Saving the kennel v2

Story by NoWay on SoFurry

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The story is about 2 friends who finally meet again after a year or working, one of which ending up accidentally infected by a medical research project of the other. at first the friend tries to help but as it becomes clear his friend might be the one that could save the kennel from bankruptcy it becomes a hard decision to stop the change.

if you are worried you might not like it ill give a short topic list of whats in here, otherwise skip to the next paragraph and just stop reading when you get surprised in a way you don't like. Alright a list of what might offend someone: gay activities between a male human and a male human that is (being) transformed into a 4 legged dog(no anthro sorry), medical settings, needles, loss of human right, male and female dogs breeding, taking sperm samples by loss of control, canine licking male parts, abuse of male human for personal gain.

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Disclaimer: this story is pure fiction, anything in this story is not something I have done or am planning to do, I'm not a evil scientist nor do I feel the need to do such acts, like I said its pure fiction and that's enough for me, no dogs or humans where hurt in the making of this story so don't be a hero and start telling how bad this is because I believe fiction allows for anything as long you are not hurting anyone in real life,

also i really don't have a basement with dog-making serum so don't email me asking if i need another dog

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Saving the Kennel



Barney was driving up the mountains to see his friend that he hadn't seen in ages. After college him and his best friend Tony both went their own ways. Barney decides to get a white collar job and earn some money so he could fund the hobbies he had. Tony on the other hand had chosen to turn one of his main interests into his work and earn money that way.

Barney knew that Tony had took all his savings and bought a house and lots of ground to setup up a professional breeding kennel. To barney it made perfect sense, Tony always loved dogs and sometimes Barney even thought that love was a little bit too strong for a normal person. He shook his head as that thought went trough his mind: nah he knew Tony would never hurt a animal, he loved them to much for that he thought and focused his thoughts back on the roads.

He finally was coming closer as a sign pointing him to "Tony's breeding and boarding kennel" came into view. He smirked a bit, Tony never was very good with coming up with original names. Which always surprised Barney a bit as he knew Tony was probably a lot smarter then himself.

As Barney drove up to the kennel several minutes later he was amazed at how big it was. While driving by the fenced-in areas he could count at least 3 play-fields and 10 large kennels.

Sadly enough most of the kennels appeared to be unused with only a few kennels having a dog or 2 in there.

Ringing the doorbell was not needed because by the time he arrived at the front door all the dogs where already barking and Tony was standing in the doorway with a large smile on his face. Barney quickly parked his car and walked up to his good friend, "Well I'm here".

"Took you long enough, nearly a full year to come visit your good friend?" Tony laughed and came over giving his good friend a hug, "glad you decided to come over for the weekend, I missed having you around".

Barney smiled and returned the hug, it had been a long time he and his friend got together and he really had missed the company and overall friendship they had shared before school-life had ended.

"Nice place you build here Ton". Barney said as Tony broke the hug and nodded while he took Barneys bag and carried it in for him. "Yeah, I wanted to start of good, so I used all my money to build this place". Tony said "well it turned out great" Barney replied as he followed Tony into the living room.

"Beer?" Tony asked as he put the bag down. Already walking towards the kitchen as he knew his friends answer already. Barney nods and sat down, "I wouldn't say no to one right about now" chuckling a bit.

Tony smiled and went off to fetch those drinks. Barney took a moment to look around, he spotted 3 large dog beds sitting in the corner of the room, a big sized television but then he suddenly saw the door open a bit and heard the sound of nails clicking on floor filling the room. A happy German Shepherd stuck its head around the sofa looking up at the unfamiliar face.

"Hey there buddy, what's your name hmm?" Barney asked as the Shepherd happily started wagged his tail harder and sniffed at barneys hands. Barney smiled as the big dog happily starts nuzzling close, "Friendly fellow aren't ya?" he said to the dog but then another Shepherd showed his face, nudging his head in between Barney and the other dog, clearly jealous.

Tony walked back in with 2 cold beers and a bowl of salty snacks and laughed at the sight of Barney being attacked by two pet hungry dogs, each of them nuzzling against him, trying to get more pets and scritches then the other. "I see you met Shock and Bandit " he said as he sat down on the other couch.

"Yeah they are very friendly, but I'm guessing there is another one, I count 3 beds over there" he said while pointing at the 3 large pet-beds in the corner of the room but stops as he sees the sad look on Tony face, "what the matter?". He asked concerned.

Tony tried to smile again but he clearly had trouble with it," oh nothing, its just that my main stud died a couple of weeks ago... " he looked up at Barney and grinned a bit, "I called him Barn... after you". Barney smiled but just listened, thinking his friend needed to air out his story first. "It sucks but now I need to use the lesser studs to do his work. I was planning on selling a lot of 1200 dollar puppies in a few months but seems like I can only ask 600 now, Bandit and Shock have too much Flaws in their blood to breed near perfect pups, going to be a little tight... hope I can pay the loans in time" he looks away and takes a sip from his beer. Clearly he was worried about it.

Barney nods and gave his friend some time to breath now that he let out his problem, "I'm sure you will find a way to get back on track Tony and I'm sorry you lost your pup, cool you named him after me though; let me guess? he drooled as bad as me"

Tony grinned and nodded, cheering up a bit now that his good friend was here, "well you had more luck with the ladies" he answered starting the standard conversation between buds; Barney in the meanwhile getting the two dogs under control, each on a side getting petted.

The conversation continued for a while: talking about video games, girls, work and so on but then Tony got up, "its nearing 6pm so i need to feed the dogs, tag along i will give you the grand tour" he chuckled.

Barney nodded and got up which resulted in 2 disappointed dogs that suddenly didn't get petted anymore, "ah no not the puppy eyes" he joked as the two big canines stared at him with their begging look. Tony grinned and rattled their food bowls, both with their names on it in thick bolt letters, "silly mutts" he chuckled as he pored some dry-food in their bowls and some fresh water in a big shared bowl.

"Alright!,The tour!, Well this is the living room!" Tony started of as he tried to sound like a Real-estate Agent. Giggling a bit and dropping the joke as Barney started to grin.

Tony showed the house a bit, it was not that big, a simple bedroom, a guestroom, bathroom and so on. After the house they went outside to the kennel area, which was even bigger then Barney thought, now he did not see 10 large kennels but also 15 more of a smaller size. "sure got a lot of kennels Tony" he said as they walked to a supply shed. "yeah, planning to have them full with pups in the summer" he smiled. Handing Barney a scoop as he got a plastic barrel filled with dry food. "one scoop per bowl" he said as they headed to the first filled kennel. After they finishes Barney had counted 11 dogs, probably all bitches ready to be mated soon. "going to be busy when the first pups plop out" Tony said as they headed back into the shed. Barney nodded and smiled while he looked around a bit he spotted 2 different kennels in the corner of the shed amd walked over. "what are these?" he asked as Tony got back from putting the supplies away. "oh those? Well the left one is the showering kennel for washing... and the other is the breed kennel, I also use it for when I need samples from the studs"

Barney gave Tony a weird look, "... what? They sell good on the Internet, they do it with bulls as well so why not with dogs" Tony answered before Barney could ask. He shrugged and followed his friend back to the house, "Want to see the lab? " Tony asked while he already was heading for the basement. "lab?" Barney asked confused as they walked down the stairs, entering a strange medical room, it looked like a very advanced vets office, with posters of dog anatomy on the walls and computers beeping everywhere, a typical vets work bench in the middle of the room.

"wow...." Barney said as he was stunned by the environment which in turn made Tony grin, "working on my research to eliminate the flaws in canine DNA... Barn was my main focus until he died. He was near perfect to begin with and I managed to get his weak genes for Hip dysplasia out.

Barney nodded, "I didn't knew that you did this as well, you will be breeding perfect dogs if you manage to get it all worked out...." He looked around a bit as he talked, "yes, that is the idea, I am close to cracking it" Tony said as he started to type in another idea he just had. Barney nodded and leaned against a table to wait for his friend to finish but pulled himself away as he felt a small prick, looking around he sees a needle laying on the table, the syringe attached to it seemed to be clean and unused.

"Watch out you don't contaminate anything " Tony said while not paying attention to what just happened, Barney rubbed his butt and figured it was nothing so decides to not tell Tony.

Tony looked up, "damn, sorry I sometimes get lost in research, let get back upstairs"

Barney nodded and smiled, "that's ok, I understand".

They headed back upstairs and had a good time together, both drinking and snacking as they played video-games and watched movies just like the good old times. When it was getting late and the alcohol had kicked in Tony got over to a pile of dvd`s and grabbed one, grinning as he tossed the cover to Barney, "just like old times?" Barney looked confused but then grinned as he recognized it as the kind of porn movie they used to jack off together when they where just discovering how their dicks worked. "don't you think we are a little to grown up to be doing that?" he asked with a grin on his face.

Tony grinned, "maybe, but I could use a wank, your not chicken are you?" Barney sighed a bit and smiles, "oh what the hell".

Both unzipping their pants and pulling out their dicks as the 2 hot sluts on the screen stared playing with each other. Barney looked at himself, wondering if he got harrier, he shrugged it off, its probably the alcohol.

Barney started stroking himself, wanking after a while as the girls on the screen went wild. But then he heard Tony, "Shock... come here, come, good boy". He looked over at Tony, seeing Shock was obediently sitting between Tony's legs, licking him. "DUDE! That's sick!" barney said as he looked at the canine licking over the humans erection.

Tony looked up, "feels pretty good for something that is sick, you should try it." Petting the dogs head while he grunted a bit.

Barney looked disgusted at it, "this is sick... your abusing that poor animal". Tony grinned and smiled, "no, i am not forcing him, he likes doing it, I didn't train him or anything, just happened one night when I was wanking off and he decided to help, come on try it, it feels very good"

Barney blushed a bit, the thought of it was tempting... while thinking he hadn't seen Bandit waking up from his rest and had padded over. Barney got pulled back to reality as he suddenly felt a deep sniff followed by a lick over his cock that was resting in his hand. Looking down he saw Bandit eagerly starting to help him get some relief.

Barney felt a little bad for enjoying it but as time passed on and enjoyed the licking he stopped worrying.

Both him and Tony finished after a while, having their canine friends lick them clean.

'see" Tony said as he started rubbing and scitching Shock. The dog happily laid down with his master as Barney started doing the same for Bandit, "I have to admit it felt good, but its still a little wrong, you don't.... you know.... fuck them right?..." Tony shook his head, "nah just licking, I doubt they would like such a thing and to be fair I think it will be going to far" Barney smiled, at least his friend didn't abuse the dogs, sighing in relief. He hadn't spotted that his own dick had turned a little more red then it should be.

Both Finished up and continued their night, Both of them had a lot of catching up to and the beer flowed well trough the evening and the night, when the clock struck 2am they both decided it was a good idea to get some sleep, Shock and Bandit had already found their beds. Barney had walked into the guestroom and decided to just fall down in the bed and care about his clothing in the morning.

While hours passed the infection Barney had picked up in the lab was spreading, it started to give of more visual clues that something was happening to Barney.

Barney awoke with a terrible headache stung him as he moved his head, "ow... mother fucker...." He said to nobody in particular as he got out of bed, he could smell eggs and bacon as he crossed the hallway on his way to the bathroom.

Like the true morning person Barney was he still had mostly his eyes closed when he entered the bathroom. He stepped over to the toilet and raised the seat. Unzipping his pants and reaching inside to take a whizz, his eyes started to open as something felt wrong. he couldn't seem to move his cock out of his fly, He Looked down and saw his fuzzy arms. "WHAT!" he shouted out in surprise, woken up from the surprise he stared in disbelief at the light and dark brown fuzzy hair on his arms. Panicking a little he took his shirt off, seeing more fuzz was covering his chest.

"No no no.... what the hell!" he shouted at himself as his eyes opened even wider, worried about why he couldn't get his dick out of his fly, he quickly stripped off his pants and looked down. First he was relieved to see it was still there and it looked human, but it was covered in the same fuzz that was on his arms, he tried to examine it but as he tried to pull it away from his body he nearly fainted from seeing his foreskin was now attached to his underbelly, he tried to see if its only his foreskin but he quickly found out that it was completely attached.

After he has recovered from the shock barney moved to the mirror, trying to take control of the situation and stay calm, deep breathing filled the room as he get a hold of himself. it took him about a minute to get the courage together to look up in the mirror but then finally did, his face was claimed by the fuzz as well, his own black hair had changed into the same color. "Fuck... ok, get a grip... come on get a grip, your probably dreaming... that's it your dreaming..." he tried to convince himself but it didn't work.

He sat down on the toilet for a minute trying to think what to do, staring at his fuzzy arms and legs. He got up putting his underwear back on, unlocking the door. "TONY!.... I need your help man" he shouted as he sat back down, looking at the floor ashamed of his predicament. He heard footsteps on the stairs, "Barney? Where are you dude?"

"I'm in here, the door is unlocked" he heard the door open and Tony entered "hey buddy what's the...... o fuck!....Barney?" Barney nodded but he didn't look up at Tony, "o my god, what is happening to you". Barney just sat there, letting his friend looked at him, "you kind of look like......" a silence followed as Tony realizes what probably was happening. Barney looked up as he didn't hear anything anymore, "look like what? A freak!? ". "no dude... you look like Shock and Bandit... did you touch anything in my lab yesterday? Anything at all?" he asked with a very serious look on his face.

"no nothing I was just..." he paused, "i pricked myself on a needle but I thought it looked unused".

Tony gives a deep sigh "well clearly it wasn't clean... ugh,,, this is my fault I should have paid attention, come with me." He said as he walked downstairs, a serious look on his face as he let Barney follow him into the basement, "hop on" he said as he tapped the vet workbench in the middle.

Barney sighed, he trusted his friend and sat down on the table. It felt weird sitting in his underwear on a workbench in a medical lab that looked like a vets office. Watching as Tony got a clean syringe, "Don't looks so sad Barney, we will fix this" he said as he came over "now, I need some blood from you." Barney gave a weak smile and nodded, presenting his arm for Tony who took a small blood sample. "Normally I give my patients a milkbone when then been good" he joked to lighten to mood

Barney gave a modest chuckle while Tony put the sample in a computer device and then moved back to him to give a quick vital checkup, taking his temperature, checking reflexes etc and all checked out "Well besides the hair, your not dying or something." The computer beeped and Tony moved back, clicking trough the pages of info it had printed on the screen, "yep, I was afraid of that..."

Barney looks scared at Tony, "afraid of what?!" Tony looked up and gives a friendly smile, "oh, I don't mean it like that, but your have been infected with my DNA altering serum, probably got it from that needle, I use it to eliminate errors in dog DNA, but don't worry, I can fix this"

Barney sighed in relief, at least he knew what was happening and that it was under control.

Tony got a small syringe and filled it with something, "this will slow it down until I got time to analyze what its doing exactly , so I can create a antiserum for it" Barney nodded and accepted the shot, he could feel it doing something as it worked itself into his system, slowing down the virus.

Tony smiled, "well, I guess you don't want a milkbone but what about breakfast, it be a while before the computer has enough data to analyze for me anyway"

Barney smiled and nodded, he felt better already and maybe some breakfast would get that hangover away, "ok bud, and sorry about this"

Tony grinned and ruffled Barneys head hair, "its my fault as well, don't worry about it" he took of, heading back to the kitchen where the breakfast was waiting.

Barney shrugged and joined him, besides the fuzzy hair he had a normal morning, they laughed and joked a bit and talked about sports. "Alright, I will go give the dogs their breakfast and then i will go to study your blood sample, feel free to use the PlayStation 3 or xbox I'll join you in a few hours." Tony said as he got up.

Barney nodded, Finishing up and putting the dishes in the sink. Facing a challenge as he needed to go to the bathroom, with his skin attached to his belly he couldn't move himself in a correct aim, admitting defeat after a few attempt he he figured he might as well do it like the canines did, hanging himself over the toilet bowl and ending up standing on all fours as he finally managed to relief himself after a long morning, he was surprised at how well he manages to aim it. After that he decides clothes where in order but soon discovered they where to itchy and to warm with his fuzzy hair. Ending up sitting in his underwear as he played the PlayStation 3

Tony in the meanwhile was downstairs reading trough the technical report of the blood work. "man... its not leaving any of his original DNA alone.." he said to himself as he read trough the list of the altered genes. "if I don't stop this the serum will completely replace it....." he blinked as he came to that conclusion. "no....i have to be sure" he reset the tests, letting the computer do a detailed scan, the screen showed that it would take at least 10 hours to process. "it wont give that result" he said to himself as he shook his head and walked back upstairs.

He found Barney in front of the television who was to busy to even notice the small stub that had formed on his lower-back just bellow his spine, "I'm back dude, I need more time to analyze your sample. Sorry." Barney looked up from the game and smiled, canine fangs where starting to show, "that's ok, as long everything is under control im not that worried." Tony nodded, "they are, hope you not too freaked out by everything. i guess you didn't even notice this yet" he said as he gave a nudge against the tail-stub.

Barney gave a yipping sound and looked behind him, "Fuck! What is that?" he asked as the obvious explanation seemed to have gone past him. "I think that's your tail dude, dogs have tails you know" Barney pulled his underwear down so the stub got free and it indeed looked like a tail. "Yikes, ok that is freaky" Barney said as tried to move it, it twitched a bit.

Tony smiled and shrugged, "feel up for helping me a bit with Shock and Bandit today?.... they have online costumers..., I understand if you don't want to help"

Barney thought for a second and figured it might be interesting to watch and distract him from all this, getting up and following Tony as he called Bandit and Shock over. They seemed to know where they where going because as soon as they got near the breeding kennel Barney could see them getting aroused. "ok you hold them on their leashes for a moment while I get a cloth" Tony said as he walked over to one of the kennels outside that was holding a single bitch, being gentle and friendly as he wipes it between her hind-legs, Barney looked at it, not really understanding what Tony was doing.

Tony returned and asked for shock to be brought in, positioning him correctly before he got a sample collector out, some weird looking plastic tube device, pushing it under the dog as he took the cloth and pressed it against the dogs muzzle.

Barney looked in amazement as Shock started sniffing the cloth eagerly and then started humping into the container, not really sure how that happened, he watched as the dog was humping himself into bliss, he had to keep Bandit on a tight leash as he was trying to get over to where Shock was.

"Wow, how did you do that?" he asked interested at Tony. "oh that bitch there is in heat, they go crazy when smelling her smell, boys will be boys" he joked as Shock shot his load into the collector, "Good boy" petting the dog a bit as he slowly calmed down and was panting like he had a very good time just now. "do you want to try?" Tony asked with a serious look on his face. "huh what? No why would I do that" Barney answered shocked. Making Tony chuckle, "No not like that, I mean try to collect from Bandit" he said as he lets Shock go and stored the sample into a nearby fridge.

"uhm... ok how do I do such a thing?" Barney asked as he came over with Bandit who seemed more then eager to get a go. Tony helped him and showed him how its was done, soon Bandit was humping away as well. Barney was a little surprised as how clearly he could smell it all now that he was so close, not realizing it was having effect as his dick started pushing out of his foreskin which by now was starting to look more like a canine sheath.

"I see Bandit is not the only one getting excited" Tony grinned as he pointed at the bulge. Barney looked down and blushed, "Sorry...". He tried to ignore it but it only got worse as he helped Bandit with his fun, after bandit was done Barney handed Tony the collected sample.

Tony took it and stored it watching at his friend was sitting there, his ears where starting to turn pointy and his tail was growing. a sample would help him with his research he thought, He sat back down holding a clean collector and grinned, "it's the hormones I think? I don't mind helping you bud. Want to try?"

Barney tried to answer he was ok but its was hard to focus "no... thank you i am fine really" he answered but Tony didn't buy it. Nudging his buddy into position, making him stand on his knees and hands, "nah, you are just shy, I know you want to, come on let me help" he pulled down Barney's underwear,Barney was fully erect, his dick still human shaped but very pink with veins running trough it. "you need release bud, don't worry, I wont think any less of you" he slid the collector in place and got the cloth, pressing it against Barneys nose.

Barney tried to protest but as the smell hit him so clearly he felt the hormones take control. Losing his judgment as he started humping into the collector like Shock and Bandit did before. It feels so good is all he could think as he humped away.

Tony smiled a little as he watched his friend have a good time, it did take a littler longer but after a while Barney gave Tony a sample which he quickly stored in the fridge. Padding his friends back after that, "'Feeling better?" he asked friendly.

Barney catches his breath not noticing his tongue was lolling out of his mouth a little bit and that it had gotten flatter and wider. He did enjoyed it even if it was slightly forced, but his friend meant well "Yeah.... Actually I do" he said as he got back up.

Tony nodded and took Shock and Bandit with them as they returned to the house, time passed like normal again, playing computer games and talking. Barney helped with dinner, but they noticed some more slight changes during the evening, Barney's hands started to grow paw-pads and his nails got more canine-like, the fuzz was becoming more like fur now and the tail had fully grown. Still Tony ensured Barney it was under control and he would check the data in the morning. They headed to bed early that night to get a early start.

The next morning Barney awoke to find more things had changed as he tries to get up and learned he no longer could, after few attempts he managed to slid out of the bed and down on his new hind-legs and hands. his feet and hands looked normal besides the the pawpads and dog-nails but his hips had changed, forcing him to all fours.

He Learned to walk on them and managed to get over to Tony's bedroom only to find it Tony wasn't in there, he continued on to the stairs figuring Tony was already up but the stairs where a big challenge to master, taking a single step at a time being careful not to fall as he slowly made his way down.

Meanwhile Tony was in the basement reading trough the results, slurping his coffee, "this cant be.... It really replaces it all...."he said as he looked at the simulation on the screen that showed the human DNA being destroyed and being replaced with his perfect dog DNA that he had been trying to get into his dogs for the last year. "I... cant reverse this... I worked to hard for this..." he realized it was because the human DNA was so different from Dog DNA that the serum had no problems identifying the wrong genes to replace.

He looked up as saw his friend coming down the stairs on all fours, one step at a time. "Tony he is your cant.... can you?" he asked himself as Barney finally reaches the floor.

"Morning buddy, you got here just in time, I need you on the table for a minute" Tony said as Barney nodded and came over, he tried to get on the table but in the end Tony had to lift him on it, "Morning, so are you going to stop this now? I'm growing a little worried to be fair" Barney said but Tony didn't answer the question as he started inspecting Barney. Looking very serious at the mostly canine looking human now, squeezing and rubbing here and there. Looking at his fur patterns and even his teeth . "you.. are... becoming perfect..." he said as he drawn his final conclusion.

"Ok? and? This wont be a problem for that anti serum right?" Barney asked nervously. "no it wont Barney but..." Tony said as he seems to be debating with himself in his head.

"but what?" Barney asked as he was clearly getting more worried

"Nothing, not important, i just takes a little bit more time to get the anti-serum ready buddy" Tony Lied to his friend as he was debating the moral choice he had to make, Barney was turning into a perfect stud dog, the one he had tried to create in Barn the last year before he died. His kennel needed Barn and now it seemed Barney was going to help him out of trouble, but... could he really do that..

"So.. you cant fix me yet?" Barney asked as his friend had drifted off in thought again. " Tony looked up and smiles, "no not yet.. but don't worry... it will be fine" he said. helping his friend of the table. he noticed the fur was already turning into a fine coat and Barney's ears where already starting to look like dog-ears.

"Why don't you go up and play with Shock and Bandit.. I'm sure it can be fun, in the meanwhile i will prepare your anti-serum" Tony smiled as his friend nodded and wagged that already perfect tail of his. Barney climbed the stairs back up, it had become easier by now as his legs had finished turning into 2 strong hind legs. Upstairs he ran into Shock and Bandit who sniffed at him curiously but where happy to have a friend to play with.

Barney played and actually had a good time, chasing after Bandit and Shock, after a few hours had passed Barney was just like Shock and Bandit panting hard, catching their breaths from the playing in the backyard. Barney notices then his face had pushed out a little bit, showing the signs of a starting muzzle, his long flat tongue was hanging out of it..

He was about to go back into the house, wanting to ask Tony how long it would take when his black wet nose picked up on a strange scent that he smelled before, not noticing that his dick was sliding out of his sheath a bit. still looking a tiny bit human but most of it had already changed. his nose let him to the kennel Tony was at before when he rubbed that cloth on a bitch.

Deep down Barney knew he had to get away but strange instincts filled his head as he manages to open the kennel door. the bitch sniffed at him and gave him a warm lick at his poking member that quickly grew fully erect.

Barney tried to resist but as the bitch lifted her tail for him he could not look away. he leaned forward and sniffed her wet cunt and quickly moved on to giving it a few good licks. After that it wasn't long before the instincts took over and he mounted the bitch, driving himself making sure she would have his pups as he buried deep into her and tied, spewing his semen deep within her.

As his lust calmed down Barney came to his senses, trying to climb off but finding himself stuck. "Tony!.... Tony! Help!" he shouted as he wasn't sure why he was stuck. Tony quickly arrives and gave a mild smirk as he found his friend in one of the bitch kennels.

"Having fun buddy?" he teased a bit, "I'm stuck... help.." Barney said in reply but Tony didn't move, "Dogs tend to get stuck in their bitches. just wait a while.. your knot will shrink down and then you can get out.."

Barney felt so humiliated, it took at least 10 minutes before Barney slipped free, "Come on.. lets go to the lab..." Tony said in a serious tone, the uncertainty was easily read on his face.

Barney followed and hopped on the Table in the lab, expecting to get this thing finally fixed.

"So anti-serum ready?" he asked but Tony looked nervously away and started talking "well... I need a perfect stud to safe my kennel, I need the green that only a perfect stud can bring in..." he fell silent as he lost himself in thought again.Barney eyes went wide as he realizes what Tony meant, "no... no! you cant just let this happen so you can have your stud! You got to change me back!"

Tony Shook his head, clearly he had trouble with it, "I'm sorry buddy..... but I need you... the kennel needs you.... I will take good care of you, and being the main stud of the farm so you can have all the bitches you want"

Barney growled, "no! I am not a dog! And I don't care about your bitches! Im your friend Tony! You got to help me!" he stopped as he realizes he was growling like a canine would. Which resulted in him whimpering in fear making the shock even worse.

"I'm sorry barney... I really am! But I need you, you are becoming what I been trying to achieve the last year, I can't abort it, please don't be mad at me"

A few tears dropped on the floor as Tony turned away again, it was clear he found it a difficult choice to make, Barney calmed down a bit as he started to think about how it would be. Would he be as dumb as a dog in a while? Would he still be able to talk when the changes finished? He always liked his friend, and that white collar job of his wasn't much worth anyway,

As Tony left for a moment to straighten himself out Barney laid down on the table, thinking about it all as the final changes happened, hands and feet morphing to paws as his muzzle was finishing up and the color drained from his vision.

Tony came back after a while and started petting trough Barneys headfur carefully as his buddy turned into the perfect dog in front of his eyes. Ears finishing up into big triangular shells. Barney whimpered softly as he could feel the changes get into his brain. Expecting to grow dumber but strangely enough it didn't happen, he felt some needs growing inside him, instincts... but he was still him, able to think.

He looked up at Tony, Tony's eyes full of tears as Barney softly wagged his tail, now a full German shepherd, "Tony?" he tries to say but he could only hear barks coming out.

Tony hugged his friend as he cried into his fur, "oh barney, I'm sorry this had to be you. I will take care of you, i promise i will do my best for you always."

Barney nuzzled trying to tell his friend its was ok, he understood why he did what he had to do.

Tony looked in Barneys eyes, "you still in there Barney?" Tony asked. Barney nodded and barked. Tony directly cheered up as he could see his friends mind was still in there hugging him again but this time more happily, "I thought I needed to lose my friend completely, I am so happy your mind is still intact."

Barney barked and wags his tail again, Tony got back to being professional and checked his friend, making sure he was in perfect health. "il guess I own you that milkbone I promise to my good patients" he joked after he was done, slightly feeling better as Barney didn't seem to be upset that he was a dog now. Barney grinned and nodded.

Days passed as Barney got used to his new life, eating from a dogbowl was a weird thing to get used to but the other things where nice, on the first day Tony set him lose in a kennel with a bitch in heat already, at first he was a little scared as he felt the hormones take over , lapping at the bitch her slit and sniffing up that scent like a animal before making sure she would have his puppies. He never enjoyed sex to much as then and Tony seemed to allow him to take any bitch he wanted. Shock and Bandit welcomed him as well, He played a lot with them and even shared their toys.

Life was simple and good.

After a few days he was laying on the couch being petted by Tony when he suddenly felt something being put on him, looking down seeing the old dog collar of "Barn" the former main stud. "Thank you for saving my kennel barney, i'll always love you for it" Tony said as he gave Barney a kiss on his wet-nose.

Barney grinned and wagged his tail, he loved Tony as well, it was a strange instincts but he really grown to love his friend as his owner. He was good to him and took care of him.

Tony smiled and relaxed as he turned on the dvd player Barney blinked as he saw the porn movie starting to run. At first he felt distress as his friend started stroking himself but the strong scent coming from his alpha made him act, he leaned over as he felt Tony pet his head "good boy barn" he heard as he started taking care of his new master.

The End

Tyler`s New Position in Life

Tyler`s New Position in Life written by: - Noway - ([]( ) - Kikko - ([]( ) Do...

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