R-Evolution: 03: Human

Story by Whedabra on SoFurry

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#3 of R-Evolution


3: Human


Author's Notes:

This chapter feels like a train wreck to me. I guess that's what happens when your foolish enough to write it all in one long sitting. I shall refrain from doing that in the future. I've revised this chapter twice, and have since given myself a headache, so I've decided to go ahead and post it as is. So hopefully everyone who reads this will be able to look beyond my own ineptitude and enjoy the story I'm attempting to tell.


Allen and Jack slowly emerged from their euphoric state. Jack lay on Allen's belly gently caressing his friend's soft gray pelt. Allen basked in the attention as he reflect on how this entire, strange situation might very well have been the best thing that had ever happened to him. He replied to Jack's petting by caressing Jack's warm pelt with one hand and fondling his testicles in the other, enjoying the sharp contrast between his warm body and cool balls.

"You know," Jack said as he stared into Allen's eyes. "I keep waiting, expecting to wake up, or have some sort of horrible reality come rushing back to smack me in the face....."

Allen knew what he meant. And in a way it did almost feel like a dream. Here they were, two humans, men, genetically modified into werewolves, having barely known each other for maybe 3 hours, and they had just made love for the first time in the hallway of a seemingly abandoned science facility. He knew he had his human side to thank for that, it was always a source of amazement to him with how quickly human beings are able to adapt. Add their lupine instincts to the mix and they had something disastrously beautiful.

Allen nudged his muzzle next to Jack's ear. "Keep waiting love," he whispered to him, "I'll still be here when you wake up."

Jack just gave a playful nod, and then rested his muzzle back onto Allen's chest. Allen felt him hold his breath for a few seconds and twitch his ears, listening to something. Finally Jack let his breath out in a sigh. "You have a lovely heartbeat." He said.

The words forced a smile from Allen's lips, a smile which Jack couldn't help but to kiss, gliding his tongue back into his friend's mouth. Allen of course didn't object, the dark pelted Jack was just too damn cute to not kiss him back. They locked muzzles, and tongues, in a moment of rebounding passion just before the sou d of metalick clacking echoed down the hall.

The warm peace of the moment was shattered when the door at the far end of the mute-colored hall cracked open. They couple jumped in surprise. Jack slipped off his mate as they scrambled to their feet, quickly losing what left of their lingering arousal. Staring at the door, they watched as it nearly closed again, before forcefully being pulled open.

A soft blue, yet dim light gently emanated from the room beyond. It was hard to make out, but Allen could barely see the dark outline of a figure. The figure swayed left then right, and fell into the doorway, its fingers grasping the doorframe for balance. It was a human....a dripping wet, naked, male human with dark brown hair, to be exact. His toned muscular frame shaking with fright, or chill, or perhaps both.

"Is..... someone there?" The shaky human asked, eyes straining trying to make out the blurry figures in the hall before him.

Allen wasn't sure how to react. Even though the human was obviously defenseless, the animal in him didn't like this new creature, this entity was an intruder. He felt his fur begin standing on end up and down his back, and he had to conscientiously suppress his growing sensation of aggression. Allen glanced over at jack and saw he was reacting in a similar manner.

Allen shook his head realizing he couldn't letting his animal side get the better of him. Passing judgment this soon was not something his human honor could allow, especially on someone in a position like that! And he really didn't want to see his pack-mate doing something he might regret either. He gently grabbed hold of Jack's paw. "It's ok." He said, giving it a little squeeze. He felt Jack immediately loosen up.

Jack's response drew a few questions momentarily to Allen's mind. More specifically, which of them was the alpha of the pack? The past couple events flashed through his mind, taking note of his mate's reactions, and a decision was made. Allen didn't really understand it, but is quieted his instincts, and now he could return to the situation at hand. What was the situation? Right, the human was asking if anyone was there.

"Yes," Allen said forcefully, but at the same time with an amount of compassion, "we're here." It looked like this human was suffering the same effects he and Jack went through after emerging from their chambers. This perked Allen's curiosity.

Jack followed cue with the same forceful/compassionate tone. "What's your name?" He coaxed.

Allen was surprised at Jack's quick change in character, from aggressive to mild, giving him a fast look of confusion. Jack just smiled and shrugged. Apparently he was as confused with his own reactions as Allen was. He wondered if Jack had felt the instinctual resolution of dominance as well. Obviously there were still a lot of things still to get used to.

"Tom." The human replied obviously trying to keep his body from shaking. "Well, Thomas Alexander Belle...... but..... Please, just call me Tom." Tom's eyes were still struggling to gain focus, but already Allen could see a growing expression of concern and astonishment filling his face.

"Um....." Tom stammered, carefully holding onto the cold, white, metal door and taking a step back, the soft blue back light glistening off the droplets covering his shuddering body. The chill from the door against his skin made him flinch sharply. "....what..... uh..... what... are... you?"

The wolves looked at each other, then Allen quickly replied, hoping no to scare the human more than he already was. "Were actually still figuring that out for ourselves but don't worry; we're not going to hurt you." Then as an afterthought he added: "My name is Allen, and this lovely dark fellow here is named Jack."

Jack waved as he introduced them, and for a moment none of them said anything to each other. They all stood there, staring. It was obvious from his body language that Tom wasn't sure if he could trust them or not. The fact that the human knew he and Jack weren't human didn't help matters any.

The human rubbed his eyes and squinted at them. Jack looked over at Allen, about to say something, when Tom finally spoke up. His voice was light as his lips curled into a smile, almost a laugh. "You're anthromorphic wolves aren't you?"

"Wow!" Jack sounded impressed. "That didn't take long."

Allen raised an eyebrow at his pack-mate. "What did he mean by 'anthromorphic?' What's that mean?" He asked.

"Oh!" Jack must not have realized Allen didn't know. "It's just a term used to describe animals or objects that have human characteristics. Most children's cartoons have anthromorphic creatures in them." And he proceeded to name a few.

Allen looked bemused as a mesmerized as realization sunk in. "You know.... all my years watching those stupid cartoons, and I never once realized there was a name for that kind of thing! I guess you learn something new every day!" He shrugged.

After learning the definition of "anthromorphic" Allen nodded in answer to the question the quivering human proposed. "That's right, anthromorphic wolves." Then a moment later after his mind churned around a few more thoughts asked Jack: "Does that mean that we're some kind of chimeras?"

Jack had began walking towards the human but stopped to turn to his light colored pack-mate. "You know..." He considered it a moment. "I really don't know!" Then he chuckled: "So you knew what a chimera was but didn't' know what an athro was?"

"Well excuse me!" Allen bowed in jest. He really had no intention of ever using the term "anthromorphic" again anyway.... it sounded far too much like a geeky comic book cliche.

Seeing the two in banter seemed to help relax the human and he began walking tentatively towards the two wolfs, his hands in front of his groin in an attempt to be discreet. The door he had been holding onto gently closed behind him, removing all traces of the soft blue light from the dull, white hallway.

The lupines turned their attention to the human as he approached.

"There's no need to be shy," Jack said, staring down at the human's hands sympathetically "we're naked too."

"Yeah but, it really doesn't look like it." Toms said, still quivering, looking them both up and down. "You're covered in fur.... And you're dry."

Despite his mild opposition however, the human seemed to relax a bit more despite his trembling. He also kept shifting his weight from one foot to the other. Allen guessed he was trying to minimize contact with the cold floor. "Um, you wouldn't happen to have a blanket or something would you?" The human asked.

Allen stared at Tom as his words made something clicked; he had forgotten what it was like to feel cold.... like a human feels cold. That bothered him... What else had he forgotten? What other part of his humanity had he lost? He knew what it was like to feel cold, and be truly naked; he could suddenly sympathize with the human on that point. But he also knew he would never know the feeling again. In a way it made him sad, the warmth coming from a fireplace during the winter probably would never feel the same.... nor the feeling on someone's skin against his own.

Taking note that Allen was again consumed with his own thoughts, Jack continued the conversation. "Sorry, we really haven't found anything that's been left behind. Every room's been cleared out..... Nothing left.... though there are still a lot of unborn werewolves on the lower level."

Tom thought a moment, presumable about the werewolf comment, running his shaking hands through his wet hair.

Allen finally broke from his thoughts when he realized that the human's fingernails were a deep purple, and his genitals, which were drawn up tightly to his body, were very pale. He quickly realized just how chilly it really was in there, probably only about 55 degrees Fahrenheit, which was still comfortable for a wolf, but unacceptable for a nude human. If Tom didn't get himself dried off, he thought, and then warmed up again; he might slip into hypothermia.... Allen really didn't know how cold someone had to be for that to happen, nor for how long, but he knew he would feel awful if something did happen to the human if he could have prevented it.

Referring to Jack's werewolf comment Tom finally asked: "Were they all in large glass containers filled with liquid?" It looked like his lips were beginning to turn purple as well.

"Yes, they were." Allen answered, intentionally staring at the human thoughtfully. He felt he already knew the answer to the next question, but deemed it necessary to ask anyway. "As were you; Right?"

Tom nodded, shifting his weight to the other foot and putting his hands under his armpits. He didn't look like he even wonder where the grey wolf was going with this.

Allen sighed feeling a bit of disappointment, deciding not to wait for the human to ask for help as he had originally planned. "Ok, enough of this. Look, you obviously cold right?

Tom just gave him a scornful look. Probably thinking he was being teased.

Allen continued. "And obviously you're too prideful to ask for help. So this may seem a little weird to you, but believe me when I say, it's for your own good, so please don't freak out."

He walked over to the human and took him under his arm, brushing him against his fur allowing it to dry him off. It was at this point he realized just how much taller he was than the human whom he was pressing up against him. He stood at least a foot and a half above the top of the human's head. He motioned for Jack to come over and assist.

Reluctantly Jack came up on Tom's other side, equally dwarfing the human. They formed a loose hugging position around him, giving him room to maneuver about. "Now dry yourself off." Allen instructed.

Tom blushed with embarrassment and humiliation, but from the longing in his eyes, Allen could tell their warm fur was very inviting to the human. Tom quickly decided to pocket his pride and caressed his chilly nude body against the wolves, their fur soaking the rest of the liquid from his skin.

Once he finished toweling off, he pressed himself tightly against Allen, soaking in his body-heat. Allen could literally feel the warmth from his own body leeching into Tom's.

"I can't believe I'm doing this." Tom mumbled.

Allen felt a warming sensation from within, and in a moment realized his lupine instincts had just decided that they were willing to accept another member into the pack, even if he were of a different species. Such a sharp contrast from the aggression they held against the human just a short while earlier. It seemed that his fickle instincts were fond of physical contact, he took a mental note of that.

He looked over to Jack for confirmation and noticed a similar contented look on his dark face. That was all he needed to see, but he still had to find out a few things first.

"Tom." Said Allen, in a point-of-fact manner.

The human looked up at him, his face covered in grey and black fur. Allen hadn't realized they shed so much. He tried not to laugh at the sight.

"You acknowledged that you were in one of those glass chambers right?"

Tom nodded. Allen knew he really wasn't wanting to say much of anything.

"How did you escape?"

With a sigh he said "It.... it would probably be easier if you saw for yourself. Would you......" He trailed off, his face blushing again. "Um.... would you mind.....?" He tried to gesture with his arms, but being wedged between the two furry bodies made it more difficult than he'd imagined. He just couldn't bring himself to ask for what he knew he really wanted. Even so, his face gave him away.

"Would you like one of us to carry you?" Allen asked Tom, reading his expressions flawlessly. The human grimaced at the thought; but knew that's what he had wanted to not want to say.

Tom tried to explain. "Normally I would never ask for something like that..... But.... but I'm really in no condition to..... I don't want to let my pride freeze me to death." His head dropped, inadvertently pressing into Allen's chest. "So..... Y- Yes, please, would you carry me to the other room."

Allan was glad with how quickly Tom was adjusting. Having your bodily needs challenged will often do that to a person.

"Do you want to carry him?" Jack asked giving his mate a playful smile.

Allen chuckled, knowing Jack would enjoy it more than he would. "You can carry him if you want to."

The grey wolf stepped back as Jack scooped the human up in his arms and pulled him close to his torso. It looked like Tom must have weighted about 190 pounds, but Jack picked him up like he was nothing. Allan smiled as he watched his friend sniff the human inquisitively; there was so much you could learn about a person by their smell. Allen decided to take a few distant whiffs as well. Even being a few feet away he learned quite a bit about their new friend. Tom was healthy, nervous, possibly afraid, and he was just a little bit aroused, though his body didn't show any signs of it. The "arousal," he figured, was probably just from the close personal contact of their fur against his skin; any other person would most likely register the same feelings as he did.

"You know, you're kind of cute." Jack remarked as they made their way down the white on white hall. Allen looked over to see who he was talking too. Jacks eyes were focus on the human in his arms, and Allen smelled a sharp increase in Tom's nervousness. It was a sweet yet somewhat musky smell.

Jack picked up on the human's nervousness as well. "Sorry, I'm not trying to make you uneasy.... it's just that... when I was a human, I never really thought we were very.... well.... cute. Now.... I don't know... you might make a good pet." Jack winked with the pet comment hoping to lessen Tom's anxiety. Tom responded with a very small smile, but Allen couldn't tell if it was because he got the joke, or if he was simply amused with the situation.

Allen opened the door at the end of the hall. He was greeted with a dim blue glow as he did so, and he held it open for Jack since his hands were full. The change in scenery was a welcome sight. The plainness of the facility was nearly maddening, at least there was a splash of color in here.

The blue light that dimly illuminated the room wasn't from a blue light at all. Allen hadn't been able to examine the contents of his own capsule before the liquid had been flushed away, but now, sitting in a metal channel next to the wall, was a broken, half filled capsule. The light filtering through the pale blue liquid within was what gave the room its colorful hue. If it were not for the liquid most of the room would have been the same boring white color the rest of the facility was, aside from the metallic conduit anyway.

Along the left-hand wall there was a robotic arm with a wheel of various interchangeable tools near its extremity. Allen assumed that this must be a repair bay of sorts. Other than this though there really wasn't anything else of interest.

"I woke up inside that tube." Tom said, gesturing from his perch in Jack's arms at the broken capsule. "I think the blue liquid inside was heavily oxygenated. I think I was breathing it directly into my lungs. At first I thought it was a dream.... but as time passed, and I wasn't waking up, it kept getting harder and harder to 'breath.' I started to panic and tried breaking the glass with my fist. It didn't break it, but it did hear something crack. My body was already feeling tired from the dwindling oxygen content so I began hitting it with my knee. There was another crack and I soon felt the liquid draining out from around me to about the place my knee was."

"Strange," Allen scratched his chin with his claws. "You would think we would have heard the commotion."

Tom nodded. "I kept hoping someone would be able to hear me, but nobody ever came." He looked kind of sad as he remembered the experience. "And I've got the bruises to prove it." Tom pointed to his knee, and sure enough, upon closer inspection, there was a purple tint to the otherwise tan flesh.

Jack quickly glanced around the room then opened his muzzle. "It may be that this room is soundproof. If it is a repair room, and it looks like it could be, then there is a good chance that that's the case."

"That would explain a lot." Tom said in a tone that suggested he was thinking out loud.

"Yeah." Allen agreed. "So is that it?" He asked, giving the human eye contact.

"Pretty much, it took a while to break out completely, I fell, and then I opened the door. You pretty much know the rest."

Tom's story sounded genuine and Allen believed every word of it.... or at least he wanted to if it were not for one lingering question. He figured though that if indeed the human were being completely honest, he wouldn't know the answer to it, so he decided to ask the scientist of the group.

"Jack, why do you suppose our human friend here is still human? I mean, even if the tank did malfunction, shouldn't he have at least started to change?"

Jack's eyes focused on the blue liquid within the tank.

"I don't know." He admitted. Something most scientists find difficult to do.

He thought about it for a moment longer, and Allen watched with delight as he fidgeted even with the human in his arms. "It might be that his genetic makeup is not susceptible to the treatment.... Or, it's possible that he could just be immune."

Jack continued to ponder over the possibilities and Allen, soon joined by Tom, just watched him. "I think that what probably happened is that when the AI realized his body had endured the minimal time needed to complete the treatment without any results, it terminated the process.... sending his capsule into this repair room. Maybe there was something wrong with the capsule that prevented it from opening like it's supposed to, or maybe since this place is abandoned it was supposed to suffocate him." He paused for a moment. "Either way, he's very lucky to still be alive."

"Minimal time needed?" Allen repeated. This was an interesting sounding concept. "Is that why you and I were released near the same time, our bodies responded to the transformation process the fasted?"

"I think so."

Tom was looking increasingly confused, the blue light reflecting off his already blue eyes, giving them an other-worldly glow. It didn't take long for Allen to notice Tom's confusion.

"I take it you were not here by choice?" He asked the human.

Tom shook his head and began to explain. "No. I was actually out on a date with this girl I met on the internet. She wanted to go to this local bar, so that's where we wound up going. We had a few drinks and had pretty pleasant conversation from what I could tell. Somehow we wound up in the bathroom kissing.... her lipstick tasted like raspberries.... and I must have blacked out.... I can't remember anything after that."

It was Tom's turn to get that distant look in his eyes as he began recollecting. "I don't recall making any enemies who would want to do anything like this to me..... I've always tried to go out of my way to be nice to people just so I could avoid situations like this! I bet she just cleaned out my bank...." His voice trailed off.

The human blinked a few times. "Hey guys, do you know.... when.... we are? Er..... Like how much time has passed since..."

Allen shrugged and Jack shook his head. "No idea." Jack said. "We were looking for a server room to hopefully answer that question, but we found you instead."

"And while we're on the subject of you...." Jack used his fingers to reach for Tom's elbow and then pulled his hand up to where he could see it. Jack smiled at the sight of pink fingernails. "You're color is finally returning."

Tom blushed uncomfortably. "Er.... um.... thank you for your concern."

It was pretty obvious now that the human's story was strait-forward; at least it was good enough for Allen. He felt comfortable enough with the situation to finally get to the point he had been working toward.

"Tom, I have a question I'd like to ask you, but there is something I'll need to explain first before I do."

"Ok," Tom said with mixed expression of confusion and curiosity on his face.

"You see," He pointed at Jack and then himself, "Jack and I have recently discovered that we have a unique bond. Our original human minds have been meshed with the pack oriented mind of that of a wolf, much like our bodies have. Do you follow?"

"I think so." The human replied.

Allen gave him a nod. "Well because of this.... grouping we are now a pack, and despite our efforts, we're not able to dissolve it. Don't get me wrong," he winked at Jack, "its nod a bad union, once you get used to it, but it does seem to be permanent."

Judging by his mannerisms the human was still following. And glancing up at Jack he could tell he knew where he was going with this. Jack gave him a subtle nod of approval.

"So the question I would like to put to you is.... how would you feel about joining our pack?"

Tom blinked a few times, but said nothing.

"Just think about it." Jack sighed.

The human was silent for a while longer.

"It's not that I wouldn't want to join your... er... pack." He stammered, "In fact I'm honored you trust me enough to extend the invitation after such a short period of time."

Sensing a need for an explanation Allen mentioned that "The skills are still in development, but acute canine senses mixed with human reasoning makes it incredibly easy to... know the truth."

Tom sighed with uncertainty. Then a pure look of inquisitiveness washed over him. "So... do you know what I'm thinking now?"

Jack rolled his eyes, but Allen answered. "We can't tell what you're thinking, but...." He leaned over and sniffed Tom's face. "...I can tell that you're nervous... no wait... anxious. We make you uncomfortable, especially whenever you start to feel sexually aroused, even though you probably wouldn't admit to it. After all, as you commented, you're strait. And you're also.... Happy, you like where you are, sitting in my friends arms."

Jack smiled and nodded in agreement, making sure the human could see he shared the same opinion as Allen.

"Um.... wow!" Tom stuttered. "That's actually really close.... not quite on, but very close.... You see, my own feelings wouldn't bother me so much if I didn't get the feeling that the two of you were.... gay."

"Gay?" Both Allen and Jack looked surprised. Allen hadn't really thought about it that way. Which in turn surprised him even more since, considering their intimate dealings, that's exactly what they were.... or it's what he'd allowed himself to become. Was that why that voice in the back of his mind wouldn't leave him alone? The more he though about it though, the less it really mattered to him.

"Allen wasn't gay when we first met," Jack said quietly next to Tom's ear. "But that changed when our mutated inclinations took over. You don't have to worry about that though, you won't be affected by the same feelings we have."

"But won't you still have... feelings towards me?" The human worried.

"I wouldn't think so." Allen assured him. "Not if it's something you wouldn't want. Jack?"

"I'm content with you." The dark wolf said with a big grin, eyeing Allen with exaggerated longing. "Besides.... no... never mind..."

"Look Tom, we're offering you this opportunity with no underlying motives whatsoever. I imagine Jack has similar feelings. The reason I decided to go ahead and ask this of you is that even though we are physically different, we are connected by the events that have taken place in this facility. And I think we are on our way to being friends. Just understand that our mental composition makes it difficult for us to view someone as a friend, and not think of them as part of our pack. So since you don't share our same pack oriented feelings.... I felt it necessary to formally extend the invitation."

Tom stirred a bit in Jack's arms. "I don't see why we can't be friends; you guys do seem genuinely decent. And you did save my life; I can't just turn a cold shoulder to you... So..." He gave Allen, and then Jack a firm, resolute gaze, "in answer to your question, I would be happy to join your pack."

Allen could tell that there were other reasons the human felt alright about joining the pack, and he guessed Jack probably sensed it too. But he also knew that it was something that Tom would have to come to terms with on his own conditions, just as they had to do with their own feelings. He may be physically unchanged by the failed genetic modifications, but there was a part of this human, that was animal, though it wasn't one he recognized.

Little did the trio know, they were being watched.

The one doing the watching flicked it's long forked tongue at the monitor before it. The dark, scaley watching one patiently scratched something into the wall with it's sharp claws and then leisurely strolled out of the room. The white of the facility was a electrifying contrast against it's black, shimmering scales. The soft lights sparkling off the reflective surfaces of each scale, making the one who had been doing the watching look as if she were glowing. Her amber shaded eyes glistened with a determined expression as she made her way down the hall. She was on a mission.