Getting Badged

Story by Raymond on SoFurry

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This is the first story I've actually released to the public in a long time. It's been milling around in my head for a couple months, but I didn't actually sit down to write it until a couple weeks ago.

Let me know if you like it. I've already got more ideas.

Tokuda appears with permission

Rain beaded on the viewport, each drop refracting the star's light and turning the view into a constellation of red. The landing craft had slowed down to a speed at which the passing air no longer swept the spray off the hull, and the rain wasn't coming down hard enough to roll off. Aero shook her head, then gave her jacket another tug.

"Why can't they make the rain gear in any other color?" she muttered, "I feel like a walking tennis ball."

"Because the eye's most sensitive in green. And The Company doesn't want you getting stomped on by some idiot in a power loader just because they didn't see you," Morgan lectured. Aero grumbled at the dog's annoying tendency to take questions at face value. But he interpreted the grumble as the start of an objection and shook his head, "There's less green light around a red giant, but your eyes still see it best."

Aero crossed her arms over her chest and let herself sink back into the jump seat, away from the viewport. The dim light would make it difficult to see the complex under good conditions, and the drizzle on the windows made it impossible. She looked back down at the rain jacket instead. At her wrists, the yellowish green clashed with the fur on her paws, snow white stained pink by the reddish light. Her face must've looked just as bad, though she held hope that the light would make the dark brown fur on her ears, cheeks, and neck look a more eye-grabbing auburn.

She had to give it to Morgan; even in the pale light, the jacket did stand out, making her look at least vaguely canine amid the nondescript red blobs filling the compartment. Vaguely was the right word, since the jacket - the smallest on board - was still too wide for her narrow frame. She was glad she was on the tall side, keeping her knees from constantly bumping against the hem.

She looked back up and bit her tongue as she resisted the urge to get a last word in. The alsatian sitting across from here had just demonstrated he and his big ears could hear her muttering. But she did cast a glare toward the thin, wiry green outline created by his own jacket.

"Prepare for landing," crackled the intercom, loud enough to make the husky fold her ears down. A second later, the weight of deceleration pinned those ears further and pushed her down against the seat. A solid thump jammed her up against the harness, and then everything was still. The hum of the engines died, leaving her to unfasten herself in silence. As she stood and, once again, adjusted her jacket, she heard a sudden hiss, then a pop as her ears adjusted to the now-equalized pressure.

"Dr. Cooper." Aero shivered and gnashed her teeth as she stepped out into the rain. It was more like stepping into a hypersleep chamber, the way the cold moisture stuck to her exposed fur and chilled it. It took another, "Dr. Cooper," before she looked up and acknowledged the voice with a nod. "And Morgan, good to see you again," the voice reached out to thump the alsatian on the shoulder as he stepped down from the ship, "You can head on in when you're ready." He turned back to Aero and added, "Dr. Cooper, if you'll follow me, I'll escort you to the security office so you can get badged in."


After the first hour, Aero decided she'd rather be standing in the rain. At least out there she could watch the palettes of supplies being shuffled from the lander to the output. The red star's light glittering off the rain-dotted outlines hinted at what each contained. Guessing what it was and where it was going would give her something to think about. And the cold and wet might keep her alert through the fatigue tugging on her mind.

Instead, she was stuck in the security office, listening to an endless series of videos drone on about safety and procedures. She shifted her weight, trying to evenly distribute the soreness. Hours on that hard jump seat hadn't done her much good, and the the chair in which she now found herself was an engineer's masterpiece of low mass design, without a second thought given to comfort. Cradling her muzzle in one paw, she leaned forward and tried to focus on the screen.

Midway through the detailed demonstration of how to properly display a badge - between the neck and waist, with the picture visible - Aero felt her brain turn off. The dull, steady patter of rain on the prefabricated roof suddenly seemed much louder than the video. Opening her jaw wide, she yawned. Shaking her head, she tried to snap herself awake. But the audio grew softer and the video dimmed as her eyelids drifted shut.


"You know you gotta watch 'em again if you fall asleep."

Aero jolted awake and opened her eyes. Or thought she did. She blinked a few more times before realizing the room was still dark because a large figure was leaning over her, blocking the light. "Huh?" she stalled for time as her brain scrambled to catch up with her senses.

"The training videos. Lotta shit can go wrong out here, and The Company cares about your health and safety." Broad shoulders bobbed in a shrug, "Or so they say." A heavy paw settled on the arm of the chair, tilting it and its lightweight occupant back so that she was looking at the paw's owner.

The husky let her eyes turn up toward the voice. Her ears tilted outward, hiding the red blush burning on the insides. "I was just..." she stammered, trailing off as she got a good look at the large canine looming over her. He was big. Even with him leaning in, his dark muzzle seemed far away. His shoulders and chest, equally far away, still covered a significant portion of her vision. Not narrow like an alsatian, the brown and black furred guy had to be an akita. The dark uniform and assortment of patches and insignia confirmed what his attitude and size already told her. The dog ran security at the outpost.

"Personally," he continued as if Aero hadn't said a word, "I think they're full of it. Nothing in these videos that anyone with more than two brain cells can't figure out. And I know you science types got plenty of those." He grinned, showing off sharp, white teeth, all the way back past his fangs. "But it's my ass if somethin' happens to you and you haven't watched 'em. So pay attention."

The chair jammed up underneath Aero as the akita nudged it, sending all four legs back to the ground. The impact broke her out of staring and nearly tossed her onto the floor. "Grf," she muttered, straightening herself back up. Running a hand over her head, she combed out ruffled fur and folded ears before speaking to the akita. She swallowed, considering her words. "Sorry," she finally got out, adding a bashful smile, "The last thing I remember was badges."

"That far back? Shit." Stepping in front of Aero, the akita picked up a remote from beside the screen. He jabbed a button and sent the actor on screen climbing back down a ladder at a comically rapid pace, then turned toward the husky. Ducking quickly, she dodged the guy's thick, curved tail as the movement swung it past her. The dodge put her eyes level with his belt. And, by the time she looked up, her blue eyes making contact with his amber, enough moments had passed that it was clear she'd been staring. "Better watch the screen," he muttered down at the husky. While her cheeks burned, he continued, "I got plans tonight, and I ain't breaking them 'cause you can't focus on a video. Got it?"

Aero nodded hard enough to make her ears bounce. Turning her attention toward the screen, she let out a deep breath and tried to focus. The akita nodded back. He stepped out of the way as the unwavering narrator started reviewing badge protocols. Her heart was still pounding. Had she just made a fool of herself? Had he noticed? She turned her head so that her muzzle pointed at the edge of the screen. It was just enough to catch sight of the akita. He was leaning against the wall beside the door, thumbs resting on his belt, eyes aimed toward the husky and the video screen.

Quickly, before he noticed her wandering eyes, she turned her attention back toward the screen. The akita looked mean, and she knew she didn't want to get on the bad side of a guy that big. Now, with her eyes still forward, her mind started to drift. How big? She only got a hint, despite her staring. But the rest of him was, so it'd make sense if everything were. She turned her head again, farther this time, and stole a quick glance out of the corners of her eyes. Maybe, with him leaning back, she could-

"For fuck's sake," his voice barked and grew closer. The thumps of boots were loud enough to make some of frames on the wall rattle. Aero turned her attention to them. But looking at the photos of various Company projects was hardly better than ogling the akita, when she was supposed to be watching the video. It didn't matter anyway. She yelped as fingers curled into the loose skin of her scruff and tugged. This jerked her head back and left her staring directly at the dark-furred dog's face. "Anyone asks," he growled, eyes staring directly at her, "You watched the videos. And you're gonna stay outta trouble, right?"

She opened her jaw, but found her mouth too dry to speak. She swallowed, then nodded, "Y-yeah. Sorry. I... Uh..."

"Don't thank me all at once. You're not off the hook yet." The fingers on Aero's scruff squeezed once and then relaxed before slipping off. The leathery pads pressed on the back of her skull, nudging her vision toward straight ahead. With the akita standing tall, the husky's vision was almost level with his hips again. He inhaled deeply, making himself look even more imposing as he hooked his thumbs into his belt loops.

Aero cast a furtive look up toward the akita's face, looking for any hint of jest. A white-toothed grin split his dark muzzle, but it wasn't exactly humorous. More like sleazy, enough to make the husky bristle.

"I... Wuh?" Aero questioned as her eyes drifted back forward to stare at the akita's crotch. The weight of his paws made the belt ride lower, and so the fabric lower down had more slack to bulge out, more pronounced.

"I don't do favors for nothing. And don't act like you weren't thinkin' it," growled the akita. His fingertips dimpled the husky's shirt and compressed the fluff beneath as he rubbed down to her left elbow. Tugging hard enough to get an annoyed growl from her, he lifted the husky's arm without any sign of effort, and then squeezed her wrist to draw it toward his hip. Her fingers clasped uncertainly at the air before finding his belt. Before she thought about it, her right hand had risen up on its own power and was holding the belt, too.

The akita's fingertips kept the belt up, taking up the weight of all his equipment. Aero pushed at the leather, getting enough loose at the buckle to pop it open. She heard the faint hiss of breath through teeth as he inhaled and tightened his abs, giving her more slack to draw the zipper down. His groan was loud enough to make her hesitate. But gravity took over, and the akita's sheath bobbed down. After a bounce, it remained jutting out of his fly.

Aero stared wide-eyed, her blue irises reduced to specks in a sea of white. The akita moved, stepping his way out of his pants, which made the sheath sway. Reaching out, she wrapped her fingers around it to steady it, keeping it fixed in her vision. Her fingertips sank a couple millimeters into the short, warm fuzz. A few centimeters separated her fingertips from her thumb, and attempting to squeeze them together only got him to throb and push her fingers farther apart.

"Don't be shy," his voice was muffled as his paw settled on Aero's ears. In an instant, he pulled her nose right against his pelvis. Her right eye was now completely filled with the sight of her paw gripping his penis. She tightened her fingers again, then shivered as he throbbed back. Gasping, she felt a sudden bead of heat drool down the back of her knuckles. Her eyes only had to wander higher to see the canine's tip jutting free from its fuzzy home, pre glossing the tip.

She inhaled as she brushed her muzzle up his abdomen. He gruffed and twitched, making Aero grin to herself. But she didn't take advantage of the ticklish spot. She could smell his excited scent filling the air, growing stronger as she drew her nose closer to his tip. Lapping out, the flash of her pink tongue contrasted with his black tip as she slurped over it. He didn't taste bad; just a little salty. Pursing her lips, she pressed closer for a kiss.

Her ears went flat as the paw cupping over them got heavier. The mitt almost silenced the sudden throaty bark from the akita as he hunched up and forward. "Mmf!" she complained as the dog's thrust wedged her jaw open and stretched her lips wide. Ten centimeters of dick pinned her tongue down. That supple muscle curved, forced to conform to the girth that he'd unexpectedly fed her. When she swallowed, her stretched cheeks squeezed around him. He throbbed in response, swelling and grinding more hot flesh against her tongue.

Clawtips dug in against her scruff as she slurped while pulling off. Lips broke away from flesh with a wet pop, but remained connected by a string of moisture for a second longer. Panting, she looked up at the akita, who locked eyes with her. His low growl made her shiver. Petting her free palm along his hip bone, she traced the edge of his sheath down to his scrotum. Cupping her hand around it, she reassured him with a squeeze to his balls. Her other paw started to work again, sliding his sheath back. Her tongue swiped out, wetting her lips, as she revealed the entire length of the akita's shaft. She had to squeeze tighter as he shifted his weight, responding to warm breath washing over and chilling slick flesh.

This time, she was able to take her time going down on the akita. Her tongue followed her lips, protecting him from teeth. Her palate pressed from the other side. Each ridge there stroked along his shaft as she pushed down. She tried to ignore the faint ache that began to grow in her jaw, but her lips were still centimeters from her paw when she paused. Even with that far to go, she could feel his tip tickling the back of her tongue. She squeezed around his base with her paw, then began to draw her muzzle back.

Her jaw clamped down and her lips flexed, but she still had a hard time keeping her muzzle tightly sealed around the akita's girth. Air sneaked through the corners of her lips when she swallowed. Consequently, a steady rhythm of slurps accompanied each bob up and down. With her eyes closed and her ears flattened under akita paw, her world became his shaft, hot and solid in her muzzle, and her hand, gripping and giving her motions an anchoring reference point. Each slurp took her closer to it. Her noises became louder as she struggled to handle all of him.

Suddenly, his hand became like lead, and then his other fingers joined in, weighing her head down toward him. A quick rock of his hips, and he was much closer. Her paw had to let go when her nose banged into it. She groped blindly, splaying fingers out on his abdomen and smearing drool into his fur. Her throat spasmed as it tried to swallow around his tip. Scrunching her face up, she fought her reflex to gag. The seconds seemed to drag on with her jaw stretched achingly wide. She could feel him throbbing, tickling her throat. Tears welled up in the corners of her eyes as she fought every urge to cough.

Even when she let out a distressed whimper, his shaft muffled the noise. The akita kept his grip on her head until her senses began to blur together.

When the paws on her head finally relaxed, she pulled back and filled her burning lungs with a deep breath. But the akita wasn't letting her off that easily. Her lips only got an instant away from his shaft before he pulled her back down. The outline of his shaft bulged out against her cheeks as it slid in. A moment later, he was pulling back, and then thrusting again. She swallowed and slurped as he bounced her back and forth.

His paws jammed her muzzle against his pelvis hard enough to rattle her skull and make the world go fuzzy. Concentration interrupted, she tried to gasp for air, forgetting about his shaft. When her lips relaxed, just for an instant, spit and pre drooled down her cheek. Her paws trembled as she reached for him, digging her palms in against his hips and squeezing. But he was hammering too hard for her to slow him.

"Nnnf!" groaned the akita as he rammed forward. If his hands weren't holding the back of Aero's head, she'd have gotten thrown on her back. Instead, his shaft sank deep, and his tip throbbed against the back of the husky's tongue. His breathing turned heavy, shaking his chest. That wide expanse of fluff and muscle loomed over the smaller dog as the akita hunched.

At first, Aero just had to keep swallowing. The male painted her tongue and throat with more eager drops of pre, but she also had less air and motion to fight with. Aero gulped after each twitch of his shaft, which was enough that she kept up. Soon, though, the throbs started coming faster. More and more liquid flooded her muzzle. The trickles of clear fluid turned to a flood of pearlescent seed. Her neck flinched and flexed, trying to keep up as he painted her tongue and throat. The salty, musky taste filled her senses. Some filled her belly, but rivulets escaped the corners of her jaw, oozing down her face and front.

She barked roughly, almost coughing, when he finally pulled back. Some of the mess clung to her whiskers and muzzle fur. Still resting both paws on his abdomen, the dazed husky blinked one eye open. Head swimming, she managed to recognize a big paw pumping the base of the dark shaft. Lightning quick, she snapped that eye tightly shut just before a streak of heat smeared across her forehead and began to soak into her fur. She felt more warm spots matting down her pelt as he stroked out the last of his climax.

When she finally did open her eyes again, she saw lots of teeth as the akita grinned smugly down at her. "C'mere," he said, tucking his paw under her shoulder and hauling her to her feet. She wobbled, weak-kneed, but managed to balance by leaning against him as he led her closer to the wall.

"Alright, smile," he said, once he'd propped Aero against the wall and taken two steps back. Head still swimming, she managed to perk up. It was more of a curious expression than a smile. She was going to ask him something just before a brilliant white flash blinded her. Surprised, she remained silent.

"That'll work," nodded the akita as he inspected the viewscreen on the back of the camera. His claws prodded a few buttons before he set it back on the shelf. Jabbing a thumb toward the door, he said, "Bathroom's out there and down the hall. It'll take me a minute to get your paperwork done. Get yourself cleaned up and then we'll print up your badge."


Still dabbing her face with a wad of paper towels, Aero walked back along the hall until she found the door marked with a placard reading Head of Site Security just below Tokuda Oshii. Peeking in, she caught sight of black and tan arms propped behind an angular head. The vast desk in front of the akita was an empty slate of polished, dense-looking wood. Only the heels of his boots and a few neatly-arranged data pads marred the otherwise uniform surface.

Tokuda flashed Aero a grin before she had any time to get nosy look around the rest of the room. He sat back upright. The room grew dimmer as the back of his chair eclipsed the window behind him. More dark cut across the diffuse, red pattern of rain on the glass as a piece of plastic, trailing a lanyard, arced from his paw to the desk and skittered across the empty surface.

Once it stopped, Aero noticed a picture of a reddish-brown and white husky looking back at her, with Dr. Aero Cooper written neatly beneath. The dim light made her slower to inspect the photo as she leaned in to retrieve it. Her jaw froze open when she realized the picture wasn't from her personnel file. On first glance, it looked like any other ID photo, with bad lighting and a caught-off-guard expression on her face. But inspecting it closer revealed spots of pearly white stickiness dotting her muzzle, cheeks, and forehead.

She looked up, directly at the akita, horrified.

"Like I said," he pushed off the chair, making it groan under his weight, "I got plans tonight. And you took your sweet time cleaning up." He showed off his teeth in a smug grin. His tail bobbed side to side as he enjoyed her reaction. It disappeared under a swath of fluorescent green as he pulled a jacket on. On his way to the door, he grabbed Aero's hip.

"You want a better picture? I'll do ya another favor. Come by tomorrow and I'll get you a new one." She could feel his claws digging in against her rear as he squeezed, leering at her all the while. "We'll find some way to keep your face clean." Pulling her, he stepped out of his office. The door nearly trapped one of her toes as it slammed shut. The husky just stood there as he headed down the hall toward the exit. Wordlessly, she looked down at her badge and sighed.