Mischievous Pickpocket

Story by VIK182 on SoFurry

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This follows the story of Seth the cheeky fennec fox who's a pick pocket. Yes I'm fully aware my stupid ass used the same name as the guy from the Android story. That cougar was a one time character, this guy isn't. Anyway Seth sees what he thinks is an easy target but gets caught by a burly lion. The lion who's a construction worker with a muscle gut going gets egged on by his fellow workers to whomp on the little guy but he's tired and slow from working all day. The swift and agile fennec quickly gets the upper paw and humiliates the much bigger fur. Hope you enjoy!

Seth wandered around the downtown area seeking out an easy looking target or just an opportune time to liberate a wallet as he put it. The afternoon breeze blew though his fur cooling him off a bit as he paused to survey the area. Nothing much was going on this part of town so he cut down a back alley way stopping at the other side.

Across the street was a tower under construction and some of the work took up the sidewalk and got pretty close to the street. There were several workers all around and one in particular caught his attention. A shirtless lion was hefting bags of concrete into the back of a truck and his wallet was a bit too big for his back pocket.

"Easy pickings..." mused the small fennec as he figured the worker wouldn't notice until much later. He then began to study his target. The lion had decent muscle to his arms and shoulders from all of the heavy work he did day in and day out but the rest of him was rather unimpressive. He had quite a belly on him which he guessed was from beer and laziness.

He had a muscle gut type of thing going on and he figured if he did get caught if he couldn't outrun the big feline he could at least exploit his big belly which was sure to be soft and give easily since he doubted he had much muscle tone or definition to his abs, which couldn't even be seen.

With a smirk on his confident muzzle he went around the block to appear to be walking down the street minding his own business. As he approached the lion he pretended to slip on some loose dirt and sand near by and bump into him. "Sorry..." he mumbled as he continued on his way, the wallet now in his possession.

"Hey! Stop right there you little punk!" He turned to see the lion pointing at him. "What did I do?" he asked of the big feline, confused expression on his guilty muzzle. "Fucking little pickpocket! Give it back!" He came closer to the small vulpine rather unhappy with him. The lion stared down at him a bit surprised at what he saw.

The small fox had on a black sleeveless hoodie, black cargo pants and some heavy looking boots. Despite being a small fox his arms and shoulders had impressive muscle tone as he seemed to be quite an athletic fox. "Give it back before I stomp the shit out of you!" To try an intimidate him he slammed a fist into his paw making his gut giggle a bit.

Seth suppressed a smile and gave him a cocky look. "That's not much of a threat. Besides, where's the proof? You can just go around randomly accusing people of theft..." The big cat gritted his teeth. "Last chance you dumb little shit..." Seeing how the lion wasn't going to back down with out a fight Seth took his stance and called him out.

"All right then fatty, let's do this. Winner take all." The lion was taken back by the small fur openly challenging someone more than twice his weight and size. "Yeah, teach that punk a lesson Dan!" A few of his fellow workers came over to watch it unfold. "Kick his tiny little ass!"

He lumbered over and swung a heavy and awkward punch which the swift and agile fennec dodged easily. Unhappy the lion swung even harder in a wide hook which anyone could have seen coming. Seth dodged and rolled out of the way ending up at the side of the lion.

He pointed and laughed. "Ha! Look at his gut jiggle!" Dan turned enraged he poked fun of his weight as his coworkers laughed. His gut did slosh around a bit as he made jerky movements. Now wanting to pound the small fur into a pulp he roared and slammed a hard punch at his face only to hit nothing but air making him stumble.

As he stumbled forward a small fennec fist rocketed up into his chin snapping his head back. He was surprised someone so small could hit so hard. He tuned and kept swinging hay maker like punches at the fox only to hit nothing but his own pride. "Come on Dan, quit fucking around and pound the little bastard!"

Seth smirked as he ducked making him stumble again as he pounded four fast punches right into the chubby lion's navel. "Ooph, hooph!" His fists drove in deeper than he thought and he found it felt little like kneading a heavy dough. "Wow you're pretty soft down there..." That got him a few more chuckles since so far the only one landing any blows was the thief.

"You're gonna get it now you stupid little shit!" Seth just laughed as the cool breeze once again cooled him off as it drifted though his soft fur. "Yeah, yeah, all talk and now show. All bark no bite, all foreplay and no money shot!" The other workers were roaring with laughter at that further humiliating the lion.

"Ahh shit, I gotta take this stuff up to the fourth floor. Have fun getting used for a punching bag you fat fucker." Now a few were going back to work not wanting to bare witness to the lions humiliation. He sluggishly charged forward and threw another obvious, wild punch at the fennec's head.

He ducked it and slammed a punch into the middle of his soft, chubby gut before the other sunk into his solar plexus just under his ribs. "Ooph! Huuuph!" He wrapped his arms around his body as a bit of wind was knocked out of him. Seeing how he couldn't fight very well or at all Seth decided he was going to go all out and really humiliate the lion as it was all just too funny not to.

He poked and prodded with a few jabs smacking into the sides of his big belly. "All soft and squishy. You much slack off at your job to have such little muscle..." He watched the lion blush and bring his paws up mimicking him. He had a poor guard so the fox hopped close and drove a right and left into his middle before slamming an uppercut directly into his navel.

He doubled over and grunted with the wind knocked out of him but Seth didn't let up as he went for another combo. Two fast lefts jabbed into his solar plexus before his right slammed into the center of his gut only this time he kept it there, grinding it as deep as it would go. "Uuugh! Ooph...oohh..." He softly groaned and tugged at his arm to get him to let up.

"Wow, look how far my fist goes in! It's almost to my elbow!" The others laughed once more. "Jesus you fat fuck, go on a diet!" A bit of drool escaped the feline's lips as Seth gave his fist a hard pump into the pit of the lion's stomach before pulling it out. "Eww, gross!" He laughed.

Dan wrapped his arms around him body as he felt his belly fill back out. The pit of his stomach and a dull ache that seemed to travel up to his chest. He couldn't catch his breath no matter how deeply he inhaled and he felt a bit hollow like he might be sick. Seth could see he was tired from all the heavy work and sweating a bit but figured he sucked at fighting even if he wasn't tired.

He hopped around as the lion moved his paws away which for a split second left his body wide open for Seth's eager fists. He suddenly jumped close to him and with as much force as he could muster drove his fist into his solar plexus forcing the air from the humiliated cat's lungs in one single woosh of air. "Hoouugghh!"

He kept his fist there grinding it deeply and as hard as he could wanting to take the fight out of him so he could just keep at him with jabs and punches to make it even worse for the feline. He could feel the dampness in his belly fur from the sweat and he smelled like he hadn't showered for days. "Ugh, you reek!" Smarted off the small fox as he moved out of the way of his muzzle.

A strand of drool fell from his lips as his eyes bulged a bit. His belly gurgled as he doubled over still not believing someone so small could get the best of him so easily. Finally Seth pulled his fist out of his soft gut letting him suck in air.

A small smile came across his equally small muzzle as he began launching rapid right-left punches into his navel pummeling the big cat's jiggly gut which made his deep breath come out in short embarrassing grunts. "Guh, guh, gah, huph, foof, hurgh!" He ended it with an uppercut aiming just right so his knuckle would catch his navel, stretching it as his fist arced upwards into his soft, defenseless belly.

"God Dan you are such a pussy! That little fella is beating the shit out of you!" Dan didn't even bother with a reaction to his coworker's words, he just doubled over with a soft whine as drool pooled on the ground in front of him. "Hey, can I borrow that?" He looked to see where the fox was pointing and went wide eyed. A length of galvanized steel pipe lay near by. "Sure!" Enthusiastically responded a near by worker.

Now it was a spectacle. The big, tough lion getting beaten up by the little fennec fox thief. A few had even witnessed it happen but it was all too funny. He grabbed the length of pipe and began to swing it around as if it was a staff. Now the lion was scared of him since he seemed oddly skilled with the improvised weapon.

In the interest of self preservation he was going to tell him not to use it but never got the chance as he swung it quite hard into the middle of the big cat's gut. "Hooph!" the side smacked into his big belly leaving a red line where it had hit getting a few laughs from the fennec's audience. He turned it and prodded his belly with the end making the feline emit a few embarrassing sounds.

"Wait, no!" Shouted Dan before the end of the pipe slammed into the middle of his stomach, right over his navel sinking in deeply. "Buuugh!" He doubled over as Seth twisted and shoved the pipe even deeper. "Uuugh! Oooph!" Seth saw his knees wobble and smirked as he pulled the pipe back swinging it around to show off for the watchers, which had now gathered around him.

"Did you guys hear that? He's begging for mercy. King of the jungle my ass! Poor little kitten has a tummy ache from the tiny little fennec..." He spoke in a patronizing tone making the crowd around them roar with laughter. He swung the pipe gracefully before slamming the side into his gut. Then in a flash it swirled though the air with impressive speed before the end jabbed forward rather forcefully straight into his bruised solar plexus.

"Huuf! Guuughf!" He dropped to his knees as saliva flung from his muzzle. He took a few deep breaths before the cold metal pipe swung though their air clipping the bottom of his chin snapping his head up to momentarily look his abuser in the face. He laughed at the feline as he walked around to his side as he took slow, gasping breaths. "Down ye go!" Said the fox as he slammed a heavy boot into the middle of his stomach. "Uuugh! Oooh...." He dropped down and rolled onto his back. Seth stopped and admired his work. His chubby belly was covered in angry red marks and bruises showing the beating he gave the feline. He held the pipe up and brought it crashing down into his navel a few times.

"Huugh! Hooph! Ugh, please stop! I'm begging you, stop!" The furs all around started laughing at him again making his cheeks flush with shame. He made a two fingers to poke and prod his belly watching him wince and softly whine. "So much of kicking my ass huh?"

He laughed at him as he took the lion's wallet from his hoodie pocket. He took all of the cash out and put the wallet on the middle of his belly. After shoving the cash into his pants pocket he jumped into the air and drove his fist down onto the wallet driving it deeply into his soft, chubby belly. "Euuughff!"

The lion nearly folded in half before rolling into a tight ball laying on his side clutching his beaten belly, his eyes tightly shut in shame. "Thanks for the withdraw!" He shouted as he carried his new pipe off into the cool afternoon breeze with an applause from his audience.

Don't Tease The Android

# Don't Tease the Android Seth was amazed and excited when he got a job for Stone Industrial Enterprises but the fun soon wore off when he found himself doing menial tasks and busy work that no one else wanted to do. He soon found that "tech"...

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Fox Fight

# Fox Fight ## A Completely Random GP Story Author's Note: This entire story was made up as I went a long, nothing was planned. I just got inspired and maybe a little yiffy and just started typing letting the story lead itself. The background is...

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