The Wolf and his Prey Chapter 8

Story by Zack_Wolfe on SoFurry

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#3 of The Wolf and His Prey

Chapter 8: Enjoy what you have.

    Amy walked with Zack down to...

Chapter 8: Enjoy what you have.

Amy walked with Zack down to the resturants, she was so happy. He had gotten her a beautiful necklace and had a wonderful time with him. As they walked down through the hallway to the lobby she looked up at him and smiled, he smiled back at her his arms wrapped around her.

They walked past the amazing marble coloumns and gold decorated interior of the lobby. Zack had frozen in place, but Amy smiled and continued walking. She heard some commotion and looked to see what was happening. A large looking lion had walked in he started to yell at the crowd of people in a cockney accent. "NOBODY FUCKING MOVE OR I'LL BLOW YOUR BRAINS ALL OVER THE MOTHERFUCKING WALLS!". She looked at him and seen that he had a large gun and a bulletproof vest. She couldn't move, she wanted to run but her body just wouldn't let her. Her breathing was frantic. She looked up as he approached her. He just stared at her. "Gimme the jewels luv." He said as she stood there still dumb founded. He started to bring the gun up to aim and suddenly she moved out of the way, she was confused because she didn't move her body.

BANG!!! The deafening sound had caused her ears to ring madly. As she rolled over she then seen his bloody lifeless body fall to the ground. She got up to find Zack. His body was a few feet away from her. His body, his fur, and his clothes were soaked in blood. Amy was shocked she got down next to him. "I love you" he said before his body fell limp in her arms. She started screaming. The police and ambulance sirens were beginning to scream just outside the casino. She continued to scream and cry on top of his body. "He can't be dead! He just can't! Wake up, Damn you! Please, I love you! Get up!" She began to scream out. Just then some men tried to pull her away from the body. "NO YOU'RE NOT GOING TO TAKE HIM AWAY!!" She screamed at them. "Ma'am please we are the paramedics we are going to help him." A tall tiger told her. The EMTs had stopped some of the bleeding and put him on a backboard the proceeded to put him in the ambulance. "I need to go with him!" she yelled. "Are you related to him?" one of the EMTs, a bear, asked her. "I'm his Girlfriend!" she said panicking. "Ok but first you need to calm down, alright." He said to her. "How the Hell am I suposed to calm down? The only person in the world I care about is DYING! She yelled. She took a deep breath. He was right yelling isn't going to help. She got inside the van and the sped off towards the hospital.

She sat there in tears and disbelief. Her paw held his limp weak lifeless paw. Amy sat there just listening to what they were saying. "We need to control the bleeding!", "On it." "His pulse and breathing are weak, we need to get him to the ICU right away.". Amy watched as they tried to save him, crying harder then she had ever done before. "Thank God he is still alive!" She thought to herself trying to reassure herself. "You're going to make it! You're going to be alright, please please don't give up I'm right here, Please." Amy begged and pleaded with him. The ambulance had pulled up to the hospital. "Sorry ma'am but you are going to have to wait outside now." The bear had told her. They then wheeled him of to the ER. Amy sat in the waiting room crying silently. "I might lose him." she thought to herself. "I can't lose him, I need him." "He will probably die." "No way he is going to make it, I will be by his side!" She argued with herself.

Two hours had passed, her fears had grown with every minute that passed. She was a wreck. She couldn't handle anymore stress. Then a rabbit nurse had walked into the waiting room. "Is there any family members of...Zack Wolfe here?" She said looking at a clip board. "YES!" Amy said literally jumping up out of her seat. "Is he alright? Is he alive?" She began to bombard the nurse with many questions. "Yes he is alright, Yes he is alive. He was shot through the abdomen you are extremely lucky the bullet had only passed through one of this kidneys. the doctors removed it and he is sleeping now. "Oh Oh thank you! Really! THANK YOU!" Amy said jumping up and down. She walked into the small room Zack was moved to. Amy looked at him, he had an oxygen mask on and was hooked up to heart rate monitors. He was in a drug induced sleep. She sat in a chair next to him her arms wrapped around his large chest she laid her head down on him. She began to weep again, but this time she was happy. A doctor had walked into the dark low light room.

"You have no idea how lucky you are to have him." the doctor said. "His heart had actually stopped three times during the incident, but at least he is doing alright now." He continued as he walked into the room. "Thank you all of you for keeping him alive, I will be forever grateful." She told the doctor giving him a huge hug as she cried. "I leave you two alone, he might wake up soon, when he does he will probably be in a hell of a lot of pain." the doctor warned her. "Alright thank you." she said holding him again. Once he was much more stable the nurses removed his Oxygen mask and gave him some Morphine.

As the doctor had predicted Zack awoke within an hour. "Ugh Goddamn! What the hell happend?" Zack said groggily. "You were shot you stupid idiot!" Amy said with mixed emotions of happiness, anger, and sadness. Zack had then recalled what had happened. "The casino was robbed, right?" Zack asked. "Yes and the man had a gun." Amy said, reprimanding him. "You could have died!? Do you have any idea how stupid you are!?" Amy told him. "The lion was going to shoot you, you would have died, I pushed you out of the way. Hehe I guess I was in the way when the gun went off." Zack slowly explained. Amy sat there crying and smiling. "You were going to die to save me?" She began to cry. "Of course." He said. Amy got onto the bed laid down next to him and squeezed him tightly. "OW! Hey watch it." Zack said as she squeezed his torso. "Oh sorry." she said. They kissed each other deeply. She cuddled up against her savior, they then fell asleep.