More then just friends lOmens and Paranoial

Story by Slagar The Cruel on SoFurry

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Notes-If your not 18 as usual I cannot stop you from going forward cause most chances you'll avoid this, there for I have a "Real" warning, if your not of age and you read this content I am not to be blamed, I don't recall me constantly forcing you to read this story.

  • a simple overview: NOT GOOD FOR HOMOPHOBICS!

-This chapter may be the darkest within the series, I'm not a fan of bondage, rape, or torture.

-Like usual comments!

Sekhai,Lexiharin,Oklain are originated by me, please show enough decency as to not rip them off?

And aside from these annoying comments let the story begin!!!


Within the embrace of the darkness a figure was hanging entirely naked, his arms and legs being strapped in midair by chains and a cut was seared across his right leg, also included was a slight scratch on his cheek.

This was Lexiharin.

A door opened that was in opposition to Lexiharin then it clamped shut with a loud screech.

The sudden noise of the door slamming shut woke Lexiharin up instantly, there was a slight glimpse of light from the figure, must've had a candle or flashlight, whatever it was it didn't matter to Lexiharin he honestly just wanted to know where he was and what was happening.

''Hello Foxie, it's nice to see your finally up...even if you required a bit of assistance'' The figure came closer to Lexiharin.

''Oklain....'' Lexiharin's voice was very faint and weak.

It was now perhaps to obvious, Oklain most likely drugged the drink so Lexiharin could be helpless to Oklains intentions.

''Amusing to see how obedient you are, you recognized your master in such a short time'' Lexiharin could see the devious smirk across Oklains face.

''Why the hell are you doing this?'' Lexiharin tried to hide the panic in his voice but failed miserably.

''Oh don't worry I won't hurt you...intentionally'' Oklain gazed at Lexiharin with lust....his "intentions" were not at all subtle...

''W..What are you going to do...'' Lexiharin prepared him self for the answer that was but all to clear.

''I'm going to bring to you both pleasure and pain, both of them at once hand in hand, your going to be staying here a very long time and I would suggest you do as I say because if you don't it'll be an even longer time then it should be for you, Hopefully you are wise enough to catch on to this at once because i would really hate to mark such a nice beautiful body'' His tone wasn't at his usual was sinister.

It was hard to believe, Lexiharin was to suffer all because he was worried on someone he never even met, why didn't Sekhai warn him of this being inevitable, what did he have to lose?

''Your first reward is not freedom but it is trust! trust for me to get you out of these horrid chains that bind you, I'm sure hands down you agree with me that you would rather be allowed to at least move a bit''

''I don't really have a choice...''

''OH you do have a choice fox, it's just i would recommend you take the one less hazardous to your health, can you guess which one that is?''

Lexiharin remained silent, being stripped naked and being labeled as a ''pet'' flooded Lexiharin with enough humiliation, why was Oklain torturing him like this? reticulate at Lexiharins dignity didn't have any relevance at all to Oklain's main prize so why did he continue to do so, Lexiharin was already completely helpless so why didn't the wolf get it over with.

''Well fox? if you don't know the answer I can always teach you it''

Lexiharin didn't want to take his chances with Oklain so he decided to reply.

''I do as you say...'' Lexiharin stared at the floor.

''Good to see your a fast learner'' Oklain began rubbing Lexiharin around the chest.

''I'll allow you to be honest fox...are you enjoying this at all?'' the rubbing didn't cease.

Being betrayed by Oklain, Sedated, stripped of his clothing and humiliated, rape at the same time was bound to be inevitable, of course he wasn't enjoying the situation, the only thing to look forward to was to get out of there...even death seemed less harsh, Hopefully the wolf behind his intentions could show some mercy to Lexiharin...

''N-no...'' Lexiharin closed his eyes praying.

''I allowed you to be honest there for I'll accept that, are you sure of this?'' Oklains hand lowered down to lexiharins stomach.

Oklain would only continue defiling Lexiharin so was there really any point? this was all but a paradox...

''Well? I'm allowing you to be truthful'' Oklain continued rubbing Lexiharin.

''No'' Oklain stopped...

This was not a good sign...

''Well I'm afraid...I can't believe that...and do you know why?'' Oklains paw grasped Lexiharins furry balls and began fondling with them.

''W-Why'' Lexiharin stuttered as he was being violated by Oklain's greedy paw.

Lexiharin felt his groin expand from his sheath

''Your erection says differently, thats why'' Oklains paw clenched at Lexiharins sheath harder.

Humiliated once even Lexiharins body has betrayed him, his body knew what it wanted even if he didn't, beforehand he lost his dignity, all he had left was his sanity...that would probably be robbed from him as well after this traumatic experience was over.

Oklain clenched Lexiharins fox hood and started stroking it rhythmatically, Lexiharin tried to restrain a grunt, he didn't want to give the bastardizing wolf Oklain, the pleasure of knowing that his body was enjoying this.

Oklain caressed Lexiharin's muzzle savagely, Oklains Paw stroking Lexiharin's fox hood faster, soon following this Lexiharin reached his climax and expelled his seed, at last the worst was over...hopefully.

''Your a good fox,a shame it had to be short'' Oklain began unchaining Lexiharin.

''I shall grant you trust as I have promised to you''

Automatically by instinct Lexiharin found this as his one and probably only chance for escape, he had to run for it,as lexiharin desperately ran Oklain pursued and tackled Lexiharin, his muzzle banged against the steel door violently.

Lexiharin held his muzzle in the massive pain that engulfed it, it was bleeding.

''A shame....I suppose you thought you could actually be swifter then me just because your a fox?''

Oklain dragged Lexiharin back to the chains...his one chance was gone and now he probably faced worse...

There was no point in restraining his tears any longer, no one could hear him or see him suffer any way...this would probably be his only freedom.

''I'm afraid a disobedient fox like you must be punished,I'll leave you a small portion of alcohol for three days here, whether you wish to devour it or not you decide, but im sure we both know if you don't drink anything for those three following days you'll die,expect more discipline within a half an hour.

Oklain picked up the candle and left towards the door, it soon followed with the familier screech and all that enshrouded was darkness...whether to drink or not the answer was obvious, Lexiharin would not, the situation as bleak as it was he wanted to die and hold onto what was left of him, not lose it all over time, three days was a long time....he didn't even have the right to die in peace.

All alone...he was there to die slowly and to suffer the three following days.


Sekhai woke up with a was just a nightmare and nothing more, often times lately his dreams contained Oklain in them, Oklain was often times portrayed as the hellish demon in his nightmares. Eventually Sekhai regrouped his thoughts and finally came to his senses furthermore, He was surprised to find he could ever form a scenario in his mind so dark...he didn't want to take any chances...he was phoning Lexiharin to make sure he was there.

Sekhai walked towards his cellphone placed atop his counter and called,first ring no answer, second ring still no answer, third ring at last someone picked up the phone hopefully being Lexiharin.

''Wha.....'' The voice of Lexiharin responded.

Sekhai slammed the phone, he really just wanted to know if Lexiharin was safe or not, and he had his answer,hopefully Lexiharins phone couldn't track callers or else Sekhai would look like an idiot...

The situation was almost laughable, calling his friend at 4.AM all because of a nightmare...but then again Sekhai considered Lexiharin more then just a friend, of course he never admitted this but it sometimes was obvious. Sekhai tried not to show much concern for Lexiharin but often times this made him seem only heartless in the end...

Sekhai sighed in relief and began to remember how long he liked Lexiharin...

At first he just wanted to be friends with Lexiharin, this was 8th grade before they even met, Sekhai needed an excuse to actually become friends with Lexiharin, a simple comment that suited his personality was all he needed...that time came around Christmas.

After being friends with Lexiharin he tried to keep his distances away from him, and he became greedy...

Whether it was at sports he'd hope to get just one goal, after that one goal he would want three goals, after achieving the three goals he'd want six goals. Lexiharin was basically the same thing, Just wanting to be friends then that turned into close far did this go? Sekhai asked himself.

Sekhai would continually deny that he was gay even to himself, only recently did he face the obvious reality that he was.

His nightmares, were they really an omen of what horrible deeds Oklain would do to Lexiharin...or were they just reflection of Sekhai's greed and want for Lexiharin?

''No'' Sekhai thought to himself, He wanted Lexiharin not his dick...Sekhai would have to keep an eye on Oklain...Sekhai never trusted the wolf so why were they friends?

With finishing these thoughts Sekhai would lie in worry...hopefully soon Sekhai could be honest with Lexiharin of how he felt towards him...


Aight!!! I suppose the twist at the end is better then how the story could've ended *like that actually not being a dream? hmm?*

The next chapter ''Should'' be longer,


Serious Serious