My First Crush part 2

Story by SuperBlue on SoFurry

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#2 of My 1st Crush

\ Hey its the new chapter xD thanks for the comments on the 1st one i hope you guys like this one too be sure to comment on my writing. Enjoy//


My First Crush pt. 2

Time flew by and before we knew it, it was lunchtime. I couldn't stop thinking of Nick its like he stuck in my head. And for some reason I always blush when I think of him when we passed by each other in the hallway my stomach felt weird, paws started to sweat, my tail started twitching and I blushed... weird right?


As I stood in from of the cafeteria waiting for Sandy and Chris I watched the teens go by talking to each other or running in the line so they can get there food, I swear they act like they haven't eaten in a week. I suddenly remember what happened in the morning and that I have to give a tour around the school. My mind instantly went to Nick fantasizing what he would look like under those clothes. I caught myself dreaming about him and blushed as if someone was reading my mind, 'I need to stop blushing' I thought.

My tail started wagging back and forth like a dog went I saw my friend heading towards me. I smile and wave to them and they did the same.

"Yo Nights how was classes" Chris said.

"Did Mr. Dwyer give you a lot of homework this time?" Sandy said with a smirk.

I smirked back and said "No he was merciful this time, what about you guys aside from it being boring as hell how was your classes?"

"They were fine," they both said.

Then I saw Nick coming towards us, my eyes grew big and I stared sweating, my stomach felt weird, paws started to sweat, my tail started twitching. I started heading for the bathroom

"Hey isn't that the new kid..." Chris looked at me "Hey Nights were you going?" he yelled. I didn't answer.

I made it in the bathroom. I looked in the mirror turned on the faucet and splash some water on my face.

'Oh god, why am I acting like this, every time I see him I do this shit... But why.'

I looked in the mirror; my green and blue eyes stared back at me.

'I like him and all he's really cute. But I've seen cute guys at this school before and never acted like this. What if...'


Nick had a questioning look on his muzzle 'Why did he leave?' he shrugged and thought he'd ask him later.

"Hey cutie I miss you." Nick turned around and there was Sandy again.

"Oh come back to flirt again huh?" Nick smirked.

Chris saw this and came to rescue the poor tiger "Ok Sandy move along leave the poor tiger alone"

"Haha thanks, but I'm used to it I get this sort of attention all the time, I'm Nick" smiling holding out a paw for a handshake.

"Hey I'm Chris, sorry about her she just a big flirt, she flirted with almost all the guys in school." Chris took his hand and shook it smiling back at him.

Sandy smacked the back his Chris head "Don't tell him THAT." Nick snickered.

Nick looked around the café looking at some furs talk to each other then he saw an empty table and started walking towards it. Sandy and Chris were behind him. They sat down.

"So Nick do you need an escort to show you around they school, seeing you new and stuff maybe I can show you were all your classes are" Sandy said with a little hope in her voice.

"Sorry Sandy, but a kangaroo named Nights is gonna show me around we met earlier before class." Nick explained.

"Awww" Sandy pouted. "Wait Nights is going to show you around?" Chris asked.

"Yea he knocked me over bumping into me in the hallway and I asked him if he could show me around he said yes, and that he would show me where the rest of my classes are. If you ask me this school as to many hallways" Nick said

Sandy giggled then said, "Well we felt like that when we were new but got used to it."


'No I know that's not it. He couldn't be my first crush I don't believe in love at first site' I took a deep breathe.

'Well he wouldn't fall in love with you Nights I mean he probably not even gay. And even if he was, what would he like about you?' I sighed knowing I was right shook my head.

'Love or no love I made a promise to show him around, better go keep the promise.' I looked in the mirror one more time then walked out the bathroom.

I saw Chris and Sandy sitting down talking I started walking towards them, and then I saw Nick sitting on the other side of them. I instantly stopped in my tracks.

'Come on Nights just go stop being scared' I thought. I forced myself to go on they all saw me.

"Sup Nights, how come you left like that" Chris said.

I was shaking trying to think of an answer "Umm my stomach didn't feel to good."

"Oh I see" Chris turning back to Sandy.

I looked at Nick at the table "Well I see you already met Nick."

"Yep, we have a new addition to our group." Chris said happily.

"Well I'm going to give him a tour around school and..." I pulled out my phone to see the time "I got 30 minutes left, come on Nick." He got up and followed me

I showed him where everybody hung out at, where our group hung out at, where to find us if you need us. I asked him what were the rest of his classes were, turns out the last 2 classes we have together. "So we have gym together huh ill show you were the field is and the changing rooms" I said while turning a corner heading to the field. No one usually hangs out at the field so it was pretty much empty.

We turned one more corner then Nick stopped and said "If we have gym together ill be sure to put on a show for you while we change." He winked at me and I blushed.

'Did he just flirt with me, no way he wouldn't like you' I thought. We were almost out of the hallway and you can see the field 2 buildings on the other side one smaller than the other.

"The building on the left is the changing room, then the bigger one to the right that's the gym." I explained.

"Oh cool this is kinda big for a school this small" Nick gasped about the size of the field.

It was a normal size but the school was kinda small so you would figure it had a field this size.

"Yea pretty cool huh" I said as I leaned against the wall.

"I like you" he said while staring my eyes.

"I like you too I think we will be good friends." Smiling at him.

"You kinda slow at this aren't cha?" Nick said with a questioning look on his muzzle.

"What's that supposed to mean tiger?" I said as a come back.

"No I mean... I like you... Here let me show you." He leaned and put his face closer to mine and kissed me softly.

I was shocked as his lips were on mine my eyes were bugged out looking at his closed eyes. I could'nt tell if I was dreaming or if I just lost my mind. He broke the kiss.

"You know I've been flirting with you the whole time you've been showing me around."

"But I'm not..."

"Yes you are, dude it obvious you like the kiss" looking down at my tented paints.

Nick smirked then added "Plus when you knocked me down earlier you were staring at me pretty hard."

"So that means you're..."

"Yes I'm gay too Nights and I like you."

I couldn't believe it. I know I was dreaming soon the annoying alarm clock will ring and I will wake up.

"I know I'm dreaming, how could some one as cute as you fall in love with some one like me?"

"What do you mean, Nights your handsome what are you talking about" I blushed, "And you blush a lot."

"I know I need to stop that--" Nick stopped my sentence with a kiss.

"And you look cute when you do it" he leaned in one more time and kiss me this time more passionate he purred and closed his eyes. I closed my eyes to and thought that this tiger is my first kiss and it felt great.

Nick broke the kiss "Nights do you want to go out some time?"

"You mean... a d-date?"

Nick swished his tail back and forth,"Yep, want to?"

"Err, sure."

"Great, after P.E ill drive you home and pick you up later."

"You have a car?"

"Sure do I turned 17 like a few months ago and got a car for my birthday."

He took my hand and pulled me in close for a hug. "I know you're keeping being gay a secret Nights, I wont tell anyone, ok?"

"I... uhh, thanks."

"I'm looking forward to tonight."

"Same here."

The bell rung and we stopped hugging Nick gave me one last kiss and headed for his classes "Wait" I yelled after him, "I didn't show you the rest of your classes were."

He giggled, walked back to me then whispered in my ear "Oh I know were to go I've already knew where to go" I was confused till he said "I just wanted to get you alone so I can ask you out." I blushed again "Don't want to be late" he said and started walking away,"Ill see you in class"

I stared at his ass as he walked 'God the way he walks, SEXY' I thought I shook myself out of my daze and headed for class.