For Love of Love 13: Surprises

Story by Cel on SoFurry

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#12 of For Love of Love

For one thing, Lex was only interesting as a subject in a waking state, which he definitely wasn't at the moment. Rather than being awake, which was a perfectly reasonable expectation for anyone at twelve in the morning, he was instead asleep, with both of his legs wrapped around Angie's midsection and his head and upper body buried underneath one of her wings. While they may have found it cute themselves, to him, it was quite annoying. With a sigh, he began to go through the ways he had at his disposal to rectify that situation.

* * * * * * * * * *

"Mmm...Jes..." Oliver's voice seemed to respond to her thoughts, despite the fact that he was still asleep. What time was it, anyway? It was at least eleven...what the hell was she doing sleeping at eleven in the morning? She blamed her injury for the time being, although she didn't know what she was going to do if her body decided it was going to get used to that kind of schedule. It wasn't good for training.

Somehow, despite the fact that he had been fast asleep only moments before, Lex was fully alert and standing in between the beds and the doorway. Even though he was an annoying little prick, Jes couldn't help but admire the little prick's abilities. He was pretty good when he wanted to be...

Ejan!" The Digimon threw a black bolt of energy at Lex, who made a timid squeaking sound but otherwise didn't seem affected.

Ejan-Ejan-Ejan!" A constant barrage of the attack threw Lex through the sliding glass door in the back of the room. Stupid little git... she got in front of Oliver to obscure him from the view of the Digimon, waiting to see what he was going to do next. If he went for Angie, that would give her a moment of opportunity that she could use to get at him...

Celestial Arrow!" Angie made that decision for him, but the attack didn't seem to do much.

"Prohibition Papers!" The thousands of sticky little pieces of paper from Lex's attack kept it from doing anything else for a minute or so.

Ejan-Ejan!" The attack nearly missed Lex. In the last second he possibly could have done it, he jumped in front of Angie and absorbed the full force of the attack. It wasn't enough to kill him, but the energy was enough to burn away the back of his robe.

Abysmal Barrage!_" _ Lex's voice echoed through the room as a series of fireballs flew at the Digimon, who gave a terrible shriek but didn't fall. Jes stayed right where she was in front of Oliver as Vagerdramon recovered.

Revenge!" An attack almost identical to Lex's flew simultaneously at the person who had originally used it. Lex's hand raised and created a circle with a quick flourish. The fireballs that were so similar to the ones that Lex had thrown at Vagerdramon abruptly changed direction as they approached Lex.

A black, scaled, clawed hand swiped across the back of her neck, missing its mark by only a few centimeters. The reverse stroke would be close enough to sever her spinal cord if the digimon knew what it was doing, which she assumed that it did. This was it; this was the end of her life. Too bad it had to end so soon, when she had finally foAll of the moments that she had shared with Oliver somehow cycled through her consciousness; she thought about the first time she saw him, lost and disoriented; she thought about the first time they had been together because of her heat; she thought about finally having someone she could easily pour her feelings out to.

Her skin slowly melted away, sloughing off her body in one of the most terrifying sensations of her life, but luckily for her, the experience only lasted for a few seconds. When it was done, and she finally had that realization of new power and new abilities that came with each evolution, she didn't even think about what her new form was like or what it could do beyond ripping apart anything and everything that got in its path.

She was swiping and clawing at empty air as Vagerdramon's physical form degraded into tiny chunks of data that were directly absorbed into her body. Her claws continued to swipe and stab at the creature down to the last packet of data, which she followed with her eyes as it made its rapid progression from the body of its former host to Jes. As she watched that final piece of data get absorbed into her, she saw her own body in a complete view for the first time.

"Jes?" She sensed--not felt, but sensed--what had to have been Oliver's hand touch her shoulder. She looked up from the torso to see a full-length mirror she hadn't realized was there yet.

"Don't look at me!" she immediately covered the empty black space where her face should have been with her hands, trying to hide her lack of features from her mate. "I look hideous..." she felt a long, sharp tail--one of the tools she had used to take the life from the Vagedramon, and quickly wrapped it around her own leg.

Jamie and Jean were standing at the entrance to the door of the room, standing wide eyed and gaping at what the two of them had just seen. Jean had been about ready to sneak one of her special attacks in on the Virus that had barged into the room, but she stopped at the moment Jes digivolved into what had to be her infinity form.

"You're still you, Jes, nothing you turn into iswer going to change that?"

Now that it was useless, Jamie dropped the thing and looked at it on the floor. Jean meant so much more to him now...he didn't have anyone or anything else anymore.

Oliver felt a vibration somewhere in his pocket. At first, he thought it was Lex poking fun at his relationship with Jes, or maybe it was Jes herself, but he put his hand in his pocket anyway to find out what it was. What the hell. It was his Digivice, which he still had no idea how to operate properly. Where it first displayed an image of Lex and some numbers that he had no idea what they meant, it now displayed an image of Jes and some numbers that he had no idea what they meant.

"Jes, I just feel guil--"

When he looked at Jes to try to figure out what to do about all of this, she was gone.

her feel guilty," he said, looking down, sad and defeated. "It's not her fault..." he looked up at Angie and felt a burning sensation behind his eyes followed by a few tears. "I really love her, Angie. What do I do?"

"No, no, not that..."

"If you were any more obvious, even a human could see what you were doing!" She growled audiably, showed her teeth in Lex's direction for a moment, then disappeared.

"Or, I guess we could do that again and try to teleport there before she realizes what we're doing. But she's mad enough at us as it is, I don't think--"

Jes had devolved down to her child form and was laying curled up in the shade on top of a building. No one wanted her... Ned didn't want her, Jamie didn't want her, and now it seemed that Oliver didn't want her, either. Maybe I should stop getting emotionally involved, she thought. No one wants to be with me anyway, at least not for anything other than sex. She shuddered at the thought of all of the males that she had let inside of her hoping that they wouldn't hurt her and maybe, just maybe, they'd see her as something other than a piece of meat to have sex with.

"Jes?" Angie's voice surprised her and tore her from her thoughts, making her fur stand on end for a moment. Damn it, why couldn't they just be like everyone else and leave her alone if they didn't want to have anything to do with her?

really cares, Jes. He wants you to come back."

"Fine." she curled up and was almost immediately picked up by Angie, which was an experience she didn't enjoy. Squished against Angie's breasts, she had to endure the sensation of the muscles that beat Angie's wings pumping almost constantly the whole way back. It was almost nauseating, and she was glad when it was all over. She was about ready to throw up by the time they finally landed and went into the room.

did want her after all. He wasn't like Jamie and the others, he really, really cared about her feelings...he cared enough to change the way that he normally acted Satisfied and happy, she dug her claws into his clothes and buried her head into his green shirt. "Oh Jes..." one of his hands wrapped tighter around her body, pulling her against his chest, and the other one stroked her head gently. A few moments later, she found herself purring happily with her eyes closed, envisioning all of the things that she could do with her new partner and mate. They could do anything they wanted to, really...she had reached her Infinity form, and that was as powerful as she was ever going to get as far as she knew, so that meant no more trips to the Digital World to try and be stronger. She could kill most Digimon that crossed her path, so she didn't have to worry about her safety anymore, and she had Oliver...she finally had someone who loved her.

Lex watched as the small version of Jes climbed up Oliver's shirt and clung it, and as Oliver tightened his arms around her and cuddled. They looked so cute together, like Jes was his pet, maybe even his child. He giggled a little at the thought. Angie's head rested against his shoulders, who was also watching the two with interest. Jes' child form was, well...childish.

"Angie..." he whispered. "Would you ever want to have of our own?" he gestured pointedly at the smaller version of Jes that Oliver was rocking gently in his arms. She nodded again, giggling.

Lex's dick had emerged from his crotch nearly the moment he laid down with Angie. The thought of being with Angie not just because they loved each other, but because they were trying to produce a child made him all the more attracted to her.

He could feel Angie's crotch become moist, presumably from the fondling. Lex pressed himself against the moisture, moaning slowly. For a moment after they were together the first time, he had been worried that sex would never be as enjoyable as the first time they had done it, but it only seemed to get better each time they had fun.

"What do you think our children will look like?"

Eventually, the wanderings of his mind became his dreams...