Story by Zana An on SoFurry

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#4 of MECHA GO BOOM -The Invasion Of The Alien Eevee'z

The end of peace and the dawn of humanity and pokemon slavery draws near as the invaders make their final plans to and make their move against Earth. Oh no! Who will save the world?


Starring in


-The Invasion of the Alien Eevee'z!-

-Chapter 4-


"Whooosh, here she comes, gonna save the day and get a good fucking in the pussy an you all know its so true. ZOoooom Zoooom, Kabooom!" She flapped her hands around playing with the action figure and blonde doll which was now blue haired courtesy of a permanent blue marker she'd used.

Proteus walked in to the office where Z was playing with the toys and Shiggy was pawing away at the keyboard.

"Hey Shig! Did you make any headway into tapping their live transmissions? By the way where did she get the toys?"

The Espeon blushed a moment, putting the words 'tapping' and 'Z' together. "Well she looked all sad and lonely. Z did say she likes playing so I bought them for her. Besides she looks so adorable playing with them and it keeps her busy so I can get my work done. It's doing no harm."

"If you say so, hmmmm." Proteus wondered why he didn't think of that, it would have saved him a lot of stress. He looked over at her as she played in the corner, she did look cute and innocent knelt down like that playing with her dolls. He was feeling a little skeptical about disturbing her as he could very well risk her doing something crazy, or he could just leave her to her toys. Nah, he thought, she looked too irrisistable like that to ignore. "Hey Z? Having fun?"

"Yush yush Zooooom! Can't you see I'm busy? It's hard work saving the day." She then put on her deepest goofy voice "Surrender MechaChick or diez!" Z then quickly switched her voice to the most annoying high pitched squeaky sound. "No never, bad poopzy head, take this and this. POW POW POW!" She continued playing away.

"Errr.... You're suppose to be working with Shiggy not clowning around. I thought you wanted to save the world?"

Shiggy held his paws out, waving them. "No no, Its okay Proty I've almost completed the reviews. Only that horrible MC one to go, phew. So many bad writers, it's torture I tell you torture!"

Just as he finished, Z Looked up with a face full of giddiness. "Okay wait, almost done! I'm at the last part. ZOooom POW!!!!!!" She pretended to have her blue haired doll whack the action figure and reached back like a baseball player, then tossed it hard to mimic a very hard blow. At that moment, a unsuspecting Flygon opened the door and walked. As he turned to close it, his mouth abruptly opened in a silent scream as his eyes bugged out. Half an action toy stuck out his rump, while the other half was buried head first in his tight puckered ass. It seems he was frozen a moment before a enormous cry of agonizing pain escaped him. "ARGGGHHHHhhhhh!" The green dragon jumped so high he hit his head on the ceiling before landing on his ass and completely devouring the entire figurine up his ass hole.

Z watched him wriggling around on the floor and thrashing away like a little fishy out of water, while she merrily skipping over to him. She looked down at him tapping her chin making 'hmmm' sounds a moment. The airhead of a girl knelt down and turned him over curiously looking at his rear, then flipped him back again. He arched his hips up moaning loudly in agony. She seemed very amused judging by the surprised look on her face. "Whoa neat trick, its all gone.... That was totally awesome! It so disappeared! I love magic tricks, do it again! Rwar!."

"That's wasn't a Magic trick!!!!" he yelled out, shuddering a little more, "I.... I....I wanted to save my anal virginity for my mate Wilon. I wanted my first time to be amazing but now.... You stole that from me." He sobbed away trying hard not to be such a cry baby. Who was he kidding, tears flooded out his face in big dollops.

"Aww that wasn't a magic trick? That so sucks, but hey its okay! Loosing your anal virginity isn't too bad at all, and now it wont hurt as much next time, I pinky swear! Hmm maybe you can even use lube az it helps you know. That was silly taking it like that, you haz to loosen it up first you know, or can be danger-wuss. Anywayz why the heckery did you take my Eevee action figure up the ass? Is that just some weird fetish? You can keep that one though as it probably smells funny now."

"Ouch" He sniffed a few times "Gee thanks...." The poor guy struggled while attempting to reach in and pluck it out from his rear, but it was no use, it seemed lodged real good. He squinted in a lot of pain.

Proteus winced looking on, "I better call the emergency service and issue a sick note for absence. I'm sorry Flygon. She's still new...." The poor pokemon shuddered, giving a nod. He squirmed on the floor in agony.

"See? I iz forgiven so its all's good!"

A few minutes later the unfortunate pokemon was being carried out on a stretcher. The commotion soon died down, or what it seemed like, well at least for the moment. Proteus closed his office door sliding the bolt across it to avoid any innocent walking into a nasty surprise. He looked around at Shiggy, seeing him blushing and giggling staring away towards the wall. The Vaporeon turned to see what was so interesting when he spotted Z squatting with her dress pulled up around her waist. She was rubbing her chin with her eyes locked to her 'oh so cutesy tanned cunny wunny. He could hear her make more 'hmmm' sounds of contemplation, which could only mean something stupid. what on earth could she possibly be thinking about now? He was about to go nuts with her antics, he told her not to strip or do anything weird at work!

"I told you before amongst many other things! What the heck are you doing now?"

"I'z thinking that Flygasm bloke managed to ram an entire toy up his ass, so I was wondering if maybe I could stuff my whole MechaChick doll up my pussy! Wouldn't that be neat?"

The Espeon giggled away. "I don't mind Proty, she's so cute and silly." Shiggy kept peeking between her legs then turning away bashfully before he's caught in the act. It didn't go unnoticed by the ever observant Vaporeon who just sighed.

"Sweet Arceus! I'm surrounded by horny idiots." he exclaimed with a huff.

Although Shiggy was scared of Z initially he was really warming up to her stupid innocence within her provocative ways, if he could call it that. That spazzy girl definitely was growing on him.

A load beep came from the direction of Proteus' desk. Shiggy bounded over, and hopped into the cushy armchair. The Espeon smiled as his fang gave a twinkle and shine 'ping!' "Hey guys finally my programs hacked into their broadcasts. I've done it, I really have! Come over!" He continued, pawing away at the pawboard. A normal keyboard simply won't do because Eons need very big buttons, that's why Proteus bought it online from the special needs group, and even got discount as he pretended to be partially blind, hey how else was he suppose to get a keyboard with big buttons!

Proteus lept up to the desk while Z remained where she was, checking her shiny blue hair for split ends, a girl's got to look good, and she loved changing her hair style he just noticed, but ignored her.

Crackling could be heard coming from the speakers. Words slowly became clearer.

"We shall be arriving mid afternoon then take a fap and happy hour break to unwind from jet lag."

Another cute voice replied, "Okie dokie is the 'blow em up-pass out nuke' ready? You know, the that's enough to destroy all their material goods but designed not to harm living tissue, sec..... I need a tissue too, damn it those whites are gonna stain. Okay that'll do where was I, oh yes, therefore leaving the Earthlings all knocked out, so you can rush in and invade their planet, weeee! Bonus is only one type of living creature will be destroyed by it, that's MechaChick we decided she's too much of a threat."

"Awwww but she's so sexy, I still want her cunny wrapped around my pee pee...."

"Me too." He could be heard sobbing, "Yeah I know such a waste of a great pussy too. But you gotta nuke her after dinner. Eevee high command out."

Z pouted, "Hmmm bastards can't nuke me! I'z gonna kilz them all, stupid Eeveez dickwads....." Oh well she thought. Once more easily she got easily distracted as something oh-so pretty and shiny caught her attention. "Hmm Whoa whatsy that?"

"Err nevermind that, aren't you the slightest bit concerned they are going to kill you?"

"Nopsy, but what iz thatsy?" She pointed at the shiny object again with a 'oooooo' expression.

"Its soda." Proteus sighed, as Shiggy used his Espeon powers to pick it up and open it in the air. Telekinetic energy is way neat! He gently floated the can to her as she nabbed it out of the air.

"Oooh I just drink it huh?" she asked puzzled.

Shiggy giggled again, what a goofy girl, "Yeah put it to your lips and drink it."

Proteus cried out, "NO STOP!"

"Huh? What? Why?" Shiggy had an immediate worried look on his face.

Z gulped it down quickly in one go. The white Vappy reached for the can like a slow-mo movie. He stopped, "Too late...."

"For what, its just a drink?"

Just as Shiggy said that Z's eyes sparkled wide and bright, she suddenly shot up to her feet, spreading her arms just like a little space jet and began running around the office. "ZOOooom ZOOOOooooom ZOoooooom!"

Proteus face palmed himself. "Sugar rush, that's why.... She's never had sugar from what I gathered and she's got some kind of mutant metabolism, aka instant hit. Now you deal the hyperactive sex-bunny ...."

The Espeon looked at the girl which as she took off with a blink of an eye, and was now practically running, clawing and bouncing of the beige walls.

"No Proty no wait! Please don't leave me with her! What if she rapes me?!" Proteus jumped off the chair and bounded along the floor quickly to the door, quickly unlocking it and exiting. He poked his head out the door and replied.

"That's your problem now. Besides the way you've been eyeing up her pussy I'm sure you'd love it, don't think I didn't notice." Proteus grinned with an almost evil smirk, finally he wasn't the one going to be tormented by her! "Byes, have fun heh!"

Once that thought of satisfaction passed he went into deep super intelligent Vappy thoughts, he knew that they were coming to invade soon and he needed a hardcore plan, one harder than a Vappy watching Absol porn. "Keep an ear open from more broadcasts. He had no idea why he ended being dragged into stuff like this.

The door closed as Shiggy was locked in the room with Z, he heard Proteus from outside "I'll be back shortly. Besides why are you so afraid, she's only a 'girl'."

"Only a girl huh?" More like a psychotic space banshee Shiggy thought. Now helplessly stuck inside, the Espeon turned around and there she stood with big throbbing in hearts in her eyes. Oh dear this doesn't look good! The loony girl stood with her arms outstretched towards him.

Without warning she made a short dash and lunged at him. "Yay Espy love!" she cried.

"Eeeeeeeep!" The grayish Espeon squealed as he jumped upwards to narrowly avoid being caught as she skidded along the ground into a book shelf that fell on her. She got up quickly and it seemed she'd entered some kind of love trance, and sex frenzy! Pushing the shelving aside the blue haired girl began got up and quickly resumed chasing him as he ran around the office. "Help help help human cunny rape!!!!"

Shiggy the rapid Espeon was moving faster than a stampede of horny girls chasing their favorite boy band. He jumped up onto Proteus' desk, watching that whacko Z still coming at him with no signs of tiring, what the hell did she have for breakfast? She has so much energy, and most humans would be exhausted by now with all the jumping around earlier, not to mention she just finished a battle. Just as she dived at him, he skipped to the side while she crashed into the paperwork and computer monitor sending them off the desk.

She lost sight of him a moment as she lay there making 'hmmm' sounds. Her head cocked with huge glittery pupils, scanning around to reacquire visual confirmation of her newly to be 'fuck buddy'. "I luv'z Espys, yes I do yup yup yup." She stretched her arms out in his direction. "Come here kitty, kitty, kitty!"

The Espoen gasped and panted whilst shouting out for help. "Proty Proty Proty come back! Please save me from this crazy hyperactive nimpho! I swear I'll never complain about reviewing another MC fic again!" His heart thudded faster as he ran around the office for dear life.

The Espeon found himself in the corner, a bad move and now Z had him cut off. It was a stand off, Z slowed down and stalked with predatory movements, making goo goo eyes towards him as she closed. Sweat started breaking away from his head like a waterfall. He took a enormous gulp shivering and making a terrified face at her in a plea to not be molested.

The looney sex obsessed girl darted at him suddenly, she tried jumping him, but lucky for him, his excellent reflexes allowed him to hop up and over, using her head as springboard and landed safely on the other side. Z was not to lucky as she whacked her head on the wall and landed face down on the floorboards, poor Z.

Shiggy raised his paw, and pointed at her. "HA! Serves you right you Pokemon perv!" Her eyes began to get very watery, as she finally halted the chase. She sat in the corner as her eyes got bigger and even wetter, she was about to cry. "Hey wait wait wait! Don't cry I didn't mean it!" Okay maybe he did. She was the biggest pervert ever for a girl.

She curled her knees towards herself and brought two fist to her eyes as she started crying loudly, rubbing them. "Wahhhh Wahhh Wahhh!"

"Oh poop. Now I've done it." The concerned Pokemon quickly trod over to the crying girl, and started to rub her knee with his paw. "Please don't cry." He was panicking now, Proteus wouldn't be too pleased if he found out Shiggy was mean to Z. He wasn't of course, as It was an accident!

She didn't respond and really had the water works going. "Wahhh wahhh."

"Okay okay here look at this Z!" She stopped a moment as he caught her attention and lowered her fists from her eyes. He made a silly face at her raising his own paw highover his own head and then bopping himself really hard on his head, and hard enough that he wobbled side to side off balance "See now smile?" Stars starting circling his own head now. She went right back to crying and rubbing her eyes again. The Pokemon quickly shook his head to get rid of the spinny winny stars that sparkled so pretty. 'Now what?' he thought to himself.

Shiggy nuzzled her outer thigh trying to comfort and cheer her, after a few minutes her sobbing calmed. He was curious why she was so sex obsessed. He gulped worrying he's going to get raped if he asked her. "Err Z, I was wondering why you want to hmmm mate so badly? There's other ways of making friends."

"Friendship mating is nice and makes friends with Pokemon!" she said stammering her words and sniffing.

"Thats also true but that's when you are close to a friend that it works to make the friendship special and create a hot new bond."

"I also... tried telling Proteus but he always cuts me off, the Eeveez are meanies, they gave me a super arousal gene. Yeah I needz a good fucking, and if I don't get it soon, I iz gonna die."

"Err you're serious?"

The sobbing girl nodded. "Wanna mate with me, I would be'z saved." Z had an idea, she clearly had five hours left before she would go byes, but whats a little acting now and then? "Awww I see the light at the end of the tunnel, the world fadez as I speak to you. I adored you Shiggy for the time we spent, my Arceus is that you I see. Take me now from this damned world and its universal vastness. Illuminate my path and free me from its cruelty o'lord of poke-smut."

Shiggy frantically waved his hands in front of her, "Wait hold on, don't... oh golly gosh! Proty will never forgive me if he came back to find it was my fault that you hit the milky cloud highway to heaven eeep! Damn it hurry up and spread your legs woman! I'll save you!"

Z almost giggled, finally! Oh, how she had waited for a real good fucking! Z pulled the skirt part of her dress up and spread her legs wide in front him. Her pussy wet and juicy as it sparkled with the overhead light. She definately was super slick and oh so fuckalicously ready for a pounding.

The first thought that went through his mind was whoa..... so cutely tanned and fuck-tastic! He could feel his heart like a rocket going whoosh faster and harder, ascending to quicker beats. His face was getting hotter, she was a total babe. His dick started to get hard real quick too, her yummy smelling aroma making him blush so much. He even was getting very giddy and so shy now. Yikes he was going to cum prematurely!

Z reached down as her digits made their way to her excited pussy. His heart started to whack around his chest on turbo charge as he watched her fingers sliding back and forth along her slit, and then with two fingers she spread her folds revealing her engorged clitoris. Shiggy's jaw dropped wide open as he drooled as his tongue rolled out of his mouth flapping about. The poor guy was getting hotter and hotter, he was about to pop.

Z watched a dark red shade start at his toes moving up like a thermometer till the red color hit his face, steam began to blow out of his ears while he panted and sweated. The Espeon began twitching as blood shot from his nose. Suddenly he was overcome, and very light headed as his excitement peaked, and shot cum partially on Z's pussy and the rest all over the floor before he fainting and falling over sideways with a little thud.

"Huh? What?" she cried, but he looked like he was completely out cold. Z looked over him, very sexually distressed. She qspan style=quot;Comic Sans MSuickly swept the unconscious Espeon into her hands and started to shake him violently like a rag doll. "AHHHhh! wake up! I thought you were going to play with my love button and stuff my wet slushy hole!!! Gah! Damn it'z I iz so not going to get fucked at this rate." She was desperate, and he was not waking up, just a silly grin on his face, looks like someone was happy.

Z shot up about to rip her own hair out tossing the Espeon onto the sofa. The door was locked, and she was as horny as hell, and needed a way to get out. Then it came to her, of course the window yay! She scrambled to it quickly climbed out. The girl started to scale up the side of the building like some deranged frantic feline, hunting down anything to fuck her.

Z somehow had managed to claw up all the way to the top executive floor. The girl crashed through the window as shards scattered along the floor. A rather surprised wolf anthro stood there with a confused expression. "Err hi Z, where did you come from?" The semi psychotic girl rushed at him grabbing his hand and started to tug him along. "Where are you taking me sweetheart?"

"Hi Wilon no time to explain, I iz horny ya know. I saw the way you looked at me when we met, would you like to be friends?"

"Yeah sure, that sounds great but where are we going?" he asked again.

"To a closet, friendship mating time."

He was stunned but no way would he refuse that offer, he'd practically been fantasising about her the entire evening. 'I'm the happiest luckiest wolfie yipee!' he thought, whilst being dragged off. "AWooooo!" He howled excitedly as he was launched sailing into the closet. Z slammed the door behind her as she flicked the light on. She wasn't wasting time and removed her dress and backpack, flinging them on a hook hastily. The sexy goggle donning girl's nude form worked his manhood into a full erection in a jiffy, and into a very nice sized tent pole, he so wanted going to camp it somewhere warm and slushy! His red pussy invader was as hard as a nitrogen frozen Steelix cock.

Wilon was a gentleman when it came to dealing with partners despite how ridiculously hard he was. He watched her get on all fours and quickly crawling between his legs hungrily as he whimpered softly. "You're so forward, want me to make it nice for you too with some foreplay hun?"

"Shut up and stay still while I fuck you, can't you see I iz busy? And you better not cum before I do or I'll PoW'z you!" He smiled enjoying the whole S&M feel to the situation. Her nipples had fully erected, as she loosened her hair that she had tied up, letting it fall down around her shoulders.

Z quickly straddled his furry body pressing her slender seductive form over him as she started layering him in kissed starting as his belly then working up. He felt their softness as she kissed along his chest giving his man nipples a gentle suckle as she passed over them. Z continued up to his neck while her sexy firm breasts pressed down on him. She was damn good, he loved the way she nibbled a little on his skin, and her licking mixing with gentle suckles was amazing.

She gripped his red tapered end and lined it up with her dripping love hole, and crashed down quickly to mount him, immediately taking him completely, and she was so deliciously tight. Wilon let out a moan of pleasure, while Z remained mounted, and static. She just sat there impaled on his huge long shaft letting out a sigh of relief, finally!. She remained there a moment gasping as some tension melted away while she used her forearm to wipe some sweat from her brow.

Wilon admired her beauty, she was one of the most sexually attractive beauties this side of the gallaxy, but what did he expect that dumb ass, she was made by the Eevee's to be the most awesome fuck toy the world over. Her figure was altered a little to be pleasing to as many species as possible.

Wilon looked up at her, feeling her silky wet, inner space gripping his feral lust rod inside her. She was surprising tight. He so had to grab those hot titties. The anthro gripped Z's breasts in his paws and began to heavily stimulate the perfect handfuls, giving them firm squeezes.

Golly she felt deep stuffed and good. "Yeehah!" she cried. She began to ride him wildly raising herself and coming down on his penis hard and frantically. This was definitely Wilon's lucky day as the space babe took him like a wild rodeo rider.

She kept going becoming wilder as her blue hair swished back and forth in the air when suddenly the entire building shook violently. The light went out in the closet as an announcement came. Z paused having sex with him a moment.

"_ We have cut the power to all the city, and ask for MechaChick's surrender or we'll...." _ the voice stopped as a whisper could be heard. _ "Hey cap what are we going to do? Ah okay, uh huh, I see, okay I'll say just that." _ The voice coughed to clear its throat. _ "We'll molest all hotties and make all of you our bitches when we invade, and you have a couple of hours!" _

The worried wolf panted, and sat up. "Hey what was that?"

Z shoved him back down, pinning him against the floor. "Nothing, now stay hard till I'z finish okayz?, Good wolfie hehe." In the dark she continued, her motions perfect as she grinded his tool into her inner walls. He loved the way her hips slammed down on him with such intensity and force. Suddenly she lifted off too high as it slipped out of her and she came down hard bending it at the halfway point all the way to.... ompf never mind, lets just says that's gotta hurt.

Z had broke his pee pee accidental while riding too hard. His initial cry came in agony, "AHhhhhhh!"

"Oopsy." She hadn't even gotten close to her orgasm yet, but stopped reaching down grabbing the hard thing, it was still erect, well kinda. She moved it in the dark side to side as it flopped causing him to whelp. "Yeah its definitely broken. Sowwy!"

Z stood up, as her plan failed to save herself but the sex frenzy had subsided a little. She had four hours left before she hit the blue yonder of the sky with little angel wings. Z fumbled around in the dark, while the poor wolf anthro held onto his crotch in pain. "I'z wonder what to do hmm. There's no light, Willy is there any solar lamps, or glow sticks?"

"Ow ow ow in the second drawer there are candles" he painfully said.

"Coolio, jee thanks Willy!"

"You're ouchie quite welcome." Wilon said, still the gentleman as he passed out that very moment. Z managed to get her evening dress back on and get the candles. After strapping her tiny backpack on, she lit two of them in case she ran across someone who was blind in the dark, see how clever she is? Always thinking of others first, or was it sex.

The troublesome girl walked along, and past a few doors and tables. With the silly angle she was holding it at without a glove or anything, hot wax was bound to drip onto her hand and just then it did, as she gave a little cry dropping one of the candle. She flapped her hand around

"Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch." She stopped wasting time and continued searching though as one candle was more than enough.

The boss of the AGNPH office was rather concerned, all power around the city had been cut off. He moved off his big chair, breaking some wind and releasing gas as he stood. The shiny black Charizard went straight for the door. He needed to make sure his staff were alright. As he opened the door he noticed a candle. "Oh oh...."

A huge explosion occurred which could be heard around the entire building. Due to how much natural gas was in Hatch's office. The volatile stuff blew him up. Z heard it as she rushed to see what happened. Proteus at this point also heard it as he spotted her while making his way there.

"Now what have you done?"

"I haz done nothing! Oh, the candle I lit. Hey Mr Tart I iz sowwy!"

Hatch struggled out all charred up, like a char grilled duck, but not so yummy looking, He was covered from head to tail in soot and even pretty looking stars in his eyes. "Where the hell did you find her?"

She stared at him, "Sowwy!, but its dangerous to leave the gas running you now, health and safety first. You should watch the employment induction video on it."

Hatch puffed out black smoke with a little cough and collapsed face first into the ground with a loud THUD , ouchie! Proteus apprehensively stared at her squinting.

"Now you've done it....."

He watched her place a finger to her lip. "Oh my, is he dead hmmm. Lets see." She pulled her foot back and gave the fallen dragon a few kicks to the ribs, hearing him submit a few groans and grunts. "Yah he's still alive yay!" She exclaimed happily!

"Cut that out! You're going to get us both fired!" Proteus yelled becoming panicked as sweat flew of his forehead.

"But I was checking if he was alive, silly!" she said casually.

"That's not how you do it!!!" He couldn't understand where she got her damned logic from.

She kicked Hatch in the head instead this time, hearing a louder low rumbling groan. Proteus' eyes grew wider, he couldn't believe she just kicked him in the head.

"Damn what did I say?" Was she insane, he has a thing for vore and will chomp on her cute tanned ass later if she doesn't cut it out!

"He stopped moving, so I had to check again, you said not like that so I kicked 'em in the head instead!"

A low whining voice came from beneath her foot from the unfortunate dragon. "Help...."

Proteus gave up getting through to her, an airhead is an airhead. "I can't tell who's more of a threat, you or the Eevee's." The Vaporeon grabbed the girl with his tail fin rushing her along before she became a meal for the the abused black Charizard. "They've arrived, Earth is assembling their forces but with that weapon they have, we stand no chance. You need to get up there and distract them while Earth prepares to launch a counter offensive. Does that make sense?"

"Count off the expenses, keep Eevee's occupied, okay got it, so I go up there and make them line up then pay for the expenses of having sex with me, but really keep them occupied? I'm not a prostate-shoot ya know!"

"That's not what I meant although you'd be good at that...." He watched her pout. "Okay now fly up there, you said you want to play, so go play with the Eevee's they don't have shields for another thirty mins, so do whatever you.... Hmm be yourself in other words." Proteus knew their mothership is hovering over the city, if she could somehow damage it then they might not be able to put the shields up because they would be using their power up battling MechaChick, and would need longer. It would buy Earth's star cruisers a chance to strike. Well all depending on if she didn't get her ass kicked.

"WAhoo I get playtime break!" She hopped up and down clapping her hands.

"Yeah is you're suit charged?"

"Pow! 14% power capacity. Enough to go BOOOM!" she said very happily.

"See you later then." The girl started stripping in the corridor overly excited and happy that her bestest buddy in the whole wide universe was letting her go have fun. She quickly became MechaChick as her back pack transformed and covered her body, well some of it. "Before you go, you know that you may not make it, they have a weapon that will mush you up real good?"

"I'z okay, and then I will be so awezome, okay now fan me and feedz me grapes, massage my feet! I iz the savior, bow before me infidel!" She cried with a dominating super vixen pose, both hand on her hips and her head held high. He wondered if she really didn't have a fear in the world?

"Err you've not saved the world yet moron, no ones going to bow down to an idiot! Now get going, we're depending on you." She ran off very giddily making her way to the open roof top quickly.

Something dawned on her as the nasty little winds humped up her thighs, real gross out chilly. Seems things were moving slow, what a drag. Well even tyrants needed to get their own back, and she was going to make them pay for making the design fault within her for sex. She was pretty set in her ways, as per her intellect it was a no brainer, she wasn't going to give up, but she did feel fear, like everyone regardless of what Proteus thought. Her fear was- to never to become a inter galactic porn star!

Z sobbed thinking, what if she doesn't make it and get worshipped ever, or even receive the uber fantastic orgasm she's wanted? She accepted she was a sucky little human clone. Her eyes felt weighted like cartoon anvils, exhaustion set in.

She lugged her legs along the candy green-like roof and gazed up as the twinkling stars splattered across the skies. Night was settling in and the enormous Eevee mother ship cast its dominating form down on her.

She immediately cheered thinking about all those bad Eevee's and how she could kick their asses and sexually molest them. Sheesh she easily changed moods. The girl gave a huge smile and without another hesitated second blasted on up flying very fast into the sky.

"Here I comz RAWR!" The ship was as big as a small town. She stopped and scratched her head, and yes she was easily stumped, but that was totally like her to not have a clue. She pouted looking around for something she could do to get the Eevee's attention. She spotted a hanger door finally.

"Neato!" she cried. She flew right at up to to it in a flash of a eye, and skidded to a halt with her air brakes that screeched. She knocked on the mammoth door really loudly. "Hello, any Eevee'z home?"

The hangar door slid open with an Alien Eevee stood there.

"Wadya want?" he said groggily.

"Hi hi Mr. Purple Eevee, canz the other Eevee'z come out and playz? I'm bored." she asked like a big kid and a very upbeat, cheery tone. She was awfully polite with the added 'please.'

"No they have to have their dinner and they're not allowed to go out and play unless they clean their plates first. Buzz off and fly away" She shook her head. "Why don't you go knock on someone else's hanger door." The door zoomed closed in her face as she rubbed the back of her head, how rude! She knocked again loudly as the same Eevee opened it once more. "I said they are not allowed!.... wait you're.... hmm haven't I seen you somewhere before?"

She raised her hand to her chin, tapping it with her finger a few times. "Maybe, letz me think.... oh yeah! Now I'z remember! I forgot to mention I haz been in the Mars' Cutest Pussy Porn mag. Well I knowz when I got made they took shots of me in my test tube and sent them off with lotsa close up pic's of my delicious dessert. My pic's went in all of Mars' porn mags, yup yup really!"

"Hmm can't remember to be honest." he answered while she floated closer and parted her legs.

"Nether shield retract." The metal over her sexy tunnel of delight disappeared. ".... see? does that ring a bell now." She giggled deviously modelling her nether area by showing it to him at different angles and positions while still floating in the air. His eyes lit up immediately.

"Oh yeah now I remember that pussy. I didn't recognise it with all that metal over it. Mind if I can give it a little stroke, it looks so cute!" he said with a smile.

"Yeah, no problem." She floating closer, spread like an eagle. His paw reached forward stroking and giving it gentle pets.

"That's a great looking pussy you have, yeah there's no doubt, I knew I'd seen it somewhere before."

"Thanks I know its awesome, its Mars' cunny of the year ya know?"

"Whoa, you must be proud of it I bet. Mind if I stroke and pet it some more?"

"Sure, it likes it. I betcha its the softest sexiest thing you ever pawed huh?"

"Sure is, its so soft and squishy between the folds," MechaChick let him gently caress and give gentle squeezes to her sensitive clitoris. "whoa.... its so amazing, and I love your reactions. What cream do you use to keep your skin so soft there?"

"I use a mud mask and place it over it, and cucumbers too." she said casually grinding her hips against his paw as she floated and chatted away.

"I thought that was for facials?" he asked with a curious frown.

"Yup sure is, but its so much better there though, its soo true, you can feel the results! I can use the leftover cucumber to fuck myself later too, bonus points! Wasting food isn't nice. Once time I got a vege stuck up there real good, yah, and five Eevee'z had to butter me up to get it out. "

"Five?" he asked, shocked.

"Yeah a whole five of em, no shit, they formed a conga line to get it outsy. That iz s a true story, they iz going to make a movie about it one day!" His tongue was practically hanging out, flopping past down his maw. "Hey wanna paw me off?"

"Would I ever!" He exclaimed almost immediately starting to stroke faster massaging her clit with a flurry of motions. MechaChicks head tilted back in ecstasy.

"ohhh....." she gasped.

A loud shouting came from behind him, "Sound the alarms.... hurry hurry it's MechaChick!" The stoking Eevee stopped instantly. Damn it she thought. She could have got stroked and petted all the way to an orgasm that she desperately needed, why did life have to be so cruel?

The formally pleasuring Eevee looked around confused and cried out, "Where where?" His comrade flew up to him with his rocket pack and hit him hard on the head, and shouted out, "In front of you, you dimwit." About a few seconds later Eevee's flooded the hanger and launched a shower of heavy laser fire towards her.

"EEEEEEeeeeeeeeek!" she squealed and quickly blasted off away from the mother-ship, and just narrowly avoiding getting shot.

She heard one of them shout out. "Launch the atomic terrible terraforming nuke!" She soon saw an enormous hatch open, and a rocket of sorts starting to emerge. They were really going to launch it! She had to do something about it quickly.

"Dimensional Sumona! One million rpm sex machine upgrade!...." A void opened up behind her as two boosters, came into this reality with dildo pistons that fired way at the top quickly. The boosters quickly fused with her Mecha wings. "Hypera-Speed Cum Booster'z Activate! Zawee! I haz a power up, game on!"

Upon the glistening stern of the polished mecha, blinked the surreal colours. The celestial lights flickered to indicate the rise of sublime power to the stored auxiliary thrusters on her suit. So purrrrty! Bracing herself she powered-up, the define outline of the new rear thrusters hummed in harmony to set a glowing blue sheen around her angelic aqua blue wings.

"Sheesh I is so sexy, I even turn myself on. POW you wish you looked as good as me you Eevee nob suckers! MWahahahaha." Such modesty.

The rocket launched suddenly towards the city, but MechaChick was incredibly fast now and wouldn't be beaten. It had completely slipped her mind that it was designed to kill her at the same time, that stupid bimbo, ah well. Cum burst with incredible velocity behind her and vapourised. The lightning fast girl was upon the rocket in no time. She grunted taking hold of the mammoth thing which was ten times bigger then her. MechaChick huffed and puffed pulling up as she began to divert its trajectory. It was so working, what a brilliant plan! She began to force it to make a u-turn. MechaChick gritted her teeth applying more and more of her strength. She was heading sky high, probably into outer-space to get it safely away from the city, and harms way. If she let go then the auto targeting would take it back down to earth. She had no idea what to do next. Luckily just then the rocket soon cut out. She'd done it! It was out of fuel.

"Wahooo! Am I a awsome heroine or what?"

She moved away as her upgrade vaporised and poof, it went back to where it came from. The girl needed to get back pronto. She spotted some kind of counter on the side. Thats so typical, who would stick one in plain site? Her eyes grew wide as she gulped, and quickly began to fly away from it when she caught sight of a flash from behind her. She turned to see that she was well within its blast radius.

"Oh poop!... Lucky a girl likes me always iz prepared, and carriez protection, what kinda dumb-ass do they take me for? Although defensive moves ish so boring psh.... Gigantica Ribbed Pleasure Boost Condom Shield, Activate!" A human sized pink glowing shield in the shape of a condom enveloped her. MechaChick quickly balled herself up inside it protectively and crossed her arms to brace for the incoming blast. Her entire body jerked as it hit harshly.

The blast wave devoured her, and started sending her hurtling further from the planet, her suit quickly bleeped. 'Shields failing diverting all power.' Cracks filled the shielding as fragments of it where slowly breaking away.

"Crap.... seemz like its not stopping it, looks like the endz for me, ah well I might as well die with a smile on my face. Nether shield retract!" Nothing happened, it seemed all the power was getting pumped into the shield. "Fuck I want to cum before I diez, so not cool! Ah well."

Back on Earth Shiggy and Proteus raised their heads, watching the skies overhead from the roof top. Through the darkness of the night, a bright light shone above them for a moment and glittered away. Light rings soon radiated outwards from it. Their first thought was for Z.

"NOoooooooo! Z my sweet Z! For where art thou Z! It can't be!" Proteus lowered his head. "She sacrificed her life, how can this be!"

"There there buddy, its okay, she kicked the can, she was one hell of a girl, and had amazing cunny too. Such a shame." Shiggy sobbed and sniffed. "I wish I gave her that pounding she wanted."

"Me too, it did look really cute. How are we going to save the planet now. It's all over!" he said but soon gained flames in his eyes. "No we can't give up, Z wouldn't have wanted us to. She would have wanted us to win and hump! We shall be the vast beacons of her horny light, and beat them in the name of her orgasm.... I meant in the name of her spirit!"

"Well she did have a great pussy, I can't blame you for thinking about it, I had so many fantasies about it that will never come true." he sobbed. "I'll miss her whacko personality. But as from today, we shall be the Z team in her honor!" Shiggy started to hum the theme tune to the final battle in Pokemon White.

"To the office Shiggy! We have work to do and a world to save, for Z! Lets high five and as Z would say...." They both raised their Paws to high five and cried out "POW" together, but Shiggy slipped and they both bopped each other in the heads.

"Ouchie!" they both cried, almost knocking each other out. Both the Eons shook the stars rotating their heads off, then bounced and bounded off indoors like two determined kitties on a mission.

Just when MechaChick thought this was it, the blast faded as she somehow rode it and survived. Unfortunately MechaChick helplessly drifted and to make things smell worse than a scat fic, her power was almost zero now. The suit spoke again, 'Life support failure imminent.' She cocked her head back floating in her atmosphere sustaining shield, it wasn't the best way to die. Her weightless body drifted as the sun hit past the curvature of the planet. 'Solar recharge is now possible, activating." Whatsy solzy recharge meanz?, she thought, 'Estimated time to full solar power two hours.' Wahoo! she wasn't going to die after all, well not yet anyway, yay!

"I iz so fucking awesome" she snickered. "I'z invincible RAWrrr! They'll never stop a good girl likez me from masturbating and orgazming! BWahahahahah!"

End Of Chapter 4

Oh dear with MechaChick stranded in space till her suit charges up, there is no one left on earth to defend it. How will Proteus and Shiggy fight off the invading Eevees? Will MechaChick get that external orgasm she needs to survive? Stay tuned as 'MECHA GO BOOOM' soon goes into overdrive in an all out action finale in the next, and the most action packed, goofy, completely insane chapter of this small series.

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**MECHA GO BOOOM!** **-The Invasion of the Alien Eevee'z!-** **-Final Chapter!-** --o-O-o-- The world was in chaos. Yikes! Everyone was panicking with the huge Eevee mothership...

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Recap - Hey folks she's back again! I know you're thinking 'here we go again AHhhh!' Don't worry no one iz gonna get abused this time.... maybe. Anyhow why would you believe me? I am evilz after all. We all enjoyed the last adventure I hope, but...

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My Neighbor's Pokemon - Session 2

Warning this final part of two contains Mild BDSM. Oral, penetration, Dickgirl, Futa, Lilligant, interspecies, BDSM, Zoophilia, Bondage, Trainer . Co-Author Absol Perfect Disaster **AN from Absol** : Hey, all you perverted readers out there....

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