The Fox, The Rat and The Beast (edited and improved)

Story by KleptoTheFox on SoFurry

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New edited version of my story

This is my story proluge, i submitted it before but it was a mess, so i edited, cleaned up and improved it

The evening sunlight Shown through the tree top as the smell of a wilderness of pine trees in their prime filled the air late summer air. The constant buzzing of Mosquitos and singing of birds added to the natural calm of the scene. Clam enough so as no one would bear any notice to the shape laying low in the brush.

Velox Lay Low in the brush. His Fur; typical rust orange and white beared by most foxes lay concealed by the bushes and broken branches of the wooded floor. Twigs poked his underside, but he paid no heed, he was used to the feeling of being uncomfortable. Life was hard and Food was scarce and for the first time in nearly a week he had found a bite to eat, and there it was, a pump young rodent completely un-aware of what wait for him in the leafy brush not a few meters away. Patiently the hungry Velox, waited, stalked, completely silent or at least as silent as he could manage to make himself. He flicked his tail anxiously; His growling stomach urged him forward but his better judgment holding him back. He was no longer the fastest fox on the block, and he knew that, otherwise he would have just straight up ran down his food. "Come on, just a little closer..." , he thought to himself eager and impatient. He tried to hold back and wait for the moment when it was most right, but it was too late before he knew it Propelled by instinct over his knowing better, he lunged forward in hopes of coming down on top of the small rodent before it could react. Unfortunately, the rat had time to, and did react, dashing off at the first hint of danger, scurrying off through the leaves. Annoyed at the inconvenience Velox Swore under his breath, but keen to his nature, and unwilling to go another day without sustenance he sighed and dashed after the potential meal.

Velox had been through much. Hard winters, determined rivals, shortages of food and so much more, but this year had been particularly hard but he managed to get through it, he always did. Suffice to say he had lost weight, gained a few scars and was beginning to show some grey in his muzzle. To The Aged Fox this was just another day.

The vulpine darted after the creature and In moments he was upon the obtuse rat .Phasing out everything else in the world that was not his meal to be, he had ignored, or just failed to notice his coming to a clearing in the underbrush, the twigs and leaves becoming consistent green grass, and the grass becoming a gritty black surface, hot and heated by the afternoon sun. A mild breeze in the air, the sun beat down on his fur, no longer partially blocked out by the foliage, and upon the black grit, the Fox had won once more. The quick rodent, was not yet quick enough and fallen beneath the vulpine's hungry paws. Smiling in victory, the canine bore down his teeth on the rat picking him up in his jaws and giving the helpless animal a good shake, breaking its neck.

After years of hard life of hard survival, at this point Velox knew, it mattered to enjoy the little things, and he did, and happily relishing his victory. Not wanting to be left in the open, he began to trot back into the dense brush carrying lunch, with his head held high and a strut in his walk. As the Victorious Velox started off, there can a deafening noise. He saw it coming but could not physically react fast enough. Coming down the black gritty ground speed a massive metal monster, bearing down on him and in less than an instant it was on top of him. His brain shouted; "MOVE!" but his body remain frozen, and it was too late. For the briefest of moments, The Helpless fox felt what could only be described as a pain beyond description, his bones crushing under the immense weight of the beast, his organs bursting, and then nothing as the peaceful oblivion took him....

The Fox, The Rat and The Metal Beast

The evening sunlight Shown through the tree top as the smell of a wilderness of pine trees in their prime filled the air late summer air. The constant buzzing of Mesquetos and singing of birds added to the natural calm of the land. Clam Enough so as...

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