Memoir from Snow Villiers' Journals...

Story by kaleemmcintyre on SoFurry

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A story request about Snow and a certain monster that is canon to the Final Fantasy franchise.

This is a story request based off of a fantasy called Final Fantasy 13/13-2. Characters copyrighted and owned by the people at SquareSoft and not I.


"Oh come on..." Snow muttered while trying desperately not to whine, out loud at least.

The beast in front of him seemed to smirk at the smaller human's protest and then shook the land with a great bellowing roar before standing up onto its hind legs. To make matters worse, the giant purple colored thing with the fluttering mane and shark-like smile then pulled out a weapon fitted with a spinning wheel blade at its edge from somewhere on its person. The massive muscular giant rolled its shoulders, popping some of the bones inside of its back in doing so, and then looked down at the much smaller Snow who, for all intents and purposes, looked like he was beginning to get a massive headache from the way he rubbed his temples.

"Go out and find something to do without yourself; she says." Snow groaned before cracking one eye at the monster snorting down at him. "You could do with some time by yourself...yeah right Serah." Snow chided to himself as he watched the gargantuan giant slowly start to lumber in his direction.

If before the thing had been just 'tough' to deal with while on all fours, then standing tall and hunkering over to the smaller blonde haired human, with all the grace of a airship crashing into the ground from seventy thousand feet up, made the creature seem all but indomitable as it stomped over to Snow. However, considering that it was Behemoth King that the smaller human was trying to tangle with it made good sense that the creature in question would deal with.

Snow felt his muscles tighten as he lowered the hand rubbing his forehead down next to him. His senses were just on the edge of reeling as the monster began to gain speed while clenching its weapon tighter into its violet colored fist. Though he didn't have his I'cie anymore Snow was no slouch in the physical prowess category and determined that he would beat the monster with just pure willpower and unending force.

The Behemoth King roared. Raised up its spinning serrated blade and then lunged at Snow.

Light blue eyes ticked off every foot that disappeared between Snow and the Behemoth. When the beast got almost three yards in distance from him, Snow vaulted to the side, missing getting cleaved in half by the bladed weapon the Behemoth swung in a sideways arc towards him by inches, rolled onto the grass in a tight ball with his knees tucked under him and then sprang up onto his feet just as the beast stopped its forward pursuit ten feet away from him. The Behemoth King snorted and turned its head side to side in confusion just as a bellowing roar, this likes of which only itself could have produced but at a lower volume, sounded out behind it right as a powerful attack centered itself into the creature's backside.

Snow put all of his strength into his tightly clenched fist and hissed under his breath as pain flared up his arm. Not having his 'divine given' powers anymore meant that Snow was just a regular human now. That meant that like a normal, everyday person, he felt all the little aches and bruises that came with not possessing the super regenerative powers that he had when branded with his I'cie. Pulling back and kicking himself away from the stunned Behemoth King, Snow cursed and flexed his fingers as the bones in his hand began to throb incessantly.

"Fucking son of a-" Snow groaned and popped the bones back into their right place before looking at the monster he was engaged with.

The Behemoth King had taken the blow and fallen onto one knee, the weapon in its hand was dug into the earth and spinning like mad as it chewed through the brown soil, and looked to be in almost as much discomfort as Snow was in as it rolled its shoulders forward.

'More than likely because I hit it directly in the spine,' Snow snickered before shaking his head and then pulling up his fist to charge at the beast again. 'Now or never!'

Snow ran as fast as his feet could take him, his boots eating up the small distance between himself and the Behemoth, before he jumped up into the air, sailed directly over the creature's backside and then dropped one of his heels down directly onto the thing's head.

The audible clang that followed sounded almost like a chapel bell being rang as Snow's boot dug deep into the skull of the Behemoth, thankfully missing the monster's twin curled horns, and made the Behemoth King cry out as its body dropped dead onto the ground like a ten ton weight. Snow had just enough time to draw his legs up and then angle himself so that he hit the ground in such a way that his knees wouldn't collapse in on him as he tumbled to the ground.

Grunting, sweating, and blinking his eyes to clear them, Snow watched as the dazed and downed creature groaned as it tried to pick itself up from off of the ground. Having already been tired out from the earlier clash between itself and the human, the Behemoth King took a moment to stagger and lift its head up to snarl hatefully at Snow. What it saw when it was able to see clearly again was the sun-kissed haired tiny thing moving over to it and then smiling down with the grace of an undefeated champion.

"Lights out!" Snow pulled his fist back and then slammed his knuckles into the Behemoth King's face.

A thunderous roar followed after the attack only to be chased by another earth shaking shout as Snow hit it again and again and again until finally, several dozen punches later, the monster gave up and fell unconscious.

Gloved hands stained red with the creature's life blood Snow held up a fist in victory as the sun above him shown down on another battle won for the human.

"Oh, yes! I am the MAN!!" Snow had to congratulate himself after that.

It just felt too good not to as he looked down at the bruised and beaten monster with glory shining on his untrimmed face. Reaching down to rub along his stubble Snow licked his lips and turned away from the Behemoth King.

"Definitely going to have Serah gushing over this after I tell her what I did!" Snow chuckled before letting out a full blown laugh as he thought of what his fiancé would have to say to him for beating a Behemoth King with only his two gloved hands.

If there was one thing that Snow could say that he prided more than gaining Lightning respect in him as a person, it was in his prowess in being nearly unbeatable in battle. While he was clearly outclassed by Lightning herself, Snow WAS one of the five top most powerful people in all of Cocoon and Pulse. Making his way towards where he had camped himself out Snow didn't bother to look back on his defeated foe. Had he the human most surely wouldn't have been as smug about his victory, because right behind the blonde the Behemoth King's eyes shown like shimmering gemstones filled with contempt for Snow.

The creature was bloodied, battered and beaten, yet like anything else with an intellect and sense of pride - it had plans for revenge.

Snow hummed to himself as he soaked in the hot springs that littered all over Pulses exterior. His clothing off over onto his side and his feet kicked up on a pile of heated rocks underneath his feet, the blonde haired human looked all the likes of a king sitting on his throne. The tense muscles along Snow's back began to loosen as the blonde let his head fall back onto the outer rim of the earth surrounding the spring. Light blue eyes looked up at the stars above as they came out from behind the veil of the sun's light and Snow couldn't be more thankful for Serah being right about him needing to get out of the house as he let the beauty of the night sky captivate him.

While outside Snow looked like an emperor before court, inside he felt unsure and sullen as thoughts of the past and present began to resurface inside of his head. It had been a little over two weeks since the final battle with Orphan and the crystallizing of the pillar that held up Cocoon by Vanille and Fang's combined effort together as Ragnarok. It had been just after that, when everyone was decrystallized and reunited, that Serah had pointed out that Lightning was missing.

In the deepest corner of his mind Snow knew that his fiancé was correct and that Lightning had gone MIA on them. However, that was because of the fact that Lightning had sacrificed herself while fighting Orphan to give them all the needed opportunity to get out of there once the thing had started to come undone. Yet that didn't make since to Snow.

Lightning wasn't one of those martyr types to just go and give up her life on a whim. She was the kind of person who had a plan before going in to a hellfire situation and even on the likelihood that she didn't have a plan; Lightning would have come up with something harebrained and just plausible enough to work to make it out alive.

Snow chuckled to himself as he moaned and reached down inside of the bubbling hot water to alleviate a certain 'itch' that all males were familiar with.

If there was one thing about his sister-in-law that Snow Villiers was sure of, it was that Lightning would not die without a lot of noise and maybe a small army or two getting wasted before she dropped dead. Nothing short of that or maybe putting herself in front of a oncoming weapon for her sister was going to do Lightning in.

"That's just one tough lady," Snow snickered as he licked his bottom lip before arching and hissing as he palmed over his unseen balls.

Lightning was the kind of person that inspired because she defied the odds and the circumstances given to her. She didn't lie down to die because someone told her too and she damn well wouldn't give up as long as there was breath in those worn lungs of hers. Lightning didn't quit. She didn't give. And she didn't die.

So she had to still be alive somewhere.

It was the where that had Snow's mind reeling. Everything he recalled about the last battle said that Lightning had been with them at the end before she went missing. That meant, logically anyway, that she had to have disappeared somewhere between then and just before they got decrystallized.

'So where in the hell did she go?' Snow muttered.

Serah had said that her sister should have been with them, but that contradicted with what Snow kept recalling. However, after having been toyed with by higher beings into becoming tools for them Snow didn't know how much he should come to trust his memories, let alone his thoughts. Looking into the face of one's provider/nurturer and coming to understand that your only duty was to serve them and their wills had shaken something in Snow down to his core.

If you couldn't trust the one's that looked after you will your heart, mind and soul, could you really trust the self that you built up because of them?

Snow didn't have the answers. He knew he wasn't the philosophical one between the people he had stood back-to-back with, that would probably have been either Vanille or Lightning's thing. Snow knew that his place was to be the muscle and the spirit of the group so trying to figure out the tough questions was something he'd delegate to either of them.

"Oh yeah, both are gone now..." Snow sighed at that. "Damn, not even jerkin' off is helping." The blonde admitted as he removed his hand from around his half hard erection and let it flop back into the water.

Two weeks of Serah's continued proclaims, though silent as they were since the pink haired girl never liked to burden her husband-to-be with her thoughts, had left Snow feeling restless and unfulfilled. Two weeks of going back to where the crystal pillar to search for clues of Lightning only to come up missing. Two weeks of having Serah look up at him with those haunting doleful eyes. Two weeks of not being happy at the freedom they had won for Pulse and Cocoon had finally driven Snow to his silent reprieve where he in the middle of nowhere.

The blonde would have given anything, ANYTHING, to have Lightning back with them where she belonged. The fiery pink haired nightmare that had made him cringe every time she gave him those glaring aqua eyes whenever he fucked up was someone that Snow would have traded places with in a heartbeat...if only he knew where she was. Back when he had his I'cie there had been a connection there between himself and his other brandies. It wasn't anything tangible but it was there nonetheless: that feeling as though Snow could almost tell exactly where his comrades were and what they were going through at the moment.

All of that had been lost after Orphans defeat, but Snow would have traded it all back just to get that connection. He didn't admit it out loud to Serah, she already knew it anyway, but he missed the other woman. Every brutal remark, every violent hit had forged and unbreakable bond between the two of them that made Snow want nothing more than to sit back and listen to her berate him for something stupid he had done that day.

Snow chuckled, "I wonder what she would think if she were to hear me gushing about how much I miss her," Snow then shuddered and it wasn't because the wind suddenly changed directions on him. "Probably say something snarky and full of disapproval before hitting me upside the head."

Snow laughed some more, allowing his chest to quake some as tears pooled inside of the corners of his eyes.

"Damn how I miss her," Snow leaned back some and then reached down to rub the side of his leg.

A few more minutes of languishing around in the hot springs and Snow felt ready to get out. It had been about thirty minutes since he found the steaming pool and the blonde didn't think he could get any more relaxed if he tried. Sighing and lowering his feet to the heated bed underneath him, Snow stood tall and stretched to his full height before yawning and rolling his shoulders.

'A few hours sleep and I should be ready to start the trip back.' He muttered mentally.

One of the good things about taking such time out to go and recuperate was that it gave Snow the good excuse to get out the manual labor that everyone else was doing in an attempt to get life back together for Pulse and Cocoon. While not one to shirk from the heavy lifting, Snow was sure glad that he didn't have to listen to anyone bark any order out at him as he stepped out of the bubbling water,

And came face to face with something that didn't make sense.

Snow was sure that he had to have been dreaming. This all must have been some sort of twisted nightmare that he was having because what his eyes were cataloging couldn't have been real; if not because of the improbability of it all than out of sheer unfeasibility that was to be likely to happen.

A gargantuan hand reached out and grabbed the smaller human and Snow had just enough time to yelp in surprise right before he was tossed casually into a nearby tree. The blonde hit the unforgiving wood with a loud oomph and exhale a large gulp of air before he fell back onto his back against the ground. Thankfully, the grass broke his fall as Snow's ass hit dirt which made him hiss out loud as new pain fluttered up his spine.

"Ok, not a dream," Snow blinked and then scrambled up to make a beeline for his clothing.

The large, muscular purple form blocked him off before he could get to his apparel however as it jumped over to where Snow was headed and then roared loud enough to make the earth shudder as it smirked at the human.

Now one thing about monsters that just about everyone on Pulse and Cocoon knew was that while some of the creatures had a good amount of intelligence, they didn't plan very well. Yet all Snow could ask himself was, 'Why in the hell is there a Behemoth King standing up in front of me while on its two hind legs?'

It should have been impossible for the thing to have come after him, if for no other reason than it just should have not have done so. Ok, so maybe he hadn't thought to finish it off when it had been at it most vulnerable, and thereby gave it an opportunity to seek a second round out with him, but these things just didn't happen!

'Monsters were not supposed to have been smart enough to do that!'

Another grab at him had Snow taking covered off to the side as he tried to evade the creature that seemed hell-bent on getting its claws on him. The fact that he was both vulnerable and exposed only made things worse for the blonde as he quickly tried to come up with a plan.

The Behemoth King didn't have its weapon drawn so that was a good thing going in Snow's favor. However, without his coat and gloves he was left really at a bad spot for trying to take on the creature. That didn't seem to bother the Behemoth King though as the monster smirked at him and then jumped over the hot spring that Snow had been unwittingly dodging around as it tried to pounce on the human. Snow watched the surprisingly agile form sail through the air in his direction, and then looked down at the heated water before he dove into the hot spring.

A splash followed a resounding crash as the Behemoth King hit the ground hard enough to tear up the earth and send clumps of brown flying through the air while Snow hurriedly swan over across the pool over to his clothes. The monster shook itself and turned just in time to see the human pull himself out of the water, dive for his things and then rapidly don his coat and gloves. A berating chuff sounded off from the creature as he stood onto its hind legs once again and then glared spitefully at Snow.

"Ok, don't know what in the world's going on, don't really care, but if you want another piece of me then," Snow lifted his right hand and waved for the other. "COME AND GET ME!"

So there it was; one half naked human facing off against a towering Behemoth whose eyes shone bright with malice. It should have been a quick and easy kind of death for Snow, him clearly out matched by the brute without all of his clothing on, however, fate seemed to be on the blonde's side in that hour.

The Behemoth King roared and electrical waves seemed to pulse all along its body and Snow grit his teeth as thoughts of what was in store for him next came unbidden. Wet as he was an electrical attack would fry him like a fish over a grill yet at the same time his window of opportunity would open just enough to give him time to counter...if only he could time his next move correctly.

Light blue eyes watched as the shadows from the clouds overhead moved across the monster's body, sparks of electricity highlighted the Behemoth King with enough of a glow so that Snow didn't lose track of how the other was charging up his attack, and in the back of his head Snow had to wonder, 'Is this for real!?'

The moment of opportunity came for Snow when the Behemoth froze for a split second. The blonde waste no time in dashing off to the side around the pool just as the Behemoth King roared and sent a flurry of electricity out from its horns over in the direction where the blonde had been. A sizzling BOOM split the quiet of the night as the lightning attack caused the ground where Snow had been to explode violently. Had he been there Snow was sure that there would have been very little left of him to be identified, yet the blonde pushed that concern out of his head as he focused on the monster recoiling itself back from its attack.

A gloved fist rose up into the air and Snow cursed himself for forgetting that he didn't have his shoes on as he sprang up and sent his fist out to strike at the beast. The Behemoth King turned just in time to have the side of its jaw punched hard enough to make it take a step back but before it could shake the blow off Snow pulled back to attack him again.

The human didn't stop as he fell down the creature's side as he continuously rained jab after jab at the monster. His fingers went numb as pain surged its way up throughout his arm, but Snow knew that if he gave the other a moment to recover then he wouldn't live to be sorry for it later.

Hitting the ground and then pushing himself back up to jump into the monster's face Snow got a big surprise when the Behemoth King turned in time to bat him away with its horns which sent the blonde flying away from the beast. Though thankful that he wasn't sliced in half by the sharpened stub protruding out of the creature's head Snow's chest wasn't all that happy as his ribs creaked under his flesh. He was definitely going to have some serious scar and/or bruises after this one.

Tumbling to the earth and groaning in agony, Snow curled into himself somewhat before picking himself up and then whipping his head around to look at the monster. The purple hide of the Behemoth King seemed to catch the light from the moon in just the right way to make terror seize up inside of Snow's heart as he watched the creature charge at him. Gripping his side and hugging and arm into himself to try and get himself together, Snow didn't know what to do as he watched certain death head his way.

"Damn it, not gonna go out like this! A hero has to have a better end than dying in the middle of a forest!" Snow turned his head and realized something, right before he turned his head back and chuckled at the oncoming beast.

A quick dash to his left and Snow moved himself out of the way just in time so that the Behemoth King flew right past him. The monster was able to stop its charge but only after it crashed into a large tree that rained leaves onto it. Its horns caught into the bark, the creature grunted and pulled its head back and then popped itself free right as Snow ducked behind a large tree and breathed a quick sigh of relief.

Sometimes he forgot about those old lessons that his trainer had tried to instill in him when he had been a kid. First and foremost had been,

"Use your damn surroundings to your advantage!" Snow laughed and then hissed when his ribs began to bitch at him for making his lungs bounce.

Looking out from around his hiding place the blonde watched as the Behemoth King snorted and then bellowed out a challenge before shaking his head.

"Not a chance in hell," There was no way that Snow was going to go out and there and take the other on.

Not in his state of dress and not without some healing reagents to help heal his chest first.

Waiting for the creature to move off to the side Snow felt his foot press up into something and then looked down. What he saw made him smile just a touch as he bent down to survey a funny looking plant that seemed familiar to him. The piece of vegetation in question was a large red and pink flower that had seven petals with yellow spots, and for some reason Snow thought that he should know exactly what it was that was so special about the thing.

"A rampaging Behemoth is after me and I'm looking at a flower?" Snow asked himself with a chuckle. "Oh Snow, don't ever let lightning hear about this one," The former military soldier would never have let Snow live it down if she heard how casual he was being in the middle of a life-or-death situation. "But I know this thing looks familiar!"

A blast of electrical energy off to his side made Snow yelp and then grab at the blossom before moving off to the side. Right where he had been, three steps to the left no less, there was now a large crater smoking with black hisses of steam rising up from out of the earth. Snow turned and let his sights gaze onto the lowered head of the Behemoth King and then grunted as he balled his fist up once again.

"Can't let you do me in like that!" Snow roared right as he charged for the beast.

The Behemoth King snorted and then readied itself for the human's attack. Its purple hide body shone in the dark with a thin glistening of perspiration covering its form as it opened its arms up wide and allowed its tail to snaked back behind it wildly. All it would take was one clean swipe of its claws and then the little human would be in pieces all over the ground. Adrenaline pumped steadily throughout the creature's blood as the Behemoth put one foot back into the ground to brace itself and lowered its head down to point its horns at the blonde.

Snow tightened the muscles in legs leg and jumped, and the Behemoth King reached out to catch him in the air, only to receive a big surprise when the human rolled up over its arm and then punched it in the face again.

The attack made the monster roar and then swirl its face side to side but what really got it was when it regained its focus it searched around frantically for the smaller creature only to look down when something whistled for its attention. Facing shooting downward the Behemoth King blinked as it watched the sun-kissed haired human underneath it jump up to hit it directly underneath its chin. The force of Snow's blow had the Behemoth King reeling as it tipped back unconsciously. That proved to be its undoing when the blonde drove his fist into the monster's throat forced to the ground onto its back.

A half bitten choke was forced from the Behemoth King's muzzle as it fell with a crashing thud. Still quite alive and aware the monster reached up a hand to rub at its sore neck only to find the human right in front of its face with a fist raised up in a clear threat. A look of clear concentrated fury masked the blonde's face and the amber eyes of the monster wavered as it felt the boiling anger of the smaller creature roll off of the human in waves.

No words needed to be spoken as the man and monster stared each other down in an older understanding that outdated every spoken language.

If the Behemoth King got up then Snow would beat it down within an inch of its life, and while the human didn't have the strength to break the creature's skull he did have the power to send it into unconsciousness again. If he did this time then the Behemoth King was sure that the human would take the time to kill him while he was down. No threat would be tolerated from the monster after this second bout of vehemence and conflict. Only one would walk away alive from this challenge if the monster made any such a move to try and throw off the human from its body.

Another monster wouldn't have wasted a moment in ending the life of an opponent, however the human was different. Light blue eyes shone clearly underneath sweat drenched hair and the Behemoth King watched silently as the man waited for any response, ANY kind of little signal that would give it clemency to end its life.

Dark amber eyes looked from the fist to the face of the human and then the Behemoth King roared out loud before laying its head back in defeat.

Snow watched the creature carefully, his senses were all but ablaze as the sheer need to dominate the other coursed through his veins like a curse. His body felt hotter than a branding iron yet his soul seemed to all but cry out in jubilation as he witnessed the creature admit defeat before him, both verbally and then physically by tipping its throat to him. Though far removed from any sort of wild as he could be, Snow recognized surrender when he saw it and let his fist unclench before lowering his arm off to his side.

The tanned skinned, blonde haired blue eyes human let out a whoop of joy as he felt every nerve inside of him thrum at the knowledge of his victory.

"Unbelievable," Snow then fell back onto the heaving chest of the creature and then let out an almost giddy laugh of disbelief.

"No one is going to believe this," Snow muttered as he got down from off of the Behemoth King and then stood tall on side of it.

His ribs ached, his fists felt like they would turn to jelly at any moment and his legs threatened to give out any second now, but for all of that Snow felt like a million gil at the moment. There was something about a clean fight between a man and a monster that exhilarated him like nothing else. Not even good sex could compare to winning a battle with just your own physical prowess and sheer guts. Snow turned to look back at the unmoving creature and then shrugged before walking back the way where his clothing was.

He was unquestionably going to feel like a hot mess come morning, but right then and there the only thing Snow had to say was, "Another win for the hero!" Snow pumped his fist into the air and then grunted openly as his muscles protested vigorously.

The blonde walked away from the Behemoth King without giving the other a second glance back and much to his delight Snow was treated to silence instead of a charging beast as he made his way back to the hot springs.

For the monster's part the beast just sat there on the ground looking up at the stars as confusion, respect, recognition and new insight surged throughout its head.

Snow took off his coat and gloves and popped back down into the hot pool of water, after gathering up his things and then setting them much closer by his side, just in case, and then sighed gratefully. Two fights in one day with the same creature and he felt like he could sleep forever. The muscles along his back felt strained while the rest of his body was all but coiled like an overly tightened spring, yet the blonde didn't let it bother him as he tried to find his place of relaxation once again.

A sudden thumping crash made Snow groan and sink into the bubbling water as he turned his head to look behind him.

"You've got to be kidding me," Light blue eyes focused on a familiar form as it came lumbering out from several trees and Snow was all but ready to shout to the sky, right before the monster got five feet away from him and then settled itself onto the ground.

Snow blinked and watched the creature for several seconds and when the Behemoth King didn't do anything the blonde slowly turned his head back around and then calmly settled into his bath again.

"Ok, this is new." Snow wasn't sure what the hell was going on, but he also didn't make much of a fuss as he continued to soak out the tension in his body.

Minutes went by with Snow just sitting as the Behemoth King watched him with something unrecognizable in its eyes. The monster made no move to threaten the human and likewise Snow made no move to get away from the other. There was a bit of uncertainty in the blonde's heart as he didn't know what to think about the beast, but at the same time he wasn't one to make waves about good things.

"He's not bothering me, so don't go bothering him Snow." The blonde chuckled as he reminded himself of another tenant he had been taught way back when.

Ten minutes of this and Snow was all but falling asleep in the hot springs, a sleepy yawn the only thing that kept him from dozing off as he threw open his mouth wide. Feeling some of tightness from before having been sufficiently drained away, Snow picked himself up from out of the pool and then turned to face the beast.

"What's your plan?" Snow cocked his head to the side as he made a path towards his clothes.

His answer came suddenly and without warning as the Behemoth King lifted itself up and then forced the human down onto his back. The blonde cursed himself and grit his teeth as he curled his fingers into the palm of his hand. However, before he could make an erroneous move a large and broad tongue swept out from over his chest up to his head causing Snow to gape and thrash in confusion.

"The hell!?" Snow didn't think that anything else that day could shock him as he looked into the amber eyes of the monster that was, for all intents, drying him off with its tongue.

The blonde was too uncertain as to what was going on so that gave the monster all the time to lick the cooling drops of water from off of the smaller human in an effort to clean him. The muscle purple tail of the beast ran across the air happily when it felt the blonde lie flat before it and allowed it to do as it pleased. A warbling purr-like noise filled the air as the Behemoth King showed its submission to the smaller man by running its organ over and under Snow's body like a cat cleaning its young.

Snow could have been knocked over with a Chocobo feather as he just laid there and contemplated how weird this all really was. Nothing made sense, and yet everything always had a habit of working itself out for him in the end. Serah would never let him hear the end of this one though, Snow could just imagine his pink haired fiancé laughing herself into fits once he relayed the past hours events to her. And in an odd way, Snow thought that maybe this was something that fit his life just right as he chuckled aloud.

A sweep of a tongue across his manhood had the human hissing as he cracked his eyes and then looked up at the monster.

"Careful, big guy. I know we're friendly and all now but there are just some things that are sacred, ya know?" The monster let out a murbling grunt as it stared back at the human confusedly. "I don't know if you fully understand me, but I know you're a guy too, I've seen your junk when we were fighting," Snow spoke while remembering the masculine bits that he had seen dangling between the beast's legs. "So you know that 'down there' is off limits, ok?"

The Behemoth King didn't seem to get it and instead bent its nose down to snuffle at Snow's face, almost tenderly. Looking in front of the creature's face Snow came face to face with the reality that he had taken on such a mighty being with just his bare hands and had come out on top, not just once but twice. Lady Luck had to seriously like his ass, or maybe it was the Shiva Sisters still watching over him from wherever they were in the Maker's presence.

Snow raised one hand up and then let it slide over the monstrous face of the creature, with its rounded features, sharp fangs, those twin horns made to pierce or serrate flesh, and then slid his fingers down to the underside of the Behemoth King's chin. Another purring moan came from the creature as Snow let his senses map out the rough feel of the suede like hide and the overly warm skin that made him pant from up underneath the monster.

"I suppose this is the part where I try to take you home, sway the good people that you aren't dangerous and then make a lifelong bond with you so that you turn into my loyal pet?"

Amber eyes stared at the human and then narrowed as the creature seemed to read the sarcasm of his words.

"I didn't think so. That leaves the question, what do you want from me?" Snows' answer came in the form of the Behemoth King backing away from him and then leaning back to stand on its two hind legs.

Snow blinked as he looked at the towering form of the beast that he had defeated twice and then truly gaze as the awe-inspiring might that he had been able to subdue with his own unrelenting force. The monster had to have been nearly three times his height. The packed on muscles littering across the broad expanse of the Behemoth looked so dense and full that Snow was sure that he could have bounced a gil from here to Pulse if he threw a coin at the creature. The strange runic markings on the Behemoth King's chest were something that Snow just knew meant something important, perhaps in the monster's language, but to him it only looked like tribal tattoos and marking the likes of which the beast had been tailored with.

The strange metal spiked cuffs along the Behemoth King's wrists and ankles were an oddity that Snow had yet to justify in his own mind as who in the world would make something like that for a monster? The flowing manes behind the other's head seemed to possess the ability to defy gravity, though that might have been because of the creature's apparent electrical powers, as they floated up along the monster's back, despite there being no wind. Various other bits and pieces of apparel covered the Behemoth King giving the beast an impressive air about itself, yet it was what was between the creature's legs that made Snow swallow thickly and chuckle nervously.

While he had 'seen' the other male's maleness in battle it hadn't been because he was 'trying' to look at it. Apparently, the tightly wrapped loin cloth that the Behemoth King had on had ripped some time during the fight and Snow guessed that the monster hadn't been of the mind to deal with it. Because of that however, that left certain male bits and pieces to hang over where the blonde could see them. And what the blonde saw made him both a little scared and lot curious as the same time.

The Behemoth didn't have a sheath like a dog or cat; instead the monster possessed a flaccid length of flesh that was probably as long as his leg and two swaying nuts that looked like they were supposed to have been on a tree somewhere. The flesh was the same dark purplish color that coated the outside of the beast's hide and from what Snow could see, it looked as if it were going to jump up out at him at any moment from the way it pulsed quietly in between its owner's legs.

The Behemoth let out a quiet hiss and then reached down to fondle its turgid organ. Snow blinked as he felt his own manhood lift up some in approval before he berated himself for his unfaithfulness. He was supposed to have been engaged and here he was thinking about thoughts that shouldn't have been feasible, let alone acceptable. Not just because he was - somewhat - cheating on his fiancé, with another male no less, but because he were cheating on her with a MONSTER!!!

If Serah didn't abandon him for what thoughts he were having, if he ever let her hear about it in his most drunken of stupors - there was no way she was hearing this one otherwise - then Snow would follow that girl to the moon and stars beyond for her faith in him.

"On forget about it! Uh-uh! No way!" Snow said as he got up from off of his back and then stood to his full height before the other, the respectable difference meaning that he had to look up to glare at the monster. "Not only I am supposed to be married soon, but you'd probably kill me if you tried to do what I think, you think, you want to do with me!"

The Behemoth King smirked and then lumbered towards Snow, making the human back up some and then unsteadily flail as he lost his footing along the slippery rim of the hot springs, before a gargantuan purple hand caught the blonde and then pulled him forward into the beast's chest. The monster purred and then stomped over to a clear side of the forest before it sat itself down with the human on its lap. Snow snapped his head up at the other and was about to give complimentary thanks before his eyes opened wide as a large tongue slathered itself over across his face.

'Monster...drool...slimy...' Was about all Snow could think as the heated breath and scent of the Behemoth King coated along his face and body making him shiver somewhat.

Another lick and the Behemoth King soon began to groom the smaller human with all of the gentleness that it had for its own kind. Given that, Snow was lucky that the skin didn't come up from off of his back as the creature leaned down lower and laved its tongue along his tanned backside. Wet heat engulfed Snow as he shivered and groaned into the ministrations of the beast that still had him inside of its hold.

'This is wrong! This so wrong, feels so good.' Snow arched his back and let himself give into the monster just a little bit.

While he may not have been a monster like the Behemoth King, Snow was not all that removed from being animal-like in his nature as his body instinctively gave into the pleasure that he was receiving. Human customs, morale and training all said that what he was allowing to happen was just about as immoral and debased as anything he could do. However, it was the inner sense of being that made Snow who he was that said that what was happening was right.

He had defeated the other male. Had bested the beast twice and allowed the other to live after doing so. By all right, Snow was the dominant male between them and worthy of the kind of respect and deference that he was being shown. He wasn't an 'alpha' because of the difference in species, but he was the one who had proven enough dominance to command the monster's respect. And that was all that mattered to the Behemoth King.

Yet it was when a large piece of male flesh lifted up and pushed at the front of Snow's head that made the human recall exactly why he wasn't too thrilled at what he had gotten himself into. Wider than his thigh, bigger than head, about as long as his leg, if not a few inches more, and thick with a musk that pervaded the blonde's nose with the stink of rut, Snow found himself facing something that not even his nightmares could give birth to.

So why did that make him throb harder between his legs in need?

The licks at his back soon stilled and Snow panted heavily as he turned his head to look into the face of the beast. Amber eyes gazed into light blue orbs and Snow didn't need psychic ability to know what the other wanted of him. The trick was that it had to be given and not taken for it to mean anything between them. The Behemoth King had been beaten in battle so it was only in battle that he could reclaim any pride that he had. Forcing the smaller human onto him and taking the other violently wouldn't restore the burning heath of self-respect that had once burned brightly inside of his chest.

The knowledge that he wouldn't be forced made Snow visibly calm down, but did little for his inner turmoil as his thoughts spun out of control.

His light blue eyes blinked once as the monster purred at him again and something - something that Snow couldn't have put a finger on if he tried to - made him turn back around and look at the hard piece of male flesh in front of him. His mind, heart, and spirit were at war with each other for various reasons as the thoughts of his dignity, Serah, his supposed marriage and his rising lust battered against one another.

Serah came at the top of his projections when blue eyes appeared inside of his head along with a familiar tint of pink hair that made Snow both groan and shudder. However, the surprise of the century came to Snow when those same eyes smiled at him wholeheartedly and then blinked out of focus.

"Would Serah...want me to do this?" Snow whispered verbally as he wondered why in the hell his fiancé would want him to cheat on her, but then the blonde had to really think about it.

He and Serah, they were something that wouldn't be torn apart because of something like this. What they shared wasn't just a solemn promise or was a commitment to one another that went farther than anything physical. Serah had his heart and his soul and he had hers. She would want him to do what he thought was right and then acknowledge it fully so that he could be more honest with himself. That was the kind of woman that she was; faithful, trusting and accepting. Serah didn't need to try an own Snow and he didn't need to try and possess her.

What he did here was something that he felt was right within him on a primal level and Snow knew that Serah would accept that so long as he gave all of himself into it.

A shaky tanned hand came up and gripped the length of the beast. Snow felt the heat from the monster's shaft, felt it beat powerfully in time with the heart of the creature, and then he began to stroke the creature with ease. Behind him the Behemoth King let out a warbling roar of elation as nimble fingers began to rub along the slickened flesh of its sex.

Snow let his lips rise up into a thin smirk as he moved his other hand to work in time with his other. While he could just barely grab around the full width of the beast's cock, he had to surrender and admit to the felt kinda good. Snow let his hold grow steady as he pumped the monster with easy strokes; the same kind which he would have used on himself had been in relative privacy.

The Behemoth King let out a hiss which made the world around them shiver as the human touched him the ways no other had before. While those tasty Chocobo might have gotten the life by being pets and mounts for the smaller beings, the Behemoth King didn't think that any other creature, at least not of his kind, had ever known the sweet rapture of having a human entice his lust like the sun-kissed haired male was. Those small, but delicious hands rubbed him up and down and up and down, milking out the seed from his orbs and forcing his heart to beat harder and wilder inside of his chest.

The scent of the other had been so confused and unsure moment ago, the possibility of having the male force him away would have been a bane to the Behemoth's instincts but he would have accepted it nonetheless, however now it seemed like a passed momentary distraction. Purple hips hunched up some as the monster rolled the smaller body forward and further into his maleness while allowing the human's back rub up against his dirty chest. The sweat and earth from the ground had matted the monster's torso down and with the way the Behemoth King was pumping his body the filth was casually exchanging over to the blonde's frame.

And the monster couldn't have been more pleased because of it as his scent mixed with the scent of human to make a thick cocktail that quickly filled the creature's nose. Clawed fingers moved down to the ground as the Behemoth forced himself to be well aware of the delicateness of the dominant male on his lap. The claws on said hands dug deep furrows into the ground as Snow moved his hands over and across the beast's cock, drawing out small bubbles of pre-cum up out of the monster's tip.

Snow didn't focus on the fact that his own cock was hard enough to drive nails into wood. He didn't linger on how the rising musky smell coming from the Behemoth was making him dizzy. He didn't even let pass the fact that he was jerking off a titan than could split him open like a melon, or fry him like a cod, as he continued to pump and stroke off the Behemoth before him. Snow's teeth did grit together though as his hips were pushed forward into the monster's shaft. Small lines of his own pre kissed the purple flesh as Snow's human balls moved down away from his body from the stifling heat that was growing between himself and the Behemoth.

The creature in question let its head roll back and purred to the sky above as densely muscled hips jumped up in time with every hard thrust of Snow's hands down its length while sharpened teeth clenched together when amber eyes lowered to half-mast. The monster's orgasm was far enough away so as not to be a problem and yet the need, the burning desire to take and claim and lay filled the Behemoth King up to the point of bursting. Focusing on the human, the Behemoth snorted and then let its gaze slide over to its drooling male spear.

Bubbles of clear and musky fluid seeped out from the top of his hardness like water from a gushing spring. The human seemed to pay it little mind as a tanned nose wiggled while sliding deft fingers faster across the turgid length. The Behemoth let his tail whip behind him; sending bushes crashing to and fro in consequence, as the creature's hips all but bounced Snow along its lap like a springboard. The monster might have been wrong about its first fulfilled release as more and more need shot up through the Behemoth's spine and into its head.

A quick decision was made and quickly the beast was moved to enact a plan. Moving the blonde from off of its lap with a quick, but careful grab of a gargantuan hand, the Behemoth King sat the human down onto the ground beside his legs and then leaned forward to sniff at its pre-cum stained erection. A firm tongue licked out along the length of purple colored flesh and the beast shuddered as tingles of excitement ran rampant throughout its body.

He was ready and turning to look over at the somewhat confused human the Behemoth noted, by way of smell and scent, that the human was as ready as he could be. A firm press sent Snow down onto his back and when the human was all but staring up, wide eyed and uncertain at the beast; the Behemoth King settled its bulk over him and then ran the tip of his hard on over along the blonde's frame.

Snow could have kicked himself in the ass as he felt gravity get swept aside as the big beast placed him down onto his back before looming over him like a curse. The monstrous body of the muscular creature gave off a presence that had Snow hissing between his teeth as a massive spear of slickened flesh ran over his torso and coated him with the clear fluid of the Behemoth. The beast seemed to be pleased with itself and found no reason to halt its advances as it held the human in place while fucking its hips over the blonde's body.

The too long length of Behemoth maleness ran along Snow's face, matting the blonde's hair down and spreading clear cream along a tanned form. The only thing that Snow could do of good consequence was to lick up the mess and take what was given with ample grace. He had stroked the fires within the Behemoth King's pounding hear and now he had to feel the heat of what he had unleashed as the Behemoth pumped back and forth over his body in obvious rut. What Snow hoped was that the monster would just use him and then leave him soaked in its juice before ending this affair, what he got however, was a surprise amongst all revelations as the Behemoth stopped all motion and then looked down at him.

A knowing smirk split the face of the beast and Snow felt his heart seize up in his chest as the beast used its other hand to lift up his legs before centering its shaft into the folds of his ass.

'There's no way in hell,' Was the only thing Snow could think as panic began to seep into his mind while his body tensed up like a live wire.

A firm poke of a too large cock into his backside had the blonde clenching his eyes up in terror. A firmer press and Snow let out a keening wail as he was skewered, right down the middle, by the Behemoth's manhood. Snow didn't have to look to know that he was probably going to be ripped in two as his body protested and resisted before ultimately giving in to the monster's relentless assault. A loud slurp and Snow was filled, both with the flesh of the beast and with the knowledge that no pain in the world could compare to what was happening to his ass right then and there.

Tears pooled into the man's eyes as the Behemoth began to hump forward, steadily and slowly into him, but soon they were wiped away as the monster leaned down and licked his face to dry them away.

Light blue eyes clenched together as unbridled anguish racked through Snow's body with the force of a lightning bolt. Yet the Behemoth never stopped its forward pursuit as it unrelentingly drove itself forward into him while continuing to lick at his face. Inches gave way to feet as Snow felt his guts spread open for the beast, however, just as it seemed as though he were going to perfectly in half, all motion suddenly stopped.

The silence of the word around the two was broken by the firm licks of the Behemoth King as it rested just halfway inside of the human that had dominant it. The scent of misery from the other was all too clear to taste on the wind as salty tears filled the space between the tightly held eyes of the human. While it had no desire to kill the smaller being its lusts were too powerful for it to go part of the ways into their joining. Yet the Behemoth could be satisfied with halfway as it ground its body into the human's and listened as the blonde crooned out loud for it. Pleasure and pain was the succor of a monster's life and now Snow knew it all too well as he allowed himself to be the sheath to the creature's weapon.

No more movement of muscled purple hips went by as the Behemoth rested himself where he was up over the smaller human. Purring and holding the man in place the monster would wait until the other's body had calmed down enough so as to allow him clearance to pull out with tearing the blonde into two.

That hour came almost twenty minutes later with Snow showing some acceptance to the girth inside of his flesh by looking up at the Behemoth with a shaky smirk.

"Y-you gonna stand there a-all night?"

The beast blinked and them gave a smirk of its own as it pulled its hips back, sliding out of the human sleeve that it had created. Watching every little twitch of the human's body before coming to rest almost completely out of the blonde haired man, the Behemoth began to groan from the rippling feeling that sucked along its length.

Snow moaned as it felt like his stomach was going to empty out through his backside as the Behemoth pulled inch after inch out of him. When the monster had exited his rectum so that only the head was still inside Snow looked down to see what damage had been done. Surprise of all surprises, there was little if any. While his stomach seemed to have rounded a bit there weren't any visible lines of red crisscrossing over his tanned body showing how his 'seams' had almost come undone. A glance up at the beast revealed that the Behemoth seemed not to be surprised at this as amber eyes looked down at Snow in understanding. Somehow, the monster knew that he was tough enough to handle the girth of what the beast possessed between its legs. And on a slow drive of its hips back inside of the human the Behemoth sought to prove just how supple and unyielding Snow could be as it began to mate with the man with unusual tenderness for its kind.

Snow watched as his belly expanded with the length of the Behemoth. It shouldn't have been possible, though at this point the blonde wasn't sure what should and should not have been at all, yet it was happening all the same. Snow groaned and watched as his stomach ballooned more and more, and he could have sworn that he could taste the pre of the monster inside of his throat, before the Behemoth pulled back and retreated from inside of his rear.

Again the beast moved forward and again Snow was filled to the brim. A backwards retreat had the Behemoth emptying out of the blonde again only to have the purple monster filling the human to capacity once for a third time. More and more of these slow thrusts joined the two males together as both man and monster acknowledged the other as both equal and superior.

Snow looked to see the large purple sac sway between the Behemoth's legs and noted how thick and heavy the orbs seemed to be. His light blue looked down at his own maleness and blinked in confusion as his manhood stood proud and erect along his chest. The torture that he felt should had numbed everything in him, but somehow his lust and desire had shown through the pain and kept the blonde hard as rock between his legs. Reaching a hand down to stroke himself off, Snow determined that he would take what the beast had to offer with all the virility he could muster. Even if were to be filled to the point of bursting with the Behemoth's seed and left twitching from this strange debauchery Snow was not going to go out without having his own fun, to say the least.

Above him the Behemoth King let out a dark chuckle as he scented the change in the human. Amber eyes watched as the blonde gave himself to the rapture that was to be had in this shared moment and in his mind the beast was no more proud of himself than what could be had in knowing that he was the one making his dominant this excited. Muscled hips ground against tanned ones as the monster began to increase the pace of his strokes into the human.

There would be only pleasure this night between the two of them as moans and groans echoed behind the wet slaps of tanned flesh into purple hide.

Snow and the Behemoth hissed and arched into each other as the monster drove his hips further and faster into the body beneath him. The two males were drunk on lust and falling into a realm of depravity the likes of which had not been seen on either Pulse or Cocoon. Grunts blossomed in the air as the Behemoth's mighty testicles jumped forward into Snow's body smacking the human along bottom of his thighs and sending shocks of rapture up throughout the blonde.

Snow's hands danced around and along his cock as he stroked himself with the same force as the beast taking his ass. His tongue wet his lips as one of his hands reached down to roll his balls together. How ironic that the same nimble fingers that teased the beast's length once before now drove Snow higher up onto the plateau of madness as he gave himself into this primordial act. The girth that expanded Snow's body seemed to be almost play out in the background to all of this as the Behemoth fluttered his hips deeper into the backside of the human making wet and audible slaps echo throughout the night.

Slick with the pre that stained the head of the creature's length Snow's anus gobbled up the foot and a half spear of maleness with unrestrained eagerness as the blonde's back muscles milked along the purple lining of flesh. Strong tugs made it hard for the Behemoth to pull back, yet the excitement for even stronger thrusts into the tanned body below had the beast pulling back hard enough to rake Snow's prostate with the force of a bludgeoning hammer. More and more musky, slick pre gushed out from Snow's ass as the groaning bellows of the two males who rutted like feral animals under the moon and stars above sounded louder and louder in the Behemoth and human's throats.

Hammering thrusts and keening cries were the dance and music that respectfully untied the two together. There was both passion and depravity in the act that was being made between Snow and the Behemoth as surrender and dominance was found in the act of the rutting pair as instinct as old as time both bodied together in darkness. Amber eyes looked down at light blue and the Behemoth leaned down to slave his tongue across Snow's face, tasting the human and memorizing this moment forever in its mind. Snow's own tongue pushed out and licked across the much larger organ that slid across his face, his own impulses playing a tease to game that could never be won.

The hips of the monster shuddered suddenly and the Behemoth knew that his time was almost at hand. A purple colored sac drew close to the creature's body and a barking call unexpectedly slammed into Snow from up above.

Blue eyes flew wide at this and Snow looked up just in time to see the slobbery tongue of the Behemoth go still across his chest before two rough slams of massive thighs halted the monster completely in its tracks.

"OH SHIT!!!!" Snow broke the quiet promise between the two not to voice his thoughts in silly human words as he felt his belly expand to such widths that his eyes rolled up into his head.

The fleshy orbs or the Behemoth King churned and flexed as the pulled closed to the monster's body while dumping their contents inside of the dominant male. A roar with enough force to be heard back where Snow hailed from made heads turn in confusion as to what that noise was about. None of the faces could be seen by the Behemoth as he came and came and filled up the human with all of the seed he had stored inside of his body.

The torrent that unleashed itself felt like a hot geyser of euphoria escaping from the beast as it let itself fill the human that all but collapsed down underneath it. The flood was so hot, so sticky and so sweet that the Behemoth King promised itself that it would never let go of the creature that could slake its lust like this. No female of its breed could compare to the perfectness that was to be found buried between the cheeks of the tanned human.

A grunting hump made the beast thrust once up into the blonde and then clench down hard to get the last of its cum out from its orbs. A single look down made the monster chuckle as it watched the form of the human swell and fill with its lusts almost to the brink before shivering and shuddering there underneath him.

Yes, this one was to be kept above all.

Snow didn't know what happened after that. Everything seemed to be a blank to his conscious mind as he returned from the darkness of unconscious with the grace of a tumbling Chocobo. What he did know what that: his body ached like hell, his stomach felt like he had the cramps and there was a taste in his mouth that he refused to identify. Light blue eyes blinked as the blonde looked up into the morning sky and then rolled down to see something that should have been impossible lying right next to him.

" it wasn't a wacky dream after all..." Snow chuckled as he reached out a hand to pat the head of a certain purple skinned monster that was resting with its bulk curled around him.

Letting his eyes run over himself and the beast, Snow let out a disbelieving snort as he found himself both naked and filthy with caked on Behemoth cum stained around his thighs while some still dripped outside of his loosened hole. Apparently his stomach hadn't burst any time during the night and now looked as though it had never been filled at all. Well, maybe a little bit from the way his abs seemed to give from when Snow reached down to probe them.

Reaching a hand down to check for the one part of himself he rather not, Snow got a real shocker when he found that he was not bleeding out of the ass when cum covered fingers were returned to the front of his face. Not a trace of pink nor red covered them and Snow didn't stop himself from laughing like a loon in praise as disbelief and thankfulness washed over him like a wave.

"Thank you Maker," A grumbling grunt went off by his side and Snow looked over to find bleary amber eyes gazing at him accusingly. "Hey, if you had just done what I did then you'd be happy to that your ass wasn't gushing blood."

The monster seemed to take no interest in that, but instead it settled for curling its masculine arms tighter around Snow and purring itself back to sleep. The vibrations sent chills throughout Snow's spine and the blonde wanted to rant and try to get up, but he chose, instead, to just shrug and then lay back down in the Behemoth King's arms.

"I'll figure this out later." He then looked to the beast. "And figure out what to do with you after that."

A tiny smile did grace Snow's face however, proving that somewhere between his ears, a calm respite had given his mental unrest a brief pause to worry about the what, why, and how come was to be handled later on. For its part the beast licked him once and then buried its nose into the human's chest, thankfully with its horns well away from any sensitive part of the man, as it drifted off to the comforting feel of the dominant human settling quietly down into its hold.