Inside Your Heaven

Story by Kilik Odagawa on SoFurry

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#5 of For the Love of Music

Disclaimer: This story may and will contain adult content. If you do not enjoy M/M, then I

suggest you leave and don't bother visiting my page again. Okay. Now that THAT'S out of

the way, on with the story.

Chapter 5

Inside Your Heaven

"So what are gonna be doin' over the next two months?"

Kilik awoke from a daze and looked over to Daniel. Since it was Sunday, people would think

the were getting lunch after church or something to that effect. But they were on the

completely wrong side of the assumption board. They were on date number one. Kilik wanted

nothing more.

"Well I guess I'll be going to see that shrink that the doctor set me up an appointment


Daniel reached over and knocked playfully on Kilik's head.

"Uh, HELLO!!! We only have TWO months together. So let's try and make the absolute most of

it. Alright?"

Daniel turned left into some randomly chosen restaurant. Kilik was the first out. He

turned and when Daniel appeared over the roof, Kilik shut his door and stated simply,

"You're right. We should." Kilik had certain situations running through his head.

They walked inside and Kilik had a pain in his stomach and a strong sense of foreboding.

He ignored it and they found a table. They were both looking around at the building. It

was white or black everywhere. The pain in the vulpine's gut grew. "Daniel, I've got a bad

feeling about this place." The next thing that the fox or the shepherd knew, they were

being lifted from their seats. Kilik looked around confused and looked to Daniel to see

what was happening.

He was being dragged away by two hooded figures. The canine was struggling. The fox's

assailants twisted his arms into his back and Kilik grunted out in heavy agony. His sight

began to blur. Through the haze, he saw that everyone was wearing cloaks and their faces

were hidden by the shadows of the hoods. He shook away tears as they began running. He

again looked to Daniel and he was in a similiar position. The older male opened his mouth

to speak, "I love you."

Kilik watched a figure approach him. "STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM HIM!" His shouts meant

nothing. The fur ignored him.

The tall figure unsheathed a sword and raised it high over Daniel's back. Kilik was crying

profusely at this point. "I love you too Daniel." He kept his blue eyes fixed on Daniel's

dark ones and heard the sword stroke fall. He looked to it and it was buried in Daniel's


The canine grunted in searing pain and one of the shadows approached the blade and gripped

it. Daniel lay barely concious in a pool of his own blood. Kilik couldn't see a mouth nor

did he care to see one, the shadow stated, "Glucoth. Santak. Ulyoth." He wrenched the

blade and Daniel now lay dead. His fur starting to stain red.

Kilik kept his eyes locked on his dead boyfriend and cried.

"With the slaying of The Lover, may the Promised One focus on none but us."

There was a searing pain in Kilik's right wrist. He was released and the fox rushed to

Daniel's side. He cradled the limp body of his now dead mate and hugged it tightly. 'How

could this have happened? We just met.' He kissed the lips of Daniel and despaired at the

lack of response. He caught a glimpse of his right wrist. The burn looked odd. It started

bubbling and writhing. It moved around and formed the word. "Death" He didn't see much

more because he buried his head in Daniel's chest and screamed. Something grabbed his left

shoulder and shook him.

He woke with a start. His collar and head fur had become matted with sweat. He looked

around wildly and saw Daniel and the receptionist looking at him with concerned

expressions plastered to their faces. Kilik looked at Daniel somewhat confused then lunged

at him, almost removing him from the bed. The fox wrapped his arms around the shepherd.

Daniel lifted Kilik's muzzle so he could see him. He slowly sank so they could see eye to


"Calm down. I'm alive and I'm here. I'll prove it."

Daniel squeezed the shaken fox.

"See? I'm right here. Although, this is as close to you as I'd like to stay, but as it

stands, that can't happen." He pulled away and kissed Kilik lightly between his lowered

ears. "That's why I took the liberty of moving some of my stuff into your apartment. Thank

you Mark."

Kilik, by this point, had forgotten his dream completely and looked at Daniel as though he

was growing a third arm.


Daniel repeated himself slowly. "Your apartment. I moved in."

Kilik thought about it for a moment. He looked at Daniel and nodded. "It would be for the


He turned to the receptionist who was holding a clipboard. "Is that my release form?"

She nodded and handed it to Kilik and he scanned the paper.

"It's all filled out," he said confused.

She shook her head and pointed to a cell that almost had Kilik crying. Parent(s) #. Kilik

inwardly panicked but came up with an idea. He scribbled something down and the greyhound

took the keyboard back and smiled. "I'll be right back."

She left the room and Kilik quickly dived an arm under the pillow and pulled out his cell

phone. His fingers flew across the board and he then glued it to his ear.

"Who are you calling?"

Kilik smiled. "A really good friend."

"Hello?" The voice was tired.

"Hey Jess, could you help me out."

Jessica was a 21-year-old squirrel friend of Kilik's who would always help him in a pinch.

Boy was he in one now.

"Sure. What's up?"

"In a few moments, I exprect you will recieve a phone call concerning me. Could you act as

my mom?"

There was a moment of silence and a sharp sound of a telephone ringing on Jessica's end of

the line.

"That it?"

"I would assume. Will you do it?"

"Yeah but I'll have my explanation later right?"

"Yeah. Deal. Call you later. Bye."

Kilik blew a sigh of relief as he closed the phone. He fell back onto the pillow and

laughed a little.

"You really don't want to go back before summer ends do you?"

Kilik looked at Daniel.

"Don't you worry about that. How about you worrying about your stuff being in my


Daniel humored Kilik with great enthusiasm, "Is that a threat? Maybe a hint a certain

something? Maybe a promise?"

The fox leaned forward and propped his chin on his hands. "Two of three are right. But

I'll you figure them out."

Daniel stood and grabbed a bag. He tossed it to his boy. "I brought you some clothes."

He turned and grabbed a towel from a nearby rack. He started running it through Kilik's

headfur. Kilik surpressed a mur. Daniel moved down the back of Kilik's neck and around to

his collar fur. He resumed drying the fur and Kilik let out a mur. But quickly bit his

tongue. But not fast enough. Daniel threw the towel over Kilik's head. "As much as you'd

like me to go lower, I won't until we can hold a decent conversation."

Kilik held an expression of mock innocence. "Ah, but you had no problem kissing me oh so

passionately last night. What the hell?"

Daniel just laughed and took the towel back. "Alright. If I get into trouble, I'll-"

"She knows you're my boyfriend."

Daniel looked at Kilik wildly.

"I is confuzzled. Since when was I your boyfriend?"

Kilik donned a stern countenance. "Think about it.You know, your tongue does taste pretty

sweet. Hint hint."

Daniel flicked his head up with an 'Ooooh' expression. There was a moment of silence and

it was shattered by the receptionist walking back in the door.

"Your mother was concerned but she said that you are an independent so you don't have to

worry about logging her as a guardian anywhere. You are on our file. You are free to go.

Don't forget to see the psychiatrist at 3 o'clock Monday. I'm also expecting you to take

these." She handed him a bottle of pills, "We also want to see you back next Tuesday so we

can check on your injuries. Now get changed and go have some fun." She smiled widely and

exited the room.

Kilik opened the bottle and downed two of the pills. As stated on the container. He then

grabbed the duffel bag and entered the bathroom. Daniel heard the rustling of clothes

being taken off, the zipping of the bag, his mind began to wander.

Kilik was running a paw down his bare chest and Daniel giggled a little. The vulpine

slipped his roaming appendage past the belt loop of his pants and boxers and lightly

massaged Daniel's sheath. Using his free paw, he undid the button and pulled down the

zipper. Daniel was notably aroused. The sly fox already has his boxers around his ankles

and was about to start licking what was exposed of his cock. He knew it.

A door slammed and Daniel jumped with a very large start.

"Enjoying ourselves much?" Kilik was wearing a black T-shirt and blue jeans as he leaned

against the wall, staring intensely at the Shepherd. His hands were covered by red,

fingerless gloves with a blue flame in the middle. That bushy tail of Kilik's was swaying

back and forth. What was he up to?

Daniel blushed lightly. "Whatdya mean?"

Kilik laughed. "I mean the rather large tent you've got there. And it's all mine."

Daniel looked down. "Gah. Shit. I hate campers."

Kilik laughed and pushed Daniel onto a seat and straddled him. "I want do something."

Daniel felt really uncomfortable. The fox was sitting on his member and there was nothing

more he wanted to do then to just take their clothes and claim the fox as his own. But

they couldn't do that here.

The younger vulpine leaned forward and licked Daniel's lips. He took the hint and locked

muzzles with his current dominator. Their tongues wrestled for a good three minutes before

they had to pull away from each other. Kilik moved himself and Daniel stood.

Kilik pulled the shepherd up and slowly moved around to his back, using a finger to caress

under his chin. He snaked his arms around Daniel's neck . The older male grinned,

"Someone's in a hurry to enjoy freedom."

All the fox did was grin. He moved his muzzle close to Daniel's ear and playfully nipped

it, eliciting a mur from Daniel. Now he knew how to crank those gears. He breathed warmly

on the shepherd's neck and he shuddered with yet, another mur.

"All you had to do was ask."

The vulpine was still grinning and pulled his paws to Daniel's shoulders and said,


Daniel would never have expected what happened next. Kilik had launched himself onto

Daniel's back with a laugh. "Ha. Gotcha you dirty dog."

The canine stumbled a bit but retrieved his balance. He smirked and grabbed Kilik's lower

thigh with his right paw. He crossed the room and opened the door with his left. Daniel

walked down the hall quietly, still holding Kilik who was starting to doze. The carrier

entered an elevator and pressed "1". The box started its way down the shaft.

He licked Kilik's ear and the fox giggled a little but settled back into his dozing state.

The box shuddered a little and settled into a resting position on the hard concrete bottom

of the shaft. The doors slid back and the shepherd stepped out and made his way down the

carpeted, crisp-scented hallway to the exit.

Once outside, the older male grinned and clutched both paws around his boys legs and took

off running. This brought Kilik back to Earth and he clasped tightly onto Daniel's neck.

His eyes were squeezed tight as he held onto to the rampant teen. The pace was quick, they

reached his car in a solid thirty seconds maximum. He set the shaken fox down and just

couldn't help but laugh as he found it difficult to get him to stand on his own.

"Why'd you do that?" The voice was slightly shaken and he was breathing quickly. As

someone would after getting off of a scary roller coaster.

Daniel laughed harder as he crossed around to the driver's side of the car. "Because you

deserved it."

Kilik looked defeated and stepped into the car.

Daniel settled into the driver's seat and ran a paw through Kilik's hair. "Gotcha you

filthy fox."

Note: Sorry. *hands you a gun* Do what you want to that. Someone really needs to keep me

in line and send me frequent updates. I'm getting too lazy for my own good. I truly am

sorry. I have chapters 6 and 7 left to get typed up. I had 8 and 9 but someone lost the

folder I was writing those in. But now, I've got to write that all over again. But anyway,

I hoped you liked it. If you did, yay. If you didn't, I'll try better. Again, sorry.