Chapter 2: Locked in Place

Story by frozenthrone on SoFurry

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Second one in the series. Let me know what you all think :P

Chapter 2: Locked in Place

Matt let out a groan as he started to wake and opened his eyes. He immediately regretted it as the sunlight streaming through the window assaulted his senses. Quickly squinting his eyes shut he threw up a paw to block off the brunt of the light. Head pounding and body aching Matt reluctantly took stock of his surroundings. Pieces of clothing were strewn haphazardly around the room and the furniture was in a state of disarray. As for himself, the wolf sat completely naked at the foot of his bed. Shaking his head in an attempt to clear his thoughts, Officer Harrington tried to recall the events of the previous evening. All that he could remember was vague images and sounds. He was still struggling to think back when he realized that he reeked of sex and urine. Gagging in disgust he picked himself up off the floor. Spending the night in an unnatural position had left his joints and muscles sore and throbbing. Patches of his fur crackled as he moved as flakes of some unknown substance fell off. With his paw still blocking out the light Matt made his way over to the bathroom. He hadn't taken more than two strides before he was abruptly yanked backwards. Letting out a surprised yelp, he fell in an unceremonious heap on the floor. Looking back he noticed that he was wearing a collar, which in turn was attached to the bed by a leash. Matt growled in consternation and tugged at the collar. Realizing that someone had stitched the straps together so they wouldn't come off, he turned his attention instead to the rope tethering him to his bed. After a few experimental tugs, he realized that he wouldn't have much success through that route either. A soft chuckle from the bed pierced his frustrated thoughts and he glanced upwards. His eyes widened in shock as he noticed the Rottweiler watching him from bed.

Logan had awoken to the sound of Matt groaning from the floor. The Rottweiler quietly watched in amusement as his adoptive father, and former alpha of the household, tried to figure out where in the world he was. It took all his effort not to burst into laughter when the wolf curiously picked at the patches of dried semen covering the fur of his muzzle and rump. After seeing Matt fall in a heap on the floor he figured it was about time he made his presence known. The look of shock in the wolf's eyes when he saw Logan sitting on his bed was priceless. Logan's grin only grew wider when Matt's ears folded back, giving him the appearance of a chastised puppy. The look of shock quickly gave way to rage as the memories of the previous night came rushing back into Matt's consciousness. Muscles tensed as Matt prepared to lunge at Logan. The only warning that Logan got was a snarl before Matt leapt at him. Not missing a beat, Logan sprang off the bed and landed in a crouching position on top of the leash before rolling to the side. The sudden tug on the leash altered Matt's trajectory and sent him crashing head first into the side of the bed. Logan took the wolf's momentary disorientation to grab a pair of cuffs from a nightstand and lock Matt's forepaws together behind his back before snapping another pair onto his ankles. With his father properly restrained, Logan left the room in search of some toys.

When Logan returned, Matt was still lying on the floor. Sweat shone off his body in a thin sheen from his futile struggle to get up.

"Glad to see you've still got some fight in you, old man!" Logan called out mockingly as he placed the box he was carrying on the floor before rummaging through it. "It would've been a shame if Breaker had broken you in just one session. This way I get to have some fun too." Finding what he was looking for Logan pulled out large blue vibrator and a studded cock ring. The look of fear in Matt's eyes only served to make Logan's sheath swell thicker. Shaking his head franticly side to side Matt pleaded with his son,

"No please! Don't do it, I'll be good I promise!"

"Too late for that now, bitch. It won't be so bad, well it'll probably be worse."

The Rottwiler cackled with childish glee as he pounced onto Matt, who was trying to wiggle away. In a single thrust, Logan shoved the entire unlubed length up beneath his father's tail. Matt let out an anguished yelp as his hole was stretched painfully wide. His struggles started anew when Logan turned the toy on, sending waves of pleasure down his spine as the vibrator rubbed against his prostate.

"See! You're enjoying it. I always knew you were a little bitch." Logan laughed as the stimulation made Matt's length harden against his will. Reaching down, the dog gave Matt a few hard squeezes eliciting a defeated whimper from the defeated wolf. When Matt swelled to his full six inches, Logan slid the cock ring into place. Locking the device into place the dog pulled out length of rope and tied the cuffs securing Matt's arms and legs together leaving the wolf unable to move. Proud of his handiwork Logan got up and fetched a chair. Placing a camcorder on the chair he called out, "Now smile nice and big for the camera bitch boy. We're recording this for later generations you know. If you'll excuse me, I have some other business to attend to. I expect you'll be a lot more interested in servicing me when I get back." Logan made sure to grab his box of gear before shutting the door behind him, leaving a thoroughly humiliated and aroused wolf on the floor.

Still gloating over his success, Logan walked into the kitchen to get make something for breakfast. He opened the door to see his brother Dylan passed out face down on the table. Logan dropped the box he was carrying with a crash as he gawked in surprise. Dylan was supposed to be away at college, but he must have decided to come back for a surprise visit. Logan noticed that the wolf's black fur had the same characteristic patches of dried semen as his father. Curious, he padded over and read the note lying on the wolf's back. It read:

Took the missus back to my place. Gonna make better use of her better than that loser ever did. Besides, I know you'd prefer to keep him to yourself anyway. Left you a consolation prize, found him coming in when you were having your fun. Consider it on the house, his sweet ass was well worth it.


Logan's paws trembled as he finished reading the note. Not only had Breaker cowed his overbearing father, but had also made a bitch out of his perfect older brother. Everything Logan had going for him, Dylan had it better. He was stronger, smarter, got more ass, and had a bigger cock. Logan had always envied his adoptive brother, but not anymore. Fate had dealt him a winning hand, and he intended to cash it for all it was worth. Seeing Dylan sprawled out helpless made Logan harder than he'd ever been. Exercising all the self-restraint he could muster, the Rottweiler carefully dragged the unconscious wolf out of the kitchen.

After dragging him across the living room into the home gym, Logan quickly ran to get the things he would need. The dog methodically and soon had his brother trussed up the way he wanted him. Throwing him over a pommel horse, Logan quickly strapped the muscular wolf down with a thick network of bungee cords. He didn't want to risk Dylan waking up and escaping during the procedure. Once he was sure that there was no feasible means for the wolf to get out if he were to wake he took a moment to catch his breath. Logan snapped a spreader bar into place between Dylan's legs before giving the wolf's orbs and sheath a quick working over. He felt a pang of jealousy as he confirmed that the wolf was indeed bigger than he. Dwarfing his sire's length by far, Dylan sported a healthy nine and a half inches of pure wolf meat. A wicked thought crossed his mind as Logan roughly worked the cock to full hardness before slipping a cock ring into place. Moving around to the front of his unconscious brother the dog carefully pried open the wolf's mouth and secured a ring gag into place. Logan left to make a few calls after giving his adoptive brother's ass another firm grope.

A few hours later the doorbell rang as a group of Logan's closest friends arrived. All were members of the same gang, and in fact had decided to join together. Of the group, Cedric, a stag with a physique that would put a body builder to shame, was the first to arrive. Wearing his football pads and jersey Cedric looked like he had just gotten off from practice. As a senior, like Logan, Cedric had long given up caring about academics and now focused most of his attention on the more carnal pleasures of life. He spent most of his time working out in the gym and in whoever was unlucky enough to catch his interest. The stag had a soft spot for predators. He couldn't help but get hard at the thought of taming such dangerous power. As such, he'd already shown a few of them that they weren't at the top of the food chain as they all thought. Cedric had met Logan at the beginning of the year in Anatomy. Having come late, the two were paired together as lab partners. Having similar interests the two hit it off and have been friends ever since. Nodding his greetings to Logan, Cedric made his way into the kitchen to grab some food before throwing himself onto the couch.

"So where's this surprise you seemed so excited about?" Cedric asked between mouthfuls of chips. "Don't tell me I skipped my workout just to hang out with your sorry hide."

"You'll just have to wait for all the others to arrive. No point in spoiling the moment." Logan replied with a smirk. Logan knew Cedric was probably going to be the excited about what he had in store. After all, he was going to give the stag an opportunity he'd never get again.

Logan didn't have time to dwell further on his plans seeing as the doorbell rang again. Making his way over to the door, he greeted the new arrivals. Victor and Leo were a black panther and lion respectively. Victor had been Logan's friend since he'd been adopted and moved in with the Harringtons. Logan considered him to be his oldest and closest friend. Leo on the other hand was the complete opposite. Leo wasn't really Logan's friend, but rather his area leader. The prick had made Logan's initiation process somewhat of a veritable hell. Being new to the position Leo reveled in the power and authority that it gave him over other members of the gang. Of course, that was all going to change soon the Rottweiler thought to himself. The two quickly filed in before starting to raid the fridge. Logan was closing the door when he spotted Aaron, the plow horse trotting up the street. Waving him in the dog glanced about in search of his last guest.

"Neil is running a bit late. Something about the lieutenant being a dick." Aaron panted as he went inside. "He said to start without him. He'll be here later"

Shrugging Logan closed the door and turned to his guests. "I'm sure you're all curious as to what the surprise is, so I won't delay any longer. I've recently procured a rather interesting toy that I'd like to let you all try out first hand." As he spoke he lead the group into the gym room. Logan took a moment to bask in his friends' shocked looks when they saw the now conscious and struggling Dylan tied to the pommel horse.

Having heard noise from behind him Dylan groaned out, "Logan? Is that you? What happened? Why am I tied up? Help me out bro, there was some cougar or something in the house yesterday. I need to see the cops. Wher--." *smack*

"Shut up bitch. You speak when spoken to, get it?" Logan snarled out, giving Dylan a firm smack on the rear. Turning to his friends, he asks, "Now who's first?"

Victor and Leo had already begun shucking off clothing in a frenzy. Meanwhile Cedric and Aaron just looked on in interest. The two felines quickly made their way over to the bound wolf. Their cocks already rock hard and throbbing. Being the quicker of the two Victor made his way behind Dylan while Leo went in front of him.

"Now wait a mi---- ." *smack* "Hey you can---" *smack*

Yanking Dylan's tail out of the way, Victor made eye contact with Leo. With a nod they both thrust simultaneously into the wolf.

"Please don---- ." *gluck*

Seven inches of lion cock quickly silenced Dylan. Leo immediately started hammer away with his hips causing the lion's pouch to bounce against the wolf's chin. Gagging and chocking for air the wolf's eyes started to tear up, though he never looked away from the lion. Pure hatred burning in his eyes as Leo violated his mouth. Meanwhile behind him Victor was being a little gentler. Rhythmically thrusting into his victim, Victor ground his cock into Dylan's rear. The velvety depths of the wolf's virgin hole worked like a perfect sheath around the Victor's cock. At eight inches the panther's rod was the perfect length to align his barbed head with the lupine's pleasure gland. Each thrust brought the barbs scraping across the bulb. Each thrust ate further at Dylan's resolve. Pulling out to give the wolf some air to breath the lion wiped his cock across the wolf's muzzle smearing silvery pre on Dylan's face as he gasped for breath. The reprieve was short however as Leo was soon thrusting with new abandon into Dylan's throat.

As the frenzied mating was happening Aaron and Cedric had begun to undress, neither of them taking their eyes from the action for one moment. Logan walked over to the two and whispered something in their ears that caused both of their eyes to light up. Nodding in agreement, the two quickly got into position on either side of Leo.

Much to Dylan's distress, Victor's expertly placed thrusts were quickly driving him to the edge. However, the presence of the cock ring made it all but impossible for him to finish. Instead he was stuck in a constant state of ecstasy as his prostate fired impulse after impulse. Lack of a sufficient amount of oxygen was also making him lightheaded. The only thing that Dylan was holding onto was his incredible hatred for those violating him. If only the blasted ring was gone, he'd make a bitch out of the lion muzzle raping him. Judging from the erratic thrusting, the lion was close to finishing. A quick movement in the corner of his vision caught his attention momentarily. Logan winked at his brother and pressed a button on a remote he was holding. With a faint click, the ring gag collapsed in on itself and fell out of the wolf's mouth. Leo, so close to orgasm, did not notice the protective device fall. Glaring with vindictive glee Dylan snapped his jaws shut at the same time that Leo thrust all the way into his neck and the lion's orbs pulled up to fire their load. Leo's roar of climax abruptly turned to a high pitched yowl of agony as sharp fangs dug into his sensitive flesh. Cedric and Aaron on either side of him quickly shoved his hips forwards, feeding Dylan the lion's sensitive orbs. Convulsing in agony Leo tried his best to pull away from the gnashing jaws, but Cedric and Aaron held him fast. Eventually Leo hung limp in the horse and stag's arms. Licking his chops, Dylan spat contemptuously even as the pleasure coming from his rear set his brain on edge. Victor watched the carnage with glee. The emasculation of their asshole of a leader only brought him closer to climax. With a few short thrusts he pumped Dylan's innards full of panther spunk. Wiping his cock clean with the wolf's tail the cat gestured that he was done.

The rest of the group then backed up against the walls as Cedric walked up to the bound wolf. Aaron dragged Leo, who was still mewling and clutching his ruined crotch, along with the rest of the group. Cedric whispered into Dylan's ear, causing his eyes to narrow, but he eventually nodded his consent. The stag then went through the process of undoing the cords so that the wolf could get up. Rubbing his ribs and taking a few deep breaths the wolf crouched into a fighting stance. An enraged wolf was usually no laughing matter, but the steady trickle of panther cum dripping out of his abused tail hole and a raging erection proved otherwise.

"To make things clear. If you beat me, you're free to go. But if you lose, you're ours to do with as we please. Do you understand?" Cedric asked, not particularly intimidated by the hulking wolf in front of him. "I can't really get it up for a guy who has no fight in him. You better make it worth my time to make you my bitch."

Dylan nodded his assent while ignoring the degrading comments. With that the two combatants started circling one another. In terms of height and weight, Dylan had Cedric beat. The stag however, had much more fighting experience than the wolf by far. Snarling, Dylan lunged at Cedric with both paws out, hoping to gouge his opponents neck. His paws hit empty air, and he received a swift cuff to the side of the head. Disoriented, he whirled and kicked blindly scoring a blow to Cedric's stomach, knocking the air out of him. As the stag was going down on a knee, the wolf followed with a knee to the nuts causing Cedric to let out a strangled squeal. Hoping to end it quickly, Dylan gave a swift uppercut to stag's head. Luckily for Cedric, Dylan's aim was off and only dealt him a glancing blow. In retaliation the stag gave two jab's to the wolf's midriff forcing both fighters apart.

Panting the two brawlers circled each other once more. Hoping that the tactic would work this time, Dylan ran towards Cedric hoping to catch the stag by surprise. Ready for the tactic, Cedric simply lowered his antlers and charged. Suddenly forced on the defensive, Dylan had no choice but to grab onto the antlers to keep himself from being impaled on their points. He then quickly relaxed his body, thinking that Cedric would try to shake him off. Instead, the stag simply kept charging and they both crashed into the wall. Dylan let out a grunt as they impacted, though the blow was not enough to really hurt him. Cedric's antler's however, had dug deep into the wall, effectively pinning the wolf's arms and head to the wall. In a desperate move, Dylan tried to bring both of his legs back to drop kick the stag away from him, but Cedric stepped in closer between the wolf's legs, making the maneuver completely worthless. Dylan let out a sigh when Cedric unclipped his cock ring, but it quickly turned into a whimper as the stag's hands explored the helpless wolf's body. With his last bit of fight, Dylan crunched up his abs and tried to thrust his length into the stag's mouth. Chuckling Cedric simply grabbed hold of the flailing legs and used them to impale the thrashing wolf on all eleven inches of his cervine cock. The hole gave little resistance after the thorough stretching that Victor had given it before. Pounding away while mercilessly at the hot tail hole Cedric explored his prey's body with his hands. The stag elected to fondle Dylan's nipples while his cock fondled the wolf's prostate. The wolf clenched even tighter as waves of newfound pleasure coursed through his body. It wasn't long before he let out a howl and shot thick ropes of jizz onto his chest and stomach. After the initial wave of orgasm Dylan slumped against his captor, resigned to his fate. The humiliation of being brought to climax without any sort of stimulation of his cock coursed through his body.

As Cedric was enjoying the spoils of his victory, Aaron was busy pounding away at his newly neutered play thing. The stallion sat on the floor while impaling Leo onto his foot long meat. The blunt head of the stallions pride had easily punched through the semiconscious feline's sphincter. Leo's initial resistance had eventually given way to slutty desire as he rode the horse cock like a bitch in heat. He even reached out to pull Victor close and suckle on the panther's rapidly hardening shaft. Soon the room was filled with the lewd squelching of Cedric claiming Dylan, and Leo's enthusiastic efforts to please real males.

Logan meanwhile walked over to his trapped brother with a length of twine and a serrated knife. Staring into the defeated wolf's eyes he said, "Remember your agreement. You're our bitch now, and we can do with you whatever we please. I think it's high time that you had some fixing." With a wicked grin he stalked closer as Dylan's eyes widened in fear at the presence of the knife.

He pleaded, " Please Cedric, you can't let him do this. I'll be your bitch, I swear I will!"

The stag just snorted in reply, "Yeah, you'll be everyone's bitch now. You put up a good fight, but the rules are rules eh? Besides, whens the next chance that I'll get to neuter a predator like you. Tough luck pal." And continued his thrusting. With a cervine cock constantly assaulting his prostate, Dylan quickly hardened up again, just in time for Logan to wrap the twine around package. As he pulled the string taut to minimize blood loss Logan winked up at his brother before sawing away at his pride. Dylan let out a howl that quickly turned into a whine as his parts were taken away from him. The trauma of the procedure caused him to clench down like a vice on Cedric, who fired jets of semen into the completely broken wolf. After he was done he released Dylan, who slumped against the wall. Slapping the wolf with his cock Cedric forced him to lick it clean before marking the neutralized predator with his scent. Grinning like a fool Cedric swept Logan up into a massive hug.

"Man that was better than anything I ever dreamed of! Totally worth it man! Totally worth it!" the stag chimed as he held his friend.

Logan chuckled when he heard the doorbell ring. Another piece to his game had finally arrived. Sprinting up the stairs, he went to let Neil in.