Alisaria's New Favorite Bar

Story by Alisaria on SoFurry

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Alisaria's New Favorite Bar

~~~~PART ONE~~~~

Alisaria was walking down the street when she saw a sign posted for a new bar that just opened. It was named: {the Cherry Splitter} "Hmm, I could use a drink."

She walked through the front doors and went over and sat at the bar.

"Ill have one shot of Jack Daniels, on the rocks please."

The bartender was a beautiful brown squirrel with a long bushy tail, he turned to Alis and said "Sure thing little missy" his name tag read: Calin

She looks around and finally notices a bull sitting next to her; he was big guys no doubt about that, he was definitely muscular, and he had nice fur just the color of hers, so she looked at him and asked "Can I buy you a drink?"

The bull looked down at her "Sure id like that a lot, what's your name? Oh im sorry. I forgot to introduce myself first, im Grind fist."

Alisaria smiled "I'm Alisaria, its nice to meet you"

She looked past the bull and noticed a squirrel, a lion, and a HUGE Jaguar sitting down from the two of them, the lion and the squirrel were having a lil suck fest down at the end licking each others cocks.

The jaguar was just boasting to grind fist and Calin about his size, and then the Jaguar noticed Alis sitting on the end "Hey you're new here eh? Cool, I'm Nightshade, and if ya want ill give you a nice ride for $20, c'mon hinny. U know you want to ride this Som Bitch"

Alisaria looked at him and laughed "Ha, man... your just a jaguar filled with nothing but testosterone, maybe you oughtta try the whore house down the street to release it all."

Nightshade looked at her "Humph well aren't you a bitch, he reached crossed Grind fist to strike her, but the bull knocked his hand away and picked her up on his lap "I don't think you should talk to a woman that way"

The jaguar stopped and looked at Grind fist "Oh c'mon Grind...I was just gunna mess up her hair! Girls hate that."

Grind fist looked at him "Well still Kaice, it's impolite."

Alis liked sitting in Grind's lap, she pressed her head against his chest and listened to his heart beat, and then she felt his paw on her head.

Alis thought to herself that she might have found a good guy to finally settle down with.

But then she thought she might be moving to fast, but the bull must have sensed this and squeezed her closer "its ok, I like fast women."

Alis looked over at Kaice, and Grind's head moved with hers, The Jaguar was boasting about his size again.

Grind fist looks down at Alisaria. "He's... probably addicted to steroids..."

Alis smiles and reaches up and kisses Grind on the cheek and she presses her head against his chest again. "People who use steroids are just wannabes..."

Grind fist was startled by the kiss but he just shrugs and pets her back with a paw, leaning in to nuzzle at her shoulder. "You smell good..." He turns his head slowly and brushes his muzzle along her neck, sniffing at her fur.

Alis smiles and lifts her head to meet his lips, "well you smell like bull, and that's an ok smell by me. In my opinion...bulls smell nice"

Grind fist thinks Calin should remember the words he gave the bull himself, we are all made for different purposes. The squirrel's is to be cute and convincing, not smashing buildings. The bull closes his eyes and hums louder, squeezing the girl in his arms. "Never been anything else..." Again his pants might get him in trouble, since they are a fair amount too small and easy to feel things through. They also don't hide things well.

"You would rather have me then him? He's a lot, well... BIGGER if you know what I mean"

Alis Grins. she looked up into Grind's big Green eyes "it's not about how small you are down here, she grabs the bull's pants, but about how BIG you are up here she touches the bulls heart." and personally right now. If I was judging you by size up here, id say you have Kaice beat by light years" She smiles once again

Grind fist blinks, taking in a sharp breath when she grabs him. She could already tell he wasn't small down there... besides, he wouldn't want to be that big, there's nothing he could do with that. He pets her hair and smiles happily. "Uh... thanks..." He lowers his head and kisses her cheek.

Kaice stops talking and looks at the two "Oh really?"

Alis Glares at Kaice "YEAH, really" she then gives him a quick smile and tosses her hair back, her red hair glides through the air like it was a part of it.

Grind fist watches, eyes wide. "Pretty..." He grins to the girl. "Your hair..." He nudges her gently with his muzzle, no idea what he intended to say after that, pushing up under her jaw and flicking her throat with his wide flat tongue..

Grind fist raises his head slowly and nuzzles her forehead, squeezing softly around her. His paws rub at her back, wide fingers pressing into the muscles as something of a crude massage. He grunts softly, and through a pant leg she could feel the length pressing softly against her body. It was slightly painful; the legs of his jeans didn't have that much extra room.

Alis reaches down and un-buttons his pants after noticing his discomfort, "its ok, it doesn't bother me" she smiles, The Long Shaft got bigger as Alis sat there and it t=started creeping up her side.

Grind fist nods slowly. "Glad it doesn't... would you want to go somewhere else?" The bull nudges at her cheek, motioning with his head toward those double doors to the right. "I mean, if you want to..."

Alis looked up at Grind and then towards the doors "sure, I would like that a lot."

Calin flicks a peanut at grind "see you later, stud."

Grind fist picks the girl up and starts off with her. Lifting her is effortless, and he brings her close to cuddle with while he moves. A peanut bounces off his arm and he smiles to Calin. "Okay, see you later too." He walks through the doors with her.

~~~~PART TWO~~~~

Grind fist sets the girl down on the bed, laying her out gently. He leans in to kiss her lips, one paw supporting his weight on the bed while the other works to remove the confining jeans.

Alis watches as Grind works the jeans off and she takes her vest off.

She loves Grinds lips against hers. His lips are slightly fuzzy and they tickle her lips even though she has fur herself.

Grind fist is what one could expect below from a creature made for labor, who is larger in every regard from the typical creature, but not massive like some portray themselves as. He slips his shirt off, leaving everything he possesses in that bundle on the floor. When he's entirely naked, he climbs to the bed himself, getting close to her, that shaft trailing up past her hips to her belly.

Seeing the bull naked arouses alis even more so she takes the final article of clothing she has on, off, a pair of black panties, and she watches the bulls shaft climb up her belly. She grabs it and looks at the bull, "ah ah ahhh...this goes here. She put it between her legs. And she feels it slip into her like a hot knife into butter."

Grind fist grunts low when she takes him, the bull sucking in a deep breath and letting it out slowly. He pushes in with his hips, his frame grinding against her own, as hips press to hips. He's taken with the moment, the feel of her slick walls around the length, and begins pumping into her, slow at first, then speeding to a rapid pounding.

Alis closes her eyes as the tip of it touches the end of her vagina... she doesn't grunt but begins to growl softly as she enjoys the bulls thrusts coming one after another, fast and faster...

Grind fist lets his instinct take over, taking long thrusts within her body. His paws grip at the bedspread, clutching while he moves his entire body, and rocks hers with the motion, pressing her down into the bed. The bull snorts once into the air, sliding the shaft deep within her passage, loving the way the muscular walls squeeze

Around him.

Alis growls louder and she opens her eyes to see the bull pushing her into the bed, she begins to sweat feeling the bulls thrusts going farther in.

Grind fist lowers his chest down, letting his body brush against hers when his tongue glides over the fur of her neck, leaving it matted until he brushes it down with his muzzle. The bull pants lightly, his sheath pressing against her mound with the end of each stroke.

She licks his tongue when it goes by and she begins to relax as the thrusts get easier.

Grind fist tenses up, groaning softly, his muzzle grazing past hers before he catches her in another kiss. His back arches up slightly and a paw slips beneath her while pulling her body up into his hips. She can feel him getting warmer below, pulse racing as he gets closer to release but not slowing down because of that.

Alis watches the expression on Grind fists face, she knows he's getting closer to it. She looks into his eyes, and she reaches up while he's still thrusting and licks his ears...she can feel the release coming soon...but she doesn't want to stop the Bull, she wants it to happen...and it will happen

Grind fist lets out another low snort, the wide grin on his face and clenched eyes telling her that there's no way he's not enjoying this. He slides one paw away from the bed, supporting himself with the other, and playfully gropes a breast, rough thumb pad wiggling over the nipple. He holds out that little bit longer by will alone, wanting

Her to enjoy it like he is.

Alis feels his hand on her breast and she finds it with her paw and gropes it forcing him to squeeze harder, she gets a huge grin, and ear to ear smile. She knows grind is enjoying it. But she may be enjoying it even more. She reaches down and finds about a 1/2 inch of shaft still outside of her clit, so she grabs it and jacks it as if it was inside too. She listened to the bull groan and she growled so loud the people in the other room probably heard it.

Grind fist feels her paw around what little is left and a shiver runs through his spine, the bull grunting with pleasure. He gently bites on her shoulder and lets out a muffled roar, a torrent of fluid filling her passage, jetting into her with a lot of force. His seed comes in such great gushes that it starts to leak heavily from her muscular entrance, rolling down past her tail hole to drip across the bed. The bull keeps moving, thrusting, each pump sending more fluid until he was drained, and slows to a halt.

She cries out when she feels the ejaculation come. She feels his playful bite on her shoulder, she knows that she is enjoying every little moment, and she'll never forget this. She then felt him stop so she reached down didn't let him pull his shaft out, instead she looked at him and gave him a long kiss right to the mouth, she stopped for a second "don't pull it out, its fine where it is" she then went back to kissing him. And she began to grope at his chest, leaving small scratches but he seemed to enjoy it.

Grind fist leaves himself buried deep inside and kisses back, passionate, adoring, and playful. Scratches didn't bother him, he thought it was cute, and each little scrape makes him feel alive. He leaves his eyes closed and slips the paw from her chest, needing both to support himself over her without harm. He wraps an arm beneath her and rolls onto his back, pulling her with him, still leaving the shaft within there, enjoying the feel of her muscles pressing at the tender length.

She had never felt this way before about someone...she thought that maybe she found the right guy, this was her 2nd time mating...but she had never thought about the last person like she did Grind, and the last guy was actually her species! When he flipped her, she had a smile on her face; she then grabbed his horns and forced him to kiss a little harder. this seemed to delight the bull, she knew it delighted she stopped and she flopped back onto the bed...still leaving the bulls shaft inside of her...but she needed to catch her breath.

Grind fist goes toward the kiss. She knew what she liked and he liked that too. He rolls to his side with her, cuddling up to the woman and letting her recoup. The bull's breathing was coming back to normal as well. All his working left him with a great stamina, and with her keeping his length within her, it's not getting a chance to go down, always stimulated.

Alis then felt a great accomplishment. She then turned on her side and looked at the bull lying on his back breathing normally. She gave him a smile. "Well that was fun, eh?" she asked with almost complete certainty what his reply would be. She knew he would say yes. So she looked at him lay there.

Grind fist nods quickly, stroking a paw over her side, stroking the fur and letting his tail thump on the bed. The bull looks hazy and content, and strokes her belly with his fingertips. "Yeah... felt great..."

She then moved her tail and wrapped it around his. And she gave him a cute smile. "I'm glad it did" she watches as his fingers move crossed her stomach...she takes his hand and she kisses it, she then takes it and lays it on her cheek. She gets a warm sensation from the fur on his hand. She feels him slightly shaking. She then slides closer to him and wraps her arms around him. And since he's taller than her...her face laid crossed his chest. She's better to say nothing to try to let this time last as long as possible.

Grind fist strokes his paw over her cheek, brushing her hair and finally letting it settle at the back of her neck. He smiles cheerfully and holds her gently. The bull has a little fat, a lot of muscle, and generates all the warmth she would ever want to snuggle to. He kisses her on the top of the head, broad tongue teasing her ears.

She felt the warmth of his body and she began to doze off but kept herself awake. She liked him playing with her ears, his tongue was warm and it made her lil ears feel nice. She also liked his large hand on the back of her neck. So she just laid there and let him play with her while she loved every second of it"

Grind fist scratches slowly down her back to the base of her tail and scratches there with his thick, blunt fingernails while he nuzzles the top of her head. He takes one of her ears between his lips and suckles gently against it; just going with whatever feels good, she would let him know if he was doing something wrong.

She had been quiet since the sex...but now she began to growl quietly and contently once again...but she began to fell a little thirst so she asked if they could go back out and get something.

Grind fist wouldn't argue. He slides slowly from her body, shivering slightly as his length leaves her amazing warmth and is exposed again to the outside air. He kisses softly on her lips again and gets to his hooves and reaches down, helping her up.

She takes his hand and slides out of bed, she lands on the floor with a soft "thud"

she then began to put her clothes back on, but never looked away from grind. causing her to fall when she was putting her pants back on. She looked up at grind and gave him a nervous smile.

Grind fist steps over, smiling, scratching the side of his head. "You... you want to do something else?" He has his jeans on one paw, and drops them at the foot of the bed, reaching down to pet her ears.

Alisaria smiles. "Like what?"

Grind fist shrugs and chuckles. "I don't know. Whatever you want." He looks over the logistics. It seemed strange but... he scratches behind her ears. "You wanna taste?"

Alisarias Smile gets bigger. "Ha-ha, you kind of read my mind."

Grind fist grins and reaches down, takes his girth in one paw, offering it to her. The bull strokes the back of her neck, leaving one hoof forward for balance. He brings his length close to her muzzle, gently pressing it to her lips.

Alisaria takes the Shaft into her mouth and she curls her lips in to try not to bite it. She loves the strange taste of it. It smells strange as well. But it's nice.

Grind fist grunts softly and closes his eyes again. The paw from the back of her neck slips up to her head, gently pulling it toward him, while he lightly presses onward with his hips. She seemed so cute and submissive, he would take the initiative.

Alisaria thought to herself. "This is a different kind of sex, but I sure do like it." She felts the tip touch the back of her throat but she doesn't care...she likes it back there...and that's where it can stay for all she cares. She reaches her paws up and starts to rub the shaft that's exposed. Then she starts to suck it.

Grind fist breathes slow and paced, enjoying the feel, the pleasure. He rocks his hips slowly, like a gentle pump, from her mouth to the back of her throat, so much more to give. He smiles down to her and manages to open his eyes, watching her cute expression. "Go... deeper?"

Alisaria thought to herself "it's in my Throat...but I don't care" Alis Nods

Grind fist gives her some time to adjust before he pushes deeper, penetrating her throat. He pulls her in closer, at the neck, which would make it easier for both of them, and slips his length deep inside, pulling back once more. "Was that okay?"

Alisaria Nods, "if your going to push it that far pull it out every few seconds so I can breathe...but yeah. It's great" she takes a breath and grabs his shaft shoving it in her mouth and down her throat.

Grind fist groans, raising his muzzle high as he enjoys it. He leaves her to handle his length, putting a paw on the bed's frame to support his weight if he feels weak from the pleasure. He grinds into her throat, pulling her gently into it, sliding back to avoid suffocating her while the tip runs along her tongue, making sure to do this every few seconds as asked.

Alisaria loves this as much as Grind does. She looks up at him with his grunting expression and she smiles. But only a little cuz having that thing in your mouth...its kind of hard to smile. She notices his expression is like the one before when they were having sex...she knew the same thing would be coming to her mouth soon as well.

Grind fist looks down to her and hums happily, stroking her cheek with the paw from her neck. He pushes slowly into the tight throat, the squeezing driving him wild. She was good at this, even if she hadn't gotten much practice. He pushes in deep, giving her more, gently pressing his hips to her nose before drawing back out, then does so again. It was amazing, though the better it feels the shorter it lasts.

Alisaria listens to grind humming. She feels him stroking her cheek. She felt like she had never felt before. She was happy. She was so happy she took 1 breath and sucked him 5 times before she took another one. She loved it. It was a sensation that she couldn't hate. So she kept sucking till she felt him thrusting harder.

Grind fist pants and grips at the bed, his heartbeat thumping in his chest. He pushes deep and finally can't hold out any longer. A rush of seed fills her throat and leaks into her belly, the bull sliding back to where she can breathe again, though the seed still fills her mouth.

Alisaria felt the Sticky substance fill her mouth then she swallowed it...there was so much she felt like she was going to explode. But Grinds thrusting came to a halt and he removed his shaft. "Whew...that was a rush..."

Grind fist drops to one knee, nuzzling at the side of her neck and pulling her close against him. "Mmm... thank you..." His tail whacks against the side of the bed, but he doesn't really notice, or care.

Alisaria Smiles. "Anytime Hun" she wrapped her arms around him and gave him a kiss he would never forget. She stood up and turned to pick up her clothing. "Wow...this was an experience. Bet your friends are waiting to hear your (juicy) details" she helped grind to his feet and she looked him in the eyes. "God i'm thirsty...I want some scotch or something..."

Grind fist licks his lips and rises with her, then nods. "Yeah... I could use something to drink, too." He starts getting dressed, looking fairly tired from the playing but extremely happy.

Alisaria walks over to grind when he's done dressing, and tries to carry him. But she couldn't even lift him 1 inch. "Aww... "

Grind fist chuckles and picks her up instead. "Yeah, I'm kind of heavy. Let's get something to drink, hm?" He nuzzles at her chest and walks out to the bar.

Alisaria thinks she's finally found her favorite bar, and even better... her favorite guy.