An Umbreon's Quest Chap 5 New but incomplete home

Story by 502nickster on SoFurry

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The Tyranitar smashed through the blue roof, and landed on the ground with massive impact, creating a big depression, stunned my mind. I lost my grip on the monster, and fell to his side. I opened my eyes, and thick dust was in the air, decreasing my visibility. Shelves toppled over, boken bottles scattered everywhere and glass panels shattered into spider webs. I was covered in dirt. The side of my head was bleeding, and my front left arm had bite marks and blood.

The Tyranitar was not moving, he's dead. I felt so weak. My mind came back to me and struggled to get up. I limped to the other side of the dead Tyranitar, and there laid Garomun on the ground, his mouth warm with blood. I called him with a weak voice, "Garomun? Ungh, C'mon lets get outta here." He slowly got up and groaned in pain. Then, I heard footsteps. "Find the Tyranitar! Find him!". Garomun and i quickly climbed out of the crater the Tyranitar made and hid behind a shelf that was leaning against the wall.

A man about six feet tall, wearing a black leather jacket and a pistol pants, and a Houndour came into nearly demolished building. The man just stared at the lifeless Tyranitar with no expression and said, "Get rid of any evidence Houndour. We leave for the west now."

The man left, the Houndour began to burn the building with Flamethrower. He left the building, leaving it to burn to a crisp. There was no way out! We're trapped. "So, ungh, is this it or what?" Garomun said.

"No, I'm not gonna die like this." I said to him as i tried to get my strength back. Then i saw a large tube-like cylinder at the corner. It had a valve on the top. As soon as the fire surrounded it, an explosion came out. The explosion made a hole in the wall that we could squeezed through. With what strength we had left, we crawled through and made about 5 meters away from the small building before it collasped.

Garomun could not go any further, and I couldn't too. He fell down and passed out. I used my last ounce of strength and shouted, "AMADEA!!". My vision blurred and got down on the ground. I couldn't even lift my head. I just kept mumbling, "Amadea, amadea, amadea, amade, ama, ama ........" And then, total black out.

I slowly opened my eyes, walls made of wood, about 4 meters tall with a wooeden roof surrounded me. I was lying down on a pile of hay. A bandage was wrapped around my arm that Garomun had bitten on. I can't blame him. I mean, none of us have opposable thumbs. However, I had a bad headache.

"So you're awake." A calm voice called to me. I looked to the left and a Miltank was standing a couple of metres away from me. Her voice was rather low, mellow. "How do you feel?"

"Ok, I guess. But, where am I?" I asked with groan.

"Sulloten Farm. You and that Flareon are very lucky." She said with a gently smile. I looked to the left and there laid Garomun face down, still asleep. A damp cloth was placed on his chest.

"Your two friends, the Espeon and Jolteon are waiting outside. They found you two nearly dead. Had they not found my master and I for help, you two would be goners. What happened?" She asked me. "We had a nasty fall, a terrible one." I replied. She did not bother to ask me what really happened.

My muscles ached as i tried to stand up. "Hang on. Before you get out there. I've prepared something to get your strength back." She said and left the barn.

I walked towards the bowl and took a few gulps of the milk. About half a minute later, i felt completely rejuvenated. My headache vanished. "Ohhh, Nicarun is that you? *Cough* Where are we?" A weak voice called to me. I turned around and saw Garomun standing up, the damp cloth fell off his body. I removed the bandage on my arm, pulling it off with my teeth. The bite marks were very faint.

I replied, "Uh, Sulloten Farm. Amadea and Keltorie brought us he-"

"Keltorie and Amadea. Where are they?" He interrupted me with a slightly raised voice, looking around.

"Waiting for us outside this shelter or uh barn, whatever you call it. I suggest you drink this milk, its got a real kick into it." I said. "Really? Ok." He said.

I stepped out of the barn and the Sun shined brightly on me. I took a deep breath, inhaling fresh air that refreshed my lungs after that dreadful night.

"Nicarun!" An unmistakable voice called out to me from my right. I turned and a beautiful Espeon came runnig towards me. Amadea placed her soft cheek on my shoulder. "You're okay! You really scared us!" She exclaimed.

Keltorie soon came up to us and said to me, "Back in the city, I looked for help while Amadea stayed with you two. C'mon look alive! You two got some sleep while we didn't."

"Fall off a 50-storey building, then talk to us." Garomun said as he stepped out of the barn.

"Oh please. It can't be that bad." She scoffed.

Garomun and I both stared at her in annoyance.

"Guys, c'mon. We're together again, right?" Amadea said, trying to stop the small conflict.

We paused and all smiled at each other. I looked around me. Rolling fields, trees everywhere. Tauros, Bouffalants, Miltanks and Stantlers were peacefully grazing on the field. A few small houses made of wood were behind us.

"Hey Umbreon, Flareon." A voice came from behind. We turned around and the Milktank was standing with an adult male human. He was wearing a red shirt and a pair of blue jeans.

"My name's Boltari. I already know your names. Keltorie told me." The Miltank said.

"So what happened to you all?" The human asked us with a smile. I could understand what humans say but I could not talk them the same way they do.

"I can help you to communicate with him. You tell me and i'll tell him." Boltari told me. I explained to her about Team Ater, that they destroyed our home forest. Team Ater abducted our family, and we're getting them back. I also told her about our rooftop rumble. Boltari told the farmer what happened and he seemed shocked and took pity on us. "You all are homeless and you are going after your families. Why don't you all bring them back and live with us? There is more than enough space. And it would be glorious to have all kinds of eeveelution on our farm." The human said with a warm smile.

We gathered closely togehter and discussed about this offer given to us.

"You think this is a good idea?" "Can we trust this human?" "We've got nowhere else to go if we finish this." "We should not pass this up."

Then i felt somthing hugging my right, front arm. I looked and a little human infant was hugging my leg, babling and giggling.

"Oh, I'm sorry." A woman said as she came and picked up the baby. Everyone chuckled.

It was settled. We've all agreed that we would bring our families back here.

I asked Amadea what time it was and she told me that it was near 12 in the afternoon.

"How far are we from the city?" I asked Boltari. She said, "About a mile. Its east from here."

The city is east from the farm, that means we're closer to the west.

"Team Ater said something about going to the west for something." Garomun said.

"Oh no. There's another forest about 7 miles from here, home to other pokemons. And they know about Team Ater. You better warn them." Boltari worriedly said.

"Well, lets go then." Keltorie said. "Wait what about our parents?" Amadea asked. "If we can get information from the pokemons at that forest, we can get a lead." Garomun said.

"You all should leave now. Bring your family to your new home." The adult male human kindly said.

We left Sulloten Farm, and pursued Team Ater. Our new home won't be complete without our family.

I do not own Pokemon, just the characters.

An Umbreon's Quest Chap 6 Camp II

I do not own Pokemon, I own the characters. In case people have trouble pronoucing the name. Keltorie (Kel-tore-rie) Garomun (Gar-o-moon) Amadea (A-may-dear) Nicarun (Nick-car-roon) Enjoy We headed for the home forest that was 7 miles away. As...

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An Umbreon's Quest Chap 4 City Rumble

Just in case people have forgotten what the characters are. Nicarun-Umbreon, M Garomun-Flareon, M Keltorie-Jolteon, F Amadea-Espeon, F Enjoy It was afternoon and at last, we've made it to the city. I won't say its weird, but perhaps unique in its...

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An Umbreon's Quest Chap 3 Camp I

We were on the trail the Tyranitars, their tracks were not difficult to follow. Every tree that was beside the tracks, all knocked down. It seemed to go forever, and it was still midnight. I looked back at our burnt forest home, thick smoke rised up...

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