Best Intentions

Story by Hedry on SoFurry

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#2 of Mark and Chester

A brief continuation to 'A Short Conversation.' A bit out there, but it's all for fun I suppose. If you took the time to read, I hope you got some enjoyment out of it, and I guess we'll see if I take this anywhere else. Definitely not used to this kind of writing, so comments are appreciated (if that's your thing). Thanks for reading!

Chester knocked at the door. "Enter!" came Mark's voice from within, and the bull gingerly stepped through the frame. "I left it open. You don't even have to knock."

The bull shrugged. "I'm polite?" Mark laughed.

"Too polite, but whatever. Chips and dip if you want them, beer's in the fridge, help yourself." The fox patted the couch. "It's a lazy day." Mark fumbled with the remote.

"What's on?" asked Chester, fumbling with the beer top and sitting down, placing the cap on the side table.

"Oldie... the one where the scientist shrinks some other scientists out in the jungle and they have to escape? It's a bit bizarre, but I like the old films."

Chester fumbled with the collar of his shirt briefly. "Nothing else is on?" He got the distinct impression that instead of watching the movie, the fox was watching him instead, grinning. The bull held the beer in his lap.

Mark shrugged. "I dunno, I like it. I mean, a shrink ray! What would you do with one if you had it? It's so... out there! I mean, yeah, you could use it for mundane purposes, shipping, smuggling, spying... but I guarantee you eventually someone would want to use it for kinky stuff. So," the fox gesticulated, beer in hand, "let's say, just for fun, you have a shrink ray."

Chester held his beer steady in one hand, the other massaging his temple. Why today, why now? "It's... this isn't possible. There's no such thing. It's pure fantasy."

"Hey now, we're just speculating. Say it's magic, whatever, I don't care. What would you do with it? Who would you shrink?"

The bull quickly adjusted himself, a practiced move that normally would go completely unnoticed by Mark, but not today. "I... I thought we were going to watch the movie?" And not discuss the contents of my porn folder. Sneaky fox is sneaky. Bastard. Chester looked at the fox with a scowl and he immediately stopped grinning.

"Sorry buddy, I... I don't mean to get on your nerves. I was just... well I was just gauging your excitement."

"For what?" Chester called out, exasperated. "I thought we were watching the movie. Yes I like the movie. It's fine. I'm happy to watch it. Fuck."

The fox paused for a heartbeat, and then, without changing expression, said: "I have a shrink ray."

The bull stood up, knocking the table that held the chips and dip about a foot in his haste. "FFFFFF! No you don't! Stop fucking with me! Why are you doing this? You looked at my computer last week? Fine, yes, okay. So what? What gives you the right? I mean, I am thankful, I'm deeply deeply thankful that you have been a great friend to me and have been helping me out this past little while, and I mean that from - " Chester paused mid-sentence as Mark pulled a small, odd looking weapon from his side of the couch, and pointed it at the bull, and his eyes widened. "Mark, seriously, what the fuck. I - "

"Keep it down," said the fox, "or I'll keep it down for you." Then he made a snerk sound and started giggling. "But seriously, I have a shrink ray. This is a shrink ray."

"No it's not! There's no such thing! Anyway, why is it portable? At least try to defer to a bit of realism."

Mark rolled his eyes. "It started off huge, but being a shrink ray, we shrunk the components. Duh. Anyway, I can see I'm going to have to make a believer out of you the hard way. Watch and be amazed, my little friend."

The bull squinted and held his arms protectively in front of him. "Mark! Please don't - "

Chester, as far as bulls go, was what one would call average: six foot, eight inches tall without his horns, which he kept fairly short for practicality. He was not very active, but his muscles were still somewhat visible through his thick hide. A small gut protruded slightly from his waistline, easily concealed when he sucked it in (which was often, when looking in the mirror or trying to make an impression). His shaggy brown hide created small tufts that poked out from his tight green t-shirt and lose grey track pants.

The tip of gun luminesced a dim white, but there was little sound as the energy hit the bull in a shock of pulses, each pulse diminishing him. His track pants, already lose, slipped off his backside first, hanging precariously from his erection until the second pulse hit him, causing them to slip off.

"Huh, it's a no boxer's day today I guess," remarked the fox as Chester dwindled, their eyes meeting at five foot eight for just a moment.

Chester quivered in a strange mix of horror and excitement, his heart racing, feeling like it would tear itself out of his throat at any moment and fly across the room. He cowered inside his shirt, now easily down to his knees and cried out. "Mark, please!" The fox stopped holding the trigger, and took a step toward the bull, looking down at his now two foot frame, looming imposingly. "Please don't hurt me!"

The fox sighed and set the gun down before sitting on the couch. He looked at Chester with a sad face. "I thought... you might like this. But I didn't figure you'd believe me, and I know... I know you're kind of into this, and I thought maybe..." He sighed again and looked at the floor. "I thought maybe you'd be into me. I did look at your stuff. I'm sorry. I just... well it's not... straight, is it?"

The bull looked back at him, aghast. "I... no, it's not." He dropped his gaze, and couldn't bring himself to say anything more, even to look at Mark.

The fox stood up and walked over to the little bull, scooping him up inside his shirt and holding him tightly to his chest. "I am not going to hurt you, ever. I never meant to make you upset, or do anything you didn't want to do. I can make you big again, if you want, I promise." Mark just held him close, rubbing his back, trying to calm him down.

Chester could feel the heat of the fox, the smell of him, the beat of his heart in his chest. "I'm just scared, Mark. I... do... want this. Or part of me does. I don't know. I only just started thinking about the idea that maybe, just maybe, I wasn't as into women as I thought I was." Mark held him there a little longer before returning him to the floor and pulling the shirt off of him.

There the bull stood, naked, his erection throbbing in time with his rapid heartbeat, a glistening sheen covering its head. Mark reached for the gun and pointed it at the bull. "I have to bring this back tomorrow. Until then, we can do whatever you want with it. I can make you big again right now, and I can put it away, if you want. You chose. Whatever you want."

Chester looked up at Mark, and thought for a moment. Take a chance, or you'll regret it forever, and you'll never know who you are. "Sh-shrink me," he stuttered.

Mark raised and eyebrow. "Are you - "

"Do it please, before I get too scared." Almost before he'd finished talking, the gun was active again, and pulse after pulse of energy coursed over his body, diminishing him quickly.

Chester watched as the world expanded around him, Mark's curious and concerned expression rapidly drawing away from him, looming as a large man would, then a tree, then a house, then -

"Stop! Stop!"

The pulses stopped, and the shadow of the weapon moved from beyond his sight. Then another shadow descended: his hand. Mark's hand slowly approached, coming in from above and behind, and with a gentle scooping motion, he fell backwards into its expanse. The fox's face came into view close enough to touch, a nose and sharp teeth protruding slightly from his mouth as he spoke in a deep baritone that vibrated through his body. "You're squeaky, mister." His breath coursed over the tiny bull as he spoke, beer, and potato chips, and onion dip. "One inch tall. You are very cute, by the way, but I would have said that before, too." The fox's thumb gently caressed the bull's right arm and back.

Chester's heart raced, and he stepped towards his friend's muzzle, pressing himself upon it, feeling the hot breath coming out of his warm, wet nostrils, feeling the saliva against his waist. Briefly, Mark's tongue slipped the barest tip against his penis, and that was enough, its heat and wetness causing him to lose control as he sprayed himself between the tongue and his top lip. He lay against his mouth, breathless, as Mark retracted his tongue and swished brushed the tip against the roof of his mouth, tasting him.

A distant but imposing sound brought Chester out of his reverie, an insistent knocking. The door? Mark looked towards the door and then quickly about the room, kicking Chester's clothes under the couch, and placing the gun with them. "Coming," he about bellowed in the direction of the door. Then, with a smile and a wink, he slipped Chester carefully into his boxers, pressing him gently against his erect member.

Chester's world went mostly dark, and smelled greatly of Mark, pungently so. He clung to the fox as best he could, lest he slip behind him, and he pressed his face into his foreskin, making his face wet with pre-cum.

He could hear the door open, but then Chester felt an impact shudder through Mark's body and another, a meaty thunk before he staggered Chester's world spun ninety degrees. He hit the ground with a staggering impact to the small bull, and he felt his erection receding quickly. Low voices moved about in the darkness.

Chester lay as still as he could as he felt Mark's heartbeat get softer, softer, and more distant. Please don't die, Mark! Please don't leave me! Heavy footsteps meandered in and out of Chester's hearing, though he always felt them through Mark's body. Suddenly, with a lurch, the fox was lifted, and Chester felt himself get pressed between Mark's penis and his boxers as he was carried away.