A Christmas with the Airwings. -C- Dravus

Story by Xinnova on SoFurry

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Another story in my first line of commissions, this one being a nice romantic piece featuring some mating with a bit of Oviposition at the end.

Another fun streamed story ^.=.^

4200 words

Commissioned for dravus

Dravus @ dravus

Zato/Dragoness @ zato

Story @ xinnova2


Christmas with the Airwings- Written by Xinnova2

Coldness, chilling breezes and snow were the trend of the season in these lands. Two rare creatures made their home in these lands, finding it rather hard to travel in a harsh blizzard that loomed over the lands. It was here that the two felt safe, having their home in the side of a great mountain overlooking the lands around them. As the sun begins to settle in the horizon, the two within the cavernous dwelling began to settle in for the evening as a moment they would both never forget began to unfold.

The home of the two was well light within, torches deeper within the caves made ample lighting. A larger opening within, housed that of a large nest made of what seemed red silken pillows. And upon this great nest of padded plush was that of our first rare creature, that of a female Da'Karian. A proud, elegant and magical race of dragon kin that held themselves in high standards among the other races of their kin regarding, being of solid mind they are known for their flawless reasoning and second to none problem solving. Her body held itself proudly as it was coiled around the inside of the large nest that would suit royal blood, and make the typical dragon envious.

Her smooth looking ebony scales graced most of her body, legs and head. A soft light blue scale blending into the black of her upper scales, covering over her underbelly and under her tail giving the sense of an ocean over a nights sky. Six horns pull up and back from her head of the same blue tint as her underbelly scales, parting through the soft well maintained white and blue streaked mane. Just under the mane was that of a love bite scar, perhaps from a night of deep love or one of regret. Bellow that marking was one of a more beautiful appeal, that of a three scaled blue pyramid. A row of smaller spikes nestled atop her spine moving down over her back to the tip of her tail, two great wings easily covered around her body as if she could encase another dragon easily within them!

Those darkened eyes just gazed towards the entrance of their home, one having a green hue to it and the other a soft elegant blue. The beautiful dragoness held a scar over the green eye, of a three clawed scar crossing over it. She seemed to be waiting patiently for something, or perhaps someone? As if on cue, another of dragon blood made his way into the chambers strutting something that made the female give a soft giggle.

Enter the second dragon blooded being, the male that was her dearest companion and mate. Blue scaled body meeting that of a soft teal underbelly, his body being much smaller than her own but at the same time having its own adorable nature to it. While never losing the handsome appeal that no doubt made him rather sexy in her eyes, that beautiful red mane and six ivory horns complimented those soft green eyes as he graced her with an unusual sight. He wore a red and green Santa hat upon his head with a bell that jingled each time he bobbed his head and candle canes on each horn.

He seemed to be humming a strange though rather soft melody to her of a Christmas song, it had been the first time she had heard such a beautiful sound. He moved towards her as his eye's never left her own as the smaller feral found himself right upon her, their snouts only a few inches away from each other. His voice was soft, it fell upon her ears like that of a breeze; barely audible but pleasant none the less.

"All I want for Christmas is you, my love"

Of course she had never known of this Christmas he spoke of, but she wouldn't allow that to ruin such a perfect mood. Moving those couple of inches forward, turning her head slightly to feel her soft lips press into his own as she gave a soft purr of her own now. This caused the males humming to cease as he felt the tongue of the other moving past his lips to dance with his own, sharing a rather loving and tender kiss. The kiss lasted for a few moments now as she felt one of the candy canes fall from one of his horns onto her lap, causing her to break the kiss to giggle once more.

"I have to admit, you are indeed one charming creature Dravvy. But I can't go on in this stupor any longer, what is this Christmas you speak of?" She spoke softly, though curiously as she gazed into his eyes.

He promptly took the cane from her lap and stuck it rather rudely into her maw now with a smug smirk. Moving slowly to nudge her to move back, nuzzling into her neck tenderly which made the dragoness give a surprised gesture as she fell back into the nest of pillows only to have the other move atop her now. Resting his smaller frame upon her as he began to kiss softly up her neck now, completely ignoring her question for the moment until he made his way up to her cheek.

"Christmas is a tradition of the humans, coming together as a family to celebrate and give thanks for all they hold dear." He finally answered her, giving a warm smile upon his lips before kissing her once more on the lips.

This of course only added to the feeling of passion and love, her heart was racing at this point as she felt her body wanting him more. He was a smooth talker this blue, but at the same time he had no intentions of just abruptly mating with her. No he wanted this night to feel special, as his front paws began to move over her every curve to feel over her body. This was the one he called life mate, the one he held so close to his heart and this feeling was what he wished to share above all else!

She could begin to feel his lips caress over her neck, down to her collar bone and shoulder as he began to nibble back up causing her body to shiver. He felt the tremble of her body in response to all of this as his tail moved to wrap with her own, she could no doubt feel his erection already beginning to press onto her belly. And yet he wasn't acting upon instinct as she could feel his tongue move up to slip over her lower jaw line, causing her to snap the candy cane in her maw and taste the minty candy as she moaned out softly.

He pressed his chest gently against her own now, feeling her heart beat as he was racing as she began to pant! She could only close her eyes and lay her head back against the pillows now as he continued to wash the feeling of being loved, over and over across her body in loving kisses. She felt her body yearning for him, craving him now as she knew well that this was the one she would spend her life with. His body getting more comfortable, she could feel his cock begin to rub its head slowly over her vagina's lips in a bit of a loving tease.

She bit her lower lip softly now as she felt his cock head teasing at her folds, she gave a soft growl as a warning that she was almost ready to tackle him! Hearing this he couldn't help but chuckle now, feeling the wet lips of her cunny and the scent of her arousal as it filled the room causing him to rumble a bit in his chest. Hir lips nipped softly at her neck before his words spoke gently like that of a chime's soothing sound as he revealed his intent for tonight.

"I want you to have my clutch, Shh you don't have to answer. I know you want this, I'm sorry I haven't given you this chance yet" His words made her blush now, losing all resolve as she just laid back.

Squeezing his tail tightly now, he could feel her lick over his head. comforting and supporting him in this act; clearly showing him she was ready and willing to carry his clutch. He didn't let the moment slip past him; he pressed himself within those hungry slickened folds! Green eye's closing tight as he felt the warmth of his lover's sexual embrace as his hard cock pressed into her. She gave off a soft moan, trying hard not to squeeze too hard around him at first as his steel rod drove its way into her sex!

He felt his urges rising, and that feeling of instinct trying to come back to him as he nipped at her neck! He felt the desire to claim her like a wild female; she could feel his teeth only for a moment before it turned into that of a nip with his lips. Bodies intertwined together in a lovers embrace, the nest of silken lace become steadily rocked as the two connected on a plain higher than any passion they had felt in their lives! For the other times held no light to the feelings the two now expressed, as he drove harder into her cunt causing her to roar out her pleasure's! The male didn't allow her to take a lead in this dance, knowing well this was a dance he needed to perform for her.

She could feel his lust swelling within her, as he drove so vigorously into the cunny that would one day bring him children! Feelings of love and lust mixed so easily, her claws began to dig into the blue's back. She moaned out a low roar as she could feel herself drawing near. His snout presses against her neck, just as his own body began to pick up speed knowing well that he too was on the edge. Trying so hard to drive him to the edge, she fought to win the battle of sexual control as their climatic ending was soon to come!

Through growl and moan the two of them fought their battle of mixed passion, as he would thrust into her warm depths she would counter with a rise of her hips; to meet his motions with her own! She could feel his great muscle plunging deeper into her, it was almost unreal; the feeling of both being with the one she loved and knowing well she would soon begin her life as a mother! It was these thoughts mixed with the feeling of his cock now hilted completely into her cunny that caused her to lose the battle of lust!

Moan filled roars can be heard as she reaches her peak, as her sexes lips clamp around the still pounding cock of her mate. Moments after feeling his mate's inner walls filling with her cunt's sweet honey did he give in to his own needs to release, forcing him in as deep as possible in one last grinding push! Breaching her womb now, causing the dragoness to let out another roar as her head presses into the pillows! Just as her back arched upwards, easily held down by the blue dragon as he roared out quickly silencing her own.

Filling her with his life seed, easily meeting her wombs quota as his semen starts to spill out from the tight folds of her sex into the nest. His head lowers down to her own now, pressing his lips into the beautiful dragoness' before the lights dim on the two lovers.

Fast Forward

The season's winters had long since come and gone since the last time the two made their commitment to being full time parents. Spring had made its presence known throughout the land, though the winter cool air and soft patches of snow still remained. Trees began to retake color, as the wildlife began to show itself once more presenting the pairing with ample food as they made this their home.

The blue returns from his ventures into their lands, bringing with him a small bundle of what appear to be fruits of various kinds. Moving into their chambers his eyes settle on that of his loving mate, though her belly was three times the size it had been the night they made love. She was still so beautiful in his eyes, and as he moved towards her she stirred from her rest to smile warmly to her great hunter.

"So did the mighty hunter find his prey? Or did he find himself becoming prey for the prey he hunted?" She mused as she got a stern look from him.

"Very funny, you know I could just go back out." He retorted before moving before her with the fruits in tow.

She gave them a curious glance now, sniffing at the fruits as he smiled softly to her.

"Before your lips even mention how you don't need food, you're pregnant now and I don't wish to hear it. You need the extra nutrients." He explained as he brought a small round orange fruit to her lips.

She of course, was not amused at all as she met his actions with sealed stubborn lips. Refusing to eat the fruit as she just glared at him, not liking at all being told what she would do or wouldn't; before his eye's gazed into her own.

"I love you, please just do this for me so I can keep from worrying" He spoke softly, trying to reason with the rather head strong dragoness.

Her demeanor seemed to soften a bit as his words sunk into her thoughts. He truly did care for her, in such a way she had not been cared for in all her days. Before her tongue slowly slipped past those once barred lips to take in the small fruit, and indulge in its sweet taste if only just for him.

"Good girl, that's how a pregnant female should act." He boasted with a chuckle receiving a glare from her now, just before the male would feel a strong whip across his rear from her tail!

Grumbling a bit as he got the point, feeding her another fruit now as she generally began to enjoy the situation as it gave them time to spend together. The two of them would spend the next few months like this, a constant flow of love mixed with a bit of humor that truly only the two of them could understand.

Fast Forward

Summer times were upon the pair of lovers and yet the cool air was still around, snow still covered their mountain. It was a region of constant winter, yet the grounds bellow them were living the joys of the warmer weather. It was during these times that the charming blue had noticed a bit of a change in his mate's condition. Upon closer inspection he could see that her sex was swelling, growing wet as well as he gave her thigh a soft rubbing. Her head soon rose to greet his inspections, giving him a soft smile while hiding the pains of what was to come.

"My love, I do not mean to bother you while you drool over my large cunny. But I do fear the time draws near." She explained with a bit of humor still intact that made the blue scoff at her.

"I was only imagining that even feral I bet I could fit in that thing!" He laughed as she just glared at him, not exactly loving the joke.

She gave him a soft growl, before wincing some just as she let out a soft moan filled roar! She could feel the shift within her womb, the eggs were moving about towards the exit and all she could do was allow it to happen. Before half lidding her eyes as her mate was just staring at her sex now, snorting before her snout nudged at his signaling that it was time!

"Now would be a good time to do more than just mate me and walk off." She spoke just as he was moving away from her, not quite sure what to do as he blinked in surprise.

Coming back to her, he aided her in moving into a more comfortable position just over of the nest. Rear upwards as her upper body leaned into the nests edge, giving a soft moan the dragoness could feel that it was indeed the moment they were waiting on! Her vagina felt so swollen and yet at the same time she knew this was only natural, giving out a low roar as she pushed hard! The blue was easily at her side, caressing her body as he encouraged her to keep pushing.

The lips of her sex opened slowly to reveal that of a blue eggs top, thick blue liquid oozing out as she forced it to ease through. It was a patient game of push and rest, but she would not allow this to stop her from completing this task. Her mind raced with thoughts of the future, but constantly was dragged back to the moment with a new sort of pain as the egg now stretched her so wide! Bringing her to pant, the blue dragon moved to gently nuzzle against the dragoness' snout to sooth her thoughts; just as the blue egg would fall into the cushioned nest!

It was so strange he thought, the way her body began to change its coloration. Fading a bit from the normal black to a sort of grey, his tongue moved to give her a soft lick across the cheek; though rewarded only with a low snarl. He moved back a few steps as she was now eye to eye with him, growling and looking rather pissed as her words broke the eerie moment!

"You did this to me! And now you're just going to stand there?!" She hissed out as she wished so badly to draw blood from the one who made her like this, while holding it all in as she bared her fangs.

Those twin fangs looked rather menacing, no doubt able to draw blood from even the heavy plated of dragons! He could only back up more, being rather cautious of that bite as his form shifted back towards her flank. His eyes soon returned to her swollen cunny now, another egg beginning to press out through those blue lips to land next to the other. She gave another soft hiss at this, claws beginning to dig into the pillows of their nest before she snarled out!

"Too bad you couldn't be the one laying, and I could be the one enjoying the show!" She exclaimed with a bit of a growl, as she just starred forward.

The blue watched as she pushed hard to free a hefty blue egg into the world with the others and then pant hard as she found a good median. It was up to five now and still she seemed so full, he continued to caress and lick over her gently as she would snarl with each hard push! The two lovers shared each laying, each push and each promise that his death would be painful and slow as they went long into the night. The laying producing up to ten eggs already, beginning to make quite a pile in the nest as she seemed to become adjusted to the labor.

"Good girl, you really have this." He spoke softly to her, encouraging and supportive as her hissing died down to just pure panting.

Her head lay against the nests edge, creating a small pile of pillows to rest upon as she just grumbled at his words.

"Maybe next time, you can lay the eggs." She retorted through heavy breathing, grunting out as yet another egg passed through her stretched vagina's folds.

"And take away your title of mother? I think not my dear." His words still soft, spoken with a hint of that humor from before that was almost lost.

The words brought a soft smile to her features, even despite the current pain constantly sweeping through her. She was rather proud of the thoughts of being a mother, to care for their children brought out a rather warm feeling within her. But then the pain came back, causing the dragoness to hiss once more as she shut her eyes tightly. It was around the sixteenth egg, the eggs now laid within a large pile filling a good part of the nest. The blue was rather busy working to make sure each egg was in its own spot to keep them from being atop each other.

The dragoness slumped down now, feeling the pains ceasing as her rear lowered down still dripping with the remains of the blue liquid afterbirth. Panting steadily she was just glad that it was over, then she felt something strange against her vent! Glancing back she could make out the swishing tail of the blue behind her, she felt his snout press into her oversized folds now and that skilled tongue of his as he began to clean her! She could only grin a bit, knowing that her open vent was rather large now she had to at least try something.

Just as his snout would dip into it, and the lick would caress over her depths she pressed her rear backwards and engulfed his whole snout! Those stretched sex lips seemed weak, but as they gripped his snout like a vice he only meeped out in surprise! She just enjoyed this moment now, feeling his snout squirm as she hissed out softly.

"Mmm looks like I caught myself a Dravus" She proclaimed with a grin, just as the grip turned into a gentle massage.

Felt his hands move to her rear giving it a soft massage, not letting his snout leave as it allowed his tongue access to the deeper parts of her inner walls! She gave out a tender purr, her body fully relaxed now as she almost felt herself melt at the pleasant feelings washing over her. That tongue of his just knew what to do, and where to venture as he made sure to watch his step and not damage the eggs. Wishing to make sure she knew that he did love and appreciate all that she did for their family. Cleaning up her back side was just part of the gift he wished to give her, knowing well she had been through so much as he gave her rear a gentle kiss.

The night seemed to drag on for the poor dragoness, the process of bringing so many eggs into the world left her feeling so drained. Being the first time for her, it was indeed the worst having not expected to lay so many in one labor. It made the blue feel as though he did little more then watch, her words stirring in his mind now. Having never known the sensations of giving birth or laying eggs, he couldn't understand fully just what is was to be in her condition. As she drifted off to sleep finally, he decided to stay up; his body and mind knowing well what he should do as his eyes gazed upon the messy clutch of eggs.

Morning came fast, almost as if there was no real night as both had spent most of their time awake. But for her it was the first day of being a mother, as her eye's opened to greet the new day's sunlight as it beamed into their lair. Her head rose up, the scales on her body having regained a bit of their color as she let out a soft wide yawn. Body still rather sore, but able to move around once more as her head turned to check on the clutch. Blinking in surprise, the eggs were almost sparkling in the sunlight gleaming with cleanliness as if they had been polished with care and love. Then her eyes took in her mate's form in the corner of her gaze, in the more shaded part of the chambers.

Sunlight didn't touch him as he stayed within the shadows, sleeping rather soundly after being up all night with his task that caused her heart to soar. Did he stay up all night just to prove he was a real part of their family? Her wings fluttered out a bit to stretch, her thoughts seeming to fall onto how happy she was to have him; tail moving to curl around the clutch of eggs gently now. She began to settle back down, head resting at the edge of the nest as she just watched him sleep. How proud she was to be his, to be the mother of his children; though she would no doubt have to reward his behavior later one with one of their fun games no doubt. But at the moment, their family was at ease and together. That's all she could really ask for as her eye's closed to wait for her mate to wake.

~The End