Captive Desire

Story by Sable Gryphon on SoFurry

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#2 of Mercenary Desire

Mercenary Desire

Chapter 2

Captive Dreams


First draft: 26 Aug 07

Release date:

Disclaimer: This story is (c) Sable Gryphon (ebongryphon at hotmail dot com)

This story contains sexual acts between furry males and includes, but not limited to, Bondage, Domination, Humiliation, and Watersports. Please, do not read this story if you are underage. It will be here when you are of legal age.

Redistribution is AUTHORIZED for non-commercial purposes and only if the disclaimer and copyright information is also redistributed with the story in an unaltered state.

Special thanks to Firebreath, Greg Kalavitis, and Icefox for proofreading and suggestions.

This is my second yiffy story ever, so any feedback would be much appreciated.


Light slowly filled the oblivion where Prylon floated, banishing the half-formed and half-remember images of sleep. The mongoose's eyes slowly opened, greeted by the soft, flickering firelight. A pungent smell filled the room. His cheeks started to burn as he realized that the scent was that of the badger guard. The memories of the day's activities flooded back, of suckling on the badger like a calf, of being marked and claimed, and of begging for release. With the memories, dull pain filtered into his mind as aches started to awaken. His abused throat ached with each following breath, his bruised chest protested with each inhalation, and his paws bound to the chair behind him continued demanding freedom. The flickering firelight played along him, seeming to highlight the matted fur along his chest and belly.

As shame filled him, his groin started to tighten. He realized with a start that, deep down, he loved being bound and humiliated. For a moment, his heart started to sink, but he mentally shook himself banishing such thoughts and bringing his attention to his surroundings once more. He was still in the small wooden room from the previous night. There were no windows, so he had no idea what time of day it was. The fire burned low, leaving the room dim. The table had been moved off to the side and the other two chairs were empty. With a start, he realized he was alone in the room. Instinctively he tested his bonds, straining against the coarse rope that held his paws together behind his back and his hindpaws to the legs of the chair, but they may well have been made of steel.

After several minutes of struggling, he fell back panting. He was well and truly caught. Even if he could get free of the bonds, he was naked and reeked of the badger. Frustration filled him when he realized that he hadn't felt this helpless since he left home. Thoughts of home chilled his heart and fury started to smolder within him.


He always remembered the grass first. The wild grass covered the hills above the town, waving lazily in the wind. The grass had a fresh, clean scent that Prylon had always loved. That aroma had been with him when he played in the fields above the village where his father owned the only store. It had urged him on when he toiled in the shop. It had held him when he cried after his mother died from snakebite. When his best friend had sat on the hills with him, surrounded by that fragrance, it had seemed like heaven.

He had been sixteen on that cursed day. It had rained that morning, cleaning the air and dampening the ground. After the work of the day had been done, Prylon had escaped to the hills. It wasn't long before he spied a large moose walking up the hill. Kefan was the eldest son of a farmer and the hard work had built and toughened his body. Prylon stole a covert glace at the approaching farmer, his heart skipping a beat, before he directed his attention back to the view of the beautiful valley. A few moments later the moose sank down beside the mongoose.

They sat in easy silence together, close enough friends that neither felt the need to break the stillness. As sun began to fall and paint the sky brilliant colors, Kefan finally spoke. "I saw Jana working the fields today. The sun was shining down and glistening off the sweat on her brow. She was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. How about you? Have you found anyone yet?"

Prylon's heart beat in his throat. He couldn't understand why he found other men attractive and not girls, but this was his best friend. They grew up together, played together, and helped each other through hard times. If anyone he could trust Kefan. With a sigh, he turned to the moose beside him. "I think the most beautiful person I've ever seen is... you."

Kefan recoiled in disgust and shock as Prylon's face fell. The mongoose looked away as his heart broke. He was unprepared when the moose's fist slammed into his stomach, driving the air out of his lungs. Two more blows slammed into him as he curled up in a ball. "You fucking... fagot!" the moose spat in disgust before his leg impacted the prone mongoose's back. As Kefan stalked down the hill, he shouted back "I can't believe I thought you were my friend!" The scent of the grass held Prylon as he sobbed.

The next day, when Prylon returned to his father's shop, it was no surprise when his father locked the door in his face and turned his back. None of the others in the village would even look at him. His heart was in his feet as he slowly turned and trudged out the village, never to look back, leaving with only the clothes on his back. The aroma of the wild grass carried him out of the past and into his new life.


Prylon's reverie was broken when he heard the bolt on the door slowly slide open. Old scars mixed with new powerlessness to smolder in his heart. The mongoose let an opaque expression fall over his face while the door began to swing open. Prylon watched blankly as a tall jackal entered. His eyes watched every movement as the lanky solder walked in, noting the false confidence that the jackal held himself with. His eyes traced his figure, noting the loose white clothing against a pale golden fur, the lack of shoes, and the lack of weapons. The mongoose figured the jackal was a young soldier with good potential but one who would need to bolster his self confidence quickly or he wouldn't last long in battle. His hesitation before settling into the chair told volumes about his unease around the mongoose.

The smell of freshly cooked eggs sliced through the badger's musk. After going a day without anything to eat, his stomach demanded attention. His eyes riveted to the door as Captain Starling entered, still wearing his full plate armor, carrying a metal plate. Swallowing the salivation, Prylon steeled himself, expecting the worst, rage building within him. Tearing his eyes away from the plate, he directed his gaze back to the jackal seated across from him. He decided that the young guard was cute, though by no means beautiful. Hearing the metal plate click on the wooden table, he flicked his eyes over to watch the reindeer drag the table to sit directly in front of him. He glanced at the plate containing three fresh eggs with longing before diverting his gaze. The jackal shifted his seat to the right of the table, sitting slightly closer to Captain Starling to keep some distance between himself and the mongoose.

Raising his gaze to meet the dark brown eyes of the reindeer, the mongoose searched the face of the captain's for weakness or insight, but found nothing. Several terse moments passed before the reindeer smiled. "Good morning. I brought you some well deserved breakfast. I hear you are a prodigy." Prylon felt his ears flatten as a vivid image of the night before flashed in his mind.

A deep sigh cleared the mongoose's mind and drew his attention to the eggs before him. Tugging at his bonds to punctuate his words, he said "Are you going to release my paws so I can eat?"

The reindeer frowned thoughtfully before responding. "You want me to let a battle skilled mercenary free and hand him a knife and a fork in an enclosed room? I've got a better idea. I'm sure you understand." With that statement, the jackal picked up the utensils and started cutting the eggs in small pieces. The mongoose was indignant when a small piece of egg was pressed against his muzzle. His resistance crumbled at the thought of the last time something was presented to his muzzle. A blush flowered as he meekly parted his lips and took the bite into his mouth.

Prylon's eyes closed as the morsel melted in his maw. He could not remember the last time that real eggs had found their way to his table. Even slightly crunchy and unsalted, they were heavenly. Every muscle in his body relaxed and a moan escaped his lips. He ignored the chuckles of the two guards. They couldn't take this moment from him. His gullet complained when he swallowed, but the protest went unnoticed. When the next morsel was offered, he relented easily.

Several minutes passed as the eggs vanished. After the last tidbit disappeared, the mongoose relaxed into his chair, lazily directing his attention back to the reindeer. While Captain Starling was watching him thoughtfully, the jackal was trying not to fidget. The silence was finally broken when the reindeer leaned forward. "Forgive me for I have been a terrible host. I know so little about my guest. Sadly, yesterday I needed to focus on military issues. Please, I would like to know where you are from."

Something about the tone put Prylon on edge. "The road is my home."

The reindeer pressed further. "What happened to your family?"

Ancient hurt chilled the mongoose's heart, so he responded coldly "My mother died when I was young. She was my only family."

"Where did you learn to fight? You are very good."

Prylon was still wary, but he could see no harm in this line of questioning. "I fell in with some militiamen who needed a squire and they taught me the basics. After a little while, I left and honed my skills on the road, taking jobs as a guard or scout. I earned a name for myself and, as my reputation grew, so too did my standard of living."

Captain Starling leaned back in his chair, lacing his arms behind his head. "It sounds like you are doing well for yourself. The job you were on to scout this encampment, did it pay well?"

The mongoose's demeanor became noticeably prickly as he glared at his captor. "This job would have paid well enough for me to weather the winter without requiring work. If you would ransom me, maybe I would be able to secure a winter job before they all vanish."

The reindeer pondered this for several long moments, staring up at the ceiling. "What if I were willing to pay you to help me out?"

The mongoose didn't both to hide an exasperated sigh. "You know as well as I do that as a prisoner of war I can not aid you in this conflict. Even if you ransomed me, I would not be able to participate in this conflict for a full year."

"Oh, no, this would not be in a wartime capacity. Think of it as helping me as an advisor, doing minor things to help my unit run smoothly, but not directly related to the conflict. I swear that this would not be incompatible with any of the vows you took when you became a registered mercenary."

Suspicion brimmed in Prylon. He wasn't sure how far he could trust Captain Starling, especially after the night before. On the other paw, the stark reality was that, if he wasn't released soon, there was a good chance he wouldn't make it through the winter. He had lost all of his worldly possessions when he was taken, including the very clothes on his back. With a failure fresh on his record and no gear, the likelihood of finding work was abysmal. "That is an extremely grey area. While, technically, it is legal, it would reflect poorly if word got out that I was working for you during my time as your prisoner. Any price would have to offset a potential loss of winter income."

A grin split the reindeer's face. "First, I will guarantee that, when this conflict is over and you are released, all the equipment that was taken off of you will be returned. Second, you will be paid 100 Sanguine Denarii. Do we have a deal?"

The figure gave Prylon pause. That was an awful lot of money to be throwing at him. It would easily get him through the winter and might even be enough to set up a base of operations. The silence stretched on for many moments while the mongoose contemplated the consequences of this deal, and the ways it could be used against him. "I have three conditions. First, that nothing I do contradicts any of my previous obligations. Second, I get the money in gold, in a lump sum, on the day I am released from captivity. Finally, I will be released no later than two days after the official end of hostilities for this conflict."

The reindeer nodded, satisfied. "Agreed. Do we have a deal?"

Prylon still felt like this was a mistake, but he could see no other way. "Yes, we have a deal."

A grin split Captain Starling's face. "Wonderful!" The mongoose clapped the jackal on the shoulder. "Now, first, take Tavas here. What are your thoughts on him?"

Prylon directed his gaze back to the jackal who still sat quietly, looking uncomfortable under the attention. "Well, he's young and inexperienced. He's tall, which gives him good reach. The way he holds himself suggests he has great potential as a warrior. However, he is unsure of himself. He doesn't believe he will win, so he will not. If he doesn't learn to trust himself, he will fall easily in battle."

The captain nodded. "I agree. I have a plan that will give him the confidence he needs, but I need your help. I swear this does not impinge on any prior agreements you have. Will you help him?"

While he remained suspicious of the captain, Prylon looked at the jackal. The poor lad would die soon if something wasn't done. His felt his heart twinge and he realized that he couldn't let that happen. "Very well, I will help him if I can."

"Excellent. Tavas, go ahead and untie him. Show him what needs to be done. I have to go run an army. I'll send in Dax and Aeran to assist you." With that, the large reindeer stood up and, grabbing the plate, walked out the door. Meanwhile, the jackal stood up nervously and began untying the mongoose's hindpaws. After several seconds, his paws fell free of the chair legs. Immediately they started complaining, so he focused his attention on stretching them out.

Tavas moved around and began unraveling the rope holding the captive's paws together. While the jackal was still fighting with one of the knots, Dax and the mouse guard from the day before entered the room, laughing together at some shared joke. Both were clad only trousers, though Dax carried a leather sack that he tossed to the ground near the table. The mouse, Aeran he assumed, closed the door behind them. Finally, he felt the rope holding his paws together slip free. Groaning with relief, the mongoose held his wrists, trying to massage life back into his paws.

The jackal grabbed the mongoose's arm and helped lift the captive to his feet. A wave of weakness crashed into Prylon, and only the steady grip of Tavas kept him from collapsing. The jackal slowly lowered the mongoose to his belly on the table before them. Prylon panted for breath after the strain of simply trying to hold his own weight. It felt as if all the strength had been sapped from his limbs. Then he noticed an evil gleam in the eyes of the guards across the room. Icy fingers of fear began to grip his heart when the mouse began to speak. "Ok, Tavas, time to become a warrior. Before you is your enemy. He has been fighting against you. He may be responsible for the deaths of your friends and allies. It is time to make sure he never is a threat to you again."

The mongoose fought to stand up, but he couldn't find the strength in his limbs. His fear grew when he heard cloth collapsing behind him. Doing the only thing left to him, Prylon clamped his tail down to protect himself. Dax smiled and walked over to him, kneeling before him and taking the slender face in his paws. The sensation of Dax's paws closing around his head sparked memories of the night before made stronger by the scent of the badger that still clung to him. "You said that you would help him gain confidence. You said you would help Captain Starling. If your word means nothing, fight. If you value your word, all you have to do is lift you tail."

His heart fell. He realized this had been what Captain Starling had meant all along. He had agreed to help make Tavas a man. The full ramifications of his agreement started to dawn on him. He had accepted unknown employment and was now expected to fulfill his side. The reindeer had known how much his word meant to him and had used it against him. Letting the jackal take him did not violate any of his previous agreements and it was well within his ability. It did not violate any of the laws of war. He had, in effect, already agreed to this. Even though he didn't understand what he was agreeing to at the time, he had given his word. His heart wrenched as he realized he had already made the choice. Slowly, he relaxed his tail, meekly moving it to the side.

Prylon expected to immediately be taken, but he was surprised when nothing happened. Dax shifted his paws to scritch his ears. "Good boy." The mongoose's ears burned with shame. His shame doubled when he felt his groin tighten at the treatment. He watched Dax grab the forgotten sack and hand it behind him to Tavas. "Ok, just like we talked about, you must secure the prisoner." Craning his neck around allowed him to see the jackal start to walk around him. Tavas had discarded his clothing, revealing his pale gold fur. As the young soldier stalked around the mongoose, Prylon felt his eyes being drawn to the jackal's erect member. It bobbed wildly with each step, the angry red standing out against the pale fur. It seemed oddly tapered to a point.

Prylon pulled his attention away, closing his eyes in shame when he felt himself growing hard at the sight. He sensed movement and opened his eyes when he felt the jackal's paw close around his wrist, pulling it against the table leg. The mongoose opened his eyes in time to see the jackal loop pink yarn several times around his paw before sharply tightening it, securing his arm to the table. Instinctively, the mongoose tested his bonds expecting to snap the feeble yarn, but started to panic when his weakened limb couldn't even budge the string. Within moments he found his other paw secured to the table as well. The jackal was moving quickly now, stepping behind the mongoose, out of his field of vision.

It was only a moment before the jackal appeared again, carrying a short piece of yarn with two loops in it. Tavas smiled at him while lazily reaching out and snagging the tip of the mongoose's tail, threading the tip through the smaller loop and pulling it tight. The jackal then pulled up quickly on the yarn, pulling his tail up and forward, looping the other end around his neck. Prylon had never felt so exposed. Tugging on his tail tightened the loop around his neck. Once again, the guard disappeared behind him.

Fear and humiliation had been replaced by nervousness in Prylon's chest. He realized that he was fully hard because of the bonds, his solid shaft forced below the table. While being mounted had been in his fantasies since he was a boy, he had never experienced it before, so he wasn't sure what to expect. His breath caught in his throat when he felt something hard and hot poke against his inner thigh. The jackal behind him then started to lean over him. His heart was beating in his chest, waiting for the guard to hit the mark when a loop of cloth fell over his eyes. Before he could react, the cloth was tied behind his head, cutting off his vision entirely. The jackal stood up, disappearing from his senses.

The mongoose's ears strained. He could hear soft movement behind him, but he couldn't distinguish anything specific. His heart rate jumped when the fire popped loudly. Now blind, he started to notice sensations that had escaped him before. The table below him was rough and unwelcoming. The movement behind him was creating air currents that played across the secret part of him that was now exposed to air. His skin burned when he felt his hindpaws quickly fastened to the table with yet more yarn. He felt helpless and exposed. His ears twitched forward as Dax's voice broke the silence. "Physical pain will pass. You must make yourself dominant to him in such a way that he will forever after submit to you. Remember what we talked about."

The room fell silent and the moments stretched on. Prylon was startled when the jackal's paws clamped down firmly on his him. He couldn't suppress a jump when he felt something slick and hard press against his tailhole. It took a moment for the mongoose to relax as the pressure slowly increased. The slick tip of the jackal suddenly slipped inside the mongoose. Prylon gasped at the sensation. It wasn't painful, but it was close. He tried to slow his breathing and let the sensations come. When the jackal didn't press further, he decided that the jackal was giving him time to adjust. The mongoose started to relax when he felt a hot, wet pressure suddenly build, breaking past the seal the jackal made. Prylon bucked when he realized that the jackal was marking him. The hot liquid ran down onto his own furred sack and down his member. Shame burned at the mongoose's cheeks and flattened his ears. He felt as if he were little more than a toy. The fact that these feelings magnified his own arousal burned in him. He was an object to these men, and part of him loved it.

When the stream steadied and became more powerful, Prylon felt the jackal slowly start pushing into him, using the foul liquid as lubrication. The mongoose felt himself stretched and filled like never before. His jaw clenched against the pain and humiliation. After several moments, he felt a change as the guard had pushed far enough in to form a plug. Prylon felt the hot fluid start to fill his bowels. After several long moments, he finally felt the jackal hilt himself, their hips pressing together. The stream finally slowed to a stop, leaving a hot pool deep within him.

The mongoose expected Tavas to immediately start thrusting, but the jackal remained buried deep within him. The only movement was the occasional throb of the member buried within him. Several minutes passed, before the jackal started to lean forward, pressing the mongoose down into the table, and laying his head on Prylon's neck. The guard nuzzled against him intimately before speaking in a low whisper. "Beg for me. Become my bitch."

The words burned within him. Being bound and mounted, the impossible need he had felt the night before blossomed once again within him. His body demanded submission. He felt the yarn binding him; the hard cock buried within him, the pool of piss burning within his bowels, and felt the jackal's heavy testicles resting on his own. A whimper of need escaped his lips. Licking his lips, the words escaped him before he could stop them. "Please, master. Please... make me your bitch." Prylon felt utterly humiliated and it turned him on.

The mongoose felt Tavas slowly pull out of him, almost to the tip. The jackal then surged powerfully forward, slamming into the bound mongoose, tearing a surprised squeak from Prylon. The captive felt Tavas clamp his teeth down on his shoulder for a better grip and leverage and begin to hammer into him. The jackal seemed to be holding an impossible pace, building friction rapidly. Each thrust forced precum and other fluids out of Prylon, which dripped down onto his heavy orbs and traced lines down his throbbing member.

The sensations were quickly driving every thought out of Prylon's head. He focused more and more on the incredible feelings within his core. The pain had vanished in the face of growing lust. The mongoose almost thought that the jackal's member was growing, but all such ideas disappeared as the jackal's fierce onslaught wiped all coherent thought from Prylon's mind. A heavenly heat started to spread within his core, growing heavy within him. He felt the jackal above him shift, wrapping his paws around the bound mongoose's shoulders. Prylon felt strangely safe, pressed down by the figure above him, and held tightly, with the jackal's teeth holding tightly onto the hollow of his neck.

The mongoose's body mourned the loss when he stopped feeling the jackal's hips slam into him or the jackal's heavy balls slap his own. Pleasure was building within the bound mongoose. Prylon gripped the table legs he was bound to, gasping in pleasure every few seconds. The already quick pace began to speed up to impossibly. The mongoose felt the paws on his shoulders suddenly press him down, gripping tightly. Prylon felt the jackal pull almost all the way out and pause for a brief moment. Before he had a chance to wonder what was going on, the jackal slammed himself forward with a howl, knocking the breath out of Prylon.

A hellish pain blossomed as if he were being ripped apart. The jackal's hips slammed into the captive, the guard's furred sack slapping almost painfully into Prylon. The pain vanished as quickly when the huge bulge that had developed in the canine's cock lodged inside of the poor mongoose. The hot pressure continued to increase as the knot swelled further. Prylon felt the prick buried inside him pulse, starting to fill him with the jackal's seed. The pressure and sensation was overwhelmed the mongoose. Prylon grit his teeth as he felt the most powerful orgasm of his life grip him as he exploded, coating the bottom of the table and floor with ropes of thick seed. Every muscle in his body clenched, milking the jackal, as waves of pleasure assaulted Prylon.

As the pleasure slowly faded, Prylon collapsed, the little remaining strength in his limbs draining out. The pressure of the jackal above him increased as the exhausted Tavas rested upon his new conquest. The mongoose lay their panting for several long moments before realizing that the jackal's member was still lodged inside him. As panic began to well within the mongoose, he tried to pull free as best he could from Tavas. The movement caused the cock within him to throb and tore a moan from the guard. A sudden snicker within him caused his ears to rotate forward. The mongoose flushed when he remembered that two other guards had just watched the jackal dominate him.

Prylon realized the mouse was right in front of him when the snicker gave way to a husky whisper. His words did nothing to quell the panic and humiliation in his heart. "Don't worry, little pet. He will shrink in time and slip free of you. The amount of time, however, will depend on how aroused he stays. If you keep struggling, it could be as much as an hour. In the mean time, however, you have some work to do." Prylon felt a paw wrap around his muzzle, forcing it closed. The smell of aroused mouse sliced through the scent of the other two males that clouded around him as he felt the wet tip of the mouse's cock pressed against his nose.

"Now, you knew Tavas here for a matter of minutes before you let him fuck you. You have known me far longer than that. You wear the scent of Dax and Tavas, proving that you let them mark you. You owe me. Listen carefully, my pet. You are going to open your mouth and let me fuck that pretty little muzzle. When I am about to cum, I will pull my cock to your lips and you will let me fill your mouth with my seed. You will NOT swallow until I tell you to, nor will you spill a single drop. I suggest you do not fail in this. Do you understand me?"

With his muzzle held tightly shut, the mongoose could only whimper in consent. Slowly the paw gripping his muzzle released him. The mouse slid his fingers through the fur on Prylon's cheek to grip tightly at the fur on the base of his spine. Only then did the cock that was pressed against his muzzle slid down to his lips. The mongoose opened his mouth, letting the member slid past his parted lips. He was amazed at how thick the mouse's cock was, spreading his jaws wide. As the cock quickly pressed into him, Prylon began to worry that he would not be able to take the mouse. He started sucking when the member pressed into the back of his throat and was relieved when he felt the mouse's heavy sack press against his chin and his nose bump against Aeran's hips. Prylon found that if he kept suckling, he could keep the mouse's thick member out of his throat.

Prylon began to move his tongue along the cock, massaging the shaft and gathering a moan from Aeran. The taste of the mouse's precum blossomed in his mouth. The paw at the back of his neck tightened painfully and Aeran quickly withdrew his member until the tip was just inside Prylon's lips. The mouse then thrust in rapidly, slamming himself into the captive's muzzle. As Aeran began to brutally thrust into his maw, Prylon found that he could only focus on suckling as best he could. Each time the mouse hilted himself within the mongoose, the impact was enough to jar him.

Being there, sandwiched between the jackal tied within him and the mouse claiming his muzzle, bound to a table with yarn, Prylon felt a sense of safety he had not known. Being taken by these males, being their bitch, knowing his place in the world, was peace. For the first time, the mongoose was able to let go of all his cares in the world. He could stop worrying about where his next meal came from, or how he would have to kill the friendly person he just met if they turned hostile, or from hiding the fact that other males aroused him. This, being claimed and mated, being bound and tied, was a bliss that Prylon had never even known could exist.

Prylon felt the jackal shift, tugging at his core. The weight that had been pressing him into the table disappeared as Tavas stood up again. The jackal produced a feral growl, claiming the bitch he was tied to as his own. Prylon felt the jackal pull back hard and thrust forward. Still locked together, the jackal began to thrust in time with the mouse that was pummeling his muzzle. The jackal grinding within him rapidly brought Prylon to full hardness again.

Never before had so much sensation assaulted Prylon, crashing over him. The jackal was hard and hot, buried within him, stretching him in ways that he had never thought possible. His own member was painfully hard, begging him to bury it within something, anything. His hindpaws were bound to the rough table while yarn cut into him, holding his legs in place. He felt the loop of yarn around the tip of his tail, pulling it forward while at the same time the loop of yarn around his neck tightened with each bob of his tail. The scarred wood of the table he was pressed against grated across his chest and stomach. The mouse's cock slid through his lips, across the roof of his muzzle, caressing his tongue.

Prylon's sensitive nose was overwhelmed by enticing scents. The base aroma was the aroused musk of mouse, but it was complimented by the arousal of the jackal and badger. The bitter smell of the jackal's urine mingled with the older scent of the badger's marking. This heady blend mixed with the perfume of sex in the air intoxicated the mongoose as surely as it marked him as a slut and a bitch.

Prylon's reverie was broken when the jackal let out a strangled moan. Tavas arched his back while his member still trapped within the mongoose pulsed. Heat radiated in his core as his bowels were filled with more of the jackal's seed. The mouse's pace began to change as well, speeding up and becoming more erratic. The paw gripping the back of Prylon's head tightened painfully, holding him in place, while the mouse's other paw clamped onto the bottom of his muzzle, holding him in place. After one final thrust, Aeran pulled his member out, resting the tip on Prylon's lower lip.

The painful grip reminded the mongoose of Aeran's demand. The first pulse of the mouse's seed slammed into the back of Prylon's throat. Several more ropes of spunk coated the inside of his muzzle, pooling around his tongue. With his maw quickly filling up, the mongoose had to crane his neck back to keep the hot seed inside his muzzle. The jets of spunk began to diminish, but Prylon found he had to stretch his neck out and crane it as far back as possible, then open his throat and jut his jaw out to prevent spilling any of the slime.

Prylon's ears twitched as Aeran demanded "Stay!" in a breathless voice. The paws that had been supporting him vanished, forcing the mongoose to fight to stay in that position. Hours seemed to pass there, in the darkness, with his neck stretched out and the taste of the mouse's burning seed hammering at his brain. The muscles in his neck began to complain about the position they were forced to maintain. Only after he started shaking with effort did the mouse finally relent. "Ok little pet. Swallow!"

Prylon was so relieved that he clamped his mouth shut, forcing some of the mouse's seed out of his muzzle to trace lines down his neck and slide across his chest. The mongoose quickly swallowed the remaining slime, feeling it coat his throat and burn its way to his stomach. Aeran's growl filled the room and flattened the mongoose's ears. "I warned you not to spill any, bitch. It looks like you will need more training. For now, however, you have earned something."

Prylon whimpered as he felt the mouse's rough pawpads grip his forgotten member. Burning with need and leaking precum, the mongoose jumped as the tip of a claw was drawn lightly across his sensitive tip. The mouse's paw began to rapidly pump up and down the mongoose's cock. The friction rapidly pushed Prylon over the brink. The mouse's paw continued pumping while Prylon felt his body suddenly tense, firing spurt after spurt of seed into the darkness. The waves of ecstasy tore a scream of pleasure from his throat. The spasms finally diminished and Prylon collapsed in exhaustion.

Panting in fatigue, the mongoose felt his ears twitch when the mouse began to speak. "The trail of my cum down your throat stands out. You look silly that way. Let me help with that." Prylon felt the blindfold ripped off only to be replaced by the mouse's wet paw. It took a moment to realize that the paw was coated in the mongoose's own rapidly cooling seed. The paw began to massage his face, coating his fur with spunk. The mouse covered every inch of Prylon's face, paying particular attention to his eyelids and making sure to coat the inside of his ears. Humiliation burned in the mongoose's heart as the mongoose moved his paw moved to the scruff of his neck, wiping his paw clean in the captive's fur. The air stirring in the room chilled his wet face. Aeran snickered to himself. "That's better."

Prylon hung his head in shame and exhaustion. He couldn't open his eyes for fear of getting his own seed in his eyes. The jackal shifted, tugging within him, lying once more on top of him. He didn't even have the strength or will to lift his ears when Dax spoke. "Aeran, get cleaned up and report to Captain Starling. Tavas, when you finish up, take your new bitch to get washed up and taken care of. Make sure you didn't rip him. Take your time and make sure he gets clean. Once you are done, take him to your room and tie him up, then report back to me. You did well today." The badger paused and walked towards them while Aeran left the room. "As for you, my little pet, you have enthusiasm, which is good in a pet, but you need lots more practice, so we will have to make sure you get lots of experience to improve your skills."

Prylon's heart fell as the next words were whispered right into his ear. "I can tell you love this. I see the way your body craves the humiliation. We are not barbarians. If you hated this, if you demanded that we stop with every fiber of your being, we would never have touched you, but we see the way you burn for the next touch, the next shame. No, my little bitch, we only give you what you want deep in your heart. You can lie to yourself, saying that we tricked you or that you are only doing this for the money, but you can't hide your body screaming the truth. That is why you will be with us for every day of this war, letting us take you and claim you. You are and forever will be ours in your heart."

The mongoose felt the badger's lips brush across his nose light enough that he wondered if he imagined it. He heard the badger stand up and walk out of the room after the mouse, closing the door behind him. Tavas signed in contentment and snuggled in close to the mongoose settling in for the wait while Prylon's mind raced to deny the badger's parting words.

End Chapter 2

Prisoner of War

Mercenary Desire Chapter 1 Prisoner of War ================ First draft: 20 Aug 07 Release date: 26 Aug 07 Disclaimer: This story is (c) Sable Gryphon (ebongryphon at hotmail dot com) This story contains sexual acts between furry males...

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