The Club is a Dangerous Place (Part 4/7)

Story by DylanDragon on SoFurry

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#4 of The Club is a Dangerous Place

The Club is a Dangerous Place (Part 4/7)



The Club is a Dangerous Place (Part 4/7)

Dylan walked back to the grove of trees, where Tiff was correcting her earlier mistake by kissing the right Klick.

"Um, guys, I can't find Xavier," Dylan said worriedly, "Are you sure you didn't see him come out, Tiff?"

"I'm sure," she said "When I came out of the bathroom, the sink was on in the guy's side"

Dylan started panicking. "Where is he?!" he asked to no one in particular.

"Relax, dude, we'll find him," reassured Klick.

All three of them spread out, thinking that Xavier didn't see them in the grove and went somewhere else.

"I tried his cell phone, but it's off," said Dylan.

They continued searching. Tiff retraced their steps down the path, searching every bush and tree. Klick went to the parking lot to check. Dylan ran around the park twice, looking for any sign of his mate. Klick returned.

"Is Xavier's car blue? I think the model was a Lightning--"

"Yes!" yelled Dylan.

"Well, it's still in the parking lot. So he should still be here," said Klick.

"But he's not..." whispered the dragon.

"Here, Klick and I will stay here for now, and keep looking," said Tiff. "You run home and see if he's there. Keep your cell phone on"

Dylan nodded. "Thanks, guys, I really appreciate this..."

"No problem, dude. This is important, you can thank us later," said Klick, clicking his tongue again.

Dylan took off, running home. He stopped at the red light to cross the street, clanging the street-crossing button almost to the point of its destruction. When the light turned green, he sprinted across. There was only one thing on his mind: Xavier. He had to be safe. He had to be.

He hoped with all his heart that his otter was at home. Why, it didn't matter. How, it didn't matter either. He just had to be there.

Dylan finally reached the house. He stuffed his key into the lock. He pushed on the door, but it wouldn't budge. He cursed. He didn't remember locking the deadbolt on the way out. He felt a glimmer of hope. Taking out the second key, he shoved it in the slit, turned, and pushed in.

He slammed the door behind him.

He shouted out, "Xavier! Are you here?!" There was no response. He took a step forward into the kitchen. His feet touched something slick. He looked down.

He yelled in horror as the sight of Xavier on the floor met him. The otter was lying haphazardly on the floor, with a knife in one hand, and a picture of Dylan in the other. Blood had drained from his left arm and flooded the tiled floor.

Dylan kneeled in the liquid, wrapping a towel tightly around the otter's arm, which was still flowing blood, although at a slow rate. He pressed his head against Xavier's chest, hoping for a heartbeat. He received one, albeit weakly.

He started panicking. He imagined that Xavier could die, and tears started flowing from his eyes. He took out his phone, and dialed 911.

Someone picked up at the second ring. He gave the address and shakily described the situation.

"My...friend is badly hurt, and he needs an ambulance now!"

The other end of the line dispatched an ambulance immediately, sending it to the address he had given. He called Klick and Tiff to tell them what had happened.

Dylan turned his attention back to the otter. Xavier's eyes were closed, and his mouth was slightly open. The dragon could see the chest rise and fall just barely. He started crying. He didn't care what happened and why he did this. He only cared about his mate's life, and his safety.

He used one claw to hold onto the towel, stopping the bleeding. He used the other to gently stroke Xavier's paw. "Xavy..." he whispered, "please..."

Red and blue lights flashed outside the window. Dylan tied the towel down so it would stay in place. He took a few seconds to caress the otter's cheek, causing more tears to leak out.

He stood up, and shakily opened the door. A uniformed mare came in, asking for the location of the patient. Dylan gestured to the otter lying on the ground. She came in with her partner, a wolf. They lifted him up, and onto the stretcher. The wolf carted him into the ambulance, hooking up all the equipment. In the meantime, Dylan explained to the mare what had happened. His voice wavered, and tears fell onto the pavement.

"C-Can I come with him?" Dylan asked.

The mare shook her head. "Sorry, we need to rush him to the hospital and we need to be able to do our work unobstructed. It's procedure. You can visit him in the hospital very soon though"

Dylan started crying again. "X-Xavy...please be okay..."

Noticing the tears, the mare sighed. "You know what? This is highly unconventional, but you can come. But only if you promise to step back when we need you to"

Dylan nodded with conviction. The wolf opened the back door, and Dylan sat down on a stool at the end. The wolf returned to the driver's seat, while the mare followed Dylan into the back, and kept watch on the vitals. The doors closed, and they were off. The siren blasted outside, warning other drivers.

Dylan bit his lower lip to stop himself from crying further. He reached out and held Xavier's paw, stroking it softly. "We're almost there...hold on..." he whispered.

Dylan watched as nurses removed the towel from his arm and replaced it with a sterile bandage. They gave him antibiotics and sterilized clothing. They hooked him up to various machines to measure his blood pressure and heart rate.

Xavier had his own small room, which allowed privacy for the two. A stallion in a doctor's lab coat came into the room, and talked to Dylan, who had calmed down a little.

"Okay, your friend here lost a lot of blood. He cut at his elbow, which is a very bad thing to do. He was lucky enough to miss the tendon, so he should have full arm function. However, he was unlucky enough to also nick a major artery. You did the right thing stopping the blood flow with a towel"

Dylan nodded. "Is he going to be okay...?" he asked shakily.

The doctor sighed. "Like I said, he lost a lot of blood. He's physically stable for now, but it depends on if his body can still function after losing that much. Hopefully, he'll wake up and he'll be the same as before"

Dylan nodded again as the doctor left, closing the door behind him. The dragon approached the bed. Xavier was lying in it, still with closed eyes and a slightly open mouth. Dylan lowered the railing on the side, and pulled up a chair so he could be eye-level with the otter. Simply looking at the state of his mate made him cry again. He took Xavier's paw in both his claws. He stroked it gently, tears sliding down his face and dripping onto the otter's fur.

Dylan gently nudged Xavier's neck with his muzzle. "Xavy...please wake up...please be okay..."

The dragon leaned forward, moving his face close to Xavier's head. "I love you, Xavy..." he said quietly, barely above a whisper. He reached up a claw and petted the otter's hair, and left a kiss on his cheek. He was reduced to sobbing again, crying into Xavier's neck.

Dylan felt something nudging his shoulder lightly. He thought he imagined it and rolled it around, trying to get rid of the sensation. The pushing came back harder. He looked up, and Xavier was staring at him with eyes wet with tears.

Dylan gasped in surprise, which soon became an exclamation of happiness. "Xavier! You're awake!" But something was wrong. Xavier was staring at him with sadness, despair, and what seemed like contempt. "Xavy..." he said, concerned.

Xavier spoke quietly, his voice barely above a whisper. "Get off of me...go away..." he said, turning his head away from Dylan.

The dragon felt his heart break. He backed off. "Xavy..." he whimpered.

"I said go...I loved you...but you didn't. Not ever..."

Dylan took a step back, but his legs gave out halfway. He collapsed onto the ground, sobbing uncontrollably as Xavier cried silently, still refusing to look at the dragon.


Why is my writing turning all sad and dark... Eh, I'll go back to cupcakey happiness later.

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