A Day SHE will never forget

Story by TheRedFox8 on SoFurry

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#2 of A Day... Series

This is part two of my previous work, A Day he will never forget. I wrote this on deployment and sorry for taking so long to put it up here. Hope it's enjoyable somewhat, and sorry if the story is crap.

The red digits of the digital alarm clock burned 5:58 A.M.

It was a pleasant, cool, foggy Friday morning, and River was enjoying her last couple of minutes of satisfying sleep before the alarm went off, signaling the last day of school for the week...

...and her date with Rikimaru.

She had been looking forward to the end of this week more than anything. Usually she anxiously waits for every Friday or the last day of the week if Friday or more had no school just as any old student would, but this week seemed to go by extra slow. Agonizingly slow.

In her dreams, she was sprawled out on her bed completely nude on her stomach, stirring only slightly. Her long fluffy tail was flopped over to the side, poking out from under the heavy comforter. Her head was laid gently on two large soft feather down pillows, with both of her arms folded underneath them. She was reminiscing the events that happened on Tuesday night, how she managed to easily trick Rikimaru into believing that her car wouldn't start. Even more so, she was amazed that he didn't even suggest going to a neighbor for a jumpstart. She smiled in her sleep, knowing how gullible he was.

Finally, the inevitable happened. The moment the clock switched to 6:00, the telltale "meep meep meep meep" of the alarm blared throughout her room. A low groan escaped from the Vexan's lips as she reached up with an arm and fumbled with the alarm clock. Every morning was the same; she just couldn't find the switch to turn the alarm off. Finally, the thing was silenced.

She yawned and sat up in bed, rubbing her eyes. She frowned at the fact that the bed is always the most comfortable in the morning hours. She desperately fought the urge to simply lie back down and slip under the covers, but she knew if she did that, she would be late for school.

With a disdainful grunt, she made sure her window was properly covered (so no one would see her naked), threw off the covers and rolled out of bed. Once out, she stretched her arms up, taking care not to hit the ceiling fan, and sleepily shuffled over to the bathroom.

After relieving herself, she stepped over to her closet. She opened the door and selected a tan-colored bra, a blue shirt, and a red and white sweater. She strode over to her bed and dropped off her two shirts. She took the bra and slid it up on her shoulders and fastened the back. She adjusted it for fitting by holding her hands under her breasts and gently lifting them. She grabbed a pair of panties from her drawer. After putting them on, she looked down and saw that the panties left a nice little bulge in her nether regions. With a small little grin, thinking about all the ways she could tease Rikimaru tonight, she pulled on her shirt and slid on her pants that were crumpled on the floor. Without worrying about socks or shoes, she finally donned her sweatshirt and exited the room, went down the hallway and into the kitchen/dining room.

Looking at the clock on her oven, she saw that it was 6:17. She didn't have to be at school until 7:30, so she had plenty of time to do her own thing before she had to leave. Because it was about a 15 minute drive, and she allowed herself 15 minutes to eat breakfast, she figured she could watch the morning news for about 30 minutes before leaving.

On occasion, she did eat breakfast at home. She had plenty of supplies too, with four different kinds of cereal and a gallon of milk, but she preferred going to the cafeteria at school. Those ham and cheese croissants were simply irresistible. The other benefit of going to the cafeteria was to meet Rikimaru there, with the rare occasion of her buying him breakfast. She did it not because she was just his girlfriend (very soon to be mate, she hoped), but because she did it understanding his hard way of living. Last time (and the first time nonetheless) she was at his home, she noticed the sparseness of furnishings and the lack of foodstuffs. She wondered how, with his job Gustavo's, he managed to survive without going mad from hunger. She once considered stocking his pantry for him, but she knew that he would never forgive her from doing that.

That was the only one thing she did not like about him. He was too negative about himself and not accepting any help. Way too pessimistic. Heck, it was like pulling teeth trying to buy him breakfast in the morning. She had to literally force him to have that croissant that Tuesday morning. She hoped that soon he would just see her act of kindness and just accept it.

With a sigh, she sat herself on her couch, picked up the remote and flipped the TV on. Because the last channel she watched was the History Channel, there was a documentary about the ancient Egyptians rerun currently running. She flipped it to the news channel, placed the remote down, and crossed her legs.

She frowned at seeing commercials. She hated commercials, like any normal person would. She rested a hand on the underside of her muzzle and had the other arm in her lap, flicking her tail irritably as she lazily glared at the 5 minutes of commercials until the news came back on.

There was nothing worth watching, either. There were stories about some anniversary of a building, studies on the migration patterns of elephants, and pro and con arguments of letting Beast People into schools.

True, she and Rikimaru were not the only Beast People in the world, but they were the only ones for a very long way. Beast People were present, but were very sparse and scattered far and wide. This was mainly due to the birth and death rates. Only one out of one thousand babies survive childbirth, and that's considering the chances of even conceiving a child, which were also extremely slim. To even let one child be conceived requires many, many mating attempts, something which River did not mind at all. She gave a small evil grin as she thought about the many "fun" times the two of them would have together should they agree to be lifelong mates.

Seeing how the news was boring to her, and she hated to be bored, she decided to head to school early. It was only 6:32, but that gave her more time to eat breakfast, relax, and best of all visit Rikimaru.

She wasn't in heat, but just thinking about him made her heart flutter and cause her to become short of breath for a brief instant. And the problem was that she could just not stop thinking about him. And each time she did, that brought the feeling back.

She turned the TV off, walked over to the counter and grabbed her purse, car keys, and backpack. She exited her house, locking the door behind her. She made quick little tiptoes to get out of the light drizzle of rain and entered her car. She buckled up, started the engine, pulled out of the driveway, and was on her way. A quiet pinging tone in the car reminded her that she was running quite low on fuel. She decided that this would be the morning that she would finally fill up. She wasn't short on funds or anything, but it was like doing laundry. Filling up the car was just a minor annoyance that she never wanted to do.

About ten minutes in the drive, she approached the town's gas station. She pulled in to the pump, inserted her credit card, and began pumping. When it clicked, she replaced the nozzle and decided to pull up to the gas station's store and went inside. She browsed around, looking for a couple of drinks to last her throughout the day, since the school's drinks were more expensive (well, there WERE vending machines, which were always overpriced). She enjoyed the usual smell of the warm sausage and ham biscuits, but that didn't entice her to buy any. For one, the school's sandwiches were cheaper, and two, they were better tasting anyway. She looked in disgust at the day-old-dollar sandwich section. Fortunately, it was empty, but she wondered why they would even sell such a thing.

She collected her drinks from the coolers in the back, which were a couple of large bottles of Gatorade, and went to the counter to make her purchase. After paying and being told to have a nice day by the cheerful cashier (who was trained to be nice to everyone, no matter what), she smelled something familiar and took one look to the left that made her stomach both plummet and flutter at the same time. Rikimaru was outside, approaching the store and fast.

She quickly darted outside around the corner and peered in through the glass on the door. She stuffed her bottles into her backpack as she covertly watched as Rikimaru entered the store and closed his eyes in content with the different delicious smells in there, but he immediately went to the day-old-dollar section. Noticing that it was empty, his ears flattened, his head lowered and he slowly walked back outside.

River lowered her head and shook it side to side. There he goes again, acting all sad and depressed. Noticing that he left out the other door, she jogged over to the other side of the building, where she saw Rikimaru walking away and back toward the trail that led to the school. Her hungry eyes drank in every feature of the cute fox. He was wearing a black turtleneck and blue jeans with his long bushy tail swinging behind him, something she very wanted to get into. Maybe tonight, she thought with an evil grin.

"Riiiiikkkkiiiimmmarrrruuuuu!" she called, waving her arms over her head. Upon hearing this, Rikimaru's ears immediately perked up and he spun around.

"R-River? What are you doing here?"

"I had to stop on by to fill up the car. Want a ride to school?"

"N-no thanks. I don't want to inconvenience you or anything."

River shrugged. "Okay, then. See you at school!"

She turned around and began to walk back to her car. She counted to herself in her head:



River smiled. She knew he wanted a ride after all.

"Yes?" she asked, turning back around.

"I-Is that ride offer still open?"

Her smile grew wider. "Of course, silly! You are always welcome to ride with me!"

Rikimaru gave a weak grin, and slowly wagged his tail.

River giggled at his gesture. "Come on, Rikimaru. My car's over here."

The two of them made their way to the car and soon they were on the road again. For the remainder of the short trip, Rikimaru stared out the window, watching the trees and telephone poles fly by. The breath of his nose made small patches of fog on the car window.

When they got to the school, River pulled into the parking lot. The two of them exited the car and headed to the cafeteria building.

The gas station store's smells were wonderful, but the cafeteria takes the cake. The delicious scents of different sandwiches, pancakes, bacon, ham, and so on. Both River and Rikimaru could take in individual smells and enjoy them better than any normal human could. River was already in line, while Rikimaru strode over to the tables, like he normally did.

River picked up two ham and cheese croissants and paid for them. With her prizes in hand, she walked over to where Rikimaru was sitting and lightly threw one of them at him, hitting him squarely in the head.

He immediately spun his head around, rubbing the spot where he was struck. "What'd you do that for?"

"That sandwich is for you, silly" she responded with a smile.

"Oh?" he said, picking up the foil-wrapped croissant from the floor. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, that's why I threw it at your head."

"You have a strange way of delivering gifts."

"Yes, I know," she closed her eyes and smiled.

She took a seat next to him and unwrapped her breakfast. Inhaling deeply at the melted cheese and warm ham, she began to devour her treat, taking care to be slow, as to enjoy every bite.

All too soon though, she was finished eating. She had to stop herself from nipping the little bits of cheese off the foil. She wadded up the foil and let it rest on the table. Rikimaru was still eating his sandwich next to her.

She leaned into her boyfriend and rested her head on his shoulder, slightly nuzzling him. "So when do you want me to come over tonight?" she asked.

"Oh, uh, six o' clock?"

She thought for a minute and then nodded. "Six o' clock sounds great! Mind if I stay the night? It is the weekend after all."

"Your car isn't planning to break again, is it?"

"I certainly hope not!" she laughed. "But really, can I?"

"I don't see why not."

She let out a quiet squeal. "Oh, thank you!" She gave him a quick little peck on the cheek and turned away, blushing. "I think we should make this night as memorable as possible. What do you think?"

"Yeah. What do you have in mind?"

Oh, I certainly know exactly what I have in mind, she thought to herself. Getting into your pants.

"Oh, I dunno, exactly," she said. "Don't tell me what you're doing. I like surprises."

"Heh, okay. I won't tell you anything."

River picked up her trash, stood up, and hugged Rikimaru. "Well, I am going to head to class early. I'll see you tonight, I suppose. Pity that we don't have any classes together."

"Yeah, I know. Sucks, huh?"

River nodded in agreement. With a cheerful wave, she threw her tin foil away and left the cafeteria building, making her way to her first class.

When in the building, it just so happened that nature decided to call. On the way to her class, she made a quick little detour to the restroom. Once inside, she found an empty stall and sat on the toilet.

After relieving herself and wiping, she noticed that she felt a little queasy down there. She reached down there with a finger and ran it along her slit. She quietly gasped as waves of pleasure immediately washed over her as she worked her lips, moving her finger in circles around the slit and both lips. It wasn't long before she began to leak a little fluid.

For a moment she considered masturbating right then and there to relieve some of her need, but she decided against it, knowing that waiting for tonight will be better.

"Damn," she said to herself, "I know I am not in heat, but I'm certainly horny today. Hopefully I'll be able to relieve this tonight. It's starting to drive me mad."

After wiping that off and flushing, she washed her hands and made her way to class, which was Consumer Sciences. She was the first one there, as she was every day. She found her favorite spot, sat down, and waited for class to start, which would be in ten minutes.

She opened up her backpack and took out a Gatorade and her library book and began to read. It was an adventure novel, and a good one at that. It was about a boy who lost his one and only mentor and was travelling the land to find his true hidden power. She was about midway through the book, and it was very entertaining. She was saddened about how fast it was going.

All too soon, the bell rang, signaling the five-minute bell to make it to class. She put the bookmark in and stowed her book, waiting patiently for class to start.

One by one, the class filled up with students, none of whom wished her a good morning. It was rude of them, sure, but she was used to it. This school has had a rather bad racist vibe toward both her and Rikimaru. It hasn't reached the point of violence (yet, anyway), but the people in general were rude to them.

When the second bell rang at last, River placed both elbows on her desk and rested her muzzle on her paws. She was listening to the teacher drone on and on about the impacts of supply and demand on the market, but she never paid attention much anyway. Plus she was daydreaming about what would happen tonight, thinking about all the dirty things she and Rikimaru would do to each other.

She shifted in her seat and squeezed her legs together, making another wave of pleasure hit her. She figured she would have to stop thinking about that, less she embarrass herself in front of the class and explain to the teacher why she "pissed" her pants. She sighed and tried her best to pay attention. The rest of the class was furiously scribbling down notes, but she never really took any notes. All of the test questions were common sense anyway and she made rather good marks on them without taking any notes or studying.

"River!" the teacher suddenly snapped. "Head off your hands. No falling asleep in class!"

They're paws, bitch, River thought as she took a swig of Gatorade and lowered her arms to her lap.

Her glazed eyes were on the whiteboard as the teacher wrote bits of information that she found important to the test. With a yawn, she picked up her tail, laid it over her lap, and began to smooth it out. At least it was something to do before she actually did fall asleep.

"River! What have I told you about distracting the class?"

She stopped, gave a confused look, and then glanced around the classroom. All eyes were on her. She let her tail drop back to the floor and shrunk into her seat, wishing for class to be over soon.

After what seemed like ages, the bell finally rang. She jumped up after grabbing her stuff and was almost the first one out of the door. She breathed a sigh of relief while walking to her next class. One period down, five more to go.

Math was next, followed by English and History. Lunch, her favorite time of the school day, was after that.

She made her way to the cafeteria when she was bumped into hard by one of the students. This sent her flying to the ground, where some of the contents of her purse spilled out.

"Watch where you're going!" the kid shouted at her, as if it was her fault for getting knocked down. River didn't say anything but groaning as she rose to her knees and began to collected the scattered contents of her purse.

When finished, she stood up, brushed herself off and continued on her way to the cafeteria building, her head was lowered, ignoring all the laughter and spiteful comments about her eyesight and muscle stature that were made toward her. That was the problem with this school. Nobody treats you like a person. Just like some... thing. She sighed as she entered the building and collected her lunch.

On today's menu there was a sort of macaroni and cheese casserole. It sounded tasty, but when it came to her place in line, the lunch lady sneered and gave her the most burnt, hardened, and crusty part of the dish. Once paid for, she threw it away once she got out of line, disgusted.

When it was over, she had to finish her day with Chemistry and Computer Class, which was her favorite. She always found getting to work on the computer quite fascinating, and she hoped to own one of her own soon. At the end of that, school was out at last.

Not seeing Rikimaru anywhere on her walk to the car, she pulled out of the parking lot and made her way back home. On the way back, she began to toy with the idea of her eating a light dinner before going to his house because she was fairly certain that given Rikimaru's current foodstuffs, she would be going to bed still hungry, and she didn't want to offend him by making him think that he didn't supply enough. When the stomach is hungry, it makes it known to all.

On the other hand, that would mean that she wouldn't trust him in not supplying enough, and that was something she did not want to think about. In her mind she wrestled with these two options, unsure what to do.

She pulled her car into her driveway, got the mail from her mailbox and went inside her house. After flipping through the bits of junk mail she got and throwing them away, she left her backpack next to the door in its usual spot and dropped her purse on the counter. She grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl (something she always does after school each day) and wondered what was on TV this afternoon.

After flipping through the channels and finding nothing that interested her, she turned the TV off and relaxed on the couch. Her oven clock read close to 3:30, and she had nothing really else to do.

She stood up, stretched and decided she might as well get ready for tonight. First thing was to bathe.

She went to her room, closing the door behind her. She strode over to her bed and removed her sweatshirt. Pity she wore this shirt already today. It was a nice shirt, but since it was worn, it was also dirty. She had to wear as fresh clothes as possible. Leaving her sweatshirt on the bed, she removed her pants and her shirt and laid them on the bed as well.

After grabbing a new pair of panties and bra, she entered the bathroom and shut the door behind her. Once inside, she left her fresh clothes on the sink. She slid off her panties and stepped out of them, leaving the pair on the floor for the time being. She unhooked her bra and removed it from her shoulders, letting her exposed breasts hang out. She left the bra on the floor as well and began to run the bathwater, letting it get nice and warm.

While waiting for the water to warm, she was in agonizing lust as the cool breeze gently stroked her exposed vagina. She desperately fought the urge to reach down there, and ran her paws under the running water every five seconds to see if it was ready yet. When it was finally ready, she stepped inside the tub, pulled the shower curtain shut, and turned on the shower.

Because she always forgot to tilt the showerhead down before turning it on, she yelped as the cold water left in the showerhead hit her in a brief moment, then slowly warmed up to her desired temperature. She stepped around in the shower, making sure to get every bit of her body wet before applying shampoo to herself.

There was one downside to being wet however, and it was because with the water being trapped in the fur, it made one feel about twenty pounds heavier, especially when the tail gets wet. It feels like dragging a sock filled with sand around behind you.

Despite these feelings, she enjoyed the water for a few minutes before she grabbed her comb to smooth out all of the tangles in her fur. A few painful minutes later, and the tangles were gone, for the most part.

That being done, she picked up not her usual shampoo, but her special expensive formula specifically designed to get and keep her fur super extra soft. Sure she got it from a pet store, and it cost her a pretty penny, but it has worked wonders, having found that out the day she got home and tested it on herself.

She squeezed some of the contents onto her paw, rubbed them together and began to work it on all areas of her body. First were her arms, then her head, then her tummy area, then her back, legs, tail and feet.

She always saved the best for last. When she was done with the other areas, she began work on her breasts, massaging the shampoo in the fur there slowly, moving her paws in slowly rotating circles. When she scrubbed them up to par, she then looked down.

Even though this part of the shower was her favorite part, she was actually kind of dreading it today, mostly because she knew she would have to touch down there, and with the way it was feeling today, she didn't know if she would be able to resist relieving herself early. Oh well, she's going to have to wash down there one way or another.

Slowly and gently she began work on her lips, massaging the shampoo on the fur there. Already, the waves of pleasure began to make her spasm and she wasn't sure how much more of this she could take.

Without thinking, she slipped a finger inside, digging it around up and down. Her fluids steadily streamed out, but she didn't care. She was in pure bliss. She worked the area some more before she had to force herself to snap out of it and pull out.

She mournfully gave her slit one more massage with her palm before she began the process of rinsing herself off. She made sure to rinse every last bit of shampoo before turning off the shower and exiting the tub. She grabbed a towel hanging on a bar above her toilet and furiously scrubbed her wet fur, trying to get as much of the water out as possible. Once done she grabbed her hair dryer and finished the drying job, making sure to cover every inch as to not bring out the unpleasant smell of wet fur.

When finished drying, she donned her bra and panties and stepped out of the bathroom. Once out, the sudden temperature change from a warm room to a cold one instantly hit her hard, and she wrapped into herself, shivering. She quickly found a new shirt and sweatshirt and slipped on her pants after putting them on. After getting dressed she gathered together a change of clothes for tomorrow and her pajama clothes and stowed them in a small bag. Usually she slept naked, despite what she told him at his house on Tuesday, but she wasn't sure Rikimaru would agree with that up first. She smiled at thinking of his possible reaction to that.

Looking at her alarm clock, she saw that it was still only 4 o' clock. Without anything better to do, she decided to plop herself into her bed and gaze at the ceiling. Quickly growing a little sleepy due to her being in such a comfortable environment, she set her alarm to 5:30 and rolled over to take a quick nap. She fell asleep quickly, the sounds of her lightly snoring filling the otherwise quiet room.

When 5:30 came to, the alarm clock began to buzz as usual and River managed to silence it fairly quickly. She sat up in bed and rubbed her eyes. That nap actually made her more tired, and she regretted falling asleep. She let her blurry sleepy vision swim back into focus and left her room. Knowing that it only would take her fifteen minutes to drive to Rikimaru's house, she decided to leave early. She just couldn't wait any longer!

Grabbing her purse and keys, she left the house and locked the door behind her. She then stepped into the car, started it up, and was on her merry way. When she got there, something seemed out of place. Looking into the windows, it was dark inside. A little curious, she pulled into the driveway, shut the car off, and approached the front door. Taking a deep breath and smoothing out little erratic tufts of her fur out, she knocked three times on the door and anxiously waited.

As she waited, she noticed something quite peculiar. A faint smell was wafting to her nostrils from the house. It smelled delicious. Sniffing deeper, she could pick up some kind of seafood, noodles, and sauces. She didn't know what exactly they were, due to so little of the heavenly scent being available.

A minute passed, and there was no answer. Frowning, she knocked again, waited another 30 seconds, and made an audible grunt when there still was no answer.

This was a problem, as River has no other way of contacting Rikimaru. He has no home phone, cell phone, or internet. She thoughtfully pondered for a bit before coming to the possibility of him getting called into work at a last minute notice. His boss or one of his coworkers would have to come in personally to tell him that, though, since he had no form of communication. Later, she thought, she would have to force him to get a cell phone or something.

She shrugged and got back into her car, started it up again, and made her way to Mustavo's, Rikimaru's workplace. She pulled into the parking lot and made her way inside.

She made her way to the front desk area once inside. "Just one this evening?" said the cheerful-looking female hostess. Studying her facial expressions, River was surprised that this politeness was genuine, not some forced act like these kind of people were trained to give everyone.

"No thanks," River smiled, glad that she was at least more polite than the snooty guy from Tuesday. "I'm actually looking for someone. He works here. His name is-"

"Rikimaru, right? Friendly guy who looks just like you?"

"Er, yeah. Is he here this evening?"

"I dunno. I'll check real quick. Can you wait here please?"

River nodded, and the hostess disappeared toward the back of the restaurant. While waiting, River found a seat in the waiting area and sat herself down.

About five minutes later, she returned to the podium and called River back up.

"Sorry, I talked to Kevin, our manager, and he said that Rikimaru had the day off today."

"Did he visit here at all today?"

The hostess shook her head. "I'm sorry, but he hasn't been here once today."

River frowned. "Hm. Okay, thank you very much." At least one thing was made clear, and that was Rikimaru not getting called to work at the last minute.

The hostess smiled. "No problem! Have a great day!"

Easy for you to say, River thought to herself as she left the building and made her way to the car. She figured she'd try Rikimaru's house one last time before she gave up and went back to her own house. She shuddered at the thought. Why would he forget about their special date night? He'd better not deny her the one thing she has been looking forward to all week.

She was so deep in thought that she didn't even realize that she took a wrong turn on the way back to Rikimaru's house.

"Wait, I don't remember this place," she said to herself as she slowly cruised around a very unfriendly-looking neighborhood.

She pulled over to the side of the street and began to make a U-turn when suddenly two guys in raggedy-looking hoodies bolted in front of her car. She slammed on her brakes, as to not hit any of them. One was holding a small switchblade knife and the other one was holding a metal baseball bat.

"Get out of the fucking car!" the guy with the knife shouted.

River was confused. Clearly they would have no way to stop a moving vehicle with just a knife and baseball bat. Shaking her head, she went further in her U-turn when the guy with the knife ran over to her car door faster than she could lock it and ripped it open. Holding the knife to her throat he said again, "Get out of the fucking car. NOW!"

Now visibly very shaken, she obliged. She unhooked her seat belt, turned the car off, took the keys out, and slowly climbed out of her car. She wondered what they would do to her. Rifle through her purse? Steal her car? Or, she shuddered at the thought, rape her? She swallowed hard as she waited for their next move.

"Give me the keys," the guy with the knife said. River responded with a shake of her head.

The guy pressed the knife into her neck, enough to cause pressure, but not bleeding. "Give me the FUCKING KEYS!"

Holding the set of keys up, she hurled her arm forward and quickly returned her paw to her back, quietly slipping the keys in her back pocket.

"Where'd you throw them? WHERE DID YOU THROW THEM!?" the knife-wielder shouted, falling for her trick.

River shrugged. "I dunno, why don't you look for them?"

"Hehhhhh- No. You!" he barked at the bat-wielder. "Get those keys, and hurry up!"

"But I didn't see where they landed!"

"Then LOOK for them, dumbass!"

The bat-wielder then hobbled to the nearest patch of grass and began to rifle through the blades of grass. After a minute he announced, "They're not here!"

"Okay, bitch. I'll give you until the count of three to give me the keys now, or I'll slit open your mangy little throat. One... two...."

River gritted her teeth. She slowly reached down to her back pocket, but then decided to make a run for it!

She managed to gracefully slip out of his grasp and take off, but she didn't get very far when she heard a faint clicking noise. She wheeled around to find the knife-wielder pointing a handgun straight at her.

"I have had enough of your tricks, bitch. Get down on the ground or I'll blow your face off."

Trembling, she got down to her knees, and laid flat on the street. She dared not scream for help now.

"YO! The keys are in her back pocket. Hurry up and get them! I don't have enough time to wait all day."

River could hear the sound of sneakers crunching on the rough asphalt as the bat-wielder made his way toward her. Out of the corner of her eye she saw him step beside her, kneel down, and reach for her behind. She made an angry little gasp when the hand made contact.

"Damn," the guy muttered. "She has a nice ass."

"Dude, that's sick," the gunman retorted. "Just get the keys and go."

With a sickening feeling, she felt the keys relinquished from her. The guy then stood up. "Got them!"

"About time, dumbass! Let's go!"

Before they could get far, however, the three of them heard a loud clunking sound.

"Hands off my friend. Now," River heard a very angry voice say. Looking toward the source she found Rikimaru standing on the curb. His mouth was curled in a menacing snarl and he was slightly hunched over. A small white box smelling strongly of chocolate lay next to him. The box, sure enough, had the Mustavo's logo printed on it. She smiled to herself, knowing exactly what was in the box.

"Oh yeah?" the gunman taunted. "What'cha gonna do about it? This chick over here was pretty submissive, ripe for the picking." The bat-wielder hunched down and patted River on the behind again to prove the gunman's point. "So I suggest you leave, before the same thing happens to you, punk!"

Rikimaru's snarl turned into outright baring his teeth, revealing a rather impressive set of vicious-looking fangs. Both of his paws were up, baring his two sets of keen-looking claws. "I tell you again, street urchin! Hands off of her, or pay for it dearly." His eyes narrowed, showing that he means business.

The bat wielder gave a wide grin and began to rub River's butt, even patting the base of her tail. Something seemed to snap inside Rikimaru as River heard him give a roar and speed toward the bat-wielder, tackling him to the ground. He gave his face a nice little maiming with his claws when suddenly the victim looked behind Rikimaru and gave a very frightened face. "Don't shoot!" he said.

Rikimaru spun around to find the gunman with his weapon pointed straight at him. He lept away just before he fired the gun, leaving a nice little hole in the ground between the bat-wielder's legs. Leaving the keys behind, the bat-wielder shuffled a few feet back, stood up, and took off running. Rikimaru appeared behind gunman in an instant. Before he could turn around, Rikimaru pulled his arm up behind his back and thrust it upward. A satisfying little crack was heard as the arm was broken. He then ripped the gun from his hand, ejected the magazine and bullet from the chamber, and let them fall to the ground. He then threw the gun behind him.

"Get out of here now, or you'll lose your other arm," Rikimaru snarled into his ear. Scared out of his mind, the ex-gunman took off running behind the bat-wielder and the both of them were out of sight.

River could not believe what just happened. Shaking, she rose to her feet and just stared at him. His back was to her, but his heavy breathing seemed to slow down a bit and he resumed his normal posture. He then walked to the keys on the ground and picked them up. "Uh oh, I wonder whose keys are these?" he said in his completely normal voice as if nothing ever happened.

While he was distracted, River ran at full speed and straight up tackled Rikimaru, his face toward her, to the ground, embracing him in a very tight hug. She squeezed him tightly and assaulted his face with kiss after kiss, followed by fierce nuzzling. Her tail was swinging back and forth as hard as she could manage it to.

"Yeow! What was that for?" Rikimaru cried out in surprise.

"Like duh! You saved me from those awful men! I don't think I could ever repay you for that!"

"Er, you don't really have to," he muttered. "It's just part of what I do."

Giving one final big kiss, she stood up and helped him to his feet. "So what were you doing here, anyway?" she asked.

"I should ask the same. I never knew you would ever think of going down this neighborhood. Few females rarely ever walk out unprotected around here. You're just lucky you are not hurt or worse... raped."

"Well, I think it was because I mistakingly took a wrong turn, but why are you here?"

"Well, as you can see the Mustavo's box on the ground over there, this is the way I walk to work each time. I cut through this neighborhood to save time, and most of the bad people here rarely give me a hard time. I don't know why, but my guess is that they don't want to mess with someone like me," he laughed a little at his self-praise.

"But why did you go to your work place?" River asked, remembering the hostess telling her that he wasn't even there today.

Rikimaru gestured over to the box again. "My apologies, but I went there to pick up a little something-something. I had no idea it would take this long."

"Yeah, I was at your house at six, but you weren't there, so I figured you got called into work or something."

Rikimaru looked to the ground, ears flattened. "I'm sorry, River. I wanted to surprise you, but I had no idea it would take me this long to get it. Most of my time was spent trying to convince Kevin not to put me to work while I was there. "

River smiled and gave Rikimaru another kiss. "That's okay. I forgive you. However, there will be punishment later..." She gave a wicked smirk, thinking about just what she was planning to do to him tonight.

Rikimaru gulped. "P-Punishment?"

"Don't worry about it. It won't be that bad." She giggled, knowing how confused she was making him. "Well, shall we go back to your place? I have been waiting on this date all week."

Rikimaru nodded. "Just let me get my item real quick."

River nodded and then went to her car and entered as Rikimaru collected his fallen box and went to the passenger's side. As soon as he was inside with the box, the car rapidly filled up with the teasing smell of heavy chocolate. River knew that smell, and it could come from none other than the Angry Hot Fudge Volcano. They both shared one on their first date at Mustavo's.

"I believe you picked up my keys," River said, holding her paw out with a big grin on her face.

"Oh, those were yours?" he asked, handing them over.

"Yeah, those ruffians tried to take them from me. I tried to hide them in my back pocket." All Rikimaru could do was shake his head.

River started the car and the two of them drove away, with River seeking to leave this neighborhood as fast as possible. Eventually she found her way back to Rikimaru's house and she pulled into the driveway, shutting the car off. The both of them climbed out of the car and River let Rikimaru lead the way up to his front porch. He unlocked the door, and the both of them stepped inside.

The scent she caught earlier hit her full force. It was wonderful. Closing her eyes contently, she slowly walked forward, as if the smell was pulling her by the nose. What she picked up before was still there: seafood, pasta, and sauce. When she opened her eyes, the first thing she noticed was that it was a little dark inside, save for several candles lighting the table and kitchen counters.

The table was nicely decorated with a red table cloth covered with scattered rose petals. Two settings were there, each having a nice-looking plate, silverware, and glasses. In the middle was the source of the wonderful smell: a huge bowl of bowtie pasta mixed with small pieces of shrimp and crab doused in a white buttery-smelling sauce. One thing she noticed, however, was that the silverware and smells were oddly familiar. The silverware was from Mustavo's and the dish was most likely one of the items on the menu.

As she was staring at the table, Rikimaru set the box down on the kitchen counter and turned to face her. "Well, what do you think?" he asked hopefully.

"Rikimaru... It's so amazing! How did you it?" She knew full well what he did, but she didn't want to hurt his feelings. She also wondered how he managed to afford all this. She knew he wasn't the wealthiest kid on the block. She eventually settled on the thought that he would be short on his next few paychecks.

Rikimaru immediately blushed. "W-Well I admit I had a little help." He was scratching the back of his head nervously.

River decided it was best that she let this go. Instead she crossed her arms with a smile and leaned against the kitchen counter. "So," she began, "what's first on the itinerary for tonight?"

"Wellll," Rikimaru said, nervous still. "I'm not really good at planning things. I just figured on having dinner first. After that, I dunno what we should do. I mean, I don't have TV service or any movies to watch. I just have my Sega Genesis with only one game."

"Oh?" River cocked her head. "And what game would that be?"

"It's Sonic 2."

She let out a short little squeal. "You actually have that game? I used to love that game!"

"Oh, cool! Think we should play it tonight?"

River nodded. "Yes, definitely!" In the back of her mind, however, she just wanted to get to bed as quickly as possible. Anything else that happened was something simply getting in the way.

Rikimaru grinned. "Then it's settled. Er, please. Have a seat."

River unquestioningly obeyed. She pulled out one of the chairs and took a seat at one of the places. Various thoughts were running through her head. Part of her wondered how well he was going to do. After all, this was his first time having a guest over as far as she knew. The other part was telling her not to worry and just trust the poor thing. Sure she expected a couple of blunders here and there, but she was ready to face them. Plus, she wouldn't really care if he screwed up.

Rikimaru then stood over the center of the table and picked up a serving spoon. He stuck it in the large bowl of pasta and mixed it around, releasing more steam and the wonderful smell into the air. River almost caught herself drooling. She knew that unable to supply the necessary foodstuffs for two in one night, he went ahead and gathered help from work. She didn't know the details, but she knew for a fact that all of this was made from Mustavo's.

Again, she still didn't care. She loved going to Mustavo's, and she was sure that this particular dish had Rikimaru's "special touch" to it. He might have even cooked it all himself, since he was made a chef and all. He told her that was the reason why Kevin pulled him aside that night the morning after their date.

Once finished stirring, Rikimaru took up a large helping of the pasta, and scooped it onto River's plate. He then took another and served himself. He then pulled out from under the table a bottle of sparkling apple cider. River raised an eyebrow. She was impressed. He could have just as easily poured them both just water, but apparently thought of everything. Perhaps he was going to handle things perfectly tonight after all.

He poured the both of them some cider and then took a seat. He gestured to River's plate and said, "Dig in."

River didn't need to be told twice. She picked up a fork, stabbed it into the pasta, and took a bite.

Her expression couldn't have made it any more clear. The dish contained the perfect blend of spices and sauce to compliment the bits of pasta and seafood. Her face practically melted, much in the same way she saw Rikimaru's face melt that Tuesday in the cafeteria.

"D-Do you like it?" Rikimaru asked, a bit of worry in his voice.

River enthusiastically nodded. "Yes! Definitely! I love it! Did you make it yourself?"

Rikimaru breathed a sigh of relief. "Well, that's good. I did indeed prepare this dish, but one of my biggest fears is screwing up somehow tonight."

River shook her head. "Oh, don't think that! You're doing fine."

The two of them ate their meal in silence, which is usually a sign of a very good meal. Suddenly, River spoke up.

"Hey, Rikimaru. About earlier today..."

"Yeah? What is it?"

"I'm talking about the time when you saved me from those two guys."

"What's the matter?"

"I was just thinking. When you were in that mode, you just didn't seem yourself. It was as if you were a completely different person. You were much more threatening -looking."

"I was?" he asked, confused. "Huh, I didn't even notice it. I was just simply focused on one thing, and that was to bring you to safety and out of harm's way."

"Huh," River said, continuing to eat. "You just seemed more feral. Monstrous."

"Are you calling me a monster?" he asked, raising an eyebrow at her.

"No! No. I'm not. I was just pointing out that you seemed like a vicious being back there. I'm not complaining about it. You had to do what you needed to get done. Believe me, if it wasn't for that mode, we'd probably be dead on the street. I don't think you'd hurt a fly to be honest." She laughed.

Rikimaru joined her. "Yeah, I guess you're correct on that."

Soon, they were finished with their plate. Rikimaru was done with his first, but River had a second helping. She wasn't starving, but it was just that darn good. Her glass of cider was downed quickly but remained empty.

Eventually, she finished her last bite. Half of the serving bowl was still left but she figured that it would be used for leftovers. When finished, she leaned back into her chair, satisfied.

"Damn, Rikimaru. I didn't know you could cook that well!"

He blushed. "Well, it is my job after all. I know exactly what to put into dishes to bring out the maximum flavor. The customers don't realize it, but I'm one of the main reasons why they keep coming back."

River smiled. "Well, I am stuffed. You did very well."

"Heh, thanks. We're not done yet."

"Oh? What is it?"

Rikimaru stood up and brought the box from the counter to the table. Opening it reveled, sure enough, an Angry Hot Fudge Volcano, albeit slightly deformed. She knew it was due to his dropping of it earlier and the ice cream melting slightly. Once it was opened, a cloud of heavy-smelling chocolate instantly covered the entire kitchen like a bomb went off. Reflexively, Rikimaru made a scrunched-up face and covered his nose.

Even though she knew what it was in the first place, she feigned surprise and gasped. "Gasp! No, you didn't!" She leaned across the table and gave him a big smooch.

Rikimaru smiled. "Yes, I did." His voice was slightly distorted due to his nose being covered.

River suddenly got an evil thought. "Well, I believe it is now to enact that little punishment of mine."

He gulped. "L-Like what?"

"Simple. You have to have more than one bite of the Volcano this time."

She laughed when she saw his apparent disgusted face. She knew how well he favored the Volcano, which was absolutely not at all.

"Awww, if I have to..."

"Oh, don't act so butthurt," she teased. "Come on, let's tackle this!" All past feelings of being full were out the window. She brutally attacked the Volcano like it was nobody's business. Several times, she gave herself a brain freeze from eating too fast, but it was a pain well earned. She was glad to see Rikimaru eating more bites than he did on Tuesday, but she knew how painful it was to him. To put him out of his misery, she put her spoon down, indicating that she was done. The feeling of her being full came back, and coupled with that of the Volcano, it made her feel a little queasy anyway.

There was about half the Volcano left, but that could serve as a second dessert with the leftovers. Seeing her put her spoon down, Rikimaru gratefully put his down as well.

The pasta and Volcano were put into the fridge and freezer respectfully and River helped Rikimaru clean up. They rinsed the dishes out into the sink and left them in there for washing tomorrow. The candles were extinguished and the lights were switched back on.

"Well, we're all done here. What say we go back to my room and play some games?" Rikimaru asked.

To be honest, River didn't much care for playing any games. She wanted to go to bed. She wasn't tired and she did in fact enjoy Sonic 2, but going to bed brings her true goal for tonight. However, she reminded herself that she mustn't rush things. She nodded and followed him back to his room.

Since seeing it on Tuesday, his room didn't change much. Hanging in the air was his wonderful scent, especially coming from the bed. There were still clothes on the floor and the bed was crudely made. However, she didn't much care that the room was untidy. His room was his room and she respected his space.

Rikimaru pulled out his Sega Genesis from a cabinet on his TV dresser and hooked it up. He put the game in, plugged the controllers in, switched it and the TV on, and handed her a controller.

Having not played it in so long, she feared that she would mess up and slow him down. However, as they played he seemed to know exactly what he was doing. She helped destroy enemies and damage bosses, but she kept mostly out of the way (mainly caused her being off screen from being outran most of the time).

Before she knew it, Rikimaru was alone in facing the final boss and managed to take it out with ease. She figured that, with this game being the only one he owns, he played it over and over again, gaining practice. They watched the ending together and he switched off the console once it was done.

This was it. The moment she was waiting for. Bed time. Rikimaru stretched and sat on his side of the bed while River excused herself to change into her pajamas in the bathroom. Taking her PJ's with her, she stepped into the bathroom and shut the door.

She removed her clothing while keeping the undergarments on and donned her pajamas. They were a light and loose fabric, made of silk. They were very comfortable to sleep in, but she still preferred to sleep in the nude. However, that was what she did at home, and this wasn't home. Putting today's clothes into her bag she brought it with her back into the bedroom.

"Oh, sleeping with me again tonight?" Rikimaru asked when he saw her enter. He was now lying on the bed on his side, on top of the covers. He was wearing a plain green t-shirt and sweatpants.

Her stomach plummeted. She had forgotten to ask if she could sleep with him or not.

He must have read her expressions and his own face quickly turned into an apologetic one. "No, no! It's okay! I was just wondering if you were comfortable with it, that's all!"

River silently breathed a sigh of relief to herself, her tail flicking in happiness. "Yes, it's okay, if it's okay with you."

He patted the spot next to himself. "Go right ahead."

With a big smile, she turned off the bedroom light and slid into bed next to him. She turned to her side and faced him. "I had a really fun time tonight," she said.

"Yeah, I did too. It was a shame that it was over too fast."

"Yeah, but we always have more time to do future dates, huh?"


She reached up and gently stroked the hair on his head. "You know you're so cute, right?"

"I am? I guess so."

"He he, you are. You're my cute little foxie." She punctuated that sentence with a quick peck and some nuzzling.

"Heh, yes I am," he returned, stoking her head hair in return. Then he brought his paw back and slid under the covers. "Well, good night, River. I-I love you."

River's heart melted to hear such words. She slid under as well. "I love you too."

However, she wasn't going to let him away that easily. She'd have to pull off her plan later tonight. After all, it was Friday, and they had plenty of time tonight.

She waited for a bit until she could hear him softly snoring. He was lying on his stomach, facing away from her. Thinking for a minute, she wondered if she should take a peek at him. It was too bad he wasn't face up, but she could still get a nice view.

Slowly and carefully, she folded up the covers off of him, so that his rear end was exposed. Lifting his tail out of the way, she used two of her fingers to pinch the waistline of his sweatpants and slowly pulled them down a bit. She quivered at the site of his boxer shorts, knowing that that was the last layer before the good stuff. Finally she went for it. She used her fingers again to pull down his boxers, exposing his tail hole.

She stopped for a minute and just stared at it. It was such a cute little pucker. However, that wasn't what she was looking for. She pulled down his shorts some more and found it.

It wasn't much, but she did get treated to the sight of the skin between his tail hole and underneath his ball sack. The fur covering those areas were colored a soft-looking white. Lightly gracing the area with her finger, her heart began to race as her horniness hit her full force. Taking a deep breath, she slid his boxers and sweat pants back up and covered him up with the blanket. She decided to go to sleep for now, but later on, he'll get what is coming to him.

A few hours later, she instantly awoke to find him shuffle in bed for a bit and get out. She watched him stand up, stretch, and walk out of the room.

A little confused, she figured he had to use the bathroom or get a drink of water or something. She decided this would be the best time to act. Without taking the covers off, she slid out of her shirt and pants, leaving just the bra and panties on. After all, she had to look presentable for their first time, and she wanted him to get going fast. She tossed her clothes under the bed, so Rikimaru doesn't see them.

Soon enough as expected, he came shuffling back into the room, looking very groggy holding a half-filled glass of water. He took another swig of it and set it on the dresser. Wiping his mouth he approached the bed and climbed back into it. He pulled the covers into him tightly and closed his eyes, entering a relaxed state of mind.

From under the covers, River poked him on the shoulder. He opened an eye. "Yes? What is it? Sorry I woke you."

River gave a smile. "No, no. It's fine. It's just I've been thinking," she said, drawing small circles on Rikimaru's chest fur.

"Thinking about what?" he asked, both eyes open, curious.

"I was wondering if you and I could have our first mating together tonight." She put those words as simply and to the point as possible. She was tired of waiting and wanted to fuck him, and fuck him now.

His eyes opened wider in shock and he tried to scoot away from her. "Wh-wha? Right now? I-I mean-"

River giggled. "I have been waiting for this night all week, and believe me. It hasn't been easy."

"I-I-I... If you want to, I mean. I dunno. I've never done it before."

"It's fine. Me neither. This will be a first experience for the both of us."

"O-Okay. I guess."

With the biggest grin the world has ever seen she slid the covers off of him and herself, exposing her near-nudity. Rikimaru gulped, not knowing what to expect. She laid on top of him and kissed him deeply, gently grinding up against him. He kissed back and wrapped his arms around her back, rubbing it in circles.

"Wow, River. You're so soft," he said.

"You're not that bad yourself," she returned. As expected, from rubbing against his crotch, she could feel him starting to get a hard-on. She grinded against him a little faster, trying to speed up the process. Rikimaru blushed, knowing what was happening to him.

"Mmm, does someone want to come out and play?" she asked playfully, sliding off of him and bringing herself down to his crotch. Slowly waving her tail side to side, she used her teeth to grab the waistline and pulled the pants down. Once they were down enough, she went ahead and used her paws to take them the rest of the way off. Leaving the pants a crumpled heap on the floor she looked at what she has uncovered. Sure enough, there was a nice little tent pitched up under his boxers.

"Tch. That'll never do. We gotta take off the second layer too." Using the same method, she removed his boxers and threw them onto the floor. There it was. His fully exposed member in all its glory. Last time she got to see it was when she walked in on him returning to his bathroom to dry off, but it wasn't erect at the time. All she saw was just the sheath. Now this was the real thing.

After using a paw to stroke the skin up and down for a bit, she placed her paws on the insides of his legs and bent down, running her tongue from the end of his ball sack, up the shaft of his member, and to the very tip.

"Mmm, you're tasty," she teased as she looked up to him. His eyes were clamped shut and his teeth were clenched.

River frowned. "Aren't you going to watch?" she asked. She waited on him to open his eyes again before she continued. Once done, she took the entire thing in her mouth and began to suck him gently, causing him to hiss between his clenched teeth. Her head bobbed up and down, occasionally pulling it out to run her tongue up the length before sticking it back in.

It wasn't long before she began to taste his salty pre cum. Right now, it was slowly oozing out, and she lapped up every last drop of his seed as she could. Not wanting him to orgasm quite yet, she pulled it out of her mouth and looked into his eyes.

"D-Damn that felt so good," he said.

She smiled. "Good. Now it's your turn."

He cocked his head. "What?"

She laid next to him and slid off her panties, which were quite soaked from her own fluids and threw them to the floor. She also unhooked her bra, removed it, and tossed it aside. "I mean it's your turn to do me now."

As he rose to his knees, she rose her legs up, put her feet on the bed and spread her legs wide, exposing her slit to him.

"Wow. It's so beautiful. I never would have thought I would see something like this."

"Keep it up, and you'll see a lot more of it," River returned with a wink.

Without another word, Rikimaru went over to it, gave her one final look, and lowered his head to her crotch.

She gasped and arched her back as massive shocks of pleasure ran down through her spine as he flicked out his tongue and ran it the full length of her slit. She lowered her legs again and stretched them straight out. "Aah! More, more! Don't stop!"

He was moving faster, digging his tongue deep inside of her. Inside, he moved it around to the left and right as she already began to trickle a steady stream of her fluids. When he finally pulled his tongue out, he really took her by surprise by sticking the entire tip of his muzzle inside, moving it in and out. He was literally fucking her with is muzzle

She let out a sharp squeal when it happened, running her fingers along the top of her slit, moving them up and down. She stroked and petted Rikimaru's head as he continued to fuck her with his muzzle.

When she finally couldn't take it anymore and was about to orgasm herself, Rikimaru suddenly pulled out and rose to his knees, a rather satisfying smile on his face. His muzzle was drenched with her clear, sticky fluids. When he brought his head up, he licked his lips, tasting some of the fluid.

"Wow, Rikimaru. I had no idea you would do that," River said, short of breath. She saw that by this time, his penis had a rather impressive knot swelled up.

"Me neither. It just kinda... happened."

She smiled and spread her legs wider. "I'm ready. Give it all you got," she said in a seductive tone.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean stick your lovely pink inside of me, silly. That's what mating is all about."

Rikimaru nodded and approached her. He placed the tip of his cock on the tip of her slit, causing to shiver slightly. Once properly positioned and one final look was given, he pushed it in.

River let out a sharp cry as her virginity was taken at last. Once inside, he began to thrust in and out in a steady rhythm.

"Ooh, aah. Yes. That feels so... good," River moaned in between each thrust.

He began to move a little faster, sliding his cock in and out with relative ease. She was giving a sharp "Yip!" with each thrust. Every thrust he went in deeper and deeper, slowly loosening her tight pussy until it stopped with the knot the only thing left outside.

When this happened, he was pounding harder, trying to force the last of his pink into her. She moaned and writhed with pleasure, her fluids leaking through in a steady stream, leaving a rather impressive mess on the bed.

Finally, with one final thrust, there was a small squelching sound as she took the knot in. She gasped in pain with the sudden intrusion. Once inside he lowered himself over her chest and continued to hump her, her vagina squeezing tight against him.

"Oooohhh, I'm about ready to burst," Rikimaru said quietly.

"M-Me t-t-too, hun. God, I can't! I can't!"

She let out a loud scream as she finally reached orgasm, losing control of her vaginal muscles as they twitched and spasmed, clamping shut around Rikimaru's hardon. Her juices came out with force, making an absolute mess on the bed sheets. At about the same time she heard him let out a low moan as she felt his own orgasm. She could feel a slow steady of his seed leak inside of her before he began to pump his thick foxcum into her. A good amount leaked out between the union, but plenty of it she could feel reach her womb, splashing inside with each pulse.

She felt about ten of these before they finally stopped and the both of them relaxed, panting hard. River stroked Rikimaru's face.

"Damn... That felt so good," she said with a weak grin.

Rikimaru nuzzled into her neck. "I agree. I'm glad we could do this on a night like tonight..." His voice seemed to trail off.

"Well, we're stuck like this for a while, so what did you want to do next?"

She waited for a moment, but heard no answer.

"Rikimaru? Hon?" she asked, gently moving her body in an attempt to shake him awake. She giggled when she could hear him lightly snoring.

She shrugged. "Oh well, I guess that can be okay." She wrapped her arms around his back and fell asleep, with him still inside her.

This day, most definitely, will be a day she will never forget.