Pretty Friendship – The Fox Lovers Club

Story by JhJ on SoFurry

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Hello and welcome to the third installment of Pretty Friendship.

Warning contains: m/m, Fox, Orca, Tiger, Crossdressing, Exhibitionism, Public, Stripping, Club, Deepthroating, Light Bondage,

Proofreading done by EnigmaWings

Part One:

Part Two:

Pretty Friendship - The Fox Lovers Club


It was the Tuesday after the weekend in which Terry and Gregor had visited that swinger club. The fox was resting on his bed, starring at the ceiling as he recalled the evening in his mind again. He just couldn't believe how much he had enjoyed being in the total control of his friend and that complete stranger. Just the thought of the night, being bound up and completely exposed to someone else, it just felt so right to the fox, and was arousing to no end. Slowly Terry's paw slid down to his sheath and balls, starting to rub and massage.

The fox rubbed along his sheath, and it didn't take long before the cock was emerging from it, quickly becoming completely hard. As the vulpine started to paw off, different pictures was playing through his mind, pictures of himself all tied up in different positions, being used by two or even more people. Terry groaned as the first spurts of pre lubed up his cock, and his paw stroked over it faster and faster. Suddenly the vulpine came to think about the flier the tiger found in their room. He remembered the tied up fox in the picture and the words "We put foxes where they belong... between our legs" That was too much for him and he came right into his massaging paw, some drops landing on his white belly fur as well.

A satisfied sigh was heard from the vulpine as he relaxed on the bed, his eyes still closed. Suddenly it was hitting the fox. "Damn... It's Gregor's birthday this week on Friday." Terry thought to himself. It seemed like he had totally forgot about that due to the latest events. Suddenly an idea crossed the fox's mind, and with a wide grin he jumped up from his bed and walked over towards his computer.

Quickly the vulpine opened the browser and entered the name "The Fox Lovers Club" into his search engine to find their official website. Quickly he clicked on the "Contact" button to see if the place was reachable via phone. Luckily for the foxy this was possible, so he grabbed his phone to dial the number. The fox was not sure if someone would be reachable there at this time, but then suddenly he was greeted by a deep and rumbling male voice.

"Oh hello there, my name is Terry and uhm... well I have some questions, would it be possible to come over to discuss some kind of event?" The foxy asked nervously. The voice on the other end seemed confused, not exactly knowing what the fox meant, but before things became too complicated, he simply invited Terry to come over on the next day.

"Okay, tomorrow at 8 PM. Sure thing, I'll be there" The fox answered happily. After that he put the phone back on his desk and made his way to the bathroom... "Oh this is going to be fun" He thought to himself as he stepped into his hot shower...

On the evening of the next day, the fox was double checking with his phone, not sure if he really had the right address because following the directions brought him directly to the finest districts of the town. "Wow, I didn't think a place like this would be in these parts of the town." The fox thought to himself as he scanned the area, but then started to move in the direction his phone's GPS-navigator suggested.

The fox was wearing nothing too fancy at the moment, just some black leather trousers and a rather tight black shirt on the top. Of course under those trousers, even though no one could see it, Terry was wearing some of his new panties.

After a good five minute walk, the vulpine suddenly found himself in front of a very large building. The decoration on the walls signaling that this was one of the many dancing clubs you could find around this area, though something seemed special about this place. After the fox had finished looking over the facade of the building, he walked up to the entrance where, of course, he got greeted by a bouncer.

The large, black and white colored husky smiled slightly as he watched the lithe looking foxy approach him. "Well hello there little foxy, we are still closed so you may like to come back later." He said in a smooth tone.

"Oh, uhm... well I am here to see the owner of the club. My name is Terry and he said I should come over around this time." Terry explained and blushed some as he looked over the huge canine. The Husky looked at the fox again and then onto some kind of clipboard. "Ah yes... here, I have you on my list. Well then please enter little foxy. Just go through the entrance hall, then over the dance floor until you reach a door. Behind that door you'll find the private chambers of the boss." The canine explained, and opened the door so the fox could enter.

Quickly, the fox hurried through the door and followed the way as described, until he stood in front of the mentioned door. Carefully the vulpine knocked on the door, waiting for a response. Of course he did not have to wait long, as he suddenly heard a deep and booming voice. "Please come on in." Terry was not sure what was awaiting him behind that door, but he really wanted to surprise the tiger and therefore he had to talk with the boss of this club.

The fox took a deep breath and then just opened the door to step into the private area of the building. By the looks of the vulpine's face it wasn't hard to tell that he was quite surprised. Just a few seconds ago he was standing in a club but now it almost looked like he was in a spa... There was a pool in the corner of the room as well as a lot of counters with different kinds of lotions standing on them, though Terry's eyes were occupied with something else. On one of the massage tables he saw a huge Orca. The black and white skin was glistening nicely in the dim lights of the room. On the side of the orca stood two foxes and their small paws were busy rubbing over the muscular back of the strong looking creature.

Terry was not able to look away and the fact that the orca did not wear any clothes other than a tight speedo did not help at all. Of course the cetacean had already noticed his visitor, but he enjoyed how the small fox was looking at him perplexed. A reaction like that was not unusual after all, Orcas like him was rather rare to see on land because most of them still prefered living in, or at least near the water.

"Well Hello there Terry" The orca then finally said, snapping with his finger. Apparently that was the sign for the other two foxes to leave the room, as both of them moved away out of the door. "Oh, where are my manners. My name is Taku, and I am the owner of this establishment." The large creature said, standing up from his lying position. "So you want to have some kind of special event here?" He asked as he approached the fox.

Terry gave the orca a shy nod, and before he even could answer he felt how a large arm wrapped around his back, getting a hold on his shoulder. "Aww don't be so shy little foxy, there is really no need to be nervous at all." Taku said with a soothing undertone as he started to walk towards the pool. With the strong hand holding his shoulder the only thing Terry could do was to follow the orca.

"Well uhm... yes sir... I try not to be so shy... though I have a little problem." Just as the fox finished his sentence they arrived at the pool. The orca now let go of the fox's shoulder and slowly climbed into the pool to sit down in the pleasantly warm water.

"A problem you say? Well what problem do you have cutie?" The cetacean asked, noticing a blush on the inside of the vulpine's ears in the very moment he called him cutie.

"Well I found out that you host some fun parties here and that you offer a lot of services...The thing is that I would like to have a special birthday party for a friend of mine here at your place, though all that is quite expensive. I really do not have that much money, so I wanted to ask if I maybe could work the price off or something like that. I could come over at the afternoon to help with cleaning the place and stuff like that."

The orca chuckled loudly as he finished listening to the fox. "Oh my you are so adorable, you know that? You know... before we start talking about business... how about you join me here in the pool?" The orca suggested as he looked over the shapes of the small fox's lithe body.

"Uhm, thank you for the offer sir... but I do not have any swimwear with me." The fox replied.

"What did I told you about being shy silly foxy? Just take that shirt and the pants of and join in. In our changing room we have enough underwear, so don't worry if yours get wet." The orca said, though with such a dominant undertone that it almost sounded like a command.

"Oh uhm that sounds good sir... in that case I would love to join you." Terry said with a gentle smile and slowly removed his shirt, showing his slim and trim upper half to the orca. Nervously the fox put the shirt away and started to open the button on his trousers, letting them slide down to the floor. This was the moment when the orca noticed the foxy's choice of underwear, and by the look on his face, it was clear that he liked what he saw.

The only thing the fox was wearing on his body now was the pink panties with that cute and lovely looking heart right on the bulge in the front. "My my, this foxy here certainly likes to clothe himself fancy." The orca said as one of his large hands moved right to the vulpine's round hips, getting a nice grip on them to pull him closer to the water.

The fox let out a cute meep as he felt those strong paws tugging him closer to the edge of the water, he didn't waste any time and slowly sank into it letting the warm water envelop his whole body before sticking his head back up on the surface of the water. "Wow... this place really is impressive... I mean the club and then this spa-like room for relaxing... Though why did you call it the Fox Lovers Club?" Terry then asked blushing even more as he noticed how closely the orca swam up to him.

"Oh there is a very simple answer for that my little foxy" The Orca said as he came even closer and pulled the fox into a hug. The large hands of the cetacean slowly moved over the back, rubbing over it but constantly getting lower until they reached the fox's nice and round buttocks. He then moved his mouth very close to Terry's ear and whispered. "Because we simply love your kind"

And in this very moment, Terry could feel the bulge in Taku's speedo growing as he pressed it right against the fox's chest. There was no need to tell that the younger fox was amazed by that strong being in front of him, he just couldn't resist moving his soft and small paws right to that bulge and rub over it, watching it grow even more. After rubbing the front of the speedo for a while, the foxy looked back, straight up at the grinning Orca's face.

"Go ahead cutie... show me your foxy skills" He said, again in his deep and rumbling tone.

Terry had to blush again at this, but then he moved his digits to the waistband of the speedo, and carefully he pushed the underwear down. The fox of course did not have a clear view through the surface of the water, though the long and pink cock was clearly hard under the water.

Suddenly the orca heard how the fox took a deep breath, and just two seconds later the vulpine dived under the water and grabbed the large cock with both of his hands. A sudden moan escaped Taku's mouth as he felt those soft paws on his cock, though, in addition to that, he suddenly felt the fox's mouth bobbing right over his large shaft, the tongue teasing the tip. That was for sure not the first underwater blowjob the orca had received, but he had to admit that it came a bit surprising and the young foxy did very well. His black hands moved down to the head of the vulpine getting a nice grip of it only to give the mouth a few gentle humps.

It was needless to say that the fox had difficulties taking in such a large organ, but with some concentration he managed to get the cock in as far as possible. Thanks to the visit at the swinger club Terry already had a bit of experience when it came to deep throating, but it still was not too easy. And it did not help that the vulpine was running out of air slowly but surely.

Luckily for the fox the orca seemed to near his climax as his humps became harder and faster. The large orca literally fucked the fox's throat and enjoyed every second of those nice walls squeezing and rippling over his sensitive organ. And then he finally came. A loud roar echoed through the whole room as he started to fill the fox's mouth with cum. He then quickly withdrew the cock to let Terry's head come back up from under the water. Terry seemed to be a bit exhausted, though the orca remained fit, almost looking like he could go for another ride right away.

"Hmm not bad foxy... not bad..." The orca said as he watched the cutie taking a deep breath, filling his lung with fresh air again.

"Uhmr... well it was a pleasure. The fox answered after he catched his breath. He was about to say something but the orca started his sentence first.

"So now when we know each other a bit better we should talk about business. As far as I understand it, you want to have an event here for someone who has a birthday right? Well, the thing is that you are right little foxy. Having events here is rather expansive. But after how amazing I see you are I can accept your offer to work here for a while. But be assured that I don't need you for cleaning. I would actually like to have you as a stripper." The Orca said rather bluntly.

"Uhm a what...? You want me to strip... in front of people and stuff?" The fox asked. The thought alone made the bulge in his panties grow, though he had as good as no experience at all with such things. "I am not sure that I can do such a thing, sir."

"I think you can foxy, and all in all it is the only way for you to pay for what you want." Taku then casually answered as he stepped out of the pool, helping the fox to do the same. "So are you in or not foxy?"

"Ok... Yes I am in..." All in all this was a win/win situation for the fox anyway. He had always wanted to learn how to dance exotic, and by doing so he would also pay the bills.

"Good, I am really glad to hear that my cute friend. So what exactly is it you want to do?" The orca asked and listened to the fox as he explained his plan...

Gregor was groaning a bit as the sun's first rays started to tickle over his whiskers. He shifted around in his bed and tried to keep sleeping but in the same moment the alarm clock went off, so the tiger didn't much option but to get out of his bed. Groggily the feline walked over to the alarm and pushed the button. As he looked over to his full body mirror the usual image was reflected, and looking back at him was a tired looking tiger with the fur standing in all possible directions and a large tent in his boxer shorts. "Oh man I need a shower..." The tiger thought to himself and walked out of his room.

After the shower Gregor put his clothes on, and then went out to get the newspaper. As the feline did so he suddenly noticed some kind of card on the floor, right in front of his door. "What the fuck is that..." He thought to himself and picked the card up. As he looked at the front he could read "From Fox Lovers Club addressed to Gregor Damiles."

No need to tell that the tiger was somewhat confused, after all he had never had anything to do with this particular club before, but as curious the as the tiger was he just had to open it instantly and see what it was about. Written at the inside of the card was:

"Hello Gregor,

This is a special invitation to The Fox Lovers Club. We heard that you have your birthday on the coming Friday and someone wishes to celebrate it with you in our establishment. On this Friday you'll be the guest of honor and it would make us very glad to see you at the club around 8 PM. "

Gregor had to blink his eyes at that... "Hmm, why do I have the feeling that Terry has his paws in this..." The tiger thought to himself as he went back into the house. Though he was not sure... The invitation could also have come from that wolf they met last time... but then again the orange wolf did not know his address, not to talk about the date of his birthday. "Well... I think I am going to let myself get surprised" The feline said happily. After all, the Fox Lover Club sounded like the perfect place to celebrate his birthday.

Friday came quickly for the tiger and he was sitting in his room thinking about what he was to wear in the evening. "I think the best thing would be to go for the leather stuff..." The tiger thought to himself and went straight to one of his counters. "Hmm maybe this one will fit nicely with the rest of the outfit." The tiger mumbled as he put his leather thong onto the bed, followed by the black trousers and a tight fitting shirt of the same color.

Three hours later the tiger stood in front of the door to the club. Gregor walked over to to the bouncer, a rather nice looking husky, not sure if he had to tell him that he was invited to this place. "Hello there, my name is Gregor and I have an invitation to some kind of party."

The husky gave a friendly smile as he took his clipboard and looked over the names. "Ahh you are the birthday kitty huh? Well yes you have an invitation so you don't have to pay for the entrance. Plus, your drinks will be for free this night and there will be a show for you at 9 PM so you should be in the stripping section around this time." The husky explained.

"Stripper section?? Well that sounds fun, thank you for the info." The feline said to the canine. After that Gregor opened the door to step into the entrance hall. The booming music could already be heard and became louder with every step he made towards the dancing section. As he entered that part of the club the feline understood why this place was called "The Fox Lovers Club." The dance floor as well as the bar looked rather normal, though a look at the ceiling showed of which nature this club was of.

Gregor was able to see some kind of cages hanging down from the ceiling. In those cages foxes were dancing, and of course they had as good as nothing on their bodys except for some light underwear like thongs and panties. A grin crossed the felines muzzle as he watched dancing foxies some. He could already tell that he liked this place. Though there was something else that had caught his interest. That husky had mentioned of something like a stripping area, and that was something the tiger wanted to check out for sure.

Slowly he moved through the dancing crowd until he found a door. The door looked rather heavy and was hard to open. As Gregor finally managed to get it open he stepped through and closed it behind him. In this moment he realized why the door was so heavy, It was supposed to block out the music and noise from the other room.

The atmosphere in here was a bit calmer. People were sitting by their tables, talking and drinking some fine wine. At the very front of the room one could clearly see a big stage. At this moment nothing was going on at the stage, though the tiger already knew that this would probably change soon enough. As the tiger moved forward to see what else he could do here, a fox suddenly approached him. The fox had a rather dark red fur and was wearing net-like stockings which were connected to his panties. "Good day sir, are you Gregor?" The fox asked with a cute smile across his face.

"Oh yes I am Gregor, why do you ask?" The feline replied, at the same time letting his eyes travel over the fox's fine body.

"Ah very good, I am one of the waiters in this section and here to make your stay as comfortable as possible. There is even a table reserved for you sir, please follow me." The waiter said and then turned around, showing off that nice backside of his. The tiger started to follow the pretty foxy, though his eyes were glued to that cute and bushy tail and the vulpine's firm rump.

"Here we are sir." The fox said and pointed at a very luxurious looking table. A large wine glass as well as several very expensive looking bottles of wine were already placed on it.

"Thank you a lot." The happy tiger replied and sat down. In this moment he noticed that he had a more than perfect view over the stage. The vulpine waiter instantly walked over to the table and started to pour some exquisite wine into the feline's glass. As the fox did so, he had to bend over slightly. The feline just could not resist now and one of his paws moved up to the fox's butt, grabbing the left cheek and squeezing it some.

A meep escaped the foxy as he felt the tiger's paw groping at him. "My My, seems like I got myself a playful tiger here hmm?" The fox said with a soft chuckle. "But you should wait some, there is more fun ahead of you."

"More fun you say? I am really looking forward to see what there is planned." And with that the tiger picked the glass of wine up and took a sip from it, his other hand still remaining on the rump of his waiter, drawing circles in the dark red fur of the cheek. At the same moment the tiger had to think about just who could be behind all this. It was most likely Terry, but over the last two days it had been impossible to reach the foxy.

Suddenly the lights on the stage turned on and a voice could be heard over the speakers. "Hello and welcome everybody. I am very glad that I am able to greet you all here at The Fox Lovers Club." Just two seconds later a large Orca appeared on the stage, wearing a business suit. "You can all excpect a great show today, because we have something special planned. And don't worry guys... of course there are foxies involved" He added with a grin. "But first I want to give a certain tiger my best wishes. Today is his birthday and one thing is for sure... Someone out there really does like you." The large cetacean said and gave a playful wink to the tiger at the front table. Everyone was applauding so the Orca had to pause a short moment.

Of course Gregor was blushing at all this attention, but he was really anxious about was going to happen now.

"Okay my good friends, I really do not want to make you wait any longer. Let the Show begin. " And with that the Orca moved down from the stage. The music became louder and the lights started to flicker all over the stage in different colors as five foxes, also wearing business suites, walked up the stage. Suddenly the "Happy Birthday" theme boomed out of the speakers. Just not the normal version, it was more like some kind of drum and base/techno remix. The foxes smiled widely and instantly started to elegantly move across the stage.

"Wow, all that for me?" The tiger said to himself as he watched the foxes starting to undress slowly. First they took of their shirts but let the cute bowties around their necks remain as they continued to dance elegantly. After a while the strippers started to remove their trousers as well, leaving them all in different colored underwear. "Aww, that is cute..." The tiger said smiling wide as he continued to watch the show. His hand though, was still on the waiter's rump, his finger idly playing with the cute vulpine's tail base.

Suddenly a very familiar voice was heard through the speakers. "Happy birthday you big kitty you." It was Terry's voice. The tiger had known only that particular fox could be behind all this, though now he knew it for sure. And the feline did not have to wait long for the foxy to appear.

But as Gregor saw the foxy walking up on the stage, he could not believe what he was seeing there. It was Terry, though dressed in the most beautiful ball gown the feline had ever seen on someone. It was a completely black and silken gown, all in all a perfect match to his fur. The fur on the vulpine's head was dyed violet, making a nice match to the overall color scheme.

"Good God..." The tiger said to himself as he stared at his best friend dressed like this, but then the music suddenly changed again and became much faster, and the voice of Terry was heard again over the speakers as he spoke through his mic. "I know I look wonderful... though you didn't think it would just be that boring, right?" Terry said with a wide grin, and suddenly the other foxes appeared on the stage again. Two of them positioned themselves by the right side of the fox, two more by his left, and the last behind him.

The next thing there was a loud ripping noise clearly heard over the music, as the five foxes each grabbed a part of the dress and literally just ripped the gown of of Terry's body. The fox was now left in a very tight fitting corsage, a purple thong, stockings and high heels. As soon as the gown was gone the five other foxes ran away, only to come back with some collars for the fox's wrist and ankles. Those were quickly attached.

As the tiger saw that he already knew that this was going to be even more fun, though he still looked a bit confused as the foxes brought some kind of rack onto the stage.

The situation became a bit clearer as Terry started to lay down with his belly right on the rack, getting into a bent over position. One of the five foxes brought up some ropes and instantly started to tie down the foxes arms and legs so he was not able to move anymore. The next fox brought up a ball gag and placed it right into Terry's mouth, taking even the ability to talk from the smaller vulpine.

After they finished tying up Terry a loud applause was to hear from the audience as the fox's nearly perfect looking rump faced them all. Then the voice of the orca was heard. "Happy birthday Gregor... He is all yours...:"

The tiger had to blink his eyes some and then blushed hard as he realized what the orca meant. "Does Terry really want to be taken in front of all these people?" The tiger thought to himself as he stood up, but then he noticed the large tent is his trousers. The show certainly worked him up quite a lot.

"Fuck it.. I am going to have a tight fox-ass now." The tiger said with a grin and the cheers of the crowd could be heard as he climbed up onto the stage. Instantly two foxes approached him and started to remove his shirt, followed by the leather trousers and finally the thong. The feline's rock hard cock was already glistening with a drop of pre on it's tip.

Gregor stepped up behind Terry and hooked his finger right into the waistband of the panties and pulled them down, revealing more of the fine rump. Some roaring could be heard from the aroused audience as the tiger did so, but he couldn't care less about all the people watching around him. The only thing the feline had in his mind was that tight hole of his foxy friend.

As the tiger placed himself directly behind the vulpine he just started to wedge his rock hard cock between the cheeks until the tip of his cock was poking the tight hole. With a hard thrust the feline then entered. Normally Gregor was more gentle, but tonight the fox was truly his so he just gave the rump another hard thrust to fully enter the fox's backside. A loud but muffled moan was to hear from the vulpine as he felt his friend's cock enter so sudden.

The anal walls of the vulpine started to squeeze down over the large feline cock as Gregor began to withdraw his shaft, quickly thrusting it right back in. Both the fox and the tiger were in a bliss as the lights around them kept flicking, the music and the cheering of the onlookers, all that felt kind of surreal to them, but at the same time they reached a peak of arousal they had never experienced before.

The tiger still could not believe that he was fucking Terry right in front of so many people and that it felt so good. But soon enough his mind was fogged enough by the arousal, and he just kept fucking his little foxy, constantly increasing his speed.

The shaft of the vulpine was rubbing against the wood of the rack and of course it did not take long before he was rock hard as well, pre spurting onto the wood.

Both of the tiger's paws were sliding down to Terry's hips, so he could get a better hold and increase the speed of his humping to a maximum. Terry in the meantime started to pant, moaning loudly into his ball gag as he felt his friend's cock back and forth over his prostate again and again. Soon it became too much for the fox. The constant massage over his prostate and his cock rubbing against the rack was driving him over the edge.

With a groan the fox came hard even without a single touch to his shaft. His anal walls clenched down over the tiger's own cock which forced him to make a hard thrust, burying his cock deep into his friend rump. With a mighty roar he came and spurt after spurt filled the backside of the vulpine. A loud cheer arose from the audience as they noticed that both had reached their climax. Slowly the tiger pulled his softening shaft out, when he suddenly felt a paw on his shoulders.

Gregor looked back over his shoulder only to see the bouncer of the club with a wide smile on his face. "Hey, I have a break so I thought I would ask you if you would be willing to share your birthday present?"

Terry's ears twitched some as he heard that question, but in his position there was nothing he could do but to let what the others wanted from him happen.

The tiger had to smile wide as he heard that question. "Of course, go ahead and enjoy him." He said casually and gave fox's rump a tender slap. "I ll go and grab me another glass of wine" The feline adds and listens to the cute meep Terry made as he walked away, though the tiger knew his friend would enjoy every second of the pounding, and there was a chance that the husky would not be the last person pounding that cute foxy rump.


Well here we go. I hope you enjoyed the story. If you feel pleased feel free to drop a comment and/or fav the story.

