
Story by Silent Stripes on SoFurry

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#4 of Infinity and Beyond

Warning: This story includes adult content ( a little ). If you are under 18 or 21 ( depends where you live ) better read something clean. For all those who are old enough - Have fun!

The sun slowly fades away at the horizon, leaving nothing more as a crimson sky before the hungry night swallows everything and the darkness comes over the city, like a blanket full of stars. It was time...

The turn of a key to wake the sleeping beast with a loud roar. Flashing lights searching for prey while the wheels begin to spin slowly, moving over to the street.

It is the night, my body's weak. I'm on the run, no time to sleep. I've got to ride, ride like the wind, to be free again.

It is the night, my body's weak. I'm on the run, no time to sleep. I've got to ride like the wind, ride like the wind.

A silver star reaches up at the sky, showing it still shines even though it felt down on earth.

Accused and tried and told to hang. I was nowhere in sight when the churchbells rang.

Never was the kind, to do as i was told. Gonna ride like the wind, before i get old.

Traffic lights getting reflected at the deep black metal, like on a mirror, as if the world would move but not the beast.

It is the night, my body's weak. I'm on the run, no time to sleep. I've got to ride, ride like the wind, to be free again.

It is the night, my body's weak. I'm on the run, no time to sleep. I've got to ride like the wind, ride like the wind.

Small flaps shudder while the air streams past them, into the dark hole, down to the core, every deep breathe.

And i've got such a long way to go. To make it to the border of Mexico. So i'll ride, like the wind, ride like the wind.

The pedal goes down further till it gets in touch with the ground. Pipes spitting fire and the speed raises to another level, another gear.

It is the night, my body's weak. I'm on the run, no time to sleep. I've got to ride, ride like the wind, to be free again.

It is the night, my body's weak. I'm on the run, no time to sleep. I've got to ride, ride like the wind, to be free again.

Tires trying not to loose their grip on the street while warming up more and more . Destination so close.

It is the night, my body's weak. I'm on the run, no time to sleep. I've got to ride, ride like the wind.

I've got to ride like the wind. Ride like the wind...

Hot steam shows up aside of the engine through the fenders, getting rid of the heat, preparing for a hunt and vanishes into the darkness...


With gleaming brakes Danny arrived at the race and lined up with the other drivers at the line. Seven muscles would be his rivals, on a course where just highspeed mattered. It had just two small turns which he would try to take advantage of.

But now everyone was focusing on NIgel in silence. None of the drivers played around with the gas as they usual did and the people around were not even whispering. Only Nigel was allowed to break the silence.

Nigel went along the line, looking at the cars and lost in memories. This event was different, it was a special one and maybe the hardest drag at all. For Nigel it ment so much more. It was his favourite race during his times as he was a racer himself. He was a little bit lost in memories, good and bad ones.

After a short while Nigel turned and went over to the crowd. While everyones eyes still followed him.

Danny's eyes did too, untill they got hold on Christine.

Christine was a light brown bunny in sporty white clothes which seemingly had problems hiding her sexy curves. She realy had a lot of them at the right places and knowed how to turn on with them, especially racers. She loved to tease but never let somebody play with her and god knowed, many wanted to. Her nickname was Eyecatcher which the racer gave her through the way she got everyone warmed up before the race started.

Danny stared still at her while she went over to the racers, her long ears bound together, hanging down, covering her left eye. He watched her taking out the white flag as usual, and he got hungry but he could not tell in which way. Danny was sure that Christine would have been a better price for the winner as cash, if she would have been a few years older. He was sure that Christine was just old enough to have a car herself. He shook his head and watched her drop the flag which was his sign to start over.

With burning wheels the racers got past Christine, leaving her behind. She shook her head a little, getting her ears at the back of her head to give her a better view of the race.

Everyone was trying to keep up with the rest, or even getting a little bit a head. It was just hopeless to try it that early and Danny knowed it too.

He was trying hard to keep up but even through the pedal was already at the ground, he lost a little bit distance to the bunch. It was nothing he worried about, waiting for the first turn he used the airstream to stay as close as he could. His transmission was adjusted for highspeed which was it what let him loose this much distance at the start.

The turn came closer and everyting seemed to work out fine for Danny, but one of the other racers at the right lane was getting some problems. That car seemed to pull over to the left slightly all the time but it's driver could hold it back on his lane atleast for a while.

Everyone rushed through the turn on highspeed which was something unexpected for Danny but even more unexpected was that suddenly a lonely wheel crossed his lane and nearly hit him. He could avoid it just to see that one driver loosing controle over his now three wheeled car and crossed the lanes to crash into another racer. Both cars blowed up into a fireball, taking everyones sight.

All Danny could see was that fireball and some autoparts flying around. It was too late for him to brake and forced to drive through the fire. That moment felt like eternity for him. The warmth was strong and everywhere around him. Then one of the wrecks appeared twisting across the lane. Close he made it to get past it by a swift movement and finally got out of the fire again.

Danny slowed down roughly and opened the window, taking a look at the side mirror. He could view the fireball subside and atleast one driver was rolling on the ground, trying to get rid of the flames. The sound of police sirens appeared suspicious quick.

Nigel was running over to the crash as fast as he could with his hurting leg. Those drivers were his friends and he needed to help them.

Everyone else was already disappeared and Danny wanted so aswell but not alone. He stopped Nigel "Get in before the cops show up".

Nigel shook his head and got around Danny's car. He could not leave them. One of them needed help and the other too, if still alive.

The sirens went louder, bluelight already shining at the buildings. Danny waited a little moment. He don't wanted to leave someone back aswell, but he needed to if the cops should not get him. He closed the window and hit the gas, disappearing through a sideroad. While the police arrived at the scene Danny was already on the way back to the garage.


Danny sat down on a couch in the darkness of his shop, staring down at the table. He was sleeples and thought about the crash. He was sure that it was not just an accident, somebody must have prepared it. "But who would do something like that? And what for?" he could not tell, but would find it out sooner or later. First he had other things to worry about. Like the cops which took Nigel with them for sure, and it was partially his fault. Nigel was his friend and had already helped him a lot of times. This time it were Nigel who needed the help and he left him alone with the cops.

Danny would not leave his friend alone with the trouble again. He would do something to get him out of the shit. No matter how much trouble it would bring himself in the end. "What are friends there for if they leave you alone during the hardest times?" he needed a plan and a little bit help to get it done.. He needed his crew, right now.

He stood up and walked over to the phone, calling Alex and Trix. He woke them up and explained everything of that evening. They were too tired to get everything but alone the fact that he called them that late was something that got them out of their beds and into the cars.

Just a few minutes later his crew arrived and they went upstairs with Danny into his office, taking seat on the couch. With tired eyes they sat there leaning against eachother trying to stay awake and looked at Danny who stood at the other side of the desk.

Danny was figuring out a plan and walked up and down in his office. He scratched his chin and slowly got a minor headache through all this thinking. He needed to get to Nigel one way or another, but it would be anything else then easy with all those cops around him. He could not just walk into the department and get over to Nigel. They would just put him in a cell aswell. Maybe they would bring him somewhere else if there would be a reason for. To crack an armored transport would end the same way, or worse.

He sat down on the desk and stared at the ceilling. Slowly the puzzle lightened up some as all those different pieces came together. Maybe he would not need to crack the transporter, maybe they would let him walk through the whole department unharmed. He got a plan, all he needed now was "Alex!".

Alex jumped up from the couch like on command before his tired mind even realized what was going on.

"Genius, this is your time" Danny said and went around the desk over to Alex.

Trix could not hold her eyes open any longer and felt aside at the couch and immediatly was sleeping.

She had not a lot of time to sleep since the guys took her with on a ride through the whole city. Stopping at various locations to get an overview of everything. There were a lot of cops on patrole but they did not care for those three strange people. They looked for racers and not for tourists.

After a while they returned back to the shop where Alex grabed a few electronic packs and fadet away with them in the garage. Danny needed a new outfit and tried to convince Trix to make it, as he not even knowed how to do something like that.

Trix was by far not the type of a female which loved to do such things, not even for herself. Her mother had teached her all that stuff and she did it, only to make her mother happy. She was sure that Alex would have more experiences with it, but he already something to do. So she just gave in, took the stuff and fadet away with it, into a room where hopefully no one would find her till she had finished everything. Danny would for sure never say something, but Alex would. Teasing her with it every day.

She sat down on a small stool and switched on the little lamp above the table where she already had droped the materials onto. She put a few needles between her lips, holding them there while she let scissors fly over the material, cutting it into the right pieces. Every now and then, a needle would fade away from between here lips, finding a place into the blue material. She had the picture of her finished work already in her mind, or atleast a picture of how it should look at the end. It was such a long time since she did this the last time. Using her tail as a fan spent her some fresh air while the tiny room seemed to heat up more every minute. As if she would get baked in a big oven.

Alex meanwhile was surrounded by empty electronic packages while he was working with the pieces. Pulling cables, cutting some, binding others together and testing everything over and over. He got some minor shocks while testing, but he was used to it and it helped him to find every little mistake he made. There was so much to do, alone the electronics, not to mention all the metal bits he had to cut, shape and work together around the electronics. It would be close, but finished.

Danny had used the time to learn maps and some other things in and out to be prepared for the hardest part of the plan. It was not sure that it would work at all but atleast it was worth a try. It was the only chance he had which made it worth any risk, atleast for him.

The time was running out so Danny decided to take a shower and brush his fur to get a more serious look. He looked as if he would want to go for a date. In one way it was a date but one he would like as much as a visit at the dentist. He would get through it if his disguise would not fail.

Just as he was finished and got out of the bathroom he nearly ran into Trix who already searched for him. Holding those deep blue clothes folded in her paws. She was done with her work aswell and so Danny grabed them and went back into the bathroom to get them on.

Not that he felt very good in those clothes. They were atleast a number too short but as long as he don't needed to join a marathon it would look good and that was what mattered. He knowed that Trix was still waiting outside the bathroom to see how it fit him. He took a breathe as deep as he could without bursting the clothes and got that blue cap on his head. It was pushing his ears down in a very uncomfortable way. He could try what he wanted but there was not enough place for his ears so he would have to live with it.

Danny got out of the bathroom, trying to look as if he would have worn those clothes his whole life long. Taking his role serious.

Trix could not hold back a giggle and grabed his cap to help him with his ears. She had made slits into it for them but Danny must have missed that detail. Taking a stap back she leaned her head slightly aside staring at him.

That was the time were Alex joined them aswell and throwed a golden badge over at Danny who put it at his blue shirt to complete the outfit.

Trix murred a little while she still stared at him "You look so smart in uniform. Should introduce you with a friend of mine".

Alex shook his head some "Just a cop like every other one". He went over to Danny and gave him a little metalic stick "Do me a favor and put this at the backside of the main CPU".

Danny took the stick and put it in his pocket before he checked his outfit one last time. "Seems fine" he gave himself a nod *Time for a show".

COPLAND - Act on Instinct

Danny stood in front of the police department and looked up the stairs at the glassy doors. With another deep breathe he straightened his cap a little and took the last safe steps up to the entrance. He opened the doors and entered the department.

"Morning officer Cox" greeted him a friendly voice from aside.

His heartbeat raised as he got a little nervous and tried to calm down again. He looked over at where the voice came from and viewed a female Collie behind the reception already back at her work again. "Morning" he said with a little stiff voice before his eyes looked down the floor, viewing more cops as he had ever seen at once.

Most were sitting at their desk busy with paperwork which made it more easy for him to get through them without getting involved into a conversation.

He went further and asked himself a question "Did she realy call me cocks?". He took his badge and stared on it with a questioning look. He was so busy with that badge that he ran slightly into another officer which went past him. "I'm sorry" he said more in a reflex and in the same moment his nose catched a flowery scent which made him all curious. His head followed it a little but all he could see was a long white feline tail disappear through a closing wooden door.

He stood there for a few minutes and stared at the door. Deep inside he was fighting with himself. He wanted to follow that scent, finding out what made him so curious. On the other side he had not realy the time for it without raising the chance of getting caught.

Danny just let his instincts decide which led him through the door and down the stairs behind till they ended in another floor. It was a little cold and those white walls only made it worse. It had something of a hospital and he was all alone there. Just this scent still in the air, guiding him further untill he reached a thick metal door.

Danny wanted to open it but someone at the other side was faster. The door flought up and hit him like a train in the face, knocking him out for some moments.

"Are you okey?" a female voice asked him. Nothing was okey for him. His head felt like a bass drum during concert and if it would not be enough, his nose hurt and refused to let him smell anything.

He felt her paw touching his forehead and her breathe on his face. His eyes opened slowly but his sight was all blurred. All he could see was white and a pair of emerald eyes staring into his. Maybe that door had hit him harder as he thought. He sweared those eyes came out of the walls.

"Looks like the sleeping beauty decided to wake up" he heard her talk to him again. The blurr fadet away a little, not enough to let him see all the details of her face, but atleast he could see one now and not just white walls with eyes. He felt some warm all over and something soft resting on him.

His eyes went down on her and he thought that she looked some attractive, for a cop and the fact that his sight was still blurred. It were his thoughts before he found out what was resting on him and spending that warm feeling. His eyes shot back up and met hers again.

"Think it's better to call a doctor" she was afraid he could be more hurted as it looked like and decided it would be the best.

"No!" he said and raised his upper body quickly of the ground. Too quick for her to get all away. A surprised mewl was all she gave before they got into a closer contact as both maybe wanted. For Danny the situation had went from bad to deathwish. He swallowed as hard as if he would try to get himself down his throat and out of sight for her. His face between her breasts he expected to be killed during the next few seconds and his ears folded back as much as they could with that cap still on his head.

Her eyes opened widely she seemed to be somewhere far away from reality. This was more then just unexpected for her. She could feel him breathing warm on her chest while she was unknowing what she should do. The situation was so embarrassing for her and then her face got all warm in a deep blush. Her tail stood straight up and it's tip went from side to side, telling that she liked the situation more as she wanted. She blinked a few times and wanted to say something but all that came out was a little purr which let her blush even more.

Before it could get too worse she cleaned her throat."Doctor" was all she could say in a silent tune before she got up from him and ran over to the stairs as fast as she could to disappear.

Danny was safe, atleast for a moment. Just his trousers felt very uncomfortable but he had no time to wait till the problem would fade away itself in time before she would come back with the Doctor. His sight was still not the best but this would change back soon enough. He turned around and ran down the floor. Past the stairs and though a door at the other end.

Her legs felt weak like never before as she stood there in the stairway and tried to gain controle over her heartbeat. She felt eased that no one had come past and viewed her in such a situation. Still her mind don't gave her a rest and let her remember those feelings, that guy. That guy who just ran past her along the floor. She leaned out a little to follow him with her eyes, purring. Only the sound of the closing door got her out of her dreams and let her realize what she was doing.

She felt so strange and it was for sure not just cause of the close contact she had with him. It was something else but even tho she was able to point with a claw on it, it was nothing she could explain. It could not be love, she was sure. She never felt in love or did something else. Her life was more like the one of nun, with more action of course. "Besides, who falls in love at the first time meeting somebody?" she said to herself and shook her head. Not that it helped her to forget him at all.

Danny reached a room full of computers and since there was nobody else he decided to catch his breathe for some moments. His sight returned fully and even his nose began to work again. He thought about that officer and wondered some that she had not killed him like every other female would have done. A cop maybe even twice. She seemed to be cute, especially that little purr she gave him before she ran away.

Then this lovely scent was back and got stronger every moment. He turned around trying to figure out where it came from. Till he realized that it came from himself, or more from his clothes. They seemed to be drenched in that scent. It was hers which he had followed. He was unsure what he should think about it all. This would make him crazy sooner or later but he could not wait any longer and just droped it for now.

He took out the stick Alex had given him and put it at the backside of that computer which looked the most like the right one. Then he left the room and stood in another floor with many cells. He looked up and down the floor and could see just one guard. A grey mouse sleeping deeply which made it more then easy for him to get over and grab the keys from that guard.

"Slumbering Snack" he thought and with a grin he went back down the floor and looked into every cell untill he reached Nigel's.

"Heard orange is top this summer" Danny said to Nigel who slowly got up from that little bed he sat on before.

"Something like that the guy a few cells down told me aswell" Nigel said and went over to the thick door.

"Want me to get you a date with him?. You two, naked under a shower. One of you drops the soap thing leads to another" he felt a little sorry for Nigel but could not hold back an evil grin.

"Holy pain in the ass! Never!" he was yelling at Danny.

Danny laughed as he began to open the door "You will break his heart".

"Better his heart as something else" that was a point for sure. "What are you doing here anyway?" he asked Danny as the door opened and gave him a view of his friend in uniform.

"Saving your ass in truest words" he answered and took out the handcuffs.

"Good idea" he answered and held out his paws for Danny and then nearly got overwhelmed by that scent coming from the uniform. With a click the handcuffs closed around his wrists.

Danny took Nigel with him, like the prisoner he was. They went along the floor and through a few doors untill they reached the car park. Some cops were present aswell but they seemed too busy to even notice what was going on around them.

Danny looked around to find the right vehicle to borrow and never bring back. It don't needed to be fast but able to take a few crashes. His decision felt onto a Ford truck with already open doors. Almost waiting to get used for his plan.

Danny gave Nigel a push into the direction and let him go ahead. Quickly he got Nigel into the truck and closed the doors before he walked over to the driver seat which already was taken by a muscular black stallion who was polishing the armatures.

"Done there?" he asked the stallion.

With a snicker he turned his head and looked down at Danny. He stared some, trying to remember if he had ever seen him before. "Sorry Kitty but this takes a little longer" he returned back to his work and drenched the rag in polish again.

*Get out there now if you want to keep your job. You are a holdup for a prisoner transport right now" he went all serious and tried to be as friendly as he could. This guy made the escape part harder as planned.

"Nobody told me about a transport today" the stallion answered still polishing as if he would never do something else.

"Go and ask the chief" Danny got angry.

"Fine" the stallion answered and throwed the rag aside before he got out of the truck "but you come with me".

"Alright" he answered and as soon as the stallion was a step ahead he grabed the rag out of the truck and followed. They went a few steps, then Danny grabed that guy from behind and let him take some deep breathes trough the rag. Just a few moments then the stallion blacked out and let Danny pull him into a dark spot behind one of the cars.

COPLAND - The Getaway

Danny returned to the truck and got onto the driver seat. He closed the door and looked for a key but he could not find one. Realizing that there was not even a keyhole made him a little nervous. There must be an other way to start it and as he looked behind the sun shade the answer felt on his lap. It was a blue plastic card and it fit exactly into a slit near the driving wheel.

The engine started and Danny get the truck rolling. Over to the gate which of course was closed but he knowed how to open it. He looked over at the unit identification number aside the radio before he grabed the microphone.

"Sixteen on prisoner transport calls station. Code ten-ninetynine" that was his message and now he needed to wait and see if it was the right one.

He got no response and the other cops around got curious about the the whole thing. One of them was getting closer to the truck and Danny let it roll a little back.

"Ten-four sixteen. Opening the gate now" and only a second later it did.

The gate was still opening but Danny could not wait much longer or he had to answer that one cop some question. He hit the pedal to the floor and the gate scratched a little at the top of the truck but atleast he had not ripped it off.

Now he was back at the broad street and used the thick traffic to get lost. Not that they already were safe but it could not get worse as it was inside the department. He was so sure.

"Sixteen we will send you eleven-fiftyone please stay en route" whatever the transmission was telling him, he just ignored it.

He shifted a gear up "Do you know anything about those crash drivers?".

"They are fine compared to their cars" Nigel answered, feeling the cold steel of a prisoners seat.

Danny took a little gas away and looked into the sidemirrors "Good to hear". Then he looked into the mid mirror to get a look through the tiny window between the seats, over at Nigel. "Realy would like to know how this could happen" he wanted a few answers and his instincts told him that Nigel knowed a lot more as if he had ever told him.

"Afraid you could be the next?. You won't be the next. This was just another try to get me out of the city" another try he don't cared about realy. All he cared about was the fact that other people were involved.

"Somebody want's to get you off the street?. What about a name?. A reason?" he asked Nigel while he rushed over a crossing and a stranger got unseen behind him.

"It's not the time yet to tell you about but i can say that i'll no longer swallow this shit" he was serious, he was more as that. He wanted to pay back everything.

"Sounds like you want to start a personal war" he was just kidding but another look into the mid mirror told him that he hit the nail on it's head. "Listen Nigel..." he started but the sound of sirens very close needed all his attention. Suddenly a heavy tuned police Corvette rushed past him and took position in front of him. With bluelights and siren it's driver was trying to get him to follow.

Nigel stood up and looked through the tiny window, past Danny and at the police car. "Ghost" he said with respect and began to feel the prison walls around him. This was one of the worst signs he could get.

"Who is Ghost?" he looked over his shoulder at Nigel.

"Better ask what Ghost is, not who. Now look back at the street!" he yelled the last bit as they nearly crashed into some crosstraffic.

Danny looked back at the street, his ear ringing a little through the yell. "Tell me about but stop yelling at me" his curiousity was growing the longer he looked at the big spoiler of this shiny corvette. It was realy a nice car but it's driver could not be good, it was a cop.

"Ghost is the codename of a special programm which went active around three years ago to clean up the streets" he began to tell and got more detailed. "Which means to hunt us streetracer down. In the end we made it to get rid of Ghost for a while through new tactics, changing locations. Ghost in turn ended up as nothing more as a special unit like SWAT to stop other dangerous drivers or assist in tactical operations. The programm is fianced by an unknown private person and it's impossible to get any informations about the programm. All i know is that there is just one driver, Ghost. Seems like the crash of last night got Ghost back on our track" it were bad news he told but even tho he had respect there was still a lot he would never tell Danny. Those things Danny needed to find out himself or never get to know them.

"Honestly, with such a story you could scare little cubs" he said to Nigel and chuckled a little. It was realy a good story but that driver was just a cop and that made the difference. If the racer could not beat him there was no chance for a cop to even keep up with him.

"Now you laugh but wait till you get chased" he warned Danny and still looked at Ghost who was telling them with blinking lights to drive left at the next crossing.

Danny got the sign aswell but he didn't follow as Ghost headed into another street. He gained more speed and steered hard from left to right to get past the traffic. Many sirens began to sound though the district coming closer and closer every moment. No matter how much cops appeared all around him, they would not be able to stop him. There was too much traffic to shoot his tires or using other ticks. They would just chase him, keeping some distance untill he would reach a place where they would be allowed to use everything they had. It was always the same and he had experience with it.

This experience he had used to plan the whole escape simply but still effective. He would get them all with one single trap. If his crew was awake and prepared.

They were awake, just a little distracted.

"Humans do not exist!" Trix was telling Alex though the walky-talky she had captured between shoulder and cheek while she was playing around some with a big RC remote control. She was at the roof of minor hightower and Alex was on the roof of the opposite building.

"They do!" he would have sweared but never had seen any himself his entired life. This discussion was already going half an hour but now it got disrupted by a hastily and steady beep which was telling him that Danny was getting close."It's time" he told Trix and grabed his own big remote controle, testing a little around before he activated it.

Danny slowed down some and the cops did the same behind him. He don't wanted to stop. He was waiting for the traffic lights at the next crossing to switch on red for his direction. It went yellow and he hit the gas again as rough as he could. Getting enough speed to rush over the crossing just as the light went red.

Two big eighteen wheelers shot out either side before the cops and build a roadblock which let nobody through. That was what Danny thought aswell but a look into the side mirror showed him that there was still one car chasing him. Now though little italy. "Balls of Steel!" he said at the sight of Ghost trying to get past him.

"Told you!" he heard Nigel say from behind. That cop was so annoying and don't wanted to give up. Danny don't wanted to give up too but his chances shrinked down every second. He was driving down a little hill which gave him atleast a bit more speed but the problem was that it was a dead end road, for a car atleast. At the end was a small way showing freedom at the other side. His eyes went from left to right as he tried to figure out a way to get out of the trouble.

His eyes got hold at an old wooden pushcart with many vegetables on it. "Time for plan B" he said and got the half of the truck onto the sidewalk.

"What is plan B?" asked Nigel a little bit worrying from behind.

"The Bullshit plan" came the answer from Danny just a moment before they hit the pushcart which liftet the one side of the truck off the street.

Nigel got throwed at the other side of the truck and was laying very uncomfortable between top and wall. He was trying to get up as fast as he could just to view the small way through the tiny window getting dangerous close. He jumped to get hold at the seat some above him.

Then Danny ducked down as he drove into the way and the red housewalls ripped most of the trucks top of it. All he could see were those tiny little red stones of the housewall swiftly appearing and fading away again.

"This is realy a bullshit plan!" Nigel yelled but was sure that Danny did not heard anything. The sound of scratching metal was just too loud. Nigel was hanging in the air, grabing the seat as hard as he could.

Then the walls got away and the truck droped down on all four wheels again. Danny got his head up again and heard Nigel drop on the ground behind him like a stone, still grabing that seat even tho the worst was over.

The city was left behind and so was Ghost who was not as crazy as Danny and had turned. That was one of the funniest things Danny ever had made but he was the only one who had enjoyed it. Nigel stood up and shook his paws, getting minor cramps out of them before he realized that the whole truck had lost atleast half it's height. The fresh wind was telling and he cratched his head before he gave a deep sigh and jumped over the cutted metal on the codriver seat.

"That was a lot of fun! Not to mention that this is for sure the first open top police truck which still is driveable!" he had still some adrenaline in his blood so Nigel decided to answer nothing, besides a small nod. In his thoughts he had an other answer for him "Are you nuts???". He was definately too old for this shit...


Danny had hidden for ours together with Nigel in the old ghost town up at Angels Peak to wait for the night to come. They had used the time to talk about many things. The most was about cars, races and such stuff. Nigel don't wanted to talk about Ghost or the trouble he had. Those things were just in his mind while it was now his turn to make a plan.

Danny was not very chatty himself when Nigel asked him anything about his past life. He wished to be able to forget it but it was impossible. The question was enough and he could already see all those things again. His eyes became the mirrors of past and untold. With a blink it was all gone again, for the moment. It would return, it was sure. All it needed was another sign. He shook it off and ended the talk.

The night had come and they used it to get rid of the truck. They pushed it over the edge, watching it's fall till it hit the ground and got swallowed by the flames. Danny walked back to the town while Nigel stared a little longer down at the fire.

Danny changed his clothes. He got out of the uniform he would never ever wear again and into the clothes he always weared when he drove up and down the small road from City to Peak. It was a pair of bloodred trousers and a white shirt. This outfit was one of the best he had. Not that it was expensive, just special. Special because they showed respect, his respect for the place which had something holy for him.

Danny believed into a god, unsure how it's name was or how it looked. He could not even tell if it was male or female or even something completely different. Not that he cared much about those details. He don't even cared where he would end after death but as long as he was alive, he would pray and just show that he was still there. The best way for him was to drive up and down the hill all alone and everytime he reached the peak he was sure that he got some attention. His god would be there and watch. Never showing up to change something in the world. He believed not to get something from his god. He did it cause it felt right and gave him the feeling of inner peace in a world which could change from silence into a chilling scream every second.

It was Trix which got both guys back into reality as she arrived with her Silverado. Danny's car following it close behind on autopilot.

Trix had used the free time of the day to raise Alex driving skills, with success. She had nothing better to do and Alex needed to get faster or Danny maybe would have considered to replace him. It was not sure if Danny was such a person but she don't knowed him a lot. Every day he showed something new of his personality.

She was sure that she did right, even tho she had to pay a higher price as if it was worth. She was forced to tell Alex her real name which he would use against her for sure. Not that Trix would ever admit it but she needed the trouble with Alex like the air to breathe. One day without it was like never ending. She had a lot of energy and all the trouble helped her to get rid of it before she could use it to do something stupid.

Trix could not await to stress Alex again and had bought herself new clothes which for sure would give him the rest. It was a pair of orange flared trousers like she loved them, but with flowers on it. Her short yellow top was new aswell, like the red bandana on her head.

Nigel was just too lost in thoughts to realize anything around him. He just walked over to the truck and got in.

"Did he already see it?" he asked her with a grin.

"Not yet" she answered and whirled her keys around her finger.

"Then i need to arrive before you do" he winked and both ran over to their cars and got it.

Danny took a look into the side mirror to see Trix already driving away but there was something else. He adjusted the mirror and could see a pair of lights coming out of the darkness.

He started the engine and made a quick turn to realize it was Ghost who came out of the black. It was sure that Ghost had waited there some time but surprisingly, not to get Nigel back into prison. Ghost had waited for Danny, to finish what they started.

The engines began to sound loudly, fighting against eachother before Danny made the first step and let go of the brake. Ghost did so aswell and the distance between them got less every moment before the side mirrors touched slightly as they passed. Quick both turned around and startet again. Dust raising of the ground every time they did untill it was too thick to see anything. No one wanted to give up, no one would, no one did. Another run which was nearly their last as both hit the brake hard and the bumbers touched. They steped at the gas again and began to turn around in donuts, face to face, hood to hood.

It was like a dance and Danny hated it. He was unable to push Ghost away and his supercharger would sooner or later give up by the amount of dust it swallowed. Danny had enough of it and broke out, getting out of the thick cloud and got on the road.

Driving slowly he forced Ghost to follow him downhill. The road would decide who was worth to win. Ghost was fast at his tail again but then the first turn already came which Danny took with a long, perfect slide. This was different as any other race. It was impossible to drive on highspeed through the many hairpin turns. For Danny it was the heaven to slide though every turn but for Ghost it was the hell, completely unused to drive such roads at all.

Every turn Danny got some distance even tho he lost it on the few straight parts of the road again. One more turn was the end for Ghost who tried to slide now too. A little bit too much gas and the wheels began to loose the rest of grip they had, waiting for a counter reaction which never came. Twisting the whole car around a few times before it got to hold.

Danny stoped and looked back through the side mirror. Ghost would still be able to follow him but silently accepted the loose of this little race. Danny had won his right to get away and so he did. Leaving Ghost behind in the darkness, untill they would meet again.


Meanwhile in one of those many hightowers, at the twentieth roof deep inside Cesars luxury apartement. Muffled whimpers of pleasure came from Christine while Cesar was atop of her. Thrusting in and out of her young pussy and pushing her shoulders hard onto the bed. He groaned every now and then cause of the wonderfull feeling of her hot and slick walls contracting around his cock.

She moaned loud into the cushion which was already getting wet with her saliva. Christine enjoyed every moment, every thrust Cesar made, every groan he gave her ears to hear. She was so in love with him, foolishly. Love made her blind like all the other girls before and sent her right into his trap.

Cesar never loved any of the many girls he had. He said love but that ment nothing more as that he loved to fuck them untill he had enough and throwed them away like a toy he got bored of. He always got what he wanted and a broad grin appeared in his face as he sped up his thrusts.

She was so tight, so willingly and even if not his grip was too hard. He would not let go of her till he was finished. She could not even move against his thrusts. All she could do was to enjoy and feeling her climax coming closer quickly.

Cesar thrusted harder, faster while her inner walls gripped his cock stronger untill it got too much for him. He pulled back some just to slam roughly back into her as he gave out a loud roar and came deep inside of his new bitch.

The feeling of his hot seed filling her up was all it needed to sent her over the edge aswell. She gave out a scream of joy, muffled by the thick cushion she bit onto while her own juice spilled out of her pussy. Her body was shaking heavily and her muscles milked his cock intensive, trying to get every drop out of it.

His mobile began to ring just in time as his cock had stoped spurting his seed into her. He got off from her and took the blanked with him as he stood up and bound it around him as a cover. Then he took the mobile and opened the thing glassy doors to step onto the balcony.

Cesar got new, bad news. News which made him grit his teeths all angry. "How could he escape?. Wait, don't tell me. Better find him and finish it forever, comprende?" he yelled the last word before he took the mobile and throwed it away into the city.

He turned around and got back in his apartement were he grabed the whole champagner bottle and began to drink it out. Everything was going wrong again which ment he had to take care of it himself. The bottle was empty and still, he needed something to cool down from his anger.

He looked over at the bunny in his bed. She was still panthing and between her legs was a mess of mixed juiced which spreaded further while his seed dripped out of her pussy. "She can take some more" he thought and droped the bottle then walked over to her with that grin again.

To be continued..