Jack of Hearts -- Act 2

Story by Nightrat on SoFurry

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This is the second half of "Heart of Jack". Please leave comments and constructive critique on good points, bad, possible improvements so my future stories will become more powerful.

The urge to sleep in each others arms right then and there was strong but impractical to the situation. Jack regained some of his strength and saw on the edge of the bed for a few seconds. "I'm gonna put these sheets in the wash and check up on my sis."

In his room both Jack and Rachel just finished up exploring the depths of their hidden feelings for each other. Jack was only 13 years of age, a young grey wolf pup with dark paws, and whitish belly with the promise of all his fur to darken as he aged. His mate lying naked on the bed was an older female rabbit, aged 17. She was pure white except for the hair on her head, which was brown. She was taller than Jack and scheduled to go to college this fall away from home. There was a problem with this new relationship to Jack at least because of the age difference, or rather his age of being only 13.

Rachel leaned forward to give a peck on his cheek and started to put on her top. Jack removed the sheets quickly and found a dry spot to rub off the rest of the wetness from Rachel's genital area. After starting the washer for his sheets and dirty clothing from before, they discovered Casey passed out in Rachel's bed. Unfortunately, Rachel was found in the other full bathroom and failed to make it to the toilet in time. It was a horrible mess and both the sober furs started to clean it up. Rachel was very groggy, drunk, and spoke gibberish during the ordeal. Jack returned with a mob to clean up the puke from the floor and Rachel moved Violet to the toilet to dry heave a little more.

Jack didn't seem upset at what happened but he felt obligated to help his sister out when she needed it. He turned to Rachel and asked, "Would Violet be upset if you help me shower her and take her to bed?"

Rachel's jaw dropped, "Wait! I'm the girl here. Shouldn't I be asking you that?" She added an extra emphasis on the 'you' part of the statement.

Jack shook his head indifferently, "We see each other naked from time to time. We swim in the buff and we leave doors open when changing if we feel like it. Hell, I've played my games in the buff just for the hell of it with the door open."

"Wow, I didn't know you both...lacked that much modesty."

Violet groaned and Jack snapped back to her attention, slightly irritated for being sidetracked like that. He turned on the shower head in the tub and waited to properly adjust the temperature. Rachel was off to the side watching and Jack stripped Violet of her puke-stained clothes. Violet sat on the bathroom floor, naked and obliterated, while Jack rinsed off the obvious chucks from the clothes in the shower. He tossed them to the side and tried to get his sister to her feet. This proved difficult because she was incapacitated and it was like lifting dead weight. Violet slowly moved to the shower and nearly fell after a few seconds of standing there, saved by Jack still holding on.

"I think I got this, but can you get some towels because I think this might get a little wet?"

Rachel departed the room and Jack stood in bewilderment of what to do. Violet could barely move and still reeked of puke and alcohol. Jack tried to get her a toothbrush and paste to at least clear her breath up a bit and he was sure Violet didn't care for the taste of vomit in her mouth all night. She did little else beside spit while Jack tried to do the rest and avoid the water drops raining down. Rachel returned with the towels and a Jack became more frustrated with the situation.

Jack started to laugh hysterically. Sleep deprivation and the sudden realization he couldn't actually do what he needed to do to help his sister. He could be seen naked by either female without consequence but not both at the same time! He could either get soaked while clothed with Rachel in the room or jump in completely and properly bathe Violet naked while the water pounded on both of them.

Violet leaned up and shook her head a little. She was trying to get more sober and didn't care that she was naked in front of her brother and best friend. The fact that she was smashed was more of an embarrassment than anything because she couldn't handle liquor very well. She was a darker version of Jack, although more muscular in the legs and abs. She was not husky but did have considerable strength behind her that was above the average male, even. To the other two furs in the room it was nothing sexual about it in terms of yearning for her. She was in the shower for about 15 minutes now and was starting to become more awake and sober by the warm water. Her groaning was gone, most of the speech was not slurred, and she was becoming more coherent in her sentences.

"So I guess you two are together now?"

Jack looked worriedly at Rachel, who was glancing to the side to avoid eye contact with anyone.

Rachel made an attempt to call bluff before Jack could respond. She knew he was intelligent for his age, but Rachel couldn't expect him to know about being drunk or not calling guilty when a simple question was asked. She did trick him into giving his 'crush' answer and this was the same thing. "Violet, why would you say something like that for; because we're standing in the room looking worriedly over you?"

"Maybe because I heard you both moaning at the top of your lungs in his room?"

Rachel responded defensively, "Or maybe you're making this all up to get us upset to be mean!"

Violet shouted back, "Or maybe your are saying that to me to avoid saying that you were both breaking your virginity to each other!"

Jack failed to keep up in the conversation between both the females. Even though Violet was drunk, she was firing off counter-statements that Rachel was losing ground over. He couldn't even think of anything to say and dared not approach her to clean her off. Jack probably wouldn't need to considering that she was sobering up and becoming more energetic each passing second. Jack knew that Violet wasn't book smart like he was but she could damn well make a defensive case against anything. It was rare for Jack to get away with anything Violet pursued against him and even those times that he did, Jack was sure that she let him get away with it. Jack knew that this was a failing conversation and was to be exposed soon.

Violet stood up and pointed to her nose after several statements against both of them aroused, "Ok, number one. I am a wolf. I have a damn good sense of smell and even alcohol wouldn't cripple it so much that I can't smell the odor of sex between you both. Two, Jack's face is redder than a ripe strawberry. Three, Jack never closes the door unless he's rubbing one out so why now?"

Jack's internal defenses started to crumble. He thought that it over with Rachel now they were exposed. People would find out and only care about the stupid age difference. It wasn't his fault that he was four years younger or that he found the other girls to be too simple-minded for his taste. He tried with other girls around his age but they were 'superficial' to him. He felt a familiar soft feeling reach out to him. It grabbed him and strengthened him to ward off the worries.

Jack only looked at the floor and simply stated, "I wish I was older. If I was even 14 or 15, this wouldn't even be an issue would it?"

Rachel quietly spoke, her anger gone to concern for all three of them, "Violet, who cares? He likes me, he treats me well. You know I wouldn't pump his head full of crap and leave him stranded away or something."

"But...but. What if you break his heart? What if this doesn't work out? Jack will be crushed. I don't know, I just don't like it."

Jack was annoyed a little bit. Being talked about while he was right in front of them! Then again he was secretly flattered that both cared about him so much. Also, the entire scene was laughable. Here was a small wolf and an older rabbit being exposed for sex in front his naked, soaked, sobering sister. But at least it was a fuzzy feeling to match Rachel's paw.

"Hun. Jack will be ok. Even if we broke up, he's strong enough to survive it. Are you unsure because of what you think or what your parents think? Or that you care so much about your little brother that you don't want to see him hurt at all."

The female wolf began to bathe herself before the warm water from the heater reservoir would be exhausted. Meanwhile, Violet was shocked about what was just said. What did she feel about it? She pondered a little deeper about why she was thinking this way. Then again, she dated and knew what love was, at least infatuation. She came to a resound conclusion in the end that she might as well join their side because Violet cared about them and they would just continue their love in hiding while becoming disappointed for her decision. She was finished cleaning off herself and stepped out to dry herself off.

"Alright, come here you two." Violet announced. She wrapped the towel around her body to keep the warmth around her and not freeze this late at night. "I'm sorry for what I did. I think it's really cute that you both are together like this and to be honest I don't have to worry about either of you being stuck with a crappy partner. If mom or dad get on you about it, I'll help out. But you really should announce it if you really decide to stay together for real." Violet reached out and all three embraced a hug.

Violet looked at her brother very seriously and cupped his chin and forced his eyes to look right into hers, "You do realize that Rachel will be going to Tramadia next Fall. You better know that she's going to go and you have to deal with a long term relationship."

Rachel stepped in and rubbed Jack's head, "Don't worry, sweetie. You and I'll figure it out, right? There's webcams and the time we have together will be that much better."

"So you won't say anything to mom or dad then?" Jack asked.

Violet shook her head sideways and Jack breathed a sigh of relief. He needed to get comfortable with a lot of new stuff in his life but one thing at a time. He'll tell his parents when he's ready.

Jack turned to Rachel and gulped a little bit about the next question he wanted to ask. He shuffled his left foot a little then placed his hands to the back of his head. "So...ummm Rachel." There was a little gap of silence there and both girls looked at him with serious faces. He might as well keep his bravery going, or foolishness it would seem to others. "So is this 'official?'"

Rachel landed him a deep kiss that caught Jack completely off guard. He wouldn't have expected this alone with her but it was even more surprising with Violet standing right there. Rachel broke off and sarcastically asked, "What do you think?"

Violet began to ramble off after taking the obvious hint and made sure to make some things strait to avoid a mess out of hell. "Ok, I'm going to bed. You should both 'shower'" Violet did the quotation gesture with her hands, "to remove that mating scent off of you. I also wouldn't suggest a two hour excursion because of the hot water and I've got a headache so don't be too noisy."

Jack felt that he would be less embarrassed if he walked up to a school assembly, fully naked, and showed off his boner to everyone. Then again, he felt a little eager and frisky now that Violet assumed that the yiffing would commence once more.

Both the girls started talking about something else before Violet started to depart. Jack thought about again what he said earlier about his theory of being naked in front of them both. He stood to the side where neither could see him and pondered more and more. Since he was past the point of no return, he stripped down to the nude and tossed his clothes in between the two to show a class act of adolescent arrogance, stupidity, and god knows what else. He showed his light grey body destined to be darker colored and stronger like his sister without shame. Jack felt like an Olympiad showing off the body he was clearly proud of; whether the idea was inflated because of his lengthy yiff session with Rachel or not was a different story. The expression on both females was entirely flawless to Jack; all he could do it put his hands behind his head and happily smile away.

Violet was not to be out done. No no, she always pulled one over Jack even when he felt invincible. She wanted to toy around with him just a little bit more before the night was over. She turned to Rachel and pretend to whisper into her ear but said it quite loud enough so Jack could also hear the message, "Are you really sure you want to keep him? I mean, he's cute and all but?"

Rachel couldn't pass up this new game that Violet was playing. She joined along, "I dunno. I think I might be able to tame him since I snatched him so young."

"Yea, but wouldn't it be easier to just pass all that stuff and just get a better one that's already done for you."

Jack's happy expression was quickly disappearing and now was naked and being poked fun at. He slowly curled up into a little ball.

Rachel jumped up and down excitedly, "But I like puppies, they are just so~~~ cute"

"Rachel, they grow up and they smell, get grouchy, and whine a lot."

"All guys are like that though."

"You know, you could just bounce from puppy to puppy every few years."

Rachel moved over to Jack, who was crippled with embarrassment. She pointed to various parts of his body as she spoke, "Well, I'm gonna keep him and raise him and keep him even then when he's all grown up. I like his chest, his arms, his little feet, and his cute little face." Rachel moved to rub or pinch each of the areas mentioned in her fun ridicule.

She moved Jack against the wall and spoke with a hint of lust, "However, I think right now I really like this part of him." She cupped his balls and kissed him. Violet wasn't entirely surprised that Rachel did that to her brother just now, but she didn't exactly have the incestuous mindset to be comfortable with it. Rachel seductively questioned, "Can you leave me to play with him for a little now?"

Rachel stripped the upper half of her body before Violet closed the door, exposing the pure white fur, modest sized breasts, and bright pink hard nipples. Jack's sweet visual delight was quickly replaced with her musk of the previous sex encounter as he pressed him against the wall again. The two bodies were entangled in deep kissing and rubbing their bodies with their paws. Rachel gently messaged Jack's furry sack to coerce his penis to its maximum length. Jack struggled to hide his moans and keep things modestly quiet but he failed at times. He arched his back and broke several kisses to raise his head to the ceiling with the shocks of pleasure were too great. Rachel felt a tug on her shorts and she moved back away from the wall.

"I think I'll get this out of the way before you shred it up." Rachel exposed the rest of her body filling the entire room with her once-trapped scent from her nether region. Rachel was clearly in the mood again as her sex nearly dripped with her juices. She motioned Jack to move to the toilet with the lid down and properly adjusted his position. She laid a towel on the floor for more cushion and teased his throbbing penis with a soft digit.

There was little time wasted as Rachel began to rub and give more attention to his genital area. The precum wasn't enough for proper lubrication so after a few saliva-filled licks Rachel began to lower her mouth above his member. Rachel never gave oral before but was very eager to return the favor after Jack's own efforts pushed her to a limit she never knew. Rachel continued the aggression and suckled on his penis slowly to cause a slow, pleasure-filled torture to her younger lover. Jack's moans lowered to whimpers as he was trying to keep quiet per his sister's directions. Rachel increased the speed a little, slowing down to circle her soft tongue around his tender head then back to pace sucking in most of the shaft.

Jack had difficulty staying on the toilet during the process. The lid was made of plastic and the juices from her spit mixed with his precum lowered around the bottom. Combined with his thrusts and the lower friction, Jack nearly fell off from the toilet at one point. He gained more stability by placing his one foot against part of the wall and his legs were spread out even further. Shocks of pleasure bolted through his body and Rachel responded by resuming faster keeping up the pace he needed. His senses were enhanced and his heart raced as he absorbed the scent from Rachel and touch of her caring tongue across his member.

Jack pushed against Rachel's head to make her stop. The motions suddenly ceased and Jack was left to catch his breath whilst thinking of completing his next action. A few moments passed and Jack got up and pulled the towel from Rachel's knees and wiped down the toilet. Rachel was left to confusion is Jack needed to make it easier to not fall off again or something else.

Jack sat down to the back of the toilet as far as he could, which wasn't much, and patted on his tummy. "Why do you sit on my lap for a while?"

Rachel got up and stood in front of Jack with her back facing him. He rubbed her ass and played with the tuff of fur that was her tail before she began to sit on him. She carefully lowered herself so her slit would take the penis without any problems. The task proved very easy since his penis was covered in saliva and her region was full of liquid as well. Her walls eagerly moved aside to take the familiar object in and she felt a weird sense of comfort wash over her. Rachel moved up and down as Jack tried to set the motion in unity with her. This wasn't as comfortable or rewarding as the bed earlier but the floor was a cold tile that neither would really appreciate. Since they were both novices at sex, the movements were difficult to match but mediocre sex was better than no sex at all for them. Jack played with her breasts as he tried to perform and caused Rachel to keep up her libido enough to close in on an orgasm.

Jack moved quicker and tried to take more effort for Rachel so he slide forward and moved back and forth on the toilet to cause enough momentum for a humping motion. Certainly not the best idea in these situations but options was limited. Jack tried to pick up Rachel a little but his arms were too exhausted from helping his sister earlier. Things managed to pick up and move along when Rachel placed her feet on the floor and did light hops to jolt the humping in a manageable speed. After their final adjusted position both were able to continue into a sweet bliss of enjoying themselves.

Jack could not support it much further as his climax closed in. He struggled around the toilet erratically and Rachel felt the familiar warmth enter within her walls. Jack was spent but he tried to push himself forward a few more seconds and Rachel took advantage of the short moment. She paced her legs so that one would push her up and doubled her speed through that. She was pulled into an orgasm and Jack held her around her belly so her body could move how it needed to during the moment. The juices dripped to the side of the toilet onto the floor while Jack's penis softened away back to its sheath. Jack leaned forward while hugging Rachel and she turned her head downward to kiss him lightly on his hair during the afterglow.

Jack snuck out of the bathroom quietly to find the clock in the living room. "It's almost 2," he whispered to himself. He knew it would not be long before his parents walked into the door and he must make haste to prevent detection. He wandered back into the bathroom where Rachel was readying the shower with whatever she thought would work best to hide the powerful scents heavy sex.

The shower was turned on and the water heater had some time to recharge itself so the shower would be enjoyable but would have to remain short because of time limitations. They didn't fully adhere to the rules though as both furs kissed and teased each other while soaping themselves. After the first initial soaping, Jack used a second soap that specifically removed natural odors and musk. The bottle said directly that it was designed for furs with a naturally heavy scent but hinted around sex scents as well. After that was applied the shower shortly finished and they both dressed.

A diversion was needed to show that Jack was doing something within his normal behavior and since Violet was passed out on his bed, he decided that Jack watched movies all night long. Rachel went to pick out a few movies to lie out and put one about halfway in while Jack moved around the house to clean up various clothes, evidence, and continue the laundry.

Jack returned to the couch and saw the movie on but could not find Rachel. "Where'd she wander off to?"

"I wandered off to get something to eat." She overheard the question put a bowl of ice cream in his hand after he turned around. "I figured we both deserve a treat." The ice cream was loaded with chucky chocolate ice cream with whipped cream, M&M's, rainbow sprinkles, and chocolate syrup.

"No cherries?" Jack said sarcastically. "Seriously, thanks. This looks good."

Rachel placed her bowl on the table and lightly grabbed between his legs, "I think we both had enough of cherries tonight, I wanted to pass."

There was not much dialogue between the two as ice cream was consumed and Rachel put the movie to the action part that occurred after all the story setting. After the ice cream ended, Jack laid down to rest on Rachel's lap and found the warmth comfortable and inviting. He drifted off to sleep shortly after and Rachel lowered the sound of the TV.

"Wow, I really can't believe what happened tonight," Rachel reflected to herself. "A few frustrating dates with older furs and he was there all along for me. He took care of his sister like it was his duty, certainly emotionally mature for his age." She stroked his hair softly and smiled, "a rare male fur indeed. I guess I am lucky after all."

It wasn't until after 3 that his parents entered the door. His father was mostly sober but his mother was fairly lit. Jack was still passed out on top of Rachel's lap and she was flipping though boring television shows for the insomniacs of the world.

"I guess you both enjoyed yourselves tonight." Jack and Violet's father said as he looked around the room to see several scattered movies and two empty bowls of melted remains of ice cream. "Was he good tonight? No troubles?"

Rachel quietly responded, "He was excellent. We girls mostly hung out and I checked up on him now and then, chatted with him for a little bit. He's really mature for his age and very bright I might add."

"Oh yea. I heard you are going to Tramadia, congratulations. What field are you picking?"

"It's a split between Chemistry and Biology. I think maybe I might mix the two together for a specialized focus but I have time to figure that out in the next year or two."

"Yea, this kid wants to be an engineer of some sort. He loves his models, big machines, and very adept at math. Wish I knew more about the stuff myself to help him but it's well out of this old dog's league."

"Oh, can I have a blanket before you go? His bed is being used because Casey came over and I guess we'll just spend the rest of the night here."

He returned with a large, heavy blanket for their use and he turned off the lights so darkness would be there to surround them. She waited until their padding faded to their room in the back of the house and the door closed shut. She adjusted both of them so they could use the couch as a bed. Jack never woke up but he instinctly adjusted his arms to wrap around Rachel's body in search of warmth.

"Good night love."