A Dragon's Morning Respite: Part 2

Story by Ausfer on SoFurry

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#2 of That Egg Laying Story I wrote for Athus

"I put my claws up in the air sometimes, saying 'Ay, yo! Fuck my tail-hole!'"-an anonymous dragon

Morning Respite is a short story of a pair of happily mated dragons expecting their first clutch of eggs. And it's chock full of naughty stuff. With dragons. (You perv!) And some kinky stuff involving eggs that I normally would never, ever write about, except that this story was written as a commission. This is a DIRECT continuation of chapter one and takes off right where the first chapter ended. You should go read that one first if you haven't already.

Here's some recap if you need it:

Gillian, a goofy blue-and-grey Mountain Drake, has currently tied with his mate: a smaller, green and yellow Sea Dragoness named Miandra. Gillian had thought to cheer up his mate after seeing her lounge in discomfort over the weight of the eggs in her belly. The two had ended up mating, and Gillian, being porpotionally larger, lifted his mate's cervix and penetrated her uterus (I can't believe I am writing this, lol) during mating, before coming deep inside of her. The scene continues with both dragons having just finished their bout of mating and enjoying the afterglow of eachother's company.

A Dragon's Morning Respite: Part 2

"Gillian," she began, looking up at the blue-scaled dragon that had claimed her. "I love you." She turned her head to meet Gil's own, and the two shared a deep, draconic kiss, still connected at the hips.

"I love you too, hon," Gillian replied, speaking through the kiss. "I love you too."

Breaking the kiss, Gillian gave a playful nuzzle across Miandra's cheek. And then, he began to pull out with a grunt. He pulled back, feeling resistance at first, but with a sudden release, he felt the head of his cock begin to slip out of her cervical opening, causing Miandra to grunt. He retreated reluctantly from her incredibly tight orifice... though admittedly, it seemed a little less tight than before. Slowly, he retracted, until he finally felt the head of his softening cock slip fully from his mate's cervix.

And that's when he felt Mia gasp. She immediately jerked her body and clenched around him with surprising strength. She tightened her grip on his shaft so hard Gillian lurched with a grunt.

"Gil!" She let out a meep. "God, Gil... I feel really full!"

"Eh?" Gillian nuzzled his mate's neck from behind lovingly. "As well you should, my mate."

With a gentle pull, he freed himself completely, suddenly popping the head of his cock out of her blissfully abused slit. His dripping, half-erect dragonhood swayed between his legs as a torrent of pent-up fluids flowed out from the dragoness' stretched vent, dribbling down onto the ground below. There certainly seemed to be a great deal more fluids than usual....

Mia panted for a second, seeming oddly upset and worked up to Gillian. She didn't move a muscle, and kept standing with her forelegs propping her body up on the large rock.

"Gill..." the dragon whined. "No, I mean.... I feel like I'm about to burst!" She immediately tucked her tail down between her legs.

And then suddenly, she gasped and writhed in place. "Ah!" Mia grunted, suddenly feeling a contraction in her womb. The pressure on her cervix was incredible. "Gil!" She snarled and groaned. "It's my eggs!" She felt her cervix, now that it had been penetrated and stretched open, was giving way to her clutch.

Gillian drew to her side with a look of concern on his face. "Are you okay? Maybe it's just a cramp."

Mia's eyes bugged out from a mix of anger and fear. "It's not a cramp you idiot dragon!"

The green-hued dragoness took in several deep breath through her teeth. "I... I feel like I'm ready to lay! My eggs! What did you do, Gil? Oh god, it's because you just had to go deep, didn't you? They.... they're coming out, Gil!" With another uncontrollable contraction from her body, Mia felt an egg push firmly against her cervix, spreading even wider than before. It caused the dragoness to shriek out of fright and pain. She was not prepared for this in the least.

Gillian was worried, but showed his calm in the face of the situation. "Woah, woah... hold on, Mia. Calm down and focus. You're panicking." He drew a wing across the smaller dragon's body gently to hold and calm her. But Miandra tried to worm out of his wing's grasp. She was distressed and frightened, and her emotions in the hysteria were being funneled into anger.

"You did this!" she cried. "You did this to me! Gillian, you little-"

"Shhhh, shhh.... Come on Mia..."

Mia seethed with pain and gave him a stare that could melt rocks and pushed him away. "No!" she snarled. "This it's all your fault! You just had to go deep, didn't you? What if they're coming out because you broke one? What if they're not even ready to come out yet? Did you even think about the consequences? You're nothing but a horny, careless, childish excuse for a-"

Gillian gently caught his mate by the snout. "Calm yourself, Mia!" Gil stared at his mate with a firm, forceful, and commanding gaze, the tension of the moment bringing out his more stern and serious side... it was a part of him he rarely showed. Gillian quelled his mate's anger with his look alone, the surprise of his own flash of fierceness causing the dragoness to quiet. "Look at me, Mia... this is no time to panic."

She quietly tried to pull away, but Gillian held fast to her snout. "Shhh, don't struggle. Stop and look at me, now. Okay?" Gillian's harsh gaze melted into a more comforting smile as he saw his mate calm down."Okay. Good. Now listen, Mia. You're making it worse because you're so tense. So I need you to relax and let it happen.... Breathe, and relax."

"Gil..." she whined.

"Oh, shush up and breathe for me." His expression suddenly softened, gradually turning brighter and animated. "Mia, don't you get it? You're about to lay! You're finally about to go and lay our hatchlings! You can't be angry now, there's no time for it. I need to you focus and relax."

"Gil..." The dragoness' angry expression slowly melted under the realization of what was happening, and Gillian let go of her snout. "Okay.... okay.. you're right." Her jaw dropped wide open. "Oh my gosh, you're right! It's finally happening! Its finally happening! Wait, what do we do? What do we do?" And before Gillian knew it, the dragoness began to panic once more.

Gil's smile dropped and he looked at her with a wide-eyed expression. "The nest.... we gotta get you back to the nest!"

"Right! The nest! Of course!" She worriedly nodded. Tentatively, slowly... she got down from the rock and turned towards the cave. But she made it not three steps before dragoness let out a snarl as another contraction rippled through her body. She tried hard to fight it, but it only made the pain worse.

"Gil!" she cried out in fear.

Gillian tried his best to be supportive and hide his own anxiousness, though Miandra could see it in his worried eyes. He drew close to his mate and laid a wing on her back. "Come on, Mia... we need you to get there as soon as possible."

With a grunt, Gillian urged his mate on, laying his forehead against her rump and pushing her back into their cave as she walked. The pair hurried inside, weaving between the massive stalagmites and boulders guarding the entrance to their home. Miandra blinked as her eyes became shrouded in black and walked back to her nest on memory alone while her vision became adjusted to the darkness.

Soon, the pair came to a raised, level slab of rock in a large chamber surrounded by stalagmites. A large nest was placed on the rock slab, constructed of soft earth and animal pelts from meals long gone. A few lonely rays of sunlight pierced through the large chamber through cracks in the rocky ceiling, bringing much-needed light to their spartan, but welcoming abode.

Upon reaching her nest, the dragoness collapsed in it with a groan and rolled her body to the side, giving her a view of her own haunches. She looked at her own swollen belly with worry, feeling afraid of the events that would soon come to pass.

"Gill, I'm scared... they feel so big."

"Just relax, Mia. Look at me, and relax."

"I-I can't!"

"Okay, let's see what's going on back here.... Holy smokes, you're tight. Mia, I need to you relax! I thought I would have had you stretched out better than this..." he chuckled.

Miandra snorted out of annoyance. "I'm trying, Gil! But I'm too tense. I'm scared!"

"Geez, you feel tighter than when we first met!"

"Gi-i-ill!" She whined.

"Tighter than your tailhole, even! Boy, does that give me ideas...."

"GILLIAN!?" She raised her voice up in a shrill tone out of pure anger. "Don't. You. DARE!"

The dragon laughed and apologized, submissively lowing his head in deference. "Alright, alright... I was only kidding." The cobalt-hued dragon quickly sobered up. "Look, I need you to just focus on breathing slowly. Now, I'm gonna help you relax, okay hon? I'll help, and you just hold tight for me." Slowly, he brought his paw down to his mate's slit. She was swollen and puffed, with egg laying juices smeared all across her engorged lips, but her entrance was clenched tight out of pain and fear.

And before she knew it, Gillian had brought his snout down to Miandra's slit and began to lap at her entrance to her vent. Miandra gasped in surprise. "Why? What are you-Ah! Stop!" She writhed and tried to nudge him away with her hind leg. "You'll just make me tense up even more!" Gillian resisted her kicks and held on to her rump with a firm but gentle grasp. Miandra rolled to her belly and stood up in an effort to get him to stop.

"Gillian! Please..." she begged. The dragon was panting hard, her voice sounding strained and exasperated. She was not in the mood.

But Gillian only nuzzled her snout lovingly and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. "Oh, I know your body, Mia... and you always come around to my tongue." He held and stroked her flank with his wing to comfort her as he he looked up and gave his mate a warm smile.

"Gi-i-ill!" she whined.

"I'm serious about this, Mia. Just relax.... and the eggs will come." Gillian offered.. He fell to the ground with a flop and inched forward until he was resting underneath his mate. "Let's do this together. Are you ready?" he asked, before going back down to lick at her vent once more.

"Gil, I-oh, forget it..." Mia relented, before finally raising her tail for him and closing her eyes in contentment.

With a pleased murmur, Gillian nuzzled the green, scaly slit between the female's legs, drawing his lips across her soft folds and feeling the give and pull of her soft, scaly skin. Slowly, he stuck out his tongue and began to lap at her opening once more, immediately tasting the savory, earthy flavor of her natural fluids that she had just recently gushed. Gently grabbing onto her hips, the male dragon guided her haunches down closer to his face. He then extended his wide, muscular tongue and prodded her opening. Her internal muscles were clenched and tight, and Gillian felt resistance as he tried to push in.

"Come on, Mia... relax for me." he encouraged, before diving back into her wonderful snatch once more. Steady he applied pressure to her vent with his tongue, probing and prodding rhythmically, lapping around the edges of her wet vent and massaging her muscles with skillful precision.

Above him, he heard Mia let out a quiet moan. Slowly, he felt his mate unclench and relax, feeling her do so with an erratic, jerky nature, owing to her anxiety. But Gillian felt all the more encouraged and pressed his tongue deeper, swirling it along her walls from every angle, nudging the muscles inside to widen.

"Gillian, don't stop," She whispered, quickly getting lost in the exquisite treatment of her mate's tongue once again. It was almost enough to make her forget about the pressure deep in her womb. With a long exhale, Miandra finally let go and relaxed fully, instantly feeling her vent widen and her cervix begin to dilate once more. She felt the first of her eggs press harshly against her passage. The pressure was intense, and Miandra set her teeth to try and not clench up and contract around it.

"Great, now try to push," Gillian directed, though he was talking bit odd with his tongue still deep inside her vent.

Closing her eyes and setting her teeth, Miandra began to clench her interior muscles, feeling her womb contract and squeeze. The egg inside of her pushed against her cervix even wider, feeling unbearable to her at first. But with a sudden, firm release of pressure, she felt herself dilate completely, and the first egg slid through the opening, pushing its way into her birth canal.

"Ah! Ah!" she cried.

Miandra immediately clenched up again, feeling scared, but the dragoness felt some reassuring pats on her rump from Gillian who was underfoot, steadily trying to keep her distracted with the most lovely tongue action she could imagine.

"Come on, Mia!" he encouraged, getting the green dragoness to nod and push.

The male dragon pressed his snout closer, bringing his lips to rest against her own and pushing into her until his nose was buried dragoness' crotch. He wormed his tongue in deeper, trying to keep her distracted when suddenly, he felt something hard and gasped to himself. Her egg. He felt it on his tongue, and traced the perfectly smooth shell with his pointed tip. It was larger than he would have ever imagined, and couldn't fathom how Miandra was doing with this shell stretching her insides at the moment. Quickly, he slid a paw down her flank and brought it to the tip of her slit to massage her clitoris as he continued to lick deep inside of her, coaxing the egg out with rhythmic lapping.

He heard his mate growl in pain as she pushed. Aided by the involuntary clenching of her muscles, and guided by Gillian's tongue, the egg slid forward down the dragoness' canal at a slow pace. He pulled back his head and withdrew his tongue as the egg slid forward, and watched with excitement.

"Almost there!" he reassured her.

Miandra's crotch was right above his face, and he stared as her slit began to part on its own, revealing her pink flesh inside. A drizzle of fluids leaked onto his snout. The dragon's swollen slit opened wider as Mia pushed, revealing the first hints of a smoky white egg shell. This was it! Their first egg! He began to wonder what lovely hatchling rested inside when he heard Miandra growl in pain once more, causing him to flinch out of his daydream. Resuming the steady massage on the dragon's clitoris, he bent forward to lick at the edges of her stretched slit, coaxing it out, seeing more and more of the egg appear in front of his snout until the view of the dragoness' vent became almost impossibly wide.

The oval end of Miandra's first egg was peeking out, and Gillian felt nothing but excitement as he licked and lapped all over the surface of the shell and along the taut, stretched entrance of her vent. Her passage bulged and extended out a little, and he felt nothing but the firm pressure of the rest of the egg still inside of her on the paw that massaged her impossibly stretched clitoral hood.

"Come on, Mia... one last push!" he encouraged, lapping steadily across the dragoness' vent to distract her from the uncomfortable stretching. He held out his paws, ready to catch the egg. Above him, Miandra groaned and tensed up her body, suddenly squeezing around the egg tight with a final effort to eject it. And with a rush of pressure, the egg pushed free of the constricting vent and fell forward, dropping safely into Gillian's awaiting forepaws. The release was quickly followed by a deluge of pent-up egg-laying fluids, which splattered all over the male's neck. Gillian was so enamored with the moment he could have hardly cared about the mess. Miandra's stretched vent quickly closed up and contracted, eager to be free of the large object that it had expelled, dribbling a few last drops of slick, clear fluid.

"There! We got one! All safe and sound!" he cried.

Gillian heard the dragoness above him panting, giving herself time to recuperate and relax. She quickly lifted a hind leg and looked back underneath her body.

"R-really?" Miandra felt worn down from her effort already, but the dragoness looked incredibly relieved. "It's okay?"

"Well, aside from this sticky dragon seed from our fun earlier..." Gillian made a clearly disgusted face. "Its all stringy and-"

"Gi-i-ill!" She whined.

The male patted her rump reassuringly. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding... The egg is fine... pristine, even. See?" Eagerly, he held the smoky white orb up for her, carefully turning it in his paws so she could see every angle of the perfectly smooth shell.

"Oh, Gillian...." Her face practically melted at the sight of her first egg. Miandra felt overcome with relief. "It's beautiful. I love you."

The male excitedly grinned. "Love you too, hon, but..." he placed a paw on her still-bulging belly. "You got plenty more to go."

"Ah!" She quickly nodded, as if suddenly remembering where she was. Once more Miandra closed her eyes and focused her thoughts on the feelings and sensations within her body, feeling the pressure along her cervix. Suddenly, she felt a tongue brush across her clitoris, and gasped. She was really sensitive!

Miandra quickly turned her focus back to the task at hand. She felt Gillian lap and gently nibble at her nub with his lips, once again sending a rush of pleasure through her body and causing her to reflexively arch her back. Her mate was right: it certainly helped to distract her from the pain! With a grunt and a push, she quickly felt one more egg slip just inside the entrance, causing her body to react to the sensation and begin a powerful, involuntary contraction. Quickly, it spread her cervical opening wide. But this time, it passed through much quicker than the first, and Mia felt surprised... she felt a lot less resistance. Her body was stretched now, and a wave of relief fell over her as she realized the rest of the laying process would not be as traumatic.

Miandra was feeling a bit less anxious about the situation now, and was trying to be brave. Taking a deep breath, She grunted and writhed, feeling the second egg slowly makes its way down her vent, spreading her walls impossibly wide. Steadily, the large, smoky white shell spread her vent opening wide, and Gillian skillfully applied his tongue in wonderful, and very distracting ways. She felt her rippling muscles push and guide the egg down her vent and closer to Gillian's lapping tongue.

"God, Gil..."

Gillian peeked out from under her hind legs. "Are you okay?" he asked, misinterpreting her pleasured moan as one of discomfort.

"I... I'm doing good." She let out a sigh of relief. "It's not horrible now that I'm not trying to hold them in. Also..." the dragoness blushed. "You're helping a lot."

"Great!" the male replied. "Keep breathing and relaxing, Mia, and we'll get through this."

Get through this, indeed, Miandra thought! She found it a bit embarrassing to admit that she was starting to find pleasure in the rhythmic pressure and release of her involuntary contractions and the intense stretching sensation deep in her vent. Perhaps it was Gillian's tongue. After all, he was getting her worked up, getting her aroused....

Her second egg came much quicker than the first, now that she had been stretched a bit. She felt the pressure travel down her egg canal and suddenly stop at her slit opening. She felt Gillian softly and steadily rubbing her clitoris with a firm claw and licking at her sensitive opening. His other paw ran across her firm, stretched belly, feeling the eggs inside. It was a caring, loving touch, Maindra thought. The pleasure brought from the steady licking and massage was wonderful. Miandra braced herself and gave another push, and she felt her vent opening stretch wide once more.

"Come on, Mia!" Gillian encouraged. His face drew into a broad smile as the second of their eggs came into view. It was a product of his and Miandra's love for each other, and Gillian couldn't help but feel proud as he licked across the surface of the egg and wondered what the hatchling inside might look like. He stroked his mate's full and stretched belly as he encouraged her, guiding the egg out with his tongue. A drizzle of egg-laying fluids dribbled on the tip of his snout as he leaned back to look. Miandra's draconic slit was stretched wide in an oval, and a good portion of the egg was in view. Gently, he lapped across the surface of their egg and prepared to cradle it with one paw as his other continued its firm and steady massage of the smaller dragoness' clitoris.

"Almost there!"

Before he knew it, Miandra released the egg with a grunt and a push, and he caught the smoky-white orb in his paws. The surface was slick with egg-laying fluids.

"Got another one! And it's perfect! You're doing great, hon!"

Mia exhaled a huge sigh of relief. She felt all the muscles in her body tense and gave herself a moment to relax. Adrenaline was pumping through her system. She was riding a natural high. She couldn't believe she was finally laying! But before she knew it she found a rather long draconian tongue play across her stretched vent once more, lapping across her slit in long, slow movements. Gillian couldn't seem to keep himself away.

"Mmm, Gil...." she moaned as she lifted a hind leg and ducked her head to meet her mate's gaze. "Did I ever tell you how much I love your tongue?"

"Only just a few minutes ago. But that's okay... I like to be reminded often." He grinned.

With another gasp, Mia felt a third egg get forced from her cervix and enter her birth canal. She blushed... While the sensations were quite uncomfortable at first, she couldn't help herself from finding the experience become pleasurable really fast. Of course, Gil's tongue tending to her swollen clit and sensitive lips definitely had an effect on the dragoness... But the slow rhythm of pressure, release, pressure as eggs were pushed out one-by-one was quickly becoming something that the horny dragoness savored. As another rippling wave of contractions overtook her vent she relaxed more and concentrated on the sensation of the large egg gliding down her egg canal in a smooth, steady pace. And just as she felt her engorged slit lips begin to part under the protruding shell, a tiny rush of pleasure overcome her. The egg was pushing to get out but she held on for just a moment, reveling in the immense pressure the egg put on her walls. Pain and pleasure became mixed as she found herself sucking in a deep breath and contracting hard around her egg, and Mia let out a tiny whine of pleasure. Her insides tightened up, and seemingly out of nowhere, she began to get that wonderful filling feeling inside. She was having an orgasm!

Gillian licked his lips free of the copious female fluids dripping from her stretched-open slit and paused. "Mia, is something wrong?" he gave a reassuring pat on her butt from underneath.

And suddenly, she felt impulsed to let go, and gave a tiny moan as the egg stretched her slit wide once more and her powerful muscles worked to push the egg out. Once she did, a rush of relief washed over her now that her once-stretched canal was relaxed once more. While she wouldn't have normally found it erotic, the rhythmic pressure and release, combined with Gillian's skillful tongue was driving Miandra up a wall. Having her huge eggs stretch her vent still hurt a little... but the process had very quickly turned into a good hurt.

Panting hard, Mia looked back at her mate and swallowed thickly. "Nothing's wrong, Gil.... I'm just..." she blushed out of embarrassment

"... Having fun?" Gillian suggested. He gave a playful little laugh.

Silently, Gillian flicked his long, draconic tongue from his jaws and once again began to pleasure his mate, taking the time to explore her stretched vent for the time being. He ran his lips around her wet folds, slithering his tongue out and around her sensitive vulva and the flesh kept hidden just beyond her scaly outer slit. But after licking his lips a few times, he finished by planting a deep kiss at her entrance and rolled out from under the panting and pleasured dragoness, causing Miandra to let out a sudden growl of protest.

"Gil..." she whined. "Don't stop."

"Honestly, Mia..." he turned to face his mate. "My tongue is getting tired after all this and the time we spent outside." He approached Miandra's face and gave her snout a nuzzle. " But you're doing great, hon. I'm proud of ya."

Miandra panted hard and patted her belly with her forepaw where she stood. She felt several eggs still left inside of her. Her stretched and sensitive slit was dripping wet with a combination of her egg-laying fluids and her own arousal. Her head was swimming in adrenaline and pleasure. She was aroused, antsy.

Miandra gave her mate a once over. Gillian was clearly aroused from having thoroughly licked her, with his maleness fully everted and leaking a bit of pre-cum. A single drop collected at the tip and more had smeared around the thick shaft. Mia figured he had been already been stroking himself with paw or tail while he was under her. Just staring at the large, draconian shaft between his legs caused the green-hued dragoness to feel a sudden twinge of lust. She wanted it.

"Gil..." Her eyes narrowed as she turned to his gaze, giving off a lusty growl. "If your tongue is tired, then I want you to fuck me," she demanded.

Gillian's left eye ridge shot up in surprise. "Mia!" he laughed. "You still have more to go!"

"In the tailhole, then. Do it."

Her tone was completely serious, and it caught Gillian off-guard.

At that moment, Miandra felt another egg begin to push against her cervix, and she let out a growl. Her loins burned for more stimulation. She wanted to be bent over and taken right now.

Though he wore a surprised expression, a licentious grin slowly spread on his face. "What's gotten into you, Mia?"

The green dragoness lowered her head and gave a husky little huff. "Come on, Gil. I know you like to," she teased him, raising her tail up high and letting out another soft growl. "You know how tight I am back there."

Gillian found her green-scaled tail tip being sensually dragged across his cheek. He gave a playful nudge as he approached her flank, pressing his side up against the smaller dragon. "I won't argue with that. But... you're sure? I'm just worried about you and the eggs."

The green dragoness heatedly licked her lips in anticipation and churred deeply. "Fuck my tailhole, you silly dragon, before I change my mind."

Miandra waited for a reply, but all she got was a low growl, followed by the sudden feeling of her larger mate rearing up on her back. She gasped, feeling a rush of excitement at his forwardness, and braced herself, lifting her thick tail up and to the side to expose her forbidden entrance for him. Being mated in the tailhole... while she was laying! This was so kinky, she thought! It gave the dragoness a wild rush. Miandra felt a strange mixture of punch-drunk from the adrenaline in her system added to the cloud of arousal fogging her mind up. Perhaps those things clouded her judgment, but she trusted Gillian more than enough to not do anything dangerous to their unborn clutch. She wouldn't have asked otherwise.

"Hold on, Gil." Miandra arched her spine and angled her hips down, moving her haunches a little closer to the ground. "I don't want the eggs to fall too far."

"Gotcha. I'll just..." Gillian reared up on his hind legs and sat down on his haunches, angling his draconian member upwards. He steadied himself by holding onto the green-hued dragoness' hips and tail base. It took a moment for the two to properly situate themselves. Then he guided the smaller green dragoness backwards. "There!" he finally proclaimed with a sense of accomplishment as he felt his draconian shaft brush up against her tailhole. His tip felt slick and cool on her sensitive skin. Gillian must have gathered a bit of her feminine fluids for lubrication. A copious amount of the stuff smeared across the scaled indentation that lead to her forbidden hole.

"Do it, Gil!" she shouted, instantly becoming anxious as she felt her insides begin to tighten up around another egg.

"Alright," He grinned. "Here comes the choo-choo train!"

Miandra whipped her head around and gave her mate a glare. "Gillian, that is the least sexiest thing I have ever heard anyone say. Ever."

Gillian only laughed. He didn't reply as he flexed his powerful hind leg muscles and began to push upward, pressing the head of his member into the indented groove that lay underneath his mate's tailhole. Miandra gasped as the pointed tip began to part her puckered entrance. Aided by the copious fluids slathered on his shaft, he spread Miandra's tight opening easily. Slowly, her tailhole reluctantly yielded to the penetration, and Gillian grunted and flexed once the tapered tip of his head slipped in around the tight ring of muscle, causing him to squirt a bit more pre.

"Ah!" Miandra cried, churring to herself softly in a mix of pain and pleasure as a small orgasm shot through her body from the initial penetration alone. She shut her eyes tight for a moment as she focused on the feelings before finally looking back with an expression of wanton lust.

"Start slow, Gil," she whispered.

Gil growled as he slid in her tailhole. He felt her taut ring of muscle unwillingly spread open and stretch to fit around his girth. She was just so tight! Immediately, he bent down and wrapped his forelegs around his lover, gripping her tightly. He heard Mia snarl from the stretching of both her holes at once, and she clamped down on the intruder in her rear tightly. Her legs shot out. Her claws dug into the animal-pelt nesting underneath as he went deeper. It was intense experience for both of them.

The cerulean-scaled dragon slowly stroked his mate's tan chest. "Come on, Mia.... relax, babe."

Panting softly, Miandra slackened her muscles, listening to her mate. "Another egg is coming, Gil." she whispered, grunting as she felt her cervix give way to the large shell inside of her. Gillian seemed to be just barely lubed enough to slide in without too much discomfort, and Miandra let out a moan and arched her back in wild reflex as she suddenly felt her mate slide in much farther, pressing inch after inch of dragonhood deep within her naughty hole. The dragonhood deep in her tailhole gave her a wonderful mix of feeling stretched and the gliding sensation against the wrong side of already sensitive vaginal walls was gave her an exotic, taboo rush. Somehow, it made things all the more intense. Mia relaxed for him, and unconsciously stopped the clenching of her uterine muscles, allowing her next egg to already begin it's descent.

"God!" Miandra gasped as she felt the larger blue dragon begin to thrust into her tailhole. Her body jerked and her tail spasmed in fits of protest as she let herself be taken in the wrong hole. The pressure Gil was giving her was starting to become indistinguishable from the pressure of her egg against her vaginal walls. Mia pushed hard, feeling the large egg stretch her birth canal tightly. She urged it on, wishing for another one to spread her slit wide. The green dragoness huffed and growled to herself in fits of pleasure, too lost in her arousal to think about anything else. All she wanted was more.

Beyond the normal tightness of the smaller green dragoness, Gillian felt the powerful contractions of her egg-laying muscles from the wrong side of her birth canal as it guided her next egg out. They pulsed and churned, giving the cerulean male a unique sensation to savor. He churred softly as he took his mate in the tailhole, intent on making sure the experience was pleasurable for them both. But a firm pressure appeared on the underside of his shaft suddenly, causing him to lurch and hiss in pleasure. Slowly, the sensation pressed tighter against the underside of his cock and worked its way down closer to the base. It caused Gillian to shudder and let out a pleasured growl as he held his smaller mate tight.

"Oh sheesh.... I can feel that. Your egg is pressing against me, Mia." Gillian spat out. His eyes were shut and focused, and he huffed quietly as he continued to sweetly violate her tailhole. The tight ring of muscle stretched wide around the larger dragon was an easy place to become lost in.

Miandra let out a loud moan as her next egg began to spread her slit wide. The next egg was right behind it. She savored the stretching sensation in both her holes and held on tight, clamping down and shutting her eyes tight. The push of the eggs were impossible to stop, and Miandra climaxed as the fourth one popped out, causing her to growl and hiss in ecstasy. Her insides tightened up on their own, clamping down around the next egg as her tight tailhole squeezed around dragonhood that was invading her rear.

There was so much going on in her body. Gillian's dragonhood pressed against her convulsing and undulating vaginal muscles from deep in her tailhole. Her sensitive vaginal walls were caught between egg and cock, and the double pressure was almost too much for Miandra. Her insides were clenching and churning as Miandra's body was wracked by both the pushing contractions of her egg-laying and the tightening up from her orgasm. She clawed at the nesting, her wings spread and weakly flapped as Gillian continued to thrust into her, gliding against her stretched ring of flesh that lined the opening. Her next egg was half-way out, her slit entrance stretched wide from the egg. She arched her long neck back in a throe of passion and snorted a puff of smoke as the fifth one left her. There was no discomfort from her eggs passing anymore. She felt only pleasure.

The remainder of her eggs were coming quickly now. Gillian felt another one pass through his mate's birth canal and heard it drop safely into the mass of animal pelts scavenged from previous meals. Each egg seemed to ignite another miniature burst of pleasure as they pressed firmly against the underside of his cock in a steady, gliding downward motion. The pressure at the base, as Miandra hong on to them a moment before letting them pass... that was the most intense part. He had been dribbling pre-cum freely inside Miandra's tight hole for a while now, and it had been helping to lube her entrance considerably more than when they had first started. Adding to it, Miandra's unorthodox mating hole was now sufficiently stretched wider from being violated with his member. Miandra seemed ready...

And so Gillian began to speed up. Grinning wide, he took his mate with a bit of forcefulness, causing his mate to gasp and growl. The enraptured dragoness looked back at him with eyes closed to mere slits, hissing in debauched content as she fell into the prodding rhythm of that pointed, draconic member exploring her rear. He was going so deep, spreading so wide, and beyond all logic it just felt so good to her. She arched her neck and let out a low, rumbling growl as she was taken, feeling wild as she was wrapped up tightly in the firm paws of her mate.

The claws holding her scaled chest squeezed her with a tight embrace as the male moved his hips in closer, inching more and more of his cock inside her back door entrance. And Miandra felt tongue escape her maw as she began to pant. Her lips were frothy from the sticky, pent-up saliva, and she licked them as another egg began its descent down her birth canal. Idly, she patted her stomach, amazed to find herself much slimmer than before. This was the last one!

"Gillian." She churred deeply. Her voice dripped with a licentious tone. "I want you to come in my tailhole."

Gillian let out a grunt as he pressed into her tailhole extra deep, causing him to finally take her to the hilt. "Already.... trying to." He spat out with a chuckle.

The cerulean-scaled dragon savored once more the rhythmic squeezing of Miandra's birth canal as the last egg began its descent. Slowly, it made its way, the smooth shell pressing firmly up against the head of his shaft and slowly getting more intense as the pressure slided down. He then felt Mia clamp down both holes, locking the egg in place as it peeked out of her slit. She held on and savored the stretching sensation with a churr. Gillian felt his insides begin to churn. His fluids were pooling, getting ready to burst. He was close. He felt Miandra's body began to quiver once more as he continued his deep thrusts inside her tailhole.

And before he knew it, Gillian lost control of his instincts and grasped his mate tightly as his thrusting quickly sped up. He began to snort and growl, savoring the tight press of the egg around the base of his cock and the churning of her muscles as they tried to push out the egg. The blue dragon began to rock the smaller female's body with every push. Miandra gasped as she was roughly taken. Her body took each massive thrust as well as she could. Feeling him take control and dominate her was enough to send the dragoness over the edge once more. She tightened up and climaxed again from the dragon cock in her rear, slowly writhing and growling in his grasp as bursts of pleasure overtook her body from her two stretched holes. She tried to flap her wings out of pure, unabashed reflex, but Gillian's chest held them down. Her tail thwapped against the ground in erratic movements.

Gillian felt his orgasm approaching. His thrusts became harder, more wild and bestial. And in one single moment, he let loose with a wild roar that echoed off the cave walls as his seed spurted inside his mate's sweetly violated tailhole. His cock engorged and surged as gush after gush of thick, milky fluid coated her insides. Miandra's tailhole began to spasm in her final orgasm, rhythmically clenching and unclenching around him as Gillian delivered his seed.

Gillian slowly reclaimed awareness of his body as his orgasm died down. His cock continued to erratically flex and squirt more of his seed in his mate's tailhole. He found his claws digging into his mate's emerald scales, and apologetically loosened his grip. At that moment, he felt Miandra finally let go of the last egg, which safely joined the others in a collection of fluids and wet animal pelts.

That was it. That was the last one.

Both dragons quickly slowed to a stop, panting hard and basking in the warm afterglow of the moment. Miandra let out a loud, exhausted sigh as she felt her mate curiously stroke her scaled belly, finding it much slimmer than before.

"I'll miss your belly..." he churred. "You always managed to pull off that air of serenity and grace, Mia... the perfect motherly dragoness look."

"Hah..." Miandra panted and swallowed thickly. "I guess you'll have to suffer the motherly dragon without a belly from now on...."

Gillian nodded in agreement. The larger male slowly began to pull out from her wonderfully abused tailhole and climbed off his smaller mate with a churr. Miandra nuzzled him back in affection.

"Mia, that was incredible," he panted.

"Mmm," the dragoness tiredly nodded in agreement, before turning her head and going in for a deep kiss. She was too tired to say much of anything at the moment. Miandra felt satisfyingly empty inside. For the first time in a long time, her belly was no longer stretched. And now both of her holes were free of their welcome intruders. All the tense egg-laying muscles deep in her belly had begun to relax. She felt a wonderful, satisfying ache through her loins. She was exhausted.

The emerald-hued dragoness collapsed around the nest and silently curled up next to her eggs. She touched the smooth white shells, feeling them in her paws for the first time. They were beautiful. All eight of them. She brought one up to her snout and nuzzled it, thinking fondly about the still-growing hatchling inside.

"Gillian...." she breathlessly murmured, feeling enthralled to hold her clutch.

Before she knew it, her larger mate laid down behind her and wrapped a forepaw and a wing around her flank. She felt a loving lick on her forehead and a nuzzle along her cheek. Gillian rested his firm jaw-line rested against her neck and hugged her tight.

"Yes, hon?" he whispered.

"Nothing..." she smiled as she drew her toe pads delicately across the smooth shells of her newly-laid eggs. "I just... I never expected it to happen this way. But I'm glad it did."

"Does that mean we can do it again next week? We can always try and put the eggs back in and-"

Gillian let out an "Oopf!" as Miandra caught him in the belly with the elbow of her wing arm. He laughed. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding...."

The two said nothing for a moment. Gillian was content to watch his mate lovingly caress and touch her clutch. She wore the biggest smile he could have imagined. It was a look of motherly pride. Seeing her like that caused Gillian to let out a satisfied sigh and grin. He loved seeing Miandra so happy. He held his mate close and let out a churr of contentment.

It made him proud to know they were finally becoming a family.

"You know...." he began. "We can never tell them about what happened today." he chuckled.

Miandra flinched. She had been lost in the moment and let out a whimsical sigh from her mate's endearing and annoying ability to break the mood of any serious situation.

"Just think: when they get old enough to ask where their eggs came from... we should make up a story. Say we found them in a box along side the road or -Ooph!"

Miandra retracted her wing arm once more. That one had been a particularly satisfying elbow jab.

"I think I liked the silly D'artagnan more. At least he knew how to be romantic." she teased, without breaking the gaze she kept on her clutch.

Gillian gave a playful growl and affectionately rubbed her flank with his forepaw. "Is that your way of saying 'I love you, Gil?'"

For the first time, she turned and met her mate's gaze. She looked up at him with a sarcastic grin. "Maybe." she teasingly replied. Miandra arched her scaled neck up and kissed him on the lips. Their tongues touched momentarily.

"Mmm." Gillian let out a quiet churr as he returned the kiss. "I love you too, hon." He held the smaller dragoness close.

Turning her attention back to her clutch of eggs, Miandra let herself smile.


Post-story notes:

~For Athus. It is a shame that I had only started this story before that accident ended your time here with us. It took me a while before I was comfortable going back to it, but I'm glad I finished the whole thing. I miss ya. Thank you so much for all the time spent talking and for all that you did for me.

~Thank you, everyone, who helped proof-read and give tips on how to make the egg-laying section appeal to those who like oviposition.

~I have a confession. It may come as a shock to you, but I have a strange desire for a really weird fetish. I'm a pervert. Yes, I admit it, shamefully: I have a thing for consensual sex between a human male and human female in the missionary position. I'm ashamed to admit that I have a long-standing fetish for such an act. I don't know how I became so perverted, but I've had a liking for such a thing since I was still in middle school. I hope you guys won't judge me for my weird tastes in carnal pleasure. :(

~I've been writing dragon porn for almost a year now. Holy crap, wtf am I still doing here? XD

~Toumal, you said you were able to post a story written in google docs and port it over without any issues. YOU LIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

~Dragon Ranch is next. Finally.