hearty laugh.

"How that one always kills me!... Figuratively speaking." He turned and pulled out the sword from the floorboard.

Clara backed up as he walked towards her with that gleaming blade in hand. She bumped against the nightstand and let out a squeal. Erik calmly picked up the scabbard and sheathed his sword.

"Sorry if my crew and I, frightened you, you know how it is with pirates, we all have an image to uphold." He secured his sheathed cutlass back onto his belt, as Clara backed up again against one of the walls.

"Wh-What are you going to do with me?" she asked dreading the answer.

"I could think of a great many things m'lady... however, the new democracy ships might be along anytime soon so we must abscond..." Erik walked over to the cabin door and banged three times on it with his fist.

The door creaked opened and a female doberman poked her head in.

"My Captain?" inquired the canine.

"First Mate Celese... tell the crew to hoist the sails... we are going." Erik said, his first mate nodded.

"Aye aye Captain!" and Celese's head vanished from the doorway, a moment later there was a shout from Celese orders were barked, followed by yelling and acknowledgement of the order. The sound of frantic scurrying on the deck of the ship followed.

"Enjoy your stay m'lady..." Erik bowed, and then exited the cabin, the door locked behind him as he stepped out, leaving Clara in the room alone. She curled up in the corner unsure of what to do.

"Nice pick there." Erik said to Celese as they watched the crew moved about the ship.

"Tal picked her." Celese shrugged and pointed over the huskey who was busy lashing a rope to the mast "She thought you might like a nice, small, soft girl to woo this time around. Of course, we know how frustrated you are, since the crew can't fraternize with the Captain anymore." Erik winced slightly, again Celese brought up that painful memory. Erik guessed that it didn't really matter to her since she was only interested in other women, but Celese did make a perfect first mate for his ship.

"Well Janice would still have both eyes if it hadn't been for me, so we had to implement that rule." Erik looked up to the crow's nest and saw the tell tale barrel of a rifle sticking up from the basket. It occasionally shifted, and every so often the tigeress would look down over the nest's rim, at the rest of the crew.

"Make sure she gets some food and water up there Celese..." Erik sighed and looked over towards Leanne who was busy hauling on a rope along with two other crewmates.

"Aye aye Captain!" Celese said with a salute and went off to attend to the business at hand.

Not much more than a year ago Janice and Leanne had been competing for Erik's affections. The tigeress sharpshooter and the temperamental bobcat finally came to blows when Janice commented that Leanne could not carry any of Erik's children due to the difference in species. In response Leanne had viciously attacked Janice and had rendered the sniper's left eye useless.

Erik was furious with both women, but after that, the rules were made clear. The all female crew, under no circumstance was to ever build a relationship, fraternize, or have sex with the only male on the ship... their Captain.


"You fucking morons! You call yourselves my crew?! You call yourselves officers?!" Henningsway yelled. His crew stood at attention as he walked down the row between them. They all wore the new democracy sailor's uniform. A navy blue coat on; navy blue trousers, and shined leather boots.

"How did she manage to kill the guard, free herself, get to the armory, acquire her own weapons, and then set up a decoy without anyone noticing her along the fucking way?!" The Captain's words stung the ears of his crew.

"Over thirty personal on this ship and you let one pirate she-bitch escape?! Unacceptable!" Henningsway paused for a moment as he heard someone clear their throat. There was only one person that would dare interrupt the Captain...

"Captain Henningsway, Lieutenant Korbas reporting." The low gravely voice seemed to come from the shadows. From the umbra of the crew cabin emerged Victor Korbas, the ships intelligence officer, he seemed to glide out form the darkness, giving a swift salute to the Captain.

"Yes Lieutenant? This had better be good..." Henningsway growled through clenched fangs. Some of the crew members winced knowing that the Captain had a very bad temper. Victor stood at ease and spoke.

"Sir, it appears that the pirate did not escape under her own power; from the evidence I've gathered, it seems we have a traitor on this ship..." Henningsway glared at Victor.

"Explain..." the Captain spun on his heels facing his back to Victor. Of course this was a gesture of power, showing that Henningsway did not need to face Victor to hear what the black wolf had to say.

"It is apparent that someone gave her back her weapons, killed the guard and even unlocked her manacles. Someone sent out that decoy lifeboat, she did not do it on her own..." Victor did not finish his report for at that moment Henningsway spun around with his pistol drawn.

Victor didn't even flinch, yet some of the crew did. The Captain pointed his pistol at Victor menacingly yet not a stir of motion, or a twitch from Victor came.

"Then you find the bastard! I want him punished, then strung up!" Henningsway tucked his pistol back into his belt.

"Start with the ones who flinched, Lieutenant..." and the Captain walked off leaving a nervous crew to the mercies of the imposing intelligence officer.


The Siren's Song was alive with laughter as the crew celebrated, not only had they got a new girl for the Captain, but they had also got a good haul from the merchant ship. The girls laughed and drank, when Polly suddenly gave a loud whistle as the Captain stepped on deck. The entire crew went silent waiting for Erik to speak.

Erik looked at his crew and then drew his cutlass, Erik let out a bellowing roar before he shouted "Yaaarr!"

"YAAARR!" the crew responded in unison. Cheering and howling as each of the crew gave their own shouts.

"Goodnight ladies, sleep well!" Erik said sheathing his sword and walked towards his cabin. Selena who was a rather smooth skinned and attractive cetacean dolphin began to sing, softly the words started but soon began to rise throughout the rest of the crew.

"Come ye all sailors and follow the sea... yo ho blow the man down, you must pay attention and listen to me... yo ho blow the man down..." it seemed that it Selena was always was the one to start that song. Erik left his singing crew up on deck as he entered his cabin and locked the door behind him.

Clara had been asleep for quite a while curled up in the corner. Erik walked over to her and carefully picked her up. She only stirred and moaned gently as he set her on the bed. He then quietly sat down at his desk and lay his head down watching her, but soon he drifted off to sleep.

The crew had gone to their quarters for the night, but in the ships cargo hold there was still activity, as Celese and Tal kissed each other passionately. Tal's tail wagged quickly showing her excitement as Celese's hands wandered into the huskey's jacket.

Tal gave a slight yelp as she felt the doberman tweak her nipples, Celese broke the kiss and smiled. Tal was still a bit nervous but doffed her jacket and unbuttoned her shirt. Celese licked her lips watching, in turn she also began to disrobe.

Both females now topless began to explore each other, Tal whimpered lightly as Celese licked her left nipple, then her right. Tal responded by gently caressing and fondling her lover's breasts.

Celese then dipped her right hand down into Tal's pants and slowly dipped a finger into the sweet slit she found and Tal whimpered even more biting her own lower lip slightly. Celese was delighted that the huskey was showing enjoyment from her touches.

Celese took charge, she pulled down Tal's pants, helping her step out from them, removing Tal's boots as well. Then Celese took her own pants and boots off and led her lover to a stack of burlap sacks so that they could get comfortable.

Tal now lay on her back as Celese looked into her eyes and then the doberman moved down, her muzzle dipping down between the huskey's legs as Celese's tongue began to lap at Tal's soft vaginal lips.

Celese savored the sound of Tal's whimpering, she dipped a finger into the huskey and was rewarded by a gasp. Celese then gently began to thumb Tal's clitoris as she dove her tongue deeply into the other canine.

It took all of Tal's will not to let out a cry of pleasure, she stifled a whine and she gently squeezed her own breasts. Celese stopped her pleasuring for a moment and gently moved over so that they were now in a classic sixty-nine position and then she started back up again.

Tal was hesitant at first but gently licked over that smooth mound, Celese letting out her own soft moan as she lapped at Tal's clit and dipped in two fingers arching them up into Tal's g-spot.

Tal yelped lightly and pressed her muzzle heatedly to the doberman's slit, her tongue lapping rapidly now as she tried to keep up the pace with her lover. Celese was ever so determined to make Tal cum as she now pumped her fingers in and out of the huskey, her tongue licking over those pussy lips softly.

Celese was surprised that Tal was trying to impress her, but loved it ever so much now as wagged her own stumpy little tail and then pressed and writhed her tongue to Tal's anus driving her fingers in deeply.

Tal arched her back and covered her muzzle with a hand to keep her from screaming out as she thrashed lightly with her orgasm, her cum releasing as Celese lapped it up from that slightly dripping hole.

Celese didn't even care if the huskey made her cum or not, she loved the way Tal squirmed with release and after that Celese moved up and cuddled to Tal.

"Mmmm... so how was that?" Celese inquired with a grin. Tal was a bit short of breath, yet smiled to the doberman.

"That was... well I've... this is the first time I've had sex with another woman..." Tal looked down a bit and blushed under her fur. She ran her fingers along Celese's breasts and her ears flattened back a bit.

"Now now sweetie, don't be ashamed, its not like we have to tell everyone, we can keep this to ourselves." Celese licked Tal's nose gently and churred. Tal smiled and nodded to the first mate.

Celese just smiled and nuzzled up to her. When the after glow of their fling faded into warmth, they both quickly got dressed and made their way back to the crew cabin where the rest of the girls slept. They got into their separate cots and then drifted off the sleep.


The small lifeboat was hauled from the water, and the merchant crew of the vessel found a strange cargo indeed.

The sunlight beamed down on Laura's face but not so much as the noise and chatter of the crowd around her. Laura looked up to see a feline male looking down at her, Laura's naked body was covered over by a blanket and the people on the vessel were muttering among themselves.

"Wh-what?" Laura said weakly. She feebly lifted an arm; to shield her sore eyes, from the sunlight.

"Now just stay still ma'am..." said the feline. He motioned and some of the others brought water to her. Laura greedily drank from the water skin, she felt dirty, but the water had at least soothed her parched throat.

"Did the pirates get you too?" said one of the feline children. Laura then knew she had to use her wits. If they found out what she was...

"Y-yes... yes the pirates were horrible to me!" she said and began to cry melodramatically. The women on the boat murmured and they were quick to bring her fresh clothing and even drew her bath, in a barrel.

After Laura was cleaned up she stayed silent most of the time, but listened. It seemed that this ship, called the Prideful Pony, was a merchant ship that had just been looted by the pirate Erik the White. One of the ships travelers had been kidnapped.

Laura had to maintain her composure as the ships crew cared for her. Then after they were done she was lead to the Captain's quarters. The Captain of the ship was a tall and stout equine who wore simple clothes and spectacles.

Laura sat down across from him and he eyed her, adjusting his glasses. The crew members left the room and he took his glasses off.

"So... who are you?" he inquired his ears swiveling forward to listen to her.

"My name is Lisa and..." before she could finish he pulled out a small pepper pot pistol from under his desk. Laura was stunned but did not move.

"You may have fooled the crew... but not me Laura "Lead-slinger" Frowerey." the horse was calm, his hand was steady. He slowly stood up and backed up to the sack on the side table. From it he pulled out one of Laura's pistols.

"Hard to hide your identity with guns like these..." he placed the pistol back into the sack still holding that small gun at her. Laura raised her hands up and gulped, captured again!

"So are you going to turn me in? hang me? make me walk the plank?..." her ears flattened back in defeat. The wolfess whimpered, now at the mercy of the ships Captain.

"Oh no... I'm going to take you to Pilferer's Peninsula once I drop off my cargo and switch boats..." he lowered the pistol and smiled. Pilferer's Peninsula was pirate territory!

"Why?..." Laura asked eyeing him in suspicion. Lowering her arms.

"My sister, Dana would want you returned to your ship." He snorted softly walking back over to his desk and putting the pepper pot pistol away

Now it made sense, Dana was the ship cook of the Siren's Song, she had always said she had a brother, but was never clear on his profession. So that is how every so often a merchant ship was just in the right place at the wrong time. Erik's crew had their hands, deeper into the pockets of others, than expected.

"Don't worry I won't blow your cover... Lisa." the equine grinned and sat down. "you are dismissed ma'am..."

Laura exited the cabin with mixed feeling, yet she was hopefully that she would be able to tell Erik of the impending danger that was about to befall him and the crew of the Siren's Song. She looked towards the east, Pilferer's Peninsula "I just pray I'm not too late..."