Dinner and Catharsis

Story by insertclevername on SoFurry

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The dinner and what happens after.

The two boys reached the bottom of the stair sand mike peeked into the kitchen. Danny was placing a plate on the table along with the other two. The wolf sniffed a couple of times and let out a soft murr. The food smelled good! He walked in and took a seat at the small table, Garrett following and sitting next to him obviously nervous. Daniel put the food in the center and took the seat across of the two boys.

"I hope you like it, I didn't feel up to making a complicated meal." The fox admitted as he lifts the covers off to show the chicken kievs and ramen noodles

"Looks delicious" Mike said, drooling a bit as he stuck his fork into a kiev, placing in onto his plate. Garrett did the same, but cautiously. The bunny looked nervous, not even looking up from his plate except to grab noodles. The three at in silence for a while, the only one not bothered was the wolf whose full attention was on putting food in his stomach.

Danny, who finally got tired of the awkward silence, sighed and put down his fork and folded his arms, "about upstairs..."

The bunny cut in, "I'm so sorry! It was my fault, I..." he stopped when he saw Daniel held up his paw.

"You're teenage boys, I understand you...have urges," he said, trying to figure out how to word what he wanted to say, "I didn't even know you two were together, let alone that that you two...were that close."

"We're not together," Mike said as he glanced at his friend next to him, "I didn't even know he was gay until today..."

Danny picked up his fork, "This is something you two have to sort out together. "And Garrett?"

The bunny gulped and looked at him, "y-yes sir?"

"No more skipping school." He finished as he took a bite of chicken. "And next time, don't use my study, Mike has his own room."

Mike nearly choked on his food, "you're not mad?!"

The fox gave an unsure smile, "I'm not saying to go have sex every day, please don't, but I understand when you really like someone. I was your age once. And if you're going to get...intimate, I'd rather you do it here instead of somewhere you can be caught. That, obviously, would just cause more problems"

Mike turned to look at Garret and giggled, the bunny was blushing hard. He turned back to Danny and gave him a big smile "you're the best"

The fox got up, placing his plate in the sink "no, I'm just understanding" he gave the boys a soft smile before walking out."

Garrett breathed a sigh "That was scary, I thought he was going to yell at us"

"Na, he's cool. I knew he wouldn't yell, but I thought he would be mad," he said as he finished his plate and rubbed his stomach

"but...don't you feel weird knowing he saw us?"

"Definitely more than you do, I was the one who was exposed" The wolf said, blushing a bit

His friend giggled and poked him with one of his long ears, "well I saw it too"

He blushed even deeper "b-but that's different..."

"Why? Because I was meant to?" he smiled and got, putting his plate in the sink "it was definitely worth seeing"

Mike smiled and grabbed him from behind, wrapping his arms around and giving his crotch a firm squeeze causing the bunny to yipe, "I'm sure yours is worth seeing too"

Garrett blushed deep again "b-but not when he's home!"

The wolf gave another squeeze and let him go "I guess your right"

The bunny smiled and kissed Mike's cheek "I have to get home; I need to do the homework for tomorrow. I'll try to come by after school. Are you going tomorrow?"

The wolf shrugged "maybe, I don't know yet. Want me to walk you home?"

"I'll be alright, do your homework so you can go tomorrow"

"A-are there any rumors going around about me?" he asked nervously

"Just some that those brainless bullies came up with, don't worry about it"

Mike sighed "alright, I'll go" he said as they walked to the door

"Great! I'll see you tomorrow!" he smiled as he walked out "Bye Mr. Kang!" he called before taking off running down the street.

Mike watched him for a few seconds smiling. Weird bunny he thought to himself as he closed the door and sat on the couch next to Danny. "Did you ever get caught?"

Daniel gave him a funny look "why do you assume I ever did anything?"

Mike rolled his eyes "Really? You really think I'm going to believe that you went all these years without sleeping with someone?"

The vulpine chuckled "you made it sound as if I'm some old guy"

"Well you're certainly older than I am"

"True. Well to answer your question: yes I have been caught a few times," he smiled and gave a slight smile "being caught isn't always a bad thing"

"How is it not bad?"

"Well if the person..."The fox shook his head "never mind. But me catching you wasn't a bad thing. I mean, sure I interrupted you but now you know you have a safe place to...be alone together"

The young canid sighed "did you know we were in there? Or did you actually not know what we were doing?

Danny just smiled and went back to watching tv.

The wolf tapped his shoulder "hello? I asked a question" he said, getting to response from the older fox. Mike stood up and turned the tv off, folding his arms.

Daniel smiled "From the sounds I knew you were in there with someone, when I got closer I realized that you weren't in there to just play games or something."

"But did you know what we were doing?"

"Not till I opened the door, I just prayed that you guys weren't...well to be frank, I didn't want to walk in on one of you balls deep in the other" the fox said with a shrug

The wolf blushed and shifted shyly "b-but why didn't you just knock?"

"Because if I just knocked and went away you two would have probably continued after I left. And I don't want people having sex in my study; my study is sacred to me. That's where I go to be alone"

"But before I was here you had this whole house to yourself"

"Not if....er...just know that my study is one place in the world I can be completely relaxed and get work done."

"So you've never had sex in there?"

"You're asking some personal questions and I'm not comfortable with answering them."

Mike sat down again and smiled at the fox "that was a yes"

"No, it wasn't. I just didn't answer" he said as he turned the tv back on

"But in not answering you admitted to it!" The young lupine smiled wider "Who with? An old boyfriend? A friend?" He gave an excited gasp "was it another teacher!?"

"Too many questions, pup."

Mike pouted and turned to the tv. "You won't even answer one of the questions?"

Danny chuckled "Nope, I'm not answering any."

The wolf checked the time and sighed "Well you're no fun and I have homework to do" he said, getting up again.

"Actually," the fox started, "you don't. I talked with your teachers and they all agreed to let your homework slide this once."

Mike smiled wide and wagged "Really? That's so awesome! Thank you thank you thank you!"

Danny smiled and shook his head "It's only this one time, so don't think I'm going to ask them to ignore it all the time."

The young canid sat down again, still smiling "I know, but I'm happy I don't have to waste time with homework tonight."

"Homework isn't a waste of time."

"It is sometimes. I know it can be helpful, but if it's on something simple then doing the same thing over and over and over again is just pointless."

"Yeah I guess I see your point..." The fox said as a grin spread across his face, "Let's settle it in a fighting game. If I win, homework is never pointless. If you win, it can be pointless sometimes."

Mike grabbed a controller and turned on the console "You're on, old man!"

The two kept fighting, the loser always wanting a rematch. It turned into best two out of three, then three out of five, and finally ended with best seven out of twelve with a certain vulpine feeling highly of his skills. After that tournament, they both decided it was best to go to bed since they had school in the morning. Mike lied down on his bed, murring. School shouldn't be too bad, right? He has two friends, one is gay, and he has a teacher on his side. He felt that same peace he felt the first night he was here and drifted off with a smile on his muzzle.

Dinner and Catharsis

The two boys reached the bottom of the stair sand mike peeked into the kitchen. Danny was placing a plate on the table along with the other two. The wolf sniffed a couple of times and let out a soft murr. The food smelled good! He walked in and took a...

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Another Suprise

So it wasnt too long before i decided to write the next. my friend wanted to be inloved in the story so he is :) i hope he likes it ###### Daniel pulled out of the driveway and drove down the road, Mike watching from the window. The wolf sat down and...

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The News

So i know it's been awhile and I'm sorry but college takes a lot of time away. but i have every intention to keep writing! so here's chapter 5, enjoy :) ##### Mike lay in his bed, staring at the ceiling. Of course he couldn't sleep. His parents tried...

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