The Pact: Chapter 5

Story by Trappedashuman on SoFurry

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#5 of The Pact

This story contains material not appropriate for people under the age of 18. Leave if otherwise.

Not affiliated with Bethesda Softworks.

Ivan stirred and rolled over as the sun broke across his face. He slowly opened his eyes and looked around. He was back on top of the glacier with Dayhunter next to him, "What the hell...?" he whispered, "How'd I get back here? Last thing I remember was..." Then it came rushing back to him, his encounter with Hircine, the awakening, the feeling of freedom, the rush of the hunt, and the satisfying, pleasurable feeling of taking down easy prey...Ivan shook his head, "No, that's...that's not me." Really? The question didn't really come from anywhere, nor was it really a question, more of a feeling.

Ivan looked down on his hands to see them caked in dried blood. He tried to feel disgusted, but couldn't help but lick his lips at the thought of raw meat as his mouth watered at the faint smell that still clung to his fingertips, but that wasn't the only thing different about his mind. He felt powerful, more in control. Where before he'd felt like he had a hound on a leash that would follow commands but would do them incorrectly. Now he and the beast were one. He shook himself before shouting up at the sky, "HIRCINE!"

"Did you want something Imperial?" the Daedra had appeared behind him with a sadistic smile across his mug, "Pleasant conversation? A lovely banquet for your delicate pallet? How bout a bit of entertainment?"

"You know exactly what I want you sick bastard!"

"No I can't say that I do, I'm not a bloody mind reader after all. Oh, and I'll just ignore that little snap at the end."

"Get rid of this...Animal...Spirit or whatever you call it! NOW!"

"Oh I'm afraid I can't do that Ivan..."

"LIER! First of all we had a binding agreement, we couldn't have done that unless both of us could fulfill our end of the bargain! Second..."


Ivan was shocked, he'd been too angry to remember that little detail, ""

Hircine cackled cruelly, "Amazing! Simply astounding! You can break into impenetrable vaults, steal unbelievably secure artifacts, escape from an Imperial prison, and navigate an Ayleid fortress blindfolded, but you can't find a simple loophole! You don't really want me to undo it, so I don't have to!"

He's right, "How can you possibly know what I want?" He doesn't have to know, it's true.

Hircine smiled slightly and whispered, "Prove me wrong then. Prove that you really want your spirit sealed up again. Just say that. 'I want to have my spirit sealed again,' nothing simpler. Unless, of course, you intend to lie, after all, you're bound by the oath, as I am."

"FINE!" I can't lie about it, "I..." Ivan suddenly felt like he was choking on his words, the truth is... He could breath, but his voice just wouldn't function, I like it.

"Something wrong Imperial?"

"I...want..." he felt a none existent axe split his head, visions of a werewolf, himself, chasing down a buck through the forest, began invading his mind, the Speed.

"" he clutched his temples as the pain flared up, he saw himself tackling the helpless buck, wrestling it to the ground and digging his fangs into the neck, tasting hot blood for the first time, the Power.

"" he fell to his knees. The werewolf had the corpse slung over his shoulders and was moving back out of the woods, not breaking a branch, nor bending a single blade of grass. He was unseen, one with nature, the Guile.

" I...WANT...TO... *gasp*" as tears stung his eyes he saw something that he hadn't yet remembered. As he, the werewolf, moved out of the forest and back onto the glacier, he was meant by Dayhunter, she shifted into werewolf for herself and they quickly devoured Ivan's kill, but that wasn't the end of the vision. Still covered in blood, they stared into each others' eyes as they slowly moved closer together, till their muzzles locked in a passionate kiss. Their hands moved over their bodies, teasing and massaging each other, stimulating arousal. He moved down, licking the sweet blood off her fur as. She did the same to him, though he lingered on her chest for a while, swirling his tongue around and gently sucking at her nipples.

They slowly turned as they did this until they were in a sixty-nine position, with her on top. "Ready?" Ivan heard himself whisper.

"Let's just say...I hope you like honey..." She slowly licked along his length as he began slowly rubbing his muzzle along her vagina, flicking his tongue in and out as he did so. Slowly she began taking his foot long dick into her mouth, expecting to choke on the enormous length no doubt, but was pleasantly surprised that, for some reason, she felt no gag reflex and easily deep-throated it. Ivan had his lips around her mound as his tongue began exploring her. From his time in the fake female's body so long ago, he instinctively knew exactly what licks, nudges, and nibbles would make her moan with delight.

She was now bobbing her head up and down his cock, enjoying both the intense pleasure from her cunny and the pleasant taste of Ivan's dick and pre-cum. Ivan had fought down climax twice by now, she was really good at this and he'd have to kick it up a notch. He drove his muzzle deep into her, breathing out of the corners of his mouth as he lapped at her cervix.

Dayhunter barely restrained herself from spitting out Ivan's cock and howling as Ivan's muzzle fully penetrated her. Despite the fact that she was stretched over five inches wide, she felt no pain; apparently Nocturnal had given her an elastic pussy. She concentrated on giving Ivan head though, determined to make him cum first; little did she know that he intended the same thing for her. After about five minutes, however, they both gave into the pleasure.

They gulped down each other's fluids as they came, unable to make a sound for fear of drowning in the torrent. Slowly, Ivan shifted around beneath her till they were face to face again. Moving to be on their sides, next to each other, they shared one last, passionate kiss, tasting themselves and each other as they drifted off to sleep. The Love.

All of this happened in a moment for Ivan, "I..." the pain was immense, Why do I resist, "I..." his very mind was against him, It would be so easy, "I..." but he couldn't let Hircine win! How does he win? The feeling was a troubling one, what would Hircine gain in this? Nothing, I would. "I..." I get Speed. "I..." I get Power. "I..." I get Guile. "I..." I get Love. "I...I..." I get Freedom . "I...can't..." The pain left his body and he collapsed onto his hands.

"You can't what...Young Hunter." Hircine crouched down to Ivan's level.

"I...can't do it."



Hircine tilted Ivan's chin up, forcing the Imperial to look directly into the daedra's red eyes, "Admit it." Hircine hissed.

" it."

Hircine smiled and drifted back to his feet, "Very good Young Hunter." He said softly as he disappeared into nothing.

Ivan knew he should feel bad about himself, for submitting, for giving up, but he felt no guilt. He looked over at Dayhunter, Hircine had apparently kept her asleep through all of this, she'll be hungry when she gets up. Shifting to werewolf form he strode off to go hunting, and maybe visiting that pack of hers won't be so bad...