The Arena, chapter four: Troubled pasts

Story by foxes26 on SoFurry

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#4 of The Arena

Alright, fourth chapter. Hope you enjoy it. Oh, and the reason there is a ronso character in here is because this character is based off a friend's fursona. Kimahri1113 is responsible for writing the scene on the sacred mountain, and I thank him for it.


Name: Lance, A.K.A. Broken

Current age: 22

Gender: Male

Species: Grey wolf

Description: No change in physical appearance from previous chapter, but he has taken a liking to tight blue jeans and too-small T-shirts to show off his muscular body.

Name: JD Ronso

Current Age: 19

Gender: Male

Species: Ronso

Description: Small Ronso, though most people would consider him bigger than average in the current enviroment. Stands 6'1", weighs 195 lbs. Has short grey-blue fur on most of his body, detailed by long white hair on his head and bushy white chest fur. His tail is long and skinny, with a white tuft on it's end. He wears leather straps on his torso and a solid black loin cloth held by a navy blue thick rope tied in a knot in the front. He has no leg coverings. His build has become quite muscular since he ran away from biding his time doing push ups and other body building exercises, his drive fueled by the burning urge for revenge. His personality is quiet and defensive, but still caring towards people that show compassion towards him.

"Puny Ronso never amount to anything! Should never been born! All JD do is waste air and food!!" the elder roared in JD's petrified face before catching him squarely in the jaw with a hard fist. The young Ronso, only 14 years old, flew off his feet into a large boulder to the side. His head collided with the cold granite rock with tremendous force, bringing JD close to unconsciousness. He laid next to the rock in the snow, not making any effort to move, knowing from experience that any attempt to stand up would be taken as a challenge, resulting in a much more severe beating, possibly death. The thought flashed through his head that maybe he should stand up and threaten the elder's life, which would guarantee immediate death. It would end the misery that he lived through almost daily, and it seemed like the right thing to do. Something stopped JD though, a little voice in the back of his head told him to lay still and look as miserable as possible so maybe the elder would leave him alone.

The elder had always been such a dictator, from the first day he was chosen for the head position, and he had seemed to single JD out of all the Ronsos atop the mountain. JD had always been small and clumsy, and no body, not even his family accepted him. Every Ronso abused and neglected JD because he was the runt of the pack. He had been raped too many times to even think about, by all his strong healthy brothers and cousins. They used him as a cum bin and then tossed him to the side and beat him close to death each time. At only 14 years old, JD decided that he couldn't live in the harsh conditions. He had to get off that mountain and it didn't matter how he did it. As night fell, he came down from one of his many hiding places in a tree close to what he used to consider his home. Trying to stealthily sneak into the house to grab the few ratty belongings he had, his clumsiness posed a pretty big problem. He knew that he needed to be extremely quiet to get in and out without being detected, unfortunately, he didn't see the stack of firewood directly in front of him until it was too late.

JD's foot knocked one of the bottom logs out from underneath the stack and they all came crashing down into the steel trash cans outside his house. He froze with fear, not knowing where to run to, and he stood there like a deer in headlights, not knowing what would happen to him for his mistake. Almost immediately, his father and older brother were on the small porch, his father with a large club and his brother with a double edged sword. They were in defensive position until the realized that it was only JD. His father and brother chuckled to each other before the younger Ronso with the sword went back inside. JD's father remained on the porch, staring at his scrawny son coldly, his face showing no kindness or care.

"What JD doing out all alone? Not afraid wolves eat him? Or just too stupid to know what wolf is!!!" his father laughed at his own remark, not caring that it somehow hurt JD even more than he already was, even though it didn't seem possible to do so.

"NO!" JD screamed as loud as his small voice could manage, "JD leave mountain, start new life with nice people! Father can live with all other corrupt Ronsos on corrupt mountain!" he continued, shaking his small fist at his father.

"Nobody anywhere ever accept JD. Always be alone until his death. JD never have any reason to live. Why not let brother put JD out of misery? World be better without small puny Ronso." His father responded, chuckling. JD became infuriated at the whole world, the gods, and everything. All his fear of everything was gone. He marched past his father, slammed open the door to the house and went straight to his room to grab his other set of clothing and the only weapon anybody would let him have, an old dull pocket knife. Staring at the old blade, he started to throw it at the wall, but decided that it was better than nothing and slipped it into the pouch on his loin cloth. Angrily, he stuffed his other loin cloth and pair of underwear into an old sack laying on the floor. That was the only things he had, and he saw no reason to stay in the room any longer than he needed to.

JD walked back out of the house and stood close to his father, glaring at him as he looked up into his eyes, trying to burn holes deep in him.

"Father remember words he mock JD with," JD said, referring to his father saying that he had no reason to live, for now he did; revenge for the years of torment he suffered. With that, he turned and set off towards the base of the mountain, feeling somewhat excited that he was leaving the pain and agony of his life behind.

Six years had passed and now JD was living on the streets of a town miles away from the mountain. He had wandered alone until he came into the town and decided to stay there. It wasn't that great surviving by eating out of trash cans and sleeping in trees, but it was better than what he went through at his old home. At least here, he was "normal" sized, if not a little bigger than most of the furs he ran into, and that kept him from getting into fights and other problems. He kept to himself for months at a time, not speaking a word to anybody he saw.

The Ronso still remembered the abuse and pain, and each time he thought about it his hatred towards his family grew deeper and worse. For all these years he had been planning the revenge he could take upon his family, but never seemed to be able to do it. He needed more, someone to back him up on this. But, of course, he couldn't find anyone suitable. He found himself wondering, not for the first time, if he should just give up on his revenge. Maybe he should just find somewhere to settle down and make a life for himself. The only problem was the money; he had none.

JD sighed a bit and jumped down from the low branch he had been resting on, landing solidly with a small grunt. He looked around to see if anyone was near before starting to walk down the paved sidewalk. He just hated the way others stared at him because of his size and the way he was dressed, so he avoided the other's gaze. The ronso passed by a flier hanging on a telephone pole and stopped, reading over the small print.

"Perfect..." He said in a low voice to himself, his heart beginning to beat faster. Maybe there was a place he could stay and make a life for himself after all. He reached out with big paws and ripped the flier from its place before running off, following the directions to where he hoped his new life would be. The giant blue cat received plenty of stares as he ran along the streets, but he didn't even seem to notice anymore. He had been getting stares like this ever since he came down from his mountain. And so far, no one had bothered to try and stop him.

A loud howl of pleasure sounded out from deep within the wolf's chest as he came into the vixen beneath him. He lay down over the smaller fox's back and bit the back of her neck, drawing a small moan from her. This had been the vixen's lucky day today. The young vulpine, whose name he couldn't quite remember at the moment, had just been walking along and caught his eye. She had looked very attractive in her short skirt and tight clothes, showing off her body like that. It had been almost intoxicating to Broken.

He had gone up to the attractive fox with an air of almost complete confidence and started talking to her, all the while thinking of how great she would feel. The younger fur, barely even legal, had been instantly taken in by Broken's manner. Within a few minutes, he had convinced her to give a 'tour' around her apartment. That tour had consisted of door, living room, bed.

The lupine pulled his softening cock out of the female and stood up, panting softly after the exercise he had just gotten. She turned around onto her back and looked up at him, a soft smile on her muzzle.

"That was amazing, soldier," she said happily, her tail moving up and rubbing at his leg softly. "But I still don't know your name..." Broken smiled and chuckled lightly, moving over to find his shirt and pants.

"You don't need to know my name. More likely than not, we'll never meet again and you'll have no use for it," he said lightly, pulling on his skin-fitting jeans and form-showing T-shirt. "I hope you didn't think I was here for a relationship."

"I was hoping.." The fox looked down at the sheets of the bed, looking embarrassed. She should have known that this was just going to be a small fling for today and nothing more.

"Now don't get me wrong," Broken said, bringing up his paws, "You were a great fuck, but I don't want to go out with you." He put his paws back down with a smile. "Anyone who would give themselves up that easily are obviously not girlfriend material."

The female vulpine didn't say anything for a few moments, just stared at the ground, before looking up again. "Thanks for a good... time..." The room was already empty and she was alone. The female just let out a small sigh and crawled herself underneath the covers of her bed. She closed her eyes and after a while, fell into a light sleep. The sex had worn her out, after all.

Broken chuckled lightly as he stepped out of the building, pausing only to stretch out his muscles in the warm sunlight. The wolf was feeling great after a lay like that. Hell, he always felt great after getting laid. Who didn't, right?

He smiled and looked around at the street outside the building. Not too busy right now, but the traffic was going to pick up as it got later. Everyone should be coming home from work soon. With a small sigh, he put his paws down into his pockets and started walking down the street, looking around at the others he passed. There was no way he could get out of here before the traffic picked up. So he might as well walk around and meet some new friends. Who knows, maybe another one time stand, he thought to himself.

A bad feeling started to nag at his mind as he walked along, offering a wink to a passing leopardess. So far his day had been amazing. Usually something like that didn't happen to him. There was going to be something to come along and try to ruin his day.

Broken let out a small sigh and turned down a small alleyway moving between two stores, wanting to get to the adjacent street. In the back of his mind, he knew he was asking for trouble pushing his luck like this. Going into a back alley in a city like this? Just not safe or wise for an ordinary fur. But the wolf found himself kind of hoping that someone would try something, that there would be someone there to attempt a mugging as he entered into the alley. It would just make his day.

He entered into the small back road behind a square of four stores and didn't even bother to look around. He could already tell there was something there. He knew the voice was coming before it ever even spoke.

"You lost, bitch?" A gruff sounding voice asked him from his right. The wolf chuckled softly and turned towards the voice, his eyes meeting those of a solid pit bull. There were three others fanned out to his side, but the one who had spoken appeared to be in charge. "What, ya can't talk or somethin'? I asked you a question!"

"Oh no, I can talk. And no, I'm not lost, just passing through," Broken said back his paws moving to clasp behind. He gave a small, teasing smirk to the pit bull, knowing it would piss the canine off. "And I don't think you want to start something here."

All of the pit bulls threw their heads back and laughed all at once at the last comment, thinking the wolf was being pretty funny. The leader stopped laughing abruptly and walked up very close to the smaller looking lupine.

"You know, normally I'd offer ya a chance to pay yourself outta a beating," he said with a small growl. "But you just pissed me off, little wolf, so we're gonna hafta teach ya some manners. This was the wrong alleyway to follow." The pit bull smiled before letting out a loud, startling roar and taking a swing at the lupine, catching him square on the jaw and knocking him back a few steps. "I'll bet that hurt, didn't it little man?"

"No..." he wolf said with a smile, rubbing at his jaw. The hit didn't appear to even phase him, much less cause a lot of pain. "Actually, I'm thinking that I've had bitches hit me harder than that. Heh... and now I'm going to have to hurt you all..."

The pit bull stared in disbelief for a few moments at the arrogant and insulting wolf. This guy was going to have to die. With a loud growl, he motioned forward the other three dogs, who slowly stalked towards the lupine. Broken, still with the smile on his face, crouched down a bit closer to the ground and just waited for them to get closer. It had been a long while since he'd fought like this. He had almost been missing the feeling of adrenaline and exhilaration.

One of the canines rushed forward from the small circle at the wolf with his arms held out wide, almost as if he wanted to give Broken a hug. They obviously didn't know how to fight. He waited until the canine was almost upon him before jumping up into the air and twisting his body around. His leg came whistling around with the twist of his body, and the unfortunate canine didn't see it coming until it was too late. The foot paw smashed hard into the gangster's face with a violent crack as his muzzle broke and he flew back.

Broken landed from the kick with grace and ease, looking down at the canine he'd just kicked. The poor pit bull was writhing on the ground in pain and clutching at his muzzle, yelling out muffled curse words. Broken just laughed.

"You're going ta fuckin' pay for that!" One of the other ones yelled out as he too rushed the wolf. This one kept his arms in closer to his body, obviously smarter than the other one had been. Not smart enough though. Broken side stepped the bumbling canine with ease and dug his dull claws into his enemy's kidney from behind. The yelp and scream of pain that came from the canine made even the lupine wince painfully. With a loud growl, he moved up close to the screaming pit bull and drove his fist into its stomach as hard as he could. The gangster's scream was cut off as the air rushed from his lungs and he fell to the ground, trying to relearn how to breathe.

Broken turned to the remaining two with the same smile he'd had on the entire time, looking completely untouched. A bulge had started to form in his pants from the excitement of the fight and the feeling of adrenaline. A fight like this just turned him on. The two canines were looking a lot less willing to fight than they had been when this started.

"Ah, what's wrong?" The wolf asked mockingly, throwing his arms wide in a teasing gesture. "You don't seem to be running your mouth any more." The leader pit bull stepped forward with a growl at the wolf's stinging words. There was no way he could lose face like this in front of his boys.

"Oh, it's not going to be that easy any more," the canine said, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a cheap looking switchblade. The other dog standing behind him did the same, though he looked very much unsure of himself. He was pretty sure the wolf would still hurt them like the others. Still, he followed the bigger canine as he charged recklessly at the confident lupine.

Broken let out a bark of laughter as he watched the dogs run at him, waiting for just the right time to strike. The blade came down at him and the owner grunted as he put all of his body weight behind it. Too easy, he thought humorously as he stepped to the side, a strong paw wrapping around the stupid dog's wrist.

The canine's eyes went wide as he felt a tugging on his arm and a leg under his. He had been thrown severely off balance when his savage swipe missed its target, and now he was sure he was going to pay for it. The pit bull was thrown from his feet and landed with a loud yelp on his back. He yelped again when he heard a loud crack that was accompanied by a shooting pain u his arm. He couldn't feel the knife in his paw any more.

Broken stood above the canine with the cheap blade held in his paw, throwing it up and catching it again as he smiled. The last unharmed dog had stopped his charge and backed away, no longer wanting to fight. The wolf was no ordinary person. There was a wet spot in the crotch of Broken's pants where he was now leaking pre cum. This wolf was just some kind of freak! There was no way he could win here.

"I've killed better men than you," the lupine said, looking down at the leader dog. "You're almost not worth it, but I'm pretty sure if you live, you may just try and hurt some others." Broken chuckled lightly and stabbed the knife down with a grunt of effort. The blade buried itself into the canine's throat up to the hilt.

The pit bull's eyes went wide as he felt his breathing cut off by the knife. Something warm was flowing down his neck and flooding on the ground around his head. He couldn't quite grasp what it was right now though. His mind was buzzing much too loudly for him to think coherently. Darkness began to creep into the edges of his vision, a cold and frightening darkness. The last think he saw before the black overtook him was the wolf's smiling face, then nothing more.

Broken watched the light fade from this stupid canine's eyes with an odd feeling of satisfaction and enjoyment, before standing up from his crouched position. He felt charged now, refreshed from the adrenaline pumping through his veins. This was just the kind of thing he had needed.

The wolf jumped and turned around quickly when he heard a noise behind him, his eyes falling on the remaining pit bull cowering by the dumpster with his head buried in his arms. It was a pitiful sight to him, too pitiful for him to be angry. After all, this was the only one that hadn't attacked him.

"You," Broken said in a soft voice that made the pit bull jump in fear regardless. "Go home, forget about your friends, and move on with your life. Try and find something better to do than mug others, or I'll be back for you." The canine shivered heavily at the voice and nodded his head in agreement, hoping that he would be allowed to live.

Broken smiled and walked out the other side of the alley, moving once more towards his original destination as if nothing had happened. He didn't notice the wet spot on his jeans or the bulge still in his pants. His mind was still on the fight and the pit bulls. It just felt so great after winning a fight.

Author's note:

Heh, okay, I know it's a short chapter, but it introduced two new characters, so it served its purpose. I had a severe case of writer's block which I'm not completely sure is gone, but I really hope it is. Very sorry for the delay. Anyways, I'd really like some feedback on the changes in perspective between the pit bull and Broken. Was it easy to follow? If not, do you think I should get rid of it? Thanks for reading, everyone! Hope you enjoyed it and for some critiques.