The Hunter And The Female Gryphon

Story by Korseth on SoFurry

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A hunter who goes around to hunt for meat but also rescues endangered creatures that others want to kill off and murder in cold blood.

The Hunter And The Female Gryphon Korseth And Misha

Disclaimer: We do own the rights to The Hunter And The Female Gryphon and the characters. This story is intended for readers 18 and up. If you are underage do not read this fanfiction. Lastly this fanfiction is copyrighted and belongs to me and him, please do not distribute.

Authors notes: comments are always appreciated at [email protected] Please when you write me put Four * so I know it is a comment. The more I get the more I will write.

Characters involved: Korseth Jolyne and a four other female gryphons M/FFFFF it also has hanging by the neck strangled and head crushing.

"Korseth had been waiting all day and night for prey to walk by on the ground so being half dragon he can handle any size prey no matter how big they are in the forest."

Jolyne was walking through the forest. Usually the gryphon flew over it but her wings were tired so she was walking.

The young man hears some one in his domain so he gets the noose ready for the trap as the hunter lies and wait for the unknowing prey to get closer and closer.

The gryphoness is walking carefully but enjoying herself. She usually never goes thru the woods and this is all new to her.

He slowly lowers the noose in front of the gryphoness's path while it being dark in the woods she will not be able to see until it is to late for her, but to her it could be a loose vine hanging from the trees themselves.

The gryphon sees the vine but doesnt realize what it is. she thinks its a simple vine and pays it no mind.

Until it loops around her neck then suddenly the hunter pulls hard and the female is lifted off her four feet to hang in the forest with her killer as Korseth holds the female bird up off the ground.

Jolyne struggles as the rope tighens around her neck. Her wings flap as she struggles to loosen the rope.

But some thing in the rope stops her from trying to get free of its strangling grip while the hunter holds the struggling prey in the woods from getting loose and escaping from her death tonight.

She struggled hard but slowly her struggles lessened as her lack of air sapped her of strength. Her movements grew slower and slower.

Until they stop as the gryphoness is hanging by her neck with her beak open and tongue hanging out one side of her mouth while the young man watches and sees the bird is still but he lets the body hang for a few more minutes to be sure the prey is dead in the forest.

The gryphoness makes one final weak motion and then stops moving. She hangs there for several long minutes unmoving.. Only the wind making her body sway.

After a while Korseth lowers the body to the ground then the hunter jumps to land beside his catch to look it over until he notices some thing is missing so the young man reaches for the back leg and does not see a sheath or balls. "Well i'll be i caught a female gryphon this time and she is a big one to." Said the hunter as he picks up the body and takes it to his cave.

As he carries it he notices that the female gryphon's body is still warm. He knows that it will cool off quickly.

A long while later the young man carries the body inside the cave towards the kitchen as he lays the bird on the counter to get started as Korseth picks up the skinning knife as he starts to skin the hide off to show the deep red muscle of her body's inside as the hunter pills the skin off in one piece, then he picks up the long rod and starts to slide the buttered end down her throat towards the other end next Korseth ties the forelegs and hind legs to the body then severes both wings from the back.

Soon he has the gryphoness's body ready for cooking. All he has to do is decide how to cook the female. He ponders for a moment.

Then the hunter moves the body over to the fire pit to let the flames roast the meat as he sets the table for two while waiting for the food to finish cooking in the room with Korseth.

The female gryphon's body starts to cook over the fire and soon the smell of cooked meat starts to fill the air.

After a few hours the meat is done so Korseth moves the cooked body from the pit over to the table and cuts some from the thigh as well as cuts some more from the other thigh for the bird to eat while he starts his meal to eat in the room, until the young man is done then pulls the rod out while putting the regen unit on the head to let it go to work repairing the damage.

The regen unit sits on the gryphoness's head for a moment then it starts to hum and a soft glow covers the female's burnt body.

The hunter watches to make sure nothing goes wrong as the female's body is repaired while new wings grow from her back as new fur feathers and skin replace what was taken from the female gryphon's body tonight.

The body regrows the missing parts and soon new, clean skin starts to grow over the new flesh till her body looks as fresh and new as before.

The young man reaches out to rub the back of the female's neck to see if she will wake up but does not know what happened or who her attacker is while Korseth looks over the gryphoness's body laying on the table asleep for the moment.

The female gryphon's body doesnt move for a while but then she lets out a moan and then slowly starts to wake up.

"How are you feeling gryphoness?" Asked the young man as he rubs her neck some more in the kitchen together.

She opens her eyes and looks around. "I feel a little sore. What happened?"

"I found you in the woods strung up by your neck so i cut your body down and brought it here to recover." Said Korseth as he looks at her then checks her neck and throat to feel the rope mark there,

"Thank you!" she says and slowly sits up. "No wonder I have the rope mark."

When she tries to move off the table her back legs are still weak and there is some meat on a plate beside her in the room with the hunter.

She stays on the table. "I think I'll just sit here for a while. I'm hungry can I have some food?"

"There is some meat beside your right fore leg so eat up and get your strength back." Said Korseth as he checks her body more closely to make sure the female is all healed up from the rope burn to her neck.

"Thank you!" She picks up the meat and quickly devours it. "This is good!"

He lets her finish the food then the young man picks up the female bird and carries her to the back bed room so they can get some sleep in the bed with each other.

The female gryphon is surprised but she wraps her arms around the man. "I never knew humans were so strong."

"I am different from the other humans were they would have to cut your body up i can carry it with out problems with weight not that you are fat or any thing like that." Said the hunter as he lays her on the soft bed then gets in behind the female to wrap arms around her neck and chest in the room with each other.

She nuzzles the man tenderly. "I love strong men but how can you be so strong?"

"Answers for tomorrow because i am tired." Said the young man as he is soon asleep behind the gryphoness in the back bed room with each other.

The gryphoness also feels the eariness creeping over her. she snuggles close to the man and starts to fall asleep.

As they sleep the young man hold his prey close in the room both of them waiting for morning to come while the gryphoness has a new day to look forward to after what happened last night.

The gryphoness sleeps soundly but in the middle of the night she wakes up for a moment. She looks around and then slips back to sleep.

After a long night's sleep Korseth wakes to look at her then gently moves the female's head back to look at her neck and throat feeling the crushed feathers in front of her throat and around the neck after she was hanged last night.

The female gryphon wakes up at the man's gentle touch. Opening her eyes she sees him. "Good morning!"

"How did you sleep last night?" Asked the young man as he tries to fix her broken neck feathers in the room together.

"I feel good," she says and laughs at the man's touch. "That tickles."

"I have and offer for you but it is a one choice offfer." Said the hunter as he looks at her in the eyes that her life and the lives of her kind depend on the choice the gryphoness makes in the young man's cave.

She cocks her head to one side. "Oh? What's the offer?"

"I will relocate all remaining gryphons to a new world to live on in exchange for a steady supply of fresh meat from their bodies so i can live as well with them, but if you refuse there is the other choice to let the humans finish killing off the gryphon race for good." Said Korseth as he looks at her in the eyes.

"So you want to take us somewhere else?" She asks. "What is this world?"

"Its a safe world for your kind to live on." Said the hunter as he makes a small portal appear to show the gryphoness her future home if she agrees to the offer Korseth asked her.

She ponders the offer for a moment. "I accept. My people need a place where they can survive and thrive and this is our last chance."

"Good choice but you will have to remain here inside the cave while i go after the others to bring here." Said the young man as he makes the portal grow in size until it is big enough for her to walk through.

"All right," she says "But where does this portal lead to?" she says and examines it.

"To the island now go so i can track down the others." Said the hunter as he has Jolyne to go on through.

"All right!"The female gryphon nods and looks at the portal for a moment. Then she steps thru.

She finds the sand is warm to her paws while the young man waits for his unknowing prey to finish stepping through so he can close the portal and go after the others to bring there as well.

She enjoys the sensation for a moment. She takes a deep breath and then steps fully thru the portal.

He closes the portal to go after the other gryphons in the world to bring back to him place and then to the new world with her.

The gryphon feels the warm sunlight and a soft breeze and looks around at her new home. I like this place."

It takes Korseth months to track down the others but some of them don't like the idea of leaving their home so he has no choice but to knock them for a loop and tells one of the others to carry the gryphons that is out cold as they continue on after the rest.

Soon all the remaining gryphons are collected in a group and following the man. Many eager to get to their new home but others nervous.

"You others keep a close eye on the ones i knocked out on the way to my cave." Said the hunter as the others that are walking with him back to his place nod nervously on the way.

Several of the gryphons nod in agreement. "All right." they say as the group follows after the human.

The trip takes them a few months to get back to the hunter's cave as he leads the gryphons around human territories as well as camps toward the mountain so they are not attacked by the humans.

Soon the large group of gryphons closes in on the man's cave. "What is this new place really like?"

"All of you will love the place believe me." Said Korseth as they soon come to the cave the young man lives at as he has them to go inside toward the back room while the hunter opens the portal to the island were the female is resting at.

The group of gryphons marvel at the portal for a moment amazed by its creation. Then one brave male steps thru the portal.

The rest follow him through until all of them are at the beach while the young man calls to the female he had sent through already as she looks up to see the others and some look like they got into a fight with a land slide because their bodies look like one big bruise.

The female nods and is happy to see all her people there. "What happened to the ones with the bruises?"

"I had to make them come with us but they were unwilling to leave their homes saying the humans were no threat to them." Said the hunter as he looks at her then at the others, until the young man's belly growls for some thing to eat while he wraps his arm around her feathered neck to hold the female gryphon close.

The female shakes her head. "Well not everyone accepts change so easily it seems."

"I know but it was to save them from being killed and i am getting hungry so would you mind coming with me to my under water home?" Asked Korseth as he tightens his hold on her neck on the beach watching the others get settled in.

"Under water home?" she asks. "You live under the water? Can you breath water?"

"The laws on this world are different then the laws on the world we left so the water here can be breathed in." Said the young man as they walk over to the water but since it looks and acts like the sea on the other world it could be saity as well.

She looks at the water for a moment. "So we can breath it? Well let's try it!"

They walk into the water with each other while the hunter and the female gryphon soon dissappear under the waves then Korseth wraps some rope around her neck and tightens it to block the water from going into Jolyne's lungs as the hunter strangles her on the way to his under water dome.

The gryphoness feels the rope tighten around her neck and she gasps for breath. Her hands grab for the rope.

While she strangles it becomes clear to her he was the one who hung her by the neck that night in the forest because the rope is strong and hard to scratch or cut with her claws, while he tightens the hold more in the water as her body thrashes around trying to get loose of the choking grip of the noose.

She struggles frantically but soon she feels the effects of the loss of air and her struggles slow down.

The young man swims with her body towards the under water city as he soon comes to the hatch while keeping the rope tight on his prey's throat as he pulls her body inside the chamber then closes the hatch to empty the chamber, as the water level drops until it bottoms out then he opens the inside hatch and carries the dead gryphoness towards the kitchen still strangled by the rope and lays her on the table to get started skinning the body.

The man looks thru his tools and soon has the needed knives resting on the table next to the body. He picks up the skinning knife.

"He sets to work skinning the body of the female gryphon laying on her back then Korseth severs the wings and pulls the hide off her muscle meat in the room until it is removed in one piece.

The man works with the skill of an expert and soon he has the best meat removed from the female gryphon's body.

Then places the regen unit on her head to let it go to work repairing the body of the skinned gryphoness laying on the table in the kitchen with her killer.

The man sets about butchering the meat as the regen unit slowly healed the gryphoness' body. The flesh and muscle grew back and the skin started to cover back up the body.

As well as her wings grow back while the young man cooks the meat he had carved from her body laying on the counter in the room.

Soon the gryphons is healed and the life flows back into her. Slowly she opens her eyes and looks around.. "Where are we?"

"In my under water city." Said the hunter as he looks back over to her laying on the counter at the moment while the young man cooks the meat he had harvested from her body.

She lays there for a moment letting her damaged body heal. "What happened?" She slowly sits up.

He points to the rope that was used on her neck for the second time while he keeps watch on the meat so it does not burn over the fire in the kitchen, as Jolyne sees it and now knows the truth about him that he had strangled her twice already.

"So you killed me and brought me back? Twice?" she asks a little confused. "Why?"

"Well i am part dragon and since that day a dieing dragon gave me his heart it has made me stronger then any of the other humans but beside that i only need to eat once every two weeks or so and its not like i am killing the gryphons off for good so like all creatures in the wild i need to eat just like you do bird." Said the hunter as he looks over at her thinking the female might be angry with Korseth and she might also hate him as well.

She ponders that for a moment. "It's hard to understand. I can understand needing to kill to survive and you have given the gryphons a place to live in peace."

He nods until the meat is done and takes some over to her for a meal to then said he could harvest bodies from her and the others so they would have and endless supply of fresh meat when ever the others get hungry for some thing to eat."

She takes some of the meat. "We would have to give the people the choice but I think many will help us."

"Your willing to help after what i did to your body?" Asked Korseth as he looks at her as they two eat their food in the kitchen with each other, and the young man has a number of ways to get bodies from the gryphons from beheading all the way to the chopping block with a large axe.

"Well you did kill me but you healed me too. It's all confusing." she admits and shakes her head.

"Well we could ask for volunteers to come here for harvesting then regeneration of their bodies after the job of cutting off the heads from their bodies." Said the young man as he looks at her for a moment to see what she thinks of the idea.

"Well we might have to give them a demonstration first. Show them that they can come back after it's over."

He nods while reaching for the unit on her head to show the gryphoness the device that brought her back to life again and then pulls out his dagger that it can help convence the others as well on the island.

"We need to do this in front of a large group. With everyone watching.," she says as she looks at the unit.

"Alright we can do that, now do you feel like swimming back up to the beach and this time i will not strangle your neck on the way back." Said Korseth as he rubs her throat with a small squeeze then has her to come on so they can head back to the others.

she laugha a little. "All right. I'd enjoy a good swim before we get to the beach!"

They enter the chamber as he turns the knob the other way as water starts to fill it with them inside until it is full as the young man opens the out side hatch and they start to swim for the island together.

She swims out of the room and into the water. "This feels great!"

After a long swim back to the beach they see the other gryphons laying around or playing with each other as the hunter calls for them to get in line for a meeting with him and the gryphoness.

The gryphoness waves the group over and soon a group crowds around them. "We have something to show you!"

"As you gryphons know there are no prey animals on this island so there is a source of meat already here but listen before the choice is made, i have a way to bring a dead body back to life again and it has worked but if proof is needed i will show you." Said Korseth as he lets them think on their choices at the beach together.

The gryphons ponder what he's said. "show us this proof!" one of them says.

He nods then looks at the female then pulls his dagger and slams it deep into her side to hit the heart while the hunter pulls the bloody blade from Jolyne's chest as she lays on the sand dead from the deadly stab wound then Korseth places the unit on her head to let it fix the dead body laying in front of the others on the beach while some look at the young man shocked that he had killed the female so quickly.

The crowd gasp and all are shocked. "You killed her!" one of them shouts. "She's dead."

"Relax gryphons and watch." Said Korseth as the regen unit goes to work repairing the damage to her side as they watch as the wound closes and heals while the blood is still on her fur and the sand.

The group is very quiet as they watch the wounds heal and soon vanish completely. "She is healing!" one says and they are all amazed

He holds up his dagger for them to see the blood still on the blade that only seconds ago was in the female's chest while the wound completely dissappears from her body but the pain that was there can still be felt by her.

The gryphon opens her eyes and lets out a gasp. "Ouch! That hurt!" she snarls.

"Well they wanted proof the device worked so what better way then to stab you in the chest female." Said the hunter as he resheaths his knife and asks have they decided on which will donate bodies for meat so the others can have food to eat.

The gryphoness slowly gets up. "You could have warned me!" she snarls. "But it did work! Im alive again!"

"If i had would you have let me kill you that way?" Asked the hunter as he looks at the others to see which will volunteer to be killed for their bodies then get new replacement bodies. "And one other thing do any of you have old wounds and scars?"

A large male comes forward. On his chest is a large and ragged scar and he is missing his right arm.

Korseth looks at the large gryphon's old wound and shoulder then nods and has him to stand with the female while the hunter looks at the others to see which of them will volunteer to die for the others as meat.

A female comes forward. "I'll do it." Soon a few others come forward volunteering to be killed.

He nods and said the others can come with them to the under water city since it had been abandoned for countless years by unknown creatures.

The old male nods. "All right. How did you find this wonderful island?"

"I was planet hoping looking for a good place to bring the gryphons to and found this planet and thought it would be good for your kind to live on." Said the young man as he has them to come with him for a swim back to the under water dome.

They all swim following the man. "It's a great place to live!" Deep into the water the group goes.

Korseth lead them to the hatch then he goes inside to have a few at a time until all of the gryphons are inside the massive city as they see how big the place looks on the inside as well as see a lot of room for flying they just need to watch out for the dome and buildings.

"Who built this place?" the male asks. "It's amazing! And huge!"

"That i am not sure but i think of it as a second home for me to live at and you gryphons are welcome to live here with me as well." Said Korseth as he has them to head to the hospital for a check up and a few xrays done on their bodies.

"This is large enough for all of us to live happily and never worry about being attacked again."

"At least until i get hungry again then you gryphons need to worry." Said Korseth as he grins at them inside the dome together while a few back away from the hunter shaking a bit in fear."

The old male shakes his head. "Is it still killing if we survive being killed?"

"Well what would you think in my shoes?" Said the hunter as he has them to come with him towards the hospital to be checked out by him.

The gryphon laughed. "If I was human and you a gryphon I think we'd both be amazed."

"Come on you feather bag lets go over to the medical center before your left behind." Said the young man as he grabs the bird by his beak and pulls him along the way there,

The male squaks a little. "Watch the beak it's the only thing that doesnt have a scar on it!"

"Well unless you want to keep it intact come before we leave you behind." Said the young man as he tugs on the beak a bit then walks off leading the others to the building for check ups on their bodies.

The male hurries up and follows the male. "Alright. So why the check ups first?"

"To see if the gryphons are in good health as well as to check that scar on your chest to." Said the female gryphon's killer as they walk inside the hospital then the young man tells them to each take a room to wait."

The male laughs. "So to see that you have fresh meat?"

"Not all of them will be hit for meat only the female i caught is enough for me to eat from the rest are yours and the others to eat from." Said Korseth as he gets started with the big male gryphon. "Now how did you loose your right leg?"

"My leg?" he asks. "I lost it in a fight against gryphon hunters. A sword weilder hacked it off."

"Well at least he did not take your head with it." Said the hunter as he then said that is his job now, as Korseth picks up the large male and portals him to the kitchen then lays the bird on the table with his head off the edge then rolls a machine over to the male and gently has him to lay his head back with throat bared.

You're going to take off my head?" he ask as he lays his head back and bares his throat.

"Don't worry you will be asleep long before it happens now rest and relax." Said Korseth as he turns on the machine then two large needles move in to push into the large gryphon's neck to begin draining blood from the body while the young man holds his left paw in the room with each other.

The gryphon feels the blood draining out. Slowly he drifts off to sleep, Welcoming the rest.

The young man rubs the furred chest as the breating starts to slow until it stops while the heart has a hard time trying to pump what little there is of the remaining blood until it to stops then phase two starts as spinning blades start to slice into the neck as the body jerks from the movements of the machine that is now cutting off the male gryphon's head while it falls into the box, then the hunter opens the back to take it out and move to another table with the regenerater on the forehead to go to work rebuilding the body with all parts intacted.

As soon as the regenerator is in place it sets to work and the gryphon's body starts to regrow. The neck grows back and soon shoulders starts to form.

While both front legs grow as the regeneration continues down to the back legs tail and wings laying on the other table asleep for the moment.

Soon the male has regenerated and a complete and healthy male gryphon is resting on the table. He takes a deep breath and opens his eyes.

"How are you feeling gryphon?" Asked the young man as he looks at the new right leg and rubs the arm gently to see if the male has feeling in it.

He holds up his new right leg. "This is amazing! I havent had this in over ten years!"

"Well you got it back along with a new body while the old one is laying on the other table with out a head now." Said the hunter as he points over to the other laying on its back with the neck in the machine.

The male sits up and looks at his old body. "It seems odd to be looking at myself like that!"

"Just be thankful that i did not leave you dead you big bird." Said the hunter as hw walks back over to the body and starts to skin it for fresh meat then stores it in the freezer for later as the two head back to the hospital to check on the others already there waiting.

He laughs "A lot of people have tried to kill me over the years. You're the first to succeed. Sort of."

He grins as they head back while the young man walks into the first room to find a young male holding his right arm that looks wrong. "What is wrong young one?"

"It's deformed," he answers and holds up the deformed limb.

The hunter now turned doctor looks at the limb while gently sqeezing the arm and the bone inside it. "Its not the arm it was the bones as they did not heal right from what ever accident you had in your life."

"That was a long time ago. When I was young. I was almost killed in a fall."

"Well which would you like done, do you want a new limb or a whole new body to have?" Asked the doctor as he waits for the young male to decide on what he wants done.

He holds up the deformed limb. "With a new perfect limb?"

"Yes now which will it be young one?" Asked Korseth as he stands in the room with the young gryphon.

"Well if I can have a new body. I'll take that!"

"We will have to go to the kitchen to do that." Said the young man as he reaches down to pick up the young male and portals him there and lays his body on the table like the doctor did for the large male not long ago.

The young male looks around. "Thats a great and fast way to go places!"

He nods while the young gryphon soon sees the machine that shows signs of being used that the large needles show bits of blood on the tips while the blades also show some meat hanging from them as well.

"You've already used this on someone?" The gryphon asked.

"Yes the big male and now he is on all fours right at this moment but after the first few gallons of your blood if drained out of your body will feel like it is falling asleep on the table but that will not last long." Said the hunter as he lays the young gryphon on his back then has the bird to move his body back so the machine can cover his head.

The male rubs his neck and then looks at his deformed limb. "All right. I'll do it."

Korseth nods and pushes the machine over the young bird's head then switches it on as the two large needles come down into his neck and starts to drain out the blood while a tired feeling hits the young male in the room as the young man holds his paw on the table.

The young male relaxes as he feels a tiredness come over him. Slowly he drifts off to sleep.

The machine does its job on phase one until that is done then phase two starts as the blades move in to start spinning as they cut into the feathered neck of the young gryphon laying asleep on the table in the kitchen.

The gryphons head is severed instantly and cleanly. the man picks it up and places it on the table. He places the regeneration unit on top.

While the regenerater works on the young gryphon's new body the hunter deals with the old broken body on the other table in the room and stores it in the freezer with the other already in there.

The regenerator does it's job and soon the neck and shoulders are growing from the head. Growing back into a strong and healthy body.

The hunter walks over to the young male to watch and make sure nothing goes wrong as the body continues to regrow from were it was severed from the base of the head.

Soon the entire body is resting on the table. A body without any deformities. The male lets out a gasp and opens his eyes.

"How are you feeling young male?" Asked the young man as he rubs the furred chest of the gryphon laying on his back at the moment.

The male rubs hisd arn and finds it fully formed and working fine. "Wonderful!"

Korseth helps the gryphon up so they can head back to the hospital together that the doctor has others to tend to at the medical building.

He stands there for a moment and examines his arm. "Amazing. I havent been able to use that arm for years."

"Well its back in working order again." Said Korseth as they head back so he can check on the others waiting to be looked at by him.

The male follows the human as they walk. "That is an amazing unit. Where did you get it?"

"Here at the hospital in a store room." Said the doctor as they walk into the building as the hours roll by soon all the others are checked but some did need a replacement body or two.

"Amazing. All this amazing technology. It's a dream come true!"

He nods then has the gryphons to gather around so Korseth can find out how many there are in both sexes of the gryphons.

Quickly the gryphons gather around and soon all of them are together.

"Alright how many males and females are here?" Asked Korseth as he looks at them to make two sides into one side male and the other side female.

The gryphons slowly wander around for a moment then finally split into two groups.

He counts them one group at a time as the males number at 24 and the females number at 29. "Humm five more then the males so to keep them even i will take the last five if that is ok with the males here." Said Korseth as he looks at them.

"You'll have 5 females to yourself?" one of the females asks.

"Do you think i am cheating the males out of some fun?" Asked the young man as he grins at her for her question while asking the male gryphons to see what they think.

One of the males laughs. "No but wont you be pretty tired?"

"I am part dragon so it takes a lot to tire me out." Said the hunter as he has five to come with him while the others pair up and go have some fun with each other in some of the other buildings.

The gryphons slowly pair off and soon the entire group heads off into private rooms.

The hunter takes his prey first as he moves her tail out of the way to thrust his thick love rod into her body as the pleasure starts to build for them in their room.

The gryphon lets out a loud moan as the powerful shaft pushes deep inside her.

The rod stretches her a bit more then a male could as the young man starts to mate with his food supply in one of the hospital rooms with the other four there watching and waiting for their turn with the hunter.

She moans as the excitement and passion starts growing in her. "Oh you're big!"

Korseth nods as he starts to shake her body harder and faster as the two have a fun time in the room while the other four females start to get hot for some fun as well so one moves up behind Korseth to nuzzle and lick his neck and cheek as he reaches back to rub her head for them as he kisses the other's beak as well.

She moans in delight as each thrust pushes her passion higher and higher throught her body.

After a while Korseth roars and pumps her womb full of seed as he lays down on her back to hold the female closer then he moves to the others until the young man has the other four mated as well in the room together.

Scattered in other rooms the gryphons are all busy in love making. The sounds of passion loud in the air.

After mating five females the young man gets some thing to drink and will return soon so they can snuggle for a bit at least till the hunter gets hungry again.

The females snuggle close to the male. "You're wonderful!"

He nods as they rest for a bit in the room as the hunter rests with the gryphonesses as they all relax after the mating.

"Are you really part dragon," one of the females asks the human.

He rubs his eyes for a bit but when the young man opens them again the females see they are no longer human but firey golden dragon like in nature.

The females are shocked for a moment. "Wow! You really are a dragon!"

"Only half dragon but i have the dragon's strength and honor as well as their rage to." Said Korseth as his eyes switch back to human again.

"Amazing! And you have a dragon's stamina too," the female jokes.

The hunter nods but he can't eat like a dragon he only has a human stomach inside his body, as they rest in the room together.

The females snuggle close to the man. "You're big enough to satisfy us all."

He smiles as they lay together but the female knows the young man needs to eat from them in order to live so the hunter can protect them from the unseen dangers of their new home.

"How often do you need to feed?" she asks. "We'll need to think about more meat soon."

"Once every two weeks or so and it is just about time i did have a meal to eat." Said Korseth as he looks at them to see which he will take as prey tonight since the hunter was gone for several weeks tracking the other gryphons.

"So," the one female asks. "Who are you going to eat next?"

"Are you volunteering to be killed tonight female?" Asked the hunter as he holds up his rope noose while looking at her with the predatory eyes of a dragon.

She nods her head slowly. "Yes I am volunteering!"

"Alright lets go to the kitchen and you other four can join in on the meal her body will make." Said the young man as he stands to walk out of the room to see if the other four will come for some fresh meat to fill their bellies.

"All right. Let's go eat!" The group follows after the man as they make their way thru their new home.

After a while they come to the kitchen then he asks the volunteer on how does she want to be taken down, strangled head chopped or a bag over her head and beak.

Strangled," the female gryphon says. "I think that's how i want it done."

He looks at the others then takes out a long piece of metal like rope then he puts his right arm in front of the female gryphon's neck then wraps a coil or two around her neck and throat then pulls tightly to choke off the gryphoness's air in the room while the other four watch as she struggles and thrashes around fighting for her life in the deadly grip of the rope around her neck.

The gryphoness struggles as the instinct to survive kicks in. As the lack of air takes hold and her struggles grow less.

Her wings flaps weaken trying to get away but the young man holds the female down as he tightens the rope more and more until she can't get any air in past the block even her voice is cut so the gryphoness can not call for help to save her life in the kitchen with her killer.

The gryphoness struggles but in vain and soon her struggles slow and then stop.

As her eyes close tightly and beak opens while the tongue falls out one side as the others watch in the kitchen then the hunter moves the body to the counter and starts by severing the wings from the back next he starts to skin the prey of her hide in the room.

The other gryphonesses watch from a distance. "So how does the regeneration work?" they ask.

"You will see now mind setting the table for six please." Said the young man as he continues to get the body ready for roasting over the fire pit.

The gryphons scatter and see to setting the table up for a meal. Soon six plates are laid out.

Soon he has the spit through the body then the legs tied up and moves the meat over to the fire to let the flame lick at the body to cook it to a nice golden brown in color.

The females slowly filter back into the kitchen. "We've set the table." they say softly.

He nods while the body roasts over the flames then walks over to the first female Korseth had hunted to hold her head close in the kitchen together.

The female wraps her arms around the man and nuzzles him gently. She strokes his body softly with her hands.

The young man holds her close as well while the body roasts in front of them in the kitchen as the others wait for the food to finish cooking over the fire pit in the room.

She looks at the now roasting female. "So when do we restore her?" she asked.

"Soon so keep your hide on unless you want me to skin it from your body next." Said Korseth as he lightly squeezes Jolyne's throat to make the gryphoness cough a bit.

She laughs, "You've already killed me once before.".

"Three times i killes you three times already gryphoness but they won't be the last either." Said the young man as he grins at her like a dragon would to prey to eat from.

"I know that but you can restore a body even if its roasted like that one?" She points to the cook gryphon. "It does smell good."

"The regenerater can restore a body even it it was torn apart and the skull crushed by a heavy weight had pressed it flat." Said the hunter as he has one of the other females to come over so the young man can prove his point.

The second female comes over willingly. "Yes?" she asks.

"Would you like to see if the regenerater can rebuild a crushed skull?" Asked Korseth as he looks at Jolyne while taking hold of the second female's head in between his hands.

She looks at the man. "What are you going to do? Crush her skull?"

"I was wondering if you would want to see if the device would work and fix her head but she will feel the pain of it but would not last long." Said the hunter while he holds the second female's head in his hands.

She nods. "All right as long as it's not painful for too long!" And I do want to see the regen unit in action."

He nods then asks the other is she ready to be a ginipig for Jolyne standing in front of them in the kitchen together.

"Yes," the second one says calmly. "Im ready!"

The young man nods as he starts to press the bird's skull while she feels a pressure on her head start to build while inside the bones start to grined together as her mouth opens but not on its own accord, as the pain starts to build with the preseure until a crunch is heard then the female's head starts to squeeze and get thinner then its normal size, then one of her eyes pushes out of the socket while the body struggles to get free but it is to late while blood and brain matter oozes out of her ears in the room with the other gryphoness.

The others are surprised. "Wow. I never knew you were that strong. And it was quick!"

The body falls to the floor twitching and shaking as they soon stop while blood and grey matter still comes from the ears as the eye lays on the floor as well after it had popped out of the head that is now a flat plate in the room.

The gryphoness shakes her head. "Fast but very messy! We'll have to clean up the floor."

"After i repair the damage to her head with the device." Said Korseth as he places it on the dead female gryphon as it goes to work while they watch as the crushed head starts to build back up to its natural shape again then the female wakes up with one hell of a head ache as she groans from the pain the crushing had caused.

Are you all right?" she asks the now healed Gryphoness,. It was amazing and kind of scary to watch."

"I will be fine after some sleep and i will get some thing to eat later." Said the now healed female as she walks out to go lay down to rest in the dinning room alone for the moment.

"Speaking of eating. "I'm hungry. so how about we all eat now."

"The hunter nods as he looks at the roasted meat and finds it is ready so he takes it from the fire pit to put on one of the tables and cuts some meat for the resting gryphoness then cuts some more for the others and himself to eat in the large room with each other.

The group quickly settles down into their seats and starts taking some meat. "This smells great!"

The young man nods as he starts to eat his meal while the other four dig in as well in the room while one of them is now asleep on another table at the moment.

The group starts to eat the food with gusto. "This is good!"

"What if i came up to you and said that you would be eating another gryphon's meat from their body, what would you think?" Asked the young man as he eats his meal with them in the large room.

The group starts to eat the food with gusto. "This is good!"

"What if i came up to you and said that you would be eating another gryphon's meat from their body, what would you think?" Asked the young man as he eats his meal with them in the large room.

She shakes her head. "It's still hard to believe but it's true."

The others nod while some of them would think the hunter was crazy but they would have to agree with her as well, until a coulpe males walk in following their beaks to the scent of cooked meat in the air.

The male sniffs the air. "Do i smell some cooked meat?" One of them asks.

Korseth points to the roasted body on the other table while they continue their meals at their table.

"Great!" the male says. "I'm famished. He gets a plate and puts some meat on the place.

While getting some of the meat they see the shape of a gryphon on the metal rod on the table as the others eat their meals.

"So," the male says as he sits down. "Is that a gryphon Im eating?"

"Do you have a problem with it?" Asked the hunter as he looks at them while his eyes flash golden for a moment then back to human.

The male shook his head. "No. should I?" he asked.

The young man smiles at the bird as he soon finishes his meal then walks back over to it and cut some meat for the roasted bird to eat, as Korseth places the regen unit on the head and pulls the rod out.

The regen unit sets to work instantly and the roasted flesh starts to regrow. Fresh slesh replashing the cooked parts

The others watch the proccess amazed that the dead gryphoness is brought back to life again on the table in front of them.

The skin is soon whole and the fur and feathers covers the body. The gryphoness lets out a loud gasp and wakes up.

"How are you feeling gryphoness?" Asked Korseth as he smiles at her on the table while checking her neck to see the crushed feathers that formed when she was brought back to life again.

The gryphoness slowly sits up. "I feel hot," she says. "But all right."

He nod and gives her a plate of meat to eat with them while at the other table one of the males talks to the others to say why should the human live with them since his kind have been hunting the gryphons for years and have nearly wiped them out.

The female sits down and takes the food. "It was the most amazing thing. My body feels great now."

One of the other males nods to him while the young man smiles at her and rubs her beak as he walks over to join the female he caught first and sits down with her.

"Why are you hel;ping us?" the one female asks the human. "The only humans I've met have tried to kill me."

"Well i did not want to see the gryphons killed off for a dumb reason because of some prist says they are evil which is a lie and i never saw any evil in the gryphons at all." Said Korseth as he looks at them and rubs Jolyne's feathered neck and furred back.

Jolyne nuzzles the man tenderly. "It's good to see at least one good human in this world!"

"At least you understand but i get the feeling trouble is brewing here." Said the young man as he looks at her and the other four with him at their table.

"Well some people have spent their whole life being hunted by humans. It takes time to get over that.."

Korseth nods but tells the female if any of the other gryphons decide to turn on him it will not be a good idea to make the hunter angry.

She nods. "Im sure it will be all right. It will just take time."

The young man nods as he relaxes with Jolyne at their table while the others talk with each other in the room.

The gryphoness nods her head. "We can live here forever and not have to worry about being attacked by humans again."

"But me remember that i need to eat once every two weeks or so and the others need meat as well." Said Korseth as he grabs her throat and neck in a choke hold at the table while the other females grin at her with him.

"You do kill us but we come back better then ever!" The one gryphon commented.

He nods while rubbing the female's neck then pats the regen unit in his pocket as the others relax as well at the other tables.

She nuzzles the man tenderly. "Its odd but by killing us you can actually save us all."

"Yes with this." Said the hunter as he takes the regenerater out of his pocket then puts it back and yawns a bit tiredly from all the fun they had.

After a big meal like that I think we all need some sleep," the female gryphon comments. "It's been a long day."

"I am for that now come on lets go find some beds to sleep on." Said Korseth as he gets up to walk out of the dinning room to look for a place to sleep.

The group quickly leads the dining room behind and pours out into the hall. "Where are the bedrooms?" One of them asks.

"There are some in the hospital so we could go there to sleep." said the young man as his eyes are starting to get heavy on the way.

"All right." as the group heads that way more then a few of the gryphons have their wings drooping in tiredness.

After a while they come to the building and go inside foe some sleep in the bed rooms while Korseth lays down with his prey and gets a good night's sleep with her held close in the room with each other.

The other gryphons quickly break up and settle down into different beds to get a much needed good nights rest!

The end....

A Dragon's Revenge

A Dragon's Revenge By Krahnis And Misha Part 1 Disclaimer: We do own the rights to A Dragon's Revenge and the characters. This story is intended for readers 18 and up. If you are underage do not read this fanfiction. Lastly...