Chapter 5: Ride into the Sunset

Story by Taradino Cassat on SoFurry

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Rex and Dino Chapter 5: Ride into the Sunset

The sun had set and the night was coming alive once more, It gave Barry an idea as he drove his small sedan back to his and Dino's place. He glanced over his shoulder to see Dino and Rex bound together in each other's arms. He wasn't gay himself but he could feel the happiness that they had found. Barry drove, destination in mind, he knew Dino didn't like surprises but was certain he'd like this one, it was on the way to their place anyway. The radio played a slow soothing melody as the Car approached it's surprise destination.

Those words still echoed in Rex's mind, "I love you". Rex couldn't find any more to describe being there with Dino in his arms. Rex petted Dino's head and he responded with a soft murr. This had to be what love was, the indescribable pleasure of being with someone who felt the same as you. Nothing he had experienced before came close to matching this. Rex was happier than he ever had been before and as long as he had Dino with him like this he would never come down off this high.

It was warm in Rex's arms, and Dino felt safe, nothing bad would ever happen to him again if he stayed close to Rex. He didn't ever want to let go, he just wanted this moment to last forever. Dino knew it would, Rex has said he loved him back, he couldn't be any more certain after hearing that. Dino planted a soft kiss on Rex's muzzle, Rex smiled and Kissed Dino back passionately, his tounge found it's way into Dino's mouth and dancing with his. Barry glanced over his shoulder and noticed Rex's hand going for Dino's pants and cleared his throat

"You both realise I'm not going to be the one cleaning up any mess you make, at least wait till we get home" Barry said, he was happy for them and all but he didn't particularly want his car smelling like cum all week.

Dino's reply was and embarrassed chuckle as he and Rex got off each other and sat on their seats properly though they were still holding hands. Barry smiled, they seemed so right for each other but he didn't want to have to answer any awkward questions about why his car smelt the way it would have. Barry recognised all the flashing lights and he was sure Dino would be recognising them as well. He wondered if Dino had figured out where they were, as he pulled into a parking place outside.

"You said take you to the place you love right?" Barry said with a smile, Dino cocked his head and looked out the window, before he smiled weakly.

It was his favourite Karaoke bar, he loved singing especially duets but he had never thought himself to be any good at it. It was good fun all the same when it was just him and Barry but now Rex was here. Dino couldn't help but feel embarrassed as he recalled one time when he was asked to leave after he ran up on stage and joined in when some patrons started singing "Girls just wanna have fun". He looked to Rex, who had shuffled across the seat to get a look at where they were.

"Karaoke? I bet you have the voice of an angel" Rex said with a wink

"Uh, yeah, kinda" Dino replied

"Well lets go in and have us some fun!" Barry said

"But, uh, It's Sunday, what about work tomorrow?" Dino asked, hoping to talk Barry out of it but he just chuckled

"You being worried about work and me wanting to have fun? Oh the irony" Barry joked

"That's it pal, I'm gonna serenade you until you cry"

The three got out of the car and entered the bar. The place was relatively small, around 10 tables facing a stage with a well-stocked bar. Dino always though it smelt musty and old but that added to its charm, it was like it was some cheap and sleazy dive from an old gangster movie. He recalled one time he and Barry had organised a 50's themed dress party, against all advice Dino had gone as Marylin Munroe. Despite Barry stating the historical flaws he had actually received some phone numbers of some guys who had been fooled into thinking he was actually a girl.

"Hah, not bad guys, you sure can pick them" Came Rex's enthusiastic approval

The place was filling up so they got a table and sat down. Dino glanced over at the owner who was behind the counter, he shook his head,obviously he remembered Dino and Barry's shenanigans and he seemed even less impressed to see that they had brought Rex along. Dino shrugged his awkwardness off, Rex seemed to like the place and it wasn't like Karaoke was supposed to as good as professional stuff anyway.

"Hey Rex, I'll let you in on a secret, Dino loves singing duets." Barry said, Dino slightly annoyed at Barry for that but Rex didn't know how embarrassed he was feeling so he wasn't going to make a scene.

"Hmmm, duets huh? I reckon I can think of one for us" Rex replied, Dino wondered what he was thinking of but he wasn't left in suspense for long "How about "Love Song" from Pippin, do you know that?"

"No way, I love that song too, Shotgun playing Pippin" Dino exclaimed, He had auditioned for his school's production of Pippin, though he didn't get a lead role he still had a blast.

"Then it's settled" Barry said before a spotlight appeared on the stage and the MC walked into it

"Thank you one and all for coming, before we begin lets have a hand for our musicians who will be accompanying you." The MC paused while the patrons applauded "For those of you who don't know how we run things heres the skinny, each table sings a song, if everyone likes it your drinks are on the house. Got it? Then lets get this show on the road"

The MC walked around all the tables and asked them what songs they would be singing, so as to give the Musicians an idea as to what they would be playing. That was the gimmick of this place, the Musicians appeared to be impromptu to make it seem more impressive. Truth be told it was easy to anticipate what songs people would want to sing, mostly cheesy songs that everyone everyone would know. The MC held the Microphone to one person at each table and asked a variation of "What song will you be singing?", all the songs were predictable a few older people chose "American Pie" as well as a group of girls who chose "Wannabe". The MC arrived at Dino's table

"And what would you three like to sing?" He asked

"Me and Dino here want to do a Duet, Love Song, from the musical Pippin" Rex replied, The MC turned to the Pianist who responded with a nod, meaning that he knew the song.

"Nice choice fellas" The MC said with another nod

Once the MC moved on to the next table they were left to enjoy each others company once more. Dino looked at Rex and Rex looked at Dino, the lyrics flowing through both of their minds. It had taken the entire musical for Pippin to see that Cathrine was all he needed, Dino felt the same way about Rex, it had been a long day. He Rex and Barry were dealing with what had happened one step at a time, though he'd probably never fully get over it he knew he'd get pretty damn close with his friends help. Between the other songs before them Barry started recounting their shenanigans and the fun times they had in this place. It wasn't long before it was Rex and Dino's turn. The MC beckoned the pair to join him on stage

"Rex and Dino singing Pippin's Love song" The MC announced with a wide gesture before he handed the Microphone to Dino. The Piano begun with some soft chords followed by a flute playing some low notes, Dino smiled as he got the cue for the first lyrics, his voice was soft and in tune.

"Sitting on the floor and talking till dawn" Rex soon followed with his part "Candles and confidences"

"Trading old beliefs and Humming old songs" came Dino's soft reply, though Rex was singing the female part and he sung it slightly lower he still hit the right notes.

"And lowering our defences" The two lovers joined their voices in harmony for the chorus

"Singing a love song, La la la la la la la la la la, love song La la la la" The house lights had been dimmed to a soft red glow and the soft music of the piano made the atmosphere one of romance as Dino turned to Rex and sung the next line

"Private little jokes and silly pet names" the tune for the lines was the same as before and Rex reached out to touch Dino softly on the cheek

"Lavender soap and lotions"

"All of the cliches and all of the games" Dino sung hitting the higher notes perfectly and raising the volume of the performance slightly, Rex maintained this lift "And all of the strange emotions" Their voices joined once more as they hit the chorus again, the beautiful harmony was intensified by the lift in volume. Dino looked out to the crowd who seemed to be enjoying the show, he could make out other lovers in the front few tables who were arm in arm as they listened. The tune changed slightly as it the third verse began but still kept the romantic atmosphere alive

"They say the whole's greater, then the sum of the parts its made of. Well if it's true of anything... it's true of love." The parts joined in harmony once again on the last line, before the piano played some high melodic notes before the tune reverted to previous pattern

"Because how can you define a look or a touch?" Dino sung

"How can you weigh a feeling?" Rex added

"Taken by themselves now they don't mean much"

"Together they send you reeling, Into a Love song, La la la la la la la la la la, love song, La la la la la" The two joined in chorus as the music softened for the end

"La la la la la la la la la la, la la la la la la la la la la....." They sung together before the music trailed off slowly.

As the houselights came back up Barry started the applause then the rest of the bar joined in, Dino and Rex joined hands and bowed, Dino was grinning ear to ear and Rex was smiling as well. The two stole another bow before they were ushered off the stage by the MC. They sat down at their table and watched the other performances. Most songs were obviously in jokes only known by the people singing, others were just letting off steam and relaxing but none of them had as much meaning compared to Dino and Rex's duet. Nothing could ruin this night, the world could end for all Dino cared so long as he was with Rex.

The night was getting old again and Rex could tell Dino was running out of steam, the day's events were taking their toll on his love. Rex was proud of Dino, for coping the way he had. Though they weren't out of the woods yet he had heard of worse responses to such an attack. He was glad Dino hadn't done anything stupid like hurt himself or do anything he would regret. He had only known Dino for a short amount of time but Rex was already finding it hard to imagine life without him. He was in fact lowering his defences as he allowed Dino to get so close to him. With the other guys he had been with in the past he had always been ready for them to leave, always bracing himself mentally and physically for the pain of loss. Dino wouldn't leave him like the others, Rex was sure, their relationship had been built on their feelings for each other.

Half an hour more and Dino's eyes were closed shut, Rex leaned across the table to Barry who was enjoying the show and pointed to the tired fox. Barry nodded and together he and Rex picked up a shoulder each and carried Dino outside to the car. Barry drove as gently as the old-ish car would allow, Dino would occasionally mumble something but it was clear that he was fast asleep. Rex held him in his arms and wondered if Dino was dreaming about him as the car traveled the last couple of blocks to Dino and Barry's place. Once again they carried Dino gently until they were outside his bedroom. The door to his bedroom always creaked loudly when it was opened and shut, Dino's eyes fluttered open as he recognised the familiar sound

"Welcome back" Rex said when he noticed

"urrg, My heads killing me, what did I miss?" Dino replied

"You passed out a little after our number, which the crowd, and I loved" Rex said, that bought a smile to Dino's face as if he was ready to jump back out there onto the stage and sing it again, until he yawned loudly.

"It's been a pretty busy day, I'm all for getting some sleep" Barry said "I'll leave you two to do whatever it is you do" Barry said before a hasty retreat into his room when he saw a hint of annoyance in Dino's eyes.

"Will you be staying here tonight Rex?" Dino asked

"If you'd like me to." Rex replied with a smile

"There's a spare mattress in my room that we can put on the floor." Dino said, Rex's posture changed subtly but Dino could tell what Rex was after.

"I think we only need one don't you?" Rex asked

Dino knew what that smile and posture meant, it was the same as last night. He didn't want to disappoint Rex by saying no but he didn't want to do it so soon after. Rex was gorgeous sure and he couldn't have asked for more but he didn't want it now, not after last night. It'd take time before he could feel the same way about that as he had.

"I... really don't think it's a good idea, I... wanna have some time to move on before we, again" Dino said but Rex cocked his head

"But we're in love, this is going to help you move on, trust me" Rex said advancing a few steps on Dino but he shook his head.

"Maybe it will but not now, please, I love you but I don't want to yet" Dino said but Rex silenced him with a kiss on the muzzle before they both collapsed on the bed. Dino could feel Rex's hand on his chest as his breath quickened

"No stop please" Dino cried but Rex didn't

"You just want to move on right? Let's move on together, tonight" Rex said, Dino closed his eyes and shivered, not again...

"NO!" Dino screamed and his eyes flashed open and he was in his bed alone.

Rex was gone, some rays of sunlight found a way around Dino's closed curtains, it was morning. Had it all been a dream? No, not a dream a nightmare. Dino wearily got out of bed, still in the clothes he was in last night. He walked out of his bedroom and into the bathroom and started a shower. It had been so real, Dino hadn't questioned any of it, he had believed Rex was capable of something like that. Even if it was a dream it had almost been as bad as the Driver, worse that it had been Rex. Dino undressed and looked at himself in the mirror as he waited for the shower to warm up, the bruises from the driver remained. Dino stared into the mirror, it was like staring at a different person. His fur was all messed up from rolling around in his sleep, his eyes showed nothing but sorrow and hurt.

Dino stepped under the warm flowing water, he felt his fur slick down as he leaned his head back and tried to relax. He couldn't wash that image of Rex away, even if it was a dream some of it had to be real. Questions were forming in Dino's mind, When did he fall asleep? Where did the dream begin? What would Rex think if he told him? Dino didn't want to ask, the truth would no doubt hurt both of them but a lie would be worse. The shower washed away a tear as soon as it had left Dino's eye, he thought nothing could have ruined it and yet something had. He didn't want to feel this way forever, he wanted to love Rex but that image of him in the nightmare, what had been real?

Rex had elected to sleep on the couch last night and was resting peacefully. He awoke to the sound of someone turning off a shower. He sat up with a loud yawn and looked at the door to the bathroom and waited for whoever it was to come out. Rex was feeling good, that perfect mix of tired and sexy. He smiled when Dino emerged from the room only wearing a towel around his waist.

"Mornin' sunshine" Rex said with a tired attempt at a wave

"Morning..." Dino replied. Rex could easily detect something was up, Rex stood up and took a step towards Dino

"Hey baby, what's eating you?" Rex asked, he was only a few steps away from Dino when he reacted.

"Stop, Tell me it isn't true, tell me it was just a nightmare." Dino said, he wanted to embrace Rex there and then but he had to know first.

"You had a nightmare?" Rex asked, that bastard Driver had gotten to him "It's okay, the drivers gone and he's never coming back." Rex said as he put a comforting hand on Dino's shoulder.

"It wasn't him... It... it was you, I dreamt you tried to rape me." Dino cried.

More tears, crying again, it all made him feel so pathetic. All he could do was wail and sob and cling to Rex for support yet again. Rex wrapped his arms around Dino but his tears wouldn't stop. Dino was starting to think they never would, that this was his life. Ashamed of what had happened, ashamed at what he had become, he just wanted to smile again. Then Dino heard a familiar tune, Rex was singing their song. It was the sweetest sound Dino had ever heard as Rex sang the chorus lines ever so soothingly. It was enough to make the tears stop.

"Baby, you know I would never do anything to hurt you." Rex said softly

"I'm sorry, I can't believe I could imagine such a thing about you, that you could do that to me" Dino said

"It's okay, it wasn't your fault, just know I'm here for you" Then a smile crossed Rex's face

"What?" Dino asked

"Oh nothing, I was just wondering if you'd ever seen a comb before" Rex said with a laugh as he pulled one out from his back pocket. Dino looked down at himself, his fur was frizzy and messy even the towel looked smoother. Rex walked slowly back towards the couch and gestured for Dino to follow. The two sat on the couch and Rex nodded

"Now turn around and hold still while I bring out your sexiness" Rex said with a wink as he started to groom Dino with the comb.

The soft fingers of plastic slid their way through Dino's slightly damp fur. It was such a nice feeling, like the cool caress of a gentle sea breeze. Dino glanced over his shoulder to see Rex smiling as he worked the comb and fur into silky patterns. Dino smiled, it was so nice, even if he thought about what had happened or the nightmare he still kept his smile. The comb sent gentle shivers down his spine as the sun shone through the window and warmed the leather that the pair sat on.

"Okay, other side" Rex said and Dino turned and sat on Rex's lap and faced him,

"Like this?" Dino asked with a smile.

"That's perfect" Rex laughed as he began to run the comb through Dino's chest fur in a similar way.

Dino closed his eyes and indulged in the feeling once more, his soft belly was more sensitive and as Rex worked the comb through his fur he murred. Rex smiled as his lover was enjoying the treatment he was receiving. As he ran the comb down Dino's chest he could feel the negative thoughts leaving Dino, the smile on his face was genuine. Dino opened his eyes to look at his love, the comb felt good, Rex felt good, he felt good. Despite everything that had happened

Dino was happy


There we have it, as much as I would have loved to let this drag out I feel like that is a good place to stop for a little while. I like these characters a lot and I will probably write more for them sometime but that's all for now.

Chapter 4: Is it the End?

Dino and Rex Chapter 4: Is it the End? Rex turned into stone as the door to the police station swung open with a loud creak and closed with a sudden slam. He didn't want to turn around and see Dino gone, his arms were still extended in a welcoming...

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