Chapter Two: The Breaking Point

Story by Keba Silverwolf on SoFurry

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Chapter two: The Breaking Point.

Milo gives my paw a squeeze and says something to me but I'm way to concerned on what's happened to my family at this point. Feeling a cold sweat start building under my fur I keep darting my eyes side to side trying to take in just how every thing has changed. The house I lived in for year is destroyed, latterly brought down to barely standing rubble. My mind wont stop focusing on what's happened to my family. I mean yeah I hate them, they treated me like crap my entire life. But it's family, you gotta love them anyway, right? Out of nowhere I Feel a sharp pain in my right ear that brings me crashing back into reality, or whatever is left of it anyway.

"Keba. Hello you alive in there?" The wusky beside me kisses the spot on my ear that he just nipped to get my attention while asking in a concerned tone. "We've been standing in place for about two minutes now. So tell what's wrong hun."

I sigh and rub my forehead feeling a small fever and headache starting to build up. Before I can get lost in thought again I reply to him. "I don't know, guess shits just now starting to hit me. I'm afraid of what I might find in here..." To late, I trail off losing myself in thought again. Every thing that just happened over what seems to be the past hour is just on permanent repeat in my head. The drive here, that damnable meteor or whatever the hell it was, that horrible dream, and how every thing I have ever known has just destroyed in a matter of minutes. I'm not even sure if my family is okay, I really need to figure out what happened to them before it drives me crazy. I really don't know how much more of this I can take, I already feel like I'm on edge and all it will take is a small push for me to snap. A strong throb from my head catapults me back to reality again as I stagger to keep my balance. "Ugh..."

"Hey, what's wrong?!" He asks while pulling my arm over his shoulders and putting his around my back to help me stand up. Then giving me a concerned look with a tilt of his head.

"Just a bad headache coming on is all. Don't worry about it kay? Every thing is fine I promise." I give him a small smile and pray he accepts my white lie. He looks me over for a second then gives me a curt nod and a smile, though his eyes flash a different story. One of him knowing I just lied to him. Damn it now I feel like a ass for lying to him. Why couldn't I just tell him I'm on the verge of snapping from stress? So I try to make it up and give him a small kiss on the cheek before straitening myself up to stand without his support. "We should really see what happened to my parents." Giving me another nod we gingerly start walking in the wreak of a house. Both of our ears are cupped to our skull despite trying to hide how we feel. My own tail wont even listen to me as it wraps around my leg with his doing about the same.

Milo grabs my arm for a moment as we just step into the furnace room to stop me. I look back to him to see him trying to compose himself to speak. "Keba look... I can't say for sure what we are going to find in there. It might be good..." He takes a deep breath then continues. "And there might be some bad in there. But no matter what we find I will be here for you, okay?" Dose anything ever phase this guy? I swear it could be the end of the world and it wouldn't, oh wait it is. I give myself a mental facepaw before giving him a weak smile.

"Thanks." Damn that's all I can say? Just thanks? I really need to work on my vocabulary skills, but this headache is killing me. I put a paw to my forehead and close one of my eyes after taking the lead in front of Milo so he can't see the pain I'm in.

A few feet in we reach the door to the inside of the house, though seemingly longer from having to climb over the broken down all. I try opening it to see the door is locked and jammed in place, with a deep sigh I get myself ready to give the door a confrontation. After small fight with the busted door. (More like me getting annoyed with it being jammed and kicking it in.) We find ourselves with a new entrance leading to the computer room. Slowly we make our way in past the broken remains. Milo and I take a look around to survey the damage the room has taken. The ceiling is cracked all over the place with chunks missing, or rather not up there and more scattered around the floor. Glass from the two windows either sit jutting out from the wall or covering the floor along with dust and other debris. The desk I have coveted ever since my parents got it was standing on it's side and blocking the door to the rest of the house. Despite all of that my mind was locked on one thing from a single twitch of my nose. I smelled blood, and so did Milo.

"Keba, don't freak out okay?" His words don't even register in my mind at this point, not even the pounding headache could break my focus at this point. Why do I smell blood? And who's blood is it.

I guess just one glace was the final straw that I could take before snapping. I just happened to look past the desk on the tips of my foot-paws to see past it and I saw what I was dreading to see. A single bloody gray and white arm underneath a collapsed section of the house on the stairwell. "Fuck my head..." Letting out a deep growl I hold my head again. This headache getting worse and worse by the second. Feeling like some one put my head in a vice, then fired up about ten trucks with to many glass packs in them and had them rev up their engines like some sort of NASCAR event for the biggest douche. With a final strong pulse from it my vision pulls back and the outsides of what I can see turn dark to give me a tunnel vision effect. My body at this point seems to of gotten a mind of it's own. As it makes a run for the overturned desk and just starts trying to pull it away. My only guess is to see what happened to every one in the house and to get to what I saw. Almost as if watching a movie my mind just watches the events unfold and my emotions even farther away from my mind at this point than my body. My paws start savagely pulling and ripping at the desk. Not even noticing that the desk it's self is jammed in place and all you needed to do was move some things out of the way to free it up. I pull at the decorative siding and the next thing I know I'm see myself flying backwards from the siding breaking off the desk and smacking me directly on the nose. I hear a distant yell of anger as I apparently lung back at the desk and start kicking at it over and over again. That poor desk taking the beating of a lifetime from some wolf who can't even control himself. After watching that desk get repeatedly kicked for about five minutes or so it starts to give way and break. One final solid kick and the desk finally cracks completely in half, my body still on auto-pilot as my mind watches the show. It runs up and pulls back half of the desk enough to make enough room to get past it. I run up to the arm and hold it in my paws and give it what looks like a squeeze. I know that arm, almost as well as my known my own. It belongs to my sister and she didn't make it. She may have treated me shitty my entire life, but no one deserves to go like this. This is really weird I know I should be feeling remorse but I can't feel a thing no pain, no sadness, nothing at all. But my body apparently can though as my vision starts to blur from what I can only guess are tears. My head suddenly turns towards the kitchen, leaving me to assume I heard something and went to see what it was. Because at this point my body had started to sprint down the hall. Vaulting over some rubble and pushing the door open I see the ceiling has collapsed almost entirely in here, but looking down I see something that snaps my mind back in control of everything.

"Mom!?" I scream out and race over to her side, dropping to my knees while shedding more tears. Her body is half crushed underneath what fell, and only her left arm, head, and most of her chest is visible. I take after her mostly in fur color, a solid white but with age she has some silver grey that has set in around her eyes and the edges of her muzzle. To my surprise she coughs and looks up at me, pain clearly showing in her eyes, but also filled with love at seeing her son.

"K-Keba? What are you doing here? I thought we would never see you agai-" She cuts herself off with a couple coughs. Her shirt has a little blood staining it and some crimson red running down the sides of her cheeks.

"I-I... we..." I tried saying but started sobbing again. I hated my family so much, they used me, abused me and when I stood up for myself they kicked me out. But seeing her like this all that hatred faded away. Suddenly I feel a paw give my shoulder that gives me a reassuring squeeze. Looking behind me with tear filled eyes I see my wusky, his presence giving me the ability to continue. With a deep breath I look back at my mom, giving the best smile I could muster. "Mom, this is Milo. We are well... mated. I'm gay mom. We came down to tell you guys, we wanted your approval." I keep looking at her, waiting for the string of curses and hate that would normally exit her muzzle.

My mom just wears a sweet smile as she looks at us, then coughs again before speaking. "Honey, don't worry we always kinda knew you were gay. I mean you never got together with that vixen when we lived in Florida even though the two of you spent almost every day together. We were just waiting for you to tell us." She breaks out into a coughing fit again covering her paw with blood before reaching out to rub my cheek with her only free paw. I take it in mine and give it a squeeze.

"Mom, I-" I try to speak.

She cuts me off and says with guilt in her voice. "Just listen to me a second. I know you hate us, we have treated you horribly for all your life. Always favored your sister over you, made you do everything around the house. Even for calling you a slave for years. We don't know why we did it and we feel terrible for it. I just hope you can forgive us for what we have done to you."

I try interjecting. "Mom..."

Again she cuts me off and says. "You've always done what you needed too and we have treated you horribly for doing it because it wasn't what we would do. Just do what you have always done and you two will be okay." Her misty eyed gaze turns to my mate. "Milo, I'm sorry for this being how we meet. Take care of him. He may act strong, but inside he is just a fragile pup." For the last time she coughs and then grits her teeth. My paws feeling the moment her heart stops beating and a strange stillness take over her body. Her eyes focus on something far away as they lose their shine and go dull.

I reach down and rub her cheek with my shaking paw and tears running down the matted fur under my eyes. I try my best to speak. "Mom, I hope you can hear me. I-I..." My gaze falls down upon my lap as I start bawling, my words barely coming out in any coherent manner unless you knew what I was going to say. "Forgive you. Please don't go, I want to tell you that... please... just come back so I can tell you. So I can say goodbye. Please..." I can't hold the tears back anymore, I feel empty and hollow. My mother who seemed as though she hated me all my life just apologized for what she did and now she's gone before I could even tell her that I forgive her.

I numbly feel a pair of arms wrap around me and his muzzle rest on my shoulder. He softly whispers in my ear in a soft and consoling tone. "Sweetie I'm so sorry, I don't know what else to say. She's gone to a better place now."

My heart skips a beat at hearing this, but then my headache and all the pain comes back at once. Causing me to become overwhelmed, and the feeling of just watching things play out again comes back. But this time I can feel and hear every thing. I stand up with hate and anger filling my chest as well as my head. I turn to look at the wusky that was trying his best to comfort me. My hate filled eyes piercing his very soul as he realizes something is about to happen and tucks his tail quickly between his legs.

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU KNOW ABOUT ANYTHING?!" I snarl at him and bare my teeth. "I just lost my whole family and all you can say is fucking sorry?!" Why am I yelling at him? This is stupid I should be in his arms. "Why don't you do something useful for once and bring her back!" He doesn't deserve this. My voice is getting hysterical now as my arms flail in anger. All while my migraine turns to blinding pain in my head. The wusky in front of me just cowering and taking each hit of my verbal assault. "All you can say is fucking sorry? You're fucking useless!" Why am I saying all this stuff that isn't true, he's my everything. I begin panting heavily but this uncontrollable venting continues. "If you cared so fucking much about me why don't you do something about it and stop just standing there! Just bring my mother back for a few fucking seconds!" My knees give way as I fall down on them. The room swishing from side to side in my darkening vision as I keep shouting at someone who doesn't deserve it. "Or making this room to stop sp-... spinning..." My voice trails off as I feel something running down my nose. I check it to see my paw covered in blood from my bleeding nose. "What the..." I don't even get a chance to finish my sentence before I fall muzzle first into the floor. Darkness finally consuming me. Taking me away from the pain, sadness and the sudden outburst at my mate. Not even the chance to notice Milo kneeling beside me with his paw resting on my head and tears falling to the floor for his wolf. Dreams come to haunt my fevered unconscious state. My consciousness getting to play a small part in them.

"Tobias! Tobias!" I'm suddenly picked up from behind and spun around by a overly enthusiastic germen shepherd. I look over and my ears flatten as I see who it is. That damned dog who tried to kill me with his family, and why the hell is he calling me Tobias? I immediately bite down on his arm hard enough to cause him to yelp loudly and drop me to the ground. He looks over and yells at me. "What the hell Toby?!"

"Get away from me you piece of shit! You and your family tried to kill me!" I shout back at him. Before crouching down and holding up my black paws. I bare my teeth in his direction, and let out a savage growl hoping to get him to back off. I was ready to pounce at any moment to defend my life. But it seems this was as much of the situation as I was in control of. I guess, now I just get to watch this fox's life unfold. And like all dreams, things tend to change. But oh well, I tried...

A knowing look of fear passed over the shepherds face as he wondered if he knew, but to fast for the vulpine to notice. His features hardened before shouting at the fox who just bit him. "Tobias! What the hell is wrong with you? Here I come to see my beautiful fox and you bite me?!" Tobias falls to his haunches seemingly lost in his head for a second before coming too.

"Ryan I'm so sorry! I don't know what happened to me, it's like I was just watching from the back of my head... I had no control..." His eyes start watering up as the germen shepherd slowly walks over to him and rubs his head fur. Tobias's ears cup to his skull as he looks up and starts crying out right and beings to beg. "Please... don't hate me I didn't mean it..."

Ryan looks down as he gives his best smile. "All is forgiven, at least if you give me that sexy ass tonight" He gives the fox a playful growl.

Feeling like the weight of the world was lifted the fox wipes his eyes and perks his ears a little from the acceptance of his apology. He then replies sheepishly. "Thanks, but only if you promise to be rough with me."

The shepherd wags his tail a little as he helps the white fox stand back up. "Wouldn't have it any other way."

My vision returns for a fleeting moment. Long enough to see Milo giving me some pills and rubbing my forehead with a damp cloth. The fur matted under his eyes from tears with pure sorrow filling his blue eyes. I try speaking only to hear a raspy voice instead of my normally quiet one. "Milo... I... I'm..." The pain coming back as my eyes are forced to close and I return to my dreams.

If I were awake I would of felt him caressing my cheek and smiling that sweet loving smile as he says. "I know, you don't have to tell me you're sorry. This is hard for you I understand that. Just please get better."

A alarm clock blares in a quiet room, sunlight only just starting to cast golden rays through the slightly parted blinds. Like all unwanted mornings it seems to land right in your eyes. A stirring can be seen under the bed sheets as a white and black arm reaches out and smacks the alarm clock off. Mumbling as he gets up groggily out of bed. "Just another day, why can't things every change?" Tobias shuffles down the hall to take a shower and get ready for his day. Unknowing that today, everything was about to change for him.

After his mind numbing morning rituals that are so ingrained they can be done on auto-pilot. The fox heads out on his only day off this week to visit the mall and spend some quality time looking for something but he wasn't quite sure what it was yet. After about fifteen minutes of mental debate he decides that he is going to just window shop and check out some cute guys. It's been about six years since his last relationship and it had turned to hell for the poor fox. He sighs while continuing down the busy sidewalk. "I really need to find a boyfriend, it's been four years since any guy has even talked to me. But all of them being complete horn dogs and just wanting my as their personal fuck toy." He says to himself in disgust. "I just want a big strong dog to pick me up and make me his, but for love and not lust." Letting out a soft sigh he looks up into the sky and asks the heavens. "Where are you?" He keeps his gaze transfixed up a few steps while continuing the trek to the mall.

"LOOK OUT!!" A strong paw grabs Tobias's shirt and yanks him backwards just in time as a speeding car blares it's horn and runs a red light inches from his foot-paws. The fox's heart pounding in his chest from the near death experience. Taking a moment to collect himself, he looks around for his savior. "Are you crazy? Not paying attention like that will get you killed!" A tan paw pulls the fox's muzzle to the voice behind him. His eyes growing wide as he finds himself gawking at a absolutely gorgeous germen shepherd. He had a very built body, but not overly muscular or to toned. His fur was mostly black just behind his eyes and on the front of his muzzle. Brown on the rest of his face with small brown splotches behind his adorable big ears and his chest was a creamy beige leading to white belly fur. The shep had his shirt tied around his waist from a day of jogging exercises. He extended an arm to help the gawking fox up, knowing that the little guy was checking him out. The shepherd had known he was gay for a long time but always liked to wait for some one to ask or play off being strait to tease. "My name is Ryan by the way." He looked down at the fox smiling.

"T-thanks, I'm... Tobias." He replied stuttering and still stunned at the sight.

I come too again to look around. Seeing burgundy red walls with some rubble moved into a corner, it must be the living room. I groan and hold my head as the searing pain continues to plague me. I notice Milo passed out on the floor beside me snoring loudly. It looks like he hasn't slept in days. I try sitting up just to fall back again feeling to weak to move, but landing on something soft. Heh, only now do I notice I'm on the couch, I must really be out of it. What happened I don't remember anything, just this dream I had. "Ugh, my head..." I say as I bring my paw up to my head, noticing I have a strong fever.

Milo practically jumps into the air at hearing my voice, his eyes still showing that sorrow they showed before but now with exhaustion added in. "Keba! Are you okay? You've been out for almost four days now!" He exclaims while scampering up to me and holding my paw in his as I try to figure out what's going on.

"Hun I..." I try to say but then it hits me. Like a flash of a movie playing every thing that happened leading up to me yelling at my mate and passing out in fast forward. A strong sense of guilt fills me as I start to crying but no tears will come out. I look over at him and into those eyes that show only concern for me now and whisper. "I'm so sorry. Please don't hate me." I feel terribly tiered, I need to get back to sleep. "I think I need to get some more sleep."

Milo holds my paw tightly and nods quickly as tears start dripping down his face. "I forgive you baby just please get better. I've been giving you fever reducers and tramadol for the headache. So it's gonna keep you weak for another day or so. But it'll help I promise." I just nod weakly as I close my eyes, continuing this reoccurring dream.

Tobias opens his eyes slowly as he begins to stretch, looking over at his boyfriend and reflecting to himself. It's been over a month now since the shep asked him out. On top of that he is the first fur who has actually taken a vested interest in Toby as more than just a toy. The fox feeling happy for the first time since he can remember. Tobias leans over and kisses the shepherds nose, who only stirs and groans from being woken up. "Five more minutes..."

Tobias giggles quietly as he shakes Ryan awake. "Come on stud, we need to get up!" It's valentines day and the fox has planned a nice surprise for his dog. It's gonna be a eventful day for the couple.

Ryan opens his eyes and smiles softly as he lays his eyes on that beautiful fox. With a large canine yawn he rubs his eyes and sitting up to reply. "Oh, really? Dose foxie have something planned?" Tobias just turns around to face him and grins widely, his fluffy tail lightly swaying from side to side. Chuckling as a response Ryan thumps his tail under the covers. "You are way to cute to hide anything from me huh?" He grabs the fox's paw and pulls him back onto the bed and gives him a soft kiss on the lips.

Toby looks back into his shep's amazingly green eyes and murrs softly. "I could never hide anything from you." Ryan growls playfully with a devious grin spreading across his muzzle. His paw rubbing the fox's belly.

"I know you can't. But you do seem to be hiding something from me..." Sliding his paw down Toby's belly he rubs the fox's growing tent and looks at him with lust mixed with passion in his eyes. "So lets find out what this secret is." He starts pulling the smaller canine's boxers down....

I groan and roll over in bed. That damn headache finally reduced to a dull ache in my skull. Milo is sitting beside me with a wet cloth in his paw rubbing it over my forehead. Wearing a soft smile as he took care of his wolf. "Hey wuff, are you feeling any better?" He asks and I just nod slowly as a reply. He wrings out the cloth and soaks it again before placing it on my head then giving my head a light massage. I can only murr from his touch and look into this eyes. They look so worn and exhausted.

I gathered what strength I could to speak. "What happened?"

He looked down at me with his ears folding back at my question and lets out a soft whimper. "Well, brace yourself hun." I nodded and did my best to keep myself calm to hear what he had to say. "We entered the house and we caught the scent of blood as soon as we entered. You complained about a headache then went berserk." Milo flattened his ears at this point and looked down. "I was scared at how you turned so quickly into almost a mindless beast, you started clawing and pulling at a desk and just becoming over all feral." My ears flattened at this point, I had scared my love with how I just snapped out of no where. "Once you finally broke through you found who I'm guessing was your sister who passed away under the ceiling. Then... then..." He started tearing up at this point as was I. So I rested my paw on his leg for reassurance. He took a deep breath and continued. "Then we found your mom barely alive, she poured her heart out in apology over the way she has treated you and acceptance over us. Before she passed away. But after that you..." He looked away and shuddered at the memory. "You freaked out at me and started screaming at me that I was useless..."

I stopped him right there as hearing that made every thing flood back into me. All the memories of what I did to him filling me with unbearable guilt I have to apologize to him somehow. I tell him with sincerity laced into every word. "Milo, I'm so sorry. I don't know what happened I guess I just snapped from every thing. I didn't mean a single word of it. You're not useless at all. You're the best thing that has happened to me. Please... please, don't hate me..."

He looks up at me and noticeably relaxes before he speaks up. "Keba, you've been out for a week strait. I've been at your side every second I could aside from getting us food. I've been taking care of you and protecting you the entire time. Your mom's final words were for me to take care of you, and I fully intend on doing that. How could I hate someone I love so much?"

I see a soft smile spread across his muzzle. The wusky who has done so much for me even after I ripped into him. My heart and body feel like a cool liquid fire heats and chills me at the same time from his words. He truly dose love me with every thing he is. Finally mustering up the strength I pull him to me and smile affectionately. "I love you too puppy." I pull him into a deep kiss as our tongues gently explore each others familiar muzzles. Electricity shooting between us, just like the first time we kissed. I guide him on top of me with our lips still locked together in their unbreakable kiss. Each passing second we kiss fills me with more and more energy. We quickly get ourselves undressed and spend the rest evening reaffirming our love for one another. With a dreamless sleep to follow for me and the exhausted wusky, finally able to rest and sleep peacefully in each others arms for the first time in over a week.

Christmas Walk.

Walking through the snow, Showing all things to grow. The life of it all. A bright morning sun, It's rays dancing through the tree tops. Canines holding paws, Tails wagging happily. Pulling you closer to me, Squeezing your paw tight. I lean to...

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A Perfect Circle.

Wrote this a few days ago but only been able to get it posted now. ~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~ Words that seldom speak, How honest and true you feel. Burning like a flame....


Chapter one: Catastrophe.

** Chapter one: Catastrophe.** Disclaimer thingy, contains gay content. No yiff, so don't ask. Mild use of language and some graphic scenes. First story I have ever written so don't be afraid to point out mistakes and what not. Otherwise fav,...

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